PS Ass 4 2015 PDF

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Probability and Statistics

Assignment No. 4
1. Let X be a continuous random variable with density function given by
fX(x) = 2(x + 1)/9 ,
-1 < x < 2
= 0,
Find the density function of Y = X2.
2. Let X be continuous random variable with density given by
0 x<1
fX(x) = ,
1<x 2
(3-x)/2, 2 < x 3
Find the density of Y = (X 3/2)2.
3. Let X be a random variable with density function given by
fX(x) = 2x/2 ,
= 0,


Find the distribution of Y = SinX.

4. Let X Bin(n, p). Find the p.m.f. of each of the following functions of X :
(a) Y1 = 3X + 4; (b) Y2 = X 3; (c) Y3 = X2 + 2; (d) Y4 = X.
5. Let X Beta (a, b). Find the distributions of Y1 = 1/(1 + X) and Y2 = 1 X.
6. Let C denote the temperature in degree Celsius to which a computer will be
subjected to in the field. Assume that C is uniformly distributed over the interval
(15,21). Let F denote the field temperature in degrees Fahrenheit so that F =
(9/5)C + 32. Find the density of F.
7. Let X denote the velocity of a random gas molecule. According to the MaxwellBoltzmann law, the density for X is given by
fX(x) = cx2Exp{-x2},

x > 0.

The kinetic energy of the molecule, Y, is given by Y = (1/2) mX2, where m is

positive. Find the density of Y.

Let X be a random variable with the pdf

x +1
f ( x) =
, 1 x 1
3 x
, 1 x 3.
Find the distribution of Y = |X|.

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