Metu Studios 08-09 Web

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odt mimari tasarm stdyolar

orta dou teknik niversitesi

mimarlk blm






middle east technical university

department of architecture

metu architectural design studios





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Editor / Editr: Berin F. Gr | Graphic Design / Grafik Tasarm: Berin F. Gr, Onur zko, Esin Kmez, Caner ktem

Photography Credits / Fotoraflar: Esatcan Cokun, Onur zko | photography archives of / fotoraf arivleri: Aydan Balamir, Cn Bilsel, Leyla Etyemez, Gnl Evyapan, Gven Arif Sargn, Haluk Zelef


contact / iletiim:
Middle East Technical University
Faculty of Architecture
Department of Architecture
nn Bulvar / 06531 / ANKARA / TURKEY
Orta Dou Teknik niversitesi
Mimarlk Fakltesi
Mimarlk Blm
nn Bulvar / 06531 / ANKARA
T: +90 312 210 22 03
F: +90 312 210 79 66
E: [email protected]
Printed by / Bask: Ajanstrk
December / Aralk 2009
Ankara, TURKEY

cover photo / kapak fotoraf: Esatcan Cokun

Editors Note / Editrn Notu
Berin F. Gr

Mimar Olma Srecinin Dayanlmaz Arl

Gnl Aslanolu Evyapan

Kendisi Olmas ve Kendisi in, nsana Eitim

Kemal Aran


undergraduate architectural design studios

lisans mimari tasarm stdyolar



graduate design studios

yksek lisans tasarm stdyolar
restoration / restorasyon


Editors Note / Editrn Notu

The current issue of metu|architectural design studios compiles the selected undergraduate and graduate student works of the
2008-2009 academic year. Starting with the second issue, metu|architectural design studios publishes essays written by studio
critics, who have made significant contributions to design education. These essays are the means of productive relationship among
students and studio critics. They prepare a ground to evaluate and discuss the studio works by focusing particularly on the very
problem of architectural design education, and by reflecting on its various aspects.
Gnl Aslanolu-Evyapan and Kemal Aran contribute to this issue with their essays. They are among the prominent faculty members,
who have devoted themselves to architecture and its education, taking a significant role in the formation and institutionalization of
design education at METU. Their contributions are so valuable in the sense that they support our efforts to prepare a pedagogical,
critical and documentary medium via this publication. I, as both a student and a colleague of Aslanolu-Evyapan and Aran, would like
to express my sincere appreciation to them for their ongoing contribution to education with their essays.
Gnl Aslanolu-Evyapan, who masterly applies geometry to her designs, identifies form making with the establishment of relationships
among space, structure and context in her studio critiques. In the essay, Aslanolu-Evyapan explains her observations and experiences
as a student, a studio critic, and an architect not only guiding students on the way to be an architect, but also contributing to the
constitution of our institutional memory.
In the 2nd year design studio when I was his student, Kemal Aran used to tell us that we take a good CC grade when we design a
project that functions well yet there should be something more. In his essay, Aran discusses the act of design and its intellectual and
intuitive aspects, which open the way to accomplish something more.
The task of publishing this issue could not have been realized without the efforts of our colleagues, Research Assistants Onur zko
and Esin Kmez, and our graduate, Architect Caner ktem. I would like to express my gratitude to all of them.
Berin F. Gr (Assist. Prof. Dr, METU)

odt|mimari tasarm stdyolarnn bu says, 2008-2009 akademik dnemi lisans ve yksek lisans renci almalarndan seilmi
rnekleri derlemektedir. kinci saydan balayarak, odt|mimari tasarm stdyolar tasarm eitimine nemli katklarda bulunmu
stdyo retim elemanlar tarafndan yazlan metinleri yaynlamaktadr. Bu metinler, renciler ve retim elemanlar arasnda retken bir
iletiimin aralar olarak, tasarm eitimi problemine odaklanr ve eitimin eitli boyutlar zerinde dnce retip stdyo almalarnn
deerlendirilmesi ve tartlmas iin zemin hazrlamaktadrlar.
Bu sayya, Gnl Aslanolu-Evyapan ve Kemal Aran hocalarmz yazlaryla katkda bulundular. Aslanolu-Evyapan ve Aran kendilerini
mimarla ve eitimine adam, ODTde mimari tasarm eitiminin yaplanmas ve kurumsallamasnda nemli rol stlenen retim
elemanlarmz arasndadrlar. Onlarn katklar, elinizdeki bu yayn yolu ile eitsel, eletirel ve belge niteliinde bir iletiim ortam hazrlama
abalarmz desteklemekte olduu iin de ok deerlidir. Gnl Aslanolu-Evyapan ve Kemal Arana, yazlaryla eitime yapm olduklar
katklarndan dolay hem rencileri hem de meslektalar olarak minnettarm.
Tasarmlarnda geometriyi ustaca kullanan Gnl Aslanolu-Evyapan, stdyo tartmalarnda biim yaratma eylemini mekan, strktr
ve balam arasndaki ilikilerin kurulmas olarak tarifler. Bu saydaki yazsnda, renci, stdyo hocas ve mimar olarak kendi gzlem ve
deneyimlerini aktarmaktadr. Bu gzlem ve deneyimler sadece mimar olma yolunda ilerleyen rencilere yol gstermek ile kalmamakta,
kurumsal belleimizin oluturulmasna da katkda bulunmaktadrlar.
kinci yl stdyosunda rencisiyken, Kemal Aran bizlere, iyi ileyen bir proje yaparsanz iyi bir CC alrsnz, fakat daha baka bir ey
olmal derdi. Aran bu saydaki yazsnda, tasarlama eylemini ve baka bir eyi gerekletirmeyi salayacak tasarlamann dnsel ve
sezgisel yanlarn tartmaktadr.
Bu saynn basma hazrlanmas ii, meslektalarmz Aratrma Grevlileri Onur zko ve Esin Kmez ile mezunumuz, Mimar Caner
ktemin zverili abalar olmadan gerekleemezdi. Kendilerine teekkrlerimi sunuyorum.
Berin F. Gr (Y. Do. Dr, ODT)

5 5

Mimar Olma Srecinin Dayanlmaz Arl

Gnl Aslanolu Evyapan

ODT Mimarlk Fakltesi Mimarlk Blmnn Trkiyedeki mimarlk eitimi evrimi iindeki yerinin anlalmas iin bu
kurumun ilk yllarn tanmaya almak gerek. lk dnem rencilerinden biri olarak ben de tantma misyonunu tayor olmalym.

ODT 1956 1957 retim ylnda Orta Dou Teknik Enstits adyla ve Mimarlk Blmyle balad. kinci yarylda Makine
Mhendislii, sonraki yl dari Bilimler ve naat Mhendislii Blmleriyle devam etti. Ben Mimarlk Blmne 1957-1958 retim
ylnda baladm.

Aslnda amacm stanbuldaki Teknik niversite ya da Akademide okumakt. Ancak ilk yl rencilerinden olan ablam nci
Aslanolunu ziyaretlerimde alma ortamndan ok etkilendim. Bakanlklar kampus kysnda imdi yklm eski Emekli Sand binas,
derslikler, stdyo, renci yurdu ve hatta Dekan Thomas Godfreynin lojmann barndrmaktayd. Ankara Koleji son snf rencisiydim;
arada bir urardm. zellikle gece 23te sona eren ske problem lerin teslimi srasnda birka kez bulundum. Kemal Arann derin
ve incelikli dncelerini, Doruk Pamirin ilek, gsterili, velt almalarn izledim. Arkovan gibi alan stdyo beni byledi ve
heveslendirdi. Allmn dndaki bu eitim ortamnda bulunmay ben de istedim. Mimarlk servenim bylece balad.

Orta Dou Mimarlk Blmn, o zamanki dier mimarlk eitimi kurumlarndan ayran en nemli zellik, Marvin Sevelynin
Temel Tasarm dersiydi sanrm. Yllar sonra Pennsylvania niversitesinden aldm referansla ABDde mimarlk eitimi veren kurumlar
ziyaretim srasnda, MITde Bauhausun nemli isimlerinden Gyorgy Kepes ile tantm. Kepes temel tasarmn amacn yle zetledi:
Tm nyarglar krmak, olaylara baka bir gzle bakarak taze bir yaklam kazandrmak.

ODTdeki mimarlk eitimini ayrcalkl klan ve eitim felsefesini ekillendiren bu temel tasarm konusudur.

Bak asndaki radikal farkllklar ve bombardman biiminde yrtlen temel eitimin yararlarn yllar iinde takdir ettik.
Belirli ilkelerin ve yaklamlarn zamanla anlalyor olmas baka konular iin de geerli. rnein, strktr derslerinde formller,
moment diyagramlar retildiinde, ileride kullanmayacam ki, diye dnebiliyorsunuz. Bir zaman sonra bakyorsunuz ki, bunlar
size strktrel duyarllk kazandrm. Projenizin statiini mhendis gibi hesabi olarak zemiyorsunuz ama, yapnn ayakta nasl
duracan, bunun yntemini biliyorsunuz. Mimarlk tasarmnda el aletleriniz olacak duyarllklar kazandrma, tarih, tesisat, aklnza
gelecek her ders iin geerli.

rnek olarak, renciliimizin ikinci ylnda William Cox strktrel duyarllk kazandracak yle bir proje vermiti; bcek, ku,
ylan, aa vb. bir organizma incelenecek. Hatta canl olma zorunluluu da yoktu. Ben konik kesitleri semitim. Strktrel prensipler
kefedilecek; kuun hafif olup uabilmesi iin kemiklerinin bo oluu gibi. Tamamen nyargsz, projede nasl kullanrm dnmeden,
yapsal ilkeler irdelenip bir rapor hazrlanacak. Bylece uygulanaca konudan bamsz ortaya karlan strktrel sonular tasarm
girdisi olarak kullanlacak.

Baka bir rnek; nc ylda Joe Jordan strktrle tesisatn uyumlu zmn hedefleyen, tesisatn dey ve yatay
dalmnn strktrle ilikin, gzlerden rak donatmn salayacak bir sistem gelitirip projemizde uygulamamz istedi. Tasarm girdisi
olarak byle bir tema, meslek hayatm boyunca benimle kalmtr.

zetle; 50 ve 60lardaki eitimimizde, aklc tasarm girdileri birer tema olarak vurgulanm; rencinin yaratclna bu yolla
ivme vermeye uralmt. Yani hem aklc, hem yaratc bir tasarmc olmamz beklenmiti.

O dnemdeki yabanc hocalarmz Godfrey, Sevely, Cox, Jordan kurulu aamasndaki bir okulda olmaktan, Trkiyede
olmaktan mutluydular ve evkle alp iyi bir eitim ortam oluturmulard. Sevely Harvardda Gropiusun rencisi olmutu ve bu
yolla Bauhaus temeli olan biriydi. Bylece biz de bu ok nemli tasarm devrimini ikinci elden yaadk. Bu dnemin bugn daha iyi
tannp ondan yararlanlmas gerekir diye dnyorum. Bauhaus tasarmcya felsefi derinlii olan ama sert disiplinler vazeder. Tasarm
adeta bir dindir, ulvi bir uratr. Tasarmc bu uraa adanmtr.

Eitimimizde bizden de en st dzeyi hedeflememiz bekleniyordu. Bu bazan yapabileceimizin fevkinde bir standard anlamna
gelebiliyordu. Kendini Tanrya adam keiten insanst feragatler beklenmesi gibi. Eitimimizde tasarmc, Bauhausun adanm
tasarmcsyd ve n plandayd.

70lerde nerilen metod uygulamasyla tasarm yaklam ise baarol tasarmcya deil, adeta bir robota vermekteydi. Bu
kuru ve kat yolun yeise kaplan baarsz tasarmclarca nerildii ve dayatld kansndaym.

Deneyimim o ki tasarmda yaratclkla, ya da o tarif edilemeyen / llemeyen girdi ile ar ii emei birlikte yrr. Kl krk
yararak muhakeme edebilmek, srekli tartmak, yol boyunca sadaki, soldaki fikirleri rterek en doruya varmak. Bunlar 70lerin
metodcular gibi tek tek satrlara dkmeyebilirsiniz; hatta dkmezseniz daha iyidir. Yldrm hzyla akldan geen fikirlerin her aamasn
ayrt edip saptamak bu sreci yavalatr ve savsaklar. Akla gvenmek gerek; insan beyni en gelimi alet.

Balangta eitimimizdeki dnsz standard biz de rencilerimizden bekledik. Sonraki deneyimlerim gsterdi ki, herkes
star mimar olamaz; olmas da gerekmiyor. Star mimar deyimi zaten bana hi de iyi eyler artrmyor. Nitekim, star mimar
addedilmek uruna gnmzde gerek mimarlk deerlerinden uzaklaldn ibretle izliyoruz. Bu gibi rneklerde, ne o mimarln tarif
edilemeyen kalc deerleri var, ne de metodcularn katlnn getirdii disiplin. Ama bu tartlmas gereken apayr bir konu.

Parlak mimar olamad iin mutsuz ok kii tandm. rnein 70lerin hrn metodcular iyi tasarmc olamamann verdii
hayal krklnn intikamn mimarln geliimine sekte vurarak aldlar. Ne ironiktir ki gnmzn star mimar mimarl bu kat
metodculua bakaldrnn ve rahatlamann farkl ifadeleri olarak ortaya kyor.

Konuya dnersek, Pennsylvania niversitesi Yksek Lisans Programnda her yerden gelen bro sahibi mimar snf arkadalarm
vard. Louis Kahnn stdyosunda, o zamana kadar uyguladklarnn sfrlandn grerek bunalma dtler. Proje nerilerini kabul
ettirmek iin Mr. Kahnla tartmalara girdiler. Oysa konu, yaptn tasdik ettirmek deil, o byk ustay dinlemekten ibaretti.

Aslolan kiinin snrlarn kefedip, o snrlar iinde yapabileceinin en iyisini yapmasdr diye dnyorum. Her renci
projesinde, kendisinin farknda bile olmad, parlak saylabilecek bir nokta arayp buluyorum; bunu vurgulayarak ilerlemeye tevik

rencilik yllarmzda, her ne kadar zorlu keiflerle, denemelerle geliime ynlendirildiysek de, ikinci ve nc yllarda
projenin belirli bir aamasnda, Cox ve Jordan bize izerek yol gstermilerdir. Deneyimsiz rencilere hereyi git, kefet demenin
yarar olmuyor. Yol gstereceksiniz ki ilerideki projelerde o balamda kendi zmlerini bulacak deneyimi kazansnlar. Sonra da benim
gidip Louis Kahn bulup dinlediim gibi, zaman gelince kendi ustalarn bulsunlar ve dinlesinler.

Esasen rencilik, mimarlk ortamnda el yordamyla yoklamadan ibaret. rencilere yollar gsterip, ileride deneyimle, ve
ok ansllarsa, gerek bir usta yannda raklk ederek mimar olacaklardr diye bakyorum.
Gnl Aslanolu Evyapan. Ekim 2009

Malatya nn niversitesi Ktphanesi lk Eskizleri

Malatya nn niversitesi Giri Kaps lk Eskizleri


Kendisi Olmas ve Kendisi in, nsana Eitim

Kemal Aran

Problem Tanmn irdelemek,

Probleme bal ilikileri aa karmak!
Anladm, gene ayn konuya geldik...
Acele etme, bir de Problem zmek ii var demitim!
Doru!.. Tasarlamak, Problem zmek srecinde Problem Tanmnda iererek ilerliyor... Unutmadm!
stersen yeni bir balang yapaym. Burada, senin sorunun olan konuyu aydnlatmak iin, uygun bir dnr, Erich Frommun,
Man For Himself, An Inquiry into The Psychology of Ethics kitabndan bir evirimi aktarmam iin izin ver.
Tamam anlatk!..
Verimli Dnmek
Verimli dnmek sz konusu olduunda, sezmek ve dnmek arasndaki fark bilmek gerekiyor. Sezgi erki insann
pratik zmlere varmas iin ivedi bir ara olsa da, eylerin eyselliini dnmek ve onlar ustalkla ynetmek iin gerekli bilgiyi
arayp bulmak da dnrn amac oluyor.

Hereyi kendi hatalarndan renen sorgulayan-yapanlar da gerekli bilgiyi kendileri bulmal.

Niyet edilen amalar ya da sezmeye dayal ngrmler, sorgulanmadan kabul edilseler de, mantkl olabilir ya da
olmayabilirler. Sezmek erki olaanst bir davran sergileyen paranoid bir kiide de en uta izlenen bir olgu. Paranoid btn
insanlarn kendisine kar olumsuz davrand ngrmn tekrarlayabilir. Mantksz ve sahte de olsa, onun ngrmleri zerine
ina ettii dnme sreleri dikkate deerdir; ve, sezmeye rnektir. Kendi evham tezini kantlamak iin inandrc gzlemlerinde ve
mantkl kurgularnda, onun ngrd samal kabul etmemek kolay olmaz. Sradan sezgisel karmlar tasarlama srelerine
uyarlamak, salksz bir fenomen ile de snrl deildir.
Sezgisel davran genel bir davran biimidir; bunu mu demek istiyorsun?
Evet!.. Pratik bir problemi zme srasnda, fenomenin tabiatn ya da niteliini dnme giriiminde bulunmakszn, sezgi
erkimiz kendi bana fenomenin niceliksel ve yzeysel zellikleriyle ivedi olarak aresiz ilgilenir!
Dnmek derinlik ieriyor; yani, eylerin ve srelerin esasna erien nc bir boyutu kapsamakta. Dnme yaamn
pratik amalarndan kopmamal, ayrlmamal, ama ivedi etkinlik iin sradan bir ara da olmamal. Dnmenin fonksiyonu: Bilmek,
anlamak, kavramak ve kiiyi eylere kapsaml bir anlayla ilikilendirmek olmal. O, eylerin esasn, sakl ilikilerini ve derin anlamlarn
kefetmek iin eylerin yzeylerinden derinliklerine ulamal. Dnme iki boyutlu deil, Nietzschenin dedii gibi perspektifsel
olmal; yani, o sadece pratik balamda olanlar deil, dnlebilecek btn perspektifleri ve boyutlar yakalamal. eylerin esas ile ilgili
olmak, eylerin tesindeki birey ile ilgili olmak anlamnda deil, esasndaki ile, trsel ve evrensel ile, fenomenin yzeysel ve esasa
ait olmayan zelliklerinden arnm en genel ve trsel ierikleryle ilgili olmaktr.
kar ve Sorumlu Katlm
Verimli dnmek srasnda zne nesnesine kaytsz olmamal; zne nesnesinden etkilenmeli ve ona ilgi duymaldr. Nesne,
cansz birey ya da kiinin kendisinden ve yaamndan ayrk ya da kopuk birey olarak deneyimlenmemeli; aksine, zne nesnesi ile
derinden ilgilenmeli ve bu iliki yakn olmal ki, kiinin dnmesi de o kadar verimli olsun.
Desene sorgulayan-yapan, kendisi ve nesnesi ya da tasarm program arasndaki hakiki ilikiyi kursun ve dncesini
harekete geirsin!..
Doru ifade ediyorsun.
Kii iin bir dier kii ya da nesne, ya da herhangi fenomen bir dnce nesnesi olursa o, bireysel yaam ya da insanvaroluu-bak-asndan balamsal olan bir kar ve sorumluluk katlm ya da bir ortaklk nesnesi olur.
Verimli dnme srecinde, dnrn nesnesinde gzettii kar onu harekete geirmelidir; o, nesnesinden etkilenmeli ve
ona tepkide de bulunmaldr; ona zen gstermeli ve karln vermelidir. Ancak verimli dnme, nesnellik tarafndan da, dnrn
nesnesine olan saygsnca da, dnrn nesnesini kendi istedii gibi grmesi ile deil, nesnesinin olduu gibi grnmesiyle de
tanmlanmaldr. Nesnellik ve znellik arasndaki bu kutupsallama genellikle verimlilikte olduu gibi verimli dnmenin de niteliidir.

11 11

Gzlemlediimiz eylere sayg duyduumuzda, tarafszlk olasdr; yani, onlar esiz ve balamsallklar iinde grmeye
kabiliyetli isek, tarafszlk olasdr. Bu sayg: Sevgi balamnda sz edilen saygdan esasta farkl deildir; bireyi anlamak istiyorsak
onu kendi tabiatna ilikide, varolduu gibi grmeye kabiliyetli olmalyz. Bu, dnlen btn nesneler iin dorudur, insan tabiatnn
incelenmesinde de bu durum zel bir problem oluturur.
Tarafsz olma, canl ya da cansz, nesneler hakknda verimli dnmenin srdrlyor olmasdr; yani, bir fenomendeki
canl yada cansz nesneleri ayrmadan btn grmek esas olmal. ayet gzlemci nesnesinin btne balamsalln grmeden, bir
zelliini irdeliyorsa, incelemekte olduu o bir zellii de doru drst anlayamaz. Bu konu, Wertheimere gre ekseriya u tabiattadr:
Gerek bir anlay elde etmek istei doduunda sorgulama ve aratrma balar. Aratrma alanndaki belirli bir blge can alc olur,
ona odaklanlr; ama o tek bir bana ayr dm saylmaz. Aratrmada, daha derin, yeni bir yapsal (strktrel) bak asna,
paralarn fonksiyonel anlamlar, gruplamalar iindeki deiiklikler ierilerek giriilir. Bu can alc blge iin, bir durumun yapsnca
(strktrnce) istenilenin ynlendirmesi olarak, kii mantksal bir ngrme ynelir. Yapdaki (strktrdeki) dier paralar gibi bu,
dorudan ya da dolayl dorulanmay ister. ki ynlenme ierilmektedir: Birincisi, btnsel bir tutarl resmi elde etmek; ikincisi, btn
oluturan yapnn (strktrn) paralarndan neyi istediini grmek.
Wertheimerin szn ettii eyin Formun (biim, kalp) idrak edilmesi ile bir ilikisi var m?
Var tabii!.. Wartheimer aadaki emay dorular ynde aklama yapm!..

