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Internal credit risk rating systems are becoming an increasingly important element of
large commercial banks measurement and management of the credit risk of both individual exposures and portfolios. This article describes the internal rating systems
presently in use at the 50 largest US banking organizations. We use the diversity of
current practice to illuminate the relationships between uses of ratings, dierent options
for rating system design, and the eectiveness of internal rating systems. Growing
stresses on rating systems make an understanding of such relationships important for
both banks and regulators. 2000 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
JEL classication: G20; G21
Keywords: Ratings; Credit risk; Risk management; Bank risk
1. Introduction
Internal credit ratings are an increasingly important element of credit risk
management at large US banks. Their credit-related businesses have become
progressively more diverse and complex and the number of their counterparties
has grown rapidly, straining the limits of traditional methods of controlling
The views expressed herein are the authors' and do not necessarily reect those of the Board of
Governors or the Federal Reserve System.
Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-202-452-2784; fax: +1-202-452-5295.
E-mail address: [email protected] (M. Carey).
0378-4266/00/$ - see front matter 2000 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 3 7 8 - 4 2 6 6 ( 9 9 ) 0 0 0 5 6 - 4
and managing credit risk. In response, many large banks have introduced more
structured or formal systems for approving loans, portfolio monitoring and
management reporting, analysis of the adequacy of loan loss reserves or capital, and protability and loan pricing analysis. Internal ratings are crucial
inputs to all such systems as well as to quantitative portfolio credit risk models.
Like a public credit rating produced by agencies such as Moodys or Standard
& Poors, a banks internal rating summarizes the risk of loss due to failure by a
given borrower to pay as promised. However, banks rating systems dier
signicantly from those of the agencies, partly because internal ratings are
assigned by bank personnel and are usually not revealed to outsiders.
This article describes the internal rating systems presently in use at the 50
largest US banking organizations. We use the diversity of current practice to
illuminate the relationships between uses of ratings, dierent options for rating
system design, and the eectiveness of internal rating systems.
An understanding of such relationships is useful to banks, regulators, and
researchers. Such understanding can help banks manage transitions to more
complex and demanding uses of ratings in risk management. US regulatory
agencies already use internal ratings in supervision. Moreover, the Basle
Committee is beginning to consider proposals to make international bank
capital standards more sensitive to dierences in portfolio credit risk, and internal ratings play a key role in several such proposals, two of which are
sketched by Mingo (2000). Regulatory reliance on internal ratings would introduce new and powerful stresses on banks internal rating systems which, if
not addressed, could disrupt credit risk management at many banks.
The specics of internal rating systems currently dier across banks. The
number of grades and the risk associated with each grade vary, as do decisions
about who assigns ratings and about the manner in which rating assignments
are reviewed. To a considerable extent, such variations are an example of form
following function. Banks in dierent lines of business or using internal ratings
for dierent purposes design and operate dierent systems that meet their
needs. For example, a bank that uses ratings mainly to identify deteriorating or
problem loans to ensure proper monitoring may nd that a rating scale with
relatively few grades is adequate, whereas a bank using ratings in computing
the relative protability of dierent loans may require a scale with many grades
in order to achieve ne distinctions of credit risk.
As described by Altman and Saunders (1997), much research on statistical
models of debt default and loss has been published over the past few decades.
Many banks use statistical models as an element of the rating process, but
rating assignment and review almost always involve the exercise of human
judgment. Because the factors considered in assigning a rating and the weight
given each factor can dier signicantly across borrowers, banks (like the
rating agencies) generally believe that the current limitations of statistical
models are such that properly managed judgmental rating systems deliver more
accurate estimates of risk. Especially for large exposures, the benets of such
accuracy may outweigh the higher costs of judgmental systems, and banks
typically produce internal ratings only for business and institutional loans and
counterparties. 1 In contrast, statistical credit scores are often the primary basis
for credit decisions for small exposures, such as consumer credit. 2
Given the substantial role of judgment, potentially conicting sta incentives are an important consideration in rating system design and operation. In
the absence of eective internal rating review and control systems, rating assignments may be biased. The direction of such bias tends to be related to a
banks uses of ratings in managing risk. For example, at banks that use ratings
in computing risk-adjusted protability measures or pricing guidelines, the sta
may be tempted to assign ratings that are more favorable than warranted.
Most banks rely heavily on loan review departments and informal disciplines
associated with corporate culture to control incentive conicts.
Although form generally follows function, rating system design and operation is a complex task, involving considerations of cost, eciency of information gathering, consistency of ratings produced, and sta incentives, as well
as the uses to which ratings are put. Changes in a banks business and its uses
of ratings can cause form and function to diverge, placing stresses on its rating
systems that are neither anticipated nor immediately recognized. Failure to
relieve severe stresses can compromise the eectiveness of a banks credit risk
management. Outlined below are a number of recommended practices for both
banks and regulators. Such practices can help limit stresses and can improve
the operation and exibility of internal rating systems.
This article is based on information from internal reports and credit policy
documents for the fty largest US bank holding companies, from interviews
with senior bankers and others at more than 15 major holding companies
and other relevant institutions, and from conversations with Federal Reserve
bank examiners. The institutions we interviewed cover the spectrum of size
and practice among the fty largest banks, but a disproportionate share
Credit risk can arise from a loan already extended, loan commitments that have not yet been
drawn, letters of credit, or obligations under other contracts such as nancial derivatives. We
follow industry usage by referring to individual loans or commitments as ``facilities'' and overall
credit risk arising from such transactions as ``exposure''. Throughout this article, we ignore issues
of ``loan equivalency'', that is, the fact that some portion of the unfunded portion of a commitment
is exposed to loss because the borrower may draw on the commitment prior to default.
