Bachelor of Communication
Bachelor of Communication
Bachelor of Communication
: 890119055170 -002
: 890119-05-5170
: 010-2680438
: Seremban.Negeri Sembilan
The communication theory is the ideas and strategies which will form device and
centric criticize Andro, Wood believes that the spirit of solidarity amongst women is politically
necessary. Another group of scholars prior Harding and Wood has discussing the idea an angle. For
instance, stance the proletarian of Marx and Engels referred for the poor poorer. angle theory argue
that the knowledge is located and the partial, however also maintain that they are the groups the less
fortunate have a more comprehensive knowledge of the higher in the social hierarchy. Thus, starting
from the viewpoint investigation and marginalized groups resulted a strong objectives. Otherwise,
start investigation from standpoint the dominant group cause weak objectives. Some impassioned
critics asserted that concept of strong indeed contradicts objectives. Started in 1807, during a
German philosopher Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel discusses how the master-slave relationship
formed discrepancies within behaviour of the participants in the relationship. Hegel wrote that
despite they live in normal society, their knowledge of the community is extremely different. Nancy
Hartsock using the ideas of Hegel and Marxist theory to begin to learn to adopt the theory of
attitude established between women and men. Hartsock passion is to make women appear in Marx's
theory and therefore he produces Marx-feminist theory (Harsock, 1997). It focuses on Marx's claim
that "the true vision of class society provided only one of the two major classes of positions
available in a capitalist society" (Hartsock, 1983, p. 106). Standpoint theory provides the starting
point for an understanding of several the dynamics experienced by the Angela and Latria during
they discuss their linguistic class. Standpoint theory provides a framework for understanding the
dominion system. This framework developed on the grounds knowledge generated from daily life
pursuing that individuals are active consumers of their own reality and that the perspective of those
individuals themselves are the most essential resources information about their experience (Riger,
1992). behaviour theory provides authority on individual personal voice. This theory claims that the
experience, knowledge, and communication behaviour people formed some extent by the social
group in which they combined. So, for Angela and Latria have the same membership in a social
group, they are likely to have the same attitude. The fact that they are Afro-American women make
similar attitudes, but attitudes are always double, and economic differences make them too different
attitude. In addition, standpoint theory argues that there is no objective standard for measuring
attitudes. In essence, all statements, expressions, and the theory should be understood as a
representation of subjective social location. As a result, the position of Latria valid in the case of
attitude, while Angela is also true in his attitude. Most people not the elite, providing the theoretical
framework for attitude confidence that they had the knowledge that different from those who are
currently in control. The knowledge is moulding the attitude of the opposition from those in power.
The attitude derived from the powerful resistance against those and refuse to accept the way in
which society defines those group (Wood.2004). Standpoint theory motivate a person to criticize the
status quo them because it is form of dominion structure of domination and pressure. Furthermore
in this criticism there are likely to visualize more equitable social practices. Therefore, points to the
problem attitude theory in the social order and also implies new methods of arranging social life to
be more equitable and fair. In this case the theory is referred to as the theory of critical attitude.
Standpoint theory (attitude theory) provides the framework to comprehend dominion system. This
theoretical framework is built on the knowledge generated from day-to-day life of those who
recognize that individuals are active consumers of those own realities and perspectives that
individuals themselves are the most important source of information identifying those experience
(Riger, 1992). This theory is claims that the experiences, knowledge, and communication behaviour
of people formed some extent by the social group in which those combined.