. (biim, kalp) .

Form: Birbirinden ayrlmaz paralarn insan zihninde idrak edilmesidir. Aklda, akkan bir ortamda, llemez olan Formun
ifade edilmesi sonsuz potansiyele sahiptir.
Wertheimerin btnsel bir tutarl resmi elde etmek dedii ey de, Form oluyor, deil mi?
Herhalde, yle!
Tarafszlk nesneyi sadece olduu gibi grmeyi deil, kiinin kendisini de bir birey olarak grmesini ister; rnein, kiinin
gzledii nesneye ilikisinde, bir gzlemci olarak, kendisinin iinde bulunduu belirgin fenomenin bilincinde olmasn ister. Dolaysyla
verimli dnme, nesnenin tabiat tarafndan olduu kadar dnme sresi iinde nesnesine kendisini ilikilendiren znenin tabiat
tarafndan da tanmlanr. Bu iki tarafl tanmlan, dnmenin nesnece kontrol edilmedii gibi, nyargya, hevesli sezgiye, fantaziye
doru yozlaan sahte bir znelliin de aksine, gerek nesnellii oluturur. Ancak, tarafsz olmak, ekseriya, ayrk olmak ile eanlaml
olan kar ve sorumlu katlmdan ya da zenden yoksun bilimsel tarafszln sahte bir fikrinde ima edildii gibi de deildir. eylerin
maskelenmi sathlarna, nesnelliklerine ve ilikilerine, bir kar ve sorumluluk katlm olmakszn kii nasl nfuz edebilsin? kar ve
sorumluluk katlmna referansl olmadan, soruturmann amalar kesin, ak, ve zl nasl ifade edilebilir?
Tarafszlk ilgisizlik anlamna gelmez, o sayg anlamna geliyor; yani, eyleri, kiileri ve kiinin kendisini olduundan baka
gstermemek ve sahteletirmemek kabiliyetidir. Ancak, gzlemcideki znel faktr, onun kar ve sorumlu katlm davran, arzu
edilen sonulara ulama hatrna, gzlemcinin dnmesini olduundan baka gstermeye meyletmez mi? Kiisel kar ve sorumluluk
katlmnn yoksunluu bilimsel aratrmann koulu deil mi? Hakikati tanmak iin kar ve sorumlu katlmdan yoksun olunmas
fikri yanltcdr. Herhangi nemli bir bulu ya da bir eyin esasn kavray yoktur ki, dnrn kar ve sorumluluk katlm olmadan
balatlabilsin. Gerekte de, kar ve sorumluluk katlm olmadan dnme sonusuz ve anlamsz olur. Sz konusu olan bir kar ve
sorumlu katlmn olup olmamas deil, ne trde bir kar ve sorumlu katlmn olduudur ve oluacak olan hakikate onun ilikisinin ne
olduudur. Verimli dnmenin hepsi, gzlemcinin kar ve sorumlu katlmnca zendirilir. Fikirleri olduundan baka gsteren kar
ve sorumlu katlmn kendisi deil, sadece hakikat ile gzlem altndaki nesnenin tabiatn kefetmek ile uyumsuz kar ve sorumlu
Verimliliin, yaratltan, bir insan yetenei olduu ifadesi, insann doas gerei tembel olduu ve insann etkin olmas
iin zorlanmas gerektii fikri ile elimektedir. Bu, eski bir varsaymdr. Musa peygamber Firavundan, lde tanrya tapsnlar diye
Yahudilerin gitmelerini istemesi zerine, Firavunun yant: Siz tembelsiniz, tembellikten baka hibirey yapmazsnz olmutu. Firavun
iin esir emei, bireylerin yaplmas anlamna geliyordu; Tanrya tapma tembellikti. Ayn fikir, dier insanlarn emeinden yararlanmak
isteyen herkes tarafndan benimsenmitir ve verimlilik asndan fayda salamamtr.


Bat kltr, bu bak asndan tam kart olan iin, delil sunmu grnmnde. Son birka yzyldan beri Bat insan,
i-yapma, ve srekli etkinlik gereksinimi fikrini aklndan silemiyor. O, herhangi bir sre iin tembellik yapmaya yeteneksiz. Bu tezat
sadece grnrdedir. Tembellik ve zorunlu etkinlik kart kavramlar deiller, onlar insann doru dzgn ileyiini rahatsz eden iki
belirti oluyorlar. Sinir hastas bireyde i-yapma, uyum yapm kiide de huzur ve sknetten haz alma, kabiliyetsizliini belirti olarak
gryoruz. Zorunlu etkinlik, tembelliin kart olmasa da onun tamamlaycs; herikisinin kart da verimlilik oluyor.
Verimli etkinliin sakatlanmas, ya etkinsizlikle ya da ar etkinlikle sonulanyor. A braklmak ve eziyet edilmek verimli
etkinliin koullar olamaz. Aksine, zgrlk, ekonomik gven ve bir toplumsal rgtlenme iinde i-yapma, kendi glerini verimli
kullanmak iin, insann doal yeteneinin ifade bulmasn ynlendiren faktrler. Verimli i, sevgi, ve dnme, sadece, ayet bir kii
gerektiinde kendi kendisiyle sknette ve tek bana olabilirse olasdr. Kiinin kendisini dinleme kabiliyeti, dierlerini dinleme kabiliyeti
iin nasl bir nkoulsa, kendisini iyi bilmesi de, kendisini dierlerine ilikilendirmek iin zorunlu bir kouldur.
Kendi Olmas ve Kendisi in nsana Eitim dediin de, bu mu?
Evet bu!
Kemal Aran. 25 Nisan 2009

Fromm, Erich. Man for Himself: An Iquiry into the Psychology of Ethics. New York: Rinehart and Comp., 1947.
Werheimer, Max. Productive Thinking. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1945.

13 13



architectural design studio

Melih Emre Acar . Kadir Akar . Havva Sedef Akarslan . Emin Kaya Albayrak . lke Alpay . Asl Arda . Burcu Ate . Nihan Avc . Dauren Baimurzin . Gizem
Bayar . Gke Bayat . Renato Bici . Aise Chasan . Semiha Deniz Cokun . Bnyamin am . Erturul Danac . Ceren Demircan . Aysun Deniz . Nooran
Diaaldein . Cem Dursun . Cihan Eilmez . Asl Ekiztepe . Melike Emerce . Duygu Ergner . Eyp Fatih Erkan . Bahtiyar Gelyagil . Mmine Gerek . Maryam
Ghazyani . Ekrem Glllk . Gizem er . Seda Kaplan . Mehmet Koray Karagz . brahim Karaman . Dicle Kaya . Blent Kaya . Pnar Kesim . Hseyin Hilmi
Kezer . Nilfer Kzlkaya . Kamala Koniyeva . Cansn Didem Kunter . Ahmet Kurnaz . Salih Kaan Mazlum . Kseniya Mogylevska . Orhun Kerem Nas . Ina
Osmani . Mustafa ncl . Samet zdem . zlem zdener . Aydn zgne . Selen Pasinli . Yasemin Poyraz . Anl Sakaryal . pek Sar . Selda Saylgan
Pelin Serbes . Zeynep Seyhan . Ali Arsalan Pasha Sddqui . Ali Sinan . Sarp Tosun . Bennu Tun . Fulya Tutarl . Elvan Hazal Trkylmaz . Serap Tzen
Merve Usta . Nazl Nuran Yankz . Rustam Yarash . Dicle Yazc . Gkhan Yldrm . Ayenur Ylmaz . rfan Zejnulahu

Arch 101 Basic Design

Selahattin nr + Ayen Sava + Ercment Erman + Trel Saranl + Derin nan

Gkhan Knayolu + Esin Kmez + Gler zyldran
The first semester of the beginning year aims at preparing the students for the general traits of design through exercises, where they are expected to reflect on
order, to develop strategies for organization, and to gain mental and manual skills, as well as awareness of the perceptual values of form, to structure compositions
in 2 and 3-D media with various materials. The very first exercise of the first semester of 2008-2009 was given to encourage the students to think about what
design might entail. Groups of students were each asked to analyze and discuss in the studio the variety of factors that had probably been responsible for the form
of an hand-scale artifact that they had been asked to select and bring to the studio.
2-D DESIGN STUDIES (Components of 2-D Designs are shape, line, color, and texture. In the exercises color and texture are limited to the color and texture of
the different materials used, to differentiate the design elements. Exercises 9 and 10 involved studies on texture and designing a 2-D composition through textural
Repeat-Pattern Design / Elements to be used for the designs of 2-D repeat-patterns were asked to be derived by the student through study of selected forms and
their abstraction. The derived elements in turn would be studied to identify potential relationships that would be repeated. Two sets of exercises were conducted
with the same aim. One set involved study of three types of tree leaves (Exercises 3 and 6). The second set was based on selections and study of surface patterns
from the architectural environment of the Campus (Exercise 5).
2-D Bounded Area Design / Achieving integrated visual organizations having defined extensions in 2-D with part to part and part-whole relationships, hierarchies,
repetition, and variation was dwelt on in the Exercises 7 and 8. The same elements (with minor modifications) from the previous exercises 3 and 6 were asked
to be used as the elements for these exercises.
RELIEF DESIGN Objective was to understand and use the characteristics and potentials of the type of design which utilizes the intermediate medium between
2-D and 3-D. The Exercise 12 asked for the design of a relief composition within the bounds of a given area by using discrete modules (standard pieces of chalk).
Besides shape, line, color, and texture, light and shade and surface plasticity (planar characteristics) were the other components of the design.
3-D DESIGN STUDIES (Additional components are solid, void, mass, volume, plane, shade and shadow.) Exercise 13 had the objective of creating a void
by subtracting from a solid, that uses the potentials of three-dimensionality. Forty percent of the mass of a rectilinear prismatic solid made up of a stack of eight
cakes of soap was to be subtracted from by carving out without throwing into oblivion its original rectilinear configuration. The shape of what does not exist
would be made visible by the solid, and the solid would take its shape through shaping of the void. Exercises 14 and 15, this time, asked for additive assemblage
of incremental solid prisms of diverse shapes and sizes in achieving 3-D solid-void compositions. In Exercise 14 students were given the numbers and the types
of the three different solids to be used in the assemblage. Exercise 15 asked them to decide the numbers and the types of the three different solids, with the total
number having to be around 100; these would have to be assembled in a way that would help perceive the limits of a virtual cubic volume of cm, 36x36x36.
Exercise 16 focused on hierarchical and rhythmic (repetitive, alternating, and progressional) organization of spatial voids defined by rectilinear flat planes, with
radial, circular, and branching relationships. The extensions of the designed whole in all three dimensions were limited by 40 cm. The final one in the series of 3-D
organization is Exercise 17 which employed this time three types of curved planes (ruled surfaces) for the modeling and relating of spatial voids in a well-defined
hierarchic order. The given planes would determine this order and the degrees of enclosure and rhythmic organization of the voids within a 12 cm orthogonal
grid of cm, 36x36x36.
Balang ylnn ilk dnemi, rencileri altrmalarla tasarm etkinliinin genel zelliklerine hazrlamay amalamaktadr.Bu altrmalar ile, iki ve boyutlu
ortamlarda ve farkl malzemelerle tasarm yapabilmeleri iin, dzen zerine dnmeleri, dzen kurma stratejileri gelitirmeleri ve zihinsel ve el becerileri ile
birlikte biimin algsal deerlerinin farkndaln kazanmalar beklenmektedir. lk dnemin (2008-2009) ilk altrmas, rencileri tasarmn ne anlama gelebileceini
dnmeye tevik iin verildi. Belirlenen her bir renci grubundan, seip getirmeleri istenen el leinde bir yapay nesnenin, biiminde etkisi olmu olabilecek
deiik etmenleri stdyoda analiz etmeleri ve tartmalar istendi.
K-BOYUTLU TASARIM ALIMALARI (ki-boyutlu tasarmn bileenleri ekil, izgi, renk, ve dokudur. Altrmalarda renk ve yzey dokusu, tasarm gelerinin
ayrtrlmas iin kullanlan farkl malzemelerin kendi renk ve dokular ile snrlanmtr. Altrma 9 ve 10 doku ve dokusal farkllatrma yoluyla iki-boyutlu bir
kompozisyon tasarm zerine yaplan almalardr.)
Snrsz Yinelemeli-rnt Tasarm / ki boyutlu yinelemeli-rnt tasarmlar iin kullanlacak gelerin, renci tarafndan seilen formlarn incelenmesi ve
soyutlanmas ile elde edilmesi istendi. Elde edilen geler, bu kez yinelenecek potansiyel ilikileri belirlemek iin incelenecekti. Ayn amala iki takm altrma
yrtld. Bir takm (Altrma 3 ve 6) tr aa yaprann incelenmesini ierdi. kincisi Yerlekedeki mimari evreden yzey rntlerinin seilmesi ve
incelenmesine dayandrld (Altrma 5).
ki-Boyutlu Snrlar Belirli Tasarm / Altrma 7 ve 8de, iki boyutta tanmlanm uzantlar olan, paralar arasnda ve para-btn ilikileri, nem-sra dzenleri,
yinelemeleri, eitlemeleri ve btnl olan grsel dzenler elde etme zerinde duruldu. nceki 3 ve altrmalardaki gelerin (ufak deiikliklerle) bu
altrmalarda da kullanlmas istendi.
RLYEF TASARIMI ki ve boyutluluun arasnda kalan ortam kullanan bu tasarm trnn zellik ve potansiyellerinin anlalmas ve kullanlmas hedeflendi.
Altrma 12 verilen bir alann snrlar iinde para birimler (standart tebeir) kullanarak bir rlyef kompozisyon tasarlanmasn istedi. ekil, izgi, renk ve yzey
dokusu yansra, k ve glge ve yzey plastisitesi tasarmn dier bileenleri idi.
BOYUTLU TASARIM ALIMALARI (Boluk, cisim, ktle, uzam, dzlem, k ve glge dier bileenler olarak ortaya kar.) Altrma 13n hedefi, verilen
bir cismin ktlesinden eksilterek, boyutluluun potansiyellerini kullanan bir boluk yaratlmasyd. Sekiz sabun kalbndan oluan bir dikdrtgenler prizma
ktlesinin yzde krk, prizmann zgn karakteri kaybedilmemesi koulu ile oyularak eksiltilecekti. Varolmayann ekli dolu ile grlr klnacak, dolu olan eklini
de boluun ekilleniinden alacakt. Altrma 14 ile 15, bu kez, boyutlu dolu-bo kompozisyonlarn, deiik ekil ve boyutlardaki prizmatik birimlerin biraraya
getirilmesi ile oluturulmasn bekledi. Altrma 14de rencilere kullanacaklar deiik prizmann saylar ve tipleri nceden verildi. Altrma 15de ise, toplam
100 birim dolaynda olma kouluyla, saylara ve tipe kendilerinin karar vermesi istendi; bu birimlerin, sm 36x36x36 boyutlarnda sanal bir kbik uzamn snrlarn
sonunda alglatabilecek ekilde biraraya getirilmesi beklendi. Altrma 16, iie geen dikdrtgen dzlemlerin tanmlad, nsal, deirmi ve atallaan biimde
ilikilendirilen boluklarn hiyerarik ve ritmik (tekrarlayan, deierek tekrarlayan ve gelierek ilerleyen) organizasyonuna odakland. Tasarlanan btnn uzantlar
boyutta da 40 sm. ile snrlandrld. boyutlu organizasyon serisinin sonuncusu olan Altrma 17de, bu kez, iyi tanmlanm bir hiyerarik dzen ierisinde
boluklarn ekillendirilmesi ve ilikilendirilmesi iin tip boyutlar sabit eik dzlem (taranm yzeyler) kullanld. Dzen, boluklarn tanmllk derecesi ve
boluklarn ritmik organizasyonu, verilen bu dzlemlerle sm, 36x36x36 boyutlarnda 12 sm.lik ortogonal bir zgara ierisinde gerekletirilecekti.

abbas riazibeidokhti

exercise 3

kseniya mogylevska

mustafa ncl

exercise 5

orhun kerem nas

maryam ghazyani

exercise 6

maryam ghazyani

kamala koniyeva

hayri drtdivanlolu

exercise 7

exercise 8

salih kaan mazlum

ali sinan

exercise 3-5-6-7-8

al cesur

emin kaya albayrak


kamala koniyeva

nooran diaaldein

exercise 9

melike emerce

yasemin poyraz

exercise 9-10-12

exercise 10

exercise 12


gke bayat

exercise 13

ali sinan

ilke alpay

exercise 14

ali sinan

cem dursun

exercise 16

bennu tun

kamala koniyeva

rustam yarash

exercise 13-14-15-16

exercise 15

zeynep seyhan

renato bici


erturul danac

exercise 17

yasemin poyraz

merve usta


dicle yazc

exercise 17

gke bayat


Arch 102 Introduction to Architectural Design

Selahattin nr + Ayen Sava + Ercment Erman + Trel Saranl + Derin nan

Esin Kmez + Caner ktem + Gler zyldran

Exercise 2: Portfolio Design

Design of an additive flexible filing system to accommodate not only the previous semesters works, but also the oncoming undergraduate works of the
student was an initial exercise. The objectdesign required integration of a 2-D layout system for the visual and verbal material.

Exercise 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7: Abstract Studies for 3-D Structure and Space

Studies were done to experience compressive and tensile forces. Construction of a polyhedron with hexagonal and pentagonal planes was a step in
demonstrating the transition to geodesic frame by translation of the mutual edges of the planes into bars under pure tension or compression, and
triangulation. The students constructed a geodesic dome using this polyhedral geometry. For Exercises 6 and 7 they constructed geodesic spheres
based on icosahedron.
Tension Structure within Geodesic Structure I. Volume within a Volume / Exercise 6 asked for a volume to be defined by a cable network under
tension, within the volume already defined by the geodesic sphere.
Tension Structure within Geodesic Structure II. Volume Modulated by a Membrane / In Exercise 7 the volume defined by the geodesic sphere would
be modulated by a tautly stretched-out membrane that would have itsdimensions and shape determined by the student.

Exercise 8 and 9: Human Body and Space

The next theme of studies was the anthropometry of the human body, bodily posture and bodily action. Each of the groups of students formed was to
specify a thematic human posture and produce a scale model of a student who would take that posture.
Exhibiting Human Postures / Exercise 9 asked from each group to design a spatial correlate of the model produced. The definition and structure of
this space, which would accommodate the model, would be realized by wire-mesh and a polyhedral frame that would be designed in correlation with
their interpretation of the characteristic gesture in the posture. They would consider in design the location that they would choose for display in the
Faculty Building.

Exercise 10: Space for a Single Human Activity

Retreat for a Musician / A rehearsal space for a musician either a cellist, an harpist, or a percussionist, choice of which was left to the student ,
who requires solitude and concentration while working, was asked to be designed in Exercise 10. The size of the space would approximate 20m. The
geometric principles and discipline to guide the articulation of this space would be derived from an analysis of the instrument played by the musician.

Altrma 2: Portfy Tasarm

rencinin bir nceki dnem ve gelecekteki lisans almalarn ierecek eklemeli esnek bir portfy tasarm ilk altrmalardan biri oldu. Nesnenin
tasarm, grsel ve szel malzeme iin iki boyutlu sayfa-dzen sistemini de beraberinde gerektiriyordu.

Altrma 3, 4, 5, 6 ve 7: Boyutlu Strktr ve Mekan iin Soyut almalar

Basn ve germe glerinin deneyimlendii altrmalar yapld. Dzgn altgen ve dzgn begen yzeylerden oluan bir okyzl prizmann yaplmas,
yzeylerin ortak kenarlarnn germe veya basn altndaki ubuklara dnmesi ve genleme ile jeodesik ereveye geii gstermede bir adm
oldu. renciler, bu okyzl geometriyi kullanarak jeodesik kubbe ina ettiler. Altrma 6 ve 7 iin de dzgn onikiyzlden hareketle jeodesik kreler
Jeodesik Strktr iinde Gergi Strktr I. Uzam iinde Uzam / Altrma 6, jeodesik kre ierisinde, germe altndaki bir kablo a ile bir uzam
tanmlanmasn ngrd.
Jeodesik Strktr iinde Gergi Strktr II. Bir Zarla Uzamn Farkllatrlmas / Altrma 7de, jeodesik krenin tanmlad uzam, boyutlar ve
ekli renci tarafndan belirlenecek olan ve skca gerilen bir zar ile farkllatrlacakt.

Altrma 8 ve 9: nsan Bedeni ve Mekan

almalarn bir sonraki ana konusu insan bedeni lme bilimi, bedensel duru ve bedensel eylem idi. Oluturulan renci gruplarndan herbiri, konusu
olan bir duru belirleyecek ve o duruu alacak olan rencilerden birinin lekli modelini retecekti.
Bedensel Durular Sergileme / Altrma 9 her gruptan, retilen modelin mekansal karlnn tasarlanmasn istedi. Modelin iinde yeralaca bu
mekann tanmn ve strktrn, rg-tel ve bedenin duruuntaki tipik hareketin yorumu koutunda tasarlanacak okyzl bir ereve gerekletirecekti.
Faklte Binasnda belirleyecekleri sergileme yeri tasarmda dnlecekti.