At most large banks, internally rated assets include commercial and industrial loans and
facilities, commercial leases, commercial real estate loans, loans to foreign commercial and
sovereign entities, loans and other facilities to nancial institutions, and sometimes large loans to
individuals made by ``private banking'' units. In general, ratings are produced for exposures for
which underwriting requires large elements of subjective analysis.
Internal rating systems are typically used throughout US banking organizations. For brevity,
we use the term ``bank'' to refer to consolidated banking organizations, not just the chartered bank.
A related article, Treacy and Carey (1998), includes some topics touched on only briey in this
article while omitting other topics.
alized loans, those with guarantees, and asset-based loans, can receive relatively low risk grades, reecting the fact that the EL of such loans is far less
than for an ``ordinary'' loan to the same borrower. Such single-grade systems
might be most accurately characterized as having an ambiguous or mixed
conceptual basis rather than as clearly measuring either PD or EL. Although
an ambiguous basis may pose no problems when ratings are used mainly for
administrative and reporting purposes and when the nature of the banks
business is fairly stable over time, a clear conceptual foundation becomes more
important as models of portfolio risk and protability are used more heavily
and during periods of rapid change.
In two-dimensional systems, the usual procedure is to rst determine the
borrowers grade (its PD) and then to set the facility grade equal to the borrower grade unless the structure of the facility makes likely a LIED that is
substantially better or worse than normal. Implicitly, grades on the facility
scale measure EL as the PD associated with the borrower grade multiplied by a
standard or average LIED (an example appears in Table 1). Thus, most bank
systems include ratings that embody the EL concept. Two-dimensional systems
are advantageous in that they promote precision and consistency in grading by
separately recording a raters judgments about PD and EL rather than mixing
them together.
Since our interviews were conducted, a few banks have introduced systems
in which the borrower grade reects PD but the facility grade explicitly measures LIED. In such systems, the rater assigns a facility to one of several LIED
categories on the basis of the likely recovery rates associated with various types
of collateral, guarantees, or other considerations associated with the facilitys
structure. EL for a facility can be calculated by multiplying the borrowers PD
by the facilitys LIED. 7
2.2. Loss concepts at Moody's and S&P
At the agencies, as at many banks, the loss concepts (PD, LIED, and EL)
embedded in ratings are somewhat ambiguous. Moodys Investors Service
(1991, p. 73) states that ``ratings are intended to serve as indicators or forecasts
of the potential for credit loss because of failure to pay, a delay in payment, or
partial payment.'' Standard and Poors (1998, p. 3) states that its ratings are an
Two-dimensional systems recording LIED rather than EL as the second grade appear
especially desirable. PDEL systems typically impose limits on the degree to which dierences in
loan structure permit an EL grade to be moved up or down relative to the PD grade. Such limits
can be helpful in restraining raters optimism but, in the case of loans with a genuinely very low
expected LIED, such limits can materially limit the accuracy of risk measurement. Another benet
of LIED ratings is the fact that raters LIED judgments can be evaluated over time by comparing
them to loss experience.
Table 1
Example of a two-dimensional rating system using average LIED values
Borrower scale:
borrowers probability
of default (PD) (%) (1)
Virtually no risk
Low risk
Moderate risk
Average risk
Acceptable risk
Borderline risk
Facility scale:
expected loss (EL)
on loans (%) (1 2)
Among the 50 largest banks, all but two include in their rating systems
grades corresponding to the regulatory problem-asset categories. US bank
supervisory agencies do not specically require that banks maintain regulatory
categories on an internal scale but do require that recordkeeping be sucient to
ensure that loans in the regulatory categories can be quickly and clearly
identied. The two banks that use procedures not involving internal grades
appear to do so because the regulatory asset categories are not consistent with
the conceptual basis of their own grades. 9
Watch credits are those that need special monitoring but that do not fall in
the regulatory problem-asset grades. Only about half the banks we interviewed
administer the Watch list by including a Watch grade on the internal rating
scale. Others add a Watch ag to individual grades, such as 3W versus 3, or
simply maintain a separate list or identifying eld in their computer systems.
2.4. Number of grades on the scale
Although the vast majority of the fty largest US banking organizations
include three or four regulatory problem asset grades on their internal scales,
the number of Pass grades varies from two to the low 20s, as shown in Fig. 1.
The median is ve Pass grades, including a Watch grade if any. Among the 10
largest banks, the median number of Pass grades is six and the minimum is
four. Even where the number of Pass grades is identical on two dierent banks
scales, the risk associated with the same grades (for example, two loans graded
3) is almost always dierent. The median bank in Udell's (1987) sample had
three Pass grades, implying that the average number of grades on internal
scales has increased during the past decade.
Although internal rating systems with larger numbers of grades are more
costly to operate because of the extra work required to distinguish ner degrees
of risk, banks with relatively formal approaches to credit risk management are
likely to choose to bear such costs. Finer distinctions of risk are especially
valuable to formal protability, capital allocation, and pricing models, and
many banks are beginning to use ratings in such analytical applications, accounting for the trend toward more grades.
The proportion of grades used to distinguish among relatively low risk
credits versus the proportion used to distinguish among the riskier Pass credits
tends to dier with the business mix of the bank. Among banks we interviewed,
Although the denitions are standardized across banks, we learned that banks vary in their
internal use of OAEM. Most loans identied as OAEM pose a higher-than-usual degree of risk, but
banks opinions about the degree of such risk vary. Moreover, some loans may be placed in this
category for lack of adequate documentation in the loan le, which may occur even for loans not
posing higher-than-usual risk. In such cases, once the administrative problem is resolved, the loan
can be upgraded.
