Primavera P6 Project Management Reference Manual PDF
Primavera P6 Project Management Reference Manual PDF
Primavera P6 Project Management Reference Manual PDF
Project Management
Reference Manual
Version 6.2
Table of Contents
Preface................................................................................................. xi
Primavera Products .............................................................................................xii
Using Documentation and Help.......................................................................... xv
Where to Get Support ......................................................................................xviii
Quick Tour..........................................................................................31
Getting Started .................................................................................................... 32
Selecting a Language .......................................................................................... 36
The Workspace.................................................................................................... 37
What Is a Layout? ............................................................................................... 40
Customizing Displays ......................................................................................... 42
Sample Layouts................................................................................................... 44
Using Wizards..................................................................................................... 46
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Managing Risks................................................................................367
Adding Risks..................................................................................................... 368
Calculating Exposure Values ............................................................................ 370
Calculating a Risks Impact .............................................................................. 371
Creating and Deleting Risk Types..................................................................... 372
Customizing Risk Layouts ................................................................................ 373
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
In this preface:
Primavera Products
Using Documentation and Help
Where to Get Support
Primavera Products
Primavera provides an integrated project portfolio management (PPM)
solution consisting of role-specific tools to satisfy each team members
needs, responsibilities, and skills. This solution uses standard Windows
interfaces, client/server architecture, Web-enabled technology, and
stand-alone (SQL Server Express) or network-based (Oracle and
Microsoft SQL Server) databases. Primavera offers the following
software components:
Project Management The Project Management module enables
users to track and analyze performance. It is a multiuser, multiproject
system with scheduling and resource control capabilities supporting
multi-tiered project hierarchies, resource scheduling with a focus on
roles and skills, recording of actual data, customizable views, and userdefinable data.
The module is ideal for organizations that need to simultaneously
manage multiple projects and support multiuser access across a
department or the entire enterprise. It supports an enterprise project
structure (EPS) with an unlimited number of projects, activities,
baselines, resources, work breakdown structures (WBS), organizational
breakdown structures (OBS), user-defined codes, and critical-pathmethod (CPM) scheduling and resource leveling. Large-scale
implementations for enterprise-wide project portfolio management use
it with Oracle or SQL Server as the project database. For smaller
implementations, you can use SQL Server Express.
The module also provides centralized resource management. This
includes resource timesheet approval and the ability to communicate
with project resources who use the Timesheets module. In addition, the
module provides integrated risk management, issue tracking, and
management by threshold. The tracking feature enables users to perform
dynamic cross-project rollups of cost, schedule, and earned value.
Project work products and documents can be assigned to activities and
managed centrally. The Report Wizard creates customized reports that
extract specific data from its database.
This book guides you through the process of planning and controlling
projects using the Project Management module. Read the first chapter to
become familiar with the process of PPM, then follow the steps in each
successive chapter to build projects and project components, set up
codes and documents, manage the resources required to complete the
project plan, update projects as work gets underway, and report results
throughout the project life cycle. This manual is organized as follows:
Part 1: Overview and Configuration Provides an overview of
project portfolio management, simple steps for getting started quickly,
and information about the standard layouts you can use to view project
data. This part also provides a quick tour, including instructions for
configuring user workstation preferences.
Part 2: Structuring Projects Includes the basics about the
enterprise project structure (EPS) and describes how to set up this
structure, add new projects to build the hierarchy, use and navigate the
EPS, open existing projects, and define project properties. In addition,
Part 2 describes how to
Define custom fields that enable you to track and report project data
in fields customized for your business needs
Check projects in and out of the module to maintain the most up-todate project data possible throughout the enterprise
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Prioritizing projects
The WBS acts as a continuation of the EPS for the individual projects in
the enterprise. A WBS provides organization and control of project and
activity information through a hierarchy of WBS elements. When you
create projects, the Project Management module automatically creates a
WBS element at the same hierarchy level and with the same name as the
project. You can set anticipated project dates, budgets, and spending
plans for a WBS at a high level to indicate when the work should occur
and how much its planned budget and monthly spending will be before
any projects are added to the EPS. In addition, you can use the preestablished budget amounts and funding information you set for WBS
elements for their project and activity counterparts.
For details on setting up
these structures, see the
applicable chapters in Part
The following example represents how the OBS, EPS, and WBS
structures interrelate within one branch of the EPS.
Quick Tour
In this chapter:
Getting Started
Selecting a Language
The Workspace
What Is a Layout?
Customizing Displays
Sample Layouts
Using Wizards
Getting Started
The installation process guides you through setting up the module on
your computer. Refer to the Administrators Guide for detailed
Start the Project Management module Click Start, then choose
Programs, Primavera, Project Management.
Log in Before using the module, you must enter a valid login name
and password. If you do not know your login name and password, see
your system administrator.
4 Click to open the
Welcome dialog box.
1 Type your login name.
2 Type your password.
3 Accept the database
shown, or select
another database.
Use the Welcome dialog box to create a new project, open an existing
project or the last open project, or open global data only.
Quick Tour
Mark the Do Not Show This Window Again checkbox if you do not
want the Welcome dialog box to appear each time you open the module.
The last project used at startup automatically opens. To turn this option
back on, choose Edit, User Preferences, then click the Application tab
and mark the Show the Welcome Dialog at Startup checkbox.
Select a portfolio Select a project portfolio to view a group of
projects that have a common characteristic. A portfolio can contain any
number of projects. Choose File, Select Project Portfolio to select a
Click to change
your portfolio
display. You can
change the table
font, color, and
row height, or
all bands.
Modify a portfolio Use the Project Portfolios dialog box to view and
change general information about the selected portfolio. You can also
add and delete portfolios. Choose Enterprise, Project Portfolios to set up
project portfolios.
The top portion of the Project Portfolios dialog box contains
information about all available portfolios, and the lower portion is
divided into two tabs that display specific information about a selected
Quick Tour
Selecting a Language
Use the Set Language dialog box to select the language in which to
display the information in menus, dialog boxes, and messages.
This option does not affect the data you enter; this
information appears exactly as typed.
Quick Tour
The Workspace
When you first open a project, the Home workspace displays the main
functions available in the module. For example, click Activities to focus
on activity data and customize layouts. The workspace for each main
window consists of a menu bar, navigation bar, directory bar, toolbar,
and command bar.
Use the toolbar to quickly access options that
pertain to the window displayed and to change
the look of your layout.
Choose a menu
to open a list
of commands.
Quick Tour
What Is a Layout?
A layout is a customizable view of project information. To customize a
layout to meet specific needs, you can choose from a wide range of
project information, columns, colors, fonts, and activity groupings, and
you can display these data in the top and/or bottom layouts. For
example, show a Gantt Chart in the top layout and an Activity Table in
the bottom layout. Each time you change the way data are presented in
the top and bottom layouts, you create a unique layout. The module
automatically prompts you to save a layout when you close it, allowing
you to define a unique name for it so you can use the layout again with
the current project or a different project.
You can also customize the
Activity Table and Gantt
Chart in the Projects
Quick Tour
In the sample layout above, the top part of the window shows activity
data in a Gantt Chart, while the lower part displays the Activity Details.
Primavera - Project Management
Customizing Displays
Most windows and dialog boxes include a Display or Layout Options
bar at the top of the screen that contains commands that enable you to
customize the current display. Click this bar to display a menu of the
commands available for that window or dialog box. You can also access
many of these commands from the View menu.
You can switch your display from a hierarchical view to a list view when
displaying information, such as resources and the work breakdown
structure, that is displayed in different levels. To switch a display from
hierarchy to list view, click the leftmost column label that appears in the
Quick Tour
After you change a display to list view, you can also sort the displayed
information by clicking any column label.
Sample Layouts
The sample database included with the module provides standard
layouts that you can use with your own projects.
To open a sample layout, first open one of the projects from the sample
database or your own database in the Activities window, then choose
View, Layout, Open.
Quick Tour
Using Wizards
Wizards are a great way to speed up your work. They quickly guide you
through repetitive steps, doing most of the work for you.
The module contains wizards for creating new projects, adding
activities, creating resources, and building reports.
You can specify whether you want wizards to help you add activities
and resources. Other wizards are also available to create new projects,
export and import project data, and define administrative preferences.
Wizards are discussed in more detail in the appropriate chapters of this
manual or in the Help.
Quick Tour
This option is
disabled when Show
Unit label or Show
Duration label is not
Set time unit options In the Units Format section, select the time
unit used to display work efforts, and resource/role prices and
availability. In the Durations Format section, select the time unit used to
display activity duration values.
Mark the Sub-Unit checkbox to include the next smallest time interval
for the Unit of Time selected; the field name changes accordingly. For
example, if you select Day in the Units field, the Sub-Units field
displays Hours. You can also select the number of decimal places you
want to include in time unit displays.
In the Units/Time Format section, choose to show resource units per
time as percentages or as units per duration. Your choice determines
how rates are displayed. For example, 4h/d is the same as 50 percent of
an eight-hour day.
Formatting Dates
Choose Edit, User Preferences, then click the Dates tab to specify how
to display dates.
Specify date format Choose the date format you want to use, then
choose how to display time values in date fields. Mark the applicable
checkboxes in the Options area to indicate how the selected date format
should appear. In the Separator field, select the character you want to
use to separate days, months, and years.
Mark to show
decimal values for
Implementing Wizards
Choose Edit, User Preferences, then click the Assistance tab to enable
the use of wizards when adding resources and activities.
To discontinue a wizards
use, you can either clear
the checkbox in this
dialog box or mark the Do
Not Show This Wizard
Again checkbox in the
wizard dialog box. To
enable a wizard for future
sessions, mark the
applicable checkbox
again in the Assistance
tab of the User
Preferences dialog box.
Set startup and log file options Select the window to display each
time you start the module. Select Home if your work varies each day;
the Home workspace enables you to select the applicable window or
layout for each session.
You can also indicate whether to display the Issue Navigator dialog box,
which contains outstanding issues that are generated based on your
preset thresholds, and the Welcome dialog box, which enables you to
choose to create a new project, open an existing project, open the last
project opened in your previous session, or display global/enterprise
data only.
Primavera recommends that you use the log file only with the
assistance of Primavera Customer Support staff.
Set grouping and sorting options You can show or hide the ID/
Code or Name/Description fields as labels in the group-by bands when
grouping by hierarchies that include both an ID/code and a name
description. This user preference setting affects windows/dialog boxes
where you cannot access a Group and Sort dialog box.
Mark the Reorganize Automatically checkbox to enable the Project
Management module to immediately re-sort any changes to activity data
in the current view to reflect the layouts grouping and sorting criteria.
If you do not want the module to automatically reorganize
data, you can choose Reorganize Now from the Tools menu
to apply the group and sort criteria to the updates in the
current view.
Set column options for financial periods You can make a range
of financial periods available as columns in the Activities and Resource
Assignments windows, as well as the Resources tab of Activity Details.
You must enter a range to make financial period columns available for
selection in the Columns dialog box. For example, if each financial
period in the Financial Period dictionary has a duration of one month,
you may only want to view the previous six financial periods (six
months). You can change the range of financial periods you want to
display at any time.
Choose Edit, User Preferences, then click the Password tab to open the
Change Password dialog box, in which you can enter a new password.
Additional Considerations:
Passwords that were set before the new password policy was
enabled are valid and usable.
To include live data from all open projects and stored summary data
from all closed projects (excluding those with a What-If status),
choose All Closed Projects (Except What-If Projects).
To include live data from all open projects and stored summary data
from all closed projects with a specific leveling priority, choose All
Closed Projects with Leveling Priority Equal/Higher Than, and
enter the leveling priority you want to use. (Specify the leveling
priority per project in the General tab of the Projects window.) The
module uses this value to consider applicable external projects
(those not included in the current layout) when deducting from
resource availability immediately during leveling.
Choose the time-distributed data to display In the TimeDistributed Data section of the Resource Analysis tab, choose a starting
point for calculating remaining units and costs for display in Resource
Usage Profiles, the Resource Usage Spreadsheet, tracking layouts, and
P6 Web Access charts. To focus on the current remaining estimate,
choose Remaining Early Dates. To focus on values calculated from a
forecast date, choose Forecast Dates.
