Reliable Design With Multiple Clock Domains: Ed Czeck, Ravi Nanavati and Joe Stoy Bluespec Inc. Waltham MA 02451, USA

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Reliable Design with Multiple Clock Domains

Ed Czeck, Ravi Nanavati and Joe Stoy

Bluespec Inc.
Waltham MA 02451, USA
Abstract: We present a set of guiding principles for the
management of multiple clocks domains in the design
of a high-level hardware description language. Our
motivation of the requirements is based on typical design problems; the solutions are based on common engineering practices and appropriate language abstractions. We include examples, and conclude with some
comments based on a design experience.

1. Introduction
Hardware designs these days typically make use of several clocks. This is partly to save power (by gating the
clock to a part of the circuit temporarily not in use, and by
ensuring that parts of the design are not run unnecessarily
fast, both of which reduce the designs dynamic power
consumption), and also to allow the design to communicate with parts of the external environment running asynchronously. Moreover, designs are increasingly becoming
systems on a chip (SoCs); this design methodology
brings together various blocks (IPs), possibly from difference vendors, and often each block has its own clocking
requirement. These different requirements may arise simply because each block was designed independently; but it
might be because different blocks are constrained by different standards (for example for external buses, or audio or
video I/O), each with its own clocking regime.
Where signals cross clock domain boundaries, the normal design conventions of digital logic break down. Special precautions must be taken to ensure that the signals
get across correctly; and care must be taken that there are
no accidental crossings which neglect such precautions. A
good hardware description language, particularly one which
claims to operate at a high level of abstraction, should have
features which make it natural for the designer to construct
circuits which correctly observe these constraints.


A hardware description language, notation or system

which supports multiple-clock-domain designs should ide-

ally have the following characteristics.

1. The aim should be to make the simplest situations trivial, other simple situations easy, and all situations expressible in a sensible way.
2. Thus in a design, or part of a design, with just one
clock domain, clock handling should be completely
implicit. Each instantiated module needs to be connected to the clock, and having to say so explicitly
adds unnecessary clutter.
3. Clock should be a datatype of the language (each value
of which will include an oscillator, as well as an optional gating signal); the type system should ensure
that clock oscillators are never confused with levelsampled signals.
4. The system should keep track of which signals are
clocked by which clocks, and ensure that no signal
crosses a clock-domain boundary without the use of
appropriate synchronizing logic.
5. For efficiencys sake, the system should be able to recognize when two clocks are driven by the same oscillator (that is, they differ only in gating); this should be
exploited to simplify domain-crossing logic between
6. Many groups of designers have their own preferred designs for domain-crossing logic; the system should allow the automatic deployment of such designs when
appropriate (though also providing default designs for
use when these are not available).
In the remainder of this paper we address, by way of example, how these principles are addressed in Bluespec SystemVerilog (BSV). In particular we shall first illustrate how
they apply to a particular design, and then describe further
features available in BSV which were not exploited in that

takes 48 clocks to process a single packet; the other bricks

process a packet in just one clock, except that the interleaver
brick might input as many as four packets for every one output. Thus, if the IFFT brick is clocked at frequency f , it
makes sense to consider clocking the Mapper and CyclicExtend bricks at frequency f /48, and the remaining bricks
at f /12. Let us consider how to achieve this in BSV.

4.1. ClocksThe Simplest Case

Figure 1. 802.11a Transmitter Design

3. A Brief Introduction to BSV

Bluespec SystemVerilog is a strongly typed, high-level
behavioral hardware description language, intended to raise
the level of behavioral abstraction while still allowing automatic synthesis into efficient hardware. As with Verilog,
designs are structured into modules. The internal behavior
of a module is specified by rules (instead of always-blocks),
which have a guard and an action part. Modules communicate with their environment by the methods of their interfaces, which may be invoked by rules in other modules. All
methods have ready conditions, which become implicit
conditions of rules which invoke themonly if all the conditions, explicit and implicit, of a rule are satisfied may the
rule be executed. Taken together, the rules of a design have
the semantics of a state-transition system (or term-rewriting
system), and execute atomically. The Bluespec compiler
generates logic which schedules as many rules as possible
in each clock cycle; but the overall effect of each cycle is
exactly the same as if the rules executed one at a time in
some orderthis greatly simplifies the analysis of the designs correctness. (It avoids many race conditions, replacing them with compile time warnings that two rules could
not be scheduled simultaneously because of a resource conflict; it also means that proofs of correctness can analyze
each rule separately, without worrying about their interaction.)
A slightly fuller description is provided in the Appendix;
the reader is also referred to the Language Reference Guide
[3] for a complete account.

