Metu Studios 08-09 Web
Metu Studios 08-09 Web
Metu Studios 08-09 Web
sponsored by
Editor / Editr: Berin F. Gr | Graphic Design / Grafik Tasarm: Berin F. Gr, Onur zko, Esin Kmez, Caner ktem
Photography Credits / Fotoraflar: Esatcan Cokun, Onur zko | photography archives of / fotoraf arivleri: Aydan Balamir, Cn Bilsel, Leyla Etyemez, Gnl Evyapan, Gven Arif Sargn, Haluk Zelef
contact / iletiim:
Middle East Technical University
Faculty of Architecture
Department of Architecture
nn Bulvar / 06531 / ANKARA / TURKEY
Orta Dou Teknik niversitesi
Mimarlk Fakltesi
Mimarlk Blm
nn Bulvar / 06531 / ANKARA
T: +90 312 210 22 03
F: +90 312 210 79 66
E: [email protected]
Printed by / Bask: Ajanstrk
December / Aralk 2009
Ankara, TURKEY
Editors Note / Editrn Notu
Berin F. Gr
odt|mimari tasarm stdyolarnn bu says, 2008-2009 akademik dnemi lisans ve yksek lisans renci almalarndan seilmi
rnekleri derlemektedir. kinci saydan balayarak, odt|mimari tasarm stdyolar tasarm eitimine nemli katklarda bulunmu
stdyo retim elemanlar tarafndan yazlan metinleri yaynlamaktadr. Bu metinler, renciler ve retim elemanlar arasnda retken bir
iletiimin aralar olarak, tasarm eitimi problemine odaklanr ve eitimin eitli boyutlar zerinde dnce retip stdyo almalarnn
deerlendirilmesi ve tartlmas iin zemin hazrlamaktadrlar.
Bu sayya, Gnl Aslanolu-Evyapan ve Kemal Aran hocalarmz yazlaryla katkda bulundular. Aslanolu-Evyapan ve Aran kendilerini
mimarla ve eitimine adam, ODTde mimari tasarm eitiminin yaplanmas ve kurumsallamasnda nemli rol stlenen retim
elemanlarmz arasndadrlar. Onlarn katklar, elinizdeki bu yayn yolu ile eitsel, eletirel ve belge niteliinde bir iletiim ortam hazrlama
abalarmz desteklemekte olduu iin de ok deerlidir. Gnl Aslanolu-Evyapan ve Kemal Arana, yazlaryla eitime yapm olduklar
katklarndan dolay hem rencileri hem de meslektalar olarak minnettarm.
Tasarmlarnda geometriyi ustaca kullanan Gnl Aslanolu-Evyapan, stdyo tartmalarnda biim yaratma eylemini mekan, strktr
ve balam arasndaki ilikilerin kurulmas olarak tarifler. Bu saydaki yazsnda, renci, stdyo hocas ve mimar olarak kendi gzlem ve
deneyimlerini aktarmaktadr. Bu gzlem ve deneyimler sadece mimar olma yolunda ilerleyen rencilere yol gstermek ile kalmamakta,
kurumsal belleimizin oluturulmasna da katkda bulunmaktadrlar.
kinci yl stdyosunda rencisiyken, Kemal Aran bizlere, iyi ileyen bir proje yaparsanz iyi bir CC alrsnz, fakat daha baka bir ey
olmal derdi. Aran bu saydaki yazsnda, tasarlama eylemini ve baka bir eyi gerekletirmeyi salayacak tasarlamann dnsel ve
sezgisel yanlarn tartmaktadr.
Bu saynn basma hazrlanmas ii, meslektalarmz Aratrma Grevlileri Onur zko ve Esin Kmez ile mezunumuz, Mimar Caner
ktemin zverili abalar olmadan gerekleemezdi. Kendilerine teekkrlerimi sunuyorum.
Berin F. Gr (Y. Do. Dr, ODT)
5 5
ODT Mimarlk Fakltesi Mimarlk Blmnn Trkiyedeki mimarlk eitimi evrimi iindeki yerinin anlalmas iin bu
kurumun ilk yllarn tanmaya almak gerek. lk dnem rencilerinden biri olarak ben de tantma misyonunu tayor olmalym.
ODT 1956 1957 retim ylnda Orta Dou Teknik Enstits adyla ve Mimarlk Blmyle balad. kinci yarylda Makine
Mhendislii, sonraki yl dari Bilimler ve naat Mhendislii Blmleriyle devam etti. Ben Mimarlk Blmne 1957-1958 retim
ylnda baladm.
Aslnda amacm stanbuldaki Teknik niversite ya da Akademide okumakt. Ancak ilk yl rencilerinden olan ablam nci
Aslanolunu ziyaretlerimde alma ortamndan ok etkilendim. Bakanlklar kampus kysnda imdi yklm eski Emekli Sand binas,
derslikler, stdyo, renci yurdu ve hatta Dekan Thomas Godfreynin lojmann barndrmaktayd. Ankara Koleji son snf rencisiydim;
arada bir urardm. zellikle gece 23te sona eren ske problem lerin teslimi srasnda birka kez bulundum. Kemal Arann derin
ve incelikli dncelerini, Doruk Pamirin ilek, gsterili, velt almalarn izledim. Arkovan gibi alan stdyo beni byledi ve
heveslendirdi. Allmn dndaki bu eitim ortamnda bulunmay ben de istedim. Mimarlk servenim bylece balad.
Orta Dou Mimarlk Blmn, o zamanki dier mimarlk eitimi kurumlarndan ayran en nemli zellik, Marvin Sevelynin
Temel Tasarm dersiydi sanrm. Yllar sonra Pennsylvania niversitesinden aldm referansla ABDde mimarlk eitimi veren kurumlar
ziyaretim srasnda, MITde Bauhausun nemli isimlerinden Gyorgy Kepes ile tantm. Kepes temel tasarmn amacn yle zetledi:
Tm nyarglar krmak, olaylara baka bir gzle bakarak taze bir yaklam kazandrmak.
ODTdeki mimarlk eitimini ayrcalkl klan ve eitim felsefesini ekillendiren bu temel tasarm konusudur.
Bak asndaki radikal farkllklar ve bombardman biiminde yrtlen temel eitimin yararlarn yllar iinde takdir ettik.
Belirli ilkelerin ve yaklamlarn zamanla anlalyor olmas baka konular iin de geerli. rnein, strktr derslerinde formller,
moment diyagramlar retildiinde, ileride kullanmayacam ki, diye dnebiliyorsunuz. Bir zaman sonra bakyorsunuz ki, bunlar
size strktrel duyarllk kazandrm. Projenizin statiini mhendis gibi hesabi olarak zemiyorsunuz ama, yapnn ayakta nasl
duracan, bunun yntemini biliyorsunuz. Mimarlk tasarmnda el aletleriniz olacak duyarllklar kazandrma, tarih, tesisat, aklnza
gelecek her ders iin geerli.
rnek olarak, renciliimizin ikinci ylnda William Cox strktrel duyarllk kazandracak yle bir proje vermiti; bcek, ku,
ylan, aa vb. bir organizma incelenecek. Hatta canl olma zorunluluu da yoktu. Ben konik kesitleri semitim. Strktrel prensipler
kefedilecek; kuun hafif olup uabilmesi iin kemiklerinin bo oluu gibi. Tamamen nyargsz, projede nasl kullanrm dnmeden,
yapsal ilkeler irdelenip bir rapor hazrlanacak. Bylece uygulanaca konudan bamsz ortaya karlan strktrel sonular tasarm
girdisi olarak kullanlacak.
