Itr 5 - A.Y. 2010-11

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About the Author :


Sudhakar & Kumar Associates,

Chartered Accountant
# 10-1-12, II Floor,
Krishna Kamal Enclave,
Asilmetta Junction,
Visakhapatnam - 530 003
Ph. (O) : 0891-2755814
(M) : 9866531022

E-mail ID : [email protected]

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ITR - 5
A.Y. 2010-11

For firms,
Association of
Persons and Body
of Individuals

C Chartered Accountants

Name of the Assessee

Date of fomation of firm 30-Dec-1899 Address

PAN Flat /Door/Block No.

1 Status Name of Premises/building/Village

Assessment Year 2010-2011 Road/Street/Post Office

Financial Year 2009-2010 Area/Locality

Due date of filing 31-Jul-2010 Town/City/District

Month of filing 31-Jul-2010 State/ Union Territory

Financial Year Ending 31-Mar-2010 PIN CLICK HERE TO GET PIN CODE

Return of Income Voluntarily before the due date e-mail ID [email protected]

Type of return
✘ Original Revised
Nature of Business : Professionals - Chartered Accountants, Auditors,etc

Tradae Name

Other Information
Type of Return
Original Revised

Residential Status Resident Non Resident Resident but not ordinarily resident
Is this return is filed by a representative Assessee Yes No

Whether Books of account are required to maintained u /s 44AA YES NO

Whether Books of account are required to be audited U/s 44AB YES NO

Whether there was any change during the previous year in the partners/members of the firm/AOP/BOI YES NO

Particulars of persons who were partners/members in the firm /AOP/BOI on 31st day of March, 2007
S.No. Name and Address Percentage of share (if determinate) PAN


Name of person signing the return 20 0
Father's Name 2 Partner
Managing Partner
Designation Managing
Managing Partner
Partner Manager
Authorised Person
### MALE 1


a) Capital -
b) Loan Funds
a) Secured Loans
a. Foreign currency Loans -
b. From Banks -
d. From Others -
b) Unsecured Loans
a. From Bank -
b. From Others -
Total Loan Funds -

c) Deferred Tax Liability -


a) Fixed Assets
a Gross: Block -
b Depreciation -
c Net Block (a-b) -
Capital Wrok-in-progress -
b) Investments
a) Lonag Term
a. Govt. and other Quoted -
b. Govt. and other unQuoted -
b) Trade Investments
a. Equity Shares -
b. Preference Shares -
c. Debenture -
Total Investments -

c) Current Assets, Loans & Advances

a) Current Assests
1. Inventories
a. Stores & Consumables -
b. Raw Materials -
c. Stock-in-progress -
d. Finished Goods/Trading G. -

2. Sundry Debtors -
3. Cash & Bank Balances
a. Cash in hand -
b. Cash at bank -
4. Other Current Assets -

5. Loans & Advances

a. Advances Recoverable -
b. Deposit Recoverable -
b. Due from Tax Departments -

Total Current Assets -

b) Current Liabilities
1. Current Liabilities
a. Sundry Creditors -
b. Liability for Leased Assets -
c. Interest accrued on above -
d. Interest accrued but not due -

2. Provisions
a. Provision for I.T -
b. Provision for FBT
c. Provision for Wealth Tax -
d. Provision for lease enchmt. -
e. Other Provisions -

Total Current Liabilities -

Net Current Assets -

c) Miscellaneous Expenditure not written off or adjusted

a. Preliminary Expenses -
c. Deferred Tax Asset -
d. Profit & Loss Account -


In case no regular books of account are maintained (Eg., Section 44AD, 44AE and 44AF )
a) Sundry Debtors -
b) Sundry Creditors -
c) Stock-in-Trade -
d) Cash Balance -


1. Sales/Gross receipts of business or profession -

2. Taxes collected on sales or services

a. Central Excise -
b. Service Tax -
c. VAT/Sales Tax -
d. Any other duty, tax and cess -

3. Other Income
a. Rent -
b. Commission -
c. Dividend -
d. Interest -
e. Profit on sale of fixed assets -
f. Profit on sale of investment being securities chargeable to Securities
Transaction Tax (STT) -
g. Profit on sale of other investment -
h. Profit on account of currency fluctuation -
i. Agriculture income -
j. Any other income -

4. Closing Stock -


5. Opening Stock -

6. Purchases -

7. Duties & Taxes Paid

a Custom Duty -
b Counter vailing duty -
c Special additional duty -
d Union excise duty -
e Service tax -
f VAT/Sales tax -
g Any other tax, paid or payable -

8. Freight -
9. Consumption of stores and spare parts -
10. Power and fuel -
11. Rents -
12. Repairs to building -
13. Repairs to machinery -

14. Compensation to employees

a Salaries and wages -
b Bonus -
c Reimbursement of medical expenses -
d Leave encashment -
e Leave travel benefits -
f Contribution to approved superannuation fund -
g Contribution to recognised provident furn -
h Contribution to recognised gratuity fund -
i Contribution to any other fund -
j Any other benefit to employees in respect of which an expenditure has
been incurred -
k. Fringe benefit tax paid or payable -
15. Insurance
a medical Insurance -
b Life Insutrance -
c keymans' Insurance -
d other insurance -

16. Workmen and staff welfare expenses -

17. Entertainment -
18. hospitality -
19. Conference -
20. Sale promotion including publicity (other than advertisement) -
21. Advertisement -
22. Commission -
23. Hotel, boarding and Lodging -
24. traveling expenses including foreign traveling -
25. Conveyance expenses -
26. telephone expenses -
27. Guest house expenses -
28. Club expenses -
29. Festival celebration expenses -
30. Scholarship -
31. Gift -
32. Donation -

33. Rates taxes paid to the Government (Except Income Tax)

a Union excise duty -
b Service tax -
c VAT/Sales Tax -
d Cess -
e Any other rate, tax, duty or cess -

34. Audit Fee -

35 Other expenses -
36 Bad debts -
37 Provision for bad and doubtful debts -
38 Other Provisions -
39. Interest -
40. Depreciation -

41. Profit before Taxes -


42 Provision for Current Tax -
42a. Provision Fringe Benefit Tax -
43. Provision for Deferred Tax -

44. Profit after Tax -

45. Previous year balanceof Profit & Loss Account (if any) -

46. Profit before appropriation -

47. Appropriations if any (if any) -

48. Transferred to Reserves & Surplus (if any) -

49 Balance carried to Capital Account of proprietor -

In case no regular books of account are maintained (Eg., Section 44AD, 44AE and 44AF )

a Gross receipts -
b Gross profit -
c Expenses -
d Net profit -

1. House Property 1 0
Address :

PIN Code

Let Out Self Occupied

Gross Annual Value -

Less: Municipal Taxes -

Net Annual Value -

Less: Deduction U/s 24

a) Standard Deduction @ 30% -
b) Interest on borrowed capital -
c) Prior Period Interest -
Total of Deductions u/s 24 -

Income/loss from house property - 0

Net Income from Property -

2. House Property 2 0
Address :
PIN Code

Let Out Self Occupied

Gross Annual Value -

Less: Municipal Taxes -

Net Annual Value -

Less: Deduction U/s 24

a) Standard Deduction @ 30% -

b) Interest on borrowed capital -

c) Prior Period Interest -

Total of Deductions u/s 24 -

Income/loss from house property - 0

Net Income from Property -

3. House Property 3 0
Address :


PIN Code

Let Out Self Occupied

Gross Annual Value -

Less: Municipal Taxes -
Net Annual Value -

Less: Deduction U/s 24

a) Standard Deduction @ 30% -

b) Interest on borrowed capital -
c) Prior Period Interest -
Total of Deductions u/s 24 -
Income/loss from house property - 0

Net Income from Property -



A. From business or profession other than speculative business

1 Profit before tax as per profit and loss account -

Less: Profits chargeable seperately
2 Net profit or loss from speculative business included in 1 -
3 Income/receipts credited to P & L a/c but considered under other heads
a. - -
b. -
c. -
d. -
e. -
f. -
g. - -
4 Profit or loss included in 1, which is referred to in section
44AD/44AE/44AF/44B/44BB/44BBA/44BBB/44D/44DA Chapter -XII-G /
First Schedule of Income Tax Act -
Less: Exempted Income -
a share of income from firms(s)
sl.n. Name of the Firm Share of Profit
a. -
b. -
c. -
d. -
e. - -
b Share of income from AOP/BOI -
c Any other exempt income (Agricultural Income/Dividends etc.,) -

Balance : -
Add: Inadmissable Expenses debited to P & L a/c
1. Expenses considered seperately
a. -
b. -
c. -
d. -
e. -
f. -
g. - -
2. Expenses related to exempted Income
a. -
b. -
c. -
d. -
e. -
f. -
g. -

Add: Adjusted profit -

1. Depreciation debited to Profit & Loss account -

Profit before depreciation -

Depreciation as per Income Tax Act, 1961

1. Depreciation as per the above table -

2. Depreciation on the assets used for generation and distribution of power -

Profit after depreciation -

Add: Disallowable Expenses
1 Amounts debited to the profit and loss account, to the extent disallowable under section 36 (6p of
Part-OI) -
2 Amounts debited to the profit and loss account, to the extent disallowable under section 37(7j of
Personal Expenses -
Donations -
Exp. Of Capital Nature -
Exp. Not related to the business -
Any other Expenses - -
3 Amounts debited to the profit and loss account, to the extent disallowable under section 40(8g of
Income Tax debited to P & L a/c -
Wealth Tax debited to P & L a/c -
FBT debited to P & L a/c -
Expenditure disallowed u/s 40(a)(ia) -
Any other Expenses - -
4 Amounts debited to the profit and loss account, to the extent disallowable under section 40A(9e of
Part-OI) -
5 Any amounts debited to the profit and loss account of the previous year but disallowable under
section 43B
Contribution to PF paid belatedly -
Contribution to ESI paid belatedly -
Prov.for stat. liability not before due date of filing -
Interest to Finan. Inst. Not paid before due date -
Any other Expenses - -
Interest diallowable under section 23 of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act, -
6 2006
7 Deemed income under section 41 -
8 Deemed income under section 33AB/33ABA/35ABB/72A/ 80HHD/80-IA
9 Any other item or items of addition undersection 28 to44DA -
10 Any other income not included in profit and loss account/any other expense not allowable
Balance -
Less: Disallowable expenses of preceding previous year allowable during the year
25 Deduction allowable under section 32(1)(iii) -
26 Amount of deduction under section 35 in excess of the amount debigted to profit and loss account
(Item vii(4) of schedule ESR) -

Any amount disallowed under section 40 in any preceeding previous year but allowed during the -
27 previous year (8B of Part-OI)
Any amount disallowed under section 43B in any preceeding previous year but allowed during the -
28 previous year (10g of Part-OI)
29 Deduction under section 35AC
a Amount, if any, debited to profit and loss account -
b Amount allowable as deduction -
c Excess amount allowable as deduction (29b-29a) -
30 Any other amount allowable as deduction -

Income -
Proft and gains of business or profession deemed to be under
I Section 44AD
a. Gross receipts -
b. Estimated Income @ 8% on the Gross Receipts - -
ii Section 44AE
a. No. of Vehicles owned by the assessee - 1
b. No. of months owned - - 2

c. Estimated income per vehicle Light Vehicle 3150

d. Estimated Income from plying of vehicles 0
iii Section 44AF
a. Gross Turnover -
b. Estimated Income @ 5% on the Gross Receipts - -
iv Section 44B -
v Section 44BB -
vi Section 44BBA -
vii Section 44BBB -
viii Section 44D -
ix Section 44DA -
x Chapter-XII-G -
xi First Schedule of Income-tax Act -

Operating Profit after payments made partners -

Add: Payments made to partners
a. Interest on partners capital -
b. Remuneration to Partners -
### -

Operating Profit before payments made partners -

Less: Payments made to partners eligible u/s 40(b) of Income Tax Act, 1961 -
a. Interest on partners capital - 150,000
b. Remuneration to Partners -
### -

Profit or loss before deduction u/s 10A/10AA/10B/10BA -

Less: Deductions under section 10

I 10A (6 of Schedule-10A) -
ii 10AA (d of Schedule-10AA) -
iii 10B (f of Schedule-10B) -
iv 10BA (f of Schedule-10BA) -
Net Profit from business other than speculative business -

B. Computation of income from speculative business

38 Net profit or loss from speculative business as per profit or loss account -
39 Additions in accordance with section 28 to 44DA -
40 Deductions in accordance with section 28 to 44DA -
41 Profit or loss from speculative business (35+36+37) -

Income chargeable under the head "Profits and gains" -


A. Short Term Capital Gains
a. Full Value of Consideration - Date of Transfer 1-Apr-2009

Less: Deduction u/s 48

i. Cost of acquisition -

ii. Cost of Improvement -

iii Expenditure on transfer -

Total : -

b. Short Term Capital Gains -

c. Exemption u/s 54/54B/54D/54EC/54ED/54F -

d. Income from Short Term Capital Gains -

B. Short Term Capital Gains (Chargeable at special Rates (Shares sold within 12 months holding))

a. Full Value of Consideration - Date of Transfer 1-Apr-2009

Less: Deduction u/s 48

i. Cost of acquisition -

ii. Expenditure on transfer -

Total : -
b. Income from Short Term Capital Gains chargeable at special rates -

C. Long Term Capital Gains

Description of Long Term Capital Gains

a. Full Value of consideration - Date of Transfer 1-Apr-2009

b. Indexed cost of acuisition

a. Cost of acquisition - Index Number

Year of purchase (YYYY-YY) 1986-87 6 140

Year of Transfer (YYYY-YY) 2009-10

2008-09 ### 632

Indexed cost of acquisition -

b. Cost of Improvement - Index Number

Year of Improvement (YYYY-YY) 1990-91 ### 182

Year of Transfer (YYYY-YY) 2009-10 ### 632

Indexed cost of Improvement -

c. Expenditure on Transfer -

d. Long Term Capital Gains -

e. Exemption u/s 54/54B/54D/54EC/54ED/54F -

f. Income from Long Term Capital Gains -



A. Income from other sources other than winning from race horses
a. Dividends -
b. Interest
a. -
b. -
c. -
d. -
e. -
f. -
g. - -
c. Rental Income from Machinery -
d. Other Income
a. -
b. -
c. -
d. -
e. -
f. -
g. -
h. - -

Less: Deduction U/s 57
a. Expenses -
b. Depreciation -

Less: Exempted Income

a. Dividends -
b. Others -

B. Income from winning from lotter tickets and puzzels -

C. Income from other sources other than winning from Horse Races -

D. Income from winning from Horse Races

a. Receipts -

b. Deduction u/s 57 -



1. Income Chargeable under the head House Property -

2. Income Chargeable undaer the head Business or Profession -

3. Income Chargeable under the head Short Term Capital Gains -

4. Income Chargeable under the head Long Term Capital Gains -

4. Income Chargeable under the head Othe Sources -

Gross Total Income

Details of Carried Forward Losses

Assessment Year Date of filing of Unabsorbed House Property Business loss Business Loss S.T. Capital L.T. Capital
Return of Depreciation Loss Non-speculation Speculation Loss Loss
- -
- - ### - -
- - -
- - -
- - - -
- - - -
- - - -
- - - -
TOTAL : - - - - - -

Net Income after set off of current year loss

Heads of Income Income from Set off of House Set off Business Set off of Other loss Balance after
Individual Heads Property Loss Loss (Non Sepcul.) (Not H. Races) Set off of C.Y.

