Installation Guidelines For Wiring Devices

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MEM Memera Consumer Units and Wiring Accessories

Specification for general housing installations

A guide to consumer unit and

wiring accessory solutions to
meet the demands of general
housing installations.

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Electrical specications for household installations


Preliminaries and General Conditions

Electrical Installations Workmanship and Materials

Description of Systems


Preliminaries and General Conditions


Scope of Contract .......................................................................................................................................................................... 5


Definitions ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 5


Main Contract Preliminaries & General Conditions ....................................................................................................................... 5


Precedence.................................................................................................................................................................................... 5


Plans and Drawings ....................................................................................................................................................................... 5


Quality of Workmanship & Materials ............................................................................................................................................. 5


Ordering......................................................................................................................................................................................... 5


Storing Materials ........................................................................................................................................................................... 5


Damage to Plant & Buildings ......................................................................................................................................................... 5


Access for Plant ............................................................................................................................................................................. 6


Scaffolding & Equipment ............................................................................................................................................................... 6


Builders work................................................................................................................................................................................. 6


Cover Up & Protect........................................................................................................................................................................ 6


Attendance by Employer................................................................................................................................................................ 6


Site & Works .................................................................................................................................................................................. 6


Site Representative ....................................................................................................................................................................... 6


Site Meetings ................................................................................................................................................................................ 6


Regulations .................................................................................................................................................................................... 6


Inspection and Testing ................................................................................................................................................................... 6


Handover Procedure ...................................................................................................................................................................... 6


Damage ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 6


Practical Completion ...................................................................................................................................................................... 6


Obligations after Practical Completion........................................................................................................................................... 6


Instruction of Employers Staff ....................................................................................................................................................... 7


Defects Liability ............................................................................................................................................................................. 7


Record Drawings and Manuals ...................................................................................................................................................... 7


PS00400001U May 2009

Preliminaries and General Conditions

1.01 Scope of Contract

1.04 Precedence

The work covered by this Specification comprises

the supply, delivery to site, erection, testing, setting
to work, cleaning, making ready for continuous use
all materials necessary to form a complete Electrical
Installation within the proposed development.
The Electrical Contractor shall be responsible for carrying out
all the works, as detailed in the Consultants Specification
and drawings. It will be the Electrical Contractors
responsibility to liase with the Main Contractor regarding
detailed programming at the time of appointment.

Should any clauses in this Specification conflict with the

Main Contract particulars the latter shall take precedence.
1.05 Plans and Drawings
The specification is to be read in conjunction with the
Schedule of Drawings showing the engineering installation.
Notwithstanding the provision of these drawings, the
Electrical Contractor will be held responsible for the works
embodied therein and shall take his own particulars and
provide at his own expense working detailed drawings.
Prior to the preparation of the co-ordinated working
drawings, the Electrical Contractor shall liase with the
other Sub-contractors to ensure that due consideration
of other services is taken into account.

1.02 Definitions
In construing these General Conditions and
Specification, the following words shall have
the meaning herein assigned to them:
The Employer shall mean :-

1.06 Quality of Workmanship and Materials

The individual or organisation for whom

the works are to be carried out.

The whole of the materials used in the installation, are to

be new and the best of their respective kinds, and suitable
for their intended use. These shall be obtained from the
manufacturers specified and the work shall be carried out in
the best workmanlike manner and in accordance with the
current rules and regulations of the Professional Engineering
Institute as appropriate, the Fire Officer, the requirements of
the Supply Authority and to the satisfaction of the Consultant.

The Quantity Surveyor shall mean :The company responsible for financial
matters acting for the Client.
The Architect shall mean :The company responsible for the general and
detail design of the building and where appropriate
act as lead consultant for the project.

Where applicable, materials should be in accordance

with the appropriate British Standards.

The Structural Engineer shall mean :The company responsible for the design of the above
and below ground main structural/drainage services.
The Electrical Consultant shall mean:The company responsible for the design of the
Electrical Engineering Services and/or the overall
responsibility for checking compliance of the
installation with the relevant criteria and standards.

1.07 Ordering
The Electrical Contractor shall place all orders
for materials and equipment immediately upon
completing the sub-contract documents.
The tender shall include:

The Planning Supervisor shall mean :The company responsible for provision of a Pre-tender
Health and Safety Plan and for the compiling of the Health
and Safety file together with health and safety matters.
The Main Contractor shall mean :-

packing, carriage, delivery, unloading, storage, placing

in position, protection from weather and watching
of all materials. It shall also include all labour of
every kind whatsoever, whether skilled or unskilled,
required in the provision and fixing of the work.
1.08 Storing Materials
The Electrical Contractor shall supply, erect, maintain and
clear away on completion, suitable workshops, storerooms,
offices and sheds as necessary for the sub-contract works.

The company carrying out the main building works

and by whom the Contractor may be directly
employed, for the purpose of the Contract.

All materials are to be stored in a manner to

avoid damage and/or deterioration thereto.

The Electrical Contractor shall mean :The company tendering for/carrying out
the electrical installation works.

1.09 Damage to Plant and Buildings

1.03 Main Contract Preliminaries & General Conditions

It is the responsibility of the Electrical Contractor to
obtain details of the main contract preliminaries and
general conditions at the time of tendering from the Main
Contractor and/or the Electrical Consultant/Architect.
No additions to the tender sum will be considered
for lack of knowledge or inclusion of items necessary
by the Contractor for items required by the main
contract preliminaries and general conditions.

The Electrical Contractor is to be held entirely responsible

for all damage done to the Works whether such damage
be wilful or due to carelessness on the part of the person
or persons or to any other cause whatsoever except
damage due to any cause over which neither the Main
Contractor nor the Electrical Contractor have any control.
The Electrical Contractor shall make good at his own expense
any damage which may be caused by him or his workmen
to the premises or property of the Main Contractor or
any person or persons during the carrying out of this subcontract and during the period of maintenance specified.


PS00400001U May 2009

Preliminaries and General Conditions

1.17 Site Meetings

1.10 Access for Plant

The Electrical Contractor shall attend site

meetings as required by the Consultant and Main
Contractor and due allowance should be made in
the tender for attendance at such meetings.

Before any work is put in hand on any equipment,

the Electrical Contractor is to check on site the
dimensions of all doorways, access doors etc., so that
equipment can be admitted to its allotted position.

1.18 Regulations

1.11 Scaffolding and Equipment

The Electrical Contractor is to provide all plant including
scaffolding, equipment, planking, ladders etc., necessary
for the full and proper completion of the work.
1.12 Builders work
The Electrical Contractor shall be responsible for preparing
all builders work details, drawings relating to his installation
in adequate time to avoid delay in the building programme.
All builders work to be carried out for the Electrical
Contractor by the Main Contractor.
1.13 Cover Up and Protect

The sub-contract provides for the inspection and testing

on site and the Electrical Contractor shall provide all
the necessary duly certified and calibrated instruments,
labour and accessories required for the purpose of
carrying out the tests. This may be witnessed by
the Consultant at a time agreed by both parties.

The Electrical Contractor shall make good

or pay for making good of all work that may
suffer from want of casing or protection.

The Electrical Contractor shall provide all relevant test

certificates including the relevant NICEIC Electrical
Installation Certificate, for all tests carried out.

1.14 Attendance by Main Contractor

The following services and facilities shall
generally be provided by the Main Contractor
free of charge to the Electrical Contractor :-

1.20 Handover Procedure

(a) Use of all welfare facilities.

Following the inspection of the installation and

certification by the Consultant and agreement of
a Defects List, the installation will be accepted as
being handed over for use by the Employer.

(b) All temporary general lighting and electricity supply

necessary for the execution of the sub-contract works.
(c) All water necessary for the execution
of the sub-contract works.

1.21 Damage

(d) Cutting away and making good.