Fig. 1. Large US banks, distributed by number of Pass grades (shown are the 46 banks for which
this measure was available).
The term ``large corporate'' includes nonnancial rms with large annual sales volumes as well
as large nancial institutions, national governments, and large nonprot institutions. Certainly the
Fortune 500 rms fall into this category. Middle-market borrowers are smaller, but the precise
boundary between large and middle-market and between middle-market and small business
borrowers varies by bank.
Table 2
Moodys and Standard & Poors bond rating scalesa
Full letter
Below investment
grade, or
Aa1, Aa2,
A1, A2,
default rate
(PD) (%,
Full letter
default rate
(PD) (%,
AA+, AA,
A+, A, A
Ba1, Ba2,
BB+, BB,
Caa, Ca, C
Sources: Moodys Investors Service Special Report, ``Corporate Bond Defaults and Default Rates
19381995'', January 1996. Standard & Poors Creditweek Special Report, ``Corporate Defaults
Level O in 1994,'' May 1, 1995.
Average default rates are over a one-year horizon. The periods covered by the two studies are
somewhat dierent.
Defaulted issues are typically rated Caa, Ca, or C.
them perhaps being a Watch grade. As with the number of grades on scales, an
ability to make ner distinctions among relatively risky assets becomes more
important as a bank makes more use of its internal ratings in applications like
protability models.
Systems with many Pass categories are less useful when loans or other exposures tend to be concentrated in one or two grades. Among large banks, 16
institutions, or 36%, assign half or more of their rated loans to a single risk
grade, as shown in Fig. 2. Such systems appear to oer relatively modest gains
in terms of understanding and tracking risk posture relative to systems in
which all exposure is in a single Pass grade.
The majority of the banks that we interviewed (and, based on discussions with
supervisory sta, other banks as well) expressed at least some desire to increase
the number of grades on their scales and to reduce the extent to which credits are
concentrated in one or two grades. Two kinds of plans were voiced (but few were
Fig. 2. Large US banks, distributed by percentage of outstandings placed in the grade with the
most outstandings (shown are the 45 banks for which this measure was relevant).
If those asked to provide signatures believe that a loan should be assigned a riskier internal
rating, additional signatures may be required for loan approval. Thus, disagreement over the
correct proposed rating can alter the approval requirements for the loan in question.
For example, because loan policies often include size limits that depend on ratings, approval of
a large loan proposed by an RM may be much more likely if it is assigned a relatively low risk
The credit sta is generally responsible for approving loans and rating assignments, especially in the case of larger loans; for monitoring portfolio credit
quality and sometimes for regular review of individual exposures; and sometimes for directly assigning ratings of individual exposures. The credit sta is
genuinely independent of sales and marketing functions when the two have
separate reporting structures (that is, ``chains of command'') and when the
performance assessment of the credit sta is linked to the quality of the banks
credit exposure rather than to loan volume or business line or customer
protability. 13
The primary responsibility for rating assignments varies widely among the
banks we interviewed. RMs have the primary responsibility at about 40% of
the banks, although in such cases the credit sta may review proposed ratings
as part of the loan approval process, especially for larger exposures. 14 At
15% of interviewed banks the credit sta assigns all initial ratings, whereas the
credit sta and RMs rate in partnership at another 20% or so. About 30% of
interviewed banks divide the responsibility between the credit sta, which has
sole responsibility for rating large exposures, and RMs alone or in partnership
with the credit sta, which rate middle-market loans. In principle, both
groups use the same rating denitions and criteria, but the dierent nature of
loans to large and medium-size borrowers may lead to some divergence of
A banks business mix appears to be a primary determinant of whether RMs
or the credit sta are primarily responsible for ratings. Those banks we interviewed that lend mainly in the middle market usually give RMs primary
responsibility for ratings. Such banks emphasized informational eciency,
cost, and accountability as key reasons for their choice of organizational
structure. Especially in the case of loans to medium-size and smaller rms, the
RM was said to be in the best position to appraise the condition of the borrower on an ongoing basis and thus to ensure that ratings are updated on a
timely basis. Requiring that the credit sta be equally well informed adds costs
and may introduce lags into the process by which ratings of such smaller
credits are updated.
Banks at which an independent credit sta assigns ratings tend to have a
substantial presence in the large corporate and institutional loan markets.
Some banks apportion the credit sta to specic line-of-business groups. Such arrangements
allow for closer working relationships but in some cases could lead to an implicit linkage of the
credit stas compensation or performance assessment with protability of business lines; in such
cases, incentive conicts like those experienced by RMs can arise. At other banks, RMs and
independent credit sta produce ratings as partners and are held jointly accountable. Whether such
partnerships work in restraining incentive conicts is not clear.
At most banks, RMs have signature authority for relatively small loans, and the credit sta
might review the ratings of only a fraction of small loans at origination.
Incremental costs of having the credit sta perform all analysis are smaller
relative to the revenues for large loans than for middle-market loans, and independent credit sta typically achieve greater accuracy in their rating assignments, which is especially valuable for large exposures. Their ratings are
less likely to be colored by considerations of customer or business line profitability and, because the credit sta is small relative to the number of RMs and
is focused entirely on risk assessment, it is better able to achieve consistency (to
assign similar grades to similarly risky loans, regardless of their other characteristics). 15
Almost all the banks we interviewed are at least experimenting with consumer-loan-style credit scoring models for small commercial loans. For exposures smaller than some cuto value, such models are either a tool in the
rating process or are the sole basis for the rating. In the latter case, performing
loans are usually assigned to a single grade on the internal rating scale rather
than making grade assignments sensitive to the score value.
