TM I Required Portfolio Etc.

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1. Session Plan
2. Learning Materials (CBLM, Power Point Presentation)
3. Assessment Tools (Pre-Test, Data Gathering Instrument, Self-Assessment
4. Training Activity Matrix
5. Third Party Certification (Certificate of Achievement)
6. Training Certificates (National Certificate and other certificates relevant
to your qualification)
1. Shop Layout
2. Maintenance Schedule (Housekeeping Schedule, Equipment
Maintenance Schedule)
3. Inspection Checklist
4. Waste Segregation Plan
5. Equipment Purchase Request
6. Relevant Training Certificates
7. Third Party Certification
1. Training Plan
2. Monitoring Sheet (Trainees Progress Sheet, Trainees
Record Book)
3. Evaluation Form (Self-evaluation Form, Training Session
Evaluation, Supervises Industry Training or On the
Job Training Evaluation For)
4. Relevant Training Certificates
5. Third Party Certification

1. What are the components of the Session Plan?
2. How do you develop your Session Plan?
3. What is your guide in developing your Session Plan?
4. What are your considerations in choosing the appropriate training delivery
5. What are the nine (9) learning events?

6. Discuss at least three (3) Adult Learning Principles you have considered
when developing your Session Plan.
7. Explain the evidence gathering methods you have selected in your session
plan e.g. Written test, Performance test with Oral Questioning.
8. In developing your Institutional Competency Evaluation tools, how would
you consider the cost and validity of the assessment instruments?
9. What are the nine (9) CBT areas?
10. Discuss about Table of Specifications.


1. What are the preparations to take before the start of the training?
2. What are the actions will you do during the first meeting or first day with
your new trainees?
3. Discuss about your Competency-Based Learning Materials. What
considerations did you make in choosing the appropriate training or
learning materials for your trainees?
4. Explain the four (4) Dimensions of Competency in formulating questions in
your CBLM.
5. What is a Training Activity Matrix? What are the advantages of using the
Training Activity Matrix in managing the class?
6. Discuss about Adult Learning Principle you have considered when
facilitating a session.
7. How will you assess the trainees in this specific training session?
Enumerate the assessment instruments to be used.
8. Discuss the various ways in monitoring the performance of the trainees?
9. Would you consider the results of the training session evaluation in
improving the facilities and your training delivery method as well? Why or
why not?


1. Layout the workshop you are using in facilitating a session.
2. Enumerate the tools, materials and equipment you are using based from the
training regulations.
3. What are the major maintenance activities done by all the concerned
personnel in your institution in maintaining your session/laboratory rooms?
4. Explain your institutions waste disposal system. If there is no procedure for
that, what would you recommend?
5. Discuss the process of procuring new equipment in your institution. If there
is no procedure for that, what would you recommend?

6. What actions did you make if an equipment in your laboratory/classroom is

found to be out of order?


1. What are the considerations in identifying and establishing relationship with
prospective industries/companies for the Supervised Industry Training of
your trainees?
2. Will you prepare a Training Plan for the Work-Based Training of your
trainees? Explain.
3. How will you prepare the trainees before sending them for industry training?
4. How will you monitor your trainees performance in the industry/company?
What are the monitoring tools to be used?
5. How will you provide feedback to your trainees?
6. Discuss on how to handle difficult trainees/situations.
7. Is it important to evaluate the Work-Based Learning of your trainees?
Explain your answer.


1. What are the preparatory activities will you do before the start of the
2. Will you give an orientation to the candidates before the assessment activity?
If YES, what will you discuss in your orientation? Explain your answer.
3. How can you ensure or confirm that the person taking the assessment is the
one in the Application Form?
4. How will you know that the candidate understands what to perform in the
5. What are the Dos and Donts of a Candidate during assessment? How about
the Dos and Donts of an Assessor?
6. What should an Assessor do while observing the Candidate actual
performance of the tasks?
7. If the candidate provided wrong answer during oral questioning, will you give
the right answer promptly? Explain your answer.
8. What will be your guide or bases for your assessment decision? Discuss your
9. Explain the process of providing the feedback. What if the candidate does
not accept your decision?

1. Principles of Competency-Based Training (CBT)
2. Factors to consider when selecting the learning method
3. Gagnes Nine Learning Events
4. Feedback
5. Benefits of using Instructional Materials
6. Session Plan
7. Training Session Evaluation
8. Advantages of using LCD
9. Faults/problems when using LCD
10. Safety precautions when using LCD
11. Six Rules of Evidence
12. Four Dimensions of Competency
13. Evidence Gathering Method
14. Reasonable Adjustment

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