Extrinsic Aids (StatCon)
Extrinsic Aids (StatCon)
Extrinsic Aids (StatCon)
-Contemporaneous customs
-Evils to be remedied
-Remedy provided
Contemporary construction, degree as aid
-Strongest in law
Legislative history, scope
-Covers introduction of the bill in the legislature up to its final passage
Legislative history, what it includes
-Presidents message
-Sponsorship speech
-Remedy provided
Contemporaneous circumstances
Public policy
Judicial construction
-It enables the court to draw inferences from legislative purpose and
There is no substantial difference between contractual, casual and
emergency employees
A co-terminous employee is non-career civil servant, just like casual
and emergency employees
It may be argued that Congress would not have specifically
enumerated the employees to be covered had not the intention been
to restrict its meaning and confine its terms and benefits to those
It may also be argued that a person, object or thing omitted from the
enumeration must be held to have been omitted intentionally pursuant
to the principle casus omissus pro omisso habendus est.
Contention of CoA:
The annual school board budget shall give priority to the following:xx
Presumption basis
Presumption examples
-Congress acted within the scope of its authority
-Against violation of international law
-Against extra-territorial operation of statutes
-Against unconstitutionality
-Against inconsistency, injustice
-Motive of Congress
-In favor of beneficial operation of the statutes
-Against inconvenience, absurdity, and ineffectiveness of statutes
-As to public policy
-Against irrepealable laws, repeal, unnecessary changes in the laws,
implied repeals