Next, select the interval at which live resource and cost calculations are
performed for Resource Usage Profiles and Resource Usage
Spreadsheet displays and in tracking layouts. Profiles, spreadsheets, and
layouts are only affected if their timescale interval is set lower than the
interval set in the Interval for Time-Distributed Resource Calculations
For P6 Web Access users,
you can choose how you
want to display role limits in
the Resource Staffing
section of Global
Finally, choose to display role limits based on custom role limits defined
in the Roles dictionary or on the calculated limit of each roles primary
resource. The Resource Usage Spreadsheet, Resource Usage Profile,
tracking layouts, and P6 Web Access charts display the role limit
according to the option you select.
Structuring Projects
In this part:
The first four chapters explain how to structure and add projects
to the hierarchy; establish the managers directly responsible for
projects and the users associated with them throughout the
enterprise; set up project resources and roles; and use the work
breakdown structure (WBS) to plan and manage project
Subsequent chapters explain how to set up project budgets,
funding sources, and spending plans; track and analyze variance
as projects progress; define project codes and assign values to
project information so you can organize it in different ways
across the enterprise; and define custom user fields. Once your
project structures are set up, you can define the calendars that
determine when work can and cannot occur.
The number of EPS levels and their structure depend on the scope of
your projects and how you want to summarize data. For example, you
may want to define increasingly lower levels of EPS nodes, similar to an
outline, to represent broad areas of work that expand into more detailed
projects. In the following example, the Caprini Corporation EPS node
includes a lower-level node called Apex Project. The Apex Project node
is further divided into the Apex Construction node. This node contains
the projects that constitute their part of the Apex Project. For example,
the Apex Construction node contains the Automated System, Office
Building Addition, and Conveyor System projects. You can specify as
many projects as necessary to complete the required work and fulfill the
scope set forth by operations executives and program managers in your
Review portfolio
performance in P6
Web Access
EPS node
Operations Executive
and Program Manager
EPS node
Team Members
Team Leader
Team Leader
Move around in the EPS When you first start the module, click
Open Existing on the Welcome dialog box, or choose File, Open, from
within the module. EPS nodes that contain other nodes and projects are
identified by a pyramid symbol. A + symbol indicates that more nodes
or projects are rolled up beneath the selected node. Click + or doubleclick the node to display additional levels in the hierarchy.
Select the EPS node or project you want to open, then click Open. To
view the EPS structure, click Projects from the Home workspace.
You can right-click in the Projects window and choose Open
Project to display the Open Project dialog box.
Click Projects to
display the
enterprise project
Work breakdown structure Each project has its own WBS, which
shows the hierarchy of products and services produced during and by a
project. The summary rollup of the highest WBS level is equal to that of
the project level in the EPS. This effectively extends the EPS hierarchy
down to the activity level in the EPS, as shown in the following
Project codes Project codes are another way to group and sort
projects in the enterprise. When you have many projects in the
hierarchy, codes enable consolidation and/or filtering of potentially vast
amounts of information located in different areas of the enterprise.
Summarizing Projects
You can view summary data for all projects in the enterprise in the
Projects window of the Project Management module and in many P6
Web Access views. The Project Management module enables you to
summarize data at regularly scheduled intervals or on demand, using the
Tools, Summarize command. Summarize data to obtain a broad
overview of project information and to display project data more
An administrative preference determines how resource and role
assignment data is summarized: by calendar intervals, by financial
period intervals, or both. Since P6 Web Access displays summary data
on many tabs and pages, project data must be appropriately summarized
to view it in P6 Web Access. For example, to view project data in
Financial Period timescale intervals in P6 Web Access, resource and
role assignment data must be summarized by financial period. For more
information on setting administrative options for summarization, refer
to the Primavera Administrators Guide.
Add a node to the EPS Select the node under which you want to
add a node. The new node will be placed below the selected node in the
hierarchy. Click Add in the Enterprise Project Structure (EPS) dialog
box. Type a unique ID and name for the node directly in the column
cells, or in the EPS ID and EPS Name fields. Accept the responsible
manager shown, or click the Browse button in the field to select a
different OBS element for the node. Use the arrow keys to indent/
outdent a node to denote its placement in the EPS, and to move a node
up/down in the hierarchy.
Click Close.
Build the hierarchy After you set up an EPS, you can define
additional data about each EPS node, such as anticipated dates, budgets,
and spending plans. Use the Project Details to specify this information,
as described later in this chapter. Or, you can begin adding projects
under the applicable nodes in the structure if you have access rights to
these functions. Access rights are set by your network or database
Use the Projects window to add a project to the EPS hierarchy. Define
general information such as the projects ID and name, planned start and
must finish by dates, and the responsible manager.
Add a project to the EPS Choose Enterprise, Projects, or click
Projects on the Home workspace to open the Projects window. Select
the EPS node to which you want to add a project. (If you have not yet
created any EPS nodes, select the root EPS node created for you when
you installed the module.)
Click Add. The Create a New Project Wizard guides you through the
steps required to add a project, including selecting the node in which to
place the project in the EPS, naming the project, and identifying the
responsible manager for the project.
You cannot add projects below existing projects.
Import projects You may want to build your EPS using projects
previously created in an earlier version of the Project Management
module, Microsoft Project, or Primavera Project Planner 3.0 (P3). The
Import Wizard prompts you to specify the information to be imported
and where the project should be placed in the current EPS hierarchy.
The project complexity value can be between 0 and 100 percent. If the
project complexity value equals 0, the module uses the low estimate for
each activity. If the project complexity value equals 100, the module
uses the high estimate for each activity. For project complexity values
between 0 and 100, the module calculates an intermediate value
between the low and high estimates for each activity. The value
calculated using the project complexity value is then copied into the
planned labor/nonlabor units, material costs, and expense costs for each
Tailor the WBS elements You can modify the Work Breakdown
Structure (WBS) elements associated with the selected methodology.
Click Tailor to view the details and activities of each WBS element.
Organizations using Primavera ProjectLink cannot modify
Microsoft Project (MSP)-managed WBS elements in the
Project Management module. For more information on
ProjectLink, refer to the Primavera ProjectLink Help in
Microsoft Project (available only if ProjectLink is installed).
You can access the help by clicking the Help button on any
ProjectLink screen.
Tailor the WPs and Docs You can view the work products and
documents associated with the selected methodology. Click Tailor to
view the details of each work product or document and to select which
documents to include in the project plan.
Review the tailored methodology Click Next to view the results
after tailoring the methodology. Click Overview to review the changes
made to the selected methodology.
Choose Assignment Rate Type You can use the rate type that has
been set for the project. Alternatively, you can copy the price/unit rate
type from the methodology.
The Modify Import Configuration dialog box lists the data types for
which you can set options. Select one of the following in the Action
field to indicate how you want to update the data type:
Keep Existing Retains data in the existing database and does not
overwrite them with the updated methodology data; adds new data
if the record does not exist.
Insert New Retains data in the existing database and adds any new
data items. For example, if a new role was added in the
Methodology Management module, but you dont want to change
the existing roles, choose Insert New to add the new role to the
project management database.
Do Not Import Retains data in the existing database and does not
import the methodology data.
Use status for filtering projects in the EPS You can change an
open (Active) project to closed (Inactive) when the project is completed.
You can also assign a What-If status to a copied project that you want to
use for analysis. Project status can be used to organize and summarize
information, and to filter projects.
Choose File, Open. Select the EPS node or project whose status you
want to change and click Open. Then, click Projects in the Home
To view only those projects with a specific status, choose View, Filter
By, Status, then choose the status you want to use. You can also choose
View, Filter By, Customize. In the Filters dialog box, mark the
applicable Select checkboxes for the statuses of the projects you want to
Status filters
When you open the Projects window, include the node/project you want
to copy as well as the node to which you want to copy it. Select the
node/project you want to copy, then click Copy from the command bar.
Select the node to which you want to copy the node/project, then click
Paste in the command bar. When you copy a project to another location
in the EPS, you can also choose to copy the links to the WBS,
documents, OBS, and other related elements. Mark the applicable
checkboxes in the dialog boxes that are displayed when you click Paste.
Click OK in each dialog box to proceed with the copy.
Mark the
checkboxes for
the elements
you want to
To include/exclude tabs,
right-click in the Details
area, and choose
Customize Project Details.
Open each tab to view and edit that type of information for the selected
node or project.
For details about the Budget Log, Spending Plan, Budget
Summary, and Funding tabs, see Defining Budgets on
page 159.
General information The General tab enables you to view and edit
general information about the selected node or project. This information
includes the ID, name, responsible manager, leveling priority, and risk
level. You can also view or edit the projects Web site address, if
Use status to identify active (Active) or closed
(Inactive) projects. You can also select What-If
status for analysis before establishing a more
permanent project schedule, or Planned status
for use during the project planning phase.
Leveling Priority
You can include assignments from closed projects during leveling. Mark
the Consider Assignments in Other Projects with Priority Equal/Higher
Than checkbox in the Level Resources dialog box and indicate a Project
Leveling Priority for those projects on the General tab in the Projects
window. You can enter a value from 1 to 100, with 1 being the highest
priority. To use the priority level as a tie breaker during leveling, include
Project Leveling Priority under Leveling Priorities in the Level
Resources dialog box.
Dates The Dates tab enables you to edit schedule information for the
selected project. This information includes the current data date,
planned start date, and the scheduled finish date. If you have an EPS
node selected, you can also enter the dates you anticipate the node will
start and finish.
The latest early finish date calculated
when the project was last scheduled
A date constraint
placed on the
project end date
Anticipated Dates
Anticipated start and finish dates are used during the project planning
stage, and can be set at the EPS, project, or WBS level. If the selected
project has no activities, or the activities have not started, the Start date
or Finish date (in columns) is set equal to the Anticipated Start or
Anticipated Finish. Click the Browse button to select a new date.
Project codes The Codes tab enables you to assign project code
values to the selected project. You must first add project codes and
values (choose Enterprise, Project Codes).
Default values The Defaults tab enables you to specify the default
settings for the selected project. This information includes the default
cost account for resource assignments to activities, the defaults for
automatic activity numbering, and the default activity calendar, duration
type, and percent complete type.
If you change the default calendar,
the module applies the default
calendar only to new activities.
The default duration,
percent complete, and
activity types for
activities in the project.
Changing these
settings does not affect
existing activities.
Mark to automatically
number new activities
one increment greater
than the selected
activity, when adding
Mark the Recalculate Actual Units and Cost when Duration% Complete
Changes checkbox to automatically update the actual units and costs
when the Duration% complete is updated. If this checkbox is cleared,
the module does not estimate actuals, and the actual fields remain blank
unless you specify values.
If you use timesheets or Apply Actuals to update or apply
actuals, you can still select the Recalculate Actual Units and
Cost when Duration % Complete Changes option; however,
when you apply actuals, the module overwrites existing
actuals values that were recalculated based on this setting.
Mark the Link Actual and Actual This Period Units and Cost checkbox
if you intend to store past period actuals using the Store Period
Performance feature. If this option is not selected, you cannot store
period performance or edit past period actuals.
You may want to create your OBS to match each EPS node and project
set up in the EPS. You can initially match OBS names to the EPS node
and project names. For example, for the Corporate (Corporate IT) node,
name the OBS element, Corporate IT Manager.
For more information
about setting up security,
see the Administrators
Assign users, by their login names, to the OBS elements to grant access
to the corresponding EPS nodes or projects. The type of access granted
to a user is determined by the project security profile assigned to the
user. Security profiles are set up on the Security Profiles dialog box
(choose Admin, Security Profiles) and then assigned to users on the
Users dialog box (choose Admin, Users).
The OBS can mirror the EPS at the node and project level, or include
additional OBS levels to accommodate your management organization.
For example, you may want to specify team leaders as the responsible
managers for the WBS levels of a project, and the project manager
above the team leaders in the OBS as the responsible manager of the
project. In this way, you can delineate appropriate access and security
measures at various levels of the EPS while maintaining an OBS that
accurately reflects your organization chart.
An OBS can have only one root element.
You can also produce reports based on your OBS; several standard OBS
reports are included with the sample projects.