Income from House Property - - - -

Income from Buiness (Incl. Speculative) - - - -
Short Term Capital Gains - - - - -
Long Term Capital Gains - - - - -
Other Sources (Incl. income from horse races) - - - -
TOTAL : - - - - -

Net Income after set off of brought forward

Heads of Income Income from Set Off of brought Set off of Set off Brought Balance after
Individual Heads forward losses Unabsorbed forward allowance Set off of C.Y.
Depreciation u/s 35(4) losses

Income from House Property - ### - - - -

Income from Buiness (Incl. Speculative) - ###
- - - -
Short Term Capital Gains - - - - -
Long Term Capital Gains - - - - -
Other Sources (Incl. income from horse races) - - - - -
TOTAL : - - - - -

Details of Carried Forward Losses

Assessment Year Date of filing of Unabsorbed House Property Business loss Business Loss S.T. Capital L.T. Capital
Return of Depreciation Loss Non-speculation Speculation Loss Loss
30-Dec-99 - - - - -
30-Dec-99 - - - - -
30-Dec-99 - - - - -
30-Dec-99 - - - - -
30-Dec-99 - - - - - -
30-Dec-99 - - - - - -
30-Dec-99 - - - - - -
30-Dec-99 - - - - - -
TOTAL : - - - - - -
16. Deductions under Chapter VIA
a) Deduction U/s 80G -

b) Deduction u/s 80GGA -

c) Deduction U/s 80GGC -

d) Deduction U/S 80IA -

e) Deduction U/s 80IB -

f) Deduction U/s 80IC -

g) Deduction U/s 80JJA -

h) Deduction U/s 80LA -

I) Deduction U/s 80P -

Total of Deduction under chapter VIA


16. Taxable Income

17. Agricultural Income

18. Agrigate of (Item No. 16 and 17)


19. Tax at normal rates

20. Tax at special rates

21. Tax Payable on total Income

21a. Less: Rebate U/s 88E

21b. Net Tax Payable

22. Surcharge

23. Education Cess

24. Total Tax Payable (Item No.21+22+23)

25. Relief U/s 89

26. Relief U/s 90/91

27. Balance Tax Payable

28. Interest Payable U/s 234

a) U/s 234 A

b) U/s 234 B
c) U/s 234 C

29. Total Tax Payable

Taxes Paid
Advance Tax Paid
Sl.N Name of Bank & Branch BSR Code Date of Deposit Serial No. of Amount
o. Challan
1 1st Installment on or before 15th September
2 2nd Installment on or before 15th December
3 3rd Installment on or before 15th March
4 Advance tax paid before 31st March may be considered


Tax Deducted At Source (As per Form No. 16A issued by the deductee)
Sl.N TAN of the Name and address of the deductor Amount Paid/ Date of Payment/ Total tax
o. Deductor Credit Credit deposited

- ### -
- -
- -


Details of Tax Collected at Source [As per Form 27D issued by the Collector(s)]
Sl.N TAN of the of Name and address of the collector Amount received/ Date of Total tax
o. collector debited receipt/debit deposited

### -

If your unable to find the TAN on the form no. 16, Please try the following web site Know your TAN

Self Assessment Tax Paid

Sl.N Name of Bank & Branch BSR Code Date of Deposit Serial No. of Amount
o. Challan


Total Taxes p

31. Tax Pyable ###


32 Refund Receivable 1

a) Name of the Bank --Select

Select Bank
Bank and
and Branch
Branch - -

b) Name of the Branch Name of the Branch

c) Account Number


# 10-1-12, II Floor,
Krishna Kamal
Enclave, Asilmetta
PIN : 530003

[email protected]







Please Check ###




Heavy Vehicle 3500
Light Vehicle 3150


Loss from Horse Total Loss


- -
- -
- -
- -
- -



Loss from Horse Total Loss


- -
- -
- -
- -
- -



- -
- -
- -
- -

claimed for
this year

claimed for
this year



Total Taxes paid -

Schedule CYLA Details of Income after set-off of current years losses
Sl. Head / Source of Income Income of current House poerty loss of the Business loss Other sources loss (other Current year's
No. year current year set off (other than than loss from race Income
(Fill this column speculation loss) of horses) of the current remaining
only if income is zero the current year set year set off after set off
or positive) off

Total loss Total loss Total loss

(4c of Schl.- 37 of Schl. (3 of Schl.-
HP) - BP OS)

1 2 3 4 5=1-2-3-4
Loss to be adjusted
I House property - - - -
ii Business(including speculation profit) - - -
iii Short-term capital - - - -
gain -
iv Long-term capital - - -
gain - -
v Other sources (incl - - - -
profit from owning
race horses)
vi Total loss set off - - -
vii Loss remaining after set-off - - -

Schedule BFLA Details of Income after Set off of Brought Forward Losses of earlier years
Sl Head / Source of Income Income after set Brought forward loss Brought Broguth forward Current years
No. off, if any, of set off forward allowance under section income remaining

current year's depreciation 35(4) set off after set off

losess as per 5 of set off
Schedule CYLA)

1 2 3 4 5
i. House property - - - - -
ii. Business(including speculation profit) - - - -
iii. Short-term capital gain - - -
- -
iv. Long-term capital gain - - -
- -
v. Other sources (incl profit from owning race horses) - - -
- -
vi. Total of brought forward loss set off - - -
vii. Current year's income remaining after set off Total (i5+ii5+iii5+iv5+v5+vi5) -

Schedule CFL Details of Losses to be carried forward to future Years

Sl Assessment Year Date of filing (DD/MM/YYYY) House Loss from Loss from Short term Long term Other sources loss ( from
No. Property Loss business other Speculative capital loss Capital loss owning race horses)
than loss from business

I 2002-03 - - - -

ii 2003-04 - - - -
iii 2004-05 - - - -
iv 2005-06 - - - -
v 2006-07 - - - - - -
vi 2007-08 - - - - - -
vii 2008-09 - - - - - -
viii 2009-10 - - - - - -
ix Total of earlier year - - - - - -
x Adjustment of above - - - - - -
losses in Schedule
xi 2010-11 (Current - - - - - -
year losses)
xii Total loss carried - - - - - -
forward to future
Name of the assessee #VALUE!
Address #VALUE!
(Being a Women Assessee) #VALUE!
PAN Assessment Year
Status 2 Firm Previous Year
Due date of filing 31-Jul-10 Type of ITR
Month of filing 31-Jul-10 Previous Year ended on


(Being a senior citizen) AMOUNT
Since the assessee does not RS.
1. , - LET OUT

Gross Annual Value -

Less: Muncipal Taxes -
Annual Value -
Less: Deductions U/s 24:
(i) Repairs 30% of Annual Value -
(ii) Interes on Housing Loan -
Net Income from Property -

2. , - LET OUT

Gross Annual Value -

Less: Muncipal Taxes -
Annual Value -
Less: Deductions U/s 24:
(i) Repairs 30% of Annual Value -
(ii) Interes on Housing Loan -

3. ,- LET OUT

Gross Annual Value -

Less: Muncipal Taxes -
Annual Value -
Less: Deductions U/s 24:
(i) Repairs 30% of Annual Value -
(ii) Interes on Housing Loan -
Income from House Property -
Less: Set off of Current Year Losses
- Business Loss (Non speculative) -
- Other Sources Losses -
Income from House Prperty after set off of current year losses -

Less: Set off of brought forward Losses

- Brought forward House propety loss -
- Brought forwad Depreciation Loss -
- Brought forwad Allowance u/s 35(4) -


Income from House Prperty after set off of current year losses & brought forward losses


Net Profit as per Profit & Loss account -

Add: Inadmissable Expenses debited to P & L Account
a. #VALUE!
b. Expenses related to exempted incomes
Less: Incomes considered seperately under other heads
a) Speculative Business -
b) Incomes/Receipts considered under other heads
c) Income estimated under presumptive provisions included
in P & L a/c (Ex. U/s 44AD, 44AE and 44AF etc.,) -

d) Exempted Income credited to P & L Account

Share of profits from Partnership Firms
0 -
0 -
0 -
0 -
0 -
e) Share of Income from AOP/BOI -

f) Aany other Income -

Add: Disallowable Expenditure
a) Expenditure disallowed u/s 36 -
b) Expenditure disallowed u/s 37
c) Expenditure disallowed u/s 40
d) Expenditure disallowed u/s 40A -
e) Expenditure disallowed u/s 43B
f) Int. disallowed u/s 23 of MSMED Act, 2006 -
g) Deemed Income u/s 41 -
h) Deemed Income u/s 33AB,ABA,33ABB,72A,80HHD & IA -
i) Any other item of addition u/s 24 to 44DA -
j) Any income not included in P&L or exp. Not allowed -
Less: Disallowable expenditure of preceeding previous year
allowable during the previous year
a) Deduction allowable u/s 32(1) -
b) Deduction allowable u/s 35 -
c) Deduction allowable u/s 40(a)(ia) -
d) Deduction allowable u/s 43B -
e) Deduction allowable u/s 35AC -
f) Any other allowable deduction -
Add: Deemed Profits and gains u/s 44AD to 44DA
a) Presumptive Income u/s 44AD
Gross Bills/Receipts -
Income Estimated @ 8% on the above -

b) Presumptive Income u/s 44AE

No. of vehicles owned - -
No. of months owned -
Estimated Income per vehicle 3,150
Total Estimated Income -

c) Presumptive Income u/s 44AE

Gross Turnover -
Income Estimated @ 5% on the above -

d) Other Estimated Income -

Add: Expenses considered seperately

a) Depreciation as per books -

b) Interest on partners capital -
c) Remuneration to partners -
Profit before deduction U/s 32 & 40(b) -

Less: Deduction U/s 32

a) Depreciation as per Income Tax Act., 1961 -

Profit before deduction U/s 40(b) -

Less: Deduction U/s 40(b)

a) Interest on partners capital -

b) Remuneration to partners -
Less: Exempted Profits u/s 10
a) Exemption u/s 10A -
b) Exemption u/s 10AA -
c) Exemption u/s 10B -
d) Exemption u/s 10BA -
Add: Speculative Profit
Net profit or loss from sepculative business as per P&L a/c -
Add: Additions in accordance with sec. 28 to 44DA -
Less: Deduction in accordance with sec. 28 to 44DA -
Income under the head business or profession -
Less: Set off of Current Year Losses
- House Property Loss -
- Other Sources Losses -
Income from business or profession after set off of current year losses -

Less: Set off of brought forward Losses

- Brought forward non speculation loss -
- Brought forward speculation loss -
- Brought forward Depreciation Loss -
- Brought forward Allowance u/s 35(4) -

Income from business after set off of current year losses & brought forward losses

Long Term Capital Gain (Note enclosed) -

Less: Set off of Current Year Losses
- House Property Loss -
- Business Losses (Non speculative) -
- Non speculativeOther Sources Losses -
Less: Set off of brought forward Losses
- Brought forward Long term capital loss -
- Brought forward Depreciation Loss -
- Brought forward Allowance u/s 35(4) -

Short Term Capital Gains :

Chargeable at normal rates -
Chargeable at special rates -
Less: Set off of Current Year Losses
- House Property Loss -
- Business Losses (Non speculative) -
- Other Sources Losses (Non horse races) -

Less: Set off of brought forward Losses

- Brought forward Short term capital loss -
- Brought forward Depreciation Loss -
- Brought forward Allowance u/s 35(4) -


A. Income from other sources other than winning from race horses
a. Dividends -
b. Interest
c. Rental Income from Machinery -
d. Other Income
Less: Deduction U/s 57
a. Expenses -
b. Depreciation -
Less: Exempted Income
a. Dividends -
b. Others -
B. Income from winning from lotter tickets and puzzels -

C. Income from winning from Horse Races

a. Receipts -
b. Deduction u/s 57 -
Less: Set off of Current Year Losses
- House Property Loss -
- Business Losses (Non speculative) -
Less: Set off of brought forward Losses
- Brought forward Other Losses -
- Brought forward Depreciation Loss -
- Brought forward Allowance u/s 35(4) -


Gross Total Income

Less: Deduction under chapter VIA :
a) Deduction U/s 80G -
b) Deduction u/s 80GGA -
c) Deduction U/s 80GGC -
d) Deduction U/S 80IA -
e) Deduction U/s 80IB -
f) Deduction U/s 80IC -
g) Deduction U/s 80JJA -
h) Deduction U/s 80LA -
I) Deduction U/s 80P -

Taxable Income
Rounded to #REF!
Agricultural Income
Tax on Income returned
Income Chargeable Income Tax
Chargeable at 20% (LTCG) - -
Chargeable at 15% (STCG) - -
At Normal Rates - -
Tax on Income returned
Add: Education Cess
Total Tax Payable
Less: Tax Deducted At Source -
Advance Tax Paid
Date BSR Code Amount in Rs.
#VALUE! - -
Refund Receivable