Altrma 10: Bir Etkinlik iin Mekan

Bir Mzisyen iin zel alma Yeri / Altrma 10da, alrken sessizlik ve younlamak isteyen bir mzisyen iin elist, arp veya bir vurmal alg
sanats bir yinelemeli alma mekan tasarlanmas istendi. Mekann bykl yaklak 20 m olacakt. Bu mekann oluturulmasn ynlendirecek
geometrik ilke ve disiplin, mzisyenin ald aletin analizinden elde edilecekti.

exercise 2

exercise 3

sarp tosun

exercise 4

zeynep seyhan

exercise 2-3-4-5

exercise 5

pnar kesim


kamala koniyeva

exercise 7

gizem ier

ina osmani

bahtiyar gelyagil

gke bayat

kseniya mogylevska

cansn kunter

exercise 6-7

ali sinan

exercise 6

zeynep seyhan


exercise 10

kseniya mogylevska

kamala koniyeva

gke bayat

exercise 8-9-10

exercise 8 and 9

semiha deniz cokun


Arch 102 Introduction to Architectural Design

Selahattin nr + Ayen Sava + Ercment Erman + Trel Saranl + Derin nan

Esin Kmez + Caner ktem + Gler zyldran

Final Exercise: Design Response to an Existing Milieu

A Receptacle for Public Life / Exercise 11, the final one for the term, was a remodeling and re-dimensioning of the major square of the Town of Aya,
near Ankara. The whole area of the square would be considered as a bottomless void for freedom of design thinking in creating the new grounding.
The surrounding topography and street connections would be reinterpreted regarding their possible influences on how that new grounding could be.
In a sense, the exercise foresaw a relief and textural design at urban scale. Activities, natural elements and buildings around the square, vistas, and
potential human circulation would be references and guide for the remodeling and redimensioning.

Final Altrmas: Varolan bir evreye Tasarmla Karlk Veri

Kamusal Yaam Kab / Dnemin sonuncusu olan Altrma 11, Ankara yaknlarndaki Aya Kazasnn ana meydann yeniden ekillendirme ve
boyutlandrma idi. Meydan tabannn yeniden yaratlmasnda tasarm dncesini zgr klmak iin, tm meydan alan dipsiz bir boluk olarak ele
alnacakt. Alan evresinin toporafyas ile alana ulaan yollarn balantlar, yeni tabann ekillenmesindeki olas etkileri bakmndan yorumlanacaklard.
Bir bakma, bu altrma kent leinde bir rlyef ve doku tasarm ngrmekteydi. Alann eperlerindeki etkinlikler, doal geler ve yaplar, vistalar ve
potansiyel insan dolam, yeniden ekillendirme ve boyutlandrma kararlarnda referans olacaklard.


ayenur ylmaz

ilke alpay

kseniya mogylevska

nooran diaaldein

seda kaplan

havva sedef akarslan


architectural design studio

Gerta Ajazi . Havva Sedef Akarslan . Sla Akman . mer Akyz . Doucan Alada . Ceyhun Ruhisu Altok . Fuat Deniz Arkan . Emine idem Asrav . Alp
Atamanalp . Arif Anl Ate . Melda Aydan . Serap Ayyzl . Didem Bahar . Gkhan Bapnar . Elif Dilan Bilgilier . Gkhan Bilgin . rem Senem Bykkoak
Suzan al Cesur . Selin oruh . Meral Cana Dai . ala Sebilay Demir. Grkem Demirok . Derya Dinel . Gksel Doan . mran Erdem Doruz . rem
Dkmeci . Hayri Drtdivanlolu . lyas Durmaz . Gke Ejder . Sadk Gkhan Ekinci . Glin Erbay . Duygu Erden . Ebru Eren . Umut Erhan . Duygu
Erkan Serdar Erien . Gnce Eingen . Yasemin Gizem Fillik . Fatih Gencr . Muhammed Cihat Gkek . zge Gm . Gke Deniz Gr . Tuba Grbz
Baak Kalfa . Deniz Dilan Kara . Burcu Karael . Hamza Utku Karakaya . Nisa Karg . Nermin Kele . Duygu Klner . Burcu Krcan . Egemen Berker Kzlcan
Feyyaz Kiyat . Mge Mansurolu . Yldz pek Mehmetolu . Sahra Mohammadi . mr Mutlu . Saliha Noyin . Ozan Obuz . Banu Odaba . Aye Oruolu
Coku Tayfun zdabak . Mehmet Doruk zdemir . Neris Saadet Parlak . Ece Peken . Abbas Riazibeidokhti . Aye Aybke Samast . Ezgi San . Erkut
Sancar . Ramazan Sar . Seda Sokullu . Naranbaatar Sukhbaatar . Baak imek . Murat Ta . Dicle Takn . Sreyya Topalolu . Ahmet Tuer Topuolu
Sidita Troshani . Ensar Temizel . Ariuntungalag Tsedendamba . Asl Tuncer . Zhre Uar . Emre Uur . Rovena Ushe . zel nsal . Erald Varaku . Bahar
Yaln . Nur Yaren . Duygu Ylmaz . eyda Ylmaz . Sdka Buket Zor

Arch 201 Architectural Design I

Group1: Vacit mamolu + Mualla Erkl + Nergis t + Nuri Arkolu

Meltem Anay + Duygu Kaar + lkay Din Uyarolu + Tolga zden
METU- Center for Gardening: House+Workshop+Greenhouse

Objectives of the study: 1- To develop required skills to cope with design problems of small and medium scale buildings, 2- To initiate awareness
about the issue of energy efficiency and introduce basic principles, 3- To introduce fundamental principles of contemporary structures and construction
methods, 4- To encourage the critical, creative and imaginative thinking of the second year architectural students, when tackling with complex problems
of architecture. Individual subgroups are responsible to develop different scenarios in order to identify the daily living patterns of the greenhouse center.
The center includes a house, a greenhouse, a shopping unit, a workshop, and a very well controlled garden which has to be considered as an outdoor
living environment for the whole center. (approx. 750m2 closed area)

ODT- Bahecilik Merkezi: Konut+Atlye+Sera

Mimarlk Blm birinci dnem objektiflerine paralel olarak hazrlanan almann hedefleri; 1- kk ve orta lekli mekanlar ieren mimari programn
tasarm srecinde gerekli beceriler kazanmak, 2-mimaride enerji verimlilii temel prensipleri ile tanmak, 3-ada yap teknolojileri temel prensiplerini
edinmek, 4- ikinci snf eitiminde mimari tasarm srecinde yaratc ve eletirel dnme becerilerini gelitirmek eklinde zetlenmitir. Gruplar,
bahecilik seras ile ilgili gnlk aktiviteleri gz nne alan senaryolar gelitirerek program detaylandrmtr. Merkezin birimleri olan konut, sera, alveri
birimi sergi alanlar bir byk d alan olan bahe ile birlikte detaylandrlarak gelitirilmitir. (yaklak yapl alan 750m2dir)

group 1


group 1

hayri drtdivanlolu

Interpreting the courtyard as an outdoor plant exhibition, Drtdivanlolu

benefits from diverse characteristics of house+workshop+greenhouse
for enriching the outdoor space as a social space. With this schema,
the trellis is utilized as a circulation tool connecting different hierarchical
parts. Contrary to the public character of the southwest division with the
porous entrance boundary, existing stone building and greenhouse the
new complex establishes a private boundary.


Drtdivanlolu, avlu emasn btnletirici bir d mekan bitki sergileme

alan olarak yorumlarken ev+atlye+serann farkl zelliklerinden
faydalanarak avluyu bir sosyal mekan olarak tasarlar. Ayrca, pergola
elaman farkl blmleri birbirine balayarak ve avluda hiyerarik bir
blnme oluturarak bir organizasyon ve dolam eleman olarak kullanlr.
Avlunun geirgen giri yzeyi, varolan ta bina ve sera ile evrelenen
gneybat blmnn kamusal karakterine karlk, kuzeybat blmde,
kendine ait avlusuyla birlikte ev ve atlye ana avlunun daha zerk snrn

gnce eingen group 1

By creating two axes in making spatial organization, Eingen creates a

courtyard including an open exhibition space at the center of the site. The
existing masonry building is used as a center for public needs and the
greenhouse has a direct connection to the courtyard. She offers a second
storey with light construction, steel, for the existing masonry building to
make a focal point at the site. Using the spaces on the north faade of
greenhouse as storage and workers unit, she controls the privacy of the
backyard for the use of services separated from the courtyard.

Eingen, mekansal organizasyon iin kurgulad iki aks kullanarak

arazinin merkezinde ak sergi mekann da ieren kamuya ak bir avlu
tasarlamtr. Tasarmda kamusal kullanm iin merkez kabul edilen
mevcut ta yap ve sera, avluya dorudan almaktadr. Eingen, bu
mevcut yapya hafif tayc sistemle, elik, ikinci kat nererek arazi iinde
bir odak noktas oluturmak istemitir. Serann kuzey cephesini depo ve
ii blou ile birlikte ortak kullanarak, servis blmleri iin kamuya ak
avludan ayrlan bir servis avlusu nermitir.


Arch 202 Architectural Design II

Group1: Vacit mamolu + Mualla Erkl + Nergis t + Nuri Arkolu

Meltem Anay + Duygu Kaar + zlem Karakul + lkay Din Uyarolu
Ankara Children Toy Museum
The objectives of the second year, second semester Architectural Design Studio include: 1- to introduce functional, structural and aesthetic problems of
a middle size public building in an urban context, 2-to introduce the effective use of hard modeling together with the creative use of the digital simulation
means (as a tool only) in the realization process of architectural design, 3-to introduce the system of steel structure for middle size buildings. A museum
for children toys aims to house creative and inspirational collections of children toys, and encourages its visitors to explore the dreams of childhood.
Apart from its permanent exhibitions a museum for toys serves for temporary and seasonal exhibitions as well as educational and leisure art programs
in its body. The program of the building includes administration unit, exhibition areas, game hall, coffee and gift shop, services and storages. Circulation
system, light control, speciousness, flexibility, accessibility, etc. are some of the important parameters in the program. Students are encouraged to
use some computer programs (sketch up, archicad, revit) in modeling of their projects (3 analytical research, 5 assignments, 3 sketch problems, 3
preliminary jury). Steel as a structural system is considered as an important constrain from the initial stages of the design process.

Ankara ocuk Oyuncak Mzesi

almann hedefleri; 1-Kentsel doku iinde orta byklkte kamusal bir binann ilevsel, evresel, yapsal ve estetik sorunlar ile tanmak, 2-Tasarm
srecinde bilgisayar ve somut modelleme tekniklerini verimli bir ekilde kullanma becerisi gelitirmek, 3-Strktr malzemesi olarak elik yap sistemleri
hakknda birikim elde etmek eklinde tanmlanmtr. ocuk Oyuncaklar Mzesi bnyesinde geici ve kalc sergi alanlarn, alveri ve dinlenme alan,
eitsel atlye ve oyun alann ieren, ocuklarla birlikte yetikinleri de ocukluk yllarna gtren paylam alanlar olarak tariflenebilir. Bina programnda
dolam, k kontrol, eriilebilirlik, esneklik ve mekansal enginlik gibi parametreler kullanlmtr. Bilgisayar izim programlar tasarmn bandan
itibaren proje modelleme srecinde etkin bir ara olarak kullanlmtr. Ayrca, elik atk sistemleri tasarm srecinin bandan itibaren bir girdi olarak
ele alnmtr.

group 1


group 1


gnce eingen

Forming various voids within the long mass of the building, Eingen organizes
main components of the Toy Museum program. With this design idea, she
both provides them their individual spaces and also creates a fluent relation
between program elements and along the different levels. While the central
atrium connects the main exhibitions and social facilities and provides
spatial continuity with the neighboring Children Theatre, the east courtyard
creates a social node with its surrounding game hall and workshop spaces.
This organization schema is supported by a service wall, which is placed
throughout the long edge of the building and program elements.

Eingen, oyuncak mzesi programnn ana elemanlarn yap ktlesinde

eitli boluklar oluturarak organize ederken bu tasarm fikriyle hem
program elemanlarnn kendilerine ait alanlarnn olumasna, hem de
nc boyutta akc bir ekilde ilikilenmelerini salamaya almtr.
Merkez galeri ana sergi alanlarn ve sosyal servisleri balayp, ocuk
tiyatrosu ile mekansal devamllk salarken, dou tarafndaki i avlu ise
evreleyen oyun alan ve atlye mekanlaryla sosyal bir odak oluturur.
Bu organizasyon emas tm program elemanlar ile ilikilenen bir servis
duvar ile desteklenir.

dicle takn group 1

With the idea of giving reference about the simplicity of theaters form,
Takn creates prisms for exhibition places projected from an abstract
formed shell. She placed them on a diagonal axis created in relation to
the main approach to the site. While exhibition galleries interrelate with
prisms at each level, social spaces such as game hall, workshops, and
caf are placed at the entrance level in a way to provide spatial continuity
between inside and outside.

Takn, komu arazide bulunan tiyatronun basit formunu referans alarak,

basit bir kabuk formunun iinden kan ve sergi mekanlar olarak tasarlanan
prizmalar nermektedir. Bu prizmalar, araziye ana yaklam dikkate alnarak
kurgulanm bir diyagonal aks zerinde yer alr. Prizmalarla balants
olan sergi alanlar, yapnn her katnda bulunurken, oyun alanlar, atlyeler
ve cafden oluan sosyal amal mekanlar ise yapnn giri katnda i ve
d mekanlardaki sreklilii salayacak ekilde tasarlanmtr.


group 1

murat ta

Ta tries to maximize the physical and visual relations between the

different levels by creating voids inside the building. Ta project relates
with surrounding buildings by differentiating and highlighting the entrance.
Variety in masses and architectural elements to emphasize the control
and use of light in museums forms the essence of architectural language.
On the south facade, the arcade both controls light and organizes the
pedestrian circulation by directing to the entrance.


Ta, proje alannn ince uzun yapsyla uyumlu ktlesinin alak gnll
yapsna karn, yapya giri mekanlarn ieren ktleyi farkllatrarak
komu yaplarla iliki kurmakta ve yap iinde boluklar yaratarak, kotlar
arasndaki fiziksel ve grsel ilikileri artrmaktadr. Mze yaplarnda
n kontrol ve kullanmnn nemini vurgulayc bir biimde yaplan
ktle hareketleri ve mimari eleman eitlilikleri, mimari dilin esasn
oluturmaktadr. Gney cephede, n kontroln salayan arkat mekan,
ana girie yaklam ve yaya dolamn da tanmlaycdr.

mehmet doruk zdemir group 1

zdemirs initial idea for Children Toy Museum was creating dynamic and
entertaining spaces for children. To do this, he used Mikado Sticks, which
is also a game itself, as a starting point. In organizing the interior spaces
and the facades, zdemir was inspired by the solid void relationship of
these sticks, and aimed to design flexible and fluent spaces in the third
dimension. He provided easy access to all gathering spaces by arranging
caf, workshop and game hall at the ground level that can inspire and
encourage users to participate activities while entering the building.

Oyuncak Mzesini ele alrken zdemirin k noktas ocuklar iin

dinamik ve elenceli mekanlar yaratmak oldu. Bunu yapabilmek iin
kendisi de bir oyun olan Mikado ubuklar ile tasarma balad.
mekanlar ve cepheleri organize ederken zdemir bu ubuklarn dolu-bo
ilikisinden esinlendi ve nc boyutta da esnek ve akkan mekanlar
yaratmay amalad. Programda verilen caf, ilik, oyun salonu gibi ortak
mekanlar binaya girerken kullanclarn katlmn tevik etmek iin zemin
katta kurgulayarak, tm toplanma mekanlarna kolay eriilebilirlik salad.


Arch 201 Architectural Design I

Group2: Berin Gr + Mucip rger + Onur Ync

House for Urban Horticulture

In our group, the final project in the fall semester of the second year design education is usually formulated in a way to question the condition of
working at home and living in the work place, as today many people prefer to use their homes as principal workplaces. Students are expected to develop
proposals that reveal the potentials of this condition. Site for the project, in which the spheres of work and domestic life are integrated, is chosen mainly
from the urban area. Then, in the design process, students are asked to develop a design strategy, which dwells on the duality of domestic (private)
activities and work (public) activities, and responds to the specificities of the urban area.
The studio project for this year, House for Urban Horticulture, is located within the vicinity of the Atatrk Orman iftlii (Atatrk Forest Farm) area,
Ankara. The building will be the living and working area of an expert on horticulture, who is married and has two children. Therefore, besides spaces
for living, the expert also needs spaces to work such as areas for crop and seed production, indoor and outdoor planting area, and laboratory. For
this particular design problem, the nature of indoor and outdoor gardening activities becomes essential determinant for the students in writing the
program of the House for Urban Horticulture, and in organizing and forming the relations between the house and the work with respect to their own

Kent Bahecilii iin Ev

Gnmzde birok insan evini ana alma mekan olarak kullanmaktadr. Bundan yola karak, grubumuzda, ikinci snf tasarm eitiminin ilk dneminde
verilen final projesi evde alma ve iyerinde yaama durumunu sorgulamak zere formle edilmektedir. rencilerden, ayn yap ierisinde, ev
ve almaya ait eylemlerin birarada ve/veya ayr olma durumunun potansiyellerini aa karan neriler gelitirmesi beklenmektedir. Proje arazisi
ounlukla kent iinden seilmektedir. Bu nedenle, tasarm srecinde rencilerden eve (mahrem) ve almaya ait (kamusal) eylemlerin ikiliine
odaklanan ve ayn zamanda yapnn yer ald kentsel evre ile kuraca ilikiyi belirleyen bir tasarm stratejisi gelitirmesi istenmitir.
Bu yl Kent Bahecilii iin Ev projesi verilmitir. Proje iin, Ankara Atatrk Orman iftliinin 1925 ylnda Atatrk tarafndan kurulu misyonu dikkate
alnarak, iftlik alan yaknlarnda bir arazi seilmiltir. Yap, bahecilik zerine uzman, evli ve 2 ocuu olan bir kiinin hem yaama hem de alma
alan olacaktr. Bu nedenle, uzmann yaama alanlar yannda, deneysel olarak tohum retip gelitirilebilecei laboratuvara, ieride ve darda bitki
yetitirebilecei alma alanlarna ihtiyac vardr. Bu tasarm problemi zelinde, i ve d mekanda yaplacak olan bahecilik aktivitelerinin nitelii
ve ierii, rencilerin Kent Bahecilii iin Evin programn yazma, ve ev ve i arasndaki ilikileri her birinin kendine zel durumunu dikkate alarak
rgtleme ve biimlendirmede belirleyici en temel unsur olmutur.

group 2

doucan alada

ceyhun altok

emine asrav

anl ate

gkhan bapnar

irem bykkoak

al cesur

derya dinel

ilyas durmaz

gke ejder

duygu erden

fatih gencr

baak kalfa

dilan kara

sahra mohammadi

saliha noyin

ozan obuz

ece peken

seda sokullu

ensar temizel

sidita troshani

duygu ylmaz


group 2

ensar temizel

Temizel uses the roof as a continuous land surface accommodating

horticultural activities and connecting different levels. Then, the roof
becomes an extension of the pedestrian street surface. It forms the section
of the building so as to both separate and integrate the activities of house
and work, and to create double height to accommodate the house.


Temizel, mimar eleman olan aty bahecilik aktivitelerinin yapld ve

farkl seviyeleri birbirine balayan srekli bir yer yzeyi olarak kullanr.
Bylece at, yaya kaldrm yzeyinin bir uzants haline gelir ve yap
iindeki farkl aktiviteleri rgtler. at bina kesitini, ev ve i aktivitelerini
hem birbirinden ayracak hem de birbirine balayacak ve ev iin ift hacim
yaratacak ekilde biimlendirir.

sidita troshani

In Troshanis proposal, the activities of house and work are accommodated

in two independent buildings. Reduced to minimum expression, each
building retains its own identity, which is defined in relation to its content.
The glass box is the horticulturalists work place and contains the indoor
planting area and laboratory. The house with its pitched roof without
overhangs ironically reminds a typical house image in our minds.

group 2

Troshani nerisinde, ev ve i aktivitelerini iki ayr bamsz yapda zer.

Her bamsz yap kimliini iinde barndrd aktiviteden alrken, bu
kimlik minimum mimari eleman ile ifadelendirilmektedir. Bu anlamda,
cam kutu bahecilik konusunda uzman olan ev sahibinin alma alandr;
laboratuvar ve i mekan bitki yetitirme/retme alan bu yaln kutunun
ierisindedir. Saaksz krma atl ev ise belleimizdeki tipik ev imajna
gnderme yapar.


Arch 202 Architectural Design II

Group2: Berin Gr + Mucip rger + Onur zko

Workers Social Club in Siteler

In our group, the second semester of the second year design education is constructed in a way to develop students awareness of conditions and
problems emerging from complex relations between urban context, building and program. The initial exercise, Readings of the City, is assigned with
the aim of making students approach their cities as laboratories of experimentation where one can observe, explore, and derive the ways of operations
(design acts and tools) to respond complex urban situations. Exemplary cases are chosen from Ankara, such as Eskiehir Road, Ankara Citadel,
Dikmen Valley, and etc. This urban research is conducted with groups of 3-4 students, and the outcomes of the research are recalled and brought into
discussion also during the final project, namely Workers Social Club in Siteler. Here, the focus is to develop a critical approach to the design by
registering the complexity of the given site and to consider program as a design objective defined by actions and activities.
Workers Social Club is intended for professional, sportive, social and cultural organization, and education of the workers in Siteler, the main spot in
Ankara that gives production service particularly on house furniture (modular or custom-made). The Social Club is expected to be a multi-functional
socio-cultural gathering place, offering professional education as well as various social activities. The co-existence of various activities is expected to
stimulate interaction among the workers. During the design process, it becomes important to analyze and understand both the spatial characteristics
of the Siteler district and existing social patterns in order to inject a new program. Consequently, students are expected to understand and interpret the
generic system that forms the district.