Baka bir rnek; nc ylda Joe Jordan strktrle tesisatn uyumlu zmn hedefleyen, tesisatn dey ve yatay
dalmnn strktrle ilikin, gzlerden rak donatmn salayacak bir sistem gelitirip projemizde uygulamamz istedi. Tasarm girdisi
olarak byle bir tema, meslek hayatm boyunca benimle kalmtr.
zetle; 50 ve 60lardaki eitimimizde, aklc tasarm girdileri birer tema olarak vurgulanm; rencinin yaratclna bu yolla
ivme vermeye uralmt. Yani hem aklc, hem yaratc bir tasarmc olmamz beklenmiti.
O dnemdeki yabanc hocalarmz Godfrey, Sevely, Cox, Jordan kurulu aamasndaki bir okulda olmaktan, Trkiyede
olmaktan mutluydular ve evkle alp iyi bir eitim ortam oluturmulard. Sevely Harvardda Gropiusun rencisi olmutu ve bu
yolla Bauhaus temeli olan biriydi. Bylece biz de bu ok nemli tasarm devrimini ikinci elden yaadk. Bu dnemin bugn daha iyi
tannp ondan yararlanlmas gerekir diye dnyorum. Bauhaus tasarmcya felsefi derinlii olan ama sert disiplinler vazeder. Tasarm
adeta bir dindir, ulvi bir uratr. Tasarmc bu uraa adanmtr.
Eitimimizde bizden de en st dzeyi hedeflememiz bekleniyordu. Bu bazan yapabileceimizin fevkinde bir standard anlamna
gelebiliyordu. Kendini Tanrya adam keiten insanst feragatler beklenmesi gibi. Eitimimizde tasarmc, Bauhausun adanm
tasarmcsyd ve n plandayd.
70lerde nerilen metod uygulamasyla tasarm yaklam ise baarol tasarmcya deil, adeta bir robota vermekteydi. Bu
kuru ve kat yolun yeise kaplan baarsz tasarmclarca nerildii ve dayatld kansndaym.
Deneyimim o ki tasarmda yaratclkla, ya da o tarif edilemeyen / llemeyen girdi ile ar ii emei birlikte yrr. Kl krk
yararak muhakeme edebilmek, srekli tartmak, yol boyunca sadaki, soldaki fikirleri rterek en doruya varmak. Bunlar 70lerin
metodcular gibi tek tek satrlara dkmeyebilirsiniz; hatta dkmezseniz daha iyidir. Yldrm hzyla akldan geen fikirlerin her aamasn
ayrt edip saptamak bu sreci yavalatr ve savsaklar. Akla gvenmek gerek; insan beyni en gelimi alet.
Balangta eitimimizdeki dnsz standard biz de rencilerimizden bekledik. Sonraki deneyimlerim gsterdi ki, herkes
star mimar olamaz; olmas da gerekmiyor. Star mimar deyimi zaten bana hi de iyi eyler artrmyor. Nitekim, star mimar
addedilmek uruna gnmzde gerek mimarlk deerlerinden uzaklaldn ibretle izliyoruz. Bu gibi rneklerde, ne o mimarln tarif
edilemeyen kalc deerleri var, ne de metodcularn katlnn getirdii disiplin. Ama bu tartlmas gereken apayr bir konu.
Parlak mimar olamad iin mutsuz ok kii tandm. rnein 70lerin hrn metodcular iyi tasarmc olamamann verdii
hayal krklnn intikamn mimarln geliimine sekte vurarak aldlar. Ne ironiktir ki gnmzn star mimar mimarl bu kat
metodculua bakaldrnn ve rahatlamann farkl ifadeleri olarak ortaya kyor.
Konuya dnersek, Pennsylvania niversitesi Yksek Lisans Programnda her yerden gelen bro sahibi mimar snf arkadalarm
vard. Louis Kahnn stdyosunda, o zamana kadar uyguladklarnn sfrlandn grerek bunalma dtler. Proje nerilerini kabul
ettirmek iin Mr. Kahnla tartmalara girdiler. Oysa konu, yaptn tasdik ettirmek deil, o byk ustay dinlemekten ibaretti.
Aslolan kiinin snrlarn kefedip, o snrlar iinde yapabileceinin en iyisini yapmasdr diye dnyorum. Her renci
projesinde, kendisinin farknda bile olmad, parlak saylabilecek bir nokta arayp buluyorum; bunu vurgulayarak ilerlemeye tevik
rencilik yllarmzda, her ne kadar zorlu keiflerle, denemelerle geliime ynlendirildiysek de, ikinci ve nc yllarda
projenin belirli bir aamasnda, Cox ve Jordan bize izerek yol gstermilerdir. Deneyimsiz rencilere hereyi git, kefet demenin
yarar olmuyor. Yol gstereceksiniz ki ilerideki projelerde o balamda kendi zmlerini bulacak deneyimi kazansnlar. Sonra da benim
gidip Louis Kahn bulup dinlediim gibi, zaman gelince kendi ustalarn bulsunlar ve dinlesinler.
Esasen rencilik, mimarlk ortamnda el yordamyla yoklamadan ibaret. rencilere yollar gsterip, ileride deneyimle, ve
ok ansllarsa, gerek bir usta yannda raklk ederek mimar olacaklardr diye bakyorum.
Gnl Aslanolu Evyapan. Ekim 2009
Niyet edilen amalar ya da sezmeye dayal ngrmler, sorgulanmadan kabul edilseler de, mantkl olabilir ya da
olmayabilirler. Sezmek erki olaanst bir davran sergileyen paranoid bir kiide de en uta izlenen bir olgu. Paranoid btn
insanlarn kendisine kar olumsuz davrand ngrmn tekrarlayabilir. Mantksz ve sahte de olsa, onun ngrmleri zerine
ina ettii dnme sreleri dikkate deerdir; ve, sezmeye rnektir. Kendi evham tezini kantlamak iin inandrc gzlemlerinde ve
mantkl kurgularnda, onun ngrd samal kabul etmemek kolay olmaz. Sradan sezgisel karmlar tasarlama srelerine
uyarlamak, salksz bir fenomen ile de snrl deildir.
Sezgisel davran genel bir davran biimidir; bunu mu demek istiyorsun?
Evet!.. Pratik bir problemi zme srasnda, fenomenin tabiatn ya da niteliini dnme giriiminde bulunmakszn, sezgi
erkimiz kendi bana fenomenin niceliksel ve yzeysel zellikleriyle ivedi olarak aresiz ilgilenir!
Dnmek derinlik ieriyor; yani, eylerin ve srelerin esasna erien nc bir boyutu kapsamakta. Dnme yaamn
pratik amalarndan kopmamal, ayrlmamal, ama ivedi etkinlik iin sradan bir ara da olmamal. Dnmenin fonksiyonu: Bilmek,
anlamak, kavramak ve kiiyi eylere kapsaml bir anlayla ilikilendirmek olmal. O, eylerin esasn, sakl ilikilerini ve derin anlamlarn
kefetmek iin eylerin yzeylerinden derinliklerine ulamal. Dnme iki boyutlu deil, Nietzschenin dedii gibi perspektifsel
olmal; yani, o sadece pratik balamda olanlar deil, dnlebilecek btn perspektifleri ve boyutlar yakalamal. eylerin esas ile ilgili
olmak, eylerin tesindeki birey ile ilgili olmak anlamnda deil, esasndaki ile, trsel ve evrensel ile, fenomenin yzeysel ve esasa
ait olmayan zelliklerinden arnm en genel ve trsel ierikleryle ilgili olmaktr.
kar ve Sorumlu Katlm
Verimli dnmek srasnda zne nesnesine kaytsz olmamal; zne nesnesinden etkilenmeli ve ona ilgi duymaldr. Nesne,
cansz birey ya da kiinin kendisinden ve yaamndan ayrk ya da kopuk birey olarak deneyimlenmemeli; aksine, zne nesnesi ile
derinden ilgilenmeli ve bu iliki yakn olmal ki, kiinin dnmesi de o kadar verimli olsun.