3.2. How do they arrive at ratings?
Both assigners and reviewers of ratings follow the same basic thought
process. The rater considers both the risk posed by the borrower and aspects
of the facilitys structure. In appraising the borrower, the rater gathers information about its quantitative and qualitative characteristics, compares them
with the standards for each grade, and then weights them in choosing a borrower grade. The comparative process often is as much one of looking across
borrowers as one of looking across characteristics of dierent grades: that is,
the rater may look for already-rated loans with characteristics very similar to
the loan being rated and then set the rating to that already assigned to such
Raters nominally base their decisions on criteria specied in written denitions of each internal grade, but usually the denitions are very brief and
broadly worded and give virtually no guidance regarding the weight to place on
dierent factors. Moreover, although most banks require some sort of written
justication of a grade as part of the loan approval documents, such writeups
have no formally specied structure. According to interviewees, such brevity
and informality arises partly because some risk factors are qualitative but also
because the specics of quantitative factors and the weights on factors can
dier a great deal across borrowers and exposures. Some noted that the
number of permutations is so great that any attempt to produce complete
Middle-market lending probably represents a much larger share of the business of banks we
did not interview, and thus the proportion of the all large banks using RM-centered rating
processes is probably higher than among our interviewees.
only over time, exposing the bank to possibly substantial risks in the interim.
Those few banks moving toward heavy reliance on models appear to feel that
models produce more consistent ratings and that, in the long run, operating
costs will be reduced in that less labor will be required to produce ratings.
As part of their judgmental evaluation, most of the banks we interviewed
either use statistical models of borrower default probability as one consideration (about three-fourths do so) or take into consideration any available
agency rating of the borrower (at least half, and probably more, do so). Such
use of external points of comparison is common for large corporate borrowers
because they are most likely to be externally rated and because statistical default probability models are more readily available for such borrowers. As
described further below, many banks also use external ratings or models in
quantifying the loss characteristics of their grades and in identifying likely
mistakes in grade assignments.
3.3. Rating reviews and reviewers
Reviews of ratings are threefold: monitoring by those who assign the initial
rating of a transaction, regularly scheduled reviews of ratings for groups of
exposures, and occasional reviews of a business units rating assignments by a
loan review unit. Monitoring may not be continuous, but is intended to keep
the rater well enough informed to recommend changes to the internal risk
grade in a timely fashion as needed. All the banks we interviewed emphasized
that failure to recommend changes to risk grades when warranted is viewed as
a signicant performance failure by the rater and can be grounds for internally
imposed penalties. Updates to the risk grade usually require approvals similar
to those required to initiate or renew a transaction.
The form of regularly scheduled quarterly or annual reviews ranges from a
periodic signo by the relationship manager working alone to a committee
review involving both line and credit sta. Banks with substantial large-corporate portfolios tend to review all exposures in a given industry at the same
time, with reviews either by the credit specialist for that industry or by a
committee. Such industry reviews were said to be especially helpful in revealing
inconsistent ratings of similar credits.
Ratings are also checked by banks independent loan review units, which
usually have the nal authority to set grades. Such departments conduct periodic examinations of each business units underwriting practices and adherence to administrative and credit policies on a one- to three-year cycle (see
Udell (1987,1989)). Not unlike bank examiners, the loan review sta inspects a
sample of loans in each line of business. Although the sampling procedures
used by dierent institutions vary somewhat, most institutions weight samples
toward loans perceived to be riskier (such as those in high-risk loan grades),
with a primary focus on regulatory problem asset categories. In general,
however, an attempt is made to review some loans made by each lender in the
unit being inspected.
At a few banks, the loan review unit inspects Pass loan rating assignments
only to conrm that such loans need not be placed in the Watch or regulatory
grades. Thus, as a practical matter, the loan review unit at these banks has little
role in maintaining the accuracy of assignments within the Pass grades. Such
institutions tend to make relatively little use of Pass grade information in
managing the bank.
In part because operational rating denitions and procedures are embedded
in bank culture rather than written down in detail, the loan review unit at most
institutions is critical to maintaining the discipline and consistency of the
overall rating process. As the principal entity looking at ratings across business
lines and asset types, loan review often bears much of the burden of detecting
discrepancies in the operational meaning of ratings across lines. Moreover, the
loan review unit at most institutions has the nal say about ratings and thus
can exert a major inuence on the culturally understood denition of grades.
Typically, when the loan review sta nds grading errors, it not only makes
corrections but works with the relevant sta to nd the reasons for the errors.
Misunderstandings are thus corrected as they become evident. Similarly, when
a relationship manager and the credit sta are unable to agree on a rating for a
new loan, they turn to the loan review unit for help in resolving the dispute.
Thus, the loan review sta guides the interpretations of rating denitions and
standards and, in novel situations, establishes and renes the denitions.
Loan review units generally do not require that all ratings produced by the
line or credit sta be identical to the ratings they judge to be correct. At almost
all banks we interviewed, only two-grade discrepancies for individual loans
warrant discussion. With a typical large bank having four to six Pass categories, such a policy permits large discrepancies for individual exposures, potentially spanning ranges of risk corresponding to two or more whole letter
grades on the Standard & Poors or Moodys scales. However, most banks we
interviewed indicated that a pattern of one-grade disagreements within a given
business unit for example, a regional oce of a given line of business does
result in discipline of the unit and changes in its behavior.
