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Teacher: Cheyne Dowsett

Date: 15 Oct 2015
Period: 3
Supervising HoD/FL: D Anson
Subject: Mathematics
Name of class: L1MNU
Level on NZC: 1
No. students present: 9
Topic: Bivariate Data Investigation
Learning Intentions and Success Criteria
Students will know that Bivariate Data involves two measurements from one object
Students will know a scatter graph involves plotting using the two measurements and
each point represents the object
Students will interpret the trend on the graph
Lesson Plan seen by and discussed with HOF before lesson: No
Feedback to teacher: SE = Standard exceeded, SM = standard met, RW =
requires work
Feedbac Comment constructive, use specific examples
k to
of observed teaching practice that period
Lesson planning
Post it notes were ready, colour coded to give extra
and preparation of
data. Measurement tools were available and ready
resources apparent
to go.
Introduction of
The was the introductory lesson in this topic.
lesson including
link to last lesson
Teacher knowledge
Discussion with HOF prior to this lesson had been
of content &
taken on board and the lesson flowed well. Student
scaffolding for
questions were answered confidently
Variety of activities
This was one activity but was broken into stages
which required full participation form the students
measurements, recording data on the board, and on
their postits, graphing and discussion.
Aimed at
A perfect start to the topic. Knowing the difficulty
appropriate level
the students have with writing and their dislike for
for students
statistics, this was a great introduction to the topic.
Academic Feed
forward &
Academic Feedback


Clarity of


Amount of
monitoring, whole
class teacher talk
Opportunity for
students to co-


Student statements were initially vague and very

general its going up. Your feedback teased this
out which allowed the students to make more
meaningful statements - The students with longer
feet tend to be taller
The question posed was appropriate for the students
and allowed them to all engage. Several students
asked the same question but Betty Jo took over
answering once she realised what had to be done.
There was a good balance of teacher instruction,
question and allowing students to take over.
Students had to decide on appropriate units, and
how they could record their measurements. Betty Jo

k to

Comment constructive, use specific examples

of observed teaching practice that period
and Orion took over recording on the board. When it
was pointed out that there were only 9 students they
asked if teachers could be measured as well and did
this. They also went to another class and
measurement the teacher (who they already knew).
They were too shy to measure the yr 13 students.



Time allocation/
pacing of lesson
relationship with
Quick review of
lesson at end


This was a whole class activity. Students had to

cooperate and collaborate for this to work. Your
working relationship with the students was apparent
in getting them to do this.


This lesson will provide a good base to refer back to

Areas of Strength & Areas to Develop

CRC commend, recommend, commend for teacher
Academic feed forward for teacher
Your relationship with the students has developed well. They trust you and you can
cajole them into producing work although it is not always up to standard. Betty Jo
took over at several points which you allowed. Her confidence and trust in you
allows her to do this as she does not like to be wrong or ;lose face.
Another practical task in a few lessons will reinforce the process of data collection
and recording. The next lesson can focus on the planning how do we make sure
that all the measurements are taken the same way? What are the implications if
they arent?
Suggest that you read the exemplar statements so you are clear about the language
the students are expected to use and the concepts they need to discuss to achieve the
standard. This will help you to tease out their ideas.

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