4. The Example Design

For our example we shall use the transmitter design discussed in [7] for the 802.11a wireless protocol [10] (see
Fig. 1)we are in fact addressing the suggestion in the final sentence of that paper. One of the versions given in [7]
for the IFFT brick, optimized for minimum hardware area,

The simplest case is one where a design, or part of a

design, uses just one clock. In line with the principles outlined above, in this case the clock is not mentioned in the
BSV text at all. Each module in the RTL generated by the
Bluespec compiler will have a clock port, called CLK; this
is connected to any module instantiated within that module. At the lowest level of the generated module hierarchy,
this clock is connected to the flip-flops, registers and other
primitive state elements.
The advantage of an implicit clock is that designer is
spared the tedium of mentioning the clock and its explicit
use in the generation of the flops, registers, and other primitives. The use of standard primitives based on common
engineering practice (in this case positive-edge-triggered
flops) further reinforces that abstraction for the common
case, while the complete Bluespec SystemVerilog language
allows for a full range of flexibility.
In our example this means that none of the sub-modules
will refer to any clockthe only place these are mentioned
is at the top level of the transmitter.

4.2. The Type Clock

In designs with more complicated clocking arrangements, clocks are mentioned explicitly. A clock is a value
of type Clock. It enjoys most of the general first-class citizenship properties of other BSV values: it may be passed
as an argument, or returned as the result, of a function; it
may be a field of an interface. Clocks may be selected by
conditional expressions, and two clocks may be tested for
equality. We shall see examples of these capabilities as we
develop our 802.11a example.
Note that some of these features are available only at
compile-time, not in the running synthesized hardware. For
example, two clocks cannot be tested for equality in the
hardware itself; and though dynamic selection of clocks is
allowed, it must be handled by a special library multiplexer
module (in case the downstream tools require specialized
logic, rather than the normal combinational gates used for
ordinary conditionals).

4.3. The Features Needed for the Example

The Default Clock Every module instantiation has a default clock which is used, unless otherwise specified, to
clock any interior instantiation. If another clock is desired
instead, it may be specified explicitly (using a clocked by
argument, as in the examples below). It is also usually necessary to specify a non-default reset signal too, as each reset
must be associated with a particular clock (this is true even
for asynchronous resets, as even they are synchronized with
a clock when coming out of reset).
New clocks These arise in several ways. They are often passed in as arguments to the design, having been generated by external electronics. They may also be generated in IP cores (for which the BSV designer will provide
a wrapper) to handle external interfaces (such as a SPI4) which provide their own clocks. For our present example we shall assume that the extra clocks are supplied
as arguments to the mkTransmitter module; we shall discuss other clock-generation possibilities later. Note that
this choice implies that, even though the frequencies involved are related, the tool can make no assumptions about
their synchronizationwe shall look at another possibility
in Section 5.4 below
Synchronizers When data values are to cross between
different clock domains, we must assume that the oscillators of the clocks concerned are not synchronized in any
way (unless we have any information to the contrarywe
shall consider some such situations later). In general domain crossing requires special logic (a circuit known as a
synchronizer) to prevent data being corrupted by metastability when the clocking edges of the two clocks become
close but not coincident. The tool ensures that no domain
crossing occurs without the use of such a circuit and that
the logic used connects the domains appropriately. As with
any design language, the tool can ensure only that a given
module is used properly: it cannot verify that the module
was correctly written or correctly selected in the first place.
The design of synchronizers has matured over the years,
and there are now common design rules [6, 12] dealing
with the various issues which arise (such as the problems
of data-skewing and hand shaking and their solutions using Gray codes[2] and multi-phase protocols[5]). There are
even commercial tools [1, 13] which automatically verify
that clock domain crossing follows design rules. Bluespec
provides a library containing several data synchronization
primitives, all based on these common engineering practices. Groups of designers are, however, free to replace
this library, or part of it, with their own synchronizer library (written in Verilog)the tool will continue to ensure
that synchronizers are not accidentally omitted. We shall

(* synthesize *)
module mkTransmitter(Transmitter#(24,81));
let controller
<- mkController;
let scrambler
<- mkScrambler_48;
let conv_encoder <- mkConvEncoder_24_48;
let interleaver <- mkInterleaver;
let mapper
<- mkMapper_48_64;
let ifft
<- mkIFFT_Pipe;
let cyc_extender <- mkCyclicExtender;
rule controller2scrambler;
connect(controller.getData, scrambler.fromControl);

