Juniper Router Commands

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list of basic Juniper's commands

Log commands



chassids | no-more To check log for chassi event

messages | no-more To check log messanges
security | match so-2/0/0 To check user "xxxx" commands
isis To check a status of isis with alarms
bgp.ibgp To check a bgp related event
user To check user's login history

System commands

show system uptime To check time since system and processes started
show system users To check users who are currently logged in
show cli authorization To see authorization and authentication information
show system storage To see local storage data
show system processes To check system process table
show chassis hardware To check installed hardware components
show chassis environment To check component status and temperature, cooling
show chassis routing-engine To check routing engine status
show chassis craft-interface To see craft interface status
show chassis fpc To show flexible PCI concentrator status
show chassis scb To check system control board status
show chassis alarms To see alarm status

Interface commands

show configuration To check current configuration

show interface terse / detai To display terse output
show interface interface-name To check status of interface
show interface so-1/0/0 extensive To check details of the interface
clear interfaces statistics so-2/0/0 To clear counters on interface

Routing commands


ip route x.x.x.x/24 To check route on routing table

route terse To display terse output of routes
route detail To display detailed output
route extensive

BGP commands

show bgp summary To see overview of BGP information

show bgp group To check the BGP group database
show bgp neighbor x.x.x.x To check a status bgp neighbors
show route receive-protocol bgp 'x.x.x.x' To check what routes are advertising thru
show route protocol bgp x.x.x.x/24 To check a route on bgp routing table
show route protocol bgp receive-protocol bgp neighIP To see what routes are
show policy static-bgp
clear bgp neighbor x.x.x.x To clear particular BGP neighbor from BGP table
clear bgp neighbor as To clear AS from BGP table

ISIS commands

show isis adjacency To IS-IS adjacency database

show isis interface To IS-IS interface information
show isis database To IS-IS link-state database

MPLS commands

show mpls lsp terse To display terse output

show mpls lsp name DCA-POR detail

Security & Policy commands

show firewall | match "ICMP" To check current status of filter named "ICMP"
show policy static-bgp or 'policy name' To check policy statement
clear firewall ICMP To clear counters on firewall named "ICMP"

Ping & Traceroute

ping rapid count 1000 size 1400 x.x.x.x
ping rapid count 1000 size 1400 pattern 0000
ping x.x.x.x bypass-routing interface so-1/0/2 count 1000 size 1400 rapid

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