The photograph above shows how different women in different communities have different
viewpoints on the same issue. This indicates the idea that Smith is not two people have the exact
standpoint, because each of the characters which support for rights of women however defend the
rights are distinct in each countries. It shows how female in America is privileged in a way that they
are permitted to vote and struggling for more of their rights whereas women in the other countries
simply struggling for feeding their children and be able to see their children more frequently. It
shows American women do not take their stance in community to provided as other people around
the world have different struggles with whom they do every day. This image not simply necessary
geared towards the women, because it applies to all those which are not part of which superior race
and gender. The photograph comparing two type of feminism. First, some women are arguing
homosexual marriage is rights. Lesbian feminism is a culture movement and critical perspective,
the most influence in the 1970s and early 1980s (especially in North America and Western Europe),
which questioned the position of lesbian and women in society. It especially deny
heteronormativity, the assumption that all those "straight" and society should be structured to meet
the needs of heterosexuals. Its opposite different when compare with military man spouse waiting
for their husband for long time. They control their feelings and their desire until their husband
back to home. Secondly, the term "smash the glass ceiling, put the roof over our head" refers to the
positions of women in the workforce. For example in United Arab Emirates, women are not
allowed to enter certain workforce due to gender discrimination. As for "put roof over our heads" i
think you can use examples from issues face by African women. Some women spare their time
by shopping. They still arguing with other country that the other country feel that they came
to other country only for shopping. However, some country are unable to shopping in
shopping centre. Even, some are die cause of starvation. The United Nations Food and Agriculture
Organization estimates that nearly 870 million people of the 7.1 billion people in the world, or one
in eight, were suffering from chronic undernourishment in 2010-2012. Almost all the hungry
people, 852 million, live in developing countries, representing 15 percent of the population of
developing counties. There are 16 million people undernourished in developed countries
(FAO 2012). The number of undernourished people decreased nearly 30 percent in Asia and the
Pacific, from 739 million to 563 million, largely due to socio-economic progress in many countries
in the region. The prevalence of undernourishment in the region decreased from 23.7 percent to
13.9 percent. Latin America and the Caribbean also made progress, falling from 65 million hungry
in 1990-1992 to 49 million in 2010-2012, while the prevalence of undernourishment dipped from
14.6 percent to 8.3 percent. But the rate of progress has slowed recently. The number of hungry
grew in Africa over the period, from 175 million to 239 million, with nearly 20 million added in
the last few years. Nearly one in four are hungry. And in sub-Saharan Africa, the modest progress
achieved in recent years up to 2007 was reversed, with hunger rising 2 percent per year since then.
Developed regions also saw the number of hungry rise, from 13 million in 2004-2006 to 16 million
in 2010-2012, reversing a steady decrease in previous years from 20 million in 1990-1992
(FAO 2012). Finally, some female feel that abortion is right to this millennium world but at China
they follow that one child enough for a family. Abortion is more of an issue for British, American
and European women. Birth control is still an issue in Vatican City and divorce for Philippines.
Besides that, some women throw the born babies all over the place without heartless. Tracking
abortion rates is no easy task. Some countries under report them, thanks to a bias against the
procedure. Others do not track them at all. A new paper in the Lancet, however, uses a range of
sources to estimate the number of safe and unsafe abortions in 2008. These numbers have been
collected only twice before, in 2003 and 1995. The update is not encouraging. The Guttmacher
Institute, a population research group that supports abortion, and the World Health Organization
found that the global abortion rate has stalled. It fell precipitously in the 1990s, but recently the rate
has not budged, barely dipping from 29 abortions per 1,000 women (aged 15 to 44) in 2003 to 28
abortions per 1,000 women in 2008. Eastern Europe has the highest abortion rate in the world, at 43
per 1,000. The geography of abortions has also shifted. In 2008, 86% of abortions were in the
developing world, up from 78% in 1995. The share of unsafe abortions rose as well, from 44% in
1995 to 49% in 2008. Laws that restrict abortion did not seem to lower the number of procedures.
On the contrary, restrictive laws were associated with higher rates.
vulnerable and marginalized groups lies in the manner that makes it more likely for them to know
things and ask pertinent questions than it was for not marginalized. Research, especially that
focused on relations of power, should start with the marginalized life. The feminist theory corner,
then, make contributions to epistemology, methodology to debate in the field of social and natural
science, philosophy of science, and political activism. It has become the one of the most influence
theories and argued to appears from the second wave feminist thought. Theory feminist angle put
the relationship between the power and knowledge centre and social-the political stage. These
theories are both descriptively and normative, explain and analyze the cause and effect of the power
structure of knowledge while supporting the special path be allocated to investigations, the path
which started from standpoints appears from together political struggle in the lives of marginalized.