Figure 2. Part of the Transmitters Original

(* synthesize *)
module mkTransmitter(Clock fastClk, Clock outClk,
Transmitter#(24,81) ifc);
let currentReset <- exposeCurrentReset;
let fastReset <- mkAsyncResetFromCC(2, fastClk);
let outReset <- mkAsyncResetFromCC(2, outClk);

<- mkController;
<- mkScrambler_48;
conv_encoder <- mkConvEncoder_24_48;
interleaver <- mkInterleaver;
<- mkMapper_48_64;
<- mkIFFT_Pipe
(clocked_by fastClk, reset_by fastReset);
let cyc_extender <- mkCyclicExtender
(clocked_by outClk, reset_by outReset);

rule controller2scrambler;
connect(controller.getData, scrambler.fromControl);

Figure 3. Part of the New Code

discuss the Bluespec repertoire more later; for the present
example the appropriate synchronizer is a FIFO, with the
enq and deq methods clocked by different clocks.

4.4. Putting the Example Together

An excerpt from the original version of the transmitters
top level is shown in Fig. 2. connect is a function (not
shown) which takes two methods as argument, and produces an action which transfers data from one to the other.
There are also other rules (not shown) to effect the other
connections, and the definitions of the methods of the transmitters overall interface. The same part of the new version is shown in Fig. 3. We assume that the module as a
whole is clocked by the clock used for data input to the
pipeline; the modules default clock will thus serve for the
first few sub-modules, and their instantiations remain unchanged. Two extra clocks, fastClk and outClk, are sup-

let m2ifftFF <- mkSyncFIFOFromCC(4, fastClk);

rule mapper2FF;
connect(mapper.toIFFT, m2ifftFF.enq);
rule ff2ifft;
connect(pop(m2ifftFF), ifft.fromMapper);

Figure 4. Transferring Between Two Domains

let ifft2ceFF <- mkSyncFIFOFromCC(4, outClk,
clocked_by fastClk, reset_by fastReset);

Figure 5. Instantiation with Explicit Clocks

plied as arguments for the IFFT and the final sub-modules
respectively; other sub-modules are instantiated to provide
appropriate resets (from the default reset of the surrounding
module), and these clocks and resets are used for the instantiation of the sub-modules for which they are intended. No
change is necessary to the controller2scrambler rule: it will
automatically be clocked by the clocks of its methods.
The tool will, however, object if no change is made to
the rule connecting the Mapper and IFFT sub-modules, as
this now attempts to connect methods from different clock
domains without using an appropriate synchronizer. The
required replacement for this rule is shown in Fig. 4: the
required synchronizer is instantiated (the integer parameter
specifies the depth of the FIFO), and two rules now connect the two ends to the methods corresponding to their
clocks. Similar modification is required for the rule connecting the IFFT with the CyclicExtender; but in this case
neither the source nor the destination domain is the default
for the surrounding module, so the synchronizers own current clock must be specified explicitly, as shown in Fig. 5.
These are the only changes required to the design. Moreover, if there are any inconsistencies in instantiating the submodules with the appropriate clocks and connecting them
to appropriate synchronizers, the tool will detect and report
the error at compile-time: this is of course a much more
immediate and reliable process than the detection of rarely
occurring run-time errors during simulation.

4.5. Comparison With Similar Changes in

Verilog HDL
This change of the clocking for the 802.11 design (described for the Bluespec SystemVerilog model above) could
also be accomplished for a model written in Verilog. Although a full Verilog model is not presented here, we briefly
discuss the changes that would be involved, in order to high-

light the benefits of the principles outlined in this paper.

To add two clocks into the module, an addition to the
Verilog modules port list would be required, just as for
BSV. Likewise the modules to be clocked by these new
clocks must have their instantiation changed. After these
preliminary (and incomplete) changes, the Verilog model
can be compiled, and tests simulated. During compilation
of this Verilog model, no objections are raised to the incorrect crossing of signals across clock domains. These errors
must be identified by other means such as simulation, or
with other lint-like tools (as discussed in Section 6.)
As the Verilog model development continues, data synchronizers must be added as with the Bluespec model.
Assuming that there are already developed IP blocks for
this purpose within the designers environment, the typical Verilog-RTL methodology will have a module instantiation, followed by the connection of its ports with the
other existing modules. Although the connection of the
ports of the synchronizers to the ports of other modules is
straightforward, the possibility of errors grows as this process is tedious; moreover Verilog with its weak type system will detect few incorrect port connections at compile
time. With Bluespec SystemVerlog, however, the use of
interfaces (with methods instead of ports) reduces the tedium of the connections; but more significantly, the compiler checks that connections are valid with respect to both
data and clocking.

