Garden Club of Virginia Year in Review 2015-2016

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Albemarle Garden Club1913 The Garden Club of Alexandria1925 The Ashland

Garden Club1922 The Augusta Garden Club1919 The Blue Ridge Garden Club1925
The Boxwood Garden Club1937 The Brunswick Garden Club1924 The Charlottesville
Garden Club1949 Chatham Garden Club1921 The Garden Club of Danville1918
Dolley Madison Garden Club1919 The Garden Club of the Eastern Shore1939
The Elizabeth River Garden Club1927 The Garden Club of Fairfax1926 Fauquier and
Loudoun Garden Club1915 The Franklin Garden Club1945 Gabriella Garden Club1933
The Garden Study Club1946 The Garden Club of Gloucester1928 The Hampton
Roads Garden Club1932 Harborfront Garden Club1953 Hillside Garden Club1935
The Hunting Creek Garden Club1942 The Huntington Garden Club1935
The James River Garden Club1915 Leesburg Garden Club1915 The Little
Garden Club of Winchester1934 The Lynchburg Garden Club1922 The Martinsville
Garden Club1923 The Garden Club of the Middle Peninsula1994 The Mill
Mountain Garden Club1927 The Nansemond River Garden Club1928 The Garden
Club of Norfolk1915 The Garden Club of the Northern Neck1966 The Petersburg
Garden Club1925 The Princess Anne Garden Club1932 The Rappahannock Valley
Garden Club1924 Rivanna Garden Club1922 Roanoke Valley Garden Club1925
The Spotswood Garden Club1924 Three Chopt Garden Club1939 The Tuckahoe
Garden Club of Westhampton1928 The Virginia Beach Garden Club1937
The Garden Club of Warren County1929 Warrenton Garden Club1911
The Williamsburg Garden Club1929 Winchester-Clarke Garden Club1924

The Garden Club of Virginia exists to celebrate the beauty

of the land, to conserve the gifts of nature and to challenge
future generations to build on this heritage.

12 East Franklin Street

Richmond, VA 23219

Since 1920 the

Garden Club of Virginia
has been dedicated to
the enhancement of the
commonwealth through
environmental conservation,
horticultural education and
historic landscape restoration.
We accomplish this work,
in part, by operating the largest
and oldest statewide house
and garden tour in the nation,
Historic Garden Week.
Thirty-three hundred members
from 47 garden clubs
across the state work
to make our gifts to Virginia
communities possible.
Celebrating and preserving
the natural beauty of our
commonwealth are at
the heart of all we do.

Dear Members and Friends,

salute those who have worked hard to achieve successful

events for the Garden Club of Virginia over the past year. We have

had a very successful Historic Garden Week, dedicated restoration

projects at the Historic Henry County Courthouse and Monticello,
hosted three beautiful flower shows along with educational
programs for Conservation and Horticulture and are beginning a
new partnership with Virginia State Parks.

The Centennial is drawing closer

and as 2020 illuminates our
history, we remain current and
dynamic moving into the future.
Our new president, Nina Mustard, has led the
development of a Strategic Plan that will put
GCV on the road to our next century;
celebrating all that is successful and keeping
the Club relevant and poised for advancement. Our founders
were cutting-edge risk takers who advocated for a more beautiful
Virginia, and we continue in that vein.
Remarkable blooms are attractive but a true gardener knows that
garden design, soil preparation and well-thought out hardscapes
are essential to making a horticultural display a true garden.
Not all the work for the Club is apparent on the surface. Inside this
Year in Review 2015-16, take note of the successful undertakings
of the Garden Club of Virginia. GCV members and staff at the
Kent-Valentine House, our Richmond headquarters, combine to
put legs on our mission, celebrate the beauty of the land, conserve
the gifts of nature and challenge future generations to build on
this heritage.
I remain grateful to all who contribute to our success.

Jeanette Rowe Cadwallender

President 2014-2016

GCV Centennial Project:

Grants to Virginia
State Parks

Executive Director
Another great year of flowers, workshops, garden
tours, interesting programs, important advocacy,
restorations and friendship for GCV members!
As you look through this Year in Review, I hope
you feel proud of your organization and all that
it offers its members. I am continually amazed by
how much is accomplished by our garden clubs
that directly benefits individuals, communities and
The photos of happy faces at events and programs represent the
many opportunities to get together for learning and fun. I hope you
are saying, I was there! I am so glad that I went and I loved being
there! If not, I encourage you to attend as many programs as you
can this coming year. Take a friend, go with your club and enjoy all
that this extraordinary organization has to offer.

Lynn McCashin
Executive Director
Fall along the New River Trail,
By Kimber Simmons

Strategic Plan Strategy: to work in partnership with

member clubs to stregthen the impact of statewide
efforts and to provide resources for member clubs.

In 1929, the same year Historic Garden Week in Virginia was

launched, GCV advocated for the establishment of state and
national parks in the commonwealth. In the past year, garden clubs
have hiked, picnicked and even held club meetings in nearby parks.
As our Centennial project, the Virginia State Parks Grants are
funded by Historic Garden Week proceeds. A garden club, or a
Virginia State Park itself, may apply for these grants. Applications
can be found at Our gifts will help parks in many
ways: improvements to trails, playgrounds, exhibits and gardens.
The possibilities are endless.

Member Clubs
Areas of Focus

Virginia State Parks preserve and interpret Virginias natural and

cultural resources. Given the threat of development, important
native species are protected in parks. Animals find habitat.
Historical interpretations teach us about our past, and the parks
provide outdoor recreation for everyone. By adopting Virginia
State Parks as our Centennial Project, GCV is recognizing our
history and working to support the future of these vital resources.

Educational Programs & Events

Evaluate each GCV program to

ensure that it supports our mission,
supports our member clubs,
and is sustainable.


Provide effective communications

between all constituents,
including GCV and member clubs,
the board/committees and
professional staff, GCV/ members,
clubs and the general public.

In anticipation of our second

century, the Garden Club
of Virginia has conducted a
strategic planning process to
ensure that we continue to
have a notable impact on the
beauty of Virginia and that
we are organized to meet the
needs of our members.
Analyze available data, including
attendance, financial information
and input from member clubs.

Over the next five years,

GCV will review the way we
work with member clubs and
the way GCV is governed
to ensure we are facilitating
collaborations in the best
way possible given changing
demographics, priorities and
available resources.

Treasurers Report
The Garden Club of Virginia operates on a fiscal
year that began July 1, 2015, and ended on June
30, 2016. Our operating income for the year
exceeded the budget by 11% while expenses came in 18% below budget. The budget for
the 2016-2017 fiscal year was presented by the
Treasurer to the Board of Directors for a vote
of approval and then to the membership at the
2016 GCV Annual Meeting in May.

Expenses for GCV include maintaining our headquarters,

management/staff salaries, insurance, funding of our restoration
and centennial projects, development expenses and the cost of our
yearly audit. To communicate with our membership, we maintain
our websites and publish the Journal quarterly. Our budget
includes contributions to member clubs toward our annual fall
and spring meetings and three yearly flower shows. We budget to
break even on our events: schools, forums and workshops.