Interviewees indicated that dierences of opinion tend to become more
common when the number of ratings on the scale is greater, creating more
situations in which ``reasonable people can disagree''. More direct linkage
between the risk grade assigned and the incentive compensation of relationship
managers also tends to produce more disagreements. In both cases, resolution
of disagreements may consume more resources.
All interviewees emphasized that the number of cases in which the loan
review sta changes ratings is usually relatively small, ranging from essentially
none to roughly 10% of the loans reviewed, except in the wake of large cultural
disruptions such as mergers or major changes in the rating system. This fact, as
the most favorable ratings for those that pay the highest fees would soon be out
of business: investors would cease paying attention to its ratings, and issuers
would thus have no incentive to pay.
Similarly, changing the rating scale can confuse the public and at least
temporarily degrade the value of an agencys product. The agencies also have
incentives to be relatively open about their process and to produce written
explanations of each rating assignment or change. Clarity helps investors use
the ratings and helps assure issuers that the process is as objective as possible.
At banks, ratings are kept private and the costs and benets of rating systems are internal; hence, pressures for accuracy, consistency, and ne distinctions of risk are mainly a function of the ways in which ratings are used in
managing the portfolio. Moreover, the rating system can be tailored to t the
requirements of the banks primary lines of business and can be restructured
whenever the internal benets of doing so exceed the costs.
Agencies and banks both consider similar risk factors, and both rely heavily
on judgment and cultural elements rather than on detailed and mechanical
guidance and procedures. However, the agencies publish supplementary descriptions of rating criteria that are much more detailed than banks internal
guidance, partly because agency ratings must be understood by outsiders. In
addition, the agencies track the nancial characteristics of borrowers receiving
their ratings and publish both default histories for each grade and nancial
proles of the ``typical'' borrower in each grade, thus providing additional
referents to outsiders seeking to understand the meaning of their ratings.
Agencies have nothing comparable to a banks loan review unit. The rating
culture at agencies is maintained instead by a combination of market discipline
and a committee system. Market discipline arises because the agencies stand
between investors and issuers, with the former typically preferring conservative
ratings and the latter preferring optimism. Thus, the agencies quickly hear
from investors or issuers about any perceived tendency toward excessive optimism or pessimism. Although a single agency analyst is primarily responsible
for proposing a rating, committees make the nal determinations. The membership of a committee changes from one rating action to the next so that
agency sta members participate in many rating decisions and a cultural understanding of the meaning of each grade is maintained.
5. Tuning rating criteria, quantifying loss characteristics, and the lack of data
In order to use internal ratings in quantitative applications, such as reserving, protability analysis, or capital allocation, banks must estimate appropriate quantitative loss characteristics for each internal grade. For example,
in Table 1, the bank must somehow obtain the probability of default estimates
shown in the second column. As described previously, banks assign ratings
using criteria that are thought to be predictive of loss (PD, LIED, or EL), but
the process of setting up the criteria is usually judgmental and does not automatically yield quantitative values of PD, LIED, or EL for each grade.
Moreover, if internal ratings are to be accurate and consistent, dierent assets
posing a similar level of risk should receive the same grade, and thus rating
criteria must be ``tuned'' both over time and across asset classes to promote
accuracy and consistency in terms of PD, LIED, or EL.
The most obvious methods of quantifying and tuning involve use of historical loss experience for the banks own portfolio. For example, the probability of default for each grade might be estimated as the average of annual
default rates for assets in each grade observed over many years. Similarly, if the
default rate for commercial real estate loans assigned a given grade were observed to dier systematically from the rate for industrial loans assigned the
same grade, the criteria used to rate one or both classes of asset might be
adjusted to achieve better consistency.
Unfortunately, to the best of our knowledge, few if any banks have available
the necessary data, especially for a variety of asset classes. At a minimum,
information on the performance of individual loans and their rating histories is
required. Because rating criteria have changed over time at most banks and
because tuning requires that criteria be related to loan outcomes, information
about borrower and loan characteristics is also required. However, banks have
historically retained performance data by loan type (for example, data provided on Call Reports) or by line of business in the aggregate, but not by risk
grade. Even at banks that have tracked performance by grade, frequent
mergers and acquisitions result in the detailed data covering only one predecessor institution rather than the experience of the whole. Mergers also cause
upheaval in both rating processes and data systems and often lead to loss or
obsolescence of historical data.
Although data collection is costly, many large banks have recognized its importance and have begun projects to build databases of loan characteristics and
loss experience. However, the costs of extracting from archival les historical data
on the performance of individual loans appear to be prohibitively high. Thus,
those banks that are collecting data indicated that they are several years away
from having data sucient to support empirical analyses on their own portfolios
that are comparable to available studies of publicly issued bond experience. 17
The situation is somewhat better with respect to loss in the event of default (LIED) in that
historical studies require information only on the bad assets. Often their number is small enough
that gathering data from paper les is feasible, and thus many banks are beginning to accumulate
reasonable LIED information from their own portfolio experience. A few publicly available studies
have also appeared. Estimating PD and EL requires much more data in that information on both
performing and nonperforming assets are required. Studies with LIED statistics include Carty and
Lieberman (1996), Asarnow and Edwards (1995), and Society of Actuaries (1998).
studies of long-term default history can have a dramatic eect on the mapping.