Desene sorgulayan-yapan, kendisi ve nesnesi ya da tasarm program arasndaki hakiki ilikiyi kursun ve dncesini
harekete geirsin!..
Doru ifade ediyorsun.
Kii iin bir dier kii ya da nesne, ya da herhangi fenomen bir dnce nesnesi olursa o, bireysel yaam ya da insanvaroluu-bak-asndan balamsal olan bir kar ve sorumluluk katlm ya da bir ortaklk nesnesi olur.
Verimli dnme srecinde, dnrn nesnesinde gzettii kar onu harekete geirmelidir; o, nesnesinden etkilenmeli ve
ona tepkide de bulunmaldr; ona zen gstermeli ve karln vermelidir. Ancak verimli dnme, nesnellik tarafndan da, dnrn
nesnesine olan saygsnca da, dnrn nesnesini kendi istedii gibi grmesi ile deil, nesnesinin olduu gibi grnmesiyle de
tanmlanmaldr. Nesnellik ve znellik arasndaki bu kutupsallama genellikle verimlilikte olduu gibi verimli dnmenin de niteliidir.
11 11
Gzlemlediimiz eylere sayg duyduumuzda, tarafszlk olasdr; yani, onlar esiz ve balamsallklar iinde grmeye
kabiliyetli isek, tarafszlk olasdr. Bu sayg: Sevgi balamnda sz edilen saygdan esasta farkl deildir; bireyi anlamak istiyorsak
onu kendi tabiatna ilikide, varolduu gibi grmeye kabiliyetli olmalyz. Bu, dnlen btn nesneler iin dorudur, insan tabiatnn
incelenmesinde de bu durum zel bir problem oluturur.
Tarafsz olma, canl ya da cansz, nesneler hakknda verimli dnmenin srdrlyor olmasdr; yani, bir fenomendeki
canl yada cansz nesneleri ayrmadan btn grmek esas olmal. ayet gzlemci nesnesinin btne balamsalln grmeden, bir
zelliini irdeliyorsa, incelemekte olduu o bir zellii de doru drst anlayamaz. Bu konu, Wertheimere gre ekseriya u tabiattadr:
Gerek bir anlay elde etmek istei doduunda sorgulama ve aratrma balar. Aratrma alanndaki belirli bir blge can alc olur,
ona odaklanlr; ama o tek bir bana ayr dm saylmaz. Aratrmada, daha derin, yeni bir yapsal (strktrel) bak asna,
paralarn fonksiyonel anlamlar, gruplamalar iindeki deiiklikler ierilerek giriilir. Bu can alc blge iin, bir durumun yapsnca
(strktrnce) istenilenin ynlendirmesi olarak, kii mantksal bir ngrme ynelir. Yapdaki (strktrdeki) dier paralar gibi bu,
dorudan ya da dolayl dorulanmay ister. ki ynlenme ierilmektedir: Birincisi, btnsel bir tutarl resmi elde etmek; ikincisi, btn
oluturan yapnn (strktrn) paralarndan neyi istediini grmek.
Wertheimerin szn ettii eyin Formun (biim, kalp) idrak edilmesi ile bir ilikisi var m?
Var tabii!.. Wartheimer aadaki emay dorular ynde aklama yapm!..
. (biim, kalp) .
Form: Birbirinden ayrlmaz paralarn insan zihninde idrak edilmesidir. Aklda, akkan bir ortamda, llemez olan Formun
ifade edilmesi sonsuz potansiyele sahiptir.
Wertheimerin btnsel bir tutarl resmi elde etmek dedii ey de, Form oluyor, deil mi?
Herhalde, yle!
Tarafszlk nesneyi sadece olduu gibi grmeyi deil, kiinin kendisini de bir birey olarak grmesini ister; rnein, kiinin
gzledii nesneye ilikisinde, bir gzlemci olarak, kendisinin iinde bulunduu belirgin fenomenin bilincinde olmasn ister. Dolaysyla
verimli dnme, nesnenin tabiat tarafndan olduu kadar dnme sresi iinde nesnesine kendisini ilikilendiren znenin tabiat
tarafndan da tanmlanr. Bu iki tarafl tanmlan, dnmenin nesnece kontrol edilmedii gibi, nyargya, hevesli sezgiye, fantaziye
doru yozlaan sahte bir znelliin de aksine, gerek nesnellii oluturur. Ancak, tarafsz olmak, ekseriya, ayrk olmak ile eanlaml
olan kar ve sorumlu katlmdan ya da zenden yoksun bilimsel tarafszln sahte bir fikrinde ima edildii gibi de deildir. eylerin
maskelenmi sathlarna, nesnelliklerine ve ilikilerine, bir kar ve sorumluluk katlm olmakszn kii nasl nfuz edebilsin? kar ve
sorumluluk katlmna referansl olmadan, soruturmann amalar kesin, ak, ve zl nasl ifade edilebilir?
Tarafszlk ilgisizlik anlamna gelmez, o sayg anlamna geliyor; yani, eyleri, kiileri ve kiinin kendisini olduundan baka
gstermemek ve sahteletirmemek kabiliyetidir. Ancak, gzlemcideki znel faktr, onun kar ve sorumlu katlm davran, arzu
edilen sonulara ulama hatrna, gzlemcinin dnmesini olduundan baka gstermeye meyletmez mi? Kiisel kar ve sorumluluk
katlmnn yoksunluu bilimsel aratrmann koulu deil mi? Hakikati tanmak iin kar ve sorumlu katlmdan yoksun olunmas
fikri yanltcdr. Herhangi nemli bir bulu ya da bir eyin esasn kavray yoktur ki, dnrn kar ve sorumluluk katlm olmadan
balatlabilsin. Gerekte de, kar ve sorumluluk katlm olmadan dnme sonusuz ve anlamsz olur. Sz konusu olan bir kar ve
sorumlu katlmn olup olmamas deil, ne trde bir kar ve sorumlu katlmn olduudur ve oluacak olan hakikate onun ilikisinin ne
olduudur. Verimli dnmenin hepsi, gzlemcinin kar ve sorumlu katlmnca zendirilir. Fikirleri olduundan baka gsteren kar
ve sorumlu katlmn kendisi deil, sadece hakikat ile gzlem altndaki nesnenin tabiatn kefetmek ile uyumsuz kar ve sorumlu
Verimliliin, yaratltan, bir insan yetenei olduu ifadesi, insann doas gerei tembel olduu ve insann etkin olmas
iin zorlanmas gerektii fikri ile elimektedir. Bu, eski bir varsaymdr. Musa peygamber Firavundan, lde tanrya tapsnlar diye
Yahudilerin gitmelerini istemesi zerine, Firavunun yant: Siz tembelsiniz, tembellikten baka hibirey yapmazsnz olmutu. Firavun
iin esir emei, bireylerin yaplmas anlamna geliyordu; Tanrya tapma tembellikti. Ayn fikir, dier insanlarn emeinden yararlanmak
isteyen herkes tarafndan benimsenmitir ve verimlilik asndan fayda salamamtr.
Bat kltr, bu bak asndan tam kart olan iin, delil sunmu grnmnde. Son birka yzyldan beri Bat insan,
i-yapma, ve srekli etkinlik gereksinimi fikrini aklndan silemiyor. O, herhangi bir sre iin tembellik yapmaya yeteneksiz. Bu tezat
sadece grnrdedir. Tembellik ve zorunlu etkinlik kart kavramlar deiller, onlar insann doru dzgn ileyiini rahatsz eden iki
belirti oluyorlar. Sinir hastas bireyde i-yapma, uyum yapm kiide de huzur ve sknetten haz alma, kabiliyetsizliini belirti olarak
gryoruz. Zorunlu etkinlik, tembelliin kart olmasa da onun tamamlaycs; herikisinin kart da verimlilik oluyor.