The revenue from Historic Garden Week is one of the largest sources
of income each year for GCV. The related expenses are taken from
this income, and the remaining funds are used to support our
restoration projects around the commonwealth. In addition, GCV
will be celebrating our centennial in 2020 and we have allocated
$100,000 a year over the next five years from Historic Garden
Week proceeds to make grants to Virginia State Parks on projects
that fall within our mission and the state parks mission:
conservation, beautification, horticulture, preservation and education.

$ 16,737

Kent-Valentine House 5% $ 65,604

Administration / Other 11% $146,360
Programs 15% $202,824
Historic Garden Week 16% $212,487
Management / Staff 26% $354,455
Restoration 26% $355,817

GCV Expense


2% Sponsorships $33,000
5% 0ther $75,066


Our assets of approximately $8 million include the Kent-Valentine

House property, our cash accounts and investment portfolio. At
the end of June 2016, the GCV investment portfolio was valued at
more than $5.9 million, which is approximately 7% of GCVs total
assets. Our financial records are audited annually, and we receive a
clean opinion. As a 501(c)(3) organization, our Federal Form 990
is filed each year and is available for public review.

9% Dues $129,320
9% Investments $142,023
11% Donations $162,870
64% Historic Garden Week $966,909

GCV Income

The Garden Club of Virginia is in a strong financial position for

members to continue the work of our mission throughout the
Commonwealth of Virginia.

The other primary sources of funding are membership dues, the
annual fund, sponsorships and donations. Any shortfalls are
funded by a draw of up to 5% from our endowment fund.

Respectfully submitted,

Betsy Worthington, Treasurer

Garden Club of Virginia Public Events

October 5-6, 2016

78th Annual
GCV Rose Show,
Hosted by
The Hampton Roads
Garden Club

November 3, 2016

Conservation Forum
Green Energy Exploring Wind & Solar

April 5-6, 2017

April 22-29, 2017

June 22, 2017

83rd GCV
Daffodil Show,

Historic Garden
Week in Virginia

75th Annual
GCV Lily Show,

Hosted by
The Huntington
Garden Club

Hosted by
The Garden Club of
the Middle Peninsula

For more information on these events, please visit

Garden Club of Virginia Awards

Massie Medal for Distinguished Achievement

GCV President Jeanette Cadwallender with Massie Medal recipient Bebe

Luck (Ashland) and her daughters, Georgia, Anne and Lin.

The 2016 Massie Medal Award for Distinguished Achievement

was presented to Bebe Luck, a member of the Ashland Garden
Club. Bebe is known for her exceptional dedication, energy and
commitment in many leadership positions. Her friends in member
clubs said it best, We had the privilege to work with Bebe.
While her work is quiet and behind the scene, she sets a standard of
excellence and graciousness that is the essence of GCV.

Common Wealth Award

The Common Wealth Award was
established in May 1979 to provide annual grants to the community projects of the Garden Club
of Virginias member clubs. The
2015 award was given to two
clubs: the Charlottesville and
Rivanna Garden Clubs, who are
joining forces to create a beautiful garden at the Blue Ridge
Juvenile Detention in Albemarle
Charlottesville and Rivanna
Garden Clubs will also assist
with the projects design and
management, including enlarging
the existing garden and filling it
Common Wealth Award Winners:
with organically grown heirloom
Rachel Watson (President,
vegetables, fruit trees, berries,
Charlottesville) and Phyllis Ripper
(President, Rivanna)
native trees and shrubs.

deLacy Gray Memorial Medal for Conservation

The Garden Club of
Danvilles Hollis Scott
Stauber received the
2016 deLacy Gray
Award for Conservation.
As a conservation leader,
Hollis helped develop
the Danville recycling
project and created
a brochure detailing
ecofriendly insecticides
and cleaning products. Hollis Scott Stauber (Danville) deLacy Gray
She chaired her clubs Memorial Medal for Conservation recipient
Conservation Forum on and GCV President Jeanette Cadwallender.
the Health of the Dan River and the GCV Conservation Workshop
Conservation in Virginia: What is Working?

Elizabeth Cabell Dugdale Award

For meritorious achievement in conservation, this award was
presented jointly to Virginia Military Institute and Washington &
Lee University. These distinguished institutions have demonstrated
a commitment to conservation and ecology by creating outstanding
programs on their campuses. VMI maintains the Chessie Nature
Trail, a seven-mile, rail-to-trail project along the Maury River. W&L
installed solar panels on the law school and parking garage and
designed programs to involve students in a Campus Garden,
a composting program and recycling initiatives.

At the Dugdale Award announcement: Chris Wise, Kimberly Hodge Cowgill,

W&L; GCV President Jeanette Cadwallender; GCV Awards Committee Chairman Katherine Knopf (Roanoke Valley); Larry Camper, JB Harris, Lt. Col. Richard
Fletcher, VMI; GCV Conservation and Beautification Committee Chairman
Tuckie Westfall (Alexandria); Col. Jay Williams, VMI. Photo by Catharine Gilliam

The 57th Conservation

Forum, Film Festival on
the Fourth, was held at
the Academy of Fine
Arts, Warehouse Theatre
in Lynchburg, Va. The
film Rappahannock: The Story of a Historic and Beautiful River
and its People was featured along with a collection of short
films on conservation issues with an emphasis on water, plastics
pollution and pesticides. The films inspired letters of appreciation
from students in attendance.



Relevant issues of importance to the

preservation, protection and beauty of
Virginias environment are the focus of
the Conservation and Beautification
Committee. In 2016, GCV took a
position to oppose offshore oil and gas
drilling in the Atlantic Ocean and to
continue vigilance over the proposed
James River power line crossing.
Members voices are heard in local
communities, and by the state and
federal government as a well-informed
voice for the environment

Above: GCV President

Jeanette Cadwallender,
Piedmont Environmental
Council President Chris
Miller, Conservation and
Beautification Committee
Chairman Tuckie Westfall
Left: Conservation Forum

Co-Chairmen, Zan Thomas

(Dolley Madison) and
Sarah Hellewell (Hillside)

Legislative Day
Legislative Day, held in conjunction with the Virginia Conservation
Network, included meetings with legislators as well as an issues
review session conducted online. The 2016 GCV Legislative
issues reflected our continued vigilance regarding the ban on
uranium mining, support for state park funding, clean water and
air, advocation of a plan for recurrent flooding adaptation, and the
preservation of the viewshed of the lower James River.

Conservation and Environmental Studies Fellowship




Photo courtesy of Jay Paul

Paul Lacy, Zan Thomas (Dolley Madison), GCV President Nina Mustard
(Williamsburg) and GCV Conservation and Beautification Committee
Chairman Wendy Vaughn (Princess Anne)

This is the second year for the Conservation and Environmental

Studies Fellowship, begun in 2015. It supports research of flora,
fauna or cultural practices that directly impact the Commonwealth
of Virginia. The one-year Fellowship provides an annual grant of
$4,000 for study and research at an accredited university in Virginia
for an undergraduate or graduate student.
At the Board of Governors meeting in Martinsville, our first fellow,
Nikki Andressen, presented her work on the habitat essential to the
native pitcher plant, sarracenia flava.
Paul M. Lacy, a graduate student in Integrated Science and Technology at James Madison University, has been chosen as our 2016
Conservation Fellow. His research project is titled Native and Invasive Aquatic Plant Species in Virginia Trout Water. We look forward to seeing the results of this research.