Viewing an OBS
You can view an OBS in two ways: as a chart or a table. Choose
Enterprise, OBS, to open the Organizational Breakdown Structure
dialog box.
View the OBS chart Click the Display Options bar, then choose
Chart View. To change the information included in the chart and the way
it is displayed, click the Display Options bar and choose Chart Box
Template, Customize.
View the OBS table Click the Display Options bar, then choose
Table View.
Setting Up an OBS
Use the Organizational Breakdown Structure dialog box to create, view,
and edit the global OBS. You can also use this dialog box to view a list
of users who can access an OBS elements global and project
information, and to see how people are assigned across the enterprise of
For more information
about establishing EPS
nodes, see Setting Up the
Enterprise Project
Structure on page 67.
View users associated with OBS elements Click the Users tab
in the Organizational Breakdown Structure dialog box to view the users
and corresponding security profiles associated with an OBS element.
You can also assign users from this tab, if you have appropriate access
Resources Overview
You can develop a resource plan that integrates resources, costs, and the
schedule so you can effectively control your projects. Begin by defining
a list of all the resources necessary to complete the projects included in
your enterprise project structure (EPS). For each resource, set
availability limits, unit prices, and a calendar to define its standard
worktime and nonworktime. Define shifts and apply one or more of the
shifts to the resources to whom they apply. Group the resources by
broad categories so you can easily find a specific resource when
assigning resources to a project.
To enable grouping and rollups of your resources across the enterprise,
set up resource codes and assign code values. Use this information to
produce resource reports and profiles. Analyze the resource allocation,
and adjust your project plan to avoid overallocation and peaks and
valleys of resource use.
Resources are different than expenses. While some resources are timebased and generally extend across multiple activities and projects,
expenses are one-time expenditures for nonreusable items required by
Roles If you are in the planning stage of your project or want to see
how certain resource assignments will affect the schedule, you can
assign roles as temporary placeholders for resource assignments. Roles
are project personnel job titles or skills. They represent a type of
resource with a certain level of proficiencyrather than a specific
individual. Roles can also be assigned to specific resources to further
identify that resources skills.
For information about
assigning resources to
activities, see Working
with Activities on
page 211.
To select the resources to display, choose Filter By, then choose All
Active Resources, All Resources, or Current Projects Resources.
To organize the resource hierarchy, choose Group and Sort By, and
choose one of the predefined groupings or customize your own.
If resource security is enabled, the module only displays the
resources you have access rights to view. Refer to the
Primavera Administrators Guide for more information.
Default Units/Time
You can enter the default units/time value as a numeric value followed
by a forward slash (/) and the appropriate time duration, depending on
your user preference setting for time units, or as a percentage for labor
and nonlabor resources. For example, if the selected resource is one
person, a reasonable value may be eight hours (units) per day (duration).
In this case, the Default Units/Time would be 8.00h/d, or eight hours of
work per day. If you are entering a percentage, you would enter 100%
indicating that the resource is available to work full-time. Similarly, if
the selected resource is a department with five people, the Max Units/
Time may be 40.00h/d, or 500%. This means that five people can
perform 40 hours of work per day, rather than one person performing 8
hours of work per day. The module uses this value in conjunction with
the calendar assignment to calculate resource allocation/distribution
during scheduling and leveling.
Units and prices Use the Units & Prices tab to specify available
quantities (limits) for the resource. Setting limits helps you quickly
identify areas of resource overload in Resource Usage Profiles using
different colors to represent limits and overallocated units in histograms.
The module automatically adjusts the resources costs for its assigned
activities to reflect price changes for different timeperiods.
Max Units/Time
Notes Use the Notes tab to enter comments about the resource. You
can use HTML editing features, which include formatting text, inserting
pictures, copying and pasting information from other document files
(while retaining formatting), and adding hyperlinks.
Customize columns to
include the resource
codes for which you want
to assign values; click in
the column cell for each
resource to select the
resource code value
click Assign to select the
resource code value for
the selected resource
Setting Up Roles
Roles are project personnel job titles or skills, for example, project
planner, quality assurance tester, and engineer. You can create a standard
set of roles that you can assign to labor and nonlabor resources and
activities in all projects in the enterprise. You can establish an unlimited
number of roles and organize them in a hierarchy for easier management
and assignment. The set of roles you assign to an activity defines the
activitys skill requirements. You can also define multiple price per unit
rates and unit/time limits for each role to accurately plan future costs
and allocation.
Assign roles to activities as you would resources during project
schedule and cost planning. When your plans are finalized, you can
replace roles with resources, based on each activitys role and skill
View roles Choose Enterprise, Roles, then click the Display Options
To view only those roles that have assignments in the open project,
choose Filter By, Current Projects Roles.
Add rates to a role You can add up to five price per unit rates for
each role in the roles dictionary. When you assign a role to an activity
during project planning, you can choose which rate you want to use to
calculate cost. Defining rates for specific roles yields more accurate
project cost planning results.
To add rates to a role choose Enterprise, Roles. If tabs are not displayed
in the Roles dialog box, click the Display Options bar and choose Roles
Details. Select the role you want to assign rates to, then click the Prices
tab. Enter up to five Price/Unit rates for the selected role.
For example, if the price per unit is $25/hour, enter 25h; if the price per
unit is $50000/year, enter 50000y. You can only enter unit values in
minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, and years. Your system
administrator defines the abbreviations for these units in the Admin
Preferences, Time Periods tab.
Enter the price and unit for the selected role. The
unit must be the same for each rate defined for a
specific role (e.g., you cannot mix hourly and weekly
time units for the same role). If multiple rates are
defined for a role and you change the unit for one
rate, the module changes the unit for all other
defined rates. If you enter a price but not a unit, the
default unit is hours.
Define role limits Use the Limits tab to specify available quantities
(limits) for a role. Setting limits helps you quickly identify areas of role
overload in Resource/Role Usage Profiles, using different colors to
represent limits and overallocated units in charts and histograms.
In P6 Web Access, you
can view role limits in all
charts and histograms that
display role data, such as
the Capacity Planning
chart (Portfolios section),
Role Usage histogram
(Resources section), and
Team Usage histogram
(Projects section).
To define role limits, choose Enterprise, Roles. If tabs are not displayed
in the Roles dialog box, click the Display Options bar and choose Roles
Details. Select the role you want to define limits for, then click the
Limits tab. Click Add at the bottom of the Roles dialog box. Doubleclick in the Effective Date column, then click the Browse button to
select the date the limit takes effect. In the Max Units/Time column,
enter the allocation limit for the role as a unit value or as a percentage,
depending on your user preference settings for resource units/time (User
Preferences, Time Units tab).
The number of
units available
during each
workperiod (hour,
day, week, or
month); you can
enter a
percentage, or a
numeric value
followed by a
forward slash (/)
and the
appropriate time
depending on
your user
preference setting
for time units.
You can assign roles to resources in two ways: from the Resource
Details window or from the Roles dialog box.
Assign roles to resources from the Resource Details
window Choose Enterprise, Resources, select the resource to which
you want to assign a role, click the Display Options bar, then choose
Details. Click the Roles tab, then click Assign.
Mark the checkbox for the role you want to use as the default
role, if there are more than one listed for the resource.
The module contains a set of pre-defined resource curves you can assign
to resource/role assignments. When the pre-defined resources curves do
not accurately capture how units should be spread for some of your
projects activities, you can create global custom resource curves. If
many activities require resource/role units to be spread using the same
distribution curve, you can define the custom curve and assign it to the
necessary resource/role assignments.
For instructions on
assigning resource curves
to resource and role
assignments, see
Assigning Resource
Curves to Resource or Role
Assignments on page 234.
If timesheet data exists for the actuals, curves are ignored for the actuals
and are spread using the timesheet data. Activities with timesheet data
continue to spread the remaining units using the curve. To use curves to
calculate the Actual Units/Cost and EV Units/Costs, mark the
Recalculate Actual Units and Costs when duration % complete changes
checkbox in the Calculations tab in Project Details.
Resource curves do not support expenses. The Accrual
Type field will continue to spread the expenses.
Click Modify to define the curves distribution. Edit the curve value
percentages to create a curve that indicates how your costs/units should
distribute over time. Curves are defined by 21 points (at 5% intervals
from 0 to 100). Click Prorate to make the total of the distribution values
equal to 100% while maintaining the shape you specified. Click OK,
then Close.
The budget
and spending
plan can stand
alone to
financial data
for the WBS
You can also summarize project data to a specific WBS level when
calculating and maintaining summary data.
Project Details
You can also use the WBS at the planning stage of a project for topdown estimations and summary rollups of data not yet associated with
projects. For example, you can create a WBS for a higher-level node of
the EPS and include summary data, planned budgets, and dates,
independent of any project.
Viewing a WBS
You can view a WBS as a chart or a table. Open the Work Breakdown
Structure window by choosing Project, WBS; you can also click WBS
from the Directory bar or from the Home workspace.
View the Work Breakdown Structure chart Click the Display
Options bar, then choose Show on Top, Chart View. To change the
displayed information, click the Display Options bar and choose Chart
Box Template, then an information type.
You can also choose to display a Gantt Chart to the right of the WBS
table. Click the Display Options bar, then choose Show on Top, Gantt
Click the Display Options bar,
then choose Columns,
Customize, to select only the
columns you want to display.
General information Use the General tab to view and edit the
selected WBS elements general information. This includes the code,
name, status, and responsible manager.
The user-defined dates the project/activities associated with the
WBS element are expected to start and finish; used during the
project planning stage, and set at the WBS, EPS, or project level
Determines whether
Timesheets users have
access to activities within the
WBS. In general, only Active
status enables access.
However, a project level
option can be set to enable
read-only access when the
WBS status is Inactive.
Edit a WBS element Select the WBS element you want to edit. To
change the elements position in the WBS, click the appropriate arrow
buttons at the bottom of the command bar on the right side of the Work
Breakdown Structure window. Display Work Breakdown Structure
Details by clicking the Display Options bar and choosing Show on
Bottom, WBS Details, then enter new information in the tabs.
Establish a custom category and its values using the Admin Categories
dialog box. The Admin Categories dialog box appears when you choose
Admin, Admin Categories.
Assign a WBS category value Choose Project, WBS. Add the
WBS category as a column by clicking the Display Options bar and
choosing Columns, Customize. Select the WBS category name under
General in the Available Options area, then click the right arrow button
to move it to the Selected Options column; click OK. Select the WBS
element to which you want to assign a category value, then click the
Browse button in the WBS category column.
In the Technique for Computing ETC area, choose the method you want
to use when calculating an activitys estimate to complete (ETC) value:
WBS 1.1 Weight = Weight of WBS 1.1
WBS 1.1 Units = Number of Units Allocated to WBS Element 1.1
Sum of All WBS Weights at WBS Level = Sum of Weight of All WBSs
at Same Level of Hierarchy as WBS 1.1
Est Units = Number of Estimated Units Distributed Among All WBSs at
WBS Level 1.N
For example, if you select a WBS with three, level-one WBS elements
beneath it, and each of those elements has a weight of 1 with an estimate
of 100 days, the module calculates each WBS as having 33.3 days, as
Units = 1 + 1 + 1 x 100d = 33.3d
Alternatively, if the weights for each WBS element vary, such as 6 for
one element and 2 each for the other two elements, the result is 60 days
for the first element, and 20 days each for the other two elements:
Units = 6 + 2 + 2 x 100d=60d
Primavera - Project Management
Defining Budgets
In this chapter:
Top-Down Budgeting
Establishing Budgets
Establishing a Monthly Spending
Tracking Budget Changes
Establishing Funding
Tracking and Analyzing Budgets
Top-Down Budgeting
The ability to perform top-down planning is key to enterprise-wide
planning and control. If an organizations projects have a budget of $5
billion over the next two years, the details probably will not be worked
out until some period after the first project commences. The structure
used by a company to organize its projects must be flexible enough to
allow each project and group of projects to maintain its WBS and to
draw only against the resources normally allotted to it.
The module facilitates a top-down budgeting approach to cost
management. The resource/cost manager or other person responsible for
making decisions about project launches generally establishes highlevel budget estimates. These estimates are set at each EPS node. Project
managers distribute the budgets to the projects for which they are
responsible in each node, as shown in the following example.