Scaffolding erected for use in the Main Contractors work
will be available for use by the Electrical Contractor.
Clearing away rubbish and the removal
from site of surplus materials shall be the
responsibility of the Electrical Contractor.

The Electrical Contractor shall be responsible for all

damage caused to the fabric of the building as a result
of his installation or actions. The Contractor shall ensure
that all services and equipment installed by him are
safe from being damaged or causing damage.
1.22 Practical Completion

If agreed with the Main Contractor rubbish and

waste materials may be deposited in the Electrical
Contractors skip for him to dispose of.

Before the sub-contract works are included in a certificate

of Practical Completion, the sub-contract works, or
such part as is referred to in the Certificate, shall be
completed. The completion shall include setting to
work, testing and commissioning, including proving the
performance is in accordance with the Specification.

1.15 Site and Works

The Electrical Contractor shall be held to admit that he
has satisfied himself as to the exigencies of the site
that he is recommended to visit and has inspected the
drawings and the specification sufficiently to advise
himself of their full intent and purpose. No claim
whatsoever arising by reason for the Contractors failure
to observe these precautions, will be entertained.

1.23 Obligations after Practical Completion

Between the issue of a Certificate of Practical Completion
and the Certificate of making Good Defects relating to
the whole or part of the sub-contract works the Electrical
Contractor shall provide at his own cost the following:-

1.16 Site Representative

The Electrical Contractor shall keep a competent site engineer
in charge of the work, who shall be in constant attendance
during progress of the works undertaken by themselves.


The Contractor will be responsible for all aspects of the

Health & Safety At Work Act, CDSM, and is to comply with
the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations
(COSHH), in so far as they apply to the materials and
methods used in the sub-contract work carried out by
him and in relation to other sub-contractors on site.
1.19 Inspection and Testing

Every care shall be taken of the various works

during the contract and shall be provided
with suitable protection as necessary.

The Electrical Contractor is to comply with any and

all Regulations and Codes of Good Practice, with
Supply Authorities and must submit any equipment
items for inspection or test if required to do so,
without additional charge to the sub-contract.

a) A prompt call-back service, available at all

reasonable times, to attend to any faults.
b) Carry out a final test at the end of the Defects
Liability Period to demonstrate to the Consultant that
the sub-contract works are operating efficiently and
that all components are functioning correctly.

PS00400001U May 2009

Preliminaries and General Conditions

1.24 Instructions of Employers Staff or others

The Electrical Contractor shall include in his tender for
skilled staff to instruct the Employer or others, in the
operation, maintenance and servicing of the installations.
1.25 Defects Liability
The Electrical Contractor shall be liable for making
good any defects on the installation, for a period of
twelve months from the date of issue of the Certificate
of Practical Completion for the installation.
1.26 Record Drawings & Manuals
During the progress of the works, the Electrical Contractor
shall record on drawings in an approved manner, the
information necessary for the preparation of final record
drawings of the completed installation. The draft as fitted
marked up drawings shall be made available to the Consultant
for checking and inspection 4 weeks before final handover.
On completion of the works and within one month of
issue of the Certificate of Practical Completion, the
Electrical Contractor shall supply to the Planning Supervisor
completed record drawings generally as follows:(a) Two sets of negatives of the plastic velograph type.
(b) Three sets of black and white prints
taken from above negatives.
(c) Diskette with the drawings in AutoCad LT
Release 2 or agreed current equivalent.
The Electrical Contractor shall also provide complete
operational manuals incorporating complete details of all
works and equipment he has provided and installed.
These documents shall be presented in a A4 loose leaf
binder with the project title and manual title indelibly
printed on the front face and spine of the binder.
In addition of the As-Fitted drawings and Operating
and Maintenance manuals the Electrical Contractor
shall produce a simplified non-technical User
Guide as a separate document. The User Guide
shall be described and identify both in text and
drawings, no larger that A3 size, the following :1. Location of each appropriate incoming
service i.e. Gas, Water, Electricity etc.
2. How to turn each service On and Off.
3. Describe in non-technical terms the systems installed.
4. Daily routines for turning systems
On and Off if appropriate.
5. Emergency measures to be taken in the event of loss
of supply, i.e. who to notify, telephone numbers etc.
6. Daily procedures to follow for installed safety systems.
7. Emergency procedures to follow
for installed safety systems.
8. Photographs of each item referred to in the
guide in its installed position with descriptions to
identify the items, cross-referenced to the text.


PS00400001U May 2009

Electrical Installations Workmanship and Materials


General .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 9


Scope of Work ............................................................................................................................................................................... 9


Regulations .................................................................................................................................................................................... 9


Drawings for Approval ................................................................................................................................................................... 9


Cables ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 9


Consumer Units............................................................................................................................................................................. 9


Lighting .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 9


Lighting Switches ........................................................................................................................................................................ 10


Socket Outlets & Connection Units ............................................................................................................................................. 10


Mounting Heights ........................................................................................................................................................................ 10


Earthing & Bonding...................................................................................................................................................................... 10


Final Sub-Circuits ......................................................................................................................................................................... 10


PS00400001U May 2009

Electrical Installations Workmanship and Materials

2.1 General
This Section of the Specification deals with the general
standards of materials and workmanship and approved
methods in connection with the electrical installation works.
This Section must be read and applied in conjunction
with other detailed sections of the Specification and
the drawings and schedule issued herewith.
2.2 Scope of Work
Except for materials or items of equipment which are
specified as being supplied and/or fixed for the works
by others, these works shall include the supply, testing,
delivery to site, erection, connection, finishing and putting
into service of the whole of the materials, fittings and all
cables and conduits necessary to complete the electrical
installation works as specified and scheduled herein
and/or indicated on the drawings issued herewith.

the cables are installed in such a manner as to afford

compliance with the requirements of BS 7671:2008.
Regulation 522-6-5 requires that a cable installed under a floor
or above a ceiling is run in such a position that it is not liable
to be damaged by contact with the floor, the ceiling or any of
their fixings. The regulation also requires that where a cable
has to pass through a timber joist within a floor or ceiling
construction, or through a ceiling batten, the cable shall :1. be at least 50mm from the top, or bottom as
appropriate, of the joist or batten, or alternatively;
2. comply with one of the following requirements:
(a) incorporate an earthed armour or metal sheath
suitable for use as a protective conductor.
(b) be of insulated concentric construction.
(c) be protected by enclosure in earthed
steel conduit securely supported.
(d) have equivalent mechanical protection sufficient to prevent
penetration of the cable by nails, screws and the like.

2.3 Regulations
The whole of the installation shall be strictly
in accordance with the following, unless
otherwise specifically provided for herein:(a) BS 7671:2008 requirements for Electrical Installations
(17th Edition) including all relevant future amendments
issued by the Institution of Engineering and Technology,
(IET) Michael Faraday House, Stevenage, Herts SG1 2AY.
(b) The regulations and conditions of supply of
the appropriate electricity supply company.
(c) The requirements under the Factories Act of HM Electrical
Inspector of Factories and the relevant British Standards.
(d) The Electricity at Work Regulations 1989.
(e) The Electricity Supply Regulations
1988 (where appropriate).
Should any of the above regulations be considered to
override or be in conflict with any other of the above
regulations, then pending the decision of the Consultant,
the more stringent regulations shall be held to apply.

A cable installed to meet condition 1 above will, in

normal circumstances, be at a sufficient distance from
the top, or bottom as appropriate, of the joist or batten
to prevent a nail or screw penetrating the cable.
In loft areas and ceiling voids, cables are particularly likely
to come into contact with, or be totally enclosed in, thermal
insulation. The adverse effect such thermal insulation has
on the current-carrying capacity of cables must be taken
into account in the circuit design. Alternatively, cables
should be routed to avoid contact with thermal insulation.
2.6 Consumer Units
Consumer units shall be magnolia in colour. The
consumer unit shall comprise of all components
(isolators, RCDs, RCBOs, MCBs and any other devices
e.g. contactors, meters, bell transformers etc).
2.7 Lighting
2.7.1 Standard Lampholders

2.4 Drawings for Approval

The Electrical Contractor shall prepare and issue via
the Main Contractor all detailed installation drawings,
including distribution, plant and layout drawings as required
to enable the contract works to be integrated into the
works as a whole, before the installation is commenced
all in accordance with the main contract programme.