The feminist corner theory appears in the 1970s, initially from the Marxist approach to The feminist
and The feminist critical theory in the various fields social science. They offer epistemological and
methodological approaches that are specific to variety disciplines framework, but share our
commitment to acknowledge, analyze and drawing on the relationship of power / knowledge, and
bring changes that cause more egalitarian society. The feminist intellectuals working in multiple
disciplines such as Dorothy Smith, Nancy Hartsock, Hilary Rose, Sandra Harding, Patricia Hill
Collins, Alison Jaggar and Donna Haraway has advocated taking her experience of life, particularly
experiences (caring) work, for starters scientific investigate. Central to all these theories is the
analysis and criticism The feminist angle relationship between the material experiences, power, and
epistemology, and the impression of the relationship to the spending power of knowledge. There are
four main types of feminist theory that attempt to explain the societal differences between men and
women. Gender distinction the perspective examine how the women on site, and experience, differ
the social situation than men. For instance, cultural the feminist view the distinct values related with
feminine and femininity as an excuse why men and women experience a differ social world.
Another feminists theory believe that the different roles commissioned to females and men in
institutions further explain gender discrepancies, including a sexual division of labor in the
household. Phenomenologist an existential feminist and focus on how women marginalized people
and defined as "others" in a patriarchal society. Women therefore viewed as an object and get
opportunity to self-realization. The theories of gender inequalities within woman aware that the
location and the experience, the social circumstances is not only different however also unequal to
men. The Liberal feminists contend that women are have the same properties as men to in moral
reasoning and agencies, but the patriarchal, sexist division of labor especially patterns, history had
denied women the opportunity to express and practice this mindset. Women have been segregated
to areas of private households, and therefore, were left without a voice in the public sphere. Despite
the women entered public sphere, they are still expected to manage the private sphere and keep the
household obligations and raising children. The Liberal feminists indicates that matrimony is a site
gender inequalities and women not benefitted from married to men do. In fact, married woman have
higher level of pressure than unmarried woman and married men. According to liberal feminists, the
sexual division of labor in both the public and private fields need to be changed plan to enable
women to achieve equality. Theory of gender oppression goes far beyond from theories gender
differences and gender inequalities arguing that not only female distinct from or evenly distributed
to men, but that they are actively oppressed subordinated, and even misapplied by men. Authority
be and is key variable within the two major theories of gender oppression: psychoanalytic feminism
and radical feminist. Psychoanalytic feminist attempt to explain relations of power between men
and women with the theories of Freud formulate that realize and unconscious, human emotions, and
the development of children. They feel that the computation cannot explain fully realized the
production and reproduction of patriarchy. The radical feminist argue that a woman is one positive
thing within and of itself, however this is not acknowledged within a patriarchal society where a
woman are suppressed. They identified in the base of physical violence as patriarchal, however they
thought that patriarchy can ultimately be defeated if female recognize their own value and strength,
establishing brotherhood of trust with Another female, face critical persecution, and establishing
networks dividing female in private sector and public spheres. The structure persecution theory
posit that the repression of women and inequalities was the result of capitalism, patriarchy, and
racism. Socialist feminist agree with Karl Marx and Freidrich Engels that the working class are
exploited a result of the capitalist mode of production, however they seek to extend this the
exploitation not only for classes however also to gender. Intersectionality theory seeks to clarify
persecution and inequalities within variety variables, including class, gender, race, ethnicity, and
age. They make the essential vision that not all women experience a persecution within the same
way. The white women and black female, for example, face various forms of discrimination in the
workplace. Thus, different groups of female come to see the world through a shared point of view
heterogeneous equation. According to the theory of feminist angle, the process to achieve
knowledge begins when standpoints emerge. They appear when the marginalized people and rather
not be seen from the point of view that epistemic ally privileged to be aware of their social situation
with regard to the socio-political power and oppression, and began to find a voice. It is not an
accident of history that feminist angle theory emerged in academic discourse more or less
contemporaneously with the movement of feminist consciousness in feminist activism. This shows
the way in which the angle of feminist theory is based feminist political practice. Contrary to the
tendency of critics who see through the lens of feminist theory individualist corner, mistakenly cut
angle response to the individual's social location, appearance standpoints is a collective process
occurs through the recognition and appreciation of other people who occupy approximately the
same point of view as yourself. Although the story may form a starting point , the appearance of the
stand does not consist solely in the impressive story of individual women . Self- definition in terms
of the viewpoint that provides a starting point for their own self-revelation of identity, challenging
their identity imposed by conventional stereotypes that become part of the hegemonic way of
