Puisi Perpisahan

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A Farewell Poem for Teacher

Goodbye my beloved teacher

How sad this heart matchless
After many years we have been together
Now our time has run out for being together
Goodbye my beloved teacher
We will always remember your Services
We will always follow your advices
We will always continue your struggle
Goodbye my beloved teacher
This poem is created specifically for you
As the beginning days of our parting
Though tears flowed unnoticed
Goodbye my beloved teacher
We will always take all the wonderful memories with us
Our good times in school together
We spend by Learning without being tired
Goodbye my beloved teacher
Thank you for all that you give
At the end of this poem we say
Goodbye my beloved teacher


Sebuah Puisi Perpisahan untuk Guru

Selamat tinggal guru ku tercinta
sedih hati ini tiada tara
Setelah bertahun-tahun kita bersama
Kini habis sudah waktu kita untuk bersama
Selamat tinggal guru ku tercinta
kami akan selalu mengingat Jasa-jasa mu
kami akan selalu mengikuti nsehat-nasehat mu
kami akan selalu meneruskan perjuangan mu
Selamat tinggal guru ku tercinta
Khusus untukmu puisi ini tercipta
Sebagai awal hari perpisahan kita
Meskipun air mata mengalir tanpa terasa
Selamat tinggal guruku ku tercinta
Kenangan indah kita akan selalu kami bawa
masa-masa indah kita di sekolah
Belajar bersama tanpa lelah
Selamat tinggal guru ku tercinta
Terima kasih atas semua yang kau beri
di akhir puisi ini kami berkata
Selamat tinggal guru ku tercinta

Pidato Dari Kakak Kelas Untuk Adik Kelas

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
The principles of SMP IT Al Ghazali Modern School, Mr. Umar Iskandar,
The Chief Institution and Quality Control of SMP IT Al Ghazali Modern
School, DR. Tutut Sholihah, M.Pd
All my friends in grade IX and also in grade VIII and VII

First of all, let us praise to the Almighty Allah SWT, because of the
Blessing we are able to come here, to attend a farewell ceremony for the
students of SMP IT AL Ghazali Modern School grade IX in the academic
year 20152016.
Secondly, may shalawat and salam be upon the Prophet Muhammad
SAW who has guided us from the darkness into the brightness.
Ladies and Gentlemen, Brothers and Sisters
In this good opportunity, I stand here to represent all the students of
SMP IT Al Ghazali Modern School Grade IX to give a valedictory
On the behalf of all students grade IX .
Firstly, we would like to say thank you very much for all the teachers of
SMP IT Al Ghazali Modern School who have taught, educated, and
guided us so that we can pass the national exam (UN) successfully.
Thank you very much for your dedication. We know that your advice,
guidance, and motivations have made us better not only in thinking but
also in attitudes. My teachers we realize that we cannot give you
reward. We can only give you gratitude and pray. May God repay your
kindness. May God always bless you all
Secondly, we would like to apologize to all of the teachers,
administration staffs and all the elements of SMPN 1 Tikung. Please,
forgive our mistakes forgive all the bad things that we have done
and hopefully we can make our attitudes better than before.

Thirdly, especially to our younger brothers and sisters in grade VIII and
VII, we would like to remind you, please keep studying hard, obey your
teachers advices, try to be better than us. And, please pray for us to be
able to continue our study so that someday we will become successful
and useful persons for this country and our society.
Ladies and Gentlemen, Brothers and Sisters
I think thats all my valedictory speech. I am so sorry for all my wrong
The last, on the behalf of students grade IX, once again, I would like to
say: forgive us remember us pray for us, for the students of SMP IT
Al Ghazali Modern School grade IX academic year 2015-2016. Thank
you very much.
Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb

Pidato dari adik kelas untuk kakak kelas

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb
My honorable headmaster of SMP IT Al Ghazali Modern school,
Mr.Umar Iskandar, S.Si
My honorable The Chief and Institution of SMP IT Al Ghazali Modern
Our respected teachers and parents of SMP IT Al Ghazali Modern
School Students
And all of my beloved friends
Good Morning
First of all, let us Praise Allah who has given us his grace so that we can
present in this place, in class IX farewell ceremony academic year
2015/2016. Prayers and peace always we are extended to our master
Muhammad the Prophet of God, who has saved us from the time of
ignorance towards zakariyah age.

Ladies and gentlemen,

This is the last day for all my brothers and sisters in this school.
However, all what we have been through together a beautiful memories
that will never be forgotten. There are many things that we have not had
time to do together. The ninth class is a good example for us. Always
giving us advice and guidance in learning. Is there anything more
precious than togetherness? Togetherness that makes us strong, smart,
and brave in the good name of our school building.
An expression that is not unfamiliar to us, where there is a meeting,
there is separation. Two years ago we met in this place, and also in this
place, we split up. This is the inevitable destiny of human beings. We
cannot fight time. Let it pass like flowing water.
Ladies and gentlemen,
My beloved brother and sisters, one message for you. You are good
alumni and polite ones. Hold up the good nature and polite to people out
there. Make it as a hallmark for alumni of our school. Keep the good
name of our school wherever you are. Set in your hearts and minds of
honesty and truth, surely you will be the ones who succeed in the future.
Congratulations go through to higher education, brother! My God meet
us again in the future.
That is all of us, sorry if there is mistake, thanks for your attention.
Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb

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