ITR - 5





Book Profit u/s 40(b)

Less: Interest on Capital

Book Profit after Interest on capital


Disallowable Remuneration U/s 40(b)



Government of India



Received with thanks from #VALUE! a return of income

in Form No. ITR - 5 for assessment year 2010-11, having the following particulars

Name PAN

Flat/Door/Block No Name of Premises/Building/Village

Road/Street/Post Office Area/Locality
Town/City/District State
Status (fill the
Designation of Assessing Officer (Ward/Range) Original or Revised ORIGINAL

1 Gross Total Income 1 -

2 Deductions Under Chapter VI-A 2 -

3 Total Income 3 -

3a Current Year loss (if any) 3a -

4 Net tax payable 4 -

5 Interest payable 5 -

6 Total tax and interest payable 6 -

7 Taxes paid

a Advance Tax 7a -

b TDS 7b -

c TCS 7c -

d Self Assessment Tax 7d -

e Total Taxes Paid (7a+7b+7c+7d) 7e -

8 Tax Payable (6-7d) 8 -

9 Refund (7e-6) 9 -
Receipt No Seal and Signature of receiving official
ITR-5 [For firms, AOPs and BOIs]
(Please see Rule 12 of the Income-tax Rules, 1962) 2 0 1 0 - 1 1
(Also see attached instructions)


Name PAN

Is there any change in the name? If yes, please furnish the old name

Flat/Door/Block No. Name of Premises/Building/Village Date of information (DD/MM/YYYY)

#VALUE! #VALUE! 30-Dec-1899

Road/Street/Post Office Area/Locality Status
(firm-1, local authority-2, cooperative 1
bank-3, other cooperative society-4, any
other AOP/BOI artificial judicial
#VALUE! #VALUE! persion-5)
Town/City/District State Pin code Return filed
under section
Email Address (STD Code)-Phone Number (Enter Code) 11
Income - Tax
#VALUE! [Ple-ase see
Area Code AO Tyepe Range Code AO No
Designation of Assessing Officer instruction number

Whether orginal or Revised return? (Tick) √ 0 Original 0 Revised

If revised, then enter Receipt No and Date of filing original

return (DD/MM/YYYY)

Residential Status (Tick) √ 0 Resident 0 Non-Resident 0 Resident but not ordinarily Resident

In the case of non-resident, is there a permanent establishemnt(PE) in India (Tick) √ Yes No

Whether this return is being filed by a representative assessee? (Tick) √ 0 Yes 0 No

if yes, please furnish following information-

(a) Name of the representative

(b) Address of the representative

(c) Permanent Account Number (PAN) of the representative

Are you liable to maintain accounts as per section 44AA? (Tick) √ 0 Yes 0 No

Are you liable for audit under section 44AB? (Tick) √ 0 Yes 0 No, If yes, furnish following information-

(a) Name of the auditor signing the tax audit report

(b) Membership no. of the auditor

(c) Name of the auditor (Proprietorship/firm)

(d) Permanent Account Number (PAN) of the proprietorship/firm

(e) Date of audit report

For Office Use only For Office Use only

Receipt No.


Seal and Signature of receiving official

A. Whether there was any change during the previous year in the partners/members of the firm/AOP/BOI (Tick) √ 0 Yes 0 No

B. Particulars of persons who were partners/members in the firm /AOP/BOI on 31st day of March, 2010

S.No. Name and Address Percentage of share (if determinate) PAN


Nature of business or profession, if more than one business or profession indicate the three main activities/products
S.No. Code Description

[Please see instruction No.9(ii)]

Professionals - Chartered Accountants, Auditors,etc
(i) 0601



(Fill items 1 to 5 in a case where regular books of accounts are maintained, otherwise fill item 6)
1 Partners' / members' fund
a Partners' / members' fund a -
b Reserves and Surplus
I Revaluation Reserve bi -
ii Capital Reserve bii -
iii Statutory Reserve biii -
iv Any other Reserve biv -
v Total (bi+bii+biii+biv) bv -
c Total partners'/members' fund (a + bv) 1c -

2 Loan funds
a Secured loans
I Foreign Currency Loans ai -
ii Rupee Loans
A From Banks iiA -
B From others iiB -
C Total (iiiA + iiiB) iiC -
iii Total (ai + iiC) aiii -
b Unsecured Loans
I From Banks bi -
ii From Others bii -
Total (iC + iiC) biii -
c Total Loan Funds (aiii + biii) 2c -
3 Deferred tax liability 3 -
4 Sources of funds (1c + 2c + 3) 4 -
1 Fixed Assets
a Gross: Block 1a -
b Depreciation 1b -
c Net Block (a-b) 1c -
d Capital work-in-progress 1d -
e total (1c + 1d) 1e -
2 Investments
a Long-term investments
I Government and other Securities - Quoted ai -
ii Government and other Securities - Unquoted aii -
iii Total (ai + aii) aiii -
b Trade investments
I Equity Shares bi -
ii Preference Shares bii -
iii Debenture biii -
iv Total (bi+bii+biii) biv -
c Total investments (aiii+biv) 2c -
3 Current assets, loans and advances
a Current assets
I Inventories
Stores/consumables including packing Materials iA
A -

B Raw materials iB -
C Stock-in-process iC -
D Finished Goods/Traded Goods iD -
E Total (iA+IB + iC+iD) iE -
ii Sundry Debtors aii -

iii Cash and Bank Balances

A Cash-in-hand iiiA -
B Balance with banks iiiB -
C Total (iiiA + iiiB) iiiC -
iv Other Current Assets aiv -
v Total current assets (iE + aii + iiiC +aiv) av -
b Loans and advance
I Advances recoverable in cash or in kind bi
or for value to be received
ii Deposits bii -
iii Balance with Revenue Authorities biii -
iv Total (bi + bii + biii) biv -
c Total of current assets, loans and advances(av + biv) 3c -
d Current liabilities and provisions
I Current liabilities
A Sundry Creditors iA -
B Liability for Leased Assets iB -
C Interest Accrued on above iC -
D Interest accrued but not due on loans iD -
E Total (iA + iB + iC + iD) iE -
ii Provisions
A Provision for Income Tax iiA -
B Provision for Fringe Benefit Tax iiB -
C Provision for Wealth Tax iiC -
D Provision for leave encashment / iiD
Superann-uation / Gratuity
E Other provisions iiE -
F Total (iiA + iiB + iiC + iiD+iiE) iiF -
iii Total (iE + iiF) diii -
e Net Current assets (3c-diii) 3e -
4 a Miscellaneous expenditure not written off or adjusted 4a -
b Deferred tax asset 4b -
c Profit and loss account 4c -
d Total (4a + 4b + 4c) 4d -
5 Total, application of funds (1e + 2c+ 3e + 4d) 5 -
6 In a case where regular books of account of business
or profession are not maintained furnish the following

information as on 31st day of March, 2007, in respect of

business or profession
a Amount of total sundry debtors 6a -
b Amount of total sundry creditors 6b -
c Amount of total stock-in-trade 6c -
d Amount of the cash balance 6d -

Part A-P & L Profit and Loss Account for the previous year 2009-10
(fill items 1 to 51 in a case where regular books of accounts are maintained, otherwise fill item 52)
1 Sales / Gross receipts of business or profession 1
(Net of returns and refunds and duty or tax, if any)
2 Duties, taxes and cess, received or receivable, in respect
of goods and services sold or supplied
a Union Excise duties 2a -
b Service tax 2b -
c VAT / Sales tax 2c -
d Any other duty, tax and cess 2d -
O P & L A/C
e Total of duties, taxes and cess, received or receivable (2a+2b+2c+2d) 2e -
3 Other income
a Rent 3a -
b Commission 3b -
c Dividend 3c -
d Interest 3d -
e Profit on sale of fixed assets 3e -
f Profit on sale of investment being securities 3f
chargeable to Securities Transaction Tax (STT)
g Profit on sale of other investment 3g -
h Profit on account of currency fluctuation 3h -
I Agriculture income 3i -
j Any other income 3j - -
k Total of other income (3a to 3j) 3k -
4 Closing Stock 4 -
5 Totals of credits to profit and loss account (1+2e+3k+4) 5 -
6 Opening Stock 6 -
7 Purchases (net of refunds and duty or tax, if any) 7 -
8 Duties and taxes, paid or payable, in respect of goods and services purchased
a Custom Duty 8a -
b Counter vailing duty 8b -
c Special additional duty 8c -
d Union excise duty 8d -
e Service tax 8e -
f VAT/Sales tax 8f -
g Any other tax, paid or payable 8g -
h Total (8a+8b+8c+8d+8e+8f+8g) 8h -
9 Freight 9 -
10 Consumption of stores and spare parts 10 -
11 Power and fuel 11 -
12 Rents 12 -
13 Repairs to building 13 -
14 Repairs to machinery 14 -
15 Compensation to employees
a Salaries and wages 15a -
b Bonus 15b -
c Reimbursement of medical expenses 15c -
d Leave encashment 15d -
e Leave travel benefits 15e -
f Contribution to approved superannuation fund 15f -
g Contribution to recognised provident furn 15g -
h Contribution to recognised gratuity fund 15h -
i Contribution to any other fund 15i -
j Any other benefit to employees in respect of 15j
which an expenditure has been incurred

k Fringe benefit tax paid or payable 15k -

l Total compensation to employees (15a+15b+15c+ 15l -
15d+15e+ 15f+15g+15h+15i+15j+15k)
16 Insurance
a medical Insurance 16a -
b Life Insutrance 16b -
c keymans' Insurance 16c -
d other insurance 16d -
e Total expendirure on insurance 16a+16b+16c+16d) 16e -
17 Workmen and staff welfare expenses 17 -
18 Entertainment 18 -
19 hospitality 19 -
20 Conference 20 -
21 Sale promotion including publicity (other than advertisement) 21 -
22 Advertisement 22 -
23 Commission 23 -
24 Hotel, boarding and Lodging 24 -
25 traveling expenses including foreign traveling 25 -
26 Conveyance expenses 26 -
27 telephone expenses 27 -
28 Guest house expenses 28 -
29 Club expenses 29 -
30 Festival celebration expenses 30 -
31 Scholarship 31 -
32 Gift 32 -
33 Donation 33 -
34 Rate and taxes, paid or payable to Government or any local body
(excluding taxes on income)
a Union excise duty 34a -
b Service tax 34b -
c VAT/Sales Tax 34c -
d Cess 34d -
e Any other rate, tax, duty or cess 34e -
f Total rates and taxes paid or payable (34a+34b+34c+34d+34e) 34f -
35 Audit fee 35 -
36 Other expenses 36 -
37 Bad debts 37 -
38 Provision for bad and doubtful debts 38 -
39 other Provisions 39 -
40 Proft before interest, depreciation and taxes 40
[5-(6+7+8h+9 to 14+15l+16e+17 to 33+34f+35 to 39)] -
41 Interest 41 -
42 Depreciation 42 -
43 Profit before taxes (40-41-42) 43 -
44 Provision for current tax 44 -
Tax Provns. & Appropns

45 Provision for Fringe benefit Tax 45 -

46 provision for Deferred Tax 46 -
47 Profit after tax (43-44-45-46) 47 -
48 Balance brought forward from previous year 48 -
49 Amount available for appropriation (47+48) 49 -
50 Transferred to reserves and surplus 50 -
51 Balance carried to balance sheet in partner's account (49-50) 51 -
52 In a case where regular books of account of business or profession are not

maintained, furnish the following information for previous year 2006-07 in

respect of business or profession.
a Gross receipts 52a -
b Gross profit 52b -
c Expenses 52c -
d Net profit 52d -

Part A - 01 Other information (optional in a case not liable for audit under section 44AB)
1 Method of accounting employed in the prvious year (Tick) √ mercantile cash
2 Is there any cahnge in method of accounting (Tick) √ Yes No
3 Effect on the profit because of deviation, if any, in the method of accounting employed in the previous year
from accounting standards prescribed under section 145A
4 Method of valuation of closing stock employed in the prvious year
a Raw Material (if at cost or market rates whichever is less write 1, if at cost write 2, if at market rate write 3)

b Finshied goods (If at cost or market rates whichever is less write1,if at cost write 2,if at market rate write 3)

c Is there any change in stock valuation method (if yes write 2, and if No write 2)
d Effect on the profit or loss because of deviation, if any, from the method of valuation prescribed under -
section 145A 4d
5 Amounts not credited to the profit and loss account, being -
a the items falling within the scope of section 28 5a
b the proforma credits, drawbacks, refund of duty
of customs or excise or service tax, or refund of
sales tax or value added tax, where such credits, 5b -
drawbacks or refunds are admitted as due by
the authorieis concerned
c 5c
Escalation claims accepted during the previous year
d any other item of income 5d -
e capital receipt, if any 5e -
f Total of amounts not credited to profit and loss account (5a+5b+5c+5d+5e) 5f -
6 Amounts debited to the profit and loss account, to the extent disallowable under section 36:-
a Premium paid for insurance against risk of 6a
damage or destruction of stocks or store
b 6b
Premium paid for insurance on the health of employees
c Any sum paid to an employee as bonus or commission for 6c
services rendered, where such sum was otherwise payable to -
him as profits or dividend.
d 6d
Any amount of interest paid in respect of borrowed capital
e Amount of discount on a zero-cupon bond 6e -
f 6f
Amount of contributions to a recognised provident fund
g 6g
Amount of contributions to an approved superannuation fund
h 6h
Amount of contributions to a recognised provident fund
i Amount of contributions to any other fund 6i -
j Amount of bad and doubtful debts 6j -
k Provision for bad and doubtful debts 6k -
l Amount tranferred to any special reserve 6l -
m Expenditure for the purposes of promoting family 6m -
planning amongst employees -
n Any sum received from employees as
contribution to any provident fund or
superannuation fund or any fund set up under 6n
ESI Act or any other fund for the welfare of
employees to the extent credited to the
employees account on or before the due date
o Any other disallowance 6o -
p Total amount disallowable under section 36 (total of 6a to 6o) 6p -
7 Amounts debited to the profit and loss account, to the extent disallowable U/s. 37
a Expenditure of personal nature; 7a -
b Expenditure on advertisement in any souvenir,
brochure,tract, pamphlet or the like, published by a 7b -
political party
c Expenditure by way of penalty or fine for 7c
violation of any law for the time being in force;
d Any other penalty or fine; 7d -
e Expenditure incurred for nay purpose which is an 7e
offence or which is prohibited by law;
f Amount of any liability of a contingent nature 7f -
g Amount of expenditure in relation to income 7g
which does not form part of total income