5. Other Features
5.1. First-class Properties of Clocks
We have stated that values of the Clock type enjoy most
of the privileges of first-class objects; and we have seen
them used as arguments to modules. This section illustrates
more such capabilities.
Selection of Clocks Let us suppose that for our mkTransmitter design there is a Boolean global variable oneClock,
to specify whether the design should use multiple clocks:
if it is True at compilation time, all the sub-modules are to
be clocked by the surrounding modules default clock, and
the extra clocks are to be ignored. The relevant code for
this is shown in Fig. 6. The IFFT and final sub-modules are
clocked either by the current clock or by the special clocks
supplied, depending on the setting of the Boolean. The
same setting also determines whether to instantiate the synchronizers (only if necessary) and which rules to use to connect things up. Note that the clock selection is necessary
the tool will not allow synchronizers to be omitted between
two different clocks supplied from outside.
This way of choosing clocks, by ordinary conditional expressions, is available only at compile time. It is possible to

Bool oneClock = False; // or True

(* synthesize *)
module mkTransmitter(Clock fastClk, Clock outClk,
Transmitter#(24,81) ifc);
let currentClock <- exposeCurrentClock;
let currentReset <- exposeCurrentReset;
let ifftClk = oneClock ? currentClock : fastClk;
let optClk = oneClock ? currentClock : outClk;
let ifftReset = currentReset;
if (!oneClock) ifftReset
<- mkAsyncResetFromCC(2, fastClk);
let optReset = currentReset;
if (!oneClock) optReset
<- mkAsyncResetFromCC(2, optClk);
let controller
<- mkController;
let ifft
<- mkIFFT_Pipe
(clocked_by ifftClk, reset_by ifftReset);
let cyc_extender <- mkCyclicExtender
(clocked_by optClk, reset_by optReset);
if (oneClock)
rule mapper2ifft;
connect(mapper.toIFFT, ifft.fromMapper);
rule ifft2cyclicExtender;
if (ifftClk==currentClock)
error("unnecessary synchronizers");
let m2ifftFF <- mkSyncFIFOFromCC(4, ifftClk);
rule mapper2FF;
connect(mapper.toIFFT, m2ifftFF.enq);
rule ff2ifft;
connect(pop(m2ifftFF), ifft.fromMapper);
let ifft2ceFF <- ...

Figure 6. Selection of Clocks, and Equality


choose between clocks in the generated hardware (for example, to allow a particular sub-modules speed, and hence
power consumption, to be varied dynamically), but this requires the use of a special primitive, mkClockMux, in case
the downstream flow requires special provisions for multiplexing within clock trees.
Testing for Equality The reader may have noticed the test
ifftClk==currentClock in Fig. 6the designer has chosen
to insert a test to check for confusion in the clock-handling
part of the design. It illustrates that two clocks may be tested
for equality (though this feature, like the previous one, is
available only at compile time).
The clockOf Function Clocks, like other first-class objects, may also be returned as the results of functions. A particularly useful example of this is the polymorphic clockOf
function, which may be applied to an expression of any
type, and returns the clock which should be used to sample its values. If the expression is an unclocked constant,
the special value noClock is returned. The value of this
function is always well-definedexpressions for which this
would not be so involve mixing values from several clock
domains, and would be illegal.
An example of the use of this function may be seen in
Fig. 9, below.

5.2. Gated Clocks

A simple way to save power is to switch off the clock
for parts of the design when they are temporarily not in use.
Differently gated versions of the same clock allow a simplified treatment, since when both are running they are exactly
in phase. BSV provides special facilities to handle this case
A BSV clock value contains two signals: an oscillator
and a gating signal. If the gating signal is high, the clock
is assumed to be ungated, and clearly the oscillator should
be running. The tool remains agnostic about whether the reverse is true. Stopping the oscillator when the clock is gated
saves the power being dissipated by charging and discharging the capacitance in the clock-tree itself, but it may require complicated interaction with the clock-handling tools
downstream in the synthesis flow. The tool will, however,
ensure that when the gating signal is low, all state transitions
in that clocks domain are inhibited.
If a clock B is a gated version of clock A, we say that
A is an ancestor of B. We therefore know that if a clock is
running, then so are all of its ancestors. Clocks which are
driven by the same oscillator, and differ merely in gating,
are said to be in the same family. Both these relationships
may be tested by functions available to the design: thus a

module mkWrapper(Bool transmit,

Clock fastClk, Clock outClk,
Transmitter#(24,81) ifc);
Clock gc <- mkGatedClock(transmit);
// gated version of current clock
Clock gf <- mkGatedClock(transmit,
clocked_by fastClk);
Clock go <- mkGatedClock(transmit,
clocked_by outClk);
Transmitter#(24,81) trifc <mkTransmitter(gf, go, clocked_by gc);
return trifc;