GCVs Historic Headquarters

Since 1972, the Kent-Valentine House has served as
headquarters and home to the Garden Club of Virginia.
Located in the Monroe Ward District in downtown
Richmond, this antebellum gem is one of its kind in the

Conservation Educator Award

area. The Kent-Valentine House is a Virginia Historic

Adopted in 2016, the Conservation Educator Award will recognize

individuals or organizations whose work in an educational environment supportsthe mission of the Garden Club of Virginia and
its conservation ideals. This recognition award will be given to an
individual or organization who creates a learning environment that
benefits the community. The learning environment may extend beyond a traditional school environment, and recipients maybe
educators,scout leaders, 4-H leaders, master gardeners, or environmentally focused organizations. The first recipient will be announced at the GCV Conservation Forum in November 2016.

Landmark listed on the National Register of Historic

Places. It is one of the areas first adaptive-use restoration
projects and inspired renewal in the neighborhood.
GCV is just the fourth owner of the house which is 171
years old. Kent-Valentine House is available for club
meetings and luncheons.



An abiding appreciation for the past, present and

future of Virginias historic spaces inspires the
Garden Club of Virginia to create appropriate
settings for many of the states notable landmarks.
Since 1929, the proceeds of Historic Garden Week
have funded the restoration of more than 100
gardens at almost 50 individual properties within
the commonwealth.

Historic Henry County Courthouse, Martinsville

Working with the City of Martinsville, and with the support of the
Harvest Foundation, the Garden Club of Virginia renovated the
square surrounding the Historic Henry County Courthouse. With
the presentation of the completed project to the City of Martinsville
in October, GCV advanced the revitalization of the downtown area
by providing a central, tree-lined plaza which preserves the essential
character of the Courthouse grounds and offers a welcome gathering
place for the residents of Martinsville.

Kitchen Road,
Monticello, Charlottesville


In 1938, the Garden Club of

Virginia restored the West Lawn
flower gardens at Monticello in
accordance with details found
in Mr. Jeffersons sketches and
notes. Seventy-eight years later,
the Garden Club completed
another piece of restoration work
at Monticello. The Kitchen Road
is an essential lane in the intricate
pathway system designed by
our third president. In order
to transform the mountaintop
landscape back into one familiar to Mr. Jefferson, every step in this
process has been taken with painstaking deliberation supported by
scholarly research, design ingenuity and meticulous workmanship.

Poe Museum, Richmond

The Enchanted Garden at the Poe Museum, in downtown
Richmond, was planted in 1929. The current design, by William D.
Rieley, landscape architect for the Garden Club of Virginia, features
plants mentioned in, or evocative of, the writings of Edgar Allen Poe.


Garden Club of Virginia Restoration Projects

Landscape Architecture Research Fellowships

Proceeds from Historic Garden Week have enabled GCV to establish
research fellowships for graduate level landscape architecture
students. The William D. Rieley Fellowship documents historic
gardens that are not privately held. The Rudy J. Favretti Fellowship
documents privately owned historic properties.

Bacons Castle,

Poe Museum,

Historic Smithfield,
Blacksburg *

Belle Grove,

Point of Honor,

Historic St. Lukes Church,



Poplar Forest,

Hollins University,

Bruton Parish Church,


Prestwould Plantation,
Clarksville *

John Handley High School,


Burwell-Morgan Mill,



Centre Hill Mansion,


Smiths Fort Plantation,


Kent-Valentine House,

Christ ChurchLancaster,

St. Johns Mews,


Ker Place,

Danville Museum of
Fine Arts and History,
Executive Mansion
Capitol Square,
Fincastle Presbyterian

The 2015 Rudy J. Favretti Fellowship was awarded to Wenling Li,

who earned her Master of Landscape Architecture Program from
Harvard University. Her subject of research was Berkeley Plantation
in Charles City County.


Historic Portsmouth

Adam Thoroughgood House,

Virginia Beach *

Lee Hall,
Newport News

State Arboretum of Virginia,

Blandy Experimental Farm,

Mary Washington House,


Stratford Hall,

Mary Washington

Sweet Briar College,

University of Virginia,


Grace Arents Garden,

Green Spring Gardens,
Gunston Hall,
Mason Neck*
Historic Henry County
Courthouse, Martinsville



Washington and
Lee University,

Montpelier Station


Moses Myers House,


Alexandria *

Mount Vernon,
Mount Vernon

Woodrow Wilson
Presidential Library,
Yeardley House,
Jamestown *


* No Longer Under Contract





Westover Plantation, also in Charles City County, was the research

subject of the 2015 William D. Rieley Fellow, Amanda
Goodman. Amanda is completing her Master of Landscape Architecture degree at the University of Virginia.
The results of the work of the GCV Research Fellows
are available online at,
including published reports and site plans.
Historic Research Fellowships will be awarded
again in the spring of 2017.

GCV Projects



GCV Research






Stratford Hill


























Historic Garden Week ranks as one of the most popular events in

the commonwealth, attracting approximately 26,000 visitors from
across the country and abroad. Voted the #6 Best Flower Festival
in the country in USA Todays Readers Choice Award in March,
this Virginia tradition surpassed the Philadelphia Flower Show and
the National Cherry Blossom Festival. Our most impressive national
exposure this spring was web-based:, DIY
Network and the Travel Channel. Facebook page likes doubled in
the last year; our top post reached more than 8,000 people.

Income from this annual fundraiser has grown 40% in the last five
years. Net revenue for 2016 exceeded last year by approximately 5%.
Tour proceeds fund the restoration and preservation of Virginias
historic public gardens and landscapes, research fellowship programs
and a five-year GCV 2020 Centennial project with Virginia State Parks.



April 23 30, eek

Founding GCV
members might
not have anticipated
how this venerable
event would evolve. Gardening
gloves and clippers replaced the
white gloves of yesteryear as members
scoured personal gardens (and those
of generous neighbors) cutting for
over 2,300 world-class floral
arrangements created especially
for Historic Garden Week
2016. In April, we tweeted
about featured properties.
Three tours actively promoted
bicycling. Historic Garden Week
continues to change and grow.





Opposite page: 1. Fort Monroe.

2. Boot Camp, held at the Bolling-Haxall

House so we could accommodate the 94 participants, was a big success.
3. Historic Garden Week Chairman Meg Clement (Three Chopt) and
Richmond Tour Co-Chairman Catherine Whitham (Three Chopt). Meg
traveled across the state in support of Garden Week. 4. Beth Coleman,
(Blue Ridge), arranging on tour day in Lexington. 5. Felicia Feaster,
editor-in-chief of, visited numerous tours. Pictured
with Tricia Garner (Rappahannock Valley) and Nick Cadwallender in the
Cadwallenders garden in Fredericksburg. 6. Three consecutive HGW
Chairs Sandy Geiger, Julie Stone and Nina Watkins on tour from the
Gloucester Garden Club. 7. Plein air artists in featured gardens are often
part of the touring experience.

Horticulture Workshop

The Garden Club of Virginias
Horticulture Committee stimulates
interest in horticulture by educating
our members through workshops,
horticulture exhibits at the Annual
and Board of Governors meetings,
articles in the Journal and GCV
website, and Horticulture Field Day.