h 7h
Any other amount not allowable under section 37
I Total amount disallowable under section 37(total of 7a to 7h) 7i -
8 A Amounts debited to the profit and loss account, to the extent disallowable under section 40A
a Amount disallowable under section 40(a)(I),40(a)(ia)and
40(a)(iii) on account of non-compliance with the provisions Aa -
of Chapter XVII-B
b Amount paid as fringe benefit tax Ab -
c Amount of tax or rate levied or assessed on the Ac
basis of profits
d Amount paid as wealth tax Ad -
e Amount of interest, salary, bonus, commission Ae
or remuneration paid to any partner or member
f Any other disallowance Af -
g Total amount disallowable under section 40(total of Aa to Ag) 8Ag -
B Any amount disallowed under section 40 in any 8B
preceding previous year but allowable during
the previous year
9 Amounts debited to the profit and loss account, to the extent disallowable under section 40A
a 9a
Amounts paid to persons specified in section 40A(2)(b)
b Amount in excess of twenty thousand rupees, 9b
paid otherwise than by account payee cheque or -
account payee bank draft
c Provision for payment of gratuity 9c -
d Any sum paid by the assessee as an employer for
setting up or as contribution to any fund, trust, 9d
company, AOP, or BOI or society or any other
e Any other disallowance 9e -
f Total amount disallowable under section 40A (total 9a to 9c) 9f -
10 Any amount disallwed under section 43B in any preceding previous year but allowable during the
prvious year
a 10a
Any Sum in the nature of tax, duty, cess or fee under any law
b Any sum payable by was of contribution to any
provident fund or superannuation fund or gratuity fund 10b -
or any other fund for the welfare of employees
c Any sum payable to an emplyee as bonus or 10c
commission for services rendered
d Any sum payable as interest on any loan or 10d
borrowing from any public financial institution or a
State financial corporation or a State Industrial
investment corporation
e Any sum payable as interest on any loan or 10e
borrowing from any public Scheduled bank
f Any sum payable towards leave encashment 10f -
g Total amout allowable under section 43B (total of 10a to 10f) 10g -
11 Any amount debited to profit and loss account of the previous year but disallowable under section 43B:

a 11a
Any Sum in the nature of tax, duty, cess or fee under any law
b Any sum payable by way of contribution to any 11b
provident fund or superannuation furnd or
gratuity fund or any other fund for the welfare
of employees
c Any sum payable to an emplyee as bonus or 11c
commission for services rendered
d Any sum payable as interest on any loan or 11d
borrowing from any public financial institution or a
State financial corporation or a State Industrial
investment corporation
e Any sum payable as interest on any loan or 11e
borrowing from any public Scheduled bank
f Any sum payable towards leave encashment 11f -
g Total amout allowable under section 43B (total of 11a to 11f) 11g -
12 Amount of credit outstanding in the accounts in respect of
a Union Excise Duty 12a -
b Service Tax 12b -
c VAT/Sales tax 12c -
d Any other tax 12d -
e Total amount outstanding (total of 12a to 12d) 12e -
13 Amounts deedmed to be profits and gains under section 33AB or 33ABA or 33AC 13 -
14 Any amount of profit chargeable to tax under section 41 14 -
15 Amount of income or expenditure of prior period credited or debited 15
to the profit and loss account (net) -

Part A - QD Quantitative details(optional in a case not liable for audit u/ s 44AB)

a In the case of a trading concern
1 Opening stock 1 -
2 Purchase during the previous year 2 -
3 Sales during the previous year 3 -
4 Closing stock 4 -
5 Shortage / excess, if any 5 -
b In the case of a manufacturing concern
6 Raw materials

a Opening stock 6a
b Purchase during the previous year 6b
c Consumption during the previous year 6c
d Sales during the previous year 6d
e Clos 0 6e
f Yield finished products 6f
g Percentage of yield 6g
h Shortage/excess, if any 6h
7 Finished products / by-products
a Opening stock 7a
b Purchase during the previous year 7b
c Quantity manufactured during the previous year 7c
d Sales during the previous year 7d
e Closing stock 7e
f Shortage/excess, if any 7f

Part B - IT Computation of total income

1 income from house property (4c of Schedule -HP) (enter nil if loss) 1 -
2 Profits and gains from business or profession
I Profit and gains from business other than 2i
speculative business (A37 of Schedule -BP)
ii Profit and gains from speculative business 2ii
(B41 of Schedule -BP) (enter nill if loss)
iii Total (2i + 2ii) (enter nil, if loss and carry this figure to loss to Schedule CYLA) 2iii -
3 Capital gains
a Short term
I Short-term (under section 111A) 3ai
(A7 of schedule-CG) (enter nil if loss)
ii Short-term (others)(A8 of Schedule-CG) 3aii
(enter nill if loss)
iii Total short-term (3ai + 3aii) 3aiii -
b Long-term (B6 of Schedule-CG) (enter nil if loss) 3b -
c Total capital gains (3aiii+3b) (take the figure adjusted to Schedule CYLA) 3c -
4 Income from other sources
a from sources other than from owning race 4a
horses (3 of schedule OS)(enter nil if loss)
b from owning race horses (4c of Schedule OS)(enter nil if loss) 4b -
c Total (4a + 4b) 4c -
5 Total (1+2+3c+4c) 5 -
6 Losses of current year to be set off against 6 (total of 2vii, 3vii and 4vii of schedule CYLA) 6 -
7 Balance after set off current year losses (6-7) 7 -
8 Brought forward losses to be set off against 6 (total of 2vii,3vii & 4vii of schedule BFLA) 8 -
9 Gross total income (6-7-8) (also 5vii of schedule BFLA) 9 -
10 Deductions under chapter VI-A (k of Schedule VIA) 10 -
11 Total income (10-11) 11 -
12 Net agricultural income/any other income for rate purpose (4 of Schedule EI) 12 -
13 Aggregate income (11+12) 13 -
14 Lossess of current year to be carried forward (total of xi of Schedule CFL) 14 -

Part B - TTI Computation of tax liability on total income

1 Tax payable on total income
a Tax at normal rates 1a -
b Tax at special rates 11 of Schedule-SI) 1b -

2 Tax payable on Total Income (1a + 1b) 2 -

3 Education Cess, including secondary and higher education cess on 2 3 -
4 Gross tax liability (3+4+5) 4 -
5 Tax relief
a Section 90 5a -
b Section 91 5b -
c Total (5a + 5b) 5c -
6 Net tax liability (4-5c) 8 -
7 Interest payable
a for default in furnishing the return (section 234A) 7a -
b For default in payment of advance tax (section 234B) 7b -
c For deferment of advane tax (section 234C) 7c -
d Total interest payable (7a+7b+7c) 7d -
8 Aggregate liability (8+9d) 8 -
9 Taxes paid
a Advance Tax (from Schedule-IT) 9a -

b TDS (column 7 of Scheudle-TDS2) 9b -

c TCS (column 7 of schedule - TCS) 9c -
d Self assessment tax (From schedule-IT) 9d -
e Total Taxes paid (9a+9b+9c+9d) 9e -
10 Amount payable (Enter if 8 is greater than 9e, else enter0) 10 -
11 Refund (If 9e is greater than 8, allso give Bank Account details in schedule-BA) 11 -

I #VALUE! Son of holding PAN

solemnly declare that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the information given in the return and the schedules thereto is correct and complete and that the
amount of total income/ fringe benefits and other particulars shown therein are truly stated and are in accordance with the provisions of the Income-tax Act, 1961, in
respect of income and fringe benefits chargeable to income-tax for the previous year relevant to the assessment year 2010-2011. I futher declare
that I am making this return in my capacity as #VALUE! and I am also competent to make this return and verify it.

Place #VALUE! Date 4-Nov-2021 Sign here

Schedule BA In case of refund, please furnish the following information in respect of bank account in which refund is to be credited
1 Enter your bank account number (mandatory in case of refund)
2 Do you want your refund by 0 Cheque, or 0 deposited directly into your bankaccount? (tick as applicable √ )
3 In case of direct deposit to your bank account give additional details #N/A
MICR Code #N/A Type of Account (tick as applicable √ ) 0 Savings 0 Current

Schedule HP Details of Income from House Property

1 Address of property1 Town/city State Pin Code


(Tick) √ if let out 0 Name of Tenant PAN of Tenant (Optional)

a Annual letable value/rent received or receivable (highter if let out 1a

for whole of the year, lower if let out for part of the year) -
b The amount of rent which cannot be realized 1b -
c Tax paid to local authorities 1c -
d Total (1b+1c) 1d -
e Balance (1a-1d) 1e -
f 30% of 1e 1f -
g Interest payable on borrowed capital 1g -
h Total (1f + 1g) 1h -
I Income from house property 1(1e - 1h) 1i -
2 Address of property2 Town/city State Pin Code


(Tick) √ if let out 0 Name of Tenant PAN of Tenant (Optional)

a Annual letable value/rent received or receivable (highter if let out for 2a

whole of the year, lower if let out for part of the year) -

b The amount of rent which cannot be realized 2b -

c Tax paid to local authorities 2c -
d Total (2b+2c) 2d -
e Balance (2a-2d) 2e -
f 30% of 2e 2f -
g Interest payable on borrowed capital 2b -
h Total (2f + 2g) 2h -
I Income from house property 2(2e - 2h) 2i -
3 Address of property3 Town/city State Pin Code


(Tick) √ if let out 0 Name of Tenant PAN of Tenant (Optional)

a Annual letable value/rent received or receivable (highter if let out for 3a

whole of the year, lower if let out for part of the year) -
b The amount of rent which cannot be realized 3b -
c Tax paid to local authorities 3c -
d Total (3b+3c) 3d -
e Balance (3a-3d) 3e -
f 30% of 3e 3f -
g Interest payable on borrowed capital 3g -
h Total (3f + 3g) 3h -
I Income from house property 3(3e - 3h) 3i -

4 income under the head "Income from house property

a Rent of earlier years realized under section 25A/AA 4a -
b Arrears of rent received during the year under section 25B after deducting 30% 4b -
c Total (4a+4b+1i+2i+3i) 4c -

Schedule BP Computation of income from business or profession

A From business or profession other than speculative business
1 Profit before tax as per profit and loss account (item 43 or item 52d of Part A-P & L) 1 -
2 Net profit or loss from specula- tive business included in 1 2 -
3 Income/receipts credited to profit and loss 3
account considered under other heads ofincome
4 Profit or loss included in 1, which is referred to in 4
section 44AD/44AE/44AF/44B/44BB/44BBA/44BBB/
44D/44DA Chapter -XII-G / First Schedule of
Income Tax Act
5 Income credited to Profit and Loss account (included in 1) which is exempt
a share of income from firms(s) 5a -
b Share of income from AOP/BOI 5b -
c Any other exempt income 5c -
d Total exempt income 5d -
6 Balance (1-2-3-4-5d) 6 -
7 Expenses debited to profit and loss account 7
considered under other heads of income
8 Expenses debited to rpofit and loss account 8
which relate to exempt income
9 Total (7+8) 9 -
10 Adjusted profit or loss (6+9) 10 -
11 Depreciation debited to profit and loss account included in 9 11 -
12 Depreciation allowable under income-tax Act
I Depreciation allowable under section 32(1)(ii) 12i
(column 6 of Schedule-DEP)
ii Depreciation allowable under section 32(1)(i) 12ii
(Make your own computation refer appendix-IA of IT Rules)
iii Total (12i+12ii) 12iii -
13 Profit or loss after adjustment for depreciation (10+11-12iii) 13 -
14 Amounts debited to the profit and loss account, 14
to the extent disallowable under section 36 -
(6p of Part-OI)
15 Amounts debited to the profit and loss account, 15
to the extent disallowable under section -
37(7j of Part-OI)
16 Amounts debited to the profit and loss account, 16
to the extent disallowable under section 40(8ah of Part-OI)
17 Amounts debited to the profit and loss account, 17
to the extent disallowable under section 40A -
(9f of Part-OI)
18 Any amounts debited to the profit and loss amount of the 18
previous year but disallowable u/S 43B (11g of Part-OI)
19 Interest disallowable under section 23 of the 19
Mircro, Small and medium Enterprises Development -

Act, 2006
20 Deemed income under section 41 20 -
21 Deemed income under section 33AB/33ABA/ 21
35ABB/72A/ 80HHD/80-IA
22 Any other item or items of addition undersection 28 to44DA 22 -
23 Any other income not included in profit and loss account/ 23
any other expense not allowable (including infomr from salary,
commission, bonus and interest from firms in which assessee is a
24 Total (14+15+16+17+18+19+20+21+22+23) 24 -
25 Deduction allowable under section 32(1)(iii) 25 -
26 Amount of deduction under section 35 in excess 26
of the amount debited to profit and loss account -
(item vii(4) of Schedule ESR
27 Any amount disallowed under section 40 in any 27
preceeding previous year but allowable during the -
previous year (10g of Part - OI)
28 Any amount disallowed under section 43B in any 28
preceeding previous year but allowable during -
the previous year (10g of Part - OI)
29 Deduction under section 35 AC
a 29a -
Amount, if any, debited to profit and loss account
b Amount allowable as deduction 29b -
c Excess amount allowable as deduction (29b-29a) 29c -
30 Any other amount allowable as deduction 30 -
31 Total (25+26+27+28+29+30) 31 -
32 Income (13+24-31) 32 -
33 Proft and gains of business or profession deemed to be under
I Section 44AD 33i -
ii Section 44AE 33ii -
iii Section 44AF 33iii -
iv Section 44B 33iv -
v Section 44BB 33v -
vi Section 44BBA 33vi -
vii Section 44BBB 33vii -
viii Section 44D 33viii -
ix Section 44DA 33ix -
x Chapter-XII-G 33x -
xi First Schedule of Income-tax Act 33xi -
xii Total (33i to 33xi) 33xii -
34 Profit or loss before deduction under section 10A/10AA/10B/10BB/10BA (32+33xii) 34 -
35 Deductions under section
I 10A (6 of Schedule-10A) 35i -
ii 10AA (d of Schedule-10AA) 35ii -
iii 10B (f of Schedule-10B) 35iii -
iv 10BA (f of Schedule-10BA) 35iv -
v Total (35i+35ii+35iii+35iv) 35v -
36 Net profit or loss from business or profession other than speculative business (34-35v) 36 -
37 Net profit or loss from business or profession(same as aboe in 36 except in case of special business,
after applying rule 7A, 7B or 7C A37 -
B Computation of income from speculative business
38 Net profit or loss from speculative business as per profit or loss account 38 -
39 Additions in accordance with section 28 to 44DA 39 -
40 Deductions in accordance with section 28 to 44DA 40 -
41 Profit or loss from speculative business (38+39-40) B41 -
C Income chargeable under the head "Profits and gains" (A37+B41) C -