Sitelerde iler iin Sosyal Kulp

kinci snf mimari tasarm eitiminin ikinci dnemini tasarlarken amacmz, rencilerin, zellikle kentsel balam, yap ve program arasnda sregelen
deiken ve karmak ilikilerin ortaya kard durum ve problemlerin farkna varmas ve sorgulamasn salamakdr. Bunun iin, eitim sreci Kent(in)
Okumalar aratrma projesi ile balamtr. rencilerin kente bir laboratuvar deneyi gibi yaklap, karmak kentsel durumlara cevap olarak gelitirilen
tasarm eylemlerini ve aralarn, gzlemleyerek ve kefederek tretmeleri beklenmitir. Aratrlacak rnek alanlar, Eskiehir Karayolu, Ankara Kalesi,
Dikmen Vadisi gibi, Ankaradan seilmitir. Bu kentsel aratrma 3-4 rencinin oluturduu gruplarla yaplm; sonular Sitelerde iler iin Sosyal
Kulp final projesi srecinde de gndeme getirilip, rencilerin projeleri zerinden tekrar tartlmtr.
iler iin Sosyal Kulp, Ankaraya ncelikle mobilya sektrnde servis veren Siteler alannda alan iilerin, profesyonel, spor amal, toplumsal ve
kltrel rgtlenmesi ve eitimi iin kullanlacakdr. Sosyal Kulp, iilere profesyonel eitim verme dnda farkl aktivitelerin yaplabilecei ok amal
sosyal-kltrel toplanma mekan olarak ngrld. Farkl aktivitelerin birarada olabilmesinin iiler arasnda karlkl etkileimi ve iletiimi canlandraca
dnld. Tasarm srecinde, daha ok atlyelerin ve sat maazalarnn bulunduu Siteler alanna sosyal kulp gibi yeni bir program enjekte ederken,
bu alann hem mekansal zelliklerini hem de varolan sosyal rntleri analiz edip kavramak nemli olmutur. Bu nedenle, rencilerden Siteler alann
biimlendiren jenerik sistemi anlayp yorumlamalar istenmitir

fatih gencr

Gencr interprets the program of Workers Social Club as a park in Siteler,

and shapes the land as an urban surface for outdoor social activities
and a roof to shelter indoor activities. He proposes three pavilions in the
park, which are generated from the similar spatial system. Each pavilion
contains a different programmatic unit, namely workshop, library and
sports facilities. These independent pavilions are connected by the
activity surface.

group 2

Gencr, Sosyal Kulb Sitelerde iiler iin tasarlanm bir park olarak
yorumlar. Bu amala, yer dzlemini ortak d aktiviteler iin kullanlacak
bir kentsel yzey ve i mekan aktivitelerini rten bir at olarak ekillendirir.
Park iinde atlye, ktphane ve spor olmak zere farkl program
aktivitelerini ieren ve ortak bir mekansal sistemden retilmi 3 pavyon
nerir. Bamsz pavyonlar aktiviteleri rgtleyen kent yzeyi ile birbirine


doucan alada


group 2






- 4.30





Alada defines his project as the Workers Wall. The Wall is a selfreferential building distinguished from the other typical buildings in Siteler.
Program activities define the reference system, and shape the inner
edge. The Wall clearly separates inside and outside, and then creates an
introverted environment for the workers. It provides controlled openings
to pedestrians on the ground level, and opens to the sky so as to take
light inside.


Projesini ilerin Duvar olarak isimlendiren Alada, kendi referans

sistemini program aktivitelerinden reterek Sitelerdeki yaplardan
farkllaan ve fiziksel balamna yabanclaan ie dnk bir yap nerir.
Duvar yapnn kendisidir; duvarn d cidar, yap yapma snrlarn takip
ederek biimlenirken, i cidar aktivitelerin niteleine gre geniler ve/veya
daralr. Duvar Yap zeminde yayalara kontroll giriler salarken, kesitte
k almak zere gkyzne alr.





dilan kara group 2



























Program hybridization is the main design act that forms Karas proposal
for Workers Social Club. She interprets the social club as a library, which
is a socializing space where fun and learning are integrated. The library
forms the outer edge of the building, and when it interacts with other
activities it changes its content, and turns into something new.






25 x 0,140 = 3,500 m

















16 x 0,219 = 3,500 m

16 x 0,219 = 3,500 m


16 x 0,219 = 3,500 m

25 x 0,140 = 3,500 m


16 x 0,219 = 3,500 m

21 x 0,167 = 3,500 m

Kara iilere yaplacak olan sosyal kulb bir ktphane olarak yorumlar.
Fakat bu ktphane, renme eylemini elenme eylemi zerinden
rgtleyen bir sosyalleme mekan olarak yeniden yorumlanmtr. Bu
nedenle Kara, melezletirmeyi tasarmn biimlendiren bir eylem olarak
kullanr. Melez yapnn d cidarn oluturan ktphane, farkl aktivitelerle
etkileime girdiinde ieriini deitirip yeni bir kimlik kazanr.


architectural design studio

Meltem Al . Celalettin Apak . Ezgi Arslan . Hseyin Atakan . Onur Atay . Melike Atc . Ezgi Balkanay . Yavuz Baver Barut . Tolga Ba . Abdullah Bin
Vedat . Seil Binboa . Semen Chernov . Devrim akmak . Mehmet Burak elebi . Serap elikli . Baak evik . idem oban . Hande pl . Tunahan
rt . Sla Dank . ule Dede . Sertan Demirda . Selver Ercan . Berrak Erdal . Maysam Foolady . Glnur Gler . Burcu Gnay . Ezgi Gndz . Selim
Niels Gner . Beril Gner . Gamze Gr . Elif Ekin Grbz . Musfata Grses . lkay Gryay . Edlr Habl . Elham Hajkhan . Anl Eren pek . Grkem Rabia
Kanat . ule Karaba . Sla Karata . mran Kycolu . Emine Kirman . Yamur Koak . Cem Korkmaz . Nilay Koyuncu . Ece Belamir Kse . Mradnan
Mousavgavgan . Ali Uur Mucukgil . Levent Mutlu . Gkhan Ongun . Yasinalp rsel . zge zdemir . Orkun Snmez . Esra Smer . Uur Can ahin
Burcu enal . Sinan ener . Fsun Tamer . Duygu Tekin . Bura Tetik . Perinur Tural . Can Trer . Seda Trk . Berrak Pnar nal . Ahmet nveren . Nihat
Vural . Fatma Seda Yaln . Senem Yldrm . Ezgi Yksel

Arch 301 Architectural Design III

Group1: Gnl Evyapan + Haluk Zelef

Housing at ankaya
Stage 1 : Pavilion
In the first stage, a sales office for the housing project that is to be developed throughout the semester is designed. This small pavilion (450m2)
provides spaces mainly for marketing, display and meetings. It is to be utilized in the further life of the housing. Since the pavilion has representational
purposes the main themes of the housing guided the design of this structure as well. Students are asked to master a computer program enabling them
to represent their scheme in 3-D during the design process.
Stage 2 : Housing
After analyzing the given context at ankaya and studying the housing examples in Turkey and abroad, schemes with the following brief are designed:
Housing: 40 studio (ea. 60m2), 40 Two/three bedroom (ea. 120m2), 40 Four bedroom units (ea. 180m2), Retail Shopping: 2000m2, Offices: 2000m2,
Sports: 900m2 (A swimming pool, A Fitness Hall), Kindergarten: 600m2, Services: HVAC, maintenance etc., Car Park: 160 for apartments and 120
for the offices and shops, 40 outdoors, Open and Semi open spaces.
The 20m level difference in the 30000m2 site initiated students to search for the potentials and means to solve complex programs in intricate

ankayada Konut
Aama 1 : Pavyon
renciler ilk aamada konut projesinin sat ve irtibat ofisi olarak ilev grecek bir yap tasarlamlardr. 450 m2 byklndeki yapda pazarlama,
tehir ve toplant mekanlar yer alm, inaat sreci sonrasndaki ilevi ve konumu da planlanmtr. Yapnn ayn zamanda konut projesinin temsiliyetini
stlenmesi ve onun temel niteliklerini yanstmas beklenmitir. renciler projeyi bandan beri bilgisayar ortamnda 3 boyutlu modellendirerek
Aama 2 : Konut
Verilen arsa ve kentsel balam incelendikten ve literatrdeki konut projeleri zerine n almalar yapldktan sonra renciler 40 stdyo, 40 iki/ odal,
40 drt odal daireler, alveri niteleri, ofisler, spor tesisleri, ana okulu, servis hacimleri, garaj ve ak otopark ieren bir konut projesi gelitirmilerdir.
30000m2 byklndeki arsada 20 metreyi bulan kot farknn rencilere karmak programl yaplarn yerletirilmesinde ve d mekanlarn tasarmnda
birikim salamas beklenmektedir

cem korkmaz

group 1

stage1: pavilion

stage 2: housing

The housing units are placed in a linear fashion encircling a sociableexterior

space. A tall rectangular mass is placed at the ridge of thevalley. Shopping
and sport facilities are placed on the lower levels of this block. The arch
shaped mass alongside the main street contains large housing units with
terraces. Horizontal and vertical circulationsare on the interior whereas the
housing units are on the exterior tohave a good view of the city. Corridors
facing south are glazed tobenefit from solar energy. The pavilion designed in
the first phase isto serve for a public function in the later life of the complex.

Konut kitleleri ortasnda sosyal d mekan oluturmak zere kvrlanizgisel

bir kurgudadr. Vadi yamacndan ykselen prizmatik yap kk birimleri
ierir. Aa doru genileyen bu kitlenin altnda alveri mekanlar ve
spor tesisleri bulunur. Teraslanarak cadde boyu giden kanatta ise byk
konutlar yerletirilmitir. Yatay ve dikey dolam elemanlar i tarafta,
konutlar ise kenti grecek ekilde d eperdedir. Gneye bakankoridorlar
gne enerjisinden faydalanmak amacyla cam cephelidir. lk etapta
tasarlanan irtibat brosu da sosyal bir yap olarak deerlendirilmitir.


Arch 302 Architectural Design IV

Group1: Gnl Evyapan + Haluk Zelef + ar akr

First Project: A Steel Structure in Kzlay

Students are asked to design a cultural center out of steel at the heart of Ankara replacing the old French Culture Building. Structure covers 450 m2
ground floor area. Students worked in groups of two with the collaboration of a structural engineering student. Projects are submitted to the Prosteel
National Student Competition and some have received nomination.

Final Project: Hotel with Bath Facilities in Eskiehir

Stage 1: Urban Design
Porsuk river, passing through the city is rehabilitated in the recent years to form the spine of cultural, social and recreational facilities. The building block
designed by the students is located in the relatively underdeveloped eastern portion of the river. Students are asked to form groups to bring solutions to
the problems related to the urban setting (such as providing a predetermined built area, relocating a mosque, integration of a historical structure).
Stage 2: Hotel with Bath facilities in Eskiehir
Having two university campuses, many industrial plants on railways, earthenware, food and clothing and a base of Air Force, Eskiehir attracts many
visitors. It is a town known for thermal baths as well. Accordingly students designed a hotel with bath facilities within the given urban block they
designed earlier. The complex program comprises 4040m2 area, having the following functions: 40 bedrooms, Reception and Lobby, Amenities (multifunction hall, restaurant, caf, games hall), Bath (sports and traditional), Services and open spaces.

Birinci Proje: Kzlayda elik Yap

Dnemin ilk projesi Ankarann merkezinde, yklan Fransz Kltr Merkezinin arsasndaki bir kltr yapsdr. atk sistemi elik olarak verilen ok katl
binann, rencilere bu inaat teknolojisi ve detaylar konusunda bilgi birikimi salamas beklenmitir. Yap 450 m2 taban alanna sahiptir ve bat ynnde
1920lerin konutlarndan birine komudur. Projeler iki mimarlk ve bir inaat mhendislii rencisinin oluturduu gruplar tarafndan gelitirilmi ve
Prosteel renci yarmasnda da yer alarak dllendirilmilerdir.

Final Projesi: Eskiehirde Konaklama Tesisi

Aama 1: Kentsel Tasarm
Eskiehirin ortasndan geen Porsuk nehri kent iin kltrel, sosyal ve dinlence aks oluturmutur. rencilerin gruplar oluturarak nehrin az gelimi
dou ksmndaki bir yap adasnda kentsel tasarm yapmlardr. Ofis ve ticaret ilevleri tayan yap nerilerinin kentsel balamla btnlemesi, belediye
tarafndan belirlenen byklkte inaat alanna sahip olmas, arsadaki mescidin yeniden konulandrlmas ve tescilli tarihi yapnn deerlendirilmesi gibi
konulara yant getirilmesi beklenmitir.
Aama 2: Eskiehirde Konaklama Tesisi
ki niversite kamps, demiryolu tama, toprak, gda ve dokuma alanlarnda birok sanayi tesisi yannda hava ss de bulunan Eskiehirde konaklama
tesisi projesi verilmitir. renciler ilk etapta gelitirdikleri yap adasnda, arsann scak su kaynaklar da deerlendirerek kaplca turizmine de hizmet
edecek bir otel tasarlamlardr. 4040 m2 byklndeki karmak yap program 40 oda, resepsiyon, lobby, ok amal salon, restaurant, cafe, oyun
salonu gibi sosyal mekanlar ve mutfak, personel gibi servis hacimleri yannda dardan da kullanlabilecek hamam tesislerini ierir.

group 1

first project

burak elebi + orkun snmez

The proposed building houses rehearsal studios for dance and theatre
groups, a library, an auditorium and a terrace. The U form of the building
in reference to the steel U section is the structural backbone and is
so shaped and situated that, it accommodates the roof, the service uses
along the backside vertically and the ceiling of the auditorium on the
lowest level. The cantilevering roof the top horizontal leg of the U is
utilizing the structural principle of the crane. Spaces are enveloped within
the open end of the U, and are encircled by a ramp discernible from the

Kzlayda konumlanan bu yap, dans, el sanatlar, tiyatro stdyolar,

ktphane, oditoryum ve uygun havalarda kullanlabilecek bir teras
iermektedir. Yapnn kesitinde elik profile referans veren U formu stte
at rtsn, yan cephede servis mekanlarn, zemin katta oditoryumun
tavann oluturur. Ana mekanlar bu kabuun evreledii saydam bir
ktlede kurgulanmtr. Dardan da alglanan bir rampa sistemi bu kitleyi
evrelemektedir. Vin sisteminden etkilenen terasn st rts, elik
atknn avantajlarn vurgulayacak ekilde detayl ve becerikli bir ekilde


hseyin atakan + ilkay gryay

first project

group 1

The proposed building is structured by steel trusses both horizontally

and vertically positioned, encompassing large spans and organizing a
modular system of spaces. The building makes an effort to be an integral
part of the urban context, by means of a long span truss-bridge across
the road for pedestrian access and by the free ground level that forms a
positive relationship with the historical house on the adjacent lot.


Hem dey hem de yatayda lineer elik makaslarn kulland bu

proje eliin geni aklklar iin ok uygun bir malzeme olduunu
vurgulamaktadr. Kendini da vuran bu elik atk sistemi ayn zamanda
modler mekansal organizasyonu da dzenler. Yapdaki uzun aklkl
makaslardan biri de yolun karsndan binaya ulam ngren ve tasarmn
bir paras olan yaya stgeidinde kullanlr. Bina, zemin kat bo brakp,
bir kentsel mekan yaratarak hem yayalarla hem de yan tarafnda bulunan
Ankara evi ile duyarl bir iliki kurmay amalamaktadr.

final project

burak elebi group 1

The proposed building is a pure rectangular prism located linearly, parallel

to the Porsuk riverside. The linearity of the prism is accentuated by a
series of horizontal structural lines along the facade, a continuation of
which rises up and turns around to accommodate the multi-purpose hall
on the roof. The hotel room floors use an intricate circulation system
enriched by gallery spaces.

Kentsel kararlar aamasnda Burak-Orkun grubu ticaret ve ofis ktlelerinin

dnda ince uzun bir alan brakmt. Burakn otel projesi de bu alann
geometrisine oturan, Porsuk kysna paralel saf bir dikdrtgenler
prizmasdr. Katlanarak mekanlar tarif eden deme plaklar yapnn
arkitektoniini de belirler. ok amal salonun, at katnda terasla
balantl dnlmesi olumludur. Oda katlar, dolam emas ve onun
yaratt boluklarla beraber zengin mekansal deneyimler salar. Ancak
kstl alana sahip dikdrtgen plan emas zellikle bodrumdaki servis
katlarnda ilev sorunlarna yol amtr


baak evik

final project

group 1

The urban block study group proposed two linear blocks with a courtyard
in between. Baaks hotel proposal is another linear block, so shaped
that at one end under its step by step receding upper levels, it houses an
atrium and related social spaces; while the hammam and sports facilities
connect to the block at the other end allowing for outside users as well.


Can, Fsun ve Baak ofis ve ticari ilevlerini, aralarnda avlu oluturan, yola
paralel iki lineer blokta zmtr. Baakn tasarlad otel bunlara paralel,
eklemli bir kitledir. Mekanlar gerek byklk ve talep ettii servisler, gerek
dier mekanlarla ilikileri asndan incelikli zlmtr. ok amal salon
ve hamama, otel iinden balant olsa da, dardan gelenler iin ayr giriler
verilmitir. Sosyal mekanlar atrium ve rampa gibi elemanlarla btnleerek, kitle
kurgusunda kendilerini ifade ederler. Bu mekanlar rten kesintisiz at, yamur
suyunu toplayarak kullanmak gibi evreci zmleri de akla getirmektedir.

final project

hseyin atakan group 1

The group proposal was blocks with a series of courtyards. Hseyins

hotel proposal houses yet another courtyard with an elevated U shaped
rooms-block and the space of the courtyard extends down to the riverside.
This assertive hotel building perceivable from various angles could well
be a landmark for Eskiehir.

Hseyin ve lkayn kentsel tasarm nerisinde ofis ve ticari ilevler krlarak

giden ve meydanlar oluturan lineer bir kitlede zlmtr. Hseyinin otel
nerisi de bu anlaya referans veren, U eklinde, yerden ykseltilmi
bir oda blou ile zeminde nehir kotuna kadar inen sosyal mekanlar ieren
bir kurguya sahiptir. Proje, zemin kat bo brakp nehirle grsel ve fiziksel
balanty salamay amalar. Porsuka dik bir ekilde kan bu iddial kitle
ayn zamanda Eskiehir iin bir nirengi noktas oluturmay da hedefler.


Arch 301 Architectural Design III

Group2: Erkin Ayta +F. Can Aker + zgecan Canarslan

First Project: A School of Architecture at Gordion

The first project of 2008-09 Fall Semester will be the design of A School of Architecture at Gordion. Gordion was the capital of ancient Phrygia located
at the site of Yasshyk which is southwest of Ankara. It was situated on the Persian Royal Road that passed through the heart of Anatolia between
Lydia and Assyria and remained an important culture and trade center of its time. Independent Phrygian kingdom ruled by the kings alternately named
Gordias and Midas reached its peak during 7th and 8th Cent. BC. Today Gordion is a significant archaeological site housing many large tombs built
by the kings, called tumuli which consist of artificial hills constructed over wooden burial chambers. Now around 21st Cent. AD 3rd year students of
architecture at METU are asked to design a school of architecture in this piece of Anatolia where generations of mankind have come and gone. This
school will be a mark in carrying the civilizations architectural spirit to the future and honor all the architects, artists, artisans and builders of yesterday,
today and tomorrow by being in this mystical midpoint. Ancient and contemporary knowledge of culture as well as wild local natural characteristics
will be your design environment.
Program (total: 2500 m2): Entrance, administration, studios and cultural spaces, research and social facilities, services.

Final Project: ilide Bir Apartman...

The final project of 2008-2009 Fall Semester is an urban housing project in stanbul: ilide Bir Apartman... Maka, Tevikiye, Nianta, Osmanbey
and Harbiye are major districts interwoven within ili and Beikta municipal zones in stanbul. Nianta became a favored housing suburb full of
grand mansions (konak) in late 18th Cent. During early 20th Cent. various Neo Classical, Art Nouveau and Art Deco buildings mainly of residential use
marked the architectural texture. Today the whole neighborhood is one of the most lively and hype areas in stanbul beginning to lose its residential
character and transforming into a commercial and leisure zone which arguably is considered as a degeneration and erosion of social and architectural
identity. Our final project can be considered as an attempt to help stopping the progress of this trend by underlining districts original housing nature.
Previously on the site was Maka Hotel designed by Ylmaz Sanl, constructed in 1973 and demolished in 2003. The site is surrounded by vehicular
streets and adjoining houses on two sides, facing splendid Maka Park on the Southwest. Your intervention to the specific site calls for the discussion
of keywords like identity, image, cityscape and urban character. You are asked to consider past experiences, contemporary socio-cultural values and
structural, constructional and legislative requirements. The project shall help further an urban identity considering both the broader city context and the
immediate surroundings; environmental features, sustainability, site characteristics, climatic conditions, land use, open space / green area, pedestrian
and vehicular traffic, car park etc. Privacy and accessibility also appear as important issues to be addressed.
Program: (Total: 10920 m2):
Units: 20-22 units: studio or 1 or 2-bedroom+living room+kitchen+bathroom(s) 60-80-100 m2, 18-20 units: 3-bedroom ...150 m2
Social Facilities: Administration room, janitors unit, gym/sport, retail, child-care, closed parking area in basement.