Figure 7. Use of Gated Clocks

library package can automatically arrange to exploit the extra simplicity of this situation without the users having to
be aware of it.
Each method of a primitive module is explicitly associated with a particular clock, often (but not necessarily) the
default clock of the primitive modules instantiation. These
methods are invoked by other methods (of other modules,
written in BSV) or by rules: the tool rigorously insists that
all methods invoked by any one method or rule are in the
same family, thereby avoiding the risk of paths accidentally
crossing between different clock domains. The invoking
method or rule will be clocked by a clock in that same family, which is running if and only if all the invoked methods
clocks are runningif necessary, a new clock in the same
family will be produced which satisfies this condition. The
guard of any method which effects a state transition (that is,
in general, any method which has an ENABLE signal) will
include the gating condition of the methods clockso such
a method will not be READY unless its clock is running,
and neither will any rule which invokes that method. (A
method which merely returns a value, without executing a
state transition, remains READY when its clock is switched
off, returning the value set by the latest transition, provided
that it was already READY when the switch-off occurred.)
All this mechanism obviates the need for any special clock-domain-crossing logic between same-family domains: everything is handled by the normal implicitcondition mechanism of BSV methods.
As an example of clock gating, Fig. 7 shows a wrapper
for our transmitter design, which allows its clocking to be
suspended when it is not in use, depending on the value of
a Boolean dynamic argument transmit.

5.3. Clock-domain Crossing Between Families

As we have seen, when the clocks concerned are from
different families domain crossing requires special logic.
Practical design frequently requires a balance between conservative practice and the desire to meet design performance

objectives. Often with synchronizers there is opportunity

to save a clock cycle or two by removing handshake acknowledgements, or by removing one or even all synchronizing flops. While design methodologies and tools should
encourage conservative practices, they should allow alternatives for optimization. For this reason, several alternative synchronizers (including a null or wire synchronizer)
are provided. Even if these allow the designer to do without some or all synchronizing logic, the tool methodology
enforces that a synchronizer be used, and that all clock
domain checking remains in place during design.
The facilities provided by Bluespec fall into two groups,
following two different approaches. The hardware approach provides modules with source and destination
ports, which the designer instantiates and connects up explicitly; the low-level primitives are provided only in this
form. The linguistic approach provides modules which
transform an interface into one of the same type, but differently clocked: this allows a smoother treatment in the
BSV notation. These two approaches are described and illustrated below.
The Hardware Approach Several synchronizers are provided to move data from a source clock domain to a destination domain. The details and use are dependant on the data,
the expected handshaking, and the expected use. The synchronization primitives, from the simplest bit synchronizer
to a full-handshaking synchronizing FIFO, are as follows.
(1) bit synchronizer: a bit change to the source causes a
bit change in the destination;
(2) pulse synchronizer: a pulse on the source causes a
pulse in the destination.
If the crossing is from a fast clock domain to a slower
one, there is a danger in these two cases that information
may be lost: a bit change might not be noticed if it persists only for a short time, and a sequence of fast pulses
might result in fewer pulses on the destination side. The
next synchronizers guard against this by providing a fourphase handshake protocol [9]:
(3) handshake pulse synchronizer: the same as (2), but a
second source pulse is not accepted until a pulse has
been delivered to and acknowledged from the destination.
(4) word synchronizer: a word delivered to the source
eventually appears at the destination; a subsequent
send cannot occur until the first has been delivered and
the delivery acknowledged.
In these last two cases, even though an event is guaranteed to have happened on the destination side, there is no

let ifftIn = ifft.fromMapper;

let ifftOut = ifft.toCyclicExtender;
if (!oneClock)
if (ifftClk==currentClock)
error("unnecessary synchronizer");
ifftIn <- mkConverter(4, ifftIn);
ifftOut <- mkConverter(4, ifftOut);
rule mapper2ifft;
connect(mapper.toIFFT, ifftIn);

module mkConverter#(Integer d)(function Action af(a x),

function Action ifc(a x));
SyncFIFOIfc#(a) ff<-mkSyncFIFOFromCC(d, clockOf(af));
rule dequeue;
return (ff.enq);