Our Joint Horticulture and Conservation

Workshop, Edible Landscaping for Wildlife
and Humans, was held at Lewis Ginter
Botanical Garden. The Grow Company
Principle and Founder Cabell Cox spoke
about Working With Nature, Not Against It
and Tanya Cobb, writer, teacher and professional environmental mediator talked about
Reclaiming Our Food: How Edible Gardens
are Catalysts for Change. The event, attended
by nearly 100 GCV members, concluded
with the viewing of the documentary A Life:
The Story of Lady Bird Johnson.

Workshop Committee:

Jane Edwards (Norfolk),

Mary Anne Gibbons
(Fauquier and Loudoun),
Donna Clausen (Hunting
Creek), Tuckie Westfall
(Alexandria), Beth De
Bergh (Warren County),
Meg French (Virginia
Beach) and Laura Anne
Brooks (Middle Peninsula)
Right: Cabell Cox,

The Grow Company


Two Annual Exhibits

The horticulture exhibit at the Board of
Governors Meeting in Martinsville was a
display of succulents in recycled containers,
which were recycled as centerpieces for
the meeting. The Annual Meeting exhibit in
Alexandria was groupings of three colonial
herbs in complementary containers. In addition,
there was an optional garden project growing
colonial era plants outdoors by seed in the
winter under a bell jar or plastic milk jug.

Horticulture Field Day

Horticulture Field Day 2016 met in
Blacksburg and featured Virginia Techs
Hahn Horticulture Garden. Interesting
and engaging speakers included Robert
Saunders of Saunders Brothers, who
focused on boxwood blight and the
proper care of boxwood; a tour of Elissa
Steeves magical garden; a visit to Stadium
Woods, an 11-acre stand of rare, urban
old-growth forest and more. A diverse
group of vendors specializing in many
aspects of horticulture topped the event.

James River Garden

Clubs exhibit at the
Annual Meeting in

Horticulture Awards of Merit

Established in 1960 for individual members of the Garden Club of
Virginia who achieve significant accomplishments in horticulture,
both personally and in their communities. Eight members were
honored at the Annual Meeting in Alexandria.
2016 Recipients:
Nancy Dickerson,
The Princess Anne Garden Club
Tamara Gibson,
The Spotswood Garden Club
Janet Hickman,
Hillside Garden Club
Missy Janes, Fauquier and
Loudoun Garden Club

Helen Junkin,
The Princess Anne Garden Club
Linda Patton, The Elizabeth River
Garden Club
Ann Reamy, The Rappahannock
Valley Garden Club
Casey Rice,
Harborfront Garden Club

Flower Shows
In addition to helping clubs host the three Garden Club
of Virginia flower shows, this year the Flower Shows
Committee created flower show guidelines that could
both streamline the duties of host clubs and significantly
cut costs. We hope the work done this year will pave
the way to a new, more future-oriented model of our
beloved shows.

Rose Show
Gabriella Garden Club hosted a romantic 77th Rose Show, featuring
traditional arrangements saluting the poetic rose. Mill Mountain
won the Quad Blue with an Italian Renaissance design interpreting
Shakespeare; Janie Vaughan (Hillside) won for best individual and
most creative interpretation of
Omar Khayyams poetry and
Karen Wachtmeister (Warrenton)
won the Hundley trophy for the
GCV Member Sweepstakes.


Inter Club Award

The GCV Annabel Josephs Inter Club Artistic Award is a perpetual
trophy given annually to a member club for excellence in flower arranging at GCV flower shows. It is awarded to the club accumulating
the most points in the artistic Inter Club Class yearly. This years
award went to the Hunting
Creek Garden Club, finishing the year with a Quad
Blue at the Daffodil Show.
GCV Flower Shows Chairman
Lea Shuba (Hunting Creek)
presenting the Annabel
Josephs Award to Kim Davis
and Gugi Hooff (Hunting


Flower Arranging School

Flower Arranging School is a much anticipated event open to all GCV
members. It provides demonstrations of unique and familiar flower arranging techniques. Just completing her stint as the head White House
arranger, Laura Dowling treated us to an insiders look at her time
there, as well as a sampling of her trademark modern French arranging.

1: Class 40 A Blue Ribbon

Quad winning arrangement
created by Mill Mountain
Garden Club 2: Class 44
Blue Ribbon and Best in
show Artistic Arrangement
winner Janie Vaughan
(Hillside) 3: Floribunda,
One Bloom per Stem Easy
Does It exhibited by Karen
Wachtmeister (Warrenton)
4: Rose Show Co-Chairman
Margaret Scott, Club
President Betty Leggett
(both Gabriella), GCV Rose
Chairman Sherry Leffel
(Spotswood) and Rose Show
Judges Chairman Rebecca
Atkinson (Gabriella)



Daffodil Show

Lily Show

The Huntington Garden Club hosted the second largest daffodil show
in the country, featuring masses of the spring beauty. Inter Club classes
showcased the Chesapeake Bay, the
Quad Blue going to Hunting Creeks
arrangement spotlighting NASAs
space program. Ceci Brown
(Gloucester) won the Elizabeth
Clopton Brown Member Sweepstakes Trophy, presented to the GCV
member with the most blue ribbons.


1: Hunting Creeks Quad Blue

Parallel Arrangement
2: Best Collection of Six,
Ceci Brown (Gloucester)
3: Emily Barbee (Gloucester)
Blue Ribbon Mille Fleur
4: Best in Show Jamore

Kate and Mitch Carney


Lions, tigers and bears were the stars at the 74th GCV Lily Show,
hosted by Fauquier and Loudoun Garden Club. The innovative
arrangements interpreted The Wizard of Oz, with the Quad Blue
Inter Club award going to the Lynchburg Garden Club and the
individual prize to Caroline Parrish (Warrenton). The new Helen
Turner Murphy Award for the Best Inter Club Test Collection was
won appropriately by the Garden Club of the Northern Neck,
Helens club.




The Helen Turner Murphy Award is presented to the Blue Ribbon winner
of the Lily Inter Club Collection


Honor Roll of Donors

Annual and Board of Governors Meetings

The 2016 Garden Club of Virginia Annual Meeting

July 1, 2015 June 30, 2016

The Garden Club of Virginia is honored to acknowledge

the generosity of our members and friends.
* Perennials Three or More Years of Annual Fund Giving


where history grows

The Garden Club of Alexandria hosted

the 2016 GCV Annual Meeting at
the Hilton in Old Town Alexandria,
co-chaired by Jennifer Kelley and
Catherine Bolton.

GCV President Jeanette

Cadwallender (center),
President Sue Rosser and
Nancy Moore, (Martinsville)
co-chairman of the 96th
meeting of the GCV
Board of Governors in
October 2015 at the
New College Institute.

Regency Terrace $10,000 and above

Bartlett Tree Experts

Hilldrup Moving & Storage

Prime Media Productions

The Robert & Bessie Carter Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. McDaniel*

Alpine Garden $5,000-9,999

Bank of the James

Oakwood Foundation*
Mrs. William G. Pannill

Presidents Parterre $1,000-4,999

Garden Club of Virginia Travel

In late February 2016, GCV members and friends travelled for a

two-week journey to tour gardens of Northern India. The itinerary
included many landmarks important to the Mughal period of history
throughout Rajasthan and, of course, the Taj Mahal, Sha Jahans
monument to his wife, Mumtaz. A highlight was walking through
the Presidents Garden in Delhi; open for only a few weeks each
year, this garden showcases the role water plays in Mughal garden
design and was perfectly planted with an abundance of roses,
bulbs and dahlias. The capable tour guides made sure all
arrangements for comfort were considered. The camaraderie
enjoyed by the group is a good omen for future trips with GCV.