Once budget estimates are set at the EPS level, you can establish a
monthly spending plan to keep track of cash flow for each node and
Defining Budgets
With spending plans in place, you can compare the monthly totals for
the EPS node with those of all projects in the node, to ensure monthly
spending does not exceed your original budget estimates.
Spending Plan Spending Plan Tally
(Assembly) (AUTO+CONV)
If your projects use funding to support budgets, you can also set up a
Funding Source dictionary, which you can then use to quickly assign
specific funding sources to budget items as you develop projects.
When estimates are firmly established, resource/cost managers and team
leaders can set budget amounts and spending plans at the WBS levels
for which theyre responsible. Resources and budgets can then be
allocated at the activity level.
Primavera - Project Management
Once projects are underway, you can monitor budget changes using
change logs, and continue to track monthly spending as actual costs are
When your projects are complete, you can record and maintain the
benefit, or return on investment (ROI), of performing each project. This
value assists the operations executive in the strategic planning process
when undertaking future projects.
The remainder of this chapter discusses how to establish budgets,
spending plans, and funding, as well as how to track changes.
Defining Budgets
Establishing Budgets
You can establish budget estimates at the planning stage, then refine
them as projects progress. Document budget changes as they occur, and
then use these changes to calculate the latest budgeted amounts for the
project. You can also record monthly spending of budgeted funds, track
the current and undistributed variance amounts, and roll up the monthly
spending plan of each project in a branch to its higher EPS nodes.
Set up the total budget for each EPS node in the hierarchy first, then
enter the applicable portion of the total budgeted amount to each project
in the nodes branch. Once these initial total amounts are entered, you
can start apportioning anticipated monthly spending amounts per
project. The module then tallies the amounts for the projects so you can
keep track of the total spending plan and assess the variance between
this total and the current budget. This process is ongoing through the
project life cycle. Close to the completion of the project, you can better
determine profitability and enter the ROI. This amount can be used as a
gauge when determining whether a project of this type should be
undertaken in the future.
Display Project Details by
clicking the Display
Options bar and choosing
Show on Bottom, Project
After you have entered budgeted totals for a node and its projects, you
can start apportioning anticipated monthly spending amounts for each of
the projects in the branch. Read the next section for more information.
Defining Budgets
You can also use the Spending Plan tab to establish a monthly benefit
plan. This plan helps you track the financial benefit of performing the
projects on a monthly basis. Enter the benefit amount, or profit return on
your monthly spending, in the Benefit Plan column. The module also
tallies the benefit plans for the combined project amounts in a selected
EPS node branch.
Defining Budgets
Change amounts are not incorporated in the current budget until these
amounts have an Approved status. Only authorized project participants
may issue budget changes and mark them as approved. You may post a
change amount as Pending; the program manager of the affected EPS
node, or the project manager of the affected project, must then mark the
amount as Approved or Not Approved. The module recalculates the new
budgeted amount and adjusts the current budget based on approved
changes to the log:
Proposed Budget = Original Budget + Approved Budget Changes + Pending
Budget Changes
Current Budget = Original Budget + Approved Budget Changes
Click the Budget Summary tab to track budget and spending totals as
projects progress and changes occur. The Budget Summary tab enables
you to see the current budget, distributed current budget, and benefit
plan totals for an overall picture of how your projects are doing
Current Budget Total Spending Plan
Defining Budgets
Establishing Funding
If you are working on government, capital, or other projects that are
traditionally funded by sources outside or within your organization, you
can set up a Funding Source dictionary, which you can then use to
quickly assign specific funding sources to budget items as you develop
You can apply unlimited
funding assignments to
each EPS and project
Specify your
funding source,
amount, and fund
share percentage at
the EPS or project
The fund share value is the portion of the total funded amount
contributed by the funding source for the assignment. You can assign
the same funding source multiple times with varying monetary amounts
and share contributions for different levels of the EPS. You define both
the amount and share values for the fund. Funds do not roll up; you edit
them for each EPS level to allow for top-down planning. You can add a
Total Funding column in the Projects window to display the sum of the
funding for each project and EPS node.
Primavera - Project Management
Defining Budgets
Click the
arrows to
move values
up or down in
the list, or to
change a
position in the
Click the Close button in the Assign Project Codes dialog box when you
are finished assigning project code values to the project.
You can also assign several values at once. Press and hold
the Ctrl key, then select each value you want to assign. Click
the Assign button.
Summary bar
Current bar
Group by project code Click the Display Options bar, then choose
Group and Sort By. Choose a specific project code or choose Customize
to include additional codes or other project elements in your layout. The
module creates a group band for each Group By parameter you select in
the Group and Sort dialog box.
Click in the first row of the Group By column, then select the project
code or other parameter by which you want to group. You can group by
more than one item by adding additional rows. Mark the Indent
checkbox for hierarchical items to show all levels or only levels up to
the number indicated in the To Level cell. You can indent only one level
per group. If you select a date Group By item, you can select the time
interval in the Group Interval cell. To change the font and background
color of the group bands, double-click the Font & Color cell for each
For more information
about summarizing data,
see Summarizing
Projects on page 341.
Click OK to return to the Filters dialog box. The new filter is listed
under User Defined filters, and the corresponding select checkbox is
marked, indicating it is active. Click Apply to see the projects selected
by the filter, or click OK to apply the filter to the layout and close the
dialog box.
The following table summarizes the data types available and their uses
in user-defined fields:
Data Type Use For
Start Date
Start date
Currency value
You can only create columns for a UDF in the layout of the
subject area in which you created the UDF. For example, if
you create a UDF called Purchase Order Number in the
Project Expenses subject area, the Purchase Order Number
UDF can only be viewed in the Expenses layout.
Global change using UDFs You can use Global Change to assign
values to Activity, Activity Resource Assignments, and Expenses user
fields. To assign a global change click Tools, Global Change.
You must create UDFs in the User Defined Fields dialog
before you can assign and populate UDFs using Global
Change. There are no pre-existing UDFs available in the
Formatting UDF date bars You can create bars for user-defined
date fields and view them in the Gantt chart. Click View, Bars. In the
Bars dialog, click Add. Enter a name in the Name field. In the Timescale
field, select User Dates (the User Start Date and User Finish Date fields
will become enabled). Select the user-defined start and finish date
values in the User Start Date and User Finish Date fields.
You must create user-defined start date and finish date fields
in the User Defined Fields dialog before you can create bars
for these fields in the Gantt chart. Also, the User Finish Date
and User Start Date columns are only editable when you
select User Dates in the Timescale column.
Click in the Filter column to open the Filters dialog. Select a filter and
click Apply, OK. If desired, click on the Bar Style tab to change the
bars appearance. Click Apply, OK.
If you select a User Finish Date that is earlier than the User
Start Date, or if there is no value associated with those fields,
the bar will not be displayed.
display in columns
First, you could create an Indicator UDF in the User Defined Fields
dialog called Priority Indicator. Then, in Activities, you would create a
column for the Priority Indicator UDF. In the Priority Indicator column,
you would identify the activities you want to add an indicator value to,
click in the Priority Indicator field, and select the appropriate value. You
could then group, sort, and filter data based on the Priority Indicator
value. The Activity Table would look similar to the following figure,
with Indicators grouped by type.
Creating Calendars
In this chapter:
Adding Calendars
Modifying Calendars
Adding Calendars
You can establish an unlimited number of calendars to accommodate
different work patterns. For example, if some activities require a fiveday workweek, while others are performed part-time (such as Monday,
Wednesday, and Friday), you can create different calendars and assign
the activities and resources in your projects to them.
For information about
assigning global or project
calendars to activities, see
Working with Activities
on page 211.
There are three calendar pools: global, resource, and project. The global
calendar pool contains calendars that apply to all projects in the
database. The project calendar pool is a separate pool of calendars for
each project in the enterprise. The resource calendar pool is a separate
pool of calendars for each resource. You can assign resource or global
calendars to resources, and global or project calendars to activities.
Creating Calendars
Click to
convert a
or project
to a global
Modifying Calendars
For additional information
about modifying calendars,
refer to the Help.
Use more than one calendar when your projects contain activities that
can occur on different schedules. For example, you can create one
calendar that specifies a normal Monday-through-Friday workweek and
another calendar that specifies continuous worktime (24 hours/day). If
you define multiple project calendars, you must assign each activity to
the specific calendar that indicates the worktime available for
performing that activity. The module schedules each activity only
during the worktimes of the calendar to which it is assigned.
A calendar consists of a
standard workweek and a
list of exceptions.
You can also create multiple calendars to control the times when work is
performed by resources throughout your organization. You can then
associate different holidays/exceptions from the global calendar for each
work cycle to indicate individual resource availability.
Define the workhours for each day in the regular workweek. Use the
Calendar dialog box to view and edit a global, project, or resource
Modify calendars Choose Enterprise, Calendars; choose the
calendar type (Global, Resource, or Project), select the calendar you
want to modify, then click Modify.
To base a resource or project calendar on another calendar,
select a new global calendar in the Inherit Holidays and
Exceptions from Global Calendar field.
Choose the month you want to modify by clicking the appropriate arrow
button next to the month-year title. Modify the year by clicking the
month/year title, and clicking the appropriate arrow button. To change
the number of hours in a specific workday, click the date you want to
Work hours defined with decimal values other than .0 or .5
will round up or down to .0 or .5.
Creating Calendars
Creating Calendars
ead this part to learn how to define and use activity codes to
organize and filter project activities, add activities and
relationships to projects, and monitor project expenses using cost
Establishing Activity Codes describes how to structure project
data using activity codes so you can organize the information in
different ways.
Working with Activities describes how to create a schedule
consisting of activities and resource assignments.
Working with Cost Accounts and Project Expenses discusses
tracking activity costs and earned value throughout the project
life cycle.
Performing Top-Down Estimation shows you how to perform
and apply top-down estimation to WBS elements and activities.
Activity codes
Click to select an
EPS level to which
you want to add an
activity code.
Click to remove
the activity code
value and its
Group by as many
fields as necessary
for your layout.
To display summary bars in the Gantt Chart, click the Layout Options
bar, then choose Bars to display the Bars dialog box.
Activities Overview
Activities represent work that must take place in a determined amount of
time. Use the Activity Table or Activity Network layouts to add
activities and build your projects. Within these layouts, you can define
the following activity information:
Activity calendar
WBS element
Adding Activities
For more information on
layouts, refer to Working
with Layouts on page 425
and Customizing Layouts
on page 445.
Use the Activities window to create, view, and modify activities for the
open project. The Activities window can be divided into upper and
lower layouts. For example, show an Activity Table, Gantt Chart,
Activity Usage Spreadsheet, or Activity Network in the top layout, and/
or show Activity Details, an Activity Table, Gantt Chart, Activity or
Resource Usage Spreadsheet or Profile, or Trace Logic in the bottom
layout. Customize the layouts to suit your requirements.
Choose Project, Activities, to display the Activities window.
To add an activity to a project, use the Activity Table and Gantt Chart, or
Activity Network. Depending on your user preferences, the New
Activity wizard may start to help you add an activity.
Add activities in the Activity Table Select an activity within the
group to which you want to add a new activity, then click Add. The new
activity is placed according to the sorting options selected for the layout.
To indicate that the activity marks the end of a major stage in the
project, select Finish Milestone. Milestones do not have time-based
costs or resource assignments. However, a primary resource can be
specified. Finish milestone activities have a zero duration.
Duration Update the Duration fields when you are setting the duration
or updating the activity as a whole. (Most likely, the activity type will be
Task Dependent.)
For more information on
updating the schedule, see
Part 4, Updating and
Managing the Schedule on
page 279.
To enter the planned duration for the activity, in the Planned field
enter the expected number of workperiods required to complete the
selected activity.
Status Once an activity is underway, update its start and finish dates
and other status information.
To enter the activitys planned start date, click the Browse button in
the Started field, then select a date. If the activity has actually
started, mark the Started checkbox, then specify the actual start date
in the Started field.
To enter the activitys planned finish date, click the Browse button
in the Finished field, then select a date. If the activity is complete,
mark the Finished checkbox, then specify the actual finish date in
the Finished field.