Figure 9. The



rule ifft2cyclicExtender;
connect(ifftOut, cyc_extender.fromIFFT);

Figure 8. The Linguistic Approach

guarantee that it has been noticed. The final case avoids this
(5) FIFO synchronizer: data items enqueued on the source
side will arrive at the destination side, and remain there
until they are dequeued.
The Linguistic Approach This approach obviates the
need for the designer to manage the synchronizer plumbing explicitly. For interfaces of suitable type, the use of this
approach results in another interface of the same type, but
differently clocked. Thus if ifc is such an interface, clocked
by any clock, the instantiation

types of the two interface arguments (the supplied interface

af and the provided interface ifc) are the same. The module instantiates a synchronizing FIFO (as it were, using the
hardware approach), defines a rule to connect the dequeue
end to the af interface, and exports the enqueue method as
the interface it provides.

5.4. Other Clock Generators

The system supporting multiple clocks must provide a
means to generate clocks for both simulation and synthesis.
A basic generator is provided, which creates a new clock
family. Moreover, a clock divider is provided; although this
generates a new clock family, special synchronization primitives are provided to take advantage of the known clock relationship. Both of these are further described below. As
with many other primitives, users have the ability to include
their own models in place of the provided ones.

new_ifc <- mkConverter(n, ifc);

will produce an interface of the same type, but clocked by

the clock of the current environment. There is no need to
specify the clock of the original ifc, as the mkConverter
module can determine that for itself. The parameter n specifies the depth of the conversion FIFO to be used between
the two domains. Since the types of the original and the
new interfaces are the same, and many of the details are
implicit, this approach lends itself to generalization: the
mkConverter name is overloaded, and can be used to implement clock-domain conversion on a whole class of interfaces.
Our previous examples of the 802.11a transmitter used
the hardware approach to the definition of its synchronizers. Fig. 8 is comparable with Fig. 6, but uses the linguistic
approach instead. Note how much more of the detail is implicit in this style.
This linguistic approach is provided as a means to keep
the design abstraction at a higher level and not have designers worry about synchronizer details. The underlying
hardware in the implementation of mkConverter is usually
a synchronizing FIFO; an example is shown in Fig. 9; it is
the one used for the ifftIn interface of Fig. 8. Note that the

Simulator Clocks

For simulation purposes, the module

module mkAbsoluteClock#(Integer start, Integer period)

( Clock );

is provided, and returns a clock. The two parameters specify

the period and initial offset relative to the tick of the underlying simulator. This is useful for writing test-benches; it is
not used in designs to be synthesized to hardware.
Clock Dividers It is often desired to create a new clock
which runs at a sub-multiple of the frequency of the given
clock. In this case it is easy to arrange that the slower
clocks clocking edges coincide with clocking edges of
the faster clock; problems of metastability are therefore
avoided, and the task of a synchronizer is limited to ensuring that data values cross from the faster domain to the
slower one only when the latter is ready to receive it. To
handle this situation we provide the library module mkClockDivider, which has the following interface:
interface ClockDividerIfc ;
interface Clock fastClock ;
interface Clock slowClock ;
Bool clockReady ;

// The original clock

// The derived clock

Figure 10. The Clock Divider Signals

let clockdiv12 <- mkClockDivider(12);
let clockdiv48 <- mkClockDivider(48);
let clk12th = clockdiv12.slowClock;
let clk48nd = clockdiv48.slowClock;
let reset13th <- ...
let m2ifftFF <- mkSyncFIFOToFast
(4, clockdiv12, reset12th);
let ifft2ceFF <- mkSyncFIFOToSlow
(4, clockdiv48, reset48nd);

Figure 11. The Use of Clock Division

As well as the two clocks, this interface provides an extra
Boolean signal, clockReady. This signal, and its relationship to the two clocks, are shown in Fig. 10; it is clocked
by the faster clock, and indicates that a clocking edge of
the slow clock will occur at the next fast clock edge. This
is used by the synchronizer as an extra implicit condition,
allowing data to cross from the fast domain only on appropriate cycles.
A fragment of a transmitter version which generates its
extra clocks internally, by clock division, is show in Fig. 11.
In this version we assume that the transmitter is clocked by
the fastest of the clocks required (that is, the one intended
for the IFFT sub-module). The two dividers are instantiated for the slower clocks; the slower clocks themselves
are extracted from the two interfaces, clockdiv12 and clockdiv48; and the interfaces themselves are supplied to the two
synchronizers. The synchronizers themselves contain much
less logic than the more general ones. As usual, the tool
reports an error if there is any inconsistency in the use of
these synchronizers.