Values of PD attributed to internal grades can dier by several percentage points
depending on how the mapping is done. PDs are most likely to be badly estimated
for the higher-risk Pass grades, but reasonable precision is also especially important for such grades in that the aggregate dollar amounts of allocated reserves
and capital are most sensitive to assumptions about riskier assets.
As shown in a detailed example in Treacy and Carey (1998), obtaining
reasonably accurate mappings appears to be mainly a matter of paying attention to the stage of the cycle at which the mapping is being done and of
using historical average PD values from either good-experience or bad-experience years as appropriate. However, interviews left us with the impression
that few banks carefully consider cyclical issues when mapping their internal
grades to agency grades.
6. An aggregate bank risk prole
As part of the analysis leading to this article, we reviewed internal reports
showing distributions of rated assets across internal grades for the 50 largest
consolidated domestic bank holding companies. In addition, we obtain mappings of internal grades to agency equivalents from 26 of them. The mappings
allow us to allocate internally rated balances to grades on a rating agency scale.
To our knowledge, this is the rst time that such a characterization of the
overall risk prole of a large portion of the banking industrys commercial loan
portfolio has been possible.
The 26 banks accounted for more than 75% of aggregate banking industry
assets at year-end 1997. Rated loans outstanding at such banks usually represent 50% to 60% of total loans (total loans include consumer loans, which are
rarely rated).
In general, we cannot judge whether the mappings provided by banks are
correct. Inaccuracy can arise from errors or inconsistency in assigning the internal ratings themselves, problems of cyclicality or circularity in the mapping
process, inconsistencies between large corporate and middle market lines of
business, or other diculties. In addition, mappings at some institutions are
more precise in form in that they distinguish among modied agency grades,
such as BB and BB+. Still, such mappings are an element of banks day-to-day
operating procedures and analysis, which suggests that the 26 banks have
endeavored to make them reasonably accurate given the properties of their
ratings systems. We believe that aggregation and comparison of mapped loan
balances represents a reasonable-albeit crude and broad-rst approximation of
the actual risks in banks portfolios.
Fig. 3 displays the distribution of internally rated outstanding loans at yearend 1997 for the 26 consolidated bank holding companies (the proportions are
Fig. 3. Percentage of aggregate internally rated outstandings placed in each agency rating category
at banks mapped to agency scale, year-end 1997. (Note. Twenty-six of the 50 largest banks are
weighted averages, being the sum of dollar outstandings in each grade at all 26
banks divided by the sum of all rated outstandings). About half of aggregate
rated loans pose below-investment-grade risks (were rated the equivalent of
BB+/Ba1 or riskier), and about 65% of outstandings were concentrated around
the boundary between investment and below-investment grades (rated BBB or
Banks loan loss experience during 1997 is consistent with the credit quality
distribution shown in Fig. 3. Using the 1997 default frequencies for each grade
drawn from S&Ps latest annual study, and an assumption that the average
LIED for loans is about 30%, an aggregate portfolio with the quality distribution for the 26 banks would be expected to have an annual credit loss rate of
roughly 0.20%. Although this is roughly equal to the actual loan loss experience of the banking industrys aggregate commercial loan portfolio during
1997 (0.21%), this simple exercise should not be taken as proof that the distribution in Fig. 3 is representative; nonetheless, the results are supportive. 18
Fig. 4 displays the percentages of internally rated assets that are below investment grade for three peer groups as of year-end 1997. For purposes of this
analysis, the 26 banks with mappings were divided into major loan syndication
agents; smaller banks (less than US $25 billion in total assets at year-end 1997);
and the rest, labeled ``regionals'' (many other peer groupings are possible, of
Actual loss experience is measured as the average annualized net charge-o rate for bank loans
in the commercial and industrial, commercial mortgage, and agricultural loan categories as
reported on the quarterly Report of Condition (``Call Report'') led by all banks.
Fig. 4. Percentage of aggregate internally rated outstandings below investment grade at banks
mapped to agency scale, by peer group, year-end 1997. (Note. Twenty-six of the 50 largest banks
are included. Smaller BHCs are those with less than US $25 billion in total assets. Regionals are
those that are not major syndication agents or smaller banks.)
course). The three peer groups show systematic dierences in risk posture. On
average, the major agents have 45 percent of rated assets in categories corresponding to BB and riskier, compared to about 60 percent for regionals and 75
percent for smaller banks. 19
7. Uses of internal ratings
Banks use internal ratings in two broad categories of activity: analysis and
reporting, and administration. Analytic uses include reporting of risk postures
to senior management and boards of directors; loan loss reserving; and economic capital allocation, protability measurement, product pricing, and (indirectly) employee compensation. Administrative uses include guiding loan
origination and loan monitoring processes and regulatory compliance. 20 In
addition, over time external entities may become more signicant users of internal ratings information in the future. Dierent uses place dierent stresses
on the rating system, and may have dierent implications for the internal
controls that are needed to maintain the systems integrity.
That some institutions have a much larger-than-average fraction of loans posing belowinvestment-grade risks than others does not imply that such institutions are taking excessive risks,
but risk management demands, reserving, and economic capital requirements might dier.
That rating systems and the discipline associated with them are a vehicle for maintaining
lending standards and discipline might also be considered an administrative use.
These stresses place increased pressure on the loan review unit to maintain
discipline and enforce consistency, stability, and accuracy. As the number of
grades on the scale increases and the distinctions of risk become ner, reasonable people will naturally disagree more frequently about ratings, and thus
the control of biases becomes more dicult. The diculty seems likely to be
greatest just after the number of grades is increased because the loan review
sta must enforce (and if necessary, develop) new cultural denitions for the
grades. The latter task is somewhat easier at banks that use external referents in
assigning or reviewing ratings, such as default probability models and agency
ratings of borrowers, because such referents give loan reviewers objective
benchmarks to use in identifying problems and communicating with sta.