If the planned date you enter differs from its scheduled date,
you are prompted to apply a constraint to hold the activity in
place. If you do not constrain the activity, your dates are
overwritten when the schedule is calculated.
If the selected activity has started, the Exp Finish field displays the
date the activity is expected to end. (Only the primary resource can
edit this date in the Timesheets module.) Anyone who has access to
the project can edit this date.
Free float is the amount of time the selected activity can be delayed,
without delaying the immediate successor activities.
Choose the primary constraint for the activity, then click the
Browse button in the Date field to select the date to which the
primary constraint applies.
Establishing Relationships
Create relationships between activities to indicate whether an activity
can begin only after other activities start or finish. Once you assign
relationships, schedule the project to calculate early and late dates for
each activity.
Establish relationships between activities in the same project, or link
projects by creating relationships between activities in different projects
within the EPS. You can define relationships to activities in any other
project (not including what-if/inactive projects), even if the project is
not opened in the current display.
There are several methods for assigning relationships. Use the Activity
Network to visualize the flow of logic as you link activities, or use the
Gantt Chart to view relationships according to time. You can also use
the Relationships tab in Activity Details to assign relationships to
activities in the same project or in other projects in the EPS.
Relationship types and lag You can define the following four
types of relationships. Typically, you define relationships from the
predecessor to the successor activity.
Finish to start. The successor activity can begin only
when the predecessor activity completes.
Finish to finish. The finish of the successor activity
depends on the finish of the predecessor activity.
Start to start. The start of the successor activity depends
on the start of the predecessor activity.
Start to finish. The successor activity cannot finish until
the predecessor activity starts.
You can select a calendar to calculate the lag between predecessors and
successors for all activities. If you do not select a calendar, the
Successor Activity Calendar is used to calculate lag. You can calculate
lag based on the Predecessor Activity Calendar; the 24 Hour Calendar,
which uses continuous, 7 days/week, 24 hours/day workperiods; or the
Project Default Calendar, which is the calendar selected as Default for
New Activities on the Defaults tab of Project Details. To select the
calendar for scheduling relationship lag, choose Tools, Schedule. Click
Options. In the General tab, select a calendar in the Calendar for
Scheduling Relationship Lag field.
Dissolving Activities
To maintain relationships when deleting activities, choose Edit,
Dissolve, in the Activities window. Dissolving deletes an activity and
joins its predecessor and successor activities with a finish to start
relationship. The selected activity to be dissolved must have a
predecessor and successor.
This sequence of activities above can be completed with just two activities.
Dissolve activity A114400. Activity A114390 and A114410 automatically join with
a finish to start relationship.
To assign a relationship
between projects, click the
Display Options bar in the
Assign Predecessors/
Assign Successors dialog
box, then choose Select
Project. Select activities to
define relationships the
same way as you would
from the same project.
Trace Logic The Trace Logic layout enables you to examine a path
while still viewing the entire project. Click the Layout Options bar and
choose Show on Bottom, Trace Logic. In the Gantt Chart or Activity
Network upper layout, select the activity from which you want to begin
tracing logic.
To move through the chain of activities, click a predecessor or successor
of the selected activity. To modify the number of predecessor/successor
levels, click the Layout Options bar and choose Bottom Layout Options.
Steps, which divide activities into smaller units. You can apply a
weight to each step, which can be linked to the activitys physical
percent complete for the completed steps.
WPs & Docs, which enable you to catalog and track all projectrelated work products and documents.
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
. . . assignments to activities
with duration types of Fixed
Units and Fixed Units/Time.
Layout grouped
and sorted by
project and by
Change the
intervals to
reflect your
and reporting
The values you should enter in future period buckets are dependent
on the duration of your planning periods (buckets), the timescale
you choose, and user preference settings.
The values you enter in the Planned Units and Remaining Units
fields are converted to the Unit/Time specified in the User
Preferences, Time Units tab. For example, if the Unit/Time user
preference is set to Hour and you enter 1d, the value is converted to
8h. To avoid planning mistakes, you should set the Unit/Time user
preference to the same time unit you use to plan your work. For
example, if you plan your work in hours, set the Unit/Time to
Click Assign. Select the activity code value you want to assign. To
assign multiple codes and values, hold down the Ctrl key, then click
each code value you want to assign. Click the Select button, then click
the Close button.
Add expenses to activities In the Activities window, select the
activity to which you want to add an expense. Click the Expenses tab in
Activity Details.
Click Add, then type the expenses name. Double-click the items
expense category listing, click the category you want to assign, then
click the Select button. Double-click the Accrual Type cell, then select
the expenses accrual type. Type the number of planned units you expect
the selected activity to use. Type the cost of each unit. The module
calculates and displays the expenses planned cost (planned units *
price/unit) in the Planned Cost field.
To enter actual expense costs already incurred by the activity, type the
cost in the Actual Cost field. Type the name of the vendor business or
organization to which the expense is payable.
In the Notes to Resources area, type any comments to the resources who
are working on the activity. The notes are then posted with the activity
in the Timesheets module for the resources to read.
Assign notes to activities In the Activities window, select the
activity to which you want to assign a note. Click the Notebook tab in
Activity Details.
Click Add. Select the notebook topics you want to assign. These topics
are predefined in the Notebook Topics tab of the Admin Categories
dialog box. To make the topics accessible for assignment to projects,
EPS nodes, WBS elements, and/or activities, mark the appropriate
checkboxes in the Admin Categories dialog box. To assign multiple
topics, hold down the Ctrl key, then click each notebook topic you want
to assign. Click the Assign button.
Click Assign and select the document you want to assign. To assign
multiple documents, hold down the Ctrl key, then click each item. Click
the Assign button, then click the Close button. Mark the checkbox for
the selected document to indicate that it is a work product.
To view detailed information about and/or open a document, select the
item, then click Details in the WPs & Docs tab.
Adding Steps
You can divide an activity into smaller task increments called steps and
then assign weights to the steps to calculate the activitys percent
complete. Weighted steps enable you to track the progress of an activity
based on the number of steps completed.
The percentage value is shown, relative to the weights of the other steps.
For example, three steps are assigned to an activity; the first step has a
weight of 2, and the second and third steps each have a weight of 1.
When you mark the first step (weight of 2) complete, the percent
complete is 50. When you mark the first and second steps complete, the
percent complete is 75. When all three steps are marked complete, the
percent complete is 100.
For more information on
creating Activity Step
Templates and assigning
them to activities, refer to
the next section, Creating
and Assigning Activity Step
You can add steps unique to each activity. You can also create Activity
Step Templates that capture a group of steps common to multiple
activities, then assign the step group to activities. This section describes
how to add unique steps to activities; the next section describes how to
create and assign Activity Step Templates.
Add steps In the Activities window, select the activity to which you
want to add a step. Click the Steps tab in Activity Details.
Click Add. Type the name of the new step. Type a brief description of
the step for the selected activity. You can use HTML editing features,
which include formatting text, inserting pictures, copying and pasting
information from other information fields (while retaining formatting),
and adding hyperlinks. To move the step to an earlier stage of the
activity, click the up arrow. To move the step to a later stage of the
activity, click the down arrow.
Step Weight The weight of the step indicates the steps importance. The higher the value, the greater the importance. The weight
can be any number between 0.0 and 999999.0 and is relative to the
other steps listed for the activity.
To change the weight of a step, double-click the Step
Weight column and type a new weight for the step.
Final review
Final revision
To view a document, select the document, then click View. For Contract
Manager version 8.5 (Expedition), the document displays in Contract
Manager Print Preview. For Contract Manager version 9.0 and higher,
the document displays in your default Web browser.
You can view Contract Manager documents only if your
project is linked to a project in the Contract Manager
module. Refer to Linking the Project Management and
Contract Manager Modules on page 529 for more
information. You must access the Contract Manager module
to associate a document with a project activity.
Change data globally Use the Global Change dialog box to create,
edit, delete, or run global change specifications. Choose Project,
Activities, then choose Tools, Global Change. Select a global change
and click Apply Change. You can view the data changes in the Global
Change Report window. To accept the changes displayed in the Global
Change Report window, click Commit Changes; to cancel the global
change and return the data to its original state, click Cancel Changes.
Click to
If, Then,
and Else
Combine text fields You can use Global Change to modify text data
items such as activity IDs and names, and activity codes, by linking two
text fields using the ampersand (&) operator. This is called
concatenation. The following statement adds the location activity code
value to the Activity ID field, if there is a value assigned to the activity:
Then: Activity ID = Activity ID & Location
Use a dash (-) or underscore (_) to represent spaces when
concatenating data.
For more information on
the valid arithmetic
operators and calculations
available in Global Change,
along with examples of
date arithmetic, see the
You can also add expenses, assign expense categories to them, and
specify whether an expense accrues at the start or end of an activity or
uniformly over its duration. Each expense has a planned actual,
remaining, and at completion value for both cost and units.
Expenses are not the same as resources. Resources can be
time-based and generally extend across multiple activities
and/or multiple projects. Examples of resources are
personnel and equipment. Unlike resources, expenses are
project-specific and they are not time-based. The module
does not include expenses when leveling resources.
Use these
arrows to
outdent a
value in the
cost account
and to move
a selected
value up or
down in the
The module only uses your default cost account for new
resource assignments to activities and new project expenses.
Changing this setting does not affect existing resource
assignments to activities or existing project expenses.
To set up expense
categories, choose Admin,
Admin Categories, then
click the Expense
Categories tab.
Costs Use the Costs tab to specify cost amounts for the selected
expense item, including price/unit, planned cost, actual cost, and
remaining cost. You can also indicate if you want to calculate an
expense items actual cost according to activity completion percentage.
Type a value to quantify the expense.
For example, type lbs for pounds.
Analyzing Costs
Comparing actual costs to budgets is a simplistic approach to cost
control. Determining performance using earned value is more effective.
Measuring earned value involves three key indicators: planned value,
earned value, and actual cost. If you track these values over time, you
can see the past spending and schedule trends for the project, together
with a forecast of future costs.
The variance between the planned budget
and earned value amounts indicates an
unfavorable schedule variance.
Expense Item
Activity ID
Computer Equipment
Budgeted Cost
Actual Cost
Remaining Cost
Meeting Lunch
Trip expenses
Meeting Lunches
Auto Milage
Shipping (FedEx)
Budgeted Cost
Actual Cost
Remaining Cost
Project Name
Russell Computers
Expense Item
Activity ID
Computer Equipment
Meeting Lunch
Trip expenses
Page 7 of 12
You can limit the scope of your estimate according to work breakdown
structure (WBS) element and resource. After you develop a top-down
estimate, save the estimate for later reference or use, or apply the
estimate to the project. If you apply an estimate, the module updates
planned labor/nonlabor units for all activities and activity resource
assignments that fall within the estimation scope you specify. Top-down
estimations do not affect project expenses.
When performing a top-down estimation, you should first determine the
total number of labor or nonlabor resource units you want to apply. You
can determine this number using either prior experience on similar
projects, or you can use the modules Function Point option, if you are
estimating an information technology project.
Unlike labor and nonlabor resources, a top down estimate
can not be applied to all material resources at once,
because their units of measure differ. You must select the
material resources individually.
Choose Prior Experience. Using the value displayed in the Current Units
field as a guide, type the estimate in the Estimated Units field. To apply
an adjustment percentage to the estimate, mark the Apply Adjustment
checkbox, then type the adjustment percentage you want to use. For
example, if the estimated units are 400 and you apply an adjustment of
50%, the module will add 200 (50% of 400) to the estimated units. The
Adjusted Units field will display 600 units.
To save the estimate without applying it, click Save As. Type a name
and any assumptions and notes about the estimate, then click Save.
Develop top-down estimations using function points Choose
Tools, Top Down Estimation. Choose to estimate labor or nonlabor
resource units, or select a material resource in the Resource field. Click
the Browse button in the WBS field to select the WBS element whose
activities you want to estimate, then click the Select button. Choose
Function Point, then click Function Points.
Type the Unadjusted Function Point Count (UFP) value you want to use,
or click Calculate to calculate the UFP.