Conclusion and Relation to Other Work

The handling of multiple clock domains in a design can

be a rich source of error. The original way of preventing
such errors was visual inspection of the source code, coupled with testing; it was not very reliable, particularly since

many of the runtime errors would only manifest themselves

rarely, as they depended on particular phase-relationships of
the participating clocks. Various companies have provided
lint-like tools [1, 4, 13], which pro-actively analyze the
source code for likely errors and other infelicities. A better
solution is for the source code language to include a set of
features which allows designers to get it right first time,
enforcing adherence to the relevant design rules at compiletime.
As far as we know, the only system apart from ours
which attempts to do this is the recently-announced version
of Esterel [8]. Within their different frameworks, the two
systems provide a roughly similar range of facilities, though
the emphasis is somewhat different. Our major concern is
hardware synthesis; so, for example, we enforce the use of
synchronizers between clock domains (though we allow designers to choose deliberately to make these simple, or even
null). In Esterel, perhaps more concerned with verification
in a simulation environment (where, because of the simulators global tick, metastability issues do not arise), synchronizers are optionalthe designer must remember to provide
them when moving towards hardware synthesis. Both systems, however, raise the reliability of multi-clock designs
substantially above the more old-fashioned approaches.
The features described here have been used in a substantial design (a UTMI block [11] for USB2.0). This handled
USB transmission both at 480MHz and 12MHz; most of the
logic was clocked at 120MHz (dealing with 4-bit nibbles
in parallel). Thus many clocks were involved, and some
careful design was required, some of it iterative, to perform
the required domain crossing within the latency constraints
of the specification (as tested by the Verisity Specman test
suite [15]). It was found that the support provided by the
language avoided all accidental mistakes, allowing iterative
improvements to be implemented and tested quickly. It is
estimated that the design was completed (and passed the
test suite) in at most half the time it would have taken had it
been written in standard Verilog.


The authors thank their colleagues at Bluespec Inc., and

members of the Computation Structures Group at MITs
Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory,
for advice and assistance with this project.

[1] Atrenta, Inc. SpyGlass Predictive Analyzer User Guide,
[2] P. E. Black. Gray code. In P. E. Black, editor, Dictionary of
Algorithms and Data Structures [online]. U.S. National In-




stitute of Standards and Technology, 2005. Available from:
Bluespec, Inc. Bluespec Language Reference Guide, 2006.
Please consult
Cadence Design Systems, Inc. Incisive HDL Analysis
(HAL), 2004.
M. Crews and Y. Yuenyongsgool.
Practical design for transferring signals between clock domains.
EDN, pages 6571, February 20 2003.
C. E. Cummings. Synthesis and scripting techniques
for designing multi-asynchronous clock designs. In Synopsys Users Group Conference, San Jose, March 2001.
N. Dave, M. Pellauer, S. Gerding, and Arvind. 802.11a
Transmitter: A Case Study in Microarchitectural Exploration. In these proceedings, 2006.
Esterel Technologies, Inc. Esterel Studio Version 5.3, 2006.
R. Ginosar. Fourteen ways to fool your synchronizer. In
Ninth IEEE International Symposium on Asynchronous Circuits and Systems (ASYNC03), page 89, 2003.
IEEE. IEEE standard 802.11a supplement. Wireless LAN
Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY)
Specifications, 1999.
Intel Corporation. USB 2.0 Transceiver Macrocell Interface
(UTMI) Specification, 2001.
M. Stein. Crossing the abyss: asynchronous signals in
a synchronous world. EDN, pages 5969, July 24 2003.
Synopsys, Inc. Leda Programmable RTL Checker, 2006.
IEEE Standard for SystemVerilogUnified Hardware Design, Specification , and Verification Language, November
2005. IEEE Std 1800-2005,
Verisity Design, Inc. USB eVC, 2004.