thinking from the point of view of the dominant social and political . This assertion of the identity
of who I add to the body of knowledge about how my life and how I experience the world . They
uncover the truth myth about me, about my relationship with the world, and about my relationship
with other people in the world that has previously been taken to be true. In this context , Patricia
Hill Collins discusses the stereotypical understanding of African American women who work as
maids stereotypical black mammy who objectifies women as ' loyal and obedient ' maid , dedicated
to taking care of white families they differ with Sapphire , control and manipulation , or Jezebel , a
teaser [ 1990 456 ] . As Collins points out, this act stereotypes such as 'controlling images' that
serve to reinforce to all people, including African American women, how to think from the
standpoint of being racist and sexually dominant. This way of thinking oppressive because they
constrain what can be known about being an African American woman. African American women,
not racist and sexist social structure, blamed for oppression. By the epistemic process which allows
inmates appeared angle point of view to obtain an element of power and control over knowledge
about their lives. In the dwellers point of view, they also become aware of the subjects in their own
right, not merely objects known As shown by claims from Harding who appeared at the end of the
previous section , the members of the feminist angle theory argues that epistemic and political
advantage from the beginning of the investigation in the life experiences of women is not limited to
providing truer account of the living , but all life and socio - political relations in which they are
enmeshed lives . Initial investigations in a woman's life experience , mediated by politicized
consciousness emerging in feminist angle , revealing the ways in which male-dominated ideology
distort reality . Standpoints make visible aspects of social and natural environment that is not
available from the dominant perspective , and in doing so they generate the kind of questions that
will lead to a more complete account and true from those relationships. Feminist angle theory
suggests that in order to survive in the social structure in which a person is oppressed , one needs to
understand the oppression , to understand both the oppressed and oppressive , but , this is not
epistemic bi polar is not available to the dominant by others. Development point of view , which is
dominated by the concept dissipates conflict experienced by a person who has been forced to adopt
the dominant conceptual framework that does not really belong to them . Conceptual framework
stemming from the patriarchal system failed to provide the cognitive tools that enable women and
other marginalized to understand their experience in and of the world. The emergence of the
concept of providing a suitable framework for the marginalized with cognitive tools into epistemic
subjects, whereas previously they were only known by others . It allows them to name their
experience and think about the right way represent their experiences. That's not to say that the
framework of the existing concept has no use for women, for although this concept has resolved
conflict and expressed them in the framework . On the other hand, from the point of view of
thinking that allows the emergence of a complete conceptual framework conflict arising, and fill the
gaps that are left empty and silent when using a conceptual framework that is not entirely suitable
for the purpose. Some critics have charged that the theoretical angle of their major claims amounted
to claim epistemic superiority automatic epistemic privilege. However, as we will see in Section 4 ,
the position does not coincide with social and location theory claims that angle is not blessed with
the blessings of epistemic superiority of one's social location , but it was earned through
participation in collective political struggle . Theory considers that the experience of marginalized
reveal problems that need to be explained ; problems can be research agenda or issues / policy
initiatives and resources - maximizing objective questions . The questions that force us to examine
beliefs, prejudices and biases of the dominant group in society, proposals previously counted as
knowledge. It is in this way, feminist theorists propose corner, we achieve less partial and distorted
understanding of all of our lives than we do if we allow questions about their life experience that
comes only from the dominant group . Realities of women's lives, then , can provide site
investigation leading to new , more complete , less a part , and the more objective knowledge . In
addition, as Alison Wylie argues [ 2004 : 345-6 ] , theorists point of view ' is clearly claiming
knowledge affect conventional assumption that epistemic agents are not specifically set objectives ,
and that they are neutral and disinterested with respect to their subject investigation. In doing so ,
however , the point of view of a theoretical approach ' to probe method show a commitment to what
is usually taken for good when it is scientific : empirical adequacy , defined as either depth or
breadth of empirical ; internal coherence ; robustness of inference ; consistently associated with
established bodies of knowledge and power , I mean . Indeed , as Wylie notes , feminist intervention
in social and scientific investigation has been able to demonstrate how it has so far not often
manifested their glory. Stance theory move beyond this critical moment, showing how the inclusion
of the realities of life , had not seen the pen , can make a better hypothesis was supported . In a case
study of archaeological thought in their article " Coming to Terms with the Values of Science " ,
Wylie and Nelson point out the ways in which researchers take gender- sensitive angle with respect
to the study of netting and basket and skeletal remains have led to ( among other things) the spread
archaeological investigation the evidence base in this area , leading to a re-examination of the
hypothesis established [ 2007: 64-70 ].