If you choose to calculate the UFP, in the applicable boxes type the
number of low, average, and high complexity files and transactions to be
developed under the WBS element and resource, if any, you are
Click Close. The Function Point Estimation dialog box reappears. Your
UFP value is listed in the Unadjusted Function Point Count (UFP) box.
Type the Total Degree of Influence (TDI) value you want to use, or click
Characteristics to calculate the TDI. If you choose to specify
characteristics, select a system characteristic, then choose the numeric
value that indicates the characteristics degree of influence on the WBS
element you are estimating. A 0 indicates no influence and 5 indicates
the strongest influence. When you select a value, the Value Description
box displays text describing the value for the selected characteristic.
Select a value for all system characteristics, then click Close.
The Function Point Estimation dialog box reappears. The TDI value is
listed in the Total Degree of Influence (TDI) box.
Type the average productivity value, then click Close.
To apply an adjustment percentage to the estimate, mark the Apply
Adjustment checkbox, then type the percentage you want to use. For
example, if the estimated units are 400 and you apply an adjustment of
50%, the module will add 200 (50% of 400) to the estimated units. The
Adjusted Units field will display 600 units.
To save the estimate without applying it, click Save As. Type a name
and any assumptions and notes about the estimate, then click Save.
Apply top-down estimations Click Apply to perform the top-down
estimation. Click Yes when prompted to confirm that you want to apply
a top-down estimate to the project. Click OK.
To view an estimates
details, select the estimate,
then click these tabs.
To delete an estimate,
select it, then click Delete.
Managing Baselines
Updating, Scheduling, and Leveling
Summarizing Projects
Project Issues and Thresholds
Managing Risks
Maintaining a Projects Document
Tracking Projects
Comparing Projects with Schedule
Creating and Using Reflections
Checking Projects In and Out
Managing Baselines
In this chapter:
Creating and Maintaining
Assigning Baselines to Projects
Comparing Current and Baseline
Updating Baselines
Managing Baselines
You can
rename each
baseline to
make it unique.
Assign a type to
baselines to help
categorize them
across multiple
To create a baseline project, select the desired project and click Add. If
multiple projects are open, you can create a baseline for the selected
projects. (To select a project Ctrl-click on its band.) Choose to save a
copy of the current project as a new baseline or convert another project
to a new baseline.
If you choose to save the current project as a baseline, the module
creates a baseline project with the same name and data date as the
current project. To distinguish the baseline project, the module appends
the name with B1 and increments each new baseline added. For
example, if Acme Project is saved with 3 baselines the new baselines
should be saved as:
Acme Project B1
Acme Project B2
Acme Project B3
After you create a baseline, you can change its name and assign a
baseline type to it.
Delete a baseline You can delete a baseline from the project
database. Select the project that contains the baseline you want to delete.
Choose Project, Maintain Baselines. Select the baseline, then click
You cannot delete an active baseline. An active baseline is
any baseline designated as the primary, secondary, or
tertiary baseline in the Assign Baselines dialog box.
Managing Baselines
Current project
After you make changes to a restored baseline project, you can return it
as a baseline to retain the changes for comparison against the current
project. For example, you may want to revise the baseline to indicate
scope changes once the current project is underway.
Assign the baselines to use for the current project Use the
Assign Baselines dialog box to choose the primary baseline for a
project. Open the projects for which you want to select a baseline.
Choose Project, Assign Baselines. In the Project field, select the project
to which you want to assign a primary baseline.
Each baseline field in the Assign Baselines dialog lists the current
project and all existing baselines for the selected project. To use an
existing baseline as the primary baseline, select an existing baseline in
the Primary field. If you do not select a value for the primary baseline,
the current project is used as the primary baseline.
Assign baselines for comparison To assign an existing baseline
as the secondary or tertiary baseline, choose Project, Assign Baselines.
In the Project field, select the project to which you want to assign
baselines. In the Secondary and Tertiary fields, select an existing
baseline or the current project. You can assign the same project as
secondary and tertiary baselines.
You can assign only one primary, secondary, and tertiary
baseline to a project. Secondary and tertiary baselines are
not required.
Primavera - Project Management
Managing Baselines
Managing Baselines
Updating Baselines
As a project progresses, certain types of project data are likely to
change. When a project is in progress and data changes, the original
baseline you created for the project may not accurately measure
performance against the current project. Likewise, creating a new
baseline may not yield accurate results for measuring performance
because some data will change during the life of the project that should
be measured against the original project data.
For example, changes to any of the following data types can affect
results when comparing a project to its baseline:
Added/dropped activities
Using Primaveras Update Baseline utility, you can update the original
baseline plan with new activity, resource/role assignment, and project
data. When updating a baseline, you can choose to update all activities
or you can apply a filter to update activities that meet the filters criteria.
You can also specify the types of data to update, including specific data
related to activities, resources, costs, thresholds, and issues.
When updating a baseline, you can select to update specific User
Defined Fields (UDFs) related to projects, the WBS, activities, steps,
and expenses. Selecting to update specific UDFs provides greater
flexibility and control about what to update, while enhancing system
You can only update one baseline at a time. You must have
the Update Project Baselines project privilege to update a
Managing Baselines
Managing Baselines
For example:
On June 1st, you run a baseline update that includes activity steps.
On June 8th, you run a baseline update that does NOT include
activity steps.
On June 15th, you run a baseline update that includes activity steps.
You do not select the Ignore Last Update Date option.
Given this scenario, when you run the baseline update on June 15th,
activity steps are only updated from June 8th because the baseline is
updated from the last update date. If you select the Ignore Last Update
Date option, all changes to activity steps are updated regardless of the
date the baseline was last updated.
What data need to be assembled for the update and what methods
will be used to collect the data?
Who on each team will be gathering the information used for the
project update?
Who needs to see the results of the update and when do they need to
see them?
The answers to these questions help determine how you will use the
module to update projects.
Identify the types of data to collect The data to collect may
depend on whether you are updating activities or individual resource
assignments. You can update activities by simply recording actual dates
and a remaining duration. For resource assignments, enter the actual
hours to date and the hours remaining. The module can also estimate
progress automatically.
Primavera - Project Management
Regardless of the method you choose, the update process should proceed
in the following order:
For information on
implementing the
Timesheets module, see
the Administrators Guide.
The current start date of the activity. Set to the remaining start date until the
activity is started, then set to the actual start date. An A after the Start value
indicates that it is the Actual Start; an * indicates that a Start constraint is
applied to the activity.
The current finish date of the activity. Set to the activity planned finish date while
the activity is not started, the remaining finish date while the activity is in
progress, and the actual finish date once the activity is completed. An A after the
Finish value indicates that it is the Actual Finish; an * indicates that a Finish
constraint is applied to the activity.
Actual Start
Actual Finish
Early Start
The earliest possible date the remaining work for the activity can begin. This date
is calculated by the project scheduler based on activity relationships, schedule
constraints, and resource availability.
Early Finish
The earliest possible date the activity can finish. This date is calculated by the
project scheduler based on activity relationships, schedule constraints, and
resource availability.
Late Start
The latest possible date the remaining work for the activity must begin without
delaying the project finish date. This date is calculated by the project scheduler
based on activity relationships, schedule constraints, and resource availability.
Late Finish
The latest possible date the activity must finish without delaying the project finish
date. This date is calculated by the project scheduler based on activity
relationships, schedule constraints, and resource availability.
Planned Start
The date the activity is scheduled to begin. This date is set equal to the early start
date by the project scheduler but can be updated manually by the project manager.
This date is not changed by the project scheduler once you apply an Actual Start
Planned Finish
The date the activity is scheduled to finish. This date is set equal to the early finish
date by the project scheduler but can be updated manually by the user. This date is
not changed by the project scheduler once you apply an Actual Finish date.
Remaining Start
The date the remaining work for the activity is scheduled to begin. This date is
calculated by the project scheduler but can be updated manually by the user.
Before the activity is started, the Remaining Start is the same as the Planned Start.
This is the start date that Timesheets users follow.
Remaining Finish The date the remaining work for the activity is scheduled to finish. This date is
calculated by the project scheduler but can be updated manually by the user.
Before the activity is started, the Remaining Finish is the same as the Planned
Finish. This is the finish date that Timesheets users follow.
Date Field
Expected Finish
The date the activity is expected to finish. Typically, this date is entered in the
Timesheets module by the primary resource. When scheduling your projects, you
may choose to use or ignore the Expected Finish dates.
Constraint Date
The date for which the activitys constraint applies. Depending on the constraint
type, this date could be a start or finish date. For example, for a Finish On
constraint, the constraint date is the date on which the activity must finish. If the
activity does not have a constraint, this field will be empty.
External Early
For an activity with an external relationship, the date the external relationship was
scheduled to finish. This date may be used to calculate the start date of the current
activity during scheduling. This field is populated on import when an external
relationship is lost.
External Late
For an activity with an external relationship, the late start date of the lost external
relationship. This date may be used to calculate the finish date of the current
activity during scheduling. This field is populated on import when a successor
relationship is lost.
Suspend Date
Resume Date
Depending on the density of the timescale above the activity bars, you
may not be able to position the data date line on the exact date and time
you want to use. In this case, enter the data date in the Update Progress
dialog box and have the Project Management module estimate progress
as of that date before you update individual activities.
Click Apply. For each activity in the update, Project Management module
estimates percent complete amounts as of the data date, sets dates to actual
dates if they fall before the new data date, and estimates remaining
durations for activities that are not finished as of the data date. The Project
Management module also updates resource assignments based on each
activitys revised percent complete and remaining duration while adhering
to Autocost Rules. In addition, the Project Management module takes into
account only the first price per unit in the Resource Dictionary, if more
than one price per unit for varying through dates exists, when updating
resource assignments.
If you estimate progress for selected activities that do not fall
within the update period, those activities will show no progress.
When spotlighting activities, you can only estimate progress
percent complete, remaining duration, and so onfor activities
that are within the update period. If you manually update a
spotlighted activity then run Update Progress, the module will
overwrite your manual changes.
For information on
configuring resources to
use timesheets, see the
Administrators Guide.
A notification message
appears at the top right of
the window when you have
resubmitted timesheets to
Select the timesheet period you want to review. In the top half of the
window, select the timesheet you want to review; the window refreshes
to display the timesheet details in the bottom half of the window. Rightclick the selected timesheet and select Approve to update the project
with activity progress, or select Reject to return a timesheet to a
Timesheets user.
If you choose to reject a timesheet, you are prompted to confirm the
rejection, and to send a rejection e-mail to the associated timesheet
resource(s). Mark the checkbox to send a rejection e-mail, then click
OK. You can edit the contents of the e-mail as necessary.
If a resources timesheet is unavailable, you can enter
progress for assigned activities.
Select a
Click to filter
timesheets by status,
such as Action
Required, Approved,
Rejected, or Not
Lists each resource
with a timesheet for
the selected period,
based on your
timesheet filter
Displays activity
information for the
selected timesheet.
Click to assign a delegate user to process your timesheets when you
are not able to process them yourself. After selecting a delegate for
your resources or projects, you can activate and disable the delegate's
approval rights at any time. You can assign any Primavera user as a
delegate, with limited restrictions; when you activate a delegates
approval rights, the delegate is granted the same approval rights and
access to timesheets as you.
Click to approve the selected timesheet. You can approve any
timesheet with a status of Submitted, Resubmitted, PM Approved, or
RM Approved. The PM Approved and RM Approved status types are
only valid when two timesheet approval levels are required based on
administrative settings.
Click to reject the selected timesheet. You can reject any timesheet
with a status of Submitted, Approved, Resubmitted, PM Approved, or
RM Approved. The PM Approved and RM Approved status types are
only valid when two timesheet approval levels are required based on
administrative settings.
In the Timesheet Table, click to filter timesheets by one of the
following status types: Action Required, Submitted, Resubmitted,
Not Submitted, Approved, Rejected, or All. The Action Required
filter, which is selected by default, displays all timesheets that
currently require your approval. The Resubmitted filter displays all
resubmitted timesheets that require your approval, regardless of the
selected timesheet period. The Approved filter displays only
timesheets that you have personally approved.