Rating scale redesigns that split existing grades into smaller compartments are
also easier to implement because the existing cultural denitions can be rened
rather than replaced.
Risk-sensitive protability analysis also introduces new demands for internal loss experience data and for mappings to external referents because such
analysis demands relatively precise quantication of the risk characteristics of
each grade. However, such analysis can also have the eect of making existing
data and mappings less useful, at least in the short run, because rating pressures or changes in architecture may, to some extent, change the eective
meaning of grades.
7.4. Using ratings to trigger administrative actions
As noted, many banks include an internal Watch grade on their scales in
addition to the regulatory problem-asset grades (formally, the Watch grade
would be counted among the Pass grades). Reassignment of a loan to Watch or
regulatory grades typically triggers a process of quarterly (or even monthly)
reporting and formal reviews of the loan. At banks where the main uses of
ratings are for monitoring and regulatory reporting, raters main interest is to
avoid getting caught assigning ratings that are not risky enough. Such an oense
can harm the raters career, and thus raters have an incentive to assign credits
to the riskiest Pass grade that is not Watch. For example, some banks are
especially likely to penalize raters when a loan review reassigns a credit from
one of the less risky grades into the Watch grade or a regulatory grade. Thus, in
the absence of carefully designed controls, the use of grades for administrative
purposes can tend to reduce the accuracy of Pass grade assignments. This sort
of bias is less likely at the largest banks because the countervailing incentives of
rating-sensitive protability analysis are most likely to operate there.
However, incentives associated with rating-sensitive protability analysis
can reduce the eectiveness of administrative management of problem loans.
Sta may delay assigning credits to Watch or regulatory grades because such
reassignments may reduce measured protability. Thus, there is a tension in the
simultaneous use of rating systems for administrative purposes and for profitability analysis. Such tension can be overcome with proper oversight, the
implementation of which represents another burden on loan reviewers.
7.5. Potential uses of internal ratings by external entities
Internal ratings are a potential source of information for bank investors and
regulators. For example, disclosure of the prole of a banks loans across its
internal rating categories might enhance the ability of shareholders and analysts to assess bank risk. Information about the internal ratings of assets underlying asset-backed securities originated by banks, especially securitizations
of traditional commercial loans, might allow investors to better appraise the
risk of the securities. Some banks are reportedly already considering using
internal ratings in structuring securitizations. For example, when loans in a
pool are paid o, the new loans replacing them may be required to be drawn
from those with a particular internal grade.
External validation of internal ratings is likely to become a prerequisite for
such applications because investors (or rating agencies) must understand the
loss characteristics of each internal grade and have condence that such
characteristics will remain stable over time. Currently, such validation appears
quite dicult not so much because each banks rating scale is dierent, but
because loss concepts are ambiguous and the rating criteria are largely embedded in bank culture rather than written down. Moreover, as noted, most
banks do not have sucient historical data on loss experience by internal grade
to support objective measurement of loss characteristics.
US bank regulatory agencies are already beginning to make greater use of
internal ratings in supervision and regulation. This is part of a continuing
emphasis on the importance of strong risk management within banks and a
shift of examination focus toward the adequacy of internal risk management
and somewhat away from testing of individual transactions. 22 Supervisors are
reviewing the adequacy of internal rating systems, monitoring distributions of
loans across individual institutions internal grades, and where possible using
mappings of internal grades to the S&P or Moodys scales in order to make
comparisons of risk proles and trends in proles. Because ratings are forwardlooking indicators of credit risk, supervisory use of internal ratings helps
provide a concrete basis for discussions between banks and supervisors about
credit risk posture.
The shift in focus in part recognizes that detailed examination of the contents of a portfolio at
a point in time are less useful in a rapidly changing world, and also makes supervision and
regulation less intrusive and less restrictive of innovation.
Internal ratings might become one consideration in scaling regulatory capital requirements more closely to the riskiness of bank portfolios. The current
risk-based capital regime (based on the 1988 Basle Accord) provides for lower
risk-weights on certain low-risk assets (for example, those that are governmentissued or guaranteed), but applies the same 8% capital requirement to essentially all loans to private borrowers regardless of underlying risk. This distortion in the regulatory ``pricing'' of risk has motivated banks to invent a
variety of schemes for regulatory capital arbitrage, that is, for eectively circumventing the capital requirement (Jones, 2000). Although no formal proposals have been released at the time of this writing, senior regulators from a
variety of nations have been discussing various means by which regulatory
capital requirements might be made more sensitive to risk, and several suggestions rely heavily on banks internal ratings.
Greater reliance on internal ratings for supervision and regulation would
require that supervisors be condent of the rigor and integrity of internal rating
systems. Hitherto, examiners have sought to validate rating assignments only
as they relate to the regulatory problem-asset grades. Supervisory reliance on
Pass grade information implies that some validation and testing of assignments
to Pass grades may be necessary.