They shall incorporate a metal liner for

added strength around the J slots.
Ceiling rose must incorporate a flexible base
material to avoid cracking on uneven ceilings.
2.7.2 Lamp Activated Type
They shall only have access to live parts via a screwdriver.

2.5 Cables
Wiring to the outlets detailed in this specification and
accompanying drawings shall be carried out with 300/500v
PVC insulated PVC sheathed type. All cables shall have
copper conductors and comply with BS 604:2000 (2006).
Cabling recessed in walls shall have suitable
means of mechanical protection.
2.5.1 Cables Under Floors and Above Ceilings
Particular care needs to be taken when installing
cables below floors or above ceilings.
Cables passing under floors or above ceilings can be
particularly vulnerable to damage, which can lead to
the dangers of electric shock or fire. It is therefore
important that cable runs are properly planned and that

The safety mechanism cannot be bypassed by

inserting screwdriver in the J slots and turning.
Cable to be clamped via a captive cable
clamp not via a tortuous path method.
Battenholders and angled battenholders must be available.
2.7.3 Plug-in Lighting
Should comply with BS 7001. Have 3 and 4 pin
available and to be supplied with fixing screws.
2.7.4 Low Energy Lamps
In order to comply with Part L of the Building Regulations,
the Electrical Contractor shall provide the minimum
number of pendants or battenholders with 3 J slots


PS00400001U May 2009

Electrical Installations Workmanship and Materials

designated by Eaton as their BC3 range together

with 11W or 20W BC3 lamps as appropriate.
2.8 Lighting Switches
Switches shall be minimum 10 amp rating and must
be X rated as manufactured by Eaton Electric Limited.
Where multiple switches are required, they shall be
assembled in ganged units. Unless specified otherwise,
flush switches shall have white moulded plates.
Surface installations shall have metalclad plates.
Must be able to substitute individual switch modules within
a plate to allow for a combination of switch functions on the
plate such as intermediate, key switch or neon indicators.
Switches to be at least 32mm long to offer ease of switching.
Grid switches shall clearly show function,
rating, circuit diagram and terminal identification
on the back of each module.
Grid switches shall be at least 19mm wide
to allow marking of legends.

BS 7671:2008 (17th Edition of the IEE Regulations)

and shall be PVC insulated self colour green/yellow.
The Electrical Contractor should establish any PME
conditions that apply with the incoming electrical service
and all the necessary precautions laid down in the
BS 7671:2008 (17th Edition of the IEE Regulations) shall
apply with specified reference to Services Bonding.
2.12 Final Sub-Circuits
The Electrical Contractor shall be responsible for the
final sub-circuit distribution working drawing.
He shall also be responsible for the calculations determining
the size of the final sub-circuit cables and their enclosures.
The maximum permitted voltage drop from the
appropriate distribution board to the extremity of any
such sub-circuit shall be calculated as indicated in the
BS 7671:2008 (17th Edition of the IEE Regulations)
from supply point to extremity of final sub-circuit.

The Electrical Contractor shall be responsible for agreeing

the correct position of switches with regard to door
hangs etc., on site before installation. No claims for
non-compliance to this requirement will be accepted.
2.9 Socket Outlets and Connection Units
Socket outlets and connection units shall be rated 13 amp
switched as manufactured by Eaton Electric Limited.
Unless specified otherwise, flush sockets and
connection units shall have white moulded plates.
Surface installations shall have metalclad plates.
All sockets and connection units shall be wired on
ring main circuits, unless otherwise specified.
2.10 Mounting Heights
Unless otherwise specified, all items of equipment
shall be mounted at the following heights from
finished floor level to the underside:Lighting Switches
& Shaver Sockets:

1.37M AFFL

Socket Outlets:

0.4m or work top as applicable

(approx. 1.2m AFFL)

Connection Units:

Adjacent fixed equipment or appliance.

2.11 Earthing and Bonding

The Electrical Contractor shall be responsible for ensuring that
the earthing and bonding system installed complies with the
17th Edition of the IEE Regulations for Electrical Installations,
particularly with regard to exposed and extraneous conductive
parts and exposed metallic parts of the building structure etc.
All metal work which may provide a path to earth such
as components of hot and cold water systems, heating
systems, metallic waste pipes etc. within two metres
of any switch, switch socket or other electrical
Outlet less than 1500mm from the floor, shall have an
impedance to earth to provide the required disconnection
time as indicated in the relevant sections of the17th Edition
Regulations. The Electrical Contractor shall provide the
necessary bonding connections to meet this requirement.
All earth continuity conductors and bonding leads
shall be not less than the minimum sizes as given in


PS00400001U May 2009

Description of Systems


Mains ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 12


Consumer Switchgear ................................................................................................................................................................. 12


Kitchen ....................................................................................................................................................................................1315




Bedrooms ...............................................................................................................................................................................1618


Bathroom ................................................................................................................................................................................1819


Garage ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 19


Typical Accessories Layout & Selection Guide ...................................................................................................................... 2026


PS00400001U May 2009


Description of Systems

3.1 Mains

Typical Consumer Unit Schedule

The Electricity Supply Company shall provide a suitable PME

electricity supply for the dwelling terminating and connected
to the incoming terminals on their meter and earth terminal.
The Main Contractor shall pay the Electricity Supply
Company the monies for the capital costs involved.
The Electrical Contractor shall provide and install suitable
cabling between the Regional Electricity Companys
meter and the consumers main switchgear. This shall
be either PVC single cables in trunking or PVC insulated
and sheathed cabling. The single phase and neutral
supply shall be assumed to be rated 100 amp.
All cabling must be installed in accordance with BS 7671:2008
At the commencement of the contract, the Contractor
shall commence the complete negotiations with the
Electricity Supply Company for the electricity supply for the
dwelling. The negotiations shall take account of any phased
handover or commissioning by other Sub-Contractors where
electricity supplies may be required by other trades to
comply with the Main Contractors programme of works.

The following table shows a typical consumer

unit layout where circuits are applicable.
MCB Rating




1 x 1.5mm2 twin + cpc PVC/LSF

1 x 1.5mm2 twin + cpc PVC/LSF
1 x 1.5mm2 twin + cpc PVC/LSF
1 x 1.5mm2 twin + cpc PVC/LSF
1 x 1.5mm2 twin + cpc PVC/LSF
1 x 2.5mm2 twin + cpc PVC/LSF
2 x2.5mm2 twin + cpc PVC/LSF
2 x 2.5mm2 twin + cpc PVC/LSF
1 x 10mm2 twin + cpc PVC/LSF
1 x 10mm2 twin + cpc PVC/LSF

Downstairs lighting
Upstairs lighting
Smoke detectors
Immersion heater
Ring main kitchen
Ring main remainder

These circuits are suitably split over two or more RCD

protected zones or else fed by individual RCBOs.

The remaining spaces within the consumer unit

shall be fitted with blanking pieces to afford
ultimate protection Eatons Ref No. ABPI.

3.2 Consumer Switchgear

Note:- Other Eaton ancillary devices can also be

fitted within the consumer unit i.e. various types
of meters, timers, contactors, impulse relays, bell
transformer etc., providing ultimate flexibility.

3.2.1 Main Control

Typical consumer units to provide compliance with

17th edition wiring regulations will be as follows:

The Electrical Contractor shall liaise with the Electricity

Supply Company on all their building work requirements.

The main control shall be a flush or surface mounting

consumer unit that shall be cream/white in colour.

a) Dual RCD unit c/w 100A DP switch and 2 x 80A

30mA RCCB protected zones, e.g.EAD12H80H80D.