In the Activity Table, click to filter activities by All Activities,
Regular Activities, or Overhead Activities. Regular Activities are
activities related to project work, while Overhead Activities are
activities not related to project work, such as vacation time.
In the Timesheet Table, click to group timesheets by None, Status,
Last Reviewer, Reviewed Date, or Timesheet Period. The Timesheet
Period grouping option is only available when you also select either
the Action Required or Resubmitted timesheet filter.
In the Activity Table, click to group activities by None, WBS,
Project, Role, or Status.
Above the appropriate table, click to customize the columns you want
to display.
Click to send an e-mail reminder to the resource(s) associated with
the selected timesheet(s). When you choose to send an e-mail, the
subject and body of the e-mail are automatically populated based
your timesheet filter selection; you can edit the subject and body of
any e-mail.
Click to run a standard or custom timesheet report. Standard reports
are pre-defined reports and can not be edited. Custom reports are
defined by a timesheet administrator in the Project Management
module and customized for your organization.
When you run a report as a resource manager, the report displays data
for all resources whose timesheets you are responsible for processing.
When you run a report as a project manager, the report displays data
for those projects to which you have OBS access.
Next to the appropriate timesheet, click to add or view notes for the
timesheet. To quickly view the last note added for a timesheet, hover
over the icon. This icon does not appear for Not Started timesheets.
Select the percent complete type based on how you report progress for
the activity.
Select Units when progress is best reported based on the work effort
that has been accomplished and how much effort remains. Enter the
actual and remaining units.
Units % Cmp = [Actual Units / At Completion Units] x 100
When you update activities manually, you should turn off Auto
Compute Actuals settings; otherwise, your changes are
overwritten when you apply actuals or calculate the schedule.
When you
change the
duration, this
value changes...
When you
change units/
time, this value
Fixed Units/
Fixed Duration
& Units/Time
Fixed Units
Fixed Duration
& Units
Units/Time of
each resource
duration type
The module calculates an actual duration for all activities based on the
amount of time actually worked. The amount of time an activitys
progress is suspended is considered nonworktime based on activity and
resource calendar definitions. You can use bar necking to graphically
display the suspended activitys nonworktime. In the Bars dialog, Bar
Settings tab, select the Calendar nonwork time option under Bar
Necking Settings. You can also show suspend and resume dates as
You can only enter suspend and resume dates on Task
Dependent and Resource Dependent activities. When you
enter a suspend or resume date, the activity is suspended or
resumed at the beginning of the specified day.
Applying Actuals
Once progress is recorded by approving timesheets, entering actual data,
and/or setting Auto Compute Actuals options, you must apply actuals.
Applying actuals schedules activities with progress and/or that have the
Auto Compute Actuals option set. When you apply actuals, you move
the data date or time now. The module schedules activities only within
the specified timescale (between the current data date and new data
date) and calculates progress for those activities that are set to
automatically calculate actuals.
Apply actuals Open the project or EPS node that contains the
projects to schedule. Choose Tools, Apply Actuals. If you opened an
EPS node that contains multiple projects, you can choose to use the
same data date for all projects and then specify the date, or you can
choose to use a different data date for each project and then select the
Double-click to select a new data date for
the corresponding project.
Choose to use a
different data date
for each project.
Click to update
the schedule.
Link actual and actual this period units and cost To store
period performance on a project, the actual and actual this period units
and cost must be linked. Choose Enterprise, Projects. Click the Layout
Options bar and choose Show On Bottom, Project Details. In the Project
Details, Calculations tab, mark the Link Actual and Actual This Period
Units and Cost option.
Post actual amounts for the period Choose Tools, Store Period
Performance. The Store Period Performance dialog box lists all open
projects. For each project you want to store period performance for,
double-click in the Financial Period column to select a financial period.
The Select Financial Period dialog box lists all financial periods
predefined in the Financial Periods dictionary. If you do not want to
store period performance for a project, remove the mark from the
corresponding checkbox in the Selected column.
If any open project is read-only or checked out, the Store
Period Performance menu option is disabled.
Click Store Now. The Project Management module stores the actual this
period values in the selected financial period for each project (regardless
of the data date or actual start dates), then sets actual this period values
to zero in anticipation of the next schedule update period.
View or edit past period actual data You can view and edit past
period actual data for each financial period. To choose the range of
financial periods that are available for display as columns choose Edit,
User Preferences. In the Application tab, Columns section, select a
range of financial periods.
You must select a financial period range to display as
columns, as described above. If you do not select a range,
financial period columns are not available.
In the Activity Table, you can display columns for actual this period
labor and nonlabor units; labor, nonlabor, material, expense, earned
value, and planned value cost; and, earned value and planned value labor
units. In the Resource Assignments window and the Activity Details,
Resources tab, you can display columns for actual units and cost. The
available financial period columns are listed in the Financial Period
Value section. Once you display a financial period column, you can edit
the data in any field of that column.
You cannot edit past period actual data for activities that do
not have an actual start date. You can edit past period actual
data for activities that have resource assignments in the
Resource Assignments window or in the Resources tab of
Activity Details.
You can also view past period actual spreads in the Activity Usage
Profile/Spreadsheet, Resource Usage Profile/Spreadsheet, Tracking
window (in the Project Gantt/Profile and Resource Analysis layouts),
time-distributed reports, and P6 Web Access.
Scheduling Projects
The module employs the Critical Path Method (CPM) scheduling
technique to calculate project schedules. CPM uses activity durations
and relationships between activities to calculate project dates. This
process is performed in two phases or passes over the activities in a
The first pass or forward pass calculates the early start and finish dates
for each activity, based on the start or finish dates of predecessor
activities as well as the duration of the activity.
The second pass or backward pass calculates the late start and finish
dates for each activity, based on the start or finish dates of successor
activities as well as the duration of the activity. The free float and total
float for each activity are recalculated.
You can schedule one project or all projects in a particular
EPS node.
A forecast start date is shown if you manually changed the start date of a
project by dragging the project bar to a new timeframe in the Portfolios
section of P6 Web Access or in Tracking layouts. You can choose to use
this new date instead of the projects planned date and current data date
when you schedule the project. Mark the Set Data Date and Planned
Start to Project Forecast Start During Scheduling option. If multiple
projects are open, each with a project forecast start date, the forecasted
start date is used from each project during scheduling.
Organizations using Primavera ProjectLink cannot schedule
Microsoft Project (MSP)-managed projects in the Project
Management module. For more information on Primavera
ProjectLink, refer to the Primavera ProjectLink Help in
Microsoft Project (available only if Primavera ProjectLink is
installed).You can access the help by clicking the Help button
on any ProjectLink screen.
Select the method for calculating total float for all activities.
Start Float is the difference between the early and late start
dates (Start Float = Late Start Early Start); Finish Float is
the difference between the early and late finish dates (Finish
Float = Late Finish Early Finish); and Smallest of Start
Float and Finish Float use the most critical float value.
Calculates critical float path and subpaths based on total float. Normally, the
path with Float path of 1 will be the path
made of activities that drive the activity
with the least total float.
Leveling Resources
Level resources in your projects to ensure that resource demand does
not exceed resource availability. Resource leveling is an automated
process that changes the start of certain activities. During leveling, the
resource requirements of all scheduled activities are compared to the
maximum quantity available at the time of leveling. An activity is
delayed if too few resources are available at any time during the
activitys duration.
Expenses are not included
when leveling resources.
You can select the resources to be leveled, and you can add leveling
priorities that specify which project or activity is leveled first when a
conflict occurs.
The maximum amount of work that a resource is capable of
performing for a given timeperiod is defined by the resources
Max Units/Time in the Units & Prices tab in the Resources
Level resources Open the projects that contain the resources you
want to level. Choose Tools, Level Resources. You can set several
resource leveling options to meet your requirements. Click Level after
you make your selections.
For example, if resources are assigned across multiple projects, you can
determine whether to consider the resource assignments in other
projects when leveling. A leveling priority number is assigned to each
project when you add the project (in the Projects Details General tab.) In
the Level Resources dialog box, mark the checkbox to consider
assignments in other projects and specify the priority value you want to
If you mark the Preserve Scheduled Early and Late Dates checkbox, the
projects current early dates are retained before leveling. To review the
leveled early dates, choose to show the Remaining Start/Finish dates or
the Start and Finish dates. In addition, when you preserve these dates,
the module only forward-levels the schedule, which means that the early
dates of activities from the start to the finish of the project are
If you clear the Preserve Scheduled Early and Late Dates checkbox, the
module also performs backward leveling. Backward leveling schedules
activities to occur as late as possible without delaying the project finish.
The module reverses the leveling process, beginning at the projects late
finish and working towards the beginning of the project. If insufficient
resources are available to schedule an activity on its late dates, the
activity is advanced to an earlier date. When the schedule is leveled
forward and backward (by clearing the checkbox to preserve scheduled
early and late dates), the projects early and late start/finish dates are
Prioritize activities during leveling To handle scheduling
conflicts that may occur during leveling, you can add priorities that
specify which project or activity is leveled first. In the Leveling
Priorities section of the Level Resources dialog box, click Add to add a
blank leveling priority to the list of leveling priorities. Select the type of
priority, then select the order in which the item specified in the priority
will be leveled. Add priorities in the order in which you want the
module to consider them.
To remove a priority, select it, then click Remove. To change the
information specified for a priority, double-click the Field Name
column, then select a new field name and/or double-click the Sort Order
column, then select Ascending or Descending.
Primavera - Project Management
Ascending (Lower)
Descending (Higher)
Project Leveling
Planned Start
Planned Finish
Planned Duration Levels activities with shorter Levels activities with longer
planned durations first
planned durations first
Total Float *
Early Start
Early Finish
Late Start
Late Finish
Indicates that the priority is available only if you mark the Level Resources
Only Within Activity Total Float checkbox in the Level Resources dialog
Mark this to
synchronize overtime
In the Resources window, Details tab, you must mark the setting to
Calculate Costs from Units to recalculate assignment costs. In the
Resources window, choose View, Details, then click the Details tab.
Summarizing Projects
In this chapter:
Setting Summarization Options
Summarizing Project Data
This number
indicates the level to
which others will be
able to display within
P6 Web Access.
The Last Summarized On field displays the date when data were last
summarized for the project.
Mark the Contains Summarized Data Only checkbox if you
plan to link to project data in other applications.
Summarizing Projects
Mark to summarize
projects immediately
after they are scheduled.
Summarizing Projects
Refer to the following two figures. The first figure shows that Job #1 is
summarizing 2 EPS nodes (Custom and Specs). The second figure
shows that Job #2 is summarizing two different EPS nodes (Assembly
and Facilities). These EPS nodes are all part of the same EPS.
Job 2 is also
summarizing the data
in two EPS nodes of a
single project,
Assembly and
The PDJS will run Job #1 and Job #2 concurrently on different PDJS
servers. When Job #2 is complete, the PDJS will summarize the
enterprise-level data as a separate job.
Before running the PDJS, consult your administrator to
confirm that the PDJS has been installed and configured on
your network.
Summarizing Projects
Summarizing Projects
Float You can base total float of the summarized data on the start
dates, finish dates, or most critical dates. To set this option, choose
Tools, Schedule, Options. On the General tab, select how you want to
calculate total float in the Compute Total Float As field. On the
Advanced tab, choose how you want to calculate multiple float paths.
Progress The simplest measure of percent complete uses duration to
compare the amount of time remaining to complete the activities to their
planned duration. In this case, the following ratio is used for each group:
[(Summary Current Planned Duration Summary Remaining Duration) /
Summary Current Planned Duration] x 100
Adding Issues
Issues identify problems within a schedule that must be addressed
before the project can be completed. Issues can be added manually to
projects, or you can use thresholds to generate them automatically. (See
Adding Thresholds on page 358.) Once you create an issue, you can
assign a priority level, tracking layout, and responsible manager to it.
You can also e-mail the issues details, along with your comments, to
any member of the projects staff. Use the Issue Navigator feature to
quickly view all the information associated with an issue.
Add an issue Choose Project, Issues. If Issue Details are not
displayed, click the Display Options bar, then choose Issue Details (the
box next to the command should be marked). Click Add, then click the
General tab. Type the issues name. Select the manager responsible for
addressing the issue. Responsible managers are defined in the
organizational breakdown structure (OBS). Click the Browse button in
the Tracking Layout field to select the layout that best displays the issue.