Schedule DPM Depreciation on Plant and Machinery

1 Block of assets 2
2 Rate (%) 15 30 40 50 60 80 100
(I) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii)
3 Written down value on the first day of previous year
- - - - - - -
4 Additions for a period of 180 days or more

in the previous year - - - - - - -

5 Consideration or other realization during the
previous year out of 3 or 4 - - - - - - -
6 Amount on which depreciation at full rateto be allowed (3+4-
5) - - - - - - -
7 Additions for a period of less than 180 days in
the previous year - - - - - - -
8 Consideration or other realizations during
the year out of 7 - - - - - - -
9 Amount on which depreciation at half rate to be allowed(7-8) - - - - - - -
10 Depreciation on 6 at full rate - - - - - - -
11 Depreciation on 9 at half rate - - - - - - -
12 Additional depreciation, if any, on 4 - - - - - - -
13 Additional depreciation, if any, on 7 - - - - - - -
14 Total Depreciation* (10+11+12+13) - - - - - - -
15 Expenditure incurred in connection with
transfer of asset / assets - - - - - - -
16 Capital gains / loss under section 50* (5+8-3-4-7-15)
- - - - - - -
17 Written down value on the last day of previous year*(6+9-14)
- - - - - - -
Written down value on the last day of previous year*(6+9-14)
- - - - - - -

Schedule DOA Depreciation on other assets

1 Block of assets Furniture and Intangible
Buildings Ships
2 Rate (%) fittings assets
5 10 100 10 25 20
(I) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi)
3 Written down value on the first day of previous year
- - - - - -
4 Additions for a period of 180 days or more in
the previous year - - - - - -
5 Consideration or other realization during the

previous year out of 3 or 4 - - - - - -

6 Amount on which depreciation at full rateto be allowed (3+4-
5) - - - - - -
7 Additions for a period of less than 180 days
in the previous year - - - - - -
8 Consideration or other realizations during
the year out of 7 - - - - - -
9 Amount on which depreciation at half rate to be allowed(7-8)
- - - - - -
10 Depreciation on 6 at full rate - - - - - -
11 Depreciation on 9 at half rate - - - - - -
12 Additional depreciation, if any, on 4 - - - - - -
13 Additional depreciation, if any, on 7 - - - - - -
14 Total Depreciation* (10+11+12+13) - - - - - -
15 Expenditure incurred in connection with
transfer of asset / assets - - - - - -
16 Capital gains / loss under section 50* (5+8-3-4-7-15)
- - - - - -
17 Written down value on the last day of previous year*(6+9-14)
- - - - - -

Schedule DEP Summary of depreciation on assets

1 Plant and machinery
a Block entitled for depreciation @ 15 per cent 1a
(Schedule DPM -14i)
b Block entitled for depreciation @ 30 per cent 1b
(Schedule DPM -14ii)
c Block entitled for depreciation @ 40 per cent 1c
(Schedule DPM -14iii)

d Block entitled for depreciation @ 50 per cent 1d

(Schedule DPM -14iv)
e Block entitled for depreciation @ 60 per cent 1e
(Schedule DPM -14v)
f Block entitled for depreciation @ 80 per cent 1f
(Schedule DPM -14vi)
g Block entitled for depreciation @ 100 per cent 1g
(Schedule DPM -14vii)
h Total depreciation on plant and machinery(1a+1b+1c+ 1d+1e+1f+1g) 1h -
2 Building
a Block entitled for depreciation 5 per cent 2a
(Schedule DOA -14i)
b Block entitled for depreciation 10per cent 2b
(Schedule DOA -14ii)
c Block entitled for depreciation 100 per cent 2c
(Schedule DOA -14iii)
d Total depreciation on building 2d -
3 Furniture and fittings (Schedule DOA-14iv) 3 -
4 intangible assets (Schedule DOA-14v) 4 -
5 Ships (Schedule DOA-14vi) 5 -
6 Total depreciation (1h+2d+3+4+5) 6 -

Schedule DCG Deemed Capital Gains on sale of depreciable assets

1 Plant and machinery
a Block entitled for depreciation @ 15 per cent 1a
(Schedule DPM -16i)
b Block entitled for depreciation @ 30 per cent 1b
(Schedule DPM -16ii)
c Block entitled for depreciation @ 40 per cent 1c
(Schedule DPM -16iii)
d Block entitled for depreciation @ 50 per cent 1d
(Schedule DPM -16iv)
e Block entitled for depreciation @ 60 per cent 1e
(Schedule DPM -16v)
f Block entitled for depreciation @ 80 per cent 1f
(Schedule DPM -16vi)
g Block entitled for depreciation @ 100 per cent 1g
(Schedule DPM -16vii)
h Total depreciation on plant and machinery(1a+1b+1c+1d+1e+1f+1g) 1h -
2 Building
a Block entitled for depreciation 5 per cent 2a
(Schedule DOA -16i)
b Block entitled for depreciation 10per cent 2b
(Schedule DOA -16ii)
c Block entitled for depreciation 100 per cent 2c
(Schedule DOA -16iii)
d Total depreciation on building 2d -
3 Furniture and fittings (Schedule DOA-16iv) 3 -
4 intangible assets (Schedule DOA-16v) 4 -
5 Ships (Schedule DOA-16vi) 5 -
6 Total depreciation (1h+2d+3+4+5) 6 -

Schedule ESR Deduction under section 35

Sl. No. Amout, if any, debited to profit Amount of decution Amount of deduction in excess of
Expenditure of the nature referred to in section
and loss account allowable the amount debited to profit and
loss account
(1) (2) (3) (4) = (3) -(2)
I 35(1)(I) - - -
ii 35(1)(ii) - - -
iii 35(1)(iii) - - -
iv 35(1)(iv) - - -
v 35(2AA) - - -
vi 35(2AB) - - -
vi Total - - -

Schedule CG Capital Gains

A Short-term capital gain
1 From slump sale
a Full value of consideration 1a -
b Net worth of the under taking or division 1b -
c Short term capital gains from slump sale 1c -
d Deduction U/s.54B/54D 1d -
e Net short term capital gains from slum sale (1c - 1d) 1e -
2 From assets in case of non-resident to which first proviso to section 48 applicable 2 -
3 From other assets
a Full value of consideration 3a -
b Deductions under section 48
I Cost of acquisition bi -
ii Cost of Improvement bii -
iii Expenditure on transfer biii -
iv Total (bi+bii+biii) biv -
c Balance (3a-biv) 3c -
d Loss, if any, to be ignored u/s.94(7) or 94(8) (enter positive 3d
alues only)
e Deduction U/s.54B/54D 3E -
f Short term capital gains (3c-3d-3e) (enter nil, if loss) 3f -
4 Deemed short capital gain on depreciable assets (6 of Schedule - DCG) 4 -
5 Amount deemed to be short term capital gains under sections 5
54B/54D/54E/54ED/ 54F/54G/54GA -
6 Total short term capital gain (1e+2+3f+4+5) 6 -
7 Short term capital gain under section 111A included in 6 7 -
8 Short term capital gain other than referred to in section 111A(6-7) A8 -
B Long ter capital gain
1 From slump sale
a Full value of consideration 1a -
b Net worth of the under taking or division 1b -
c Long term capital gains from slump sale 1c -
d Deduction U/s.54B/54D /54EC/54F/54G/54GA 1d -
e Net long term capital gains from slum sale (1c - 1d) 1e -
2 Assets in case of non-resident to which first proviso to section 48 applicable 2 -
3 Other assets for which option under proviso to section 112(1) not exercised
a Full value of consideration 3a -
b Deductions under section 48
I Cost of acquisition after indexation bi -

ii Cost of Improvement after indexation bii -

iii Expenditure on transfer biii -
iv Total (bi+bii+biii) biv -
c Balance (3a-biv) 3c -
d Deduction U/s.54B/54D /54EC/54F/54G/54GA 3d -
e Net balance (3c-3d) 3e -
4 Other assets for which option under proviso to section 112(1) exercised
a Full value of consideration 4a -
b Deductions under section 48
I Cost of acquisition without indexation bi -
ii Cost of Improvement without indexation bii -
iii Expenditure on transfer biii -
iv Total (bi+bii+biii) biv -
c Balance (4a-biv) 4c -
d Deduction U/s.54B/54D/ 54EC/54F/54G/54GA 4d -
e Net balance 4e -
5 Amount deemed to be long term capital gains under sections 54B/54D/54E/54ED/54F/54G/ 5
54GA -
6 Total long term capital gain (1e (enter nil if loss)+2+3e (enter nil if loss)+4e (enter nil if loss)+5) B6 -
C Income chargeable under the head "CAPITAL GAINS" (A8+B6) (enter B6 as nil, if loss) C -
D Information about accrual /receipt of capital gain
Upto 15/9 16/9 to 15/12 16/12 to 15/3 16/3 to 31/3
(I) (ii) (iii) (iv)
1 Long-term where provisio under section 112(1) is
applicable (Whiout Indexisation) -
Code in SI schedule is 22, Tax Rate is 10%
: Enter only positive value from
Item B4e of Schedule CG AFTER loss adjustment under this
category in Schedule CYLA and BFLA, if any

2 Long-term where provisio under section 112(1) is NOT

applicable (With Indexisation) -
Code in SI schedule is 21, Tax Rate is 20% :
Enter only positive value from Item - - - -
(B6-B4e) of Schedule CG AFTER loss adjustment under this
category in Schedule CYLA and BFLA, if any

3 Short-term under 111A -

Code in SI schedule is 1A, Tax Rate is 15% :
Enter only positive value from Item A7 of
- - - -
Schedule CG AFTER loss adjustment under this category in
Schedule CYLA and BFLA, if any

4 Short-term OTHERS-
Enter only positive value
from Item A8 of Schedule CG AFTER loss adjustment under this - - - -
category in Schedule CYLA and BFLA, if any

NOTE ► Please include the income of the secified persons referred on in Schedule SPI while computing the income under this head

Schedule OS Income from other sources

1 Income other than from owning race horse(s):-
a Dividends, Gross 1a -
b Interest, Gross 1b -
c Rental income from machinery, plants, buildings, 1c -
d Others, Gross 1d -
e Total (1a+1b+1c+1d) 1e -
f Deductions under section 57:-

I Expenses fi -
ii Depreciation fii -
iii Total fiii -
g balance (1e-fiii) 1g -
2 Winnings from lotteries, crossword puzzles, races, etc., 2 -
3 Income from other sources (other than from owning race horses)(1g+2) (enter 1g as nil if loss) 3 -
4 Income from owning and maintaining race horses
a Receipts 4a -
b Deductions under section 57 in relation to (4) 4b -
c Balance (2a - 2b) 4c -
5 Income chargeable under the hear "Income from other sources" (3+4c) (enter 4c as nil if loss and take 4c 5 -
loss figure to Schedule CFL)

Schedule CYLA Details of Income after set-off of current years losses

Sl. Head / Source of Income Income of current House poerty loss of the Business loss Other sources loss (other Current year's
No. year current year set off (other than than loss from race Income
(Fill this column speculation loss) of horses) of the current remaining
only if income is zero the current year set year set off after set off
or positive) off

Total loss Total loss Total loss

(4c of Schl.-HP) (37 of Schl. - BP) (3 of Schl.-OS)
1 2 3 4 5=1-2-3-4
Loss to be adjusted ->
i House property - - - -
ii Business(including speculation - - -
profit) -
iii Short-term capital - - - -
gain -
iv Long-term capital - - - -
gain -
v Other sources (incl - - - -
profit from owning
race horses)
vi Total loss set off - - -
vii Loss remaining after set-off - - -

Schedule BFLA Details of Income after Set off of Brought Forward Losses of earlier years
Sl Head / Source of Income Income after set Brought forward loss Brought Broguth forward Current years
No. off, if any, of set off forward allowance under section income remaining

current year's depreciation 35(4) set off after set off

losess as per 5 of set off
Schedule CYLA)

1 2 3 4 5
i. House property - - - - -
ii. Business(including speculation profit) - - -
- -
iii. Short-term capital gain - - -
- -
iv. Long-term capital gain - - -
- -
v. Other sources (incl profit from owning race - - -
horses but excluding winning from lottery) - -
vi. Total - - -
vii. Total (i5+ii5+iii5+iv5+v5+vi5) -

Schedule CFL Details of Losses to be carried forward to future Years

Sl Assessment Year Date of filing House Loss from Loss from Short term Long term Other sources loss ( from
No. (DD/MM/YYYY) Property Loss business other Speculative capital loss Capital loss owning race horses)
than loss from business

I 2002-03 - - - -

ii 2003-04 - - - -
iii 2004-05 - - - -
iv 2005-06 - - - -
v 2006-07 - - - - - -
vi 2007-08 - - - - - -
vii 2008-09 - - - - - -
viii 2009-10 - - - - - -
ix Total of earlier year - - - - - -
x Adjustment of above - - - - - -
losses in Schedule
Adjustment of above - - - - - -
losses in Schedule
xi 2010-11 (Current - - - - - -
year losses)
xii Total loss carried - - - - - -
forward to future

