Lift and Escalators: Operation and Safety: Dr. Sam C. M. Hui
Lift and Escalators: Operation and Safety: Dr. Sam C. M. Hui
Lift and Escalators: Operation and Safety: Dr. Sam C. M. Hui
Controller output
Door control signals, life drive control signals, passenger
Controller cabinets
speed reference
Do you feel
when travelling
on a lift?
speed reference
Lift operator
Single automatic
Down or up collective
Directional (up & down) collective
Group collective
Programmed control
AI (artificial intelligence) assisted control
Operation of Escalators
Basic applications of escalators
Commercial (e.g. shopping centres)
Transportation (airport terminals, railway stations)
Mass transit (subway, MTR)
Safety features
Operation of Escalators
Prevent spread of fire
Void containing escalators encourage fire/smoke
to spread
Precautions needed:
Sprinklers to provide a continuous water curtain
Fire curtains or shutter released by fusible smoke link
or smoke relay to seal the top of the escalator shaft
Compartmentation or separation of escalators
Operation of Escalators
Motor drives & methods of starting
Star delta starter
Requires a non-standard pole changing motor & high
value of starting current
Modular drives
Employ 2 or 3 motors coupled to the gear box
Safety Issues
Relevant EMSD documents (available at
Guideline on Safe Use of Lift and Escalator 2003
Lift Owners' Guidebook 2003
Code of Practice for Lift Works and Escalator
Works 2002
Code of Practice on the Design and Construction
of Lifts and Escalators 2000
Safety Issues
Lift mechanical & electrical components:*
Rope brake, machine motor brake
Overspeed governor & counterweight
Machine & controller (stopping, levelling &
braking + speed limiting control)
Deflector sheave & interlock
Car safety & structural steel car frame
Car & counterweight buffers
Lower stopping & reversal limits
Pit stop switch light switch & ladders
(* See also the lift components in the previous lecture)
Safety Issues
Lift passenger safety devices:
Safety Issues
Escalator safety devices:
Safety Issues
Escalator safety devices: (contd)
Demarcation line
Reversal protection device
Governor (overspeed)
Comb impact switch
Handrail speed delay sensing device
Step sag safety device
Missing step device
Tandem operation interlock
Comb plate switch
Step obstruction device
Energy Efficiency
Lifts & escalators are a major energy
consumer in buildings
Typically consists 5-15% of electricity in high-rise
commercial buildings
Also affects peak energy demand & power factor
Energy Efficiency
Requirements on lifts & escalators
Recommendations on lifts
Handling capacity
Lift traffic design
Energy Efficiency
General approach for lifts & escalators
Minimise friction losses & dynamic losses
Possible regeneration into the supply system
[Source: ISO 25745-3 Energy performance of lifts, escalators and moving walks, Part 3]
Energy Efficiency
Factors affecting energy consumption
Lift Modernisation
Lift modernisation*
Refurbish, retrofit, renew lift system/components
For performance
For aesthetic
To meet code (e.g. for disabled)
Why modernise
the existing lifts?
Lift Modernisation
Influencing factors
Type of installation
Original manufacturer
Budget provision
Building life cycle
Codes & standards
Typical elements
Lift car, door equipment, control system, drive
machinery, guide rails & fixings, pit equipment
Lift Modernisation
Recommended work stages
1. Pre-planning
2. Design limitations
3. Planned modernisation
4. System design
5. Specification
6. Tender list
7. Out to tender
8. Post-tender evaluation
9. Award of contract