The consumer unit will be factory assembled (with

the exception of miniature circuit breakers) and
comply with the requirements of BS EN 60439-3.

b) Dual RCD unit c/w 100A DP switch and 2 x 80A 30mA

RCCB protected zone plus 3 circuits fed directly off the main
switch for use with RCBOs, e.g.EAD12H80H803D, or else

The consumer unit shall have a suitable number of

outgoing ways with sufficient spare ways and be fitted
with Type B Miniature Circuit Breakers to BS EN 60898.

c) An Isolator controlled unit with 100A DP

main switch and arranged to feed all outgoing
ways via individual RCBOs. e.g.EAD11R.

The main controlling DP isolator switch will be rated at no

less than 100 amp. The secondary device will be RCCBs
of minimum 63 amp rating and 30 mA sensitivity.
The various circuits shall be arranged to comply with
the requirements of the latest IEE wiring Regulations
(BS 7671:2008). Your attention is drawn to Regulations
411.3.3. (Additional protection by means of a 30mA RCD),
314.1 & 2 (Segregation of circuits to avoid danger and
minimise inconvenience in the event of a fault) and 522.6.7.
(Protection of wiring concealed in walls or partitions).

Economy 7 Consumer Unit (if fitted)

The restricted tariff consumer unit shall be a surface
mounting unit, factory assembled (with the exception of
the circuit breakers) and comply with the 16kA conditional
rating required by the amendments to BS EN 60439-3.
The consumer unit shall have a suitable number of ways
with sufficient spare ways and be fitted with type B
Miniature Circuit Breakers complying with BS EN 60898.

Eaton list No.


Eaton list No.



The consumer unit shall be surface mounted, insulated

and must comply with BS7671: 2008 17th edition of
the wiring regulations. Eaton reference EAD10DD or
EAD14DD with 2 x 100A DP isolators with sub-circuits
protected by individual RCBOs of the correct rating.

EAD06B or

EAD06BH30 or

6 amp for smoke detector

6 amp or 10 amp for each lighting circuit

Miniature circuit breakers of the following

ratings shall be fitted (to BS EN 60898).



45 amp for the electric shower up to 10kW

Miniature Circuit Breakers (MCB) of the

following ratings should be fitted.


6 amp for bell transformer

16 amp for 3 kW max. immersion heater
20 amp for central heating controller
32 amp for each ring main
40 amp for the cooker unit
40 amp for the electric shower up to 8kW


PS00400001U May 2009

Eaton list



Suitably rated for each storage heater.


16A for immersion heater (3 kW max.)

3.2.3 Circuit Identification

The circuit identification label shall be completed
to give clear and permanent indication of the
points and outlets connected to each.

Description of Systems

The Electrical Contractor is to leave any operating

instructions and/or labels supplied by manufacturers in
a prominent place and is to instruct the tenant in the
operation of MCBs, RCCBs and consumer units.

Cooker control unit also available in other

COPA metalplate finishes i.e.
Stainless Steel
Satin Bronze

3.2.4 Typical Quantities of Socket Outlets

Note: Exact location to be determined on site.



Dining Room


Double Bedroom
Single Bedroom
Stairs / Landing
Utility Room


4 No. at TV location

Excluding socket outlets controlled

via FCUs for fridges, washing machines etc.

Near telephone equipment if applicable

i.e. Twin socket outlet near appliances

3.3 Kitchen (See associated typical drawing)

The electrical installation to the kitchen generally
consists of power supplies to serve the following:1 Cooker
2 Appliances such as fridge/freezer, kettle,
microwave, washing machine etc.
3 Electric fan/blow heaters. (if applicable)
4 Extractor Hood.
5 TV and associated aerial socket outlet.
6 Lighting.
7 Central heating system (if applicable).
Wiring to kitchen equipment shall emanate from the main
consumer unit. Where general purpose 13 amp socket outlets
are installed, they shall be wired on a 32 amp ring main circuit
separate from any other socket outlets within the dwelling.
3.3.1 Cooker
A 45 amp cooker control unit or 45 amp DP switch
shall be provided to serve the cooker. This unit
shall receive an independent supply from the
consumer unit fed from its own 32 amp MCB.
The cooker control unit or switch shall be fixed approximately
300mm above the kitchen work-top and slightly to the side
of the cooker. A 45 amp cable/cooker outlet plate should be
fixed approximately 600mm AFFL directly behind the cooker.
All wiring accessories are of Eaton manufacture and
moulded products can be selected from one of 3 ranges:
INTRA Thermo-setting plastic (M references)
EMA Thermoplastic, providing greater
strength (E references)
COPA greater flexibility using clipon cover plates (C references)
The cable/cooker outlet plate allows for connection of
the cooker flexible cable and be concealed from sight.
(a) Cooker control unit Eaton M325N
Eaton E325N
Eaton C325NWH

Highly Polished
Polished Brass
All ranges also available with neon indicators.
3.3.2 Appliances
Kitchen appliances are generally plugged into 13 amp
socket outlets. A reasonable number of sockets should be
installed with due allowance for flexibility in the future.
Twin 13 amp switched socket outlets shall be provided for
general purposes, fixed approximately 300mm above the
kitchen worktop. They shall not be installed within 1000mm
from the centre of the kitchen sink unit. Kettles, toasters,
microwaves, blenders, irons etc. will plug into these sockets.
Fixed equipment such as fridges, freezers, washing machines,
etc., where set into kitchen units shall be served by an
appropriate 13 amp switched or un-switched socket outlet
located behind the appliance approximately 600mm AFFL.
These socket outlets shall be fed from the switched side of
a 13 amp switched fused connection unit located directly
above the socket outlet and fixed approximately 300mm
above the kitchen work-top. The fused connection unit
allows for switching off the appliance without the need
for gaining access to the socket outlet located behind.
Connection units to be complete with the
appropriate appliance marking, i.e. freezer.
Alternatively these fixed appliances can be switched
off/on by means of a 20 amp double pole grid switch
positioned above the worktop in the vicinity of the
appliance. Up to a 4 gang grid plate can be used.
(a) 4 gang grid plate Eaton M804
Eaton E804
Eaton C804WH
The grid switch rockers to be clearly marked with the
appliance being controlled: washing machine, tumble
dryer, fridge, freezer etc. e.g. F8023WH, TD, FG or FZ.
The grid switch units can either be part of the
kitchen ring main or supplied via a separate
MCB within the consumer unit.
(a) Twin 13 amp switched socket outlet Eaton M622
Eaton E522
Eaton C622WH
(b) Single 13 amp switched socket outlet Eaton M621
Eaton E521
Eaton C621WH
(c) 13 amp switched fused
connection unit with appliance marking Eaton M201XX
Eaton E201XX
Eaton C201XXWH
Socket outlets and connection units also available
in other COPA metalplate finishes i.e.
Stainless Steel
Satin Bronze
Highly Polished

(b) Cable/Cooker outlet plate Eaton F2045/46 (white moulded)

Polished Brass

PS00400001U May 2009


Description of Systems

All ranges also available with neon indicators.

3.3.3 Electrical Fan/Blow Heater
A switched fused connection unit c/w flex outlet shall
be provided adjacent the electric fan/blow heater. The
final connection to the heater shall be by means of a
suitably rated 3 core heat resistant flexible cable.
The connection unit shall receive an independent supply
backed up by a 16 amp MCB within the consumer unit.
(a) 13 amp switched fused connection unit
with flex outlet Eaton M201
Eaton E201
Eaton C201WH
Connection unit also available in other
COPA metalplate finishes i.e.

(c) Associated surface box Eaton F4501

TV Co-axial socket outlet also available in
other COPA metalplate finishes i.e.
Stainless Steel
Satin Bronze
Highly Polished
Polished Brass
3.3.6 Lighting
Lighting to the kitchen shall be switched by means
of a rocker operated 10amp AC type X rated BS EN
60699-1 single pole one way or two way plate switch
fixed at a height of approximately 1400mm AFFL.