Verimli etkinliin sakatlanmas, ya etkinsizlikle ya da ar etkinlikle sonulanyor. A braklmak ve eziyet edilmek verimli
etkinliin koullar olamaz. Aksine, zgrlk, ekonomik gven ve bir toplumsal rgtlenme iinde i-yapma, kendi glerini verimli
kullanmak iin, insann doal yeteneinin ifade bulmasn ynlendiren faktrler. Verimli i, sevgi, ve dnme, sadece, ayet bir kii
gerektiinde kendi kendisiyle sknette ve tek bana olabilirse olasdr. Kiinin kendisini dinleme kabiliyeti, dierlerini dinleme kabiliyeti
iin nasl bir nkoulsa, kendisini iyi bilmesi de, kendisini dierlerine ilikilendirmek iin zorunlu bir kouldur.
Kendi Olmas ve Kendisi in nsana Eitim dediin de, bu mu?
Evet bu!
Kemal Aran. 25 Nisan 2009
Fromm, Erich. Man for Himself: An Iquiry into the Psychology of Ethics. New York: Rinehart and Comp., 1947.
Werheimer, Max. Productive Thinking. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1945.
13 13
Melih Emre Acar . Kadir Akar . Havva Sedef Akarslan . Emin Kaya Albayrak . lke Alpay . Asl Arda . Burcu Ate . Nihan Avc . Dauren Baimurzin . Gizem
Bayar . Gke Bayat . Renato Bici . Aise Chasan . Semiha Deniz Cokun . Bnyamin am . Erturul Danac . Ceren Demircan . Aysun Deniz . Nooran
Diaaldein . Cem Dursun . Cihan Eilmez . Asl Ekiztepe . Melike Emerce . Duygu Ergner . Eyp Fatih Erkan . Bahtiyar Gelyagil . Mmine Gerek . Maryam
Ghazyani . Ekrem Glllk . Gizem er . Seda Kaplan . Mehmet Koray Karagz . brahim Karaman . Dicle Kaya . Blent Kaya . Pnar Kesim . Hseyin Hilmi
Kezer . Nilfer Kzlkaya . Kamala Koniyeva . Cansn Didem Kunter . Ahmet Kurnaz . Salih Kaan Mazlum . Kseniya Mogylevska . Orhun Kerem Nas . Ina
Osmani . Mustafa ncl . Samet zdem . zlem zdener . Aydn zgne . Selen Pasinli . Yasemin Poyraz . Anl Sakaryal . pek Sar . Selda Saylgan
Pelin Serbes . Zeynep Seyhan . Ali Arsalan Pasha Sddqui . Ali Sinan . Sarp Tosun . Bennu Tun . Fulya Tutarl . Elvan Hazal Trkylmaz . Serap Tzen
Merve Usta . Nazl Nuran Yankz . Rustam Yarash . Dicle Yazc . Gkhan Yldrm . Ayenur Ylmaz . rfan Zejnulahu
abbas riazibeidokhti
exercise 3
kseniya mogylevska
mustafa ncl
exercise 5
maryam ghazyani
exercise 6
maryam ghazyani
kamala koniyeva
hayri drtdivanlolu
exercise 7
exercise 8
ali sinan
exercise 3-5-6-7-8
al cesur
kamala koniyeva
nooran diaaldein
exercise 9
melike emerce
yasemin poyraz
exercise 9-10-12
exercise 10
exercise 12
gke bayat
exercise 13
ali sinan
ilke alpay
exercise 14
ali sinan
cem dursun
exercise 16
bennu tun
kamala koniyeva
rustam yarash
exercise 13-14-15-16
exercise 15
zeynep seyhan
renato bici
erturul danac
exercise 17
yasemin poyraz
merve usta
dicle yazc
exercise 17
gke bayat
Design of an additive flexible filing system to accommodate not only the previous semesters works, but also the oncoming undergraduate works of the
student was an initial exercise. The objectdesign required integration of a 2-D layout system for the visual and verbal material.
Studies were done to experience compressive and tensile forces. Construction of a polyhedron with hexagonal and pentagonal planes was a step in
demonstrating the transition to geodesic frame by translation of the mutual edges of the planes into bars under pure tension or compression, and
triangulation. The students constructed a geodesic dome using this polyhedral geometry. For Exercises 6 and 7 they constructed geodesic spheres
based on icosahedron.
Tension Structure within Geodesic Structure I. Volume within a Volume / Exercise 6 asked for a volume to be defined by a cable network under
tension, within the volume already defined by the geodesic sphere.
Tension Structure within Geodesic Structure II. Volume Modulated by a Membrane / In Exercise 7 the volume defined by the geodesic sphere would
be modulated by a tautly stretched-out membrane that would have itsdimensions and shape determined by the student.
The next theme of studies was the anthropometry of the human body, bodily posture and bodily action. Each of the groups of students formed was to
specify a thematic human posture and produce a scale model of a student who would take that posture.
Exhibiting Human Postures / Exercise 9 asked from each group to design a spatial correlate of the model produced. The definition and structure of
this space, which would accommodate the model, would be realized by wire-mesh and a polyhedral frame that would be designed in correlation with
their interpretation of the characteristic gesture in the posture. They would consider in design the location that they would choose for display in the
Faculty Building.
Retreat for a Musician / A rehearsal space for a musician either a cellist, an harpist, or a percussionist, choice of which was left to the student ,
who requires solitude and concentration while working, was asked to be designed in Exercise 10. The size of the space would approximate 20m. The
geometric principles and discipline to guide the articulation of this space would be derived from an analysis of the instrument played by the musician.
rencinin bir nceki dnem ve gelecekteki lisans almalarn ierecek eklemeli esnek bir portfy tasarm ilk altrmalardan biri oldu. Nesnenin
tasarm, grsel ve szel malzeme iin iki boyutlu sayfa-dzen sistemini de beraberinde gerektiriyordu.
Basn ve germe glerinin deneyimlendii altrmalar yapld. Dzgn altgen ve dzgn begen yzeylerden oluan bir okyzl prizmann yaplmas,
yzeylerin ortak kenarlarnn germe veya basn altndaki ubuklara dnmesi ve genleme ile jeodesik ereveye geii gstermede bir adm
oldu. renciler, bu okyzl geometriyi kullanarak jeodesik kubbe ina ettiler. Altrma 6 ve 7 iin de dzgn onikiyzlden hareketle jeodesik kreler
Jeodesik Strktr iinde Gergi Strktr I. Uzam iinde Uzam / Altrma 6, jeodesik kre ierisinde, germe altndaki bir kablo a ile bir uzam
tanmlanmasn ngrd.
Jeodesik Strktr iinde Gergi Strktr II. Bir Zarla Uzamn Farkllatrlmas / Altrma 7de, jeodesik krenin tanmlad uzam, boyutlar ve
ekli renci tarafndan belirlenecek olan ve skca gerilen bir zar ile farkllatrlacakt.
almalarn bir sonraki ana konusu insan bedeni lme bilimi, bedensel duru ve bedensel eylem idi. Oluturulan renci gruplarndan herbiri, konusu
olan bir duru belirleyecek ve o duruu alacak olan rencilerden birinin lekli modelini retecekti.