Birinci Proje: Gordionda Mimarlk Okulu

2008-09 sonbahar dneminde ilk projesi Gordionda Mimarlk Okulu tasarm olarak belirlenmitir. Gordion, Ankarann gneybatsnda bulunan
Yasshyk blgesinde yer alan tarihi Frigya yerleiminin bakentidir. Gordion, Lidya ve Asur blgesi arasndan Anadoludan geen Pers Kral Yolunda,
zamannn nemli bir kltr ve ticaret merkezi olarak yer almaktadr. Gordias ve Midas olarak adlandrlan krallar tarafndan ynetilen Frig krall, M.. 7.
ve 8. yzyllarda hkmdarlnn doruklarna ulamtr. Gnmzde Gordion, krallar tarafnda yaptrlan ve tmls ad verilen yapay tepelerden oluan
birok byk mezarn yer ald nemli bir arkeolojik alandr. ODT 3. Snf mimarlk rencilerinden, bir ok toplumun gelip getii Anadolunun bu
parasnda, bir mimarlk okulu tasarlamalar istenmitir. Bu okul hem medeniyetlerin mimarlk ruhunu gelecee tayan bir sembol hem de gizemli bir
merkezde yeralan dnn, bugnn ve yarnn mimarlar, sanatkarlar, zanaatkarlar ve ustalar iin bir sayg gstergesi olacaktr. Tarihi ve ada kltr
bilinciyle birlikte yerel doal zellikler tasarmn erevesini oluturmaktadr.
Program (toplam: 2500 m2): Giri, ynetim, stdyolar ve kltrel alanlar, aratrma ve sosyal birimler, servisler.

Final Projesi: ilide Bir Apartman...

2008-2009 gz dnemi final projesi, ilide Bir Apartman... balyla stanbulda gerekletirilen bir konut projesidir. Maka, Tevikiye, Nianta,
Osmanbey ve Harbiye blgeleri stanbulda ili ve Beikta belediye snrlar iinde iie yer almaktadr. Nianta 18.yy. sonlarnda ina edilen konaklarla
birlikte ayrcalkl bir yerleim alan olmaya balamtr. 20.yy. balarndan itibaren Neo Klasik, Art Nouveau, Art Deco gibi eitli akmlardan izler tayan,
ounluu konut amal kullanma sahip yaplar, bu blgenin mimari dokusunu belirlemitir. Gnmzde ise stanbulun olduka canl ve dikkat eken
bir blgesi olarak konut dokusunu kaybetmeye, ticaret ve elence alan haline dnmeye balam, sosyal ve mimari kimliini yitirme ve yozlama
gereiyle kar karya kalmtr. Verilen projenin konusu, yapld alann zgn konut dokusuna vurgu yaparak, bu eilimin durdurulmasna yardmc
olmaya alan bir giriim olarak dnlebilir. Proje arazisinde nceden Ylmaz Sanl tarafndan tasarlanarak 1973 ylnda ina edilen ve 2003 ylnda
ise yklan Maka Oteli bulunmaktayd. Arazi ara yollar ve bitiik nizam konutlarla evrelenmitir, gneybatsnda ise Maka Park bulunmaktadr. Bu
almaya rencinin, kentsel kimlik, imgelem, grnm ve karakter gibi kavramlar tartarak katlmas beklenmitir. Ayn zamanda gemi deneyimlerin,
ada sosyo-kltrel deerlerin, yapsal ve yasal gereksinimlerin dnlmesi istenmitir. evresel zellikler, srdrlebilirlik, arazi karakteristii, iklim
yaps, ilevsel eitlilik, yeil alan, yaya ve ara trafii, otopark gibi gereksinimler dnlerek gelecekteki kent kimliinin oluumuna katkda bulunmak
amalanmaktadr. Ayrca zel alan kullanm (mahremiyet) ve ulalabilirlik kavramlarna da nem verilmitir.
Program (Toplam: 10920 m2):
Birimler: 20-22 birim: Stdyo veya 1 veya 2 yatak odas+yaama alan+mutfak+banyo(lar) 60-80-100 m2, 18-20 birim: 3-yatak odas...150 m2
Sosyal Tesisler: dari birim, bina sorumlusuna ait oda, sat birimleri, ocuk bakm birimi, bodrum katta kapal otopark.

group 2

first project

yasinalp rsel

rsels project succeeds in capturing genius loci in more than one way.
Even the presentation of the proposal is in tune with archaic aura. Gordion
is hard to love as it is now: lonely and a little scary tooeverything
there seems so distant and full of whispers. rsels approach likewise
somehow introverted but just as solid in its own right. Plasticity of forms
and elasticity functions mingle well to create a contemporary piece of
timeless architecture.

rselin projesi Gordionun ruhunu bir ok adan yakalamay baarm

grnyor. izimler ve maket bile arkaik bir yaklam sergiliyor. Gordionun
u anki halini sevmekte zorlanabilirsiniz: yalnz ve hatta biraz da korkutucu
bir yer: herey ve heryerden rak, fsltlarla dolu sankirselin nerisi
de benzer ekilde iednk ama gl bir yapda. Formun younluu ve
ilevsel esneklik bu almada ustaca biraraya getirilmi ve hem ada
hem de zaman-tesi bir mimari eser retilmi.


ezgi balkanay

final project

group 2

Balkanays elevated villas project is an ambitious attempt in developing a

housing compound in the heart of Istanbul. 35 units are hung by a main
structural truss which spans 80m., allowing the ground to be used by
public and commercial activities. Complex nature of mass distribution
and functions have been well achieved through designing time. However
final presentation level was not as expected from Balkanay. The proposal
has a great potential if studies on design to be furthered a little more.


Balkanayn tasarlad ykseltilmi villalar temal konut projesi, stanbulun

bu merkezi semti iin iddial bir fikirdir. 80m. aklk geen elik kirilere
aslm olan 35 birim zeminin kamusal ve ticari kullanmna elvermektedir.
Proje sresince, karmak ktle almas ve fonksiyonlar baaryla
yrtlm olmasna ramen jrideki sunum maalesef Balkanaydan
beklentileri tam anlamyla karlamamaktadr. Bu neri, stnde daha fazla
alma yapld takdirde byk potansiyel tamaktadr.

final project

seil binboa group 2

Binboa integrated horizontal and vertical units while designing her

project on this corner site. The project is designed by shifting the units
to provide different vistas. Projections and recessions by the road side,
which can be seen in both plan and section levels, aim to allow variety
in external views, while the back facade is in line with the existing fabric.
Units are grouped in reference to different lifestyles, and provided by
separate entrances and vertical circulations.

Binboa ke arsada yer alan bu projede dikey ve yatay olarak birimlerin

birbirlerinin iine gemesini salamtr. Birimlerin kaydrlmasyla
oluturulan bu blokta her birimin farkl bak alaryla manzaradan
faydalanabilmesi amalanmtr. Planda oluturulan kmalar ve geri
ekmeler cephede de yaratlmaya allmtr. Arka cephe ise komu
yaplara duyarl olarak dorusal bir snr sunmaktadr. Farkl yaam
biimlerine hitap eden birimler kendi ilerinde gruplanm ve herbiri iin
ayr dolam imkan salanmtr.


Arch 302 Architectural Design IV

Group2: Erkin Ayta + F. Can Aker + zgecan Canarslan

First Project: A Shelter in Ulus

The first project of 2008-2009 Spring Semester is the design of A Shelter in Ulus. Your proposal is aimed to serve for Ankara Castle Festival, being
organized by Ankara Castle Society for two years ago. It is an annual festival with music and dance presentation, exhibitions, cultural and gastronomic
doings during June. Your shelter will accommodate several activities like artistic performances, selling souvenirs, food, books etc. People will socialize
and watch events, rest and get catered under the shelter. Multi purpose stands and storage units, spaces for gathering, queuing, sitting are to be considered
under and around your structure which is expected to be used all year round too. The site previously had Modern ar which was burnt down in 2003. It
is next to Ankara Hali which itself is one of the important examples of early concrete structures built in 1932. Other important neighboring buildings are
Sulu Han from 15th Cent. across the road and Ankara Belediyesi Ticaret Evi at the corner.
The objective of the project is to understand construction principles and methods of particularly steel and tensile structural systems as a prominent part
of architectural work. You will also be asked to do research on private and public companies and firms specialized in the production and construction of
structural materials and methods. Study and response of the characteristics of this historical quarter of Ankara are also expected.

Final Project: Youth Center in Nevehir

The final project of the 2008-2009 Spring Semester is a Youth Center In Nevehir. Exceptional natural wonders of Cappadocia, characterized by so called
fairy chimneys Peri Bacalar was formed as a result of erosion of soft volcanic soil erupted from neighbouring mountains 60 million years ago while non
volcanic geological terrain was shaped as valleys. This elastic physical environment enabled future inhabitants of the region build appropriate settlements
relatively effortlessly by simply carving right through the landscape as well as by stone masonry. Larger Cappadocia occupies an area from Black Sea to
Toros Mountains and Tuz Lake to Frat River, though a triangle between Nevehir, Kayseri and Nide is the most well known and documented in modern
times. Cappadocia, from Old Persian Katpatuka meaning land of beautiful horses has been a centre of civilizations for centuries. Area was at the heart
of Hittite Empire during 14th to 12th Cent. BC. Following fall of Hittites, it had been governed by independent rulers of its own. Alexander the Great met with
considerable resistance here during his cross of Asia Minor and after end of Roman rule in 1st Cent. AD. Christians fleeing from oppression came around
3rd Cen. AD. Cappadocia has been an integral part of Turkish Anatolia from 12th Cent. onwards.
The area, today, is a popular tourism centre attracting visitors from all over the World. History, art and culture, gastronomy, architecture and geography are
the key elements which travellers find appealing. You are asked to design a youth centre where the young from Turkey and abroad can stay, learn, produce
and enjoy themselves in this extraordinary surroundings and have a channel of communication also with local people through exhibitions, events, seminars
and similar activities.
Program (Total: 6100 m2): Entrance and lobby, management, guest rooms, social, cultural and commercial facilities, services, green and sports areas.

Birinci Proje: Ulusta rt

2008-2009 Bahar Dnemi ilk projesi Ulusta rt tasarmdr. Bu projeyle iki yldr dzenlenen Ankara Kalesi Festivaline hizmet edebilecek Ulustaki bir
alann st rtsnn tasarlanmas amalanmtr. Bu festival her yl Haziran ay iinde dzenlenir ve mzik-dans, sergi, kltr, yeme-ime vb. etkinlikler
gerekleir. rencilerden sanat gsterileri, hediyelik eya, yemek, kitap sat gibi farkl eylemlere imkan salayan bir rt tasarm istenmitir. Katlmclar
bu rtnn atnda etkinlikleri izleyecek, dinlenecek, yemek yiyecek ve sosyalleecektir. Tm yl boyunca kullanlabilecek ok amal standlar ve depolama
birimleri, toplanma alan, gerektiinde sraya girilecek ve oturulacak alanlar dnlmtr. Proje arazisi 2003 ylnda yanan Modern arnn alandr.
Yannda, 1932 ylnda yaplan ve betonarme strktrn nemli rneklerinden biri olan Ankara Hali yer almaktadr. Civardaki dier nemli yaplar ise 15.yy.
dan gnmze gelen Sulu Han ve Ankara Belediyesi Ticaret Evidir.
Projenin amalarndan biri elik ve gergi sistemlerin tasarm ve yapm prensiplerinin anlalmasdr. Ayrca bu alma kapsamnda malzeme ve ina
metodlar konusunda uzmanlam zel ve kamu firmalarnn aratrlmas istenmitir. Projeleri gelitirilirken Ulus blgesinin tarihi ve mimari zelliklerinin
dikkate alnmas da beklenmitir.

Final Projesi: Nevehirde Genlik Merkezi

2008-2009 Bahar Dnemi final projesi Nevehirde Genlik Merkezi tasarm olarak belirlenmitir. Kapadokya 60 milyon yl nce yakn evredeki dalarn
lav pskrtmesiyle yumuak volkanik topran evreyi kaplamas ve zamanla erozyona urayarak Peri Bacalarna dnmesi ve yansra volkanik olmayan
blgelerin de vadi eklini almas sonucunda olumutr. Bu oyma-kazmaya msait yumuak fiziksel evre gelecek insan topluluklarnn arazi iinde fazla
zorlanmadan uygun yerleim alan edinmesini salamtr. Kapadokya, Karadenizden Toros Dalarna, Tuz Glnden Frat Nehrine kadar olan alan iine
almaktadr. Ancak, Nevehir, Kayseri, Nide geninde kalan blge en ok bilinen ve kayt altna alnan alandr. Kapadokya, Persler dneminde Katpatuka:
gzel atlar lkesi adyla anlm ve tarih boyunca trl medeniyetleri barndrmtr. M.. 14-12. yy. da Hitit Uygarlnn merkezinde yer alan Kapadokya,
Hititlerin yklmasndan sonra kendine has bamsz krallarla ynetilmeye balamtr. Byk skender, Asyaya geii srasnda burada byk bir direnile
karlamtr. M.S. 1. yy. da Roma hkmranl sona ermi ve M.S. 3. yy. dan balayarak basklardan kaan Hristiyanlarn snd ve yerletii dnem
balamtr. Kapadokya, 12. yy. dan itibaren Trk Anadolunun nemli bir blgesi olmutur.
Gnmzde Kapadokya tm dnyadan ziyaretilerin geldii popler bir turizm merkezidir. Tarih, din, sanat-kltr, yemek, mimarlk ve doa gezginlerin ilgisini
ekmektedir. rencilerden, bu srad corafyada Trkiye veya dier lkelerden gelen genlerin konaklayacaklar, eitim ve retim yapacaklar, elenecekleri,
spor yapacaklar ayrca yerel halkla sergiler, seminerler vb. etkinliklerle iletiime geebilecekleri bir genlik merkezi tasarlamalar beklenmitir.
Program (Toplam: 6100m2): Giri ve Lobi, Ynetim, Misafir Odalar, Sosyal, Kltrel ve Ticari Faaliyetler, Servis Alanlar, Yeil ve Spor Alanlar

first project

ezgi balkanay group 2

Balkanay planned this shelter in a basic structural post and beam system.
The uniqueness of the scheme derives from layering of opaque or semitransparent panels bolted on the structural elements, thus creating light
and shadow patterns on the festival days. This intention was to define a
pedestrian flow line and also allow to create a distinction through different
functions. Introducing a dissimilar triangular shaped scaffolding-like
structure helps to generate a platform where not only exhibitions can take
place but also would serve as a balcony for the spectators.

Balkanay projesinde sade bir kolon-kiri sistemi kullanmtr. Kendine

zg bu emada, strktrel elemanlarn zerinde yer alan mat ve yar
saydam panellerle de ayr bir sistem oluturulmaktadr. Bylece festival
gnlerinde rt altndaki mekanda kl-glgeli desenlerin ve dokularn
olumas salanmaktadr. Bu durum yaya akn belirlemek ve ayn
zamanda farkl fonksiyonlarn tanmlanmasn salamak amalarna da
hizmet etmektedir. Birbirinden farkl gen ekilli iskele sistemleri, sadece
sergilerin yaplaca alanlar oluturmakla kalmayp izleyiciler iin balkon
grevi yapan platformlarn ortaya kmasna da yardmc olmaktadr.


seil binboa

final project

group 2


Binboa is a good observer: an important quality of an architectWhen

visited Cappadocia Binboa must have recorded very many cultural and
formal characteristics of the land. Back home on the drawing board she
fruitfully presses these features through her mind and soul. Binboas
scheme isnt unfamiliar or aggressive but can be understandable and
appreciated, yet still leads to a fresh and original design statement:
regional is captured, universal is learnt and finally a successful personal
architecture is accomplished.

Binboa her iyi mimarda olmas gereken bir zellie sahiptir: gzlemcilik...
Kapadokya gezisi boyunca yalnz evresindeki formlar deil dier kltrel
zellikleri de iyice inceleyen Binboa, dnnde nerisini dnrken
ve tasarmn olutururken yaad tm deneyimi akl, fikir ve yaratclk
szgecinden geirebilmitir. Binboann yaklam evresini zorlamyor
ve ortamna yabanclamyor, aksine kolayca benimsenebiliyor, bununla
birlikte zgn ve yeni olmay da baaryor. Ortaya kan eserde
evrensel ve yerel bilginin Binboann bireysel mimari tavryla baaryla
birleebildii anlalyor.

final project

sertan demirda group 2

Demirda tries to take advantages of the view of historical and natural

structures as much as possible. The linear structure is elevated from
the ground with a respectful attitude to the existing nature of the site.
The space underneath the structure is used for pedestrian circulation.
Accommodation units are grouped together on the upper levels, and are
connected to the ground by vertical circulation cores. Social spaces are
placed in accordance with the natural slope, leaning to retaining walls and
opening up to the landscape through their transparent facades.

Demirda projesinde tarihsel ve doal dokuya sahip manzaradan

olabildiince fazla yararlanmak istemitir. Araziye dorusal olarak
yerletirilen yapda konaklama birimleri yerden ykseltilerek doal yapya
saygl bir tutum gelitirilmitir. Bu yap blounun altnda kalan alanlar
yaya ulam mekanlar olarak kullanlmtr. Konaklama birimlerinin
birbiriyle zel balants olmasnn yansra zemindeki bu mekanlara da
dey balantlar salanmtr. Demirda ortak mekanlarn srtn arazinin
doal eimine yaslarken n cepheleri de effaf tasarlayarak dardaki
yeil alanlara amtr.


Arch 301 Architectural Design III

Group3: Aydan Balamir + Kadri Ataba + ar akr

Counter Projects: Anti-Toki / Anti-Market

Context: The new development area in Macunky, with metro station at its northwest corner. The site is currently occupied by a squatter settlement,
which will be replaced by a TOKI-type settlement soon. (TOKI: Public Housing Administration of Turkey). The approved plan consists of
identical point blocks for a population of 10000 on 40-hectare land. The site is expanded to 75 hectares, to contain the metro station as the
fulcrum of the new settlement.
Problem: The design poverty observed in mainstream housing developments: agglomerations of multistory point blocks; lack of experimentation, lack
of macroform, lack of socially and ecologically responsible visions, and the tyranny of the tunnel frame resulting in stereotype solutions. The
project asks for alternatives to this mode of house production and city building, while keeping the prevailing land use allowances.
Thematic positions: a) Reconstruction of the city, b) Suburban within the city, c) Participatory-pluralist models, d) Futuristic approaches, e) Sustainability,
f) Settlement form (Fumihiko Makis classification: Compositional form, Grid-form / Mat-form, Megaform / Superblock).
Scope and scales: The project is executed in three phases: a) Master plans for a population of 20000 people (team work: 1/20000 to 1/2000); b) Partial
designs for 1000 people (either in teams or on individual basis: 1/1000, 1/500). c) Unit designs for different households (1/200, 1/100); Two
previous assignments, Room with Garden and Parasol designs (1/50, 1/20) are expected to find their ways into the final proposals.

Kar Projeler: Anti-Toki / Anti-Market

Balam: Kuzeybatsnda metro istasyonu yer alan, Macunkyn yeni geliim alan. zerinde halen gecekondular bulunan arazi pek yaknda TOK-tipi
bir yerleime dnecek. Onanm plan, 10000 kiilik bir nfus iin 40 hektar arazi zerine gelecek nokta bloklardan oluuyor. Arazi 75 hektar
daha bytlerek, metro istasyonu yerleim iine alnd.
Problem:Konut retiminde gzlenen tasarm fukaral; ok katl nokta-bloklarn ynts; deneysellik ve makroform eksiklii; sosyal ve ekolojik
sorumlulua dnk vizyon eksiklii; tnel kalbn zorlamasyla ortaya kan basmakalp zmler. Yrrlkteki arazi kullanm haklar tutularak,
mevcut konut retim ve kent kurma biimlerine alternatifler getirilmesini hedefleniyor.
Tematik konumlar: a) Kentin yeniden yaplanmas, b) Kent iinde banliy, c) oulcu-katlmc modeller, d) Ftrist yaklamlar, e) Srdrlebilirlik, f)
Yerleim formu (Fumihiko Makinin snflamas: Kompozisyonel form, Grid-form / Hasr-form, Megaform / Sperblok).
Kapsam ve alma lekleri: Proje aamada yrtld: a) 20000 kiilik bir nfus iin nazm plan (ekip almas: 1/20000den 1/2000e); b) 1000
kiilik ksmi planlar (ekip veya bireysel alma: 1/1000, 1/500). c) Farkl hanehalklar iin birim tasarm (1/200, 1/100); Baheli Oda ve Gnelik
balkl, bir nceki temrinlerin final tasarmda yeniden etd (1/50, 1/20).

anl ipek + levent mutlu + senem yldrm group 3

The group explored futuristic approaches as their central theme. Each at

a scale of a small town municipality, the megablocks are planned as self
sufficient urban support systems. Among varied vertical city proposals
in the master plan, the one with multi-helical form is developed as final

Grubun merkezi temas ftrist yaklamlar ynndeydi. Herbiri kk

bir kent belediyesi leine sahip megabloklar, kendi ilerinde eksiksiz
kentsel donanmla planlanyor. Nazm planda herbiri farkl tasarlanmay
bekleyen dey kent nerileri iinde, oklu helezon formlu tasarma


group 3

maysam foolady + esra smer + seda trk

maysam foolady


group 3

esra smer

The group worked under the theme Reconstruction of the City,

holding also to relevant themes of Sustainability and Green City. The
collaborative master plan combines the irregular urban fabrics of the
neighboring sites, giving way to a fluid grid that connects to surrounding
traffic arteries. Individual projects diversify in their blocks configurations
(perimeter, comb, snake). Wind-catchers, brise-soleils, green terraces,
and courtyards are proposed as strategies of environmental control.

seda trk

Ortak nazm plan, araziye komu olan kentsel dokularn dzensiz plan ile
dzenli zgara plann kaynatrmay amalyor. Bireysel projeler tipoloji
olarak eper blok, tarakl ve ylankavi bloklar eklinde farkllamakta.
evre denetim stratejileri olarak, rzgar bacalar, gne krclar, yeil
teraslar ve avlular neriliyor.


