Istanbul Declaration and Tobacco Free Initiative by Pakistan
Istanbul Declaration and Tobacco Free Initiative by Pakistan
Istanbul Declaration and Tobacco Free Initiative by Pakistan
To embrace Tobacco Free initiative , the Government of Pakistan has taken a number
of initiatives. These inter-alia include (i) promulgation of the Cigarette (Printing of
Warning) Ordinance, 1979 and the Prohibition of Smoking and Protection of Nonsmokers Health Ordinance, 2002 (ii) signing and rectification of Framework Convention
on Tobacco Control (FCTC) (iii) creation of National Tobacco Control Cell in 2007.
The Government of Pakistan signed the Framework Convention of Tobacco Control
(FCTC) in May, 2004 and ratified it in the same year. FCTC is the first international
treaty to provide a framework (and attendant obligations) for tobacco regulations. Under
Article 5.2 of the FCTC, the Parties to the said treaty are mandated to put in place
proper and effective national coordination mechanism for multi-sectoral coordination of
tobacco control efforts.
In order to fulfill obligations under Article 5.2 of FCTC, Tobacco Control Cell was created
in Ministry of Health (Defunct) on 1st July, 2007. The objective of Tobacco Control Cell is
to reduce prevalence of tobacco use in Pakistan by taking administrative, legislative and
coordination measures for implementation of FCTC Articles.Tobacco Control Cell is also
mandated to achieve the target set in Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) i.e. SDG
3 (a): Strengthen the implementation of the World Health Organization Framework
Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC).
Tobacco Control Cell, since its inception, is implementing demand and supply reduction
strategies of Frame Work Convention on Tobacco Control, and WHO MPOWER, to
reduce prevalence of tobacco use in Pakistan. Following are some major achievements
in area of Tobacco Control in Pakistan:
In order to increase tobacco taxes in Federal Budget 2016-17, the working group
made recommendations to Federal Board of Revenue (FBR). Resultantly, 8%
and 8.9% FED was increased on lower and upper slabs respectively in Federal
Budget 2016-17.
Recently (November 2015), Tobacco Control Cell finished first of its kind national
anti-tobacco mass media campaign to focus on the health harms of tobacco. The
campaign featured a public service announcement (PSA) called Tobacco Is
Hollowing You Out, that graphically highlighted the many harmful illnesses
caused by tobacco use, including lung cancer, heart disease, stroke and oral
cancers. The PSA ended with the message that Tobacco Kills Quit Today!