The system date is automatically entered in the Date Identified field.
Click the Browse button if you need to select a different date. Your user
name is automatically entered in the Identified By field. You can type
another user name of the individual who identified the issue. If the issue
was generated by running the threshold monitor, Monitor is displayed.
Type a subject for the e-mail, then type any additional comments about
the issue in the Contents area. Click Send All.
If a button is unavailable, it
means the issue is not
associated with that topic.
Adding Thresholds
Project thresholds consist of parameters assigned to WBS elements;
they are used to monitor projects and generate issues. For example, you
may set a threshold with the Cost % of Planned parameter and an upper
threshold value of 100 percent. When the actual cost of the specified
WBS element reaches 100 percent of the planned cost, the module
generates an issue.
You can assign thresholds to WBS elements at the activity or WBS
level. If you monitor a project at the WBS activity level, the module
reviews and reports issues for each activity that violates the threshold. If
you monitor a project at the WBS level, the module reviews and reports
the WBS summary level data rather than at the activity level. For
example, if an activity within a particular WBS level has a start date
variance of 1, but the start date variance at the WBS level is 0, an issue
is not generated even though you may be monitoring for a lower
threshold of 1.
For more information
about each parameter, see
Threshold Parameter
Definitions on page 361.
View threshold issues You can quickly view the issues generated
by a particular threshold. Select the threshold whose issues you want to
review, then click the Details tab. Select the issue whose details you
want to view, then click Go To.
If an activitys status is Not Started or Active, then the Finish date will
be the Planned Finish date, and the finish date variance is always zero. If
an activitys status is Completed, then Finish date is the actual finish
A negative value for Finish Date Variance indicates that the current
finish date is later than the planned finish date.
Free Float A Free Float threshold value is a specified number of days.
An issue is generated if an activitys free float (the amount of time the
activity can be delayed without delaying the Early Start of any successor
activity) falls beyond the threshold values.
Free Float threshold monitoring can only be applied at the activity level,
not at the WBS level.
Schedule Performance Index (SPI) A Schedule Performance
Index (SPI) threshold value is expressed as a ratio. An issue is generated
if the Schedule Performance Index (the ratio of the earned value of work
performed to the planned cost of work that was scheduled) falls beyond
the threshold values.
The Schedule Performance Index is computed as SPI = Earned Value
Cost / Planned Value Cost. A value less than one indicates that less work
was actually performed than was scheduled.
If the threshold value is one, an issue is generated whenever the value of
the work performed falls below the expected cost of performing that
work, according to the schedule.
Start Date Variance A Start Date Variance threshold value is a
specified number of days. An issue is generated if the difference
between the activitys planned and current start dates (calculated as
Planned Start Date Start Date) falls beyond the threshold values.
If an activitys status is Not Started, then the Start date will be the
Planned Start date, and the start date variance is always zero. If an
activitys status is Started or Completed, then Start date is the actual
start date.
Schedule Variance (SV) A Schedule Variance (SV) threshold value
is expressed as a monetary value. An issue is generated if the Schedule
Variance (the difference between the activitys earned value and the
planned value) falls beyond the threshold values.
Primavera - Project Management
Monitoring Thresholds
You can run all the thresholds assigned to a project at one time, or you
can run only individual thresholds as needed.
Monitor all thresholds at once When the project is open, choose
Tools, Monitor Thresholds. To use the timeperiod specified for each
threshold, choose Use Original Threshold Monitor Windows. To specify
a new timeperiod that will apply to all thresholds, choose Use New
Threshold Monitor Window, then click the Browse buttons in the From
Date and To Date fields to select a new set of dates. Click Monitor.
Managing Risks
In this chapter:
Adding Risks
Calculating Exposure Values
Calculating a Risks Impact
Creating and Deleting Risk Types
Customizing Risk Layouts
Adding Risks
Identify a risk by entering its name, status, risk type, priority level, and
date it was identified. You can also specify which WBS element and
resources the risk will affect and the OBS element responsible for
controlling the risk.
Add a risk Choose Project, Risks. Click the Display Options bar, then
click Risk Details (the checkmark next to the command should be
marked). Click Add, then click the General tab. Type the risks name,
then select the WBS element and the resource that the risk will affect. If
you do not specify a resource, the module considers all resources in the
selected WBS.
Select the manager responsible for controlling the risk. Responsible
managers are defined in the organizational breakdown structure (OBS).
Select the type of risk you are creating, and specify the priority level to
assign to the risk.
Managing Risks
Managing Risks
Delete a risk type Choose Admin, Admin Categories. Click the Risk
Types tab, then select a risk. Click Delete. Click Yes to delete it.
Managing Risks
Modify the columns shown in the risk layout by clicking the right/left
arrow buttons to move data items between the Available Options and
Selected Options columns.
Items listed in the Selected Options column will appear in the current
layout when you click OK. Click Apply to see your changes without
closing the dialog box.
Filter, group, and sort risk layouts You can select the risks you
want to view and specify how you want to display them, and you can
restrict which risks you view. In the Project Risks window, click the
Display Options bar. Choose Filter By or Group and Sort By and the
option that best describes how you want to view risks.
Set up a document
status by choosing
Admin, Admin
Tracking Projects
In this chapter:
Creating Tracking Layouts
Working with Tracking Layouts
Customizing Tracking Layouts
Grouping, Sorting, and Filtering
Data in Tracking Layouts
Tracking Projects
Tracking layout types You can create four types of tracking layouts:
Tracking Projects
Save a layout In the Top Layout window, click the Display Options
bar, then choose Layout, Save or Save As. If you choose Save As, type a
new name for the layout and indicate whether the layout should be
available to All Users, the Current User, or Another User. If you select
Another User, click the Browse button in the User field, then select the
Share a layout You can share a layout with other users in several
different ways:
For information on
publishing tracking layouts
to a Web site, see
Publishing a Project On
the Web on page 519.
When you first create the layout, you can specify that it be available
to All Users.
You can save an existing layout using a different name and then
specify that it be available to All Users or Another User. If you
specify Another User, you can then select a specific user.
You can export the layout to a file and then e-mail the file or its
location to other users.
Delete a layout In the Top Layout window, click the Display Options
bar, then choose Layout, Open. Select the layout you want to delete,
then click Delete. Click Yes.
Export a layout In the Top Layout window, click the Display Options
bar, then choose Layout, Open. Select the layout you want to export,
then click Export. Specify the drive and folder to which you want to
export the layout, type a name for the layout, then click Save. The layout
is saved in .PLF format.
Import a layout In the Top Layout window, click the Display Options
bar, then choose Layout, Open. Click Import. Locate the layout (*.PLF)
you want to import and select it, then click Open.
Tracking Projects
Tracking Projects
Filter data in tracking layouts Use filters to display only the data
youd like to see. A filter contains a formula that restricts your view to
only the data you require. Click the Display Options bar in the Project
Explorer window and choose Filters. Click Add. In the new row, click
the Parameter field and select a value. Double-click the Is cell and select
a filter criteria. Type a value and click OK.
Click to add another row and
enter additional filter criteria.
Click to preview
The filter term Any of the following is the same as OR. All
of the following is the same as AND.
Comparing Projects/Baselines
Schedule Comparison is available from the Tools menu of the Project
Management module. If Schedule Comparison is configured to use the
same database instance as the Project Management module, log in is
automatic. If Schedule Comparison is configured to use a different
database instance, or configured to use multiple database instances, you
will be prompted to log in.
Start Schedule Comparison Choose Tools, Schedule Comparison.
If login is required, type your login name and password. If applicable,
choose the database you want to connect to, then click OK.
If more than one database instance is configured, a dropdown list displays beneath the password field, so you can
select the database you want to use.
Select output
format and
The Select Project dialog box shows all projects to which you have
access, grouped by EPS. A + symbol indicates that more nodes or
projects are rolled up beneath the selected node. Click + or double-click
the node to display additional levels in the hierarchy. Select the desired
project, then click OK.
Click the Find button to search for a project by name. The
found projects are displayed in a flat list, not according to the
EPS. To return to the original EPS tree, click the Clear button.
Select whether to
display projects or
Project data
Activity data
HTML (default)
ASCII text
When the output format is ASCII text, select a field delimiter and text
qualifier from the drop-down list.
comma (,)
Primavera - Project Management
pipe (|)
dot (.)
Set the output file location To set the filename and location to save
the comparison report, use one of the following options:
In the Output File field, type the full path and filename.
Ensure that you enter the proper file extension, based on the
output format you selected. If the wrong file extension is
specified, the report will not display properly when opened for
Click the Browse button next to the Output File field. Browse to the
desired output destination, type a filename (no file extension is
needed), and click Save.
Comparison Data
The following table lists the business objects, and the fields within those
business objects, that are compared by Schedule Comparison.
Some fields are for reporting or uniqueness verification only
and are not compared. These are identified by an asterisk.
Business Object
Added/Deleted WBS
Business Object
Scheduling Options
Added/Deleted Activities
Business Object
PlannedMaterial Cost
Business Object
Percent Complete
Business Object
Added/Deleted Assignments
Added/Deleted Expenses
Business Object
General Expenses
Activity Codes
Notebook Topics
Reflection Overview
A reflection is a copy of a project that has the following characteristics:
Has the same name as the original source project with reflection
appended to it.
After creating a reflection, you can make changes to it. If desired, you
can then merge selected changes back into the source project keeping
active data in the source project intact. Creating a reflection facilitates
the following work flows and processes:
Reflection Guidelines
Several factors determine whether you can create or merge reflections of
particular projects:
Guidelines for creating reflections You use the Create Reflection
right click option to create a reflection of a project. This option is
disabled when you do not have access to create projects within the EPS
node. Additionally, the right click option is hidden when any of the
following is true:
You do not have super user privileges to both the source project and
the reflection
The selected project has a what-if status but it does not contain a
source project field value
Track check out status You can easily determine whether a project
has been checked out. Choose Enterprise, Projects, click the Display
Options bar, then choose Show on Bottom, Project Details.
Select the projects that you want to check out. For projects that you do
not want to check out, clear the Check Out checkbox.
If the project you want to check out is not on the list, click
Cancel, open the project, and restart the wizard.
Specify the name of the file and the location where the file will be
saved, then click Finish.
Click the
button to
select the
Checking In Projects
Projects previously checked out of the Project Management database
can be checked back in to any Project Management module installation.
Check in projects Choose File, Check In. Click the Browse button
to select the file that you want to check in, then click Next.
Click to
the layout
Click to create a new
layout configuration.
The Modify Import Configuration dialog box lists the data types for
which you can set options. Mark the Delete checkbox next to a data type
to remove data that exist in the project you are updating but that are not
included in the file you are checking in. For example, if several
thresholds are defined in the project that you are updating, but they are
not included in the file you are checking in, mark the checkbox in the
Delete column to remove the thresholds from the project being updated.
The Delete field applies only to risks, relationships to external
projects, thresholds, activities, activity relationships, and
activity resource assignments. Global data types are not
affected by this setting.
Select one of the following in the Action field to indicate how the data
type is updated:
Keep Existing Retains data in the existing project and does not
overwrite them with the updated data; adds new data if the record
does not exist.
Insert New Retains data in the existing project and adds any new
data items. For example, if a new role was added to the data, but
you dont want to change the existing roles, choose Insert New to
add the new role to the existing project.
Do Not Import Retains data in the existing project and does not
import the updated data.
Customizing Projects
In this part:
Layout Types
You can open WBS, projects, and resource assignment layouts, and the
following types of activity layouts: Activity Tables, Activity and
Resource Usage Spreadsheets and Profiles, Gantt Charts, Activity
Networks, Activity Details, and Trace Logic. Split the Activities
window into top and bottom panes to display different types of layouts
at the same time. For example, show an Activity Table in the top pane
and a Resource Usage Profile in the bottom pane.
Activity Table
Displays activity
information in
spreadsheet format. Use
this type of layout to
quickly update a project.
Activity Usage
Gantt Chart
Provides a graphical
display of activity
progress over