Epistemic advantages of 'double vision' given to the people in a rural position in is a
recurring theme theory feminist angle. Some theorists emphasize the epistemic advantage given to
those who had the concept to straddle both sides of the narrow social gaps. That advantage is
captured by the black feminist critic Bell Hooks' description of growing up in a small Kentucky
Living as we do to the edge-we developed a particular way of seeing reality. We looked both from
the outside in and the inside out ... we understand both. [1984: vii].
Patricia Hill Collins, for instance, consider the black feminist academic ranks as their potential
epistemic privilege, on the one hand, blessing the internal academic position as authentic, but, on
the other hand, an outsider in so far as they are women and black, with the live bit debentured in
the context of the Academy. This puts them in a unique position to understand how things are at the
Academy from the perspective of an insider who enjoy a little power and privilege both
professional and personal use as a result of his membership, and which at the same time have an
understanding of how these things from a the marginalized of perspective with respect the center of
power as a result of her gender and race. Control reflexivity inherent in identifying people inside /
outside this position as a potential locations privileged epistemic connect with the the broader
feminist theme relations (often vexed) between feminist theory and feminist practice. Some works
of feminist the theorists start corner in their own lives, their initial site analysis is the material
experience of women as academics and scientists. The feminist sociologist Dorothy Smith argues
that the sociology of women placed in the middle of conflicts in their relationships to the discipline
their experience in the world. This conflict led to the "bifurcation of consciousness [Harding 2004:
p. 27]. In the gap concept of academic work practice conducted in the discipline sociology and the
concept of structure on the other side, concrete domestic sphere. He argues that sociological
discourse has written and are empowered by men, noting that the a frame of reference against which
the discourse of the investigation and deliberation happens to have their origin in human
experience, not women. By the sociologist understood as the men, and women cannot be granted
the status of full participant in practice sociology without experiencing 'double estrangement'. To
gain legitimacy and status as a sociologist they must suspend their identity qua women. In her "
Hand , Brain and Heart : A Feminist Epistemology for the Natural Sciences ", Hilary Rose makes a
similar point with regard to women in the realm of science ' Women Scientists in Lab Men ' , as he
put it [ Harding 2004: 75 ] . Women also need to negotiate conflicting demands of private and
professional fields. Drawing on accounts physicist Evelyn Fox Keller from his experiences as a
student ( including narrative refrain boys and a male university teachers do not countenancing the
possibility that he can solve math problems without the help of men), Rose , like Smith , identifying
splits in awareness scientists woman : she is ' cut in half, abstract labor, his scientific concept arises
in ' painful conflict ' with his loving labor [ Harding 2004: 76 ] . Implicit requirement that the
woman blocking part of himself to obtain any professional credibility is one of the reasons, Rose
argues , why scientists are women , and in some disciplines remain , rarities comparison. Thus,
while the external-in positions capable epistemic advantage of double vision 'in the absence
political context of and awareness different types of corners formed, the benefits remained
intangible women scientists suppress their identity as a woman and as a feminist to pass as a
scientist. As Uma Narayan has argued, it should be admitted that this bi-cultureless colonial zed
have a 'dark side' [Harding 2004: 221-3] with the women taking different strategies to survive. In
order to negotiate and deal with, the best he can, with the a variety of contexts in which he finds
himself having to operate, a lady may block part of himself in some context and considers the most
appropriate person for each one.
Thus some encourage female professionals emphasize just those features considered
valuable in their professional context of, allowing themselves to be women and only within the
context of feminist personally. Additionally, a lady may only try to replicate the qualities, habits and
practice the dominant group while pressing himself fully. To the point of view feminist theory,
alternative to this strategies is to try to stay within the context the conflict, and to do so critically.