Schedule 10A Deduction under section 10A

1 Deduction in respect of units located in Software Technology Park
a Undertaking No.1 1a -
b Undertaking No.2 1b -
c Undertaking No.3 1c -
d Undertaking No.4 1d -
e Undertaking No.5 1e -
f Total (1a+1b+1c+1d+1e) 1f -
2 Deduction in respect of units located in Electronic Hardware Technology Park
a Undertaking No.1 2a -
b Undertaking No.2 2b -
c Undertaking No.3 2c -

d Total (2a+2b+2c) 2d -
3 Deductions in respect of units located in Free Trade Zone
a Undertaking No.1 3a -
b Undertaking No.2 3b -
c Undertaking No.3 3c -
d Total (3a+3b+3c) 3d -
4 Deductions in respect of units located in Export Processing Zone
a Undertaking No.1 4a -
b Undertaking No.2 4b -
c Undertaking No.3 4c -
d Total (4a+4b+4c) 4d -
5 Deductions in respect of units located in Special Economic Zone
a Undertaking No.1 5a -
b Undertaking No.2 5b -
c Undertaking No.3 5c -
d Total (5a+5b+5c) 5d -
6 Total deduction under section 10A(1f+2d+3d+4d+5d) 6 -

Schedule 10AA Deduction under section 10AA

Deductions in respect of units located in Special Economic Zone
Deduction U/s10AA

a Undertaking No.1 a -
b Undertaking No.2 b -
c Undertaking No.3 c -
d Total (a+b+c) d -

Schedule 10B Deduction under section 10B

Deductions in respect of hundred percent Export Orented units
a Undertaking No.1 a -
Deductions U/s.10B

b Undertaking No.2 b -
c Undertaking No.3 c -
d Undertaking No.4 d -
e Undertaking No.5 e -
f Total (a+b+c+d+e) f -

Schedule 10BA Deduction under section 10BA

Deductions in respect of exports of handmade wooden articles
Deductions U/s.10BA

a Undertaking No.1 a -
b Undertaking No.2 b -
c Undertaking No.3 c -
d Undertaking No.4 d -
e Undertaking No.5 e -
f Total (a+b+c+d+e) f -

Schedule 80G Details of donations entitled for deduction under section 80G
A Donations entitled for 100% deduction
Name and address of donee Amount of Donation
I Ai -
ii Aii -
iii Aiii -
iv Aiv -
v Av -
vi Total Avi -

Donations entitled for 50% deduction where donee not required to be approved U/s. 80G(5)(vi)
Name and address of donee Amount of Donation
I Bi -
ii Bii -
iii Biii -
iv Biv -
v Bv -
vi Total Bvi -
C Donations entitled for 50% deduction where donee is required to be approved U/s. 80G(5)(vi)
Name and address of donee PAN of donee Amount of Donation
I Ci -
ii Cii -
iii Ciii -
iv Civ -
v Cv -
vi Total Cvi -
D Total donations (Avi+Bvi+Cvi) D -

Schedule 80-IA Deductions under section 80 - IA

a Deduction in respect of profits of an enterprise a
referred to in section 80-IA(4)(i) [infrastructure facility]
b Deduction in respect of profits of an undertaking b
referred to in section 80-IA(4)(ii) [Telecommuni-cation -

c Deduction in respect of profits of an undertaking c
referred to in section 80-IA(4)(iii) [Industrial park and SEZs]
d Deduction in respect of profits of an undertaking d
referred to in section 80-IA(4)(iv) [Power]
e Deduction in respect of profits of an undertaking e
referred to in section 80-IA(4)(v) [Revival of power
generating plant] and deduction in respect of profits of an -
undertaking referred to in section 80IA(4)(vi) [Cross-country natural
gas distribution network]
f Total deductions under section 80-IA ( a + b + c + d + e ) f -

Schedule 80-IB Deductions under section 80 - IB

a Deduction in respect of industrial undertaking a
referred to in section 80-IB(3)[Small-scale industry]
b Deduction in respect of industrial undertaking b
located in Jammu & Kashmir section 80-IB(4)
c Deduction in respect of industrial undertaking c
located in industrially backward states specified in -
Eighth Schedule [section 80-IB(4)]
d Deduction in respect of industrial undertaking located in industrially d
backward districts [Section 80-IB(5)]
e Deduction in the case of multiplex theatre [section 80-IB(7A) e -
f Deduction in the case of convention centre [Section80-IB(7B)] f

g Deduction in the case of company carrying on g

scientific research [Section 80-IB(8A)]
h Deduction in the case of undertaking which begins h
commercial production or refining of mineral oil -
[Section 80-IB(9)]
I Deduction in the case of an undertaking developing I
and building housing projects [Section 80-IB(10)] -

j Deduction in the case of an undertaking operating j

a cold chain facility [Section 80-IB(11)]
k Deduction in the case of an undertaking engaged k
in processing, preservation and packaging of fruits -
and vegetables [Section 80-IB(11A)]
l Deduction in the case of an undertaking engaged l
in integrated business of handling, storage and -
transportation of foodgrains [Section 80-IB(11A)]
m Deduction in the case of an undertaking engaged m
in operating and maintaining a rural hospital -
[Section 80-IB(11B)]
n Total deductions under section 80-IB ( Total of a to m) n -

Schedule 80-IC or 80-IE Deductions under section 80-IC

1 Deduction in respect of industrial undertaking located in Sikkim 1 -
2 Deduction in respect of industrial undertaking located in Himachal Pradesh 2 -
3 Deduction in respet of industrial undertaking located in Uttaranchal 3 -

4 Deduction in respect of industrial undertaking located in North-East

a Assam 4a -
b Arunachal Pradesh 4b -
c Maniput 4c -
d Mizoram 4d -
e Meghalaya 4e -
f Nagaland 4f -
g Tripura 4g -
h Total of deduction for undertakings located in North-east (Total of 4a to 4g) 4h -
5 Total deduction under section 80-IC (1+2+3+4h) 5 -

Schedule VI-A Deductions under Chapter VI-A

a 80G - f 80IB (n of Schedule 80-IB) -

b 80GGA - g 80IC(5 of Schedule 80-IC) -

c 80GGC - h 80JJA -
d 80IA I 80LA -
(f of schedule 80IA) j 80P -
e 80IAB -
k Total deductions under Chapter VI-A (total of a to j) k -

Schedule SI Income chargeable to Income tax at special rates IB [Please see instruction Number-9(iii) for section code and rate of tax]
Tax thereon Sl
Income Section Code Special Income Tax thereon
Sl Spel. No
rate (%)
No. Section Code Rate No.
(I) (ii) (I) (ii)

1 1A 15% - - 6

2 22 10% - - 7
3 21 20% 8
4 5BB 30% 9
5 10
11 Total (1ii to 10ii)

Schedule EI Details of exempt Income (Income not to be included in Total Income)

1 Interest income 1 -

2 Dividend income 2 -
3 Long-term capital gains on which Securities Transaction Tax is paid 3 -
4 Net Agriculture income (other than income to be excluded under rule 7,7A,7B or8) 4 -
5 Share in the profit of firm /AOP etc., 5 -
6 Others 6 -
7 Total (1+2+3+4+5+6) 7 -

Schedule IT Details of advance Tax and Self assessment Tax payments of Income-tax
Sl BSR Code Date of Deposit
Name of Bank & Branch Serial Number of Challan Amount (Rs.)
(i) #VALUE! #VALUE! -

(ii) #VALUE! #VALUE! -

(iii) #VALUE! #VALUE! -
(iv) #VALUE! #VALUE! -
(v) #VALUE! #VALUE! -
(vi) #VALUE! #VALUE!
Note ► Enter the totals of Advance tax and Self Assessment Tax in Sl. No. 11a & 11d of Part B-TTI

Schedule TDS2 Details of Tax Deducted at Source on Income [As per Form 16A issued by Deductor(s)]

Tax Deduction
Amount out of
Sl Account Amount paid / Date of Total Tax
Name and Address of the Deductor (6) claimed for

No Number(TAN) of credited Payment / Credit Deposited

this year
the Deductor
Tax Deduction
Amount out of
Sl Account Amount paid / Date of Total Tax
Name and Address of the Deductor (6) claimed for
No Number(TAN) of credited Payment / Credit Deposited
this year
the Deductor

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

(i) #VALUE! - - -
(ii) #VALUE! - - -
(iii) #VALUE! - - -
(iv) #VALUE! - - -
(v) #VALUE! - - -
(vi) #VALUE! - - -
Note ► Please Enter the total of column 7 of Schedule - TDS1 and column 7 of Schedule - TDS2 in 11(b) of Part B-TTI

Schedule TCS Details of Tax Collected at Source [As per Form 27D issued by the Collector(s)]
Tax Deduction Amount out of
Account and Tax Amount (6) to be
Sl Date of receipt / Total Tax
Collection account Name and Address of the Collector received / allowed as
No Debit Deposited
Number of the debited credit during

Collector the year

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
(i) #VALUE! - -
(ii) #VALUE! - - -
(iii) #VALUE! - - -
(iv) #VALUE! - - -
(v) #VALUE! - - -
(vi) #VALUE! - - -
Note ► Please Enter the total of column (7) in Sl. No. 11C of Part B-TTI
Single copy ( to be sent to the ZAO)

Tax Applicable (Tick One) Assessment


Parmenent Account Number

Full Name

Complete Address with City & State


Type of Payment (Tick One)

Advance Tax (100) Surtax (102)
Self Assessment Tax (300) √ Tax on Distributed Profits of Domestic Companies(106)
Tax on Regular Assessment (400) Tax on Distributed Income to Unit Holders (107)


Income Tax - Debit to A/c / Cheque credited on
Education Cess DD MM YY
Total -
Total (in words)

Crores Lac Thousand Hundred Tens Units

- - - - - -

Paid in Cash/Debit to A/c/Cheque Dated

Drawn on
Name of the Bank and Branch)
Rs. -
Date 11/4/2021 Signature of person making payment

Taxpayers' Counterfoil (To be filled up by tax payer) SPACE FOR BANK SEAL

Received from #VALUE!

Cash/Debit to A/c/Chq. No. For Rs. -

Rs.(in words) Only

Drawn on
(Name of the Bank and Branch)


Type of Payment SELF ASSESSMENT TAX Rs. -
Assesment Year 2010-2011

FIN.YEAR INDEX NO. Number In words

1 1981-82 100 1 One
2 1982-83 109 2 Two
3 1983-84 116 3 Three
4 1984-85 125 4 Four
5 1985-86 133 5 Five
6 1986-87 140 6 Six
7 1987-88 150 7 Seven
8 1988-89 161 8 Eight
9 1989-90 172 9 Nine
10 1990-91 182 10 Ten
11 1991-92 199 11 Eleven
12 1992-93 223 12 Twelve
13 1993-94 244 13 Thirteen
14 1994-95 259 14 Fourteen
15 1995-96 281 15 Fifteen
16 1996-97 305 16 Sixteen
17 1997-98 331 17 Seventeen
18 1998-99 351 18 Eighteen
19 1999-00 389 19 Ninteen
20 2000-01 406 20 Twenty
21 2001-02 426 21 Twenty one
22 2002-03 447 22 Twenty Two
23 2003-04 463 23 Twenty Three
24 2004-05 480 24 Twenty Four
25 2005-06 497 25 Twenty Five
26 2006-07 519 26 Twenty Six
27 2007-08 551 27 Twenty Seven
28 2008-09 582 28 Twenty Eight
29 2009-10 632 29 Twenty Nine
30 Thirty
31 Thirty One
32 Thirty Two
33 Thirty Three
34 Thirty Four
35 Thirty Five
36 Thirty Six
37 Thirty Seven
38 Thirty Eight
39 Thirty Nine
40 Forty
41 Forty One
42 Forty Two
43 Forty Three
44 Forty Four
45 Forty Five
46 Forty Six
47 Forty Seven
48 Forty Eight
49 Forty Nine
50 Fifty
51 Fifty One
52 Fifty Two
53 Fifty Three
54 Fifty Four
55 Fifty Five
56 Fifty Six
57 Fifty Seven
58 Fifty Eight
59 Fifty Nine
60 Sixty
61 Sixty One
62 Sixty Two
63 Sixty Three
64 Sixty Four
65 Sixty Five
66 Sixty Six
67 Sixty Seven
68 Sixty Eight
69 Sixty Nine
70 Seventy
71 Seventy One
72 Seventy Two
73 Seventy Three
74 Seventy Four
75 Seventy Five
76 Seventy Six
77 Seventy Seven
78 Seventy Eight
79 Seventy Nine
80 Eighty
81 Eighty One
82 Eighty Two
83 Eighty Three
84 Eighty Four
85 Eighty Five
86 Eighty Six
87 Eighty Seven
88 Eighty Eight
89 Eighty Nine
90 Ninty
91 Ninty One
92 Ninty Two
93 Ninty Three
94 Ninty Four
95 Ninty Five
96 Ninty Six
97 Ninty Seven
98 Ninty Eight
99 Ninty Nine
0 Zero

1-Apr-2009 15-Sep-2009 15-Dec-2009 15-Mar-2010 31-Mar-2010

Long Term Capital Gain
164 254 344 360
1-Apr-2009 (Long Term)
0 1
1-Apr-2009 (Short Term normal rates)
1-Apr-2009 (Short Term special rates)

Long Term Capital Gains :

Income - - - -
Tax - - - -
Surcharge - - - -
Edu. Cess - - - -
Total Tax - - - -

Short Term Capital Gains (At special rates)

Income - - - -
Tax - - - -
Surcharge - - - -
Edu. Cess - - - -
Total Tax - - - -

Short Term Capital Gains (At normal rates)