Arch 302 Architectural Design IV

Group3: Aydan Balamir + Kadri Ataba + Tamer Deniz + Tuba rmeciolu

Urban Infill Proposals for Sinop

Context and Scope: Sinop is renowned for her wealth of history and maritime culture. The town is aspiring to be a new destination point for culture
tourism. To this end, the project asks for infill proposals within four urban plots at the edge of the antique city, with programs such as city
hotel, research institute, and maritime center. The sites are lined along Kurtulu Street, each having unique features: one corner plot with a
portion of the fortress wall at its back, one double corner plot, another corner plot next to a listed building, and one stretching towards Tersane
Streets at the coast.
Work Stages: The project is executed in three phases: a) Groups of four produce context model (1/200), base maps and drawings, urban analyses and
case studies; b) for each parcel, groups produce scenarios, architectural programs and concept designs, including decisions for the entire
street and waterfront; c) development of designs on individual basis.

Sinop iin Kentsel Dolgu nerileri

Balam ve Kapsam: Tarihi zenginlii ve denizcilik kltryle nl Sinop kenti, kltr turizminde yeni bir odak olma abasnda. Proje bu dorultuda,
antik ehrin snrndaki drt arsa iin dolgu nerileri olarak verildi. Kent oteli, aratrma enstits ve denizcilik merkezi gibi programlarn
nerilebilecei arsalar, Kurtulu Caddesi zerinde zellikli konumlara sahip: arkada kale duvarna yaslanan bir ke parseli, ift keli parsel,
tescilli yap yannda ke parseli ve Tersane Caddesine uzanan ky parseli.
alma Etaplar: Proje aamada yrtld: a) Drtl gruplar tarafndan balam modeli, altlk harita ve izimler, kentsel analiz ve literatr aratrmas;
b) her parsel iin senaryolarn, mimari program ve kavram projelerinin, cadde ve ky band iin kararlarla birlikte ekip olarak retilmesi; c)
bireysel projelerin gelitirilmesi.

Balam Modeli / Context Model:

Ali Uur Mucukgil, Anl pek, Levent Mutlu, Maysam Foolady, Senem Yldrm, ule Karaba

belamir kse

A city hotel proposed on the corner plot leaning to a portion of the fortress
wall at its back. Access to floors is through external stairs surrounding
the cubical block, to provide an efficient circulation and rich viewpoints.

group 3

Arkada kale duvarna yaslanan ke parselinde nerilen bir ehir oteli.

Katlara eriim iin kbik bloun etrafn saran d merdiven, verimli bir
dolamn yansra, zengin bak alar salyor.


group 3

senem yldrm

A maritime institute proposed on the corner plot next to a listed building.

Program elements are decomposed and unified in rich plasticity, providing
extrovert public spaces.


Tescilli yap yannda ke parseli iin nerilen bir denizcilik enstits.

Program elemanlar ayrtrlarak, kente dnk kamusal alanlarla birlikte,
zengin bir ktle plastiiyle kurgulanyor.

tunahan rt group 3

Inspired by the life of Ancient Greek philosopher, Diogenes of Sinope, the

spatial scenario of the group is based on a reduced lifestyle under the sky.
In this proposal, the theme is further challenged in a hotel program; the
capsule units with minimal conditions are benefiting from the hexagonal
section for opening up to the sky individually.

Sinoplu Antik Yunan filozofu Diyojenin yaamndan esinlenen grup yeleri,

meknsal senaryolarn gkyz altnda en aza indirgenmi bir yaam
biimi olarak tanmladlar. Bu temay otel programyla yorumlamaya
cesaret eden neri, asgari yaam kouluna sahip kapsl birimlerde altgen
kesitin ge alm olanandan yararlanyor.


Arch 301 Architectural Design III

Group4: Cn Bilsel + Namk Erkal

Housing at the Southern Edge of Ankara

The site of the present housing project is a superblock located on the southern edge of the city. The Or-An district, once planned as a satellite settlement
in late 1960s, is located to the west of the site. The former gecekondu areas of Dikmen Valley, which have been subject to urban transformation,
neighbor the site from the north. The mrahor Valley, which forms a sudden depression in the topography to the south, is reserved as part of Ankaras
green belt in the master plan. Yet, the South Ankara Urban Transformation Project and the Park Oran housing estate constructed in the place of the
former deputies housing bring an extraordinary building density to this part of the city. The area, well served by the main traffic arteries has been
preferred by higher middle income groups. Students were expected to search for alternative urban design and architectural solutions to create a livable
built environment that provides the future inhabitants with a sense of place. The development plan for this section of the city fixes the building density
ratio as 1,4. The total area of the block is 45000 m2 of which 14500 m2 has to be reserved to a public park and playgrounds for children. The students
were asked to provide these public outdoor spaces according to their neighborhood designs.
The design studio was conducted in collaboration with the Mersin University Department of Architecture third year studio directed by Evrim Demir
Mischenko, Fikret Zorlu and Meltem Uar. A joint workshop was organized in Ankara where students of both universities effectuated site analyses. The
housing design was led in two phases: In the first phase, the students were expected to develop a neighborhood design with the three dimensional
massing of building blocks with special emphasis on outdoor spaces. In the second phase, they were asked to concentrate on the design of the housing
blocks, housing units and common facilities of the compound.

Ankarann Gney eperinde Konut

Ankara kenti yeni konut alanlarnn eklenmesiyle eperlerine doru bymekte, bu sre byk lde toplumun yeni yaam biimlerine ve daha iyi
yaam evrelerine duyduu zlem dorultusunda inaat sektr tarafndan ynlendirilmektedir. Konut projesinin arazisi kentin gney snrnda byk
bir kent adasdr. Arazinin batsnda 1960larda bir uydu kent olarak planlanm olan Or-An yerlemesi, kuzeyinde ise kentsel dnme konu olan
Dikmen Vadisi yer almaktadr. Toporafyada belirgin bir knt oluturan mrahor Vadisi, Ankara nazm plannda kenti saran yeil kuan bir parasn
oluturmakta ve kenti gneyden snrlandrmaktadr. Gney Ankara Kentsel Dnm Projesi ile eski Milletvekilleri lojmanlarnn yerine ina edilmekte
olan Park Oran Sitesi blgeye yksek bir yap ve nfus younluu getirecektir. Ana yollarla hzl ulamn saland ve doal rezerv alanlarnn bulunduu
bu blge st ve st-orta gelir gruplarnn tercih ettii bir yerleim alandr. Konut kompleksinin programnda bu durum gznne alnmtr. rencilerden,
gelecekte buraya yerleeceklere zgn yer duygusunu verebilecek, yaanlas bir konut evresi yaratmak zere alternatif kentsel tasarm ve mimari
zmler gelitirmeleri istenmitir. Mevcut imar plan bu alanda e=1,4 orannda bir yap younluu ngrmektedir. Toplam bykl 45000 m2 olan
kent adasnn 14500 m2 si park ve ocuk bahesi olarak ayrlmtr. rencilerden bu alanlar kendi konut evresi tasarmlarna uygun olarak planlamalar
Bu proje, Mersin niversitesi Mimarlk Blm retim yeleri Evrim Demir Mischenko, Fikret Zorlu ve Meltem Uar ynetimindeki 3. snf tasarm
stdyosu ile birlikte yrtlm, ilk hafta dzenlenen ortak atlye almasyla arazi analizleri gerekletirilmitir. Proje almas iki aamal olarak
yrtlm, rencilerden ilk aamada konut evresinin boyutlu kentsel tasarmn, d mekanlar ve yaya ve trafik yaklamlarn zmeleri; ikinci
aamada ise konut birimlerini ve ortak kullanma ayrlan yaplar tasarlamalar istenmitir.

melike atc group 4

The present urban housing project aims to create a well-balanced mix of

uses serving to the whole neighborhood. The indoor and outdoor areas
are designed in continuity to one another in the ground floor organization
to create a lively environment. The housing blocks, that define the borders
of the neighborhood, are elevated towards the Dikmen Valley to the north
and descent with terraces to the south. The streets in the sky provide
elevated common spaces between the housing units.

Proje, konut birimleri ve sosyal birimlerin ilikilendirildii, sadece site

sakinlerine deil yakn evreye de hizmet edecek yaayan bir ortam
oluturmay amalamtr. Yerleimin snrlarn belirleyen konut bloklar
kuzeyde Dikmen Vadisi ynnde manzaraya doru ykselirken, gney
ynnde teraslarla alalmaktadr. Bloklarnn zemin kat organizasyonunda
i ve d yaam mekan sreklilii oluturulmas amalanmtr. st
katlarda sosyal mekanlar oluturmak amacyla, koridorlardan bir blm
gkyzndeki sokaklar fikrinden yola klarak tasarlanmtr.


group 4

selver ercan

In this project the housing blocks placed as strips in the north-south

direction are connected to each other with other strips that accommodate
social facilities and office units. The building strips are composed of
structural grids in which different modules can be plugged in and out. The
housing modules are designed for different types of urban users (singles,
couples, elderly, single parents with their children), which provides variety
and flexibility in a housing project.


Bu projede, kuzey-gney dorultusunda konut birimleri bantlar halinde

yerletirilmi ve sosyal merkez ile nerilen ofis birimlerini ieren bantlarla
birbirine balanmtr. Buyap bantlar farkl modllerin taklp karlabildii
bir strktrel zgara sistemi ile tanmaktadr. Farkl kentli kimliklerine gre
tasarlanan modller; bekarlar, iftler, yallar, ocuklaryla yaayan bekar
ebeveynler ile geleneksel aileler ve onlarn yaam tarz ihtiyalarna gre
oluturulabilecek birim tipleri uzerinden allarak, konut projesinde
eitlilik ve esneklik salanmas amalanmtr.

idem oban group 4

The placement of parallelogram housing blocks provides space for open

social areas and enables the permeability of the site to the adjacent
housing areas. Continuous galleries connecting housing units provide
elevated common spaces that can support the daily life of the inhabitants.
While horizontal housing blocks serve to accommodate larger apartments,
the high block located at the lower part of the area contains the studio

Paralelkenar konut bloklarnn birbirlerine paralel konumda araziye

yerletirilmesiyle hem arazinin arkasndaki mahalleye geirgenlik
salanm hem de ktleler arasnda ak sosyal mekanlar ve yeil
alanlar tanmlanmtr. Konut bloklarn birbirine balayan srekli galeri
ve kprler yaayanlarn sosyal yaamn destekleyecek ortak mekanlar
olarak tasarlanmtr. Yatay bloklarda byk konut birimleri, arazinin
alak noktasnda konumlandrlan yksek blokta ise stdyo daireler
yerletirilerek kullanclarn ayrlmas yoluna gidilmitir.

79 79

Arch 302 Architectural Design IV

Group4: Cn Bilsel + Namk Erkal + Aslhan Gnhan

Tarsus City Museum and Research Center

Tarsus is a multi-layered historical city that perfectly corresponds to the aims of Arch 302, which is working on a project with a complex program in
a historical urban context. A city museum, as an institution that conserves and represents the memory of the city, is a challenging project topic. On
the one side it requires a flexible and adaptable exhibition structure, which is suitable for diverse types of display from ethnographic items to virtual
reconstructions of different historical strata and on the other, covers the planning of hospitable spaces for researchers. The exhibition spaces and
research center are complementary functional parts forming the City Museum proper. To this scheme a third element has been added, that is the
guesthouse for the visiting scholars, curators and in situ working teams like archaeologists.
The site of the project is located at the historical core of Tarsus. A thoroughfare, the trace of which superimposes with a Hellenistic avenue the cardo
in the Roman period, defines its western boundary. It is surrounded by a traditional commercial quarter where shops are located to the north. It is
known from the sources that the project site was occupied by two hans disappeared in time. The Great Mosque of the city is situated at the northeast
of the site: its present structure is from the Ramazanolu Principality period, early 16th century. The Kak Bedesteni is a commercial structure that
connects the gate of the mosque to the triangular square at the east of the site. The church of St Paul, who was a native of this city, is situated at the
southeast. In short, the site is situated at the interface between different urban structures having multiple forms and meanings, which the students were
expected to make legible in their projects. The project was conducted in parallel with the Mersin University Department of Architecture third year studio,
in collaboration with Evrim Demir Mischenko, Fikret Zorlu and Meltem Uar. A joint workshop was organized in Tarsus for the researches in situ on the
urban morphology, building typologies, architectural characteristics, accesses and circulation patterns, etc.

Tarsus ehir Mzesi ve Aratrma Merkezi

ok katmanl bir tarihi kent olan Tarsus, Arch 302 Mimari Tasarm stdyosunun hedeflerine uygun bir kentsel balam tanmlamaktadr. Kentin
belleini koruyan ve sergileyen bir kurum olarak kent mzesi zel bir proje konusudur. Bir yandan, etnorafik sergilemelerden, tarihsel katmanlarn
sanal rkonstrksiyonlarna farkl sergiler iin uyarlanabilir esnek yapya sahip olmas, dier yandan aratrmaclar arlayacak mekanlar iermesi
gerekmektedir. Sergi mekanlar ve aratrma merkezi birbirini tamamlayarak kent mzesini oluturmaktadr. Bu programa nc bir eleman olarak
aratrmaclar, kratrler ve arkeologlarn konaklamas iin bir konukevi eklenmitir.
Projenin arazisi Tarsusun tarihi merkezinde yer almakta, arazinin bat snrn kentin Helenistik dnemde ana aksn ve Roma kentinin kardosunu oluturmu
olan ana cadde belirlemektedir. Alan kuzeyde zgara dzende kk dkkanlarndan oluan ticari yaplar evrelemektedir. Osmanl dneminde bu alanda
bir byk, bir de kk han yapsnn bulunduu bilinmektedir. Arazinin hemen kuzeydousunda, bugnk yaps 16. yzyl Ramazanolu dnemine
tarihlenen Ulucami yer almakta, Kak Bedesteni Ulucaminin nndeki meydan, arazinin dousundaki gen meydanca balamaktadr. Kentin nemli
ant yaplarndan St. Paul Kilisesi ise arazinin gneydousunda yer almaktadr. zetle proje iin seilen bu alan, farkl morfolojik btnlerin ve farkl
sembolik anlamlar bulunan yaplarn arayznde konumlanmaktadr. rencilerden tasarmlarmlarnda bu farkllklar dikkate almalar ve yorumlamalar
beklenmitir. Bu proje, Mersin niversitesi Mimarlk Blm nc snf stdyosu ile birlikte, retim yeleri Evrim Demir Mischenko, Meltem Uar ve
Fikret Zorlunun ibirliiyle yrtlmtr. Tarsus ve Mersinde dzenlenen ortak atlye almasnda, renciler kentin morfolojisi, mimari tipolojiler ve
mimari nitelikler yannda araziye eriim ve kentii ulam vb. konular yerinde almlardr.

melike atc group 4

Taking courtyards as reference from the typology of Tarsus, the project

is based on the idea of bringing the courts up and interpreting the
architectural program of the museum complex in three different layers.
The organization of the museum plan follows a continuous trajectory
starting and ending at the same point. By placing galleries around
courtyards where excavation sites are displayed, a three dimensional
relation between layers is created.

Bu proje, Tarsus mimari tipolojisinin karakteristii olan avlular ayaa

kaldrma fikrinden yola kmtr. Mze kompleksinin mimari program
nc boyutta farkl katman biiminde yorumlanmtr. Mzenin
plan organizasyonu, ayn noktada balayan ve biten srekli bir gzergh
izlemektedir. Bu srekliliin iinde kaz alanlarnn sergilendii avlular
evresine yerletirilen galerilerle katmanlar arasnda boyutlu bir iliki


group 4


idem oban

Museum spaces follow the continuity of circulation with reference to the

architectural han form of Tarsus, where the historical site excavated
is integrated. The ramps providing the continuity of flows articulate the
volumetric breaks of the building. While the ground floor serving to social
functions is more transparent, the museum floor is designed as a closed
space for protecting the exhibited objects. The skylights are provided
with the breaking of the roof slab to present a rich spatial experience to

Tarsusta var olan han yaplarndan ve mze fonksiyonuna uygun olarak

srekli bir dolam destekleyen mekanlardan yola karak gelien projede,
arazi kazlarak ortaya kaca varsaylan arkeolojik alan mzenin ierisine
alnmtr. Bina ierisinde hareket srekliliini salayan rampalar, deien
alarla krlan ktlede hacimsel artiklasyonu salamaktadr. Sosyal
alanlara hizmet eden giri kat daha effaf olarak dnlrken, mze
kat daha kapal tasarlanmtr. at demesindeki klklarla farkl k
kalitesine sahip sergileme alanlar meydana getirilmitir.

emine kirman group 4

The museum complex is based on the abstract idea of elevated Tarsus

city with its houses and streets, which enables the coexistence of
various historical layers with particular emphasis on the archeological
excavation site defined underneath the building. The building is elevated
on a steel structure that touches the ground with the least harm to the
historic remnants, which does not only protect the excavation site from
the sun, but also provide a view toward Tarsus houses and monumental
buildings nearby.

Mze kompleksini, soyut dzeyde yerden ykseltilmi Tarsus kenti

olarak yorumlayan proje, farkl tarihsel katmanlarn birlikte var olmalar
dncesine dayanmaktadr. Arazide yer alan iki Osmanl hannn
izlerinden yola karak tanmlad arkeolojik alan zerinde, minimum
mdahaleyi yapan elik bir tayc sistem zerinde ykseltilmi mze
birimleri kaz alanna glge oluturmann yan sra arazi evresindeki tarihi
Tarsus evlerine ve antsal yaplara da gr salamaktadr.


architectural design studio

Fatma dil Aketin . Fulya Aksu . Melike Akyol . Waad Yaccob Alias . Amine Seyhun Alkan . Eda Pelin Alpaslan . Aye Ak . Hayriye Burcu Aygn . Didem
Ayhan . Elvan Aynal . Zehra Aziz . Selin Batu . Aye Bike Baykara . Glnar Bayramolu . Mustafa Bayramolu . Murat Bilen . Mge Bilgi . Neslihan Bulut
Derya Byksavc . Tuba Cantrk . Berin Chatzi Chousein . Talat akrolu . idem akmakl . dil alkan . Baak Deniz . Damla Dilber . zge Diler
Mesut Dinler . Burcu Doru . smihan Durgun . Glistan Durmaz . Onur Tun Ekmeki . Emre Erdoan . Ece Eren . Serra Asl Eri . Gke Ersel . Derya
Fidan . Sabiha Glolu . Fatma Damla Glmez . Nazl Mrvvet Gngen . Selim Halil Hancolu . Ahmet Berkay Ilgaz . Sutki smaili . Olsi Kafeja . Gzde
Kaya . Havva Elif Ko . Aya Kseolu . Mge Krua . Armand Mani . Burin Mzrak . Bastien Monegier du Sorbier . Ayn Okulda . Mohammad Olabi
zgn zakr . Dicle Bilgehan zdemir . Ferayi ztrk . Emre zyeti . Nurullah Alper Pehlivan . Rahman Pehlivan . Abdul Samad . Azize Elif Sudan
Ozan Srmelihindi . Emre al . Banu Nur engn . Esin enman . lker Teker . Saadet Toker . Aya Turgay . Duygu Tnta . Nuri Serkan Uuz . Sakine
Dicle Uzunyayla . Deniz stolu . Nurgl Yardm . Merve Yldz

Arch 401 Architectural Design V

Group1: Gven Arif Sargn + Zeynep Mennan + lhan Kural

Hybrid Programs: A Mixed-Use Complex at ankaya

The design brief deals with the problem of large-scale development within a relatively small lot in the city. Within the boundaries of the Municipality of
ankaya, the parcels diagonally opposite the Atakule Complex are an example of valuable land waiting to be developed. In its present state, the whole
block is like a dent within the evolving urban fabric, but developed properly, it can add to the social, cultural and commercial life of the city. Yet the
same block has inherent difficulties, the most notable being the traffic problem. As soon as the block is developed, it will inevitably attract vehicular
and pedestrian traffic. The planning of a covered parking system and indoor or outdoor public space(s), whether in the form of plazas or courtyards
or atriums or indoor streets, is a matter of how the designer approaches the problem and how the main concept is structured so that the resulting
development offers a new and inviting atmosphere to the citizens of Ankara. Ankara needs new public rooms (or spaces) in addition to Karum and
Atakule. The assignment consists of developing a plan for a mixed-use complex that will comprise a 150-bed hotel, business residences, cultural and
gastronomic facilities, shops and related services; here the key concept is hybrid programs.