A. Bluespec SystemVerilog
Previous attempts at behavioral synthesis have tried to
optimize along three axes simultaneously: choice of microarchitecture, allocation of resources, and scheduling of concurrent operations. Doing all this together, however, is computationally hard. Besides, designers are good at evaluating micro-architectures, and like to be in control of resource allocation; handling concurrency, however, often becomes excessively complex. The Bluespec tool takes over
this task, while leaving the designer in control of the other
two. The result is a flexible tool, with which it is easy to do
architectural experiments, while producing RTL of comparable quality to hand-crafted Verilog.
The HDL for the Bluespec tool is Bluespec SystemVerilog (BSV). This is a variant of SystemVerilog [14] in which
behavior is specified, not by the usual always-blocks, but
by design assertions also known as rules. A rule consists of a condition and an action part. Only if the condition
is satisfied may the state transition specified by the action
part be executed. Each action executes in a single clock cycle. The tool generates scheduling logic which executes as

many rules as possible in each cycle, but with the restriction

that the overall effect must be the same as if they had each
executed one at a time in some order. This restriction avoids
many race conditions, replacing them with a compile-time
warning that two rules could not be simultaneously scheduled because of a resource conflict, which is much easier to
deal with.
As in standard SystemVerilog, a BSV design is partitioned into modules. The designer can control which modules are synthesized by the Bluespec tool into separate RTL
modules (output in low-level Verilog2001) and which are
inlined. The action part of a rule effects a state transition by
invoking a method of some other modules interface. Even
individual registers are actually instantiations of primitive
modules (written in standard Verilog)references to them
are desugared into invocations of their read and write
The interfaces of these other modules might be available
in the modules environment; or the modules might be instantiated within the module being defined; or they might be
supplied as arguments to that module. These appear in the
list corresponding to the port list of a standard Verilog module; the input/output distinction is inappropriate for these
arguments (as each interface, and indeed each of its methods, contain both input and output signals), so instead we
distinguish between the interfaces used by a module, and
the interface (by convention the last one in the list) it provides by defining each of its methods.
For modules which are separately synthesized, the methods of a modules interface become collections of ports in
the RTL version. As well as the data ports (input or output), each method in general has an output READY signal,
asserting that the method may validly be invoked; methods
which effect state transitions also have an input ENABLE
signal, asserting that the transition is to be executed. The
tool enforces the protocol that the ENABLE signal may not
be asserted unless the corresponding READY signal is also
asserted. At the language level, the methods validity conditions are implicitly added to the conditions of any rule
(or other method) which invokes it; similarly, its action becomes part of the rules (or other methods) one-cycle action. Thus we achieve modularity, and the separation of
concerns, by defining methods within the module which
provides them, while preserving the atomicity of the rule
which invokes them.

A.1. ExampleFactorial
Figure 12 shows a simple complete BSV design, containing a module mkFact for computing the factorial function,
and a testbench module mkTestFact for exercising it.
The interface provided by mkFact is of type NumFn; it
consists of a method start to initiate a calculation, and a

module mkFact(CLK,
input CLK;
input RST_N;

package Factorial;
typedef UInt#(32) Nat;
interface NumFn;
method Action start(Nat x);
method Nat result;
(* synthesize *)
module mkFact(NumFn ifc);
Reg#(Nat) n <- mkReg(0);
Reg#(Nat) a <- mkRegU;
rule calc (n!=0);
a <= a * n;
n <= n - 1;
method Action start(x) if (n==0);
a <= 1;
n <= x;
method result if (n==0);
return a;
(* synthesize *)
module mkTestFact(Empty);
NumFn fact <- mkFact;
Reg#(UInt#(2)) state <- mkReg(0);
rule start_test (state==0);
state <= 1;
rule show_result (state==1);
state <= 2;
$display("%d", fact.result);
rule end_test (state==2);

Figure 12. A simple BSV package

// action method start

input [31 : 0] start_x;
input EN_start;
output RDY_start;
// value method result
output [31 : 0] result;
output RDY_result;

Figure 13. Part of the RTL for the simple example

method result to retrieve the result. The actual computation

is performed by the rule calc, which can run only when n 6=
0. The two methods, on the other hand, are ready only if
n = 0: the result cannot be read while a computation is still
in progress, nor can a new computation be started.
The first few lines of the RTL synthesized from mkFact
are shown in Figure 13. As well as the methods signals,
already described, clock and reset ports will be noticed.
In the testbench, mkTestFact, the mkFact module is instantiated, giving an interface called fact. Its start method
is invoked by the start test rule of mkTestFact. Thus the
complete condition of start test is state==0 & n==0:
the first test comes from the rules condition and the second
from the methods. Similarly, the action part is
state <= 1;
a <= 1;
n <= x;

amalgamating the actions of the rule and the method; all the
assignments are executed simultaneously.
Notice that in this very simple design, all the rules are
mutually exclusiveat most one is enabled at any one time.
There is therefore no possibility of conflict, and the scheduling is trivial: each rule may fire whenever it is enabled. In
general, however, many non-conflicting rules may fire during any one cycle.

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