Stainless Steel
Satin Bronze

The lighting circuit shall be connected to a 6

amp MCB within the consumer unit. (Each
floor shall have its own lighting circuit).

Highly Polished
Polished Brass
All ranges also available with neon indicators.
3.3.4 Extractor Hood
A 13 amp switched fused connection unit c/w
flex outlet shall be provided adjacent the kitchen
extractor hood. Connection between the hood and
the connection unit shall be carried out by means of a
suitably rated 3 core heat resistant flexible cable.
The extractor hood connection unit shall be
wired into the kitchen ring main circuit.

If a pendant(s) is to be used a combined

pendant set consisting of ceiling rose, flex
and BC lamp holder shall be provided.
(a) 10 amp single pole plate switch Eaton M011
Eaton E011
Eaton C011WH
(b) Pendant set 6/9 Eaton F1250/51
(c) Pendant set 4 for BC3 Eaton F1260
Low Energy Lamps
11 BC3 Lamp Eaton F1266

(a) 13 amp switched fused connection unit

with flex outlet Eaton M201
Eaton E201
Eaton C201WH

Plate switch also available in other

COPA metalplate finishes i.e.

Fused connection unit also available in

other COPA metalplate finishes i.e.

Satin Bronze

Stainless Steel

Polished Brass

Stainless Steel
Highly Polished

Satin Bronze

3.3.7 Central Heating System

Highly Polished

If a gas fired hot water/central heating system is provided it is

generally controlled by a programmer located in the kitchen.

Polished Brass
All ranges also available with neon indicators.
3.3.5 TV/Aerial Socket

The programmer shall provide the facility to

independently control the hot water system and
hot water/central heating system together.

Should provision for a TV be required within the

kitchen a TV aerial socket outlet shall be provided.

The programmer shall receive a 3 amp mains supply via a

13 amp switched fused connection unit with flex outlet.

The location of the TV aerial socket being dependant on

the required kitchen/appliance layout. From the TV outlet a
Co-axial cable shall be provided and installed into the roof
space for connecting to an independent roof mounted TV
aerial. Alternatively connect into a television distribution
amplifier in the roof space. The amplifier shall have an
incoming Co-axial cable connected to one exterior TV aerial.

The system consisting of, boiler, pump set, motorised

valve, room stat and immersion heater stat shall
all be wired from the programmer as detailed
in the programmers circuit wiring details.

The amplifier supply shall be connected into

either a lighting or ring main socket outlet circuit,
with a suitable means of fused isolation.
(a) TV Co-axial socket outlet Eaton M351
Eaton E351
Eaton C351WH


(b) Single 13 amp switched socket outlet Eaton M621

Eaton E521
Eaton C621WH


PS00400001U May 2009

If backup to the gas fired hot water system is provided by

an immersion heater in the Hot Water Cylinder this shall
receive a 16 amp supply via a 20 amp DP switch fed by
an independent 16amp MCB within the consumer unit.
(a) 13 amp switched fused connection unit
with flex outlet Eaton M201
Eaton E201
Eaton C201WH

Description of Systems

(b) 20amp DP switch marked water heater Eaton M303

Eaton E303
Eaton C303WH

(a) Twin 13 amp switched socket outlet Eaton M622

Eaton E522
Eaton C622WH

Connection unit and DP switch also available

in other COPA metalplate finishes i.e.

Socket outlet also available in other

COPA metalplate finishes i.e.

Stainless Steel

Stainless Steel

Satin Bronze

Satin Bronze

Highly Polished

Highly Polished

Polished Brass

Polished Brass

All ranges also available with neon indicators.

All ranges also available with neon indicators.

An all electric alternative hot water heating system

shall comprise of an insulated storage cylinder located
in an airing cupboard. Each cylinder should contain
two 3kW side entry immersion heaters, one located
at the bottom of the cylinder and one at the top.
The immersion heaters shall be controlled by an Electronic
Water Heating Controller with boost facility fixed at the
side of the cylinder. The controller will allow the immersion
heater to utilise off-peak electricity and also enable it to be
programmed to provide hot water when it is required.
The controller shall receive an independent supply
via a 20 amp MCB within the consumer unit.
3.4 Lounge (See associated typical drawing)
The electrical installation to the lounge generally
consists of power supplies to serve the following:(1) TV, video recorder, SKY/Cable/Digital box, stereo
system, table lamps, telephone answer machine etc.
(2) TV Co-axial socket system.
(3) Telephone system.
(4) Storage heaters.
(5) Lighting.
Wiring to the lounge shall emanate from the main consumer
unit. Where general purpose 13 amp socket outlets are
installed they shall be wired on a 32 amp ring main circuit
with other general power points within the dwelling, but
not on the same circuit as the kitchen power points.
3.4.1 General 13 amp Socket Outlets
Twin 13 amp switched socket outlets shall generously be
located around the room fixed at a height of approximately
400mm AFFL. Attention should be drawn to where
furniture is likely to be positioned and this may well
dictate the likely location of power points for the TV etc.
At the TV position provision shall be made for 2 No. Twin 13
amp switched socket outlets, these shall provide power for :(a) TV.
(b) Video Recorder.
(c) Subscription TV unit.
(d) Table lamp.
Other twin switched socket outlets around the
room shall be required to serve say, stereo system,
telephone answer machine and lamp stand.
At least one additional twin switched socket outlet shall
be provided for plugging in a vacuum cleaner doing away
with the need for continually unplugging a fixed item.

3.4.2 TV Co-axial Socket System

There is always a requirement for a TV aerial system
within the lounge. A TV Co-axial socket outlet shall be
fixed adjacent the 2 No. Twin 13 amp switched socket
outlets intended to serve the TV system. The outlet shall
be fixed at a height of approximately 400mm AFFL.
From the TV outlet a Co-axial cable shall be provided
and installed into the roof space for connecting to
an independent roof mounted TV aerial. Alternatively
connect into a television distribution amplifier in the
roof space. The amplifier shall have an incoming Coaxial cable connected to one exterior TV aerial.
The amplifier supply shall be connected into
either a lighting or ring main socket outlet circuit,
with a suitable means of fused isolation.
(a) TV Co-axial socket outlet Eaton M351
Eaton E351
Eaton C351WH
(b) Single 13 amp switched socket outlet Eaton M621
Eaton E521
Eaton C621WH
(c) Lounge plate assembly Eaton M951 (2 x 13A
switched socket outlet quad
plate, BT secondary)
(d) Associated metal box Eaton F8345
TV Co-axial socket outlet also available in
other COPA metalplate finishes i.e.
Stainless Steel
Satin Bronze
Highly Polished
Polished Brass
3.4.3 Telephone System
A telephone outlet socket shall be fixed adjacent a
suitable twin switched socket outlet (for connecting
of an answer machine). The outlet shall be fixed
at a height of approximately 400mm AFFL.
A suitable recessed containment system
complete with draw wire shall be installed from
this point to the telephone intake position.
Further telephone outlet points shall be provided with
a suitable recessed containment system complete
with draw wire to cater for interconnecting telephone
cabling between the two or more points.
(a) Telephone line jack (master) Eaton M360
Eaton E360
Eaton C360WH

PS00400001U May 2009


Description of Systems

(b) Telephone line jack (secondary) Eaton M361

Eaton E361
Eaton C361WH

The lighting circuit shall be connected to a 6

amp MCB within the consumer unit. (Each
floor shall have its own lighting circuit).

Telephone outlets also available in other finishes i.e.

A combined pendant set shall be installed consisting

of ceiling rose, flex and BC lamp holder.

Stainless Steel

Alternatively if wall lights are to be installed, wall outlets

and associated 3 pin system LSC plugs should be utilised.