Acclaimed Events
American National Bank
Bank of Lancaster
Banke of Clarke County
BNC Bank
Bo Parrish,
Virginia Land and Home
Chancellors Village
Chesapeake Bank

Middleburg Bank
Nancy Myers Designer
Interior Innovations
Nansemond Pre-Cast
Concrete Co. Inc.
Hardscape Division
Pearson Financial Group
PNC Bank
Robinson, Farmer,
Cox & Associates
City of Virginia Beach
Salon 730
CornerStone Bank
Sheraton Virginia Beach
R. Gaillard Owen,
CFP and Davenport & Company
Shore Bank
Ed Weber Contracting
Southern Landscape Group
Ellwood Thompson
Richard J. Sterne, III DDS PC
Farmers Bank
The Table at Wilton
First Capital Bank
TowneBank of Richmond
Fredericksburg Department of
TowneBank of Virginia Beach
Economic Development & Tourism
TowneBank of Williamsburg
Gentry Locke Attorneys
Union Bank and Trust
Holiday Inn and Suites Virginia
Van Yahres Tree Company
Beach North Beach
Virginia Beach Homes
Hurds Inc.
Charlottesville Community
Elizabeth Johnson of
Jim & Pat Carter Real Estate
Sue W. Massie Charitable
J. W. Townsend, Inc.
Trust, UW, Bank of America,
KDW Home
N.A., Trustee
Lake Prince Woods
The David E. Post
Lemon Cabana
Family Foundation


Presidents Parterre $1,000-4,999 continued

The Josiah P. Rowe III Family
Legacy Fund of The Community
The Hunting Creek
Garden Club*
The Rappahannock Valley
Garden Club*
Virginia Cherry*
Lee Cochran*

Marianna FitzHugh*
Stephen Foster
Allen J. Krowe
Ingrid Hinckley Lindsay*
Katty Mears*
Helen Murphy*
Patricia Prentiss
Kitty Quarles
Helen Reveley

Boxwood Maze $500-999


Berglund Automotives
BB&T Securities
Chelsea Business District
Cork and Table
Dixon, Feinour, Hubard
Feinour & Brown
Downtown Hampton
Development Partnership
Friends of Augusta Garden Club
Gardens in a Flowerpot
Guardian Security Systems, Inc.
International Paper
Jones LTC Pharmacy
Lancaster Farm Outlet
Lewis Insurance Agency
Lynchburg Gynecology
Mary Barnetts Gifts
and Decorative Accessories
Member One
Old Point National Bank
Pettyjohn, Wood, & White, Inc.
Robert W. Baird and Co., Inc.
Sasser Construction
Select Bank
Stewart Langley Properties, LLC
Tiger Fuel
Terra Firma
TowneBank of Isle of Wight
Village Garden Center
The Rennie and Richmond
McDaniel Fund of the Community
Foundation of the Rappahanock
River Region
The Garden Club of Fairfax*
The James River Garden Club
Gail Babnew
Margaret Bemiss
Charlotte Benjamin*
Sally Guy Brown
Jeanette Cadwallender*

Paula R. Cameron*
Sara Campbell
Pam Combs
Candace Carter Crosby*
Teri Denton
Pam Edmonds
Clarkie Eppes*
Ann Gordon Evans*
Susie Feinour
Nina Fout
Melinda Byrd Frierson*
Margaret M. Gardner
Dottie Hendricksen*
Rossie Carter Hutcheson
Robyn Johnsen
Tata Kellam*
Lois M. Keller*
Bev King*
Ann Kington*
Mimi Mackall*
Catherine P. Madden*
Rennie McDaniel*
Josephine J. Miller*
Lisa and Don Morin
Nina Mustard*
Alexander Nicholson
Susan F. Robertson
Joanie Robins*
Mary Lou Seilheimer*
Dianne Nea Spence*
George C. Stuckey
Sue Thompson*
Susan Timmons
Margie Toms
Laura Valentine
Kay Van Allen
Cabell West*
Susan Wight*
Barbara Pratt Willis*
Susan Wynne*

Healing Garden $250-499

American Frontier
Culture Museum
Bank of Southside Virginia
Blue Ridge Urology
Cafe Caturra
Campbell Insurance
Crown Jewelers
Davidson, Doyle & Hilton
Davidson & Garrad, Inc.
Jason E. Dodd, Realtor
Emilios Restaurant
Frazier & Associates
Ghent Seafood
Jamie & Saxton Moss
Kate Uncorked
Langs Jewelers
Lawn Doctor
Leslie Hartig Floral Design
L.J. Kellum Construction
Moffitt Family
Moore & Giles, Inc.
Mosquito Squad
The New Leaf
Pink Palm
Presbyterian Cemetery
of City of Lynchburg
Savor the Olive
Shoe Box
Robert N. Sorenson, DDS
Staunton Olive Oil
Swift Creek Mill Playhouse
Wall, Einhorn &
Chernitzer, P.C.
Walnut Hill Pharmacy
Weichert Realtors

Wilbanks, Smith
& Thomas
The Garden Club
of Alexandria*
The Blue Ridge
Garden Club*
The Boxwood
Garden Club*
Fauquier and Loudoun
Garden Club
The Princess Anne
Garden Club*
The Tuckahoe Garden
Club of Westhampton*
The Williamsburg
Garden Club
Betsy Agelasto*
Vicky Alexander*
Anne Baldwin*
Molly Barrow
Mrs. Grace L. Battle
Jill P. Beach*
Nancy F. Bowles*
Victoria D. Brock
Nan Brody
Lissy Bryan
Missy Buckingham*
Barbara Catlett
Joanna D. Catron*
Meg Clement*
Jane Cowles*
Mrs. Roderick A.
De Arment
Eeda Dennis*
Lucy R. Ellett
Frances Ellis
Betsy Fauntleroy
Rossie Fisher
Flossie Fowlkes*
Carol S. Fox
Mary Frediani
Jean Gilpin*
Diane Ginsberg
Greta Gustavson*
Celie Harris

Mrs. James H. Herbert*

Janet Hickman*
Lynn Hooff
Walter B. Hurley, Jr.
Lyn Hutchens*
Joyce C. Jaeger*
Missy Janes
Cece Johnson*
Jean Johnson
Leila Jones*
Frances Kahn
Kay LePeter*
Debbie Lewis*
Mary Jac Meadows*
Meredith Mercer
Martha F. Moore*
Margaret Moring
Lisa Mountcastle
Susan Mullin
Jamie A. Old
Bobbi Oldham
Polly Perkins*
Helen Pinckney*
Sarah Porter
Denise Revercomb*
Tricia Russell*
Tricia Sauer*
Rodie Savage
Inge B. Sen
Lea Shuba*
Sally Simmons
Doris Smith
Kaye Smith
Lizz Stanley*
Anne Tankard*
Carey Thompson
Lelia Graham Webb
Tuckie Westfall*
Janice Whitehead*
Catherine Whitham*
Lauren Woolcott*
Betsy Worthington*
Heather Zippel

Annual Border $100-249

The Bakehouse at Chelsea
Blue Ridge Mortgage
The Birch
Dan Vance
of Edward Jones
Davis Storage
Flippo Lumber
The Junior League
of Dallas Garden Club