Bedensel Durular Sergileme / Altrma 9 her gruptan, retilen modelin mekansal karlnn tasarlanmasn istedi. Modelin iinde yeralaca bu
mekann tanmn ve strktrn, rg-tel ve bedenin duruuntaki tipik hareketin yorumu koutunda tasarlanacak okyzl bir ereve gerekletirecekti.
Faklte Binasnda belirleyecekleri sergileme yeri tasarmda dnlecekti.
Bir Mzisyen iin zel alma Yeri / Altrma 10da, alrken sessizlik ve younlamak isteyen bir mzisyen iin elist, arp veya bir vurmal alg
sanats bir yinelemeli alma mekan tasarlanmas istendi. Mekann bykl yaklak 20 m olacakt. Bu mekann oluturulmasn ynlendirecek
geometrik ilke ve disiplin, mzisyenin ald aletin analizinden elde edilecekti.
exercise 2
exercise 3
sarp tosun
exercise 4
zeynep seyhan
exercise 2-3-4-5
exercise 5
pnar kesim
kamala koniyeva
exercise 7
gizem ier
ina osmani
bahtiyar gelyagil
gke bayat
kseniya mogylevska
cansn kunter
exercise 6-7
ali sinan
exercise 6
zeynep seyhan
exercise 10
kseniya mogylevska
kamala koniyeva
gke bayat
exercise 8-9-10
exercise 8 and 9
ayenur ylmaz
ilke alpay
kseniya mogylevska
nooran diaaldein
seda kaplan
Gerta Ajazi . Havva Sedef Akarslan . Sla Akman . mer Akyz . Doucan Alada . Ceyhun Ruhisu Altok . Fuat Deniz Arkan . Emine idem Asrav . Alp
Atamanalp . Arif Anl Ate . Melda Aydan . Serap Ayyzl . Didem Bahar . Gkhan Bapnar . Elif Dilan Bilgilier . Gkhan Bilgin . rem Senem Bykkoak
Suzan al Cesur . Selin oruh . Meral Cana Dai . ala Sebilay Demir. Grkem Demirok . Derya Dinel . Gksel Doan . mran Erdem Doruz . rem
Dkmeci . Hayri Drtdivanlolu . lyas Durmaz . Gke Ejder . Sadk Gkhan Ekinci . Glin Erbay . Duygu Erden . Ebru Eren . Umut Erhan . Duygu
Erkan Serdar Erien . Gnce Eingen . Yasemin Gizem Fillik . Fatih Gencr . Muhammed Cihat Gkek . zge Gm . Gke Deniz Gr . Tuba Grbz
Baak Kalfa . Deniz Dilan Kara . Burcu Karael . Hamza Utku Karakaya . Nisa Karg . Nermin Kele . Duygu Klner . Burcu Krcan . Egemen Berker Kzlcan
Feyyaz Kiyat . Mge Mansurolu . Yldz pek Mehmetolu . Sahra Mohammadi . mr Mutlu . Saliha Noyin . Ozan Obuz . Banu Odaba . Aye Oruolu
Coku Tayfun zdabak . Mehmet Doruk zdemir . Neris Saadet Parlak . Ece Peken . Abbas Riazibeidokhti . Aye Aybke Samast . Ezgi San . Erkut
Sancar . Ramazan Sar . Seda Sokullu . Naranbaatar Sukhbaatar . Baak imek . Murat Ta . Dicle Takn . Sreyya Topalolu . Ahmet Tuer Topuolu
Sidita Troshani . Ensar Temizel . Ariuntungalag Tsedendamba . Asl Tuncer . Zhre Uar . Emre Uur . Rovena Ushe . zel nsal . Erald Varaku . Bahar
Yaln . Nur Yaren . Duygu Ylmaz . eyda Ylmaz . Sdka Buket Zor
Objectives of the study: 1- To develop required skills to cope with design problems of small and medium scale buildings, 2- To initiate awareness
about the issue of energy efficiency and introduce basic principles, 3- To introduce fundamental principles of contemporary structures and construction
methods, 4- To encourage the critical, creative and imaginative thinking of the second year architectural students, when tackling with complex problems
of architecture. Individual subgroups are responsible to develop different scenarios in order to identify the daily living patterns of the greenhouse center.
The center includes a house, a greenhouse, a shopping unit, a workshop, and a very well controlled garden which has to be considered as an outdoor
living environment for the whole center. (approx. 750m2 closed area)
group 1
group 1
hayri drtdivanlolu
group 1
group 1
gnce eingen
Forming various voids within the long mass of the building, Eingen organizes
main components of the Toy Museum program. With this design idea, she
both provides them their individual spaces and also creates a fluent relation
between program elements and along the different levels. While the central
atrium connects the main exhibitions and social facilities and provides
spatial continuity with the neighboring Children Theatre, the east courtyard
creates a social node with its surrounding game hall and workshop spaces.
This organization schema is supported by a service wall, which is placed
throughout the long edge of the building and program elements.
With the idea of giving reference about the simplicity of theaters form,
Takn creates prisms for exhibition places projected from an abstract
formed shell. She placed them on a diagonal axis created in relation to
the main approach to the site. While exhibition galleries interrelate with
prisms at each level, social spaces such as game hall, workshops, and
caf are placed at the entrance level in a way to provide spatial continuity
between inside and outside.
group 1
murat ta
Ta, proje alannn ince uzun yapsyla uyumlu ktlesinin alak gnll
yapsna karn, yapya giri mekanlarn ieren ktleyi farkllatrarak
komu yaplarla iliki kurmakta ve yap iinde boluklar yaratarak, kotlar
arasndaki fiziksel ve grsel ilikileri artrmaktadr. Mze yaplarnda
n kontrol ve kullanmnn nemini vurgulayc bir biimde yaplan
ktle hareketleri ve mimari eleman eitlilikleri, mimari dilin esasn
oluturmaktadr. Gney cephede, n kontroln salayan arkat mekan,
ana girie yaklam ve yaya dolamn da tanmlaycdr.
zdemirs initial idea for Children Toy Museum was creating dynamic and
entertaining spaces for children. To do this, he used Mikado Sticks, which
is also a game itself, as a starting point. In organizing the interior spaces
and the facades, zdemir was inspired by the solid void relationship of
these sticks, and aimed to design flexible and fluent spaces in the third
dimension. He provided easy access to all gathering spaces by arranging
caf, workshop and game hall at the ground level that can inspire and
encourage users to participate activities while entering the building.
group 2
doucan alada
ceyhun altok
emine asrav
anl ate
gkhan bapnar
irem bykkoak
al cesur
derya dinel
ilyas durmaz
gke ejder
duygu erden
fatih gencr
baak kalfa
dilan kara
sahra mohammadi
saliha noyin
ozan obuz
ece peken
seda sokullu
ensar temizel
sidita troshani
duygu ylmaz
group 2
ensar temizel
sidita troshani
group 2
fatih gencr
group 2
Gencr, Sosyal Kulb Sitelerde iiler iin tasarlanm bir park olarak
yorumlar. Bu amala, yer dzlemini ortak d aktiviteler iin kullanlacak
bir kentsel yzey ve i mekan aktivitelerini rten bir at olarak ekillendirir.
Park iinde atlye, ktphane ve spor olmak zere farkl program
aktivitelerini ieren ve ortak bir mekansal sistemden retilmi 3 pavyon
nerir. Bamsz pavyonlar aktiviteleri rgtleyen kent yzeyi ile birbirine
doucan alada
group 2
- 4.30
Alada defines his project as the Workers Wall. The Wall is a selfreferential building distinguished from the other typical buildings in Siteler.
Program activities define the reference system, and shape the inner
edge. The Wall clearly separates inside and outside, and then creates an
introverted environment for the workers. It provides controlled openings
to pedestrians on the ground level, and opens to the sky so as to take
light inside.