Satin Bronze
Highly Polished
Polished Brass

If the lamp fitted in the centrally located pendant or wall lights

is a dimmable type the 10 amp single pole plate switch can be
replaced by a rotary dimmer switch rated at 400 watts max.

3.4.4 Storage Heaters

Where off-peak combination storage heaters are
installed they shall be provided with 2 No. independent
supplies. The main off-peak supply shall emanate from
the off-peak section of the consumer unit via suitably
rated MCB and shall terminate at the heater in a local
20 amp DP switch complete with flex outlet.
The on-peak supply shall emanate from the
room ring main circuit and terminate at a 13 amp
switched fuse connection unit with flex outlet.
Final connections to the storage heater shall be carried
out in suitably rated 3 core heat resistant flexible cable.
(a) 20 amp DP switch with flex outlet Eaton M301
Eaton E301
Eaton C301WH

(a) 10 amp single pole plate switch Eaton M011/M021

Eaton E011/E021
Eaton C011WH/C021WH
(b) Pendant set - 6/9 Eaton F1250/51
(c) Pendant set for BC3 Low Energy Lamps Eaton F1260
BC3 11W low energy lamp, soft white Eaton F1266
(d) Associated independent LSC plug Eaton F8540
(e) 1 Gang 400 watt 1 way dimmer switch Eaton M9041
Eaton E9141
(2 way)
Eaton C9141WH
(2 way)
Switch also available in other COPA metalplate finishes i.e.

(b) 13 amp switched fused connection unit

with flex outlet Eaton M201
Eaton E201
Eaton C201WH

Stainless Steel

DP switch and connection unit also available

in other COPA metalplate finishes i.e.

Polished Brass

Satin Bronze
Highly Polished

3.4.7 Burglar Alarm System

Stainless Steel

Where a burglar alarm system is installed by a specialist

contractor an independent 6 amp supply via an MCB
within the consumer unit shall be provided.

Satin Bronze
Highly Polished
Polished Brass
All ranges also available with neon indicators.
3.4.5 Bell/Chime System
The lounge or hall shall be provided with a front
door mains operated bell/chime system.
The extra low voltage transformer for the system
shall be fitted within the consumer unit and receive
its mains supply from an adjacent 6amp MCB.
From the secondary side of the transformer twin bell
wire (min 0.5mm2) shall interconnect the front door bell
push and bell/chime in the lounge or hall. Wiring shall
be installed away from any mains voltage cabling.

The supply shall terminate at an un-switched 13 amp

connection unit fused 3amp adjacent the burglar alarm
control box for connection by the specialist contractor.
(a) 13 amp un-switched fused connection unit with flex outlet
and 3 amp fuse Eaton M201A3
Connection unit also available in other
COPA metalplate finishes i.e.
Stainless Steel
Satin Bronze
Highly Polished
Polished Brass
All ranges also available with neon indicators.

(a) Consumer unit bell transformer Eaton AA2BT

(b) Splashproof moulded bell push Eaton F2633

3.5 Bedrooms (See associated typical drawing)

The electrical installation to the bedroom generally
consists of power supplies to serve the following:-

3.4.6 Lighting
Lighting to the lounge shall generally consist
of centrally located pendants.

(1) TV, video recorder, bedside lamps, wall

units lighting, radio alarm clocks etc.

The pendants shall be switched by means of a rocker

operated 10 amp AC type X rated BS EN 60699-1
single pole one way or two way plate switch fixed
at a height of approximately 1400mm AFFL.

(2) T.V. Co-axial socket system.

(3) Telephone system.
(4) Storage heaters.
(5) Lighting.



PS00400001U May 2009

Description of Systems

(6) Combined smoke detector/sounder. (Landing)

Highly Polished

Wiring to the bedroom shall emanate

from the main consumer unit.

Polished Brass

Where general purpose 13 amp socket outlets are installed

they shall be wired on a 32 amp ring main circuit with
other general power points within the dwelling, but not
on the same circuit as the kitchen power points.
3.5.1 General 13 amp Socket Outlets
Twin 13 amp switched socket outlets shall generously
be located around the room fixed at a height of
approximately 400mm AFFL. Attention should be
drawn to where furniture is likely to be positioned and
this may well dictate the likely location of power points.
A twin 13 amp switched socket outlet located either
side of the bed shall be provided for a TV, video recorder,
radio alarm clock and table lamp. A twin 13 amp switched
socket outlet shall be provided at the side of wall units for
connecting unit lights and also at the side of a dressing
table for integral lights and use of a hair dryer.

3.5.3 Telephone System

A telephone outlet socket shall be fixed adjacent
to a twin switched socket outlet (for connecting
of say a portable phone). The outlet shall be fixed
at a height of approximately 400mm AFFL.
A suitable recessed containment system complete with draw
wire shall be installed from this point to the main telephone
outlet within the lounge to cater for interconnecting
of cabling and also to the main intake position.
(a) Telephone line jack (master) Eaton M360
Eaton E360
Eaton C360WH
(b) Telephone line jack (secondary) Eaton M361
Eaton E361
Eaton C361WH
Telephone outlets also available in other
COPA metalplate finishes i.e.

A twin 13 amp switched socket outlet shall be

provided in an accessible position, say close to
the door for plugging in of a vacuum cleaner.

Stainless Steel

(a) Twin 13 amp switched socket outlet Eaton M622

Eaton E522
Eaton C622WH

Highly Polished

Socket outlet also available in other

COPA metalplate finishes i.e.
Stainless Steel
Satin Bronze
Highly Polished
Polished Brass
All ranges also available with neon indicators.
3.5.2 T.V. Co-axial Socket System
A TV Co-axial socket outlet shall be fixed adjacent
to a twin 13 amp switched socket outlet at a
height of approximately 400mm AFFL.
From the TV outlet a Co-axial cable shall be provided
and installed into the roof space for connecting to
an independent roof mounted TV aerial. Alternatively
connect into a television distribution amplifier in the
roof space. The amplifier shall have an incoming Coaxial cable connected to one exterior TV aerial.
The amplifier supply shall be connected into
either a lighting or ring main socket outlet circuit,
with a suitable means of fused isolation.
(a) TV Co-axial socket outlet Eaton M531
Eaton E531
Eaton C531WH
(b) Single 13 amp switched socket outlet Eaton M611
Eaton E511
Eaton C611WH

Satin Bronze
Polished Brass
3.5.4 Storage Heaters
Where off-peak storage heaters are installed they shall
be provided with an independent supply. The supply
shall emanate from the off-peak section of the
consumer unit via a suitably rated MCB and
shall terminate at the heater in a local 20 amp
DP switch complete with flex outlet.
Final connections to the storage heater shall be carried
out in suitably rated 3 core heat resistant flexible cable.
(a) 20 amp DP switch with flex outlet Eaton M301
Eaton E301
Eaton C301WH
DP Switch also available in other COPA metalplate finishes i.e.
Stainless Steel
Satin Bronze
Highly Polished
Polished Brass
All ranges also available with neon indicators.
3.5.5 Lighting
Lighting to the bedroom shall generally
consist of a centrally located pendant.
The pendant shall be switched by means of a rocker operated
10 amp AC type X rated BS EN 60699-1 single pole one way
plate switch fixed at a height of approximately 1400mm AFFL.

(c) Associated surface box Eaton F4501 (white moulded)

A combined pendant set shall be installed consisting

of; ceiling rose, flex and B.C. or BC3 lamp holder.

TV Co-axial socket outlet also available in

other COPA metalplate finishes i.e.

Two way switching shall be installed to stairs

and landing outside the bedroom.

Stainless Steel

The lighting circuit shall be connected to a 6

amp MCB within the consumer unit. (Each
floor shall have its own lighting circuit).