Norfolk Plumbing
Otzi Tattoo Agency
Princess Anne Estates
Riverside Shore Memorial
Smartmouth Brewery
University of Richmond

William H. Talley
& Son, Inc.
Younger Construction
The Council of
Historic Richmond
Foundation, LLC
The Ashland
Garden Club
The Charlottesville
Garden Club
The Elizabeth River

Annual Border $100-249 continued


Garden Club
Gabriella Garden Club*
The Garden Club
of Norfolk
The Garden Club of the
Northern Neck*
The Garden Study Club*
The Huntington
Garden Club
The Junior Virginia Beach
Garden Club*
Leesburg Garden Club
The Lynchburg
Garden Club
The Virginia Beach
Garden Club*
Rivanna Garden Club*
Roanoke Valley
Garden Club*
Cathy Adams*
Dana Adams*
Eleanor Adams
Pearl R. Adamson
Elizabeth Lamar Allen
Sandy Aman
Jacalyn K. Anderson
Martha and Brady
Leslie S. Ariail
Anne Avery
Mrs. James A. Bacon*
Susan Bailey
Sheila Baker*
Dottie Ballard*
Carol Barr
Lamar G. Barr*
Turner Barringer*
Sarah Bass
Diane Bassett*
Sugie Battin*
Sharon Beale
Anne Beals*
Nan Bennett
Vickie and Larry
Elizabeth Boetsch
Carolyn Bottger*
Jane Bowden
Matilda and John
Jody Branch*
Gail Braxton*
Betsy Bredrup
Suzanne W. Bresee
Cecilia Brown
Deedy Bumgardner
Jody Bundy*
Terry Buntrock*
Betsy Burnette*
Sharon Byrd*
Gigi Calvert*

Nancy Campbell
Kris Carbone*
Candy Carden*
Elizabeth J. Carden*
Johanna Carrington
Sandra Carrington
Janice Carter*
Betsy Casteen*
Ruth Chaney*
Sherrie Chappell
Chatham Garden Club
Daphne Cheatham*
Joyce Childress*
Peggy Christian
Melanie Christian*
Catherine Claiborne
Coates Clark*
Mary Ann Clark
Eva Clarke
Kay Clary
Kathleen Coalter
Tanya Denckla Cobb
Patsi Compton*
Linda Consolvo
Di Cook
Kim Cory
Rachel Cottrell
Jane E. Covington
Martha Craddock
Berenice D. Craigie*
Martha Creasy
Ann Crenshaw*
Lisa Cresson
Lilliboo Cronly
Kathy Cropp
Anne Cross*
Kristin B. Dabney
Nancy Daniel*
Betty Darden*
Mary Hart Darden
Penny Dart
Mr. and Mrs.
Randall E. Davis
Tessa E. Davis
Beth Robbins DeBergh*
Katia E. DeJarnette
Mary Denny*
Michele DeWitt
Jennifer Dick
Claiborne Dickinson
Peggy Duvall
Jane Edwards*
Joan Eliot
Trina English
Margo Eppard
Moonie Etherington
Susan H. Farmar
Millie Faucett
Jane Reed Fields

Annual Border $100-249 continued

Cheryl Fockler
Anne Foster
Mary Nolde Foster*
Carter Frackelton*
Katherine M. Francis
Rosemary Francis
Beth Frank
Janet Frantz
Kay Freeman*
Mrs. William Gardner*
Tricia Garner*
Roberta Garnett*
Susan Garrett*
Adelaide Grattan*
Cathy Green
Miriam Green*
BeBe Green
Betsy Greene*
Julie Grover*
Missy Gullquist*
Perry Guy*
Cynthia D. Hall
Susan Chamberlin Hall
Susan F. Hamill
Liz Hamilton
Catherine Harcus
Sara Hargrove*
Lucy Harman*
Sally Harris*
Ann E. Harry
Susan C. Henderson*
Mary Jane Hobbs
Sarah S. Hodgkin*
Mary Sherwood Holt
Gugi Hooff*
Helen Hopper
Mac Houfek*
Mary Howard*
Cessie Howell
Pamela Hudson
Lucy Huff*
Betsy Huffman
Gay Huffman
Nancy C. Inman
Linda Isley*
Kate S. Jacob
Heidi F. James*
Anne Jennings*
Mary Ann Johnson*
Robin Johnson*
Carolyn Jones
Sidney Jordan*
Jane Kerewich*
Mary Kincheloe
Patricia Rodman King*
Mary Mac Laing
Harriet Larsen
Meg Laughon
Joni Lawler*

Sue Lea
Pattye H. Leggett
Betty H. Lesko*
Gladys Lewis
Ginny Lewis
Rita Liles
Marcia Long*
Bebe Luck
Mary Lunger
Barbara B. Luton*
Patti Lynch
Joan N. Lyons*
Ginni Mackenzie*
Karla S. MacKimmie*
Victoria MacMillan
Tuss Macpherson
Becca Mahon*
Alice Martin
Robbie Mascotte
Madeline Mayhood
Judy Mazzucchelli
Kathy McCahill
Lynn McCashin*
Mary Leigh McDaniel*
Mary Wynn McDaniel*
Tricia McDaniel*
Lynn McFadden*
Jerry McKinney
Sue McNeely
Katie Michaels
Karen Miles
Poohdie Miller
Camilla Moffatt
Sharon Moody
Joyce Moorman
Sue Ann Morgan*
Pam Moskal*
Merrick Murray
Kim Nash*
Caroline Neal*
Betsy Neale
Terri Nicholaou
Mrs. John A. Nolde, Jr.
Suzanne Obenshain*
Becky OBrian
Mercer OHara
Jane OKeefe
Patty Olivieri*
Kathleen ONeal
Mrs. William C.
Overman, Jr.*
Barbara Pace
Frances Padden*
Elizabeth Jackson
Audrey Parrott*
Sarah Belle Parrott
Mary Parsley
Judy Perry

Sallie Philips
DeLane Porter*
Monica Prahinski
Lauren Prince*
Nancy Purcell
Betsy Quarles
Ann Reed*
Emily Reed
Elizabeth Reynolds
Linda D. Reynolds
Casey Rice
Joyce Rice*
Jennifer Rinehart
Susan Ripol
Phyllis Ripper*
Barbara Roberson
Susan Robertson*
Michaela Robinson*
Virginia Rocen
Susan Rogers
Sue Rosser*
Molly Rueger*
Blair Johnson Rumney
Meredith Rutter*
Missy Ryan*
Mary Kay Ryan
Sue Ryan*
Maureen Sallade
Mr. and Mrs. Toy D.
Savage III
Dale Payne Sayers
Jane Schaubach*
Sallie Schmidt*
Betty Schutte
Ann Sears*
Vivian Shackelford
Betty Shaw
Martha Sherman
Mary Shockey
Cynthia S. Shook*
Elizabeth Shuey
Anita Shull
Jocelyn Sladen*
Alice Smith
Amy Smith
Belle Smith*
Katrina Smith
Mimi Smith
Missy Smith
Lois Spencer*
Katya Shoemaker
Joan Sprinkle
Cora Sue Spruill
Oz Staley
Hollis S. Stauber
Laura Stevens
Debbie Stevenson
Julie Stone