Program hybridization is the main design act that forms Karas proposal
for Workers Social Club. She interprets the social club as a library, which
is a socializing space where fun and learning are integrated. The library
forms the outer edge of the building, and when it interacts with other
activities it changes its content, and turns into something new.
25 x 0,140 = 3,500 m
16 x 0,219 = 3,500 m
16 x 0,219 = 3,500 m
16 x 0,219 = 3,500 m
25 x 0,140 = 3,500 m
16 x 0,219 = 3,500 m
21 x 0,167 = 3,500 m
Kara iilere yaplacak olan sosyal kulb bir ktphane olarak yorumlar.
Fakat bu ktphane, renme eylemini elenme eylemi zerinden
rgtleyen bir sosyalleme mekan olarak yeniden yorumlanmtr. Bu
nedenle Kara, melezletirmeyi tasarmn biimlendiren bir eylem olarak
kullanr. Melez yapnn d cidarn oluturan ktphane, farkl aktivitelerle
etkileime girdiinde ieriini deitirip yeni bir kimlik kazanr.
Meltem Al . Celalettin Apak . Ezgi Arslan . Hseyin Atakan . Onur Atay . Melike Atc . Ezgi Balkanay . Yavuz Baver Barut . Tolga Ba . Abdullah Bin
Vedat . Seil Binboa . Semen Chernov . Devrim akmak . Mehmet Burak elebi . Serap elikli . Baak evik . idem oban . Hande pl . Tunahan
rt . Sla Dank . ule Dede . Sertan Demirda . Selver Ercan . Berrak Erdal . Maysam Foolady . Glnur Gler . Burcu Gnay . Ezgi Gndz . Selim
Niels Gner . Beril Gner . Gamze Gr . Elif Ekin Grbz . Musfata Grses . lkay Gryay . Edlr Habl . Elham Hajkhan . Anl Eren pek . Grkem Rabia
Kanat . ule Karaba . Sla Karata . mran Kycolu . Emine Kirman . Yamur Koak . Cem Korkmaz . Nilay Koyuncu . Ece Belamir Kse . Mradnan
Mousavgavgan . Ali Uur Mucukgil . Levent Mutlu . Gkhan Ongun . Yasinalp rsel . zge zdemir . Orkun Snmez . Esra Smer . Uur Can ahin
Burcu enal . Sinan ener . Fsun Tamer . Duygu Tekin . Bura Tetik . Perinur Tural . Can Trer . Seda Trk . Berrak Pnar nal . Ahmet nveren . Nihat
Vural . Fatma Seda Yaln . Senem Yldrm . Ezgi Yksel
Housing at ankaya
Stage 1 : Pavilion
In the first stage, a sales office for the housing project that is to be developed throughout the semester is designed. This small pavilion (450m2)
provides spaces mainly for marketing, display and meetings. It is to be utilized in the further life of the housing. Since the pavilion has representational
purposes the main themes of the housing guided the design of this structure as well. Students are asked to master a computer program enabling them
to represent their scheme in 3-D during the design process.
Stage 2 : Housing
After analyzing the given context at ankaya and studying the housing examples in Turkey and abroad, schemes with the following brief are designed:
Housing: 40 studio (ea. 60m2), 40 Two/three bedroom (ea. 120m2), 40 Four bedroom units (ea. 180m2), Retail Shopping: 2000m2, Offices: 2000m2,
Sports: 900m2 (A swimming pool, A Fitness Hall), Kindergarten: 600m2, Services: HVAC, maintenance etc., Car Park: 160 for apartments and 120
for the offices and shops, 40 outdoors, Open and Semi open spaces.
The 20m level difference in the 30000m2 site initiated students to search for the potentials and means to solve complex programs in intricate
ankayada Konut
Aama 1 : Pavyon
renciler ilk aamada konut projesinin sat ve irtibat ofisi olarak ilev grecek bir yap tasarlamlardr. 450 m2 byklndeki yapda pazarlama,
tehir ve toplant mekanlar yer alm, inaat sreci sonrasndaki ilevi ve konumu da planlanmtr. Yapnn ayn zamanda konut projesinin temsiliyetini
stlenmesi ve onun temel niteliklerini yanstmas beklenmitir. renciler projeyi bandan beri bilgisayar ortamnda 3 boyutlu modellendirerek
Aama 2 : Konut
Verilen arsa ve kentsel balam incelendikten ve literatrdeki konut projeleri zerine n almalar yapldktan sonra renciler 40 stdyo, 40 iki/ odal,
40 drt odal daireler, alveri niteleri, ofisler, spor tesisleri, ana okulu, servis hacimleri, garaj ve ak otopark ieren bir konut projesi gelitirmilerdir.
30000m2 byklndeki arsada 20 metreyi bulan kot farknn rencilere karmak programl yaplarn yerletirilmesinde ve d mekanlarn tasarmnda
birikim salamas beklenmektedir
cem korkmaz
group 1
stage1: pavilion
stage 2: housing
group 1
first project
The proposed building houses rehearsal studios for dance and theatre
groups, a library, an auditorium and a terrace. The U form of the building
in reference to the steel U section is the structural backbone and is
so shaped and situated that, it accommodates the roof, the service uses
along the backside vertically and the ceiling of the auditorium on the
lowest level. The cantilevering roof the top horizontal leg of the U is
utilizing the structural principle of the crane. Spaces are enveloped within
the open end of the U, and are encircled by a ramp discernible from the
first project
group 1
final project
baak evik
final project
group 1
The urban block study group proposed two linear blocks with a courtyard
in between. Baaks hotel proposal is another linear block, so shaped
that at one end under its step by step receding upper levels, it houses an
atrium and related social spaces; while the hammam and sports facilities
connect to the block at the other end allowing for outside users as well.
Can, Fsun ve Baak ofis ve ticari ilevlerini, aralarnda avlu oluturan, yola
paralel iki lineer blokta zmtr. Baakn tasarlad otel bunlara paralel,
eklemli bir kitledir. Mekanlar gerek byklk ve talep ettii servisler, gerek
dier mekanlarla ilikileri asndan incelikli zlmtr. ok amal salon
ve hamama, otel iinden balant olsa da, dardan gelenler iin ayr giriler
verilmitir. Sosyal mekanlar atrium ve rampa gibi elemanlarla btnleerek, kitle
kurgusunda kendilerini ifade ederler. Bu mekanlar rten kesintisiz at, yamur
suyunu toplayarak kullanmak gibi evreci zmleri de akla getirmektedir.
final project
group 2
first project
yasinalp rsel
rsels project succeeds in capturing genius loci in more than one way.
Even the presentation of the proposal is in tune with archaic aura. Gordion
is hard to love as it is now: lonely and a little scary tooeverything
there seems so distant and full of whispers. rsels approach likewise
somehow introverted but just as solid in its own right. Plasticity of forms
and elasticity functions mingle well to create a contemporary piece of
timeless architecture.
ezgi balkanay
final project
group 2
final project
first project
Balkanay planned this shelter in a basic structural post and beam system.
The uniqueness of the scheme derives from layering of opaque or semitransparent panels bolted on the structural elements, thus creating light
and shadow patterns on the festival days. This intention was to define a
pedestrian flow line and also allow to create a distinction through different
functions. Introducing a dissimilar triangular shaped scaffolding-like
structure helps to generate a platform where not only exhibitions can take
place but also would serve as a balcony for the spectators.
seil binboa
final project
group 2
Binboa her iyi mimarda olmas gereken bir zellie sahiptir: gzlemcilik...