Income - - - -
Tax - - - -
Surcharge - - - -
Edu. Cess - - - -
Total Tax - - - -

Chargeable at Normal Rates

Income - - - -
Tax - - - -
Surcharge - - - -
Edu. Cess - - - -
Total Tax

Tax - - - -
Surcharge - - - -
Edu. Cess - - - -
Total Tax - - - -

Interest u/s 234C

Total Tax Payable - - - -
Qtr. Installment - - - -
Less: - - - -
Short Fall - - - -
Interest - - -
Total Interest -
enty Seven
1 Name of the Bank Name of the Branch MICR
2 State Bank of India Service Branch, Vizag 530002001
3 State Bank of India Main Branch 530002002
4 State Bank of India Main Branch 530002003
5 State Bank of India A.U. Campus 530002004
6 State Bank of India A.U. Engg. College 530002005
7 State Bank of India BHPV Br 530002006
8 State Bank of India Dondaparthi 530002007
9 State Bank of India Dwarakanagar 530002008
10 State Bank of India Gajuwaka 530002009
11 State Bank of India Gopalapatnam 530002010
12 State Bank of India Hindustan Shipyard 530002011
13 State Bank of India Industrial Estate 530002012
14 State Bank of India Kailasapuram 530002013
15 State Bank of India Kirlampudi Layout 530002014
16 State Bank of India Maharani Peta 530002015
17 State Bank of India Malkapuram 530002016
18 State Bank of India Naval Base 530002017
19 State Bank of India Naval Dockyard 530002018
20 State Bank of India Overseas Br. 530002019
21 State Bank of India Seethammadhara 530002020
22 State Bank of India Siripuram Branch 530002021
23 State Bank of India Sriharipuram 530002022
24 State Bank of India SSI Branch 530002023
25 State Bank of India Simhachalam 530002024
26 State Bank of India Steel project 530002025
27 State Bank of India Ukkunagaram Sector-2 530002026
28 State Bank of India Ukkunagaram Sector-6 530002027
29 State Bank of India Venkateswara mitta 530002028
30 State Bank of India Visakhapatnam Port 530002029
31 State Bank of India PBB Branch-M.V.P. 530002030
32 State Bank of India PBB Branch Waltair 530002031
33 State Bank of India Pedagantyada 530002032
34 State Bank of India VEPZ Branch Duvvada 530002033
35 State Bank of India Pendurthi Br. 530002034
36 State bank of Bikaneer & Jaipur VSP Branch 530003001
37 State bank of Hyderabad Service Branch 530004001
38 State bank of Hyderabad Suryabagh Branch 530004002
39 State bank of Hyderabad Dwarakanagar Branch 530004003
40 State bank of Hyderabad Gajuwaka Branch 530004004
41 State bank of Hyderabad Siripuram Branch (FIB) 530004005
42 State bank of Hyderabad Kancharapalem 530004006
43 State bank of Hyderabad Municipal Complex 530004007
44 State bank of Hyderabad Murali Nagar 530004008
45 State bank of Hyderabad MVP Colony 530004009
46 State bank of Hyderabad Sagar Nagar 530004010
47 State bank of Hyderabad Saligrampuram 530004011
48 State bank of Hyderabad SIB Seethammapeta 530004012
49 State bank of Hyderabad Steel Project Branch 530004013
50 State bank of Hyderabad SBH Lawsons Bay 530004014
51 State bank of Hyderabad P&SB Br.Visakhapatnam 530004015
52 State bank of Hyderabad Sriharipuram 530004016
53 State Bank of Indore Visakhapatnam 530005002
54 State bank of Mysore Visakhapatnam 530006001
55 State bank of Patiala Visakhapatnam 530007001
56 State bank of Saurastra Visakhapatnam 530008002
57 State bank of Travancore Visakhapatnam 530009001
58 Allahabad Bank Visakhapatnam 530010001
59 Allahabad Bank AVN College 530010002
60 Andhra bank Service Centre 530011001
61 Andhra bank Akkayyapalem 530011002
62 Andhra bank A.U. Campus 530011003
63 Andhra bank Dabagardens 530011004
64 Andhra bank Dwarakanagar 530011005
65 Andhra bank Gajuwaka 530011006
66 Andhra bank KGH Branch 530011007
67 Andhra bank MVP Colony 530011008
68 Andhra bank Maharanipeta 530011009
69 Andhra bank Pithapuram Colony 530011010
70 Andhra bank Port Branch 530011011
71 Andhra bank RK Mission 530011012
72 Andhra bank Simhachalam 530011013
73 Andhra bank Malkapuram 530011014
74 Andhra bank Seethammadhara 530011015
75 Andhra bank Special SSI Branch 530011016
76 Andhra bank Steel Plant Branch 530011017
77 Andhra bank Special Agricultural Br. 530011018
78 Andhra bank Main Branch VSP 530011019
79 Andhra bank Waltair Br. 530011020
80 Andhra bank L.B. College 530011021
81 Andhra bank VEPZ 530011022
82 Andhra bank SVLNSVP 530011023
83 Andhra bank St. Ann's School Br. 530011024
84 Andhra bank Dock Labor Board Br. 530011025
85 Andhra bank A.R.P. Extn. Counter 530011026
86 Andhra bank A.V. Engg. College 530011027
87 Andhra bank G.C.C. Extn. Counter 530011028
88 Andhra bank INS Virabahu Extn. 530011029
89 Andhra bank M.P.D.O.Pendurthi 530011030
90 Bank of Baroda Dabagardens 530012001
91 Bank of Baroda Ailmetta Junction 530012002
92 Bank of Baroda Steel Project Br. 530012003
93 Bank of Baroda Spec. ISED Agrl. Fin. Br. 530012004
94 Bank of Baroda MVP Colony VMC Mahila College 530012005
95 Bank of Baroda Seethammadhara 530012006
96 Bank of India Main Branch 530013001
97 Bank of India Gajuwaka 530013002
98 Bank of India Harbour Road Br. 530013003
99 Bank of India Over Seas Br. 530013004
100 Bank of India SSI Br. 530013005
101 Bank of India Surya bagh Br. 530013006
102 Bank of Maharastra Visakhapatnam 530014001
103 Canara Bank Dabagardens 530015001
104 Canara Bank Chettivanipalem 530015002
105 Canara Bank Dwarakanagar 530015003
106 Canara Bank Kancharapalem 530015004
107 Canara Bank Overseas Br/ 530015005
108 Canara Bank Ushodaya Center MVP 530015006
109 Canara Bank Steel Plant Br. 530015007
110 Canara Bank Gajuwaka Br. 530015008
111 Canara Bank Service Br. 530015009
112 Central Bank of India Main Br. 530016001
113 Central Bank of India Gandhigram Br. 530016002
114 Central Bank of India Suryabagh 530016003
115 Corporation bank Visakhapatnam Br. 530017001
116 Corporation bank Dwarakanagar Br. 530017002
117 Dena Bank Dabagardens 530018001
118 Indian Bank Dabagardens 530019001
119 Indian Bank Maharanipeta 530019002
120 Indian Bank Seethampeta 530019003
121 Indian Overseas Bank VSP br. 530020001
122 Indian Overseas Bank Jagadamba Centre 530020002
123 Oriental bank of Commerce VSP Branch 530022001
124 Punjab & Sind Bank VSP Branch 530023001
125 Punjab National bank Visakhapatnam Br. 530024001
126 Punjab National bank PNB Nedungadi bank Br. 530024003
127 Syndicate Br. Dabagardens 530025001
128 Syndicate Br. Chinna Waltair 530025002
129 Union Bank of India Kotha Road Br. 530026001
130 Union Bank of India Dwarakanagar 530026002
131 Union Bank of India Gopalapatnam Br. 530026003
132 Union Bank of India MVP Colony Br. 530026004
133 Union Bank of India SSI Finance br. 530026006
134 Union Bank of India Gitam 530026007
135 United Bank of India VSp Br. 530027001
136 UCO bank Main Branch 530028001
137 UCO bank Hindustan Shipyard Br. 530028002
138 UCO bank Hindustan Zinc Smelter 530028003
139 UCO bank Visakhapatnam Town Ship 530028004
140 Vijaya bank 530029000
141 Vijaya bank VSP Br. 530029001
142 HSBC Visakhapatnam 530039001
143 Bharat Overseas Br. Visakhapatnam 530044001
144 Federal Bank Ltd., Visakhapatnam 530049001
145 Karnataka Bank Ltd., Maharanipeta Br. 530052001
146 Karnataka Bank Ltd., CBM Compound 530052002
147 Karur Vysya Bank Ltd., 530053000
148 Karur Vysya Bank Ltd., Dabagardens 530053001
149 Karur Vysya Bank Ltd., Pedawaltair 530053002
150 City Union Bank Ltd., Visakhapatnam 530054001
151 Lakshmi Vilas Bank CBM Compound Br. 530056001
152 Lakshmi Vilas Bank Gajuwaka Br. 530056002
153 Lakshmi Vilas Bank Gopalapatnam Br. 530056003
154 South Indian Bank Ltd., Visakhapatnam 530059001
155 Tamilnadu mercantile Br. Visakhapatnam 530060001
156 ING Vysya bank Regional Collection Centre Br. 530064001
157 ING Vysya bank Suryabagh br. 530064002
158 ING Vysya bank Gajuwaka Br. 530064004
159 ING Vysya bank Lalithanagar 530064005
160 ING Vysya bank Ramnagar Br. 530064006
161 ING Vysya bank Shanthipuram 530064007
162 ING Vysya bank Venkojipalem 530064008
163 ING Vysya bank Dwarakanagar 530064009
164 ING Vysya bank Seethammadhara Br. 530064010
165 ING Vysya bank General Post office 530111001
166 ING Vysya bank Head Post Office 530111002
167 AP Mahesh Coop Urban Br. Visakhapatnam 530142002
168 The maharaja Coop Bank Ltd., Visakhapatnam 530142251
169 UTI Bank Ltd., Dabagardens 530211000
170 UTI Bank Ltd., Visakhapatnam Br. 530211002
171 ICICI Bank VSP Br. 530229001
172 ICICI Bank MVP Colony 530229002
173 Global Trust Bank VSp Br. 530230001
174 Global Trust Bank Gajuwaka Br. 530230002
175 Centurion Bank VSP 530233002
176 Indusind Bank CDR Hospital Extn. Counter 530234001
177 Indusind Bank Gajuwaka Br. 530234002
178 Indusind Bank VJF Extn. Counter 530234003
179 HDFC bank VSP Br. 530240001
180 The Kanakamahalakshmi Coop Bank Ltd Visakhapatnam 530259002
181 IDBI Visakhapatnam 530259002
182 The Visakhapatnam COOP Bank Main Br. Kotha Rd. 530469002
183 The Visakhapatnam COOP Bank Akkayyapalem 530469003
184 The Visakhapatnam COOP Bank Gajuwaka Br. 530469004
185 The Visakhapatnam COOP Bank Nakkavanipalem 530469005
186 The Visakhapatnam COOP Bank Gopalapatnam 530469006
187 The Visakhapatnam COOP Bank Pendurthi 530469007
188 The Visakhapatnam COOP Bank Seethammadhra 530469008
189 The Visakhapatnam COOP Bank Marripalem 530469009
190 Sri Visakha Grameen bank Dabagardens 530515001
191 Sri Visakha Grameen bank Allipuram 530515002
192 Sri Visakha Grameen bank Baji Junction 530515003
193 Sri Visakha Grameen bank Seethammadhara 530515004
194 Sri Visakha Grameen bank Sriharipuram 530515005
195 Sri Visakha Grameen bank Chinagantyada 530515006
196 Sri Visakha Grameen bank Kancharapelm 530515007
197 Dt. Coop Central bank Ltd. 530519001
198 Dt. Coop Central bank Ltd. Srvice Centre 530519002
199 Dt. Coop Central bank Ltd. Visakhapatnam br. 530519003
200 Dt. Coop Central bank Ltd. Dwarakanagar 530519004
201 Dt. Coop Central bank Ltd. Gajuwaka 530519005
202 Dt. Coop Central bank Ltd. Gandhiplace br. 530519006
203 Dt. Coop Central bank Ltd. Kancharapalem 530519007
204 Dt. Coop Central bank Ltd. Maharanipeta 530519008
205 Dt. Coop Central bank Ltd. Marripalem 530519009
206 Dt. Coop Central bank Ltd. MVP Colony Branch 530519010
207 Dt. Coop Central bank Ltd. Railway New Colony 530519011
208 Dt. Coop Central bank Ltd. Seethammadhara 530519012
209 Dt. Coop Central bank Ltd. Sriharipuram 530519013
210 Dt. Coop Central bank Ltd. Visakha Coop Dairy branch 530519014
211 Dt. Coop Central bank Ltd. Visalakshinagar branch 530519015
- Select Bank and Branch -
State Bank of India , Service Branch, Vizag
State Bank of India , Main Branch
State Bank of India , Main Branch
State Bank of India , A.U. Campus
State Bank of India , A.U. Engg. College
State Bank of India , BHPV Br
State Bank of India , Dondaparthi
State Bank of India , Dwarakanagar
State Bank of India , Gajuwaka
State Bank of India , Gopalapatnam
State Bank of India , Hindustan Shipyard
State Bank of India , Industrial Estate
State Bank of India , Kailasapuram
State Bank of India , Kirlampudi Layout
State Bank of India , Maharani Peta
State Bank of India , Malkapuram
State Bank of India , Naval Base
State Bank of India , Naval Dockyard
State Bank of India , Overseas Br.
State Bank of India , Seethammadhara
State Bank of India , Siripuram Branch
State Bank of India , Sriharipuram
State Bank of India , SSI Branch
State Bank of India , Simhachalam
State Bank of India , Steel project
State Bank of India , Ukkunagaram Sector-2
State Bank of India , Ukkunagaram Sector-6
State Bank of India , Venkateswara mitta
State Bank of India , Visakhapatnam Port
State Bank of India , PBB Branch-M.V.P.
State Bank of India , PBB Branch Waltair
State Bank of India , Pedagantyada
State Bank of India , VEPZ Branch Duvvada
State Bank of India , Pendurthi Br.
State bank of Bikaneer & Jaipur , VSP Branch
State bank of Hyderabad , Service Branch
State bank of Hyderabad , Suryabagh Branch
State bank of Hyderabad , Dwarakanagar Branch
State bank of Hyderabad , Gajuwaka Branch
State bank of Hyderabad , Siripuram Branch (FIB)
State bank of Hyderabad , Kancharapalem
State bank of Hyderabad , Municipal Complex
State bank of Hyderabad , Murali Nagar
State bank of Hyderabad , MVP Colony
State bank of Hyderabad , Sagar Nagar
State bank of Hyderabad , Saligrampuram
State bank of Hyderabad , SIB Seethammapeta
State bank of Hyderabad , Steel Project Branch
State bank of Hyderabad , SBH Lawsons Bay
State bank of Hyderabad , P&SB Br.Visakhapatnam
State bank of Hyderabad , Sriharipuram
State Bank of Indore , Visakhapatnam
State bank of Mysore , Visakhapatnam
State bank of Patiala , Visakhapatnam
State bank of Saurastra , Visakhapatnam
State bank of Travancore , Visakhapatnam
Allahabad Bank , Visakhapatnam
Allahabad Bank , AVN College
Andhra bank , Service Centre
Andhra bank , Akkayyapalem
Andhra bank , A.U. Campus
Andhra bank , Dabagardens
Andhra bank , Dwarakanagar
Andhra bank , Gajuwaka
Andhra bank , KGH Branch
Andhra bank , MVP Colony
Andhra bank , Maharanipeta
Andhra bank , Pithapuram Colony
Andhra bank , Port Branch
Andhra bank , RK Mission
Andhra bank , Simhachalam
Andhra bank , Malkapuram
Andhra bank , Seethammadhara
Andhra bank , Special SSI Branch
Andhra bank , Steel Plant Branch
Andhra bank , Special Agricultural Br.
Andhra bank , Main Branch VSP
Andhra bank , Waltair Br.
Andhra bank , L.B. College
Andhra bank , VEPZ
Andhra bank , SVLNSVP
Andhra bank , St. Ann's School Br.
Andhra bank , Dock Labor Board Br.
Andhra bank , A.R.P. Extn. Counter
Andhra bank , A.V. Engg. College
Andhra bank , G.C.C. Extn. Counter
Andhra bank , INS Virabahu Extn.
Andhra bank , M.P.D.O.Pendurthi
Bank of Baroda , Dabagardens
Bank of Baroda , Ailmetta Junction
Bank of Baroda , Steel Project Br.
Bank of Baroda , Spec. ISED Agrl. Fin. Br.
Bank of Baroda , MVP Colony VMC Mahila College
Bank of Baroda , Seethammadhara
Bank of India , Main Branch
Bank of India , Gajuwaka
Bank of India , Harbour Road Br.
Bank of India , Over Seas Br.
Bank of India , SSI Br.
Bank of India , Surya bagh Br.
Bank of Maharastra , Visakhapatnam
Canara Bank , Dabagardens
Canara Bank , Chettivanipalem
Canara Bank , Dwarakanagar
Canara Bank , Kancharapalem
Canara Bank , Overseas Br/
Canara Bank , Ushodaya Center MVP
Canara Bank , Steel Plant Br.
Canara Bank , Gajuwaka Br.
Canara Bank , Service Br.
Central Bank of India , Main Br.
Central Bank of India , Gandhigram Br.
Central Bank of India , Suryabagh
Corporation bank , Visakhapatnam Br.
Corporation bank , Dwarakanagar Br.
Dena Bank , Dabagardens
Indian Bank , Dabagardens
Indian Bank , Maharanipeta
Indian Bank , Seethampeta
Indian Overseas Bank , VSP br.
Indian Overseas Bank , Jagadamba Centre
Oriental bank of Commerce , VSP Branch
Punjab & Sind Bank , VSP Branch
Punjab National bank , Visakhapatnam Br.
Punjab National bank , PNB Nedungadi bank Br.
Syndicate Br. , Dabagardens
Syndicate Br. , Chinna Waltair
Union Bank of India , Kotha Road Br.
Union Bank of India , Dwarakanagar
Union Bank of India , Gopalapatnam Br.
Union Bank of India , MVP Colony Br.
Union Bank of India , SSI Finance br.
Union Bank of India , Gitam
United Bank of India , VSp Br.
UCO bank , Main Branch
UCO bank , Hindustan Shipyard Br.
UCO bank , Hindustan Zinc Smelter
UCO bank , Visakhapatnam Town Ship
Vijaya bank ,
Vijaya bank , VSP Br.
HSBC , Visakhapatnam
Bharat Overseas Br. , Visakhapatnam
Federal Bank Ltd., , Visakhapatnam
Karnataka Bank Ltd., , Maharanipeta Br.
Karnataka Bank Ltd., , CBM Compound
Karur Vysya Bank Ltd., ,
Karur Vysya Bank Ltd., , Dabagardens
Karur Vysya Bank Ltd., , Pedawaltair
City Union Bank Ltd., , Visakhapatnam
Lakshmi Vilas Bank , CBM Compound Br.
Lakshmi Vilas Bank , Gajuwaka Br.
Lakshmi Vilas Bank , Gopalapatnam Br.
South Indian Bank Ltd., , Visakhapatnam
Tamilnadu mercantile Br. , Visakhapatnam
ING Vysya bank , Regional Collection Centre Br.
ING Vysya bank , Suryabagh br.
ING Vysya bank , Gajuwaka Br.
ING Vysya bank , Lalithanagar
ING Vysya bank , Ramnagar Br.
ING Vysya bank , Shanthipuram
ING Vysya bank , Venkojipalem
ING Vysya bank , Dwarakanagar
ING Vysya bank , Seethammadhara Br.
ING Vysya bank , General Post office
ING Vysya bank , Head Post Office
AP Mahesh Coop Urban Br. , Visakhapatnam
The maharaja Coop Bank Ltd., , Visakhapatnam
UTI Bank Ltd., , Dabagardens
UTI Bank Ltd., , Visakhapatnam Br.
ICICI Bank , VSP Br.
ICICI Bank , MVP Colony
Global Trust Bank , VSp Br.
Global Trust Bank , Gajuwaka Br.
Centurion Bank , VSP
Indusind Bank , CDR Hospital Extn. Counter
Indusind Bank , Gajuwaka Br.
Indusind Bank , VJF Extn. Counter
HDFC bank , VSP Br.
The Kanakamahalakshmi Coop Bank Ltd , Visakhapatnam
IDBI , Visakhapatnam
The Visakhapatnam COOP Bank , Main Br. Kotha Rd.
The Visakhapatnam COOP Bank , Akkayyapalem
The Visakhapatnam COOP Bank , Gajuwaka Br.
The Visakhapatnam COOP Bank , Nakkavanipalem
The Visakhapatnam COOP Bank , Gopalapatnam
The Visakhapatnam COOP Bank , Pendurthi
The Visakhapatnam COOP Bank , Seethammadhra
The Visakhapatnam COOP Bank , Marripalem
Sri Visakha Grameen bank , Dabagardens
Sri Visakha Grameen bank , Allipuram
Sri Visakha Grameen bank , Baji Junction
Sri Visakha Grameen bank , Seethammadhara
Sri Visakha Grameen bank , Sriharipuram
Sri Visakha Grameen bank , Chinagantyada
Sri Visakha Grameen bank , Kancharapelm
Dt. Coop Central bank Ltd. ,
Dt. Coop Central bank Ltd. , Srvice Centre
Dt. Coop Central bank Ltd. , Visakhapatnam br.
Dt. Coop Central bank Ltd. , Dwarakanagar
Dt. Coop Central bank Ltd. , Gajuwaka
Dt. Coop Central bank Ltd. , Gandhiplace br.
Dt. Coop Central bank Ltd. , Kancharapalem
Dt. Coop Central bank Ltd. , Maharanipeta
Dt. Coop Central bank Ltd. , Marripalem
Dt. Coop Central bank Ltd. , MVP Colony Branch
Dt. Coop Central bank Ltd. , Railway New Colony
Dt. Coop Central bank Ltd. , Seethammadhara
Dt. Coop Central bank Ltd. , Sriharipuram
Dt. Coop Central bank Ltd. , Visakha Coop Dairy branch
Dt. Coop Central bank Ltd. , Visalakshinagar branch