Lynda Strickler*
Betty Strider*
Jane Stringer*
Anne Stuart
Ms. Page D. Styles*
Gina Sullivan
Kit Sullivan
Nancy Sutcliffe
Kathy Sweet
Mrs. Norman E.
Liz Talley
Peggy Talman
Patsy Thompson*
Anne Tilney
Louise Toms
Lee Turlington
Marcia B. Turner*
Jan Tutton
Sherry Twining
Kay Tyler*
Peggy W. Valentine*
Cassie Van Derslice
Annie Vanderwarker
Karen Wachtmeister*
Kitty Lee Wafle*
Martha S. Walker
Wendy Walker
Willie W. Wallace
Jessica Bemis Ward*
Anne Warlick*
Rachel Watson
Jane Wells
Peyton Wells
Marty Whipple
Jane White
Sharon H. Whitt*
Mrs. Brooke
Coleman Wick*
Mary Wick
Dootsie Wilbur*
Kate Williams*
Kay P. Williams
Eileen A. Wilson*
June M. Wilson
Lucy Wilson*
M. Douglas
Libby Wolf*
Bobbye Raye Womack
Mina Wood*
Nancy Wood
Suzi Worsham*
Mary Denny Wray*
Judy Craddock Wright*
Suzanne Wright*
Sarah Jane Wyatt
Page Young
Kate Zullo*


Knot Garden $1-99


Camp Maxwelton for Boys/

Camp Lachlan for Girls
Catharine Gilliam Burns for
Middlebrook General Store
Dominion Foundation
Five Kings, LLC
Henley F. Gabeau
Living Trust
J.F. Brown
Real Estate Services
Jump Mountain Vineyards
Katherine Lamb for
Rockbridge Area Hospice
Michele Fletcher
Landscape Design
Mountain View Farms, Ltd.
Old South Antiques
The Augusta Garden Club
The Brunswick
Garden Club
The Garden Club
of Danville
The Franklin Garden Club
The Hampton Roads
Garden Club
Harborfront Garden Club
Merrimac Garden Club
The Garden Club of the
Middle Peninsula*
The Mill Mountain
Garden Club*
The Petersburg
Garden Club
The Garden Club
of Warren County
Garden Club
Suzanne Aiello*
Kathy Allen*
Ann Ambrose
Megan L. Ames
Marsha Amory*
Larry Anderson
Betty Angell
Kathryn Angus
Susan Armfield*
Anne Arnest
Rebecca Atkinson*
Brenda Augst
Nancy Avery
Cary Baber
Betsy Bacon
Zoe Ballenger
Dale Banning
Angela W. Barksdale*
Mary Elizabeth Barnes
Leigh Barth
Joanne Bartlett
Beverly E. Bates
Isabel Bates
Kathryn Beale
Joanne G. Beck

Knot Garden $1-99 continued

Susie Benson
Durfee Betts
Ellen Beville
Garland Bigley
Mary T. Bivens
Tommie Blackmon*
Patsy Carpenter Blackwell
Jennifer Blackwood
Anne Bland*
Cindy Bolling
Kae Bolling*
Jane McClure Booth
Marianne Bowles*
Judy Boyd
Betsy Bradford
Burgess Bradshaw
Tricia Branch
Catherine Brooks*
Nancy and Peter Brooks
Laura Y. Brown*
Mary Louise Brown
Penny Bryan
Martha Ware Bryan
Archer C. Burke
Suzie Burton
Gail Camalier
Janet Campbell
Meg Campbell
Lisa Caperton*
Ann Cardwell*
Betsy Sale Carey
Susan Carl
Diana J. Carter
Gwen Carter*
Kathleen M. Carter*
Claire Hardin Cassada
Didi Chapin*
Jane Cheadle*
Robin Cherry
Anne Chewning
Sarah Chiffriller
Michaux Tayloe Chopski*
Mrs. Herbert A. Claiborne*
Toni Clark
Catherine Clexton
Boo Compton
Ana Conceicao
Mrs. David Constine
Marsha Costen
Ginny Costenbader*
Barbara Cox
Teckla Cox*
Carolyn Creasy*
Cathy Creekmore*
Betsy Cromwell*
Kim Cross*
Bonnie Cuddihy
Linda B. Custis*
Virginia L. Cutchin*

Cary Dabney
Jackie H. DAlton
Ruth and Royden Daniels
Martha Davidson
JoAnne Davis*
Margaret Davis*
Martha Davis*
Rachel Davis
Barbara Davison
Carol A. Deaton*
Pam DeBergh*
Carole Decker
Nancy Dempsey
Nancy K. Dickerson
Eileen Dickey
Kathleen F. Dickinson
Lit Willlis Dodd*
Eva Donley
Ashli Douglas*
Suzanne Duffey
Jaye DuPaul
Marty Easton*
Cynthia Edgerton*
Jane Eggleston
Kelly H. Ellis*
Karen Ellsworth
Judy M. Epperly*
Petie Ern
Donna A. Eure*
Betty Evans*
Betsy Feldmann
Jayne Feminella
Lolli Fensterer*
Dee Ferguson
Marty Field
Muschi Fisher
Carroll Foley
Jinxie Forbush*
Ely Foster*
Marion C. Foster
Nan Freed
Tyra Freed*
Nancy Freeman*
Cindy Frith
Carroll Frohman
Randy Fuller
Cammie Furber
Nancy Furr
Pam Gale
Elizabeth Galloway*
Betty Anne Garrett
Lanny Gault
Martha Geiger
Anne T. Geyer
Mary Lou Glass
Ellen Godwin*
Kay Goldberg*
Missy Goode
Phyllis Gootee

Tina Graham
Glenna Graves*
Susan A. Graves*
Jennifer M. Griffiths
Chic GronesGall*
Bettie Guthrie*
Kathie Haas
Lexie Haglund
Joanna Hamnett
Ann C. Hankins
Elizabeth Broaddus Hardy*
Marijane Harper
Mary Lawrence Harrell*
Anne Harrison L. Harris*
Lou Harris
Elizabeth Hart
Katherine Harvard
Maureen Harvey*
Dottie Hawkins*
Carolyn Helfrich
Sarah Hellewell
Ted and Pam Henifin
Donna Herbert*
Gerry Higgins
Mary Hintermann
Susan Hodges*
Lyn Hodnett
Mary Hoerneman
Lula Hopkins
Nancy Earle Horgan
Lynn H. Hower*
Amy Hudgens
Janet Hudgins
Bev Hudson
Martha I. Hunt
Susan Husak
Maureen Hutchens
Elizabeth Hutter*
Jerrie H. Hyle
Mary Slingluff Ill
Paula Z. Irons
Kathleen Jackson
Sally James
Elizabeth Johnson*
Karan M Johnson
Kelly Johnson*
Mary C. Johnson*
Natalee D. Johnsrud
Bruce Jones
Ellen Jones
Rita Jones
Ellen Joyce
Margaret Joyner*
Faith Kauders*
Aileen Kelly
Jude Kelly
Ellen Kelso*
Ruth Keyser*
Judy Kidd*