Kapadokya gezisi boyunca yalnz evresindeki formlar deil dier kltrel
zellikleri de iyice inceleyen Binboa, dnnde nerisini dnrken
ve tasarmn olutururken yaad tm deneyimi akl, fikir ve yaratclk
szgecinden geirebilmitir. Binboann yaklam evresini zorlamyor
ve ortamna yabanclamyor, aksine kolayca benimsenebiliyor, bununla
birlikte zgn ve yeni olmay da baaryor. Ortaya kan eserde
evrensel ve yerel bilginin Binboann bireysel mimari tavryla baaryla
birleebildii anlalyor.
final project
group 3
maysam foolady
group 3
esra smer
seda trk
Ortak nazm plan, araziye komu olan kentsel dokularn dzensiz plan ile
dzenli zgara plann kaynatrmay amalyor. Bireysel projeler tipoloji
olarak eper blok, tarakl ve ylankavi bloklar eklinde farkllamakta.
evre denetim stratejileri olarak, rzgar bacalar, gne krclar, yeil
teraslar ve avlular neriliyor.
belamir kse
A city hotel proposed on the corner plot leaning to a portion of the fortress
wall at its back. Access to floors is through external stairs surrounding
the cubical block, to provide an efficient circulation and rich viewpoints.
group 3
group 3
senem yldrm
tunahan rt group 3
group 4
selver ercan
79 79
group 4
idem oban
Fatma dil Aketin . Fulya Aksu . Melike Akyol . Waad Yaccob Alias . Amine Seyhun Alkan . Eda Pelin Alpaslan . Aye Ak . Hayriye Burcu Aygn . Didem
Ayhan . Elvan Aynal . Zehra Aziz . Selin Batu . Aye Bike Baykara . Glnar Bayramolu . Mustafa Bayramolu . Murat Bilen . Mge Bilgi . Neslihan Bulut
Derya Byksavc . Tuba Cantrk . Berin Chatzi Chousein . Talat akrolu . idem akmakl . dil alkan . Baak Deniz . Damla Dilber . zge Diler
Mesut Dinler . Burcu Doru . smihan Durgun . Glistan Durmaz . Onur Tun Ekmeki . Emre Erdoan . Ece Eren . Serra Asl Eri . Gke Ersel . Derya
Fidan . Sabiha Glolu . Fatma Damla Glmez . Nazl Mrvvet Gngen . Selim Halil Hancolu . Ahmet Berkay Ilgaz . Sutki smaili . Olsi Kafeja . Gzde
Kaya . Havva Elif Ko . Aya Kseolu . Mge Krua . Armand Mani . Burin Mzrak . Bastien Monegier du Sorbier . Ayn Okulda . Mohammad Olabi
zgn zakr . Dicle Bilgehan zdemir . Ferayi ztrk . Emre zyeti . Nurullah Alper Pehlivan . Rahman Pehlivan . Abdul Samad . Azize Elif Sudan
Ozan Srmelihindi . Emre al . Banu Nur engn . Esin enman . lker Teker . Saadet Toker . Aya Turgay . Duygu Tnta . Nuri Serkan Uuz . Sakine
Dicle Uzunyayla . Deniz stolu . Nurgl Yardm . Merve Yldz
emre zyeti
matrix 1
group 1
matrix 2
group 1
emre zyeti
group 1
olsi kafeja
olsi kafeja
group 1
group 1
emre erdoan
Kentsel lekli melezlemeye iyi bir rnek olan proje, 1980li yllarda
inaa edilen kentin ilk kulesi ile yaran ve simge deeri olan, ustaca
tasarlanm yeni bir kule-yap nermekte ve programa bal tm talepleri
tek bir ktle ierisinde baaryla zmektedir. Kulenin tm yapsal ve
arkitektonik niteliklerinin yansra yap, sreklilii olan hacimsel bir
btnlk oluturarak, tm mekansal ilikileri her seferinde yeniden
dzenleyen, dey bir jeneratr gibi almaktadr.
nurgl yardm
group 1
group work: selin batu + nazl gngen + olsi kafeja + dicle uzunyayla + nurgl yardm
nurgl yardm
group 1
nurgl yardm
What regulates the Tempelhof Airport is now a new social pattern that
of Superburbia that is an amalgam of country and town; and what
generates its architecture is a futuristic visuality that dominates Berlin
with a system of point-towers all scattered around fields, parks and
forests. In this context, this project is a fine example of possible future
scenarios in tormented cities of post-industrialism. That is in fact a city
within a city, providing a colorful spectrum of new life patterns, all distinct
from urban clichs.
group 1
emre erdoan
Coping with the fact that the Temphelhof Airport of Berlin requires a
non-parcel-based architecture, this project is in fact a nostalgic and
yet successful retrospective into the 1960s architecture that called for
mega-structures for new-urbanization. In this respect, the proposal also
provides a multi-layered quality, topographic stratum to the elevated
layers, and blends with the existing urban structure, including the
Tempelhof. If Berlin is a close network of its own, this project is surely a
working part of it.
group 1
emre zyeti
group work: melike akyol+ didem ayhan + damla glmez + emre zyeti + esin enman
emre zyeti
The project interprets the site as a memory-free urban void that is expected
to be appropriated and creatively transformed by the citizens of Berlin.
In an approach which deliberately denies the development of an urban
program by the architect, the idea of an anti-program is experimented
with by way of a creative methodology which collects statistical data
from the immediate environment in order to form a database used in the
definition of the type and form of the intervention to the site.
amine alkan
group 2
group 2
amine alkan
amine alkan
The project aimed for urban continuity and flow. The built area is
distributed into three masses and the outdoor area in between the linear
blocks is designed as an urban space. The below ground levels into
which offices, the hotel and the commercial units open are utilized for
offering a dynamic and flowing urban space. A unique building sihouette
is achieved by elevating the third block as an L-shaped tower. The housing
units are located in this block and take advantage of the view.
group 2
group 2
glnar bayramolu
The project aimed to concentrate the built area on the Bosphorous side of
the site, and leave the remaining area for recreational use. The terraced
levels enabled to create a green base for the main building and also
to organize the recreational spaces that benefit from daylight on the
below ground levels. The urban terraces designed in the main building
distinguish different functions and also serve as recreation areas for
these functions.
group 2
muhammed olabi
muhammed olabi
The project proposed a perimeter block that occupied two sides of the site
and an open urban area defined by this block. Housing units, commercial
units and offices are planned in this block while the remaining public
functions are located on the ground and below ground levels that received
different entrances. The voids, angular turns and the shifting units reduced
the mass effect and created the building silhouette.
group 2
Proje, arazinin iki kenarna yerleen bir eper blok ve bu bloun tanmlad
kentsel bir ak alandan olumaktadr. Konut, ofis ve ticaret birimleri blok
iinde zmlenmi, dier kamusal kullanmlar ise farkl girilerden
ulalan zemin ve zemin alt kotlara yerletirilmitir. eper bloun iinde
oluturulan boluklar, alanmalar ve kaymalarla ktlenin masif etkisi
azaltlm ve yap sileti elde edilmitir.
group 2
idem akmakl
idem akmakl
The project which is planned for the alternative site located at the lower edge
of the campus proposes a sheltered inner street and an open courtyard.