Melez Programlar: ankayada bir KarmaKullanml Kompleks

Kent merkezlerinde yer alan parsellerde byk lekli yaplarn zm zerine younlaan dnem temrini, ankaya Belediyesi snrlar iinde yer alan
ve kentin simgesi niteliindeki Atakuleye yakn ke parselini alma alan olarak belirlemitir. Mevcut koullaryla parsel, dnmekte olan kent dokusu
iinde, gelimeyi bekleyen bir boluk niteliindedir ve kentin, sosyal, kltrel ve ticari hayatna katk salayabilecek nitelik ve gizilgce sahiptir. te
yandan parselin isel sorunlar da sz konusudur: Bu noktada trafik, zellikle gzetilmesi gereken bir konudur. Yaplama sonras yaya ve ara trafiinin
parsel etrafnda younlamas sz konusu olacaktr; dolaysyla, kapal park alanlarnn yaratlmas, meydan, atriyum veya sokaklar araclyla i ve
d kamusal alanlarn nerilmesi, tasarmcnn bu tr kentsel geliim alanlarna yaklam ve yap kompleksinin kavramsallatrlmas ile ilintilidir ve bu
anlamda, son-rnn kentlilere farkl ve davetkar bir ortam nermesi beklenmektedir. Ankara, Karum ve Atakuleye eklenecek yeni kamusal alanlara/
mekanlara gereksinim duymaktadr; bu balamda dnem temrini, 150 yatakl bir oteli, i-merkezli konutlar, kltrel ve sosyal donatlar ve ticari ve servis
mekanlarn ieren karmak bir program zm olarak tanmlanmtr ve bu sre ierisindeki anahtar kavram, melez programlardr.

emre zyeti

matrix 1

group 1

matrix 2


group 1


emre zyeti

emre zyeti group 1

Hybridization of urban needs is given as one major task and in this

respect, the project generates a design methodology with which not only
its architecture systematically evolves but also its program methodically
develops with respect to the citys surrounding qualities. What is provided
here is, indeed, a well-designed hybridization that makes a full-use of the
city and its inhabitants; that enhances a modular construction system for
three-dimensional expansions; and that furnishes a flexible lay-out for
possible urban scenarios. This is a fine example of growth by design

Kentsel gereksinimlerin melezlenmesi nemli bir girdi olarak tanmlanmtr

ve bu balamda proje, talep edilen mimarinin sistemli bir retimi ve kentin
kimi niteliklerine yant veren bir program yorumu olarak tasarlanmtr.
Projenin nemli nitelikleri, kentin gizilglerini ve sakinlerini tam anlamyla
kefeden iyi tasarlanm bir melezleme sreci; 3-boyutlu gelimeye ynelik
modler atklama sistemi; ve olas kentsel senaryolara ak, esnek plan
dzlemleridir. Gerekte proje, tasarlayarak byme yaklamna iyi bir


group 1


olsi kafeja

olsi kafeja

A competent interpretation of a hybrid program is given in this project

which makes use of the economies of the fold to wrap together the
multiple and often incompatible parts of a mixed-use complex. The fold
allows for a successful intermingling of indoor and outdoor spaces as
well as of small and large spans required in the program while achieving
a compelling new aesthetic and building scale for the city of Ankara.

group 1

ok amal kullanmn ve melez program tasarmnn glklerinin

katlama/katmanlama tekniklerinin ekonomisi ile zld bu yorumda
programn eitli ve her zaman badamayan eleri, i ve d mekanlar,
kk ve byk aklklar arasndaki geiler baarl bir btn iinde bir
araya getirilmitir. Proje Ankara kenti iin yeni bir estetik ve yap lei


group 1


emre erdoan

emre erdoan group 1

As a good example of what hybridization in urban scale should be, the

project resolves all programmatic issues in a masterly designed pointtower that in fact becomes a new landmark, gracefully contesting with the
citys first tower, erected in the mid-1980s. Along with those of structural
and architectonic qualities the tower works as a vertical generator,
which constantly re-allocates spaces, creating a continuous volumetric

Kentsel lekli melezlemeye iyi bir rnek olan proje, 1980li yllarda
inaa edilen kentin ilk kulesi ile yaran ve simge deeri olan, ustaca
tasarlanm yeni bir kule-yap nermekte ve programa bal tm talepleri
tek bir ktle ierisinde baaryla zmektedir. Kulenin tm yapsal ve
arkitektonik niteliklerinin yansra yap, sreklilii olan hacimsel bir
btnlk oluturarak, tm mekansal ilikileri her seferinde yeniden
dzenleyen, dey bir jeneratr gibi almaktadr.


Arch 402 Architectural Design VI

Group1: Gven Arif Sargn + Zeynep Mennan + lhan Kural

Design at Urban Scale

An Urban Site: Berlin
A Theme: Remembrance and Amnesia
A Problem: Transformation of Berlin Tempelhof Airport
An Urban Site: Berlin
The 402 architectural design studio module Design at Urban Scale is conceived and designed around a selected design theme and a strong focus
on programme design introduced as a specific educational aim and strategy. Each year, the studio works in a European city, where a site and a design
problem of a problematic nature and complexity (from the physical to the social/cultural/political) has been identified. Urban architecture abroad is an
assignment presenting unfamiliar challenges that are expected to provide for promising and inspiring confrontations, experimentations and debate.
A Theme: Remembrance and Amnesia
History proves that urban environments are imperative apparatuses of politics and the state, as an agency, has always been a primal patronage in
exercising its power for different purposes, including legitimacy, ideological representation, social engineering and utopian programs. In this regard, the
role of the architect becomes all the more eminent as such ideologies usually find their legitimate grounds through the concrete world of architecture,
a realm connecting closely to collective remembrance and amnesia.
A Problem: Transformation of Berlin Tempelhof Airport
The Tempelhof Airport in Berlin, originally built in 1927 and redesigned during the Third Reich by the German architect Ernst Sagebiel (1934) under
Albert Speers plan for the reconstruction of Berlin , not only became one of a kind in the contemporary airport program, but also architecturally
represented a political will and program, which ever since came under a critical scrutiny.

Kentsel lekte Tasarm

Bir Kentsel Alan: Berlin
Bir Tema: Anmsama ve Amnezya
Bir Sorun: Berlin Tempelhof Havalimannn Dnm
Bir Kentsel Alan: Berlin
Kentsel lekte Tasarm balkl mimari tasarm stdyosu, tanml bir ama ve strateji iermekte ve bu anlamda, program tasarm sre ve yntemleri
zerine younlamaktadr. Her yl mezuniyet stdyosu, farkl nedenlerle sorunlu ve karmak evreleri barndran Avrupa kentlerinde yrtlmekte;
farkl balamlarda srdrlen kentsel mimarlk temrinleri, bu anlamda, zgn ve yeniliki yzlemeleri, atma ve tartmalar greve aran, alk
olmadmz bir deney ortam olarak deerlendirilmektedir.
Bir Tema: Anmsama ve Amnezya
Tarihsel bir perspektifle bakldnda, kentsel evreler siyasetin kanlmaz aralardr ve bu balamda, donanml bir aktr olarak devlet, meruiyet,
ideolojik temsiliyet, sosyal mhendislik ve topyac programlara kadar uzanan farkl amalar uruna gcn kullanmndaki asal unsurdur. Bu kapsamda,
mimarn rol nemlidir; ideolojiler somut mimarlk dnyasnda meru bir zemin edinirler ve bu sre, kollektif anmsama ve amnezya temalaryla da
dorudan ilintilidir.
Bir Sorun: Berlin Tempelhof Havalimannn Dnm
1927 ylnda zgn biimiyle inaa edilen ve 1934 ylnda Alpert Speerin Berlinin inaas kapsamnda, Alman mimar Ernst Sagebiel tarafndan yeniden
tasarlanan Tempelhof Havaliman, salt ada havaliman programnn ncl yorumlarndan birisi olmann tesinde, siyasi bir irade ve programn mimari
anlamda temsil edildii nemli bir yap olmas nedeniyle de ok nemlidir. naasndan bu yana farkl nedenlerle eletirilen yap ve kaplad kentsel alan,
bir tasarm sorunu olarak yeniden deerlendirilmeyi beklemektedir.


nurgl yardm

group 1

group work: selin batu + nazl gngen + olsi kafeja + dicle uzunyayla + nurgl yardm

nurgl yardm


group 1


nurgl yardm

nurgl yardm group 1

What regulates the Tempelhof Airport is now a new social pattern that
of Superburbia that is an amalgam of country and town; and what
generates its architecture is a futuristic visuality that dominates Berlin
with a system of point-towers all scattered around fields, parks and
forests. In this context, this project is a fine example of possible future
scenarios in tormented cities of post-industrialism. That is in fact a city
within a city, providing a colorful spectrum of new life patterns, all distinct
from urban clichs.

Kr ve kentin baarl bir bileimi olarak Superburbia yeni bir sosyal

rnt modeli nererek Tempelhofu dzenlemekte; ziraat alanlar,
parklar ve koruluklar arasna dalm kule-yaplarn sistemli dzenei ile
Berlini basklayan ftristik bir grsellik ise, tm bu geliimin mimarisini
retmektedir. Bu balamda proje, her anlamda zlen post-endstriyel
kentlerin iinde var olabilecek geleceki senaryolara iyi bir rnek olarak
deerlendirilmelidir. Kentsel tekdzelikten uzak, renkli, yeni yaam
rntleri sunan neri gerekte, kent iinde yeni kentlerin kurulabileceini
bize ustalkla sunmas asndan nemlidir.


group 1


emre erdoan

emre erdoan group 1

Coping with the fact that the Temphelhof Airport of Berlin requires a
non-parcel-based architecture, this project is in fact a nostalgic and
yet successful retrospective into the 1960s architecture that called for
mega-structures for new-urbanization. In this respect, the proposal also
provides a multi-layered quality, topographic stratum to the elevated
layers, and blends with the existing urban structure, including the
Tempelhof. If Berlin is a close network of its own, this project is surely a
working part of it.

Temphelhof Havalimannn parsel dzeneinden kopuk bir mimarla

gereksinim duyduu gereinden hareketle bu proje, yeni-kentleme
amacyla hayat bulan 1960lar mega-strktrlerine benzeyen, nostaljik,
ancak baarl bir retrospektif alma olarak deerlendirilebilir. Bu
balamda neri, topografik yzeyden, ykseltilmi katlara dein uzanan
ok-katmanl bir nitelik ierir ve Tempelhof dahil tm kentsel yap ile
baarl bir sreklilik gsterir. Berlin kenti znellii olan bir a olarak
dnlm ve bu anlamda nerilen proje, kefedilen an alan bir
paras olarak tasarlanmtr.


group 1

emre zyeti

group work: melike akyol+ didem ayhan + damla glmez + emre zyeti + esin enman
emre zyeti


emre zyeti group 1

The project interprets the site as a memory-free urban void that is expected
to be appropriated and creatively transformed by the citizens of Berlin.
In an approach which deliberately denies the development of an urban
program by the architect, the idea of an anti-program is experimented
with by way of a creative methodology which collects statistical data
from the immediate environment in order to form a database used in the
definition of the type and form of the intervention to the site.

Tempelhofu hafzasz bir kentsel boluk olarak yorumlayan ve araziyi Berlin

kentinin yaratc-dntrc insan gcnn kullanmna aan bu projede bir
kar-program fikri gelitiriliyor. Mimarn kentsel program retmedeki roln
bilinli olarak reddeden bu yaklamda araziye mdahalede bulunacak organn
mdahale trn ve biimini belirleyen bir tasarm ve bunu gerekletirecek
yaratc bir metodoloji neriliyor: evreden toplanan istatistiki verilerin (sosyal
yap, fiziksel yap ve yeil altyap) saysal veya topografik olarak temsil edilerek bir
veritaban oluturulmas ve olas programlarn bu veriler aracl ile tariflenmesi


Arch 401 Architectural Design V

Group2: Abdi Gzer + Lale zgenel + Yeim Hatrl

Urban Manipulations: Re-Thinking the Karayollar / Zorlu Site

The focus of the first semester design studio for our group was an urban project. The Karayollar site owned by Zorlu Group in Zincirlikuyu was selected
as the project site. The project was expected to address the process of privatization of urban areas as a way of manipulating the social, spatial
and economical dynamics of metropolitan districts by means of promoting pretentious and large scale architectural implementation. The discussion
is centered on how privatization has become an issue of media occupation in Turkey and that how the debate on privatization is often based on
architecture; a fact that made privatization a theme of consideration in the Turkish architectural agenda. Zorlu Group planned to build a mixed-used
building complex in this site and organized an international competition. Their venture of privatization and architectural development for this site is seen
as an alternative case to focus on and re-think the scope, mission and vision of urban manipulations intended for city centers and downtown areas. The
studio presentations and discussions brought forth the models and concepts that are used to draw the framework of debate on the role of architecture
in the process of privatization of urban parcels. The specifications prepared for the architectural competition is given as the program; students were
expected to conceptualize and design an urban lot of about 96500 m2 to include functions like a congress and business center as well as residential
and commercial units and outdoor recreational facilities and a building of 10000 m2 in detail.

Kentsel Mdahaleler: Karayollar / Zorlu Arazisi zerine Yeniden Dnmek

Grubumuz birinci dnem tasarm stdyosunda kentsel bir proje zerine odaklanmtr. Zincirlikuyuda bulunan ve Zorlu Holdinge ait olan Karayollar arsas
proje alan olarak seilmitir. Proje, kentsel alanlarn zelletirilmesi srecinin, byk lekli mimari yatrmlar araclyla metropolitan alanlarn sosyal,
mekansal ve ekonomik dinamiklerinin deitirilmesinin bir yolu olduunu tartmaya amay hedeflemitir. Genel tartma, zelletirmenin Trkiyede
bir medya olgusu haline geldii, zelletirme zerine odaklanan deerlendirmelerin sklkla mimarlk zerinden yapld ve zelletirmenin Trk Mimarlk
gndeminde de yer almaya balayan bir konu olduu zerinde younlamtr. Zorlu Holding bu arazide karma-kullanml bir yap kompleksi ngrm
ve uluslararas bir yarma dzenlemitir. Bu arazi iin ngrlen kurumsal lekli zelletirme ve mimari geliim, kent merkezleri iin planlanan
kentsel mdahalelerin ierii, misyonu ve vizyonuna odaklanmak ve bu konular yeniden deerlendirmek iin alaternatif bir model olarak alnmtr.
Stdyo tartmalar ve sunular, kentsel parsellerin zelletirilmesi srecinde mimarln roln belirlemek zere kullanlan model ve kavramlar ortaya
koymutur. Yarma iin hazrlanm olan artname ihtiya program olarak verilmitir. rencilerden, iinde kongre ve i merkezi, konut, ticari birimler
ve rekreasyon alanlar olmas ngrlen yaklak 96500 m2 lik bir kentsel alan iin kavramsal bir yorum ve tasarm gelitirmeleri ve yaklak 10000 m2
lik bir bina iin de detayl mimari proje yapmalar istenmitir.

amine alkan

group 2


group 2


amine alkan

amine alkan

The project aimed for urban continuity and flow. The built area is
distributed into three masses and the outdoor area in between the linear
blocks is designed as an urban space. The below ground levels into
which offices, the hotel and the commercial units open are utilized for
offering a dynamic and flowing urban space. A unique building sihouette
is achieved by elevating the third block as an L-shaped tower. The housing
units are located in this block and take advantage of the view.

group 2

Kentsel mekanda sreklilik ve akkanlk oluturmay hedefleyen projede

yap younluu ktleye paylatrlmtr. Dorusal bloklarn tanmlad
d alan bir kentsel mekan olarak dzenlenmi, ykseltilmi ktlenin
sunduu imgesel alg ile zgn bir yap sileti elde edilmitir. Ofis, otel
ve ticari birim gibi farkl ilevlerin ald zemin alt kotlar dinamik ve
akkan bir kentsel mekan elde etmek iin deerlendirilmitir. Manzaraya
hakim yaam alanlar sunmak amacyla konutlar yksek ktle iinde


group 2


glnar bayramolu

glnar bayramolu group 2

The project aimed to concentrate the built area on the Bosphorous side of
the site, and leave the remaining area for recreational use. The terraced
levels enabled to create a green base for the main building and also
to organize the recreational spaces that benefit from daylight on the
below ground levels. The urban terraces designed in the main building
distinguish different functions and also serve as recreation areas for
these functions.

Proje yap younluunu arsann boaz manzarasna hakim tarafnda

konumlandrlan bir ktlede toplayarak kalan alan kentsel rekreasyon
kullanmlar iin deerlendirmeyi amalamtr. Arazideki kot farklarnn
teraslandrlmas ile elde edilen dzlemler hem lineer ktlenin
zerinde ykseldii bir yeil zemin oluturmu ve hem de rekreasyon
ilevlerinin zemin alt katlarda gn alacak ekilde kademeli olarak
dzenlenmesine olanak vermitir. Yap boyunca nerilen kentsel teraslar
farkl ilevleri ayrtran ve bu ilevlerle ilikili dey rekreasyon alanlar
olarak yorumlanmtr.


group 2


muhammed olabi

muhammed olabi

The project proposed a perimeter block that occupied two sides of the site
and an open urban area defined by this block. Housing units, commercial
units and offices are planned in this block while the remaining public
functions are located on the ground and below ground levels that received
different entrances. The voids, angular turns and the shifting units reduced
the mass effect and created the building silhouette.

group 2

Proje, arazinin iki kenarna yerleen bir eper blok ve bu bloun tanmlad
kentsel bir ak alandan olumaktadr. Konut, ofis ve ticaret birimleri blok
iinde zmlenmi, dier kamusal kullanmlar ise farkl girilerden
ulalan zemin ve zemin alt kotlara yerletirilmitir. eper bloun iinde
oluturulan boluklar, alanmalar ve kaymalarla ktlenin masif etkisi
azaltlm ve yap sileti elde edilmitir.


Arch 402 Architectural Design VI

Group2: Abdi Gzer + Lale zgenel + Yeim Hatrl

METU Northern Cyprus Campus - Architecture and Fine Arts Building

The architectural design studio in the second semester addressed the issues concerning the interpretation and planning of an education building.
The studio discussions focused on the educational, recreational, social, cultural and architectural agendas of the university campuses. As a newly
established campus METU NCC provided an appropriate context for new architectural developments and is given as the project area; the increasing
educational scope and the student population inevitably necessitated the physical development of the campus premises in terms of its social and
cultural facilities and the planning of new educational buildings like academic halls and research centers. The educational structure at METU NCC is
organized in the form of programs coordinated by academic directors and different from the faculty/department system at METU ANKARA campus
these programs are not spatially distributed in separate faculty buildings but are allocated in a number of academic halls and related research and lab
buildings. The students, in this respect were given two alternative locations and a core program from which they prepared their individual agendas for
the functional context of an academic building of about 15000 m2 that would include facilities for cultural and social use as well.
The building to be designed would house programs of architecture, painting, sculpture and ceramics, host social and cultural events as well as research
activities. In this regard, students were expected to incorporate a Museum for Contemporary Architecture, a Conference Center, and a Research
Center of Mediterranean Studies into their programs and challenge the conventional schemes and programs used in designing faculty buildings.

ODT Kuzey Kbrs Kamps - Mimarlk ve Gzel Sanatlar Binas

kinci dnem tasarm stdyosu kapsamnda bir eitim yapsnn yorumlanmas ve tasarlanmas tartmaya alm, stdyo tartmalar, niversite
kampslerinin eitim, rekreasyon, sosyal, kltrel ve mimari balamlar zerine younlamtr. ODT KKK kamps, artan eitim vizyonu ve renci
nfusunun yerlekenin, sosyal ve kltrel altyap ve akademik bina ve aratrma merkezi gibi eitim yaplar bakmndan gelimesini ister istemez
zorunlu klmas ve bu anlamda mimari geliim iin uygun bir ortam sunmas nedeniye proje alan olarak seilmitir. ODT KKKnde eitim sisteminin
akademik direktrlerin koordine ettii programlar olarak rgtlenmi olmas, ODT Ankara kampsnden farkl olarak bu programlarn ayr faklte
binalar iinde deil ortak kullanlan akademik, aratrma ve laboratuvar binalar iinde eitim vermesini getirmitir. Bu kapsamda rencilere iki farkl
konumda arsa nerilmi ve verilen ekirdek ihtiya programn bireysel deerlendirmelerine gre gelitirmeleri beklenmitir.
Yaklak 15000 m2 bykle sahip olan bina iinde mimarlk, resim, heykel ve seramik programlarnn yansra kltrel ve sosyal kullanml mekanlar,
ada Mimarlk Mzesi, Konferans Salonu ve Akdeniz almalar Aratrma Merkezi nin de yer almas ngrlmtr. rencilerden, faklte
binalarnn tasarmnda kullanlan geleneksel mimari zmlere ve progamlara alternatif yorumlar getirmeleri beklenmitir.


idem akmakl group 2


group 2


idem akmakl

idem akmakl

The project which is planned for the alternative site located at the lower edge
of the campus proposes a sheltered inner street and an open courtyard.
Educational spaces and the library are designed in two individaul masses;
the circulation axis which becomes a bridge, spanning the courtyard, is
used as a design element for connecting the masses. The climate data is
utilized as a design parameter. A photovoltaic panel system is suggested
for the roof of the inner street located within the education block.

group 2

Kamps yerlekesinin alt blgesinde verilen alternatif arazi iin

projelendirilen yap korunakl bir i sokak ve avlu oluturacak paral bir
kurgu olarak tasarlanmtr. Eitim birimleri ve ktphane iki ayr ktle
olarak yorumlanm, eitim bloundan balayan ve avlunun zerinde
kprleerek ktphaneye ulaan dolam aks iki ktleyi ilikilendiren
bir tasarm eleman olarak kullanlmtr. klimsel verilerin tasarm girdisi
olarak kullanld projede ana ktlenin iinde yer alan i sokan zerindeki
geirgen at iin fotovoltaik panel sistemi nerilmitir.


group 2


derya byksavc

derya byksavc

The main idea is based on providing a relationship with the outdoor space;
the voids and the terraces in the main block constitute the architectural
language of the building. The area in between the blocks is reserved as
a courtyard into which opened some of the studios. The circulation axis
in the main block opens into the terraces, and is interpreted as an inner
street extending into the second block as a bridge. The sliding sun
screens are used to ceate a dynamic facade.

group 2

D mekan ilikisinin, tasarmn k noktasn oluturduu projede iki

ktle nerilmi, ana ktle iinde oluturulan boluklar ve teraslar yapnn
genel mimari dilini oluturan eler olarak yorumlanmtr. ki ktlenin
tanmlad alan bir avlu olarak deerlendirilmi, stdyo birimleri bu alana
almtr. Ana ktlenin iinde nerilen dolam aks katlarda dzenlenen
teraslara alan bir i sokak olarak dnlm, kpr olarak ikinci
ktleye balanmtr. Kullanlan gne krc kayar panellerle dinamik bir
cephe etkisi amalanmtr.


group 2


amine alkan

amine alkan

In this project the limitations of the site suggested a compact planning

composed of an open recreational area surrounded by two linear masses.
The existing slope is utilized, the public areas are placed at below ground
levels and the semi-open area is interpreted as a courtyard providing
spatial continuity between the pedestrian alley in front and the planned
recreational park behind. The building is elevated to emphasize this
continuity and the educational spaces are located at the upper floors.

group 2

Arazi kstlarnn ynlendirici olduu projede yaya aksna alan

bir rekreasyon alann iki ynde evreleyen ve tanmlayan bir ktle
kompozisyonu ile kompakt bir plan zm nerilmitir. Mevcut eim
deerlendirilmi, kamusal mekanlar zemin alt kotlara yerletirilmi ve
nerilen korunakl ak alan yapnn ald yaya aks ile ilerde yaplmas
planlanan rekreasyon park arasnda geii salayan geirgen bir avlu
olarak deerlendirilmitir. Bu sreklilii vurgulamak zere yap yerden
kopartlm ve eitim ilevli mekanlar st katlara yerletirilmitir.