Fran King
Kassie Kingsley
JoAnne H. Kinnamon*
Betty Kipps
Diane Kline*
Lynn Korff*
Alice Koziol
Louise LaBarca*
Dr. Aileen Laing
Jackie Lane*
Sue Lang
Anne J. Lanning
Cathy Moore Lee
Betty Leggett
Tara Little
Linda R. Livick
Hutch Livingston
Corinne Llewellyn*
Kris Lloyd
Jackie Locke
Peg Lockwood
Margie Lucas
Deena Lugar
Linda Macdonald
Boyd MacIver*
Julie MacKinlay*
Lucyle Macon*
Jane Maddux
Anne Madonia*
Pat Malgee
Nancy Mastin
Mrs. John Q. A. Mattern II
Judy Matthews
Judy Mawyer
Cindy May*
Charlotte McClain
Deborah McDonald
Ann McMurray*
Mrs. Paul R. McNeer
Martha Medley
Ardis Merritt
Anne Mikula
Betty Miles*
Susan Miner
Stephanie Minter
Alana Mitchell*
Gail Mitchell*
Daisy Moga
Forrest Moore
Marty Moore
Amine E. Morgan
Jan Morris
Jean Morris
Susan Morris*
Louise Morton*
Susie Mote*
Kate Muller
Susan Murphey
Jacquelyn J. Myers

Mary Jane Naismith

Kaye Nazarian
Kathleen Nevill
Tommi Nevin
Ferrell T. Nexsen
Alice Nicholas
Lois Nichols*
Carolyn Noland
Chris OBrien*
Merry Outlaw
Susan Overton*
Anne Parker
Sandy Parks*
Ann Parr*
Catharine Patton
Mary Jane Peake
Judith Peatross
Melinda H. Penn
Pat Perkins
Cathy Philips
Debby Philp
Nancy Philpott*
Sarah Pierson
Betty Pigg
Susan Pilson
Janie Pinney*
Joan Pollard*
Charlotte Porterfield*
Rita Potter
Liz Price
Anita Priddy
Pat Proctor*
Gail Pruden
Pam Pruden
Jane Purrington*
Patricia M. Rabil
Kim Raines
Ann Reamy*
Elizabeth Reed
Margaret Richardson
Mary Riley*
Libby Robertson
Suzie Rockwell*
Cynthia Roscoe
Jane W. Rotch*
Beverley Rowland
Pamela B. Rucker
Natalie H. Rude*
Carol K. Santaro
Linda G. Sargent
Melissa Saunders
Virginia Savage
Mary Ann Schmidt
Jan Schuler
Sally Seward
Biddie Shelor*
Marion Simpson
Susan Sims
Betsy Sisson*


GCV Staff

Knot Garden $1-99 continued

Dana Y. Smith
Gail D. Smith
Laraine Smith
Lori Barker Smith
Mary Meridith Smith
Mary M. Abel Smith
Susan Weaver Smith
Mollie S. Snead
Sarah Forbush
Mary Lew Sponski
Elaine Stephenson*
Joanne Stewart
Marianne Stryker
Joan H. Stumborg
Judy Sullivan*
Meg Talley*
Deborah Tanner
Catherine Taylor
Mary Glen Boyd Taylor*
Mercer Taylor
Suzanne S. Taylor
Cynthia Temple

Carolyn Thacker
Lauren Thompson
Mary Nelson Thompson*
Scottie Thomson
Nancy Tilman*
Nella Timmons
Susan B. Totty
Ellen Upton*
Lockett Showalter
Van Voorhis
Jane C. Vaughan
Wendy C. Vaughn*
Amy Vega
Sarah Wade*
Bernice Walker*
Marilyn Walker*
Lynn R. Ward*
Betty Byrne Ware
Catherine Jordan Wass
Milly Wassum*
Sue Forbes Watson
Fayetta Weaver
Stuart W. Webster*

2015-16 GCV Board of Directors

* Perennials Three or More Years of Annual Fund Giving

Gifts in Kind

Abbitt Realty Company

Beverley Street Studio
Black Dog Salvage
Breeger Media Group
Colesville Nursery
Garden Center
Derrick Rosser, Attorney
Flippo Lumber
Fort Monroe Authority
Hanover County
Historical Society
Hanover Tavern
Hilldrup Moving
and Storage

Heifety International
Music Institute
Isle of Wight County
Isle of Wight Tourism
Kline May Realty
Lane and Hamner,
Lewis Ginter
Botanical Gardens
Luck Chevrolet
Wholesale Florist
Marshall Stone
MD Farm Market
and Garden Center
Mill Race Commons
Jay Paul

Lynn McCashin
Executive Director
Karen Ellsworth
Director of Historic Garden Week
& Editor of the Guidebook
Lexie Haglund
Director of Development
Ann Heller
Communications Coordinator
Tori Brock
Historic Garden Week
Marketing Coordinator
Kathy Knollmann
Quan McGough
Office and Event Coordinator
Lee Mondesir
KVH House Manager

Mrs. Meade Welch

Pris Wellford
Ann Wentworth
Barbara Wheless*
Debi Whittle*
Alice Wilkerson
Widget Williams*
Melissa Williams
Dawn Williamson
Susan Winn
Paige Wiseman
Elizabeth Witt*
Patricia J. Wohl*
Margaret Wood*
Kay Wray*
Linda Wynne

Precision Printing
Prime Media
Ramsey Yeatts
Real Estate
Ronald McDonald
Spring Water
Virginia R. Cherry
Jane Cowles
Fitz Gary
Joan Menard, Artist
Jeff Nauchik
Sallie W. Philips
Barry Wolfe


Jeanette Cadwallender
The Rappahannock Valley
Garden Club
First Vice President

Nina Mustard
The Williamsburg Garden Club
Second Vice President

Anne Geddy Cross

The Ashland Garden Club

Betsy Worthington
The Lynchburg Garden Club
Recording Secretary

Denise Revercomb
Roanoke Valley Garden Club
Corresponding Secretary

Linda Consolvo
The Nansemond River Garden Club
Director at Large, District 1

Susan Robertson
The James River Garden Club

The GCV Development Committee sincerely thanks Year in Review

contributors: Jeanette Cadwallender, Beth DeBergh, Karen Ellsworth, Mary
Ann Johnson, Kathy Knollmann, Katherine Knopf, Lynn McCashin, Quan
McGough, Nina Mustard, Kim Nash, Lea Shuba, Tuckie Westfall, Will Reiley
and Betsy Worthington.
Design: Dale Edmondson, Edmondson Art Direction; Editor: Ann Heller;
Photography: Esther Carpi, Sandy Geiger, Ben Greenberg; Printing: Alan Smith,
Professional Printing, Chesapeake, Virginia.

The Garden Club of Virginia is a 501c3 tax-exempt organization.

All photos are property of the GCV unless otherwise credited.

Director at Large, District 2

Emily Reed
The Augusta Garden Club

Director at Large, District 3

Tricia McDaniel
The Rappahannock Valley
Garden Club
Director at Large, District 4

Mary Jac Meadows

Chatham Garden Club

Director at Large, District 5

Kate Williams
Leesburg Garden Club

Director at Large, District 6

Pam Combs
The Garden Club of Norfolk


Missy Buckingham
The Boxwood Garden Club
Conservation and Beautification

Tuckie Westfall
The Garden Club of Alexandria

Betsy Worthington
The Lynchburg Garden Club

Jean Gilpin
Winchester-Clarke Garden Club
Flower Shows

Lea Shuba
The Hunting Creek Garden Club
Historic Garden Week

Meg Clement
Three Chopt Garden Club

Beth DeBergh
The Garden Club
of Warren County

Kim Nash
The Warrenton Garden Club


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