Educational spaces and the library are designed in two individaul masses;
the circulation axis which becomes a bridge, spanning the courtyard, is
used as a design element for connecting the masses. The climate data is
utilized as a design parameter. A photovoltaic panel system is suggested
for the roof of the inner street located within the education block.
group 2
group 2
derya byksavc
derya byksavc
The main idea is based on providing a relationship with the outdoor space;
the voids and the terraces in the main block constitute the architectural
language of the building. The area in between the blocks is reserved as
a courtyard into which opened some of the studios. The circulation axis
in the main block opens into the terraces, and is interpreted as an inner
street extending into the second block as a bridge. The sliding sun
screens are used to ceate a dynamic facade.
group 2
group 2
amine alkan
amine alkan
group 2
deniz stolu
The project follows the traces of the ancient Ionian settlement in Sinop and
moves on from the idea of the grid-iron system, modifying it according to
the existing landscape and curvature of the peninsula. An inner street is
proposed binding a series of buildings, placed according to the grid. The
idea is valuable as it provides a superstructure on urban scale for further
development of the urban context.
group 3
Proje Sinoptaki antik yon yerleiminin izlerini takip ederek bir zgara
sistemi nerir; fakat yeni nerilen zgara sistemi kendini mevcut
toporafyaya ve yarmadann erisine uydurarak deforme olur. Bu zgara
sistemine bal olarak nerilmi bir dizi bina bir i sokak ile birbirine
balanmtr. Fikir kent balamnda srdrlmeye msait bir st dzen
nermesi ynnden deerlidir.
group 3
The project is formed with reference to the old castle, both spatially and
material wise. A compact structure on the top of the ridge is proposed,
which also constitutes an entrance portal to the city. The relation with the
castle and positive addition to the silhouette of the city is valuable.
group 3
group 3
group 3
neri bir noktada youn yaplama yerine kentin geni bir blgesinde
dank bir yaplama ngrr. Yaplamay btnleyen ise, kare planl kale
burlarnn llerinden kaynaklanan, deiken bir zgara modl sistemidir.
Bu sayede, bir kent girii tanmlama, kentsel ak alan oluturma ve
mimari bir dil btnl yakalamak gibi bir dizi deer yaratr.
A National Museum and Research Center For Turkish Republican History & Culture in Ankara
During the spring semester, the group worked in the old hippodrome area of Ankara, which today is reserved as the main zone of the Atatrk Cultural
Center (ACC), where important public buildings with cultural functions are expected to be built. ACC is a large complex formed by five zones near the
historic center of Ankara. It includes various important national monuments, such as the First and the Second Assembly Buildings of the Republic, the
Ankara Palace Hotel of the Early Republican Period, the Opera House, and important urban areas like Genlik Park, 19th of May Sports Stadium and
the Former Hippodrome of the city. Together with these historically valuable monuments and public urban areas, the total ACC site constitutes a great
potential in terms of Ankaras future as a national capital, and for the past three decades, it has been the subject of various debates and a series of
projects, little of which have been realized.
The reason behind the choice of such a problematic site was to raise, in the minds of the students, a consciousness of republican culture, the idea of a
capital city and the urban requirements of Ankara. Within these boundaries, the design problem was given as a National Museum for Republican Culture,
emphasizing research and cultural activities within the building. Throughout the process, ways of creating a large scale urban node, and representative
possibilities of architecture were explored.
group 3
mge krua
mge krua
The idea of placing the building under the ground emerges from a
respectful attitude towards the history of the site and urban silhouette, and
also from being modest in contrast to the strong geometry of the existing
pyramidal building. By not building above-ground, a large green area is
obtained and this area is controlled by the underground structure.
group 3
group 3
derya fidan
derya fidan
group 3
yksek lisans
restoration studio
Raci Bayer . Burcu Can . Asl Candan . enay Diner . Duygu Ergen . Il Ertosun . Leyla Etyemez . zge Gnc . Orhan Mete Ikolu . Esra Karata
Bra Kul . zge Mutlu . Onur Oru . Esra renba . Buket an . Muradiye imek . Zeynep Tuna . Frat Tuncer . Merve Yazc . zge Yurtsevenler
Neriman ahin Ghan + Gliz Bilgin Altnz + Zeki Kamil lkenli + Mert Nezih Rifaiolu
Students: B. Can + A. Candan + I. Ertosun + L. Etyemez + . Gnc + E. Karata + B. Kul
. Mutlu + E. renba + B. an + Z. Tuna + H. F. Tuncer + M. Yazc + . Yurtsevenler
A Project for Preparation of Bergama Conservation and Management Plan
The aim of the design studio is to introduce students to the conservation and development process of a historic environment with a manner of a
systematic and contemporary approach to urban conservation. In the fall semester, the design problem focused on Bergama, which is a multi-layered
historic settlement having conservation problems in different scales. From the Hellenistic era onwards, the town has been continuously inhabited.
It possesses the traces and the remains of different periods within its contemporary urban form. Today, in the current town, there are different
conservation areas such as, 1st, 2nd and 3rd degree Archaeological Sites, Urban Archaeological Site in different zones. The project covered:
the definition of general characteristic of Bergama through library and archival research,
survey and analysis of the physical, social, economic, and visual characteristics of the site in different scales,
assessment of architectural and environmental values, problems, potentials of historic and new buildings,
principles of interventions both in site and building scales,
decisions for conservation, rehabilitation and re-functioning of buildings according to intervention necessities, priorities,
definition of the criteria for the design of new buildings,
preparation of a Conservation Management Plan by defining the conservation, rehabilitation and development decisions, stages of
implementation, roles and responsibilities, financial sources and organization scheme,
Design proposals in different scales for problem areas within the historic tissue.
In the final stage, due to the content and the scope of the projects, the design proposals for the specific problem areas are prepared by 3 groups. Due to
the interdisciplinary study carried out in the studio, in the research, analysis and evaluation phases of the project, Bergama was analyzed and evaluated
from macro to micro scale, original and distinctive evaluations are made about the properties of the archaeological edifices and historic urban tissue
of Bergama. Similarly, significant evaluations are made on the construction techniques and architectural properties of the historical buildings. In the
decision stage, principles of the development and regeneration of urban tissue and generator project areas are identified; comprehensive decisions are
made for the detailed study area, which is a part of the settlement through the preparation of Conservation Management Plan.
evaluation + decisions
project areas
Emine Caner Saltk + Tamer Topal (Jeological Eng.) + Neriman ahin Ghan
Ahmet Trer (Civil Eng.) + Aye Tavukuolu + Gze Akolu
Students: . R. Bayer + A. . Diner + D. Ergen + O. M. Ikolu + . Yurtsevenler
Restoration and Conservation Project of Bergama Tabaklar Hamam
In the spring semester, REST 506: Design in Architectural Conservation is carried out together with interdisciplinary workshop REST 509: Workshop
in Conservation II. The students of REST 506 are nine architects, and of REST 509 are two civil engineers, one geological engineer, one archaeologist,
and a chemist. The aim is to prepare a conservation and restoration project of a historic building. The project has mainly four stages, which are
documentation-analysis, historical research-comparative study, restitution and restoration. The documentation and analysis stage aims to give a
comprehensive understanding of the methods and techniques of measured survey, graphical, visual, verbal documentation. In the analysis stage,
the students are expected to analyze different aspects of the building such as material, material deterioration and structural deformation, construction
technique, structural system. Historical research and comparative study stage covers historical research by means of different sources related to
the settlement, building, similar buildings; and comparative study includes the investigation of similar building types for the general evaluation of
the historic building. Restitution stage covers the identification of historical periods of the buildings and the preparation of restitution projects. In
the restoration stage, the students are expected to prepare individual conservation and restoration project by understanding the values, problems
and potentials of the historic building. Bergama Tabaklar Hamam is selected for the preparation of a conservation and restoration project. The town
was continuously inhabited from the Hellenistic period onwards in Roman, Byzantine, Principalities and Ottoman periods. Tabaklar Hamam is a bath
building which was built across Bergama Great Mosque in the 15th century on the Hellenistic/ Roman ruins and severely damaged by the flood in
1842. The building has soukluk, lklk and scaklk sections and the water tank but the klhan section is demolished. The southern and western part
of the building is covered by new houses which are poor in quality.
measured drawings
material analyses