Satin Bronze


PS00400001U May 2009


Description of Systems

(a) 10 amp single pole plate switch Eaton M011/M021

Eaton E011/E021
Eaton C011WH/C021WH

Highly Polished
Polished Brass

(b) Pendant set - 6/9 Eaton F1250/51

(c) BC3 Low Energy pendant 4 Eaton F1260
BC3, 11W, low energy lamp soft white Eaton F1266
Plate switch also available in other
COPA metalplate finishes i.e.
Stainless Steel
Satin Bronze

3.6.3 Electric Fan/Blow Heater

A switched fused connection unit complete with flex
outlet shall be provided adjacent the high level electrical
fan/blow heater. (Heater should not be located over the
bath). The final connection to the heater shall be by means
of a suitably rated 3 core heat resistant flexible cable.
The connection unit shall receive an independent supply
from a 16 amp MCB within the consumer unit.

Highly Polished
Polished Brass

Should a heated towel rail be installed within the bathroom

this shall be connected up via an un-switched 13 amp
connection unit and wired into the local ring main circuit.

3.5.6 Smoke Detectors

A mains operated combined smoke detector/sounder
complete with battery back-up to BS 5446 Part 1
shall be fitted to the landing at the top of the stairs
and to other areas deemed necessary i.e. hallway.
These shall be on the same circuit and connected
together so both sound in the event of detection.
The smoke detector shall receive an independent supply
direct from a 6 amp MCB within the consumer unit.
3.6 Bathroom (See associated typical drawing)
The electrical installation to the bathroom generally
consists of power supplies to serve the following :-

(a) 13 amp switched fused connection unit

with flex outlet Eaton M201
Eaton E201
Eaton C201WH
(b) 13 amp un-switched fused connection unit
with flex outlet Eaton M200
Eaton E200
Eaton C200WH
Connection units also available in other
COPA metalplate finishes, i.e.
Stainless Steel
Satin Bronze

(1) Electrical shower point.

Highly Polished

(2) Shaver supply unit.

Polished Brass

(3) Heaters.

All ranges also available with neon indicators.

(4) Extract fan.

(5) Lighting.

3.6.4 Extract Fan

Wiring to the bathroom shall emanate

from the main consumer unit.

A ducted ceiling mounted extract fan shall be installed

within the bathroom and fed from a fan isolator located at
high level outside the room. The fan shall be connected
up via a plug and socket within the ceiling space.

3.6.1 Electric Shower Point

Where an instantaneous electric shower unit is
installed it shall receive an independent supply
from a 50 amp MCB within the consumer unit.

The fan isolator shall be connected into the

bathroom lighting circuit and operate when
the bathroom light switch is activated.

The supply to the shower unit shall be via an

adjacent ceiling mounted 50 amp DP ceiling switch
with neon and flag indicator. The ceiling switch
shall be fixed to a suitable mounting pattress.

The fan may also incorporate an over-run facility which will

allow the fan to run for a short time once the bathroom
light has been switched off, wiring for this to be as
detailed in the fan manufacturers circuit diagram.

(a) 50 amp DP ceiling switch with neon

and flag indicator Eaton F1340

(a) Fan isolator & fan symbol Eaton M048

Eaton E048
Eaton C048WH

(b) Mounting pattress for ceiling switch Eaton F4570

3.6.2 Shaver Supply Unit
A dual voltage shaver supply unit shall be installed within
the bathroom fixed at a height of approximately 1400mm
AFFL. The supply to this unit shall be connected into the
bathroom lighting circuit and comply with BS EN 60742

(b) 13 amp un-switched socket outlet Eaton M111

Eaton E111
Eaton C111WH
Fan isolator & fan symbol also available in
other COPA metalplate finishes i.e.
Stainless Steel

(a) Dual voltage shaver supply unit Eaton M370

Eaton E370
Eaton C370WH

Satin Bronze

Shaver supply unit also available in other

COPA metalplate finishes :-

Polished Brass

Stainless Steel

Satin Bronze


PS00400001U May 2009

Highly Polished

Description of Systems

3.6.5 Lighting
Lighting to the bathroom shall be switched by means
of a rocker operated 10 amp AC type X rated BS
EN 60699-1 single pole one gang or two gang one
way plate switch located outside the room fixed
at a height of approximately 1400mm AFFL.
The lighting circuit shall be connected to a 6
amp MCB within the consumer unit. (Each
floor shall have its own lighting circuit).

3.7.2 Lighting
Lighting to the garage shall be switched by means of a
rocker operated 10 amp AC type X rated BS EN 606991 single pole one way or two way plate switch.
As an alternative a 10 amp IP54 splash proof moulded
switch may be installed. The switch shall be fixed
at a height of approximately 1400mm AFFL.
The lighting circuit shall be connected to a 6
amp MCB within the consumer unit.

Should batten lamp holders be used they

should be of the lamp activated type.

A combined pendant set should be installed consisting

of ceiling rose, flex and BC lamp holder.

(a) 10 amp single pole plate switch

(1/2 gang) Eaton M011/M022
Eaton E011/E022
Eaton C011WH/C022WH

(a) 10 amp single pole plate switch Eaton X021MG

(metal clad)
(b) 10 amp IP54 splashproof switch Eaton F2630
(c) Pendant set 6/9 Eaton F1250/51

(b) Batten holder with H/O skirt (lamp activated) Eaton F1491
Plate switch also available in other
COPA metalplate finishes i.e.
Stainless Steel
Satin Bronze
Highly Polished
Polished Brass
3.7 Garage
Where a detached garage is built and remote from the main
dwelling the electrical installation shall be classed as being
outside the main frame of the building (equipotential zone of
the installation area) and in accordance with IEE Regulations
requires to be protected by a 30 mA sensitivity RCD.
A small consumer unit complete with RCCB incomer shall be
installed within the garage and fed from the dwelling main
consumer unit MCB by means of an underground PVC/SWA/
PVC copper cable. This cable should ideally be installed in a
PVC cable duct provided and installed by the main contractor,
approximately 450mm below ground level. The cable duct
shall be covered in soft soil and then laid above this (approx.
150mm) for protection, a PVC Danger Warning tape.
The armoured cable shall be terminated complete with
the manufacturers purpose made cable glands.
The consumer unit within the garage shall serve
lighting, exterior security lighting and general power
and where applicable an automatic garage door.
The installation shall be of a surface type. This shall
consist of either PVC single cables drawn through high
impact PVC conduit or twin and earth cabling with
suitable mechanical protection where required.
3.7.1 Consumer Unit
A surface moulded consumer unit complete with DP
30mA trip RCCB incomer shall be installed within the
garage. The consumer unit shall be complete with cover
to the front to protect the various control devices.
The consumer unit shall be cream/white in colour.
(a) Moulded Consumer Unit c/w DP 30mA trip
RCCB incomer MEM Memera EAD2/3H63

(d) BC3 Low Energy pendant set Eaton F1260

BC3, 11 Watt, Low Energy CFL lamp Eaton F1266
3.7.3 Exterior Security Lighting
Exterior security lighting to the garage shall consist
of a combined TH floodlight with passive infra-red
detector or floodlight with remote infra-red detector.
The remote infra-red detector can operate a number of
flood lights up to a total maximum rating of 3500 watts.
The security lighting shall be wired on the same
circuit as the general garage lighting and receive an
unswitched supply via a ceiling type plug and socket.
(a) Ceiling plug and socket Eaton F8501
(b) Passive infra-red detector HA7410
3.7.4 General Power
The general power to the garage shall consist of a
number of 13 amp socket outlets for plugging in of
a lawn mower, electric drill and freezer. A socket
outlet shall also be provided, if applicable, adjacent
an automatic garage door motor/controller.
Socket outlets shall be fixed at a height
of approximately 1400mm AFFL.
As an alternative to the metalclad socket outlets 13 amp
IP54 splashproof moulded sockets may be installed.
(a) Twin 13 amp switched socket outlet
Eaton X522MG (metal clad)
(b) 13 amp IP54 splashproof moulded
socket outlet Eaton F2635
(c) 13 amp RCD protected socket outlet 30mA
trip Eaton X585MG/X586MG (metal clad)
An RCD protected external socket shall be provided to
allow use of outside appliances such as lawn mowers,
power washers. Sockets shall be at least IP56 protection
even when in use with a standard NS 1363 plug.
(a) RCD IP56 rated 13 amp socket Eaton F2646
(b) Single IP56 13 amp socket (RCD
protected circuit) Eaton F2642
(c) Double IP56 13 amp socket (RCD
protected circuit) Eaton F2643

(b) MCBs 6 kA type B Eaton EADXXB


PS00400001U May 2009


Description of Systems
Typical accessories & layout selection guide

Eatons MEM Wall & ceiling accessories selection guide (kitchen)


white moulded
(Eaton list no.)

white plastic
(Eaton list no.)