External use of internal ratings would introduce new stresses on internal
rating systems. In some respects, the stresses would be similar to those associated with internal rating-sensitive protability analysis. Incentives would
arise to grade optimistically and to alter the rating system to produce more
ne-grained distinctions of risk. However, incentive conicts would be between
outsiders and the bank as a whole rather than internal to the bank. Such new
conicts could overwhelm existing checks and balances currently provided by
internal review functions. Even in the absence of such incentive conicts, external users might demand a greater degree of accuracy or consistency in rating
assignments than required internally. For both reasons, external reviews and
validation of the rating system might be necessary. In addition, banks and
external parties should both be aware that any additional stresses of external
uses, if not properly controlled, could impair the eectiveness of internal rating
systems as a tool for managing the banks credit risk. 23
In the early 1990s, the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) introduced
a system of risk-based capital requirements for insurance companies in which requirements vary
with the ratings of assets. Although such ratings are assigned by the NAICs Securities Valuation
Oce (SVO), the SVO does take into account any ratings of an assets published by major rating
agencies. In the wake of this and other developments in the insurance industry, the rating agencies
experienced substantial pressure from both issuers and investors (insurance companies) to assign
favorable ratings to some assets. This was a new and dicult development for the agencies in that
issuers and investors had traditionally applied opposing pressures.
ratings to small exposures, using independent credit sta to rate large exposures will limit bias in rating assignments.
5. Simultaneous review of rating assignments for all obligors of a given type
(for example, in a given industry or a given country) appears to be especially
eective in revealing inconsistencies in grade assignments because the rating
criteria are comparable. However, some provision for ensuring that ratings
are consistent across obligor and facility types is also necessary.
6. Banks should make serious attempts to quantify the loss characteristics for
each internal grade, and such quantication should involve a variety of
stakeholders within the bank, not just the ``quants'' in the risk modeling
group. Even if the process of developing estimates of PD, LIED, or EL
for each grade does not yield precise estimates, the process is likely to reveal
disagreements about rating criteria and thus will promote consistency.
7. Banks should use as many external referents as possible in assigning and reviewing ratings and in quantifying the loss characteristics of grades, but
such tools should be used with care. A variety of statistical models of borrower default probability are commercially available, and each has
strengths and weaknesses that should be understood as they are applied. Internal ratings should also be mapped to agency grades, but with careful attention to the pitfalls of mapping described previously.
8. Banks should collect and warehouse loss experience data for their own portfolios and should use such data to tune their rating criteria and adjust quantitative estimates of loss characteristics as appropriate. Such data should
identify exposures which performed and those which did not and the loss
that was experienced for the latter, and should include complete rating histories as well as characteristics of obligors and facilities. Although such
characteristics are likely to represent large volumes of data, without characteristics it will be dicult to evaluate and tune rating criteria across asset
types and over time.
9. Neither banks nor regulators should forget that most internal rating systems are typically used to guide loan origination and monitoring activities
as well as to measure risk. Rating system changes (or changes in uses that
aect the incentives of raters) that degrade the quality of the banks monitoring or its underwriting controls are obviously undesirable, and steps
should be taken to oset or avoid any such degradation.
10. Both banks and regulators should be sensitive to the fact that increasing use
of internal ratings in supervision and regulation will introduce new stresses
that, if left unchecked, might impair the banks ability to manage credit risk.
11. Any mandate that all banks use a single, standardized internal rating scale
is inadvisable. Internal rating system form should follow function, and
functions will continue to dier signicantly across banks. A standardized
system, especially one imposed by regulators, might discourage innovation
and hinder some banks ability to manage risk eciently.
9. Concluding remarks
It is our impression that at most banks, internal rating systems were rst
introduced mainly to support loan approval and loan monitoring processes
and to support regulatory requirements for identication and tracking of
problem assets. A close reading of Udell (1987) implies that as recently as a
decade ago, it was common for bank internal scales to have three Pass
grades. Most Pass loans probably were in the middle grade, with the lowest
Pass grade being an internal Watch grade that triggered extra monitoring
and the top grade being for very low-risk loans that required less monitoring
and for which underwriting decisions might be streamlined and loan limits
The uses of internal ratings have multiplied over the past 10 years and
promise to continue to grow, and thus a banks decisions about its internal
rating system can have an increasingly important eect on its ability to manage
credit risk. At the same time, development of appropriate internal rating system architectures and operating designs is becoming an increasingly complex
task. The central role of human judgment in the rating process and the variety
of possible uses for ratings mean that internal incentives can inuence rating
decisions. Thus, careful design of controls and internal review procedures is a
crucial consideration in aligning form with function.
No single internal rating system is best for all banks. Banks systems vary
widely largely because of dierences in business mix and in the uses to which
ratings are put. Among variations in business mix, the share of large corporate
or institutional loans in a banks portfolio has the largest implications for its
internal rating system. Among the current uses of internal ratings, protability
analysis and product pricing models have the most signicant implications for
the rating system because they give bank sta with a personal interest in
transactions an incentive to rate too favorably. Thus, careful attention to review and control procedures that limit biases in ratings is becoming increasingly important to the accuracy and consistency of internal ratings. As outside
investors and regulators make more use of banks internal ratings, it is likely
that new and powerful stresses on the rating systems will be introduced. Incentive conicts that pit banks interests against those of external entities will
compound existing internal tensions, and it is likely that some sort of external
validation of banks rating systems will become necessary. Such validation,
whether by regulators or other entities like public rating agencies, will be difcult to achieve and will lead to pressures for greater clarity and rigor in rating
system architecture and operation.
By their nature, banks credit cultures typically adapt slowly to changes in
conditions. The rapid pace of change in risk management practice has been
increasing the stresses on credit cultures in general and internal rating systems
in particular. Careful attention to the many considerations noted in this article,
including the recommendations made in the preceding section, can help accelerate the process of adjustment and thus the easing of stresses.
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