ii.The codes for nature of business to be filled 'Part -A - Nature of Business' are as under:-
Sl. No. Sector Sub - Sector
2 Manufacturing Industry Agro - based industries
3 Manufacturing Industry Automobile and Auto Parts
4 Manufacturing Industry Cement
5 Manufacturing Industry Diamond cutting
6 Manufacturing Industry Drugs and Pharmaceuticals
7 Manufacturing Industry Electronics including computer Hardware
8 Manufacturing Industry Engineering Goods
9 Manufacturing Industry Fertilizers, Chemicals,Paints
10 Manufacturing Industry Flour & Rice Mills
11 Manufacturing Industry Food Processing units
12 Manufacturing Industry Marble & Granite
13 Manufacturing Industry Paper
14 Manufacturing Industry Petroleum and Petrochemicals
15 Manufacturing Industry Power and energy
16 Manufacturing Industry Printing & Publishing
17 Manufacturing Industry Rubber
18 Manufacturing Industry Steel
19 Manufacturing Industry Sugar
20 Manufacturing Industry Tea, Coffee
21 Manufacturing Industry Textiles, handloom, Power looms
22 Manufacturing Industry Tobacco
23 Manufacturing Industry Tyre
24 Manufacturing Industry Vanaspati & Edible Oils
25 Manufacturing Industry Others
26 Trading Chains Stores
27 Trading Retailers
28 Trading Wholesalers
29 Trading Others
30 Commission Agents General Commission Agents
31 Builders Builders
32 Builders Estate Agents
33 Builders Property Developers
34 Builders Others
35 Contractors Civil Contractors
36 Contractors Excise Contractors
37 Contractors Forest Contractors
38 Contractors Mining Contractors
39 Contractors Others
40 Professionals Chartered Accountants, Auditors,etc
41 Professionals Fasion designers
42 Professionals Legal Professionals
43 Professionals Medicals Professionals
44 Professionals Nursing Homes
45 Professionals Specialty Hospitals
46 Professionals Others
47 Service Sector Advertisement agencies
48 Service Sector Beauty Parlours
49 Service Sector Consultancy Services
50 Service Sector Courier Agencies
51 Service Sector Computer training/educational and coaching institutes
52 Service Sector Forex Dealers
53 Service Sector Hospitality Services
54 Service Sector Hotels
55 Service Sector I.T.enabled Services, BPO Services providers
56 Service Sector Security agencies
57 Service Sector Software development agencies
58 Service Sector Transporters
59 Service Sector Travel agents,tour operators
60 Service Sector Others
61 Financial Service Sector Banking Companies
62 Financial Service Sector Chit Funds
63 Financial Service Sector Financial Institutions
64 Financial Service Sector Financial Services Providers
65 Financial Service Sector Leasing Companies
66 Financial Service Sector Money Lenders
67 Financial Service Sector Non- Banking Finance Companies
68 Financial Service Sector Share Brokers,Sub- Brokers,etc.
69 Financial Service Sector Others
70 Entertainment Industry Cable
71 Entertainment Industry Film distribution
72 Entertainment Industry Film Laboratories
73 Entertainment Industry Motion Picture Producers
74 Entertainment Industry Television Channels
75 Entertainment Industry Others
Select Nature of Business
0101 Manufacturing Industry - Agro - based industries
0102 Manufacturing Industry - Automobile and Auto Parts
0103 Manufacturing Industry - Cement
0104 Manufacturing Industry - Diamond cutting
0105 Manufacturing Industry - Drugs and Pharmaceuticals
0106 Manufacturing Industry - Electronics including computer Hardware
0107 Manufacturing Industry - Engineering Goods
0108 Manufacturing Industry - Fertilizers, Chemicals,Paints
0109 Manufacturing Industry - Flour & Rice Mills
0110 Manufacturing Industry - Food Processing units
0111 Manufacturing Industry - Marble & Granite
0112 Manufacturing Industry - Paper
0113 Manufacturing Industry - Petroleum and Petrochemicals
0114 Manufacturing Industry - Power and energy
0115 Manufacturing Industry - Printing & Publishing
0116 Manufacturing Industry - Rubber
0117 Manufacturing Industry - Steel
0118 Manufacturing Industry - Sugar
0119 Manufacturing Industry - Tea, Coffee
0120 Manufacturing Industry - Textiles, handloom, Power looms
0121 Manufacturing Industry - Tobacco
0122 Manufacturing Industry - Tyre
0123 Manufacturing Industry - Vanaspati & Edible Oils
0124 Manufacturing Industry - Others
0201 Trading - Chains Stores
0202 Trading - Retailers
0203 Trading - Wholesalers
0204 Trading - Others
0301 Commission Agents - General Commission Agents
0401 Builders - Builders
0402 Builders - Estate Agents
0403 Builders - Property Developers
0404 Builders - Others
0501 Contractors - Civil Contractors
0502 Contractors - Excise Contractors
0503 Contractors - Forest Contractors
0504 Contractors - Mining Contractors
0505 Contractors - Others
0601 Professionals - Chartered Accountants, Auditors,etc
0602 Professionals - Fasion designers
0603 Professionals - Legal Professionals
0604 Professionals - Medicals Professionals
0605 Professionals - Nursing Homes
0606 Professionals - Specialty Hospitals
0607 Professionals - Others
0701 Service Sector - Advertisement agencies
0702 Service Sector - Beauty Parlours
0703 Service Sector - Consultancy Services
0704 Service Sector - Courier Agencies
0705 Service Sector - Computer training/educational and coaching institutes
0706 Service Sector - Forex Dealers
0707 Service Sector - Hospitality Services
0708 Service Sector - Hotels
0709 Service Sector - I.T.enabled Services, BPO Services providers
0710 Service Sector - Security agencies
0711 Service Sector - Software development agencies
0712 Service Sector - Transporters
0713 Service Sector - Travel agents,tour operators
0714 Service Sector - Others
0801 Financial Service Sector - Banking Companies
0802 Financial Service Sector - Chit Funds
0803 Financial Service Sector - Financial Institutions
0804 Financial Service Sector - Financial Services Providers
0805 Financial Service Sector - Leasing Companies
0806 Financial Service Sector - Money Lenders
0807 Financial Service Sector - Non- Banking Finance Companies
0808 Financial Service Sector - Share Brokers,Sub- Brokers,etc.
0809 Financial Service Sector - Others
0901 Entertainment Industry - Cable
0902 Entertainment Industry - Film distribution
0903 Entertainment Industry - Film Laboratories
0904 Entertainment Industry - Motion Picture Producers
0905 Entertainment Industry - Television Channels
0906 Entertainment Industry - Others

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