(Eaton list no.)

(Eaton list no.)

(Eaton list no.)

(Eaton list no.)

(Eaton list no.)

1 10 amp single pole plate switch

2 Twin 13 amp switched socket outlet
3 Single 13 amp switched socket outlet
4 13 amp switched fused connection unit
4 (with appliance marking).
4 Or 20 amp DP grid switch
5 45 amp DP cooker control unit
6 45 amp cable/cooker outlet plate
7 13 amp switched fused connection unit
with flex outlet
8 TV co-axial socket
9 20 amp DP switch marked water heater
0 Hot water/central heating programmer
{ Fluorescent luminaire






























PS00400001U May 2009

Description of Systems

Typical accessories & layout selection guide

Eatons MEM Wall & ceiling accessories selection guide (lounge)


white moulded
(Eaton list no.)

white plastic
(Eaton list no.)

(Eaton list no.)

1 10 amp single pole plate switch or

1 1 gang 400 Watt 1 way dimmer switch
2 Twin 13 amp switched socket outlet
3 20 amp DP switch
4 13 amp switched fused connection unit
with flex outlet
5 TV co-axial socket
6 1 gang single telephone line jack
7 Low energy pendant set
8 Wall light with wall outlet
and associated plug
9 Pendant set 6/9
0 11 Watt low energy lamp

M9041 (1 way)

E9141 (2 way)



(Eaton list no.)

(Eaton list no.)

(Eaton list no.)

(Eaton list no.)

C9141WH (2 way) C9141SS (2 way)

C9141SB (2 way)

C9141HP (2 way)

C9141PB (2 way)








PS00400001U May 2009


Description of Systems
Typical accessories & layout selection guide

Eatons MEM Wall & ceiling accessories selection guide (hall)


white moulded
(Eaton list no.)

white plastic
(Eaton list no.)

(Eaton list no.)

(Eaton list no.)

(Eaton list no.)

(Eaton list no.)

(Eaton list no.)

1 10 amp single pole plate switch

2 Twin 13 amp switched socket outlet
3 20 amp DP switch with flex outlet
4 13 amp unswitched fused connection
unit with flex outlet
(for burglar alarm control box)
5 Pendant set 6/9
6 Splashproof IP54 moulded bell push
(at front door)
7 Mains operated bell/chime
(consumer unit bell transformer)
8 Mains operated combined
smoke detector/sounder
9 Low energy pendant set
0 11 Watt low energy BC3 lamp













PS00400001U May 2009

Description of Systems

Typical accessories & layout selection guide

Eatons MEM Wall & ceiling accessories selection guide (bedroom)


white moulded
(Eaton list no.)

white plastic
(Eaton list no.)

(Eaton list no.)

(Eaton list no.)

(Eaton list no.)

(Eaton list no.)

(Eaton list no.)

1 10 amp single pole plate switch (1 way)

2 Twin 13 amp switched socket outlet
3 20 amp DP switch with flex outlet
4 TV co-axial socket
5 Single telephone line jack
6 Pendant set 6/9
7 Low energy pendant set
8 11 Watt low energy BC3 lamp









PS00400001U May 2009


Description of Systems
Typical accessories & layout selection guide

Eatons MEM Wall & ceiling accessories selection guide (landing)


white moulded
(Eaton list no.)

white plastic
(Eaton list no.)

(Eaton list no.)

(Eaton list no.)

(Eaton list no.)

(Eaton list no.)

(Eaton list no.)

1 10 amp single pole plate switch (2 way)

2 Twin 13 amp switched socket outlet
3 Pendant set 6/9
4 Mains operated combined
smoke detector sounder
5 Low energy pendant set
6 11 Watt low energy BC3 lamp











PS00400001U May 2009

Description of Systems

Typical accessories & layout selection guide

Eatons MEM Wall & ceiling accessories selection guide (bathroom)


white plastic
(Eaton list no.)

white moulded
(Eaton list no.)

(Eaton list no.)

(Eaton list no.)

(Eaton list no.)

(Eaton list no.)

1 10 amp single pole plate switch (1/2 gang)

2 13 amp switched fused connection unit with flex outlet
3 Dual voltage shaver supply unit
4 50 amp DP ceiling switch with neon
& flag indicator & mounting pattress
5 Fan isolator & fan symbol
6 13 amp unswitched fused connection unit with flex outlet
7 13 amp unswitched socket outlet
8 Batten holder with H/O skirt (lamp activated)
9 Low energy battenholder
0 11 Watt BC3 low energy lamp














PS00400001U May 2009


Description of Systems
Typical accessories & layout selection guide

Eatons MEM Wall & ceiling accessories selection guide (garage)


Eaton list

Surface Metalclad
(Eaton list number)

1 Moulded consumer unit c/w DP 30 mA trip RCCB incomer

2 10 amp single pole plate switch
2 or 10 amp IP54 splashproof switch
3 Twin 13 amp switch socket outlet
3 or 13 amp IP54 splashproof moulded socket outlet
3 or 13 amp RCD protected socket outlet 30mA trip
4 Passive infra-red detector
5 Pendant set 6/9
6 Ceiling outlet, LSC independent plug and ceiling cover
7 Single IP56 13 amp socket outlet
8 Low energy pendant set 4 BC3
9 11 Watt BC3 low energy lamp










PS00400001U May 2009

Eaton Corporation is a
diversified power management
company ranked among
the largest Fortune 500
companies. Eaton is a global
technology leader in electrical
components and systems
for power quality, distribution
and control; hydraulics
components, systems and
services for industrial and
mobile equipment; aerospace
fuel, hydraulics and pneumatic
systems for commercial
and military use; and truck
and automotive drivetrain
and powertrain systems for
performance, fuel economy and
safety. For more information,

Eatons electrical business

is a global leader in power
distribution, power quality,
control and industrial
automation products and
services. Eatons global
electrical product lines,
including Cutler-Hammer,
Moeller, Powerware, Holec,
MEM, Santak, and MGE
Office Protection Systems
provide customer-driven
PowerChain Management
solutions to serve the
power system needs of
the data center, industrial,
institutional, government, utility,
commercial, residential, and
OEM markets worldwide.

PowerChain Management
solutions help enterprises
achieve sustainability and
a competitive advantage
through proactive management
of the power system as a
strategic, integrated asset
throughout its life cycle.
With Eatons distribution,
control and automation and
power quality equipment;
full-scale engineering
services; and information
management systems, the
power system is positioned
to deliver powerful results:
greater reliability, operating
cost efficencies, effective
use of capital, enhanced
safety, and risk mitigation.

Eaton Electric Limited

Grimshaw Lane
Manchester M24 1GQ
United Kingdom
Customer Support Centre
Tel: +44(0) 8700 545 333
Fax: +44(0) 8700 540 333
email: [email protected]
2009 Eaton Corporation
All Rights Reserved
Printed in UK
Form No. PS00400001U
May 2009

PowerChain Management is a registered

trademark of Eaton Corporation.
All other trademarks are property of their
respective owners.

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