This, potentially, the most epistemic ally feedback power, but it is also the most challenging given
the risk of alienation from themselves and from those with whom one can have the most in
common. The difficulty surmounting of the challenges may include the time, in part, to the tensions
in many accounts the theorists feminist angle 'epistemic vision. Tensions arose between, on the one
hand, the recognition that the epistemic view as a result the people in / external individual
experience and, on the other side, the main claim is the shared stance, rather than individual,
achievement. Perhaps the existence this tension substantiate the suggestion that, while the epistemic
view can be achieved on the basis of individual internal / external experience, it is only from a
political context and awareness the shared the view that the view can be really beneficial and move
them in a better understanding of from the reality of their lives towards social and political change.
leavers. The experience leaves me was very surprised. I claimed my department to prescribe and
mark tests convenient comprehension for the new year to arrive so we may place them in the set (a
seldom example of traditional practices that permitted in my school). A variety of paper prominent I
received was terrifying. Each of opportunity for the students had received minimum of six years of
elementary education, and by my calculations one in three of them are either illiterate or have
handwriting that cannot be read. How this circumstances came to become more than obviously the
more you learn about the teaching of literacy in elementary school. A lot publicize debates over
"phonics" versus "whole word" method noise spiritual, but it is really relatively convenient.
"Phonics" involves teaching students to be matched with the individual letter to sound, so they can
combine the sounds to make words. Phonics teaching needs, regular classroom teacher-led, and the
technical approach frequently be deemed to be dull and off-putting for young children. For that
reason, "whole-word" method have been promoted for the past half centuries as a strong alternative
to are child centered. Otherwise didactically foster composing letters that read, around the word
teaching encourage students to "discover" how to read the first words which corresponds to
meaning, then slowly building up an understanding letter-noise. These methods promising that the
students, at large, will teach themselves. As one whole word messengers claimed, it will lead to the
"withering away of the teacher". Child centered methods have been too twisted teaching myself
subject, history. Otherwise teach students about the past, highly recommended that one to teach
their "source analysis" so that those may build to their own understanding of human history.
Processes like sucking all of the benefits of history, and as far as I may, I avoid it teaches. My
suspicion that the disciples actually be taught stuff like history have been confirmed by a young
student who are interested, after teaching, told me, "I like your lesson, sir, you told us the goods.
Worse still is the prevalent idea that the disciples will find most of the history of the "dull". With
great condescension disguised as sympathy, Child centered educators claim that working class
children cannot "access" A lot historical topics. All interesting and important period in the history of
mankind, I was accused of teaching my students about cowboys and Indians and the discovery of
penicillin. Unfortunately, this history syllabus trivial becoming increasingly popular in Malaysian
secondary schools. Fortunately, there is increasing pressure from the government now for
Malaysian schools back to a more traditional style lesson history. I teach and I may say that the only
people who hate more than me is my student. It is dull, aimless, and so the idea equip students to
teach it worthwhile "skill" is laughable. When I was admitted as a " traditional " teacher , most of
my friends look at me as if I harbor some evil desire to be a modern-day incarnation . However,
memorizing boring facts that Dickens caricature is just one example of traditional teaching was
done poorly. Traditional teaching is done well is inspiring, challenging and very valuable to the
students. As a philosophy of teaching, child-centered education has been a disaster. Regardless of
their political views, the teachers have to go back to the idea that education is a conservative effort.
Using political principles such as freedom, independence and egalitarianism to the education of
children is bound to be a mistake for the simple reason that children are pre- political age . They are
a life coach, and it is the responsibility of the teacher to prepare them for the privilege of a liberal
existence , do not give them the privilege of beginning . Far from being a "child - centered"
classrooms have adopted the assumption that adults who know what is best for the child. Class
today lack any confidence that adult authority, in terms of both the subject and discipline.
Feminism angle as indicates impression in this essay, has encouraged A lot discourses.
Sandra Harding's theory is generally used as a canon at the corner of feminism, especially
standpoints on women and science. Although not all feminists agree with his stance, basic Harding
claims to put women in the center of knowledge in the field of science cannot be debated. However,
in a lot world economies 'conceptual frameworks Western powers' not challenged, and those
virtually hermetically sealed world of 'emerging world culture, postcolonial, and feminist'
everywhere. But if those want the economy to avoid being totally irrelevant in those ivory towers,
they will need to see that those epistemologies limitations have been exposed, and that those are
expected to engage in 'reflection on the sources and limitations of modern epistemologies and
philosophy of science'. And, most painful of all, they will have to think about the serious limitations
of the policy recommendations made critical economic by such - and dealing with those who bear
the cost.