Arch 401 Architectural Design V

Group3: Yldrm Yavuz + Fuat Gke + Hakan Anay

The Urban Regeneration Project in Sinop

The studio design problem for the fall semester was defined as The Urban Regeneration Project in Sinop. In this respect students were given a loose
boundary, which defined the historical center of the city, and were asked to enhance local, natural and urban qualities of the town through new
productive, educative and commercial functions. These functions were defined with a basic program, details of which were developed by the students,
according to their visions about their projects. The main concern throughout the semester was to develop a sense of urban and historical values/
problems, and an ability to respond to these values/ problems of an urban environment. The city of Sinop provided the studio with a variety of both. The
process began with an intense site analysis in situ. Students updated existing information on site, noting down what they found important and the
design process began on site. Re-interpreting the data gathered on site, students developed ideas on various problems ranging from conservation and
re-utilization to urban transformation and identity in different abstraction levels, ranging from 1/2000 to 1/200.

Sinop Kentsel Dnm Projesi

Gz dnemi stdyo problemi Sinop Kentsel Dnm Projesi olarak tanmlanmtr. Bu kapsamda, ehrin tarihi merkezini kapsayan esnek bir alma
alan tanmlanm ve rencilerden bu alanda nerecekleri; eitim, retim ve ticaret faaliyetleri ile ehrin mevcut, yerel, doal ve kentsel deerlerini
glendirmeleri beklenmitir. Bahsi geen ilevlerin detaylar rencilere braklm, yol gsterici olmas amacyla temel bir ilev program verilmitir.
Stdyo almasnn temel amac kentsel ve tarihi sorunlar/deerler hakknda bir hassasiyet, ve kentsel alann sorunlar/deerleri hakknda neri
gelitirme becerisini gelitirmek olmutur. Sinop ehri bu bahsi geen iki konuda da allacak bol malzeme sunmutur. Sre arazide yaplan youn
bir analiz almasyla balamtr. renciler ellerindeki mevcut veriyi arazide, kendi nemli grdkleri detaylar belgeleyerek gelitirmilerdir ve tasarm
sreci arazide balamtr. Arazide edindikleri bilgi ve gzlemleri yeniden yorumlayarak, renciler koruma-yeniden ilevlendirmeden, kentsel dnm
ve kent kimliine kadar geni bir yelpazede, 1/2000 den 1/200 e kadar deiik leklerde alarak ve fikirler gelitirerek projelerini oluturmulardr.


deniz stolu

The project follows the traces of the ancient Ionian settlement in Sinop and
moves on from the idea of the grid-iron system, modifying it according to
the existing landscape and curvature of the peninsula. An inner street is
proposed binding a series of buildings, placed according to the grid. The
idea is valuable as it provides a superstructure on urban scale for further
development of the urban context.

group 3

Proje Sinoptaki antik yon yerleiminin izlerini takip ederek bir zgara
sistemi nerir; fakat yeni nerilen zgara sistemi kendini mevcut
toporafyaya ve yarmadann erisine uydurarak deforme olur. Bu zgara
sistemine bal olarak nerilmi bir dizi bina bir i sokak ile birbirine
balanmtr. Fikir kent balamnda srdrlmeye msait bir st dzen
nermesi ynnden deerlidir.


group 3


aye bike baykara

aye bike baykara

The project is formed with reference to the old castle, both spatially and
material wise. A compact structure on the top of the ridge is proposed,
which also constitutes an entrance portal to the city. The relation with the
castle and positive addition to the silhouette of the city is valuable.

group 3

Proje hem mekansal adan hem de malzeme asndan eski kaleye

referanslarla oluturulmutur. Srt zerinde, ayn zamanda bir kent girii
tanmlayan youn bir yaplama nerilmitir. Kaleyle kurulan iliki ve kent
siluetine yaplan pozitif katk projenin deerlerini oluturmutur.


group 3


bastien monegieur du sorbier

bastien monegieur du sorbier

The project proposes a set of buildings placed on the critical spots of

the urban context instead of a compact single building. By doing so, the
project creates a series of values such as an entrance of the city, open
public spaces and a unity of architectural language. The unity is tried to
be achieved through a flexible grid, dimensions of which are based on the
measurements of square planned ancient towers.

group 3

neri bir noktada youn yaplama yerine kentin geni bir blgesinde
dank bir yaplama ngrr. Yaplamay btnleyen ise, kare planl kale
burlarnn llerinden kaynaklanan, deiken bir zgara modl sistemidir.
Bu sayede, bir kent girii tanmlama, kentsel ak alan oluturma ve
mimari bir dil btnl yakalamak gibi bir dizi deer yaratr.


Arch 402 Architectural Design VI

Group3: Yldrm Yavuz + Fuat Gke + Yiit Acar

A National Museum and Research Center For Turkish Republican History & Culture in Ankara
During the spring semester, the group worked in the old hippodrome area of Ankara, which today is reserved as the main zone of the Atatrk Cultural
Center (ACC), where important public buildings with cultural functions are expected to be built. ACC is a large complex formed by five zones near the
historic center of Ankara. It includes various important national monuments, such as the First and the Second Assembly Buildings of the Republic, the
Ankara Palace Hotel of the Early Republican Period, the Opera House, and important urban areas like Genlik Park, 19th of May Sports Stadium and
the Former Hippodrome of the city. Together with these historically valuable monuments and public urban areas, the total ACC site constitutes a great
potential in terms of Ankaras future as a national capital, and for the past three decades, it has been the subject of various debates and a series of
projects, little of which have been realized.
The reason behind the choice of such a problematic site was to raise, in the minds of the students, a consciousness of republican culture, the idea of a
capital city and the urban requirements of Ankara. Within these boundaries, the design problem was given as a National Museum for Republican Culture,
emphasizing research and cultural activities within the building. Throughout the process, ways of creating a large scale urban node, and representative
possibilities of architecture were explored.

Ankarada Ulusal Mze ve Trkiye Cumhuriyeti Kltr ve Tarih Aratrmalar Merkezi

Grubumuz 2009 yl bahar dneminde, eski hipodrom alan olarak da bilinen, bir numaral AKM alann almtr. AKM alanlar Ankara Ulusta yer alan
be blgeden oluan byk bir komplekstir. Blge Birinci ve kinci Meclis yaplar, Ankara Palas ve Opera binalar gibi nemli yaplar ve Genlik Park, 19
Mays Stadyumu, Eski Hipodrom alan (nl 10. Yl nutkunun okunduu alan) gibi nemli kentsel ak alanlar bnyesinde barndrr. Alann snrlar 1980
ylnda 2302 sayl kanun ile belirlenmi olup, alan ile ilgili herhangi bir kararda sz hakk yine ayn kanunla tanmlanm olan Milli Komiteye verilmitir.
Tm bu tarihi ve ynetsel karmaklnn yannda arazi Ankara ehrinin gelecei asndan ok nemli bir potansiyel barndrmakta ve yllardr sren
tartmalarn ve ok az gerekleen bir dizi projenin de oda konumundadr.
Bu kadar tartmal bir arazinin seimindeki temel sebep rencilerde cumhuriyet kltrne, bakent fikrine ve Ankara ehrinin kentsel mekan ihtiyalarna
dair bir bilin uyandrmak olmutur. Bu kapsamda proje program, kltr ve aratrma faliyetleri eliinde bir Ulusal Cumhuriyet Kltr Mzesi olarak
tasarlanmtr. Sre boyunca byk lekli bir kentsel dm noktas oluturmann yollar ve mimarinin temsiliyet potansiyelleri gibi konular zerine


berkay lgaz group 3

The site is controlled by the introduction of a narrow building, placed

according to urban references such as the vista of the citadel, approaches
to the site and the existing buildings on the site. The successful placement
of the building as an axis enables a control over the totality of the site. The
compactness and simplicity of the solution is valuable.

Arazi kaleye ynelik bak, araziye yaklamlar ve mevcut yaplar gzetilerek

yerletirilen ince bir ktle ile kontrol edilmitir. Binann bir aks oluturacak
biimde konumlandrlmas sayesinde arazi genelinde bir kontrol
salanmtr. zmn zellikle sadelii ve kompaktl baarldr.


group 3


mge krua

mge krua

The idea of placing the building under the ground emerges from a
respectful attitude towards the history of the site and urban silhouette, and
also from being modest in contrast to the strong geometry of the existing
pyramidal building. By not building above-ground, a large green area is
obtained and this area is controlled by the underground structure.

group 3

Yapy zemin altnda konumlandrma fikri, arazinin tarihine ve kent

siluetine duyulan saygdan ve mevcut bulunan piramit yapnn gl
geometrisine tezat bir mtevazilik sonucu retilmitir. Zemin stne bina
ina etmeyerek, yer altndaki bina tarafndan organize edilen geni bir ak
alan elde edilmitir.


group 3


derya fidan

derya fidan

The project focuses on the possibilities of creating a texture by defining

different organizations on different levels and spreading the functions
homogenously and breaking this homogeneity when required. By doing
so the sense of a human scale and a variety of open and enclosed spaces
are obtained.

group 3

Proje ilevleri homojen bir biimde datarak ve yeri geldiinde bu

homojenlii krarak, deiik katmanlarda organizasyonlar kurarak
oluturulan bir doku kavram zerinden yrtlmtr. Bu sayede insancl
bir lek yakalanm, ak ve kapal alanlarda eitlilik salanmtr.





yksek lisans



restoration studio


Raci Bayer . Burcu Can . Asl Candan . enay Diner . Duygu Ergen . Il Ertosun . Leyla Etyemez . zge Gnc . Orhan Mete Ikolu . Esra Karata
Bra Kul . zge Mutlu . Onur Oru . Esra renba . Buket an . Muradiye imek . Zeynep Tuna . Frat Tuncer . Merve Yazc . zge Yurtsevenler


Rest 507 Design in Urban Conservation

Neriman ahin Ghan + Gliz Bilgin Altnz + Zeki Kamil lkenli + Mert Nezih Rifaiolu
Students: B. Can + A. Candan + I. Ertosun + L. Etyemez + . Gnc + E. Karata + B. Kul
. Mutlu + E. renba + B. an + Z. Tuna + H. F. Tuncer + M. Yazc + . Yurtsevenler
A Project for Preparation of Bergama Conservation and Management Plan

The aim of the design studio is to introduce students to the conservation and development process of a historic environment with a manner of a
systematic and contemporary approach to urban conservation. In the fall semester, the design problem focused on Bergama, which is a multi-layered
historic settlement having conservation problems in different scales. From the Hellenistic era onwards, the town has been continuously inhabited.
It possesses the traces and the remains of different periods within its contemporary urban form. Today, in the current town, there are different
conservation areas such as, 1st, 2nd and 3rd degree Archaeological Sites, Urban Archaeological Site in different zones. The project covered:

the definition of general characteristic of Bergama through library and archival research,

survey and analysis of the physical, social, economic, and visual characteristics of the site in different scales,

assessment of architectural and environmental values, problems, potentials of historic and new buildings,

principles of interventions both in site and building scales,

decisions for conservation, rehabilitation and re-functioning of buildings according to intervention necessities, priorities,

definition of the criteria for the design of new buildings,

preparation of a Conservation Management Plan by defining the conservation, rehabilitation and development decisions, stages of
implementation, roles and responsibilities, financial sources and organization scheme,

Design proposals in different scales for problem areas within the historic tissue.
In the final stage, due to the content and the scope of the projects, the design proposals for the specific problem areas are prepared by 3 groups. Due to
the interdisciplinary study carried out in the studio, in the research, analysis and evaluation phases of the project, Bergama was analyzed and evaluated
from macro to micro scale, original and distinctive evaluations are made about the properties of the archaeological edifices and historic urban tissue
of Bergama. Similarly, significant evaluations are made on the construction techniques and architectural properties of the historical buildings. In the
decision stage, principles of the development and regeneration of urban tissue and generator project areas are identified; comprehensive decisions are
made for the detailed study area, which is a part of the settlement through the preparation of Conservation Management Plan.

Bergama Koruma ve Ynetim Plan nerisi

Tasarm stdyosu, seilmi bir rnekleme alan zerinden rencileri kentsel koruma konusunda sistematik ve gncel yaklamlarla tantrarak, tarihi
evrenin koruma ve ynetim plann tasarlamay amalamaktadr. Gz dneminde, farkl leklerde koruma sorunlar ieren ok katmanl bir kent olan
Bergama seilmitir. Helenistik dnemden gnmze kadar yerleilmi olan Bergama, farkl dnemlerin kalnt ve izlerini gnmz kentsel yerleiminin
iinde bulundurmaktadr. Gnmzde Bergamada kentin farkl blgelerinde; 1., 2. ve 3. Derece Arkeolojik Sit Alanlar ile Kentsel Arkeolojik Sit Alan
bulunmaktadr. Projenin ierii aada sralanmaktadr:

ktphane ve ariv aratrmas ile Bergamann genel zelliklerinin tanmlanmas,

alann fiziksel, sosyal, ekonomik ve grsel zelliklerinin farkl leklerde saptanmas ve analizi,

tarihi ve yeni yaplarn mimari ve evresel deer, sorun ve potansiyellerinin belirlenmesi,

alan ve yap leinde mdahale ilkelerinin saptanmas,

yaplarn mdahale gerekliliklerine, trlerine ve nceliklerine gre koruma, salklatrma ve yeniden ilevlendirme kararlarnn verilmesi

yeni yap kriterlerinin tanmlanmas,

koruma, salklatrma ve gelime kararlar ile mdahale aamalar, sorumluluklar, kaynaklar ve organizasyon emasn ieren Koruma ve
Ynetim Plannn hazrlanmas,

tarihi doku iinde saptanan problem alanlar iin farkl leklerde tasarm nerilerinin gelitirilmesini kapsamtr
Projenin ierik ve kapsam grup almasn gerektirdiinden, son aamada renciler 3 grup halinde belirlenen problem alanlarna tasarm nerileri
gelitirmilerdir. Projenin aratrma, analiz ve deerlendirme aamalarnda, stdyodaki disiplinleraras alma sayesinde makro lekten mikro lee
Bergama analiz edilmi ve deerlendirilmi, Bergamann arkeolojik kalnt ve geleneksel dokusunun zelliklerine ilikin zgn karmlara ulalmtr.
Ayn ekilde geleneksel yaplarn yapm teknii ve mimari zelliklerine ilikin de ayrntl deerlendirmeler yaplmtr. Projenin karar aamasnda ise
yerleimin bir blm iin kentsel dokunun salkl dnme ilikin ilkeler ve jeneratr proje alanlar saptanm, Koruma ve Ynetim Plan hazrlanarak
yerleimin bir blm iin ayrntl kararlar gelitirilmitir.





evaluation + decisions




project areas

Rest 506 Design in Architectural Conservation

Ayl Yavuz + Nimet zgnl + Pnar Ayka

Students: A. Candan + I. Ertosun + L. Etyemez + . Gnc + B. Kul + . Mutlu + O. Oru
E. renba + M. imek

Rest 509 Workshop in Conservation II

Emine Caner Saltk + Tamer Topal (Jeological Eng.) + Neriman ahin Ghan
Ahmet Trer (Civil Eng.) + Aye Tavukuolu + Gze Akolu
Students: . R. Bayer + A. . Diner + D. Ergen + O. M. Ikolu + . Yurtsevenler
Restoration and Conservation Project of Bergama Tabaklar Hamam
In the spring semester, REST 506: Design in Architectural Conservation is carried out together with interdisciplinary workshop REST 509: Workshop
in Conservation II. The students of REST 506 are nine architects, and of REST 509 are two civil engineers, one geological engineer, one archaeologist,
and a chemist. The aim is to prepare a conservation and restoration project of a historic building. The project has mainly four stages, which are
documentation-analysis, historical research-comparative study, restitution and restoration. The documentation and analysis stage aims to give a
comprehensive understanding of the methods and techniques of measured survey, graphical, visual, verbal documentation. In the analysis stage,
the students are expected to analyze different aspects of the building such as material, material deterioration and structural deformation, construction
technique, structural system. Historical research and comparative study stage covers historical research by means of different sources related to
the settlement, building, similar buildings; and comparative study includes the investigation of similar building types for the general evaluation of
the historic building. Restitution stage covers the identification of historical periods of the buildings and the preparation of restitution projects. In
the restoration stage, the students are expected to prepare individual conservation and restoration project by understanding the values, problems
and potentials of the historic building. Bergama Tabaklar Hamam is selected for the preparation of a conservation and restoration project. The town
was continuously inhabited from the Hellenistic period onwards in Roman, Byzantine, Principalities and Ottoman periods. Tabaklar Hamam is a bath
building which was built across Bergama Great Mosque in the 15th century on the Hellenistic/ Roman ruins and severely damaged by the flood in
1842. The building has soukluk, lklk and scaklk sections and the water tank but the klhan section is demolished. The southern and western part
of the building is covered by new houses which are poor in quality.

Bergama Tabaklar Hamam Restorasyon ve Koruma Projesi

Bahar dneminde, REST 506: Design in Architectural Conservation stdyosu, interdisipliner bir atlye olan REST 509: Workshop in Conservation
II dersi ile paralel olarak yrtlmtr. REST 506 dersinde dokuz mimar, REST 509 dersinde iki inaat mhendisi, bir jeolog, bir arkeolog ve bir
kimyac bulunmaktadr. Tasarm stdyosunun amac, tarihi bir yapnn koruma ve restorasyon projesini hazrlamay amalamaktadr. Proje, belgelemeanaliz, tarihi aratrma-karlatrmal alma, restitsyon ve restorasyon olmak zere drt aamadan olumaktadr. Belgeleme, rlve teknik ve
yntemleri ile grafik, grsel ve szl belgelemenin anlalmasn amalar. Analiz ksmnda ise rencilerden yapnn malzeme, strktr ve malzemeye
ynelik bozulma ve deformasyonlar, yapm teknii ve strktrel sistem gibi farkl zellikleri analiz etmeleri beklenmektedir. Tarihi aratrma, yerleim,
yap ve benzer yaplarla ilgili bilgilerin deerlendirilmesi; karlatrmal alma ise, blgedeki benzer yap tiplerinin incelenmesi sonucunda yapnn
deerlendirilmesini ierir. Restitsyon aamasnda, yapnn farkl tarihi dnemlerinin tanmlanmas ve bu dnemler iin restitsyon projelerinin
hazrlanmaktadr. Restorasyon aamasnda ise, her renci bireysel olarak yapnn deer, sorun ve potansiyellerini belirleyerek, yapnn korunmas
ve restorasyonuna ynelik neriler gelitirmektedir. Stdyonun amacna ynelik olarak, Bergamadaki Tabaklar Hamamnn koruma ve restorasyon
projesi hazrlanmtr. Helenistik dnemden balayarak Roma, Bizans, Beylikler ve Osmanl dnemlerinde kentte yerleim devam etmitir. Bergama
Ulucamisinin karsnda konumlanan Tabaklar Hamam, 15. yzyla tarihlenmektedir. Hamam, Helenistik ve Roma kalntlarnn zerinde oturmaktadr
ve 1842 ylndaki selde byk zarar grmtr. Soukluk, lklk, scaklk ve su deposu ayakta olan hamamn klhan blm yklmtr. Hamamn gney
ve bat cephesi yeni ve niteliksiz evler nedeniyle alglanmamaktadr.


measured drawings

material analyses


material deterioration analyses

material experiments and structural analyses


historical periods of Tabaklar Hamam

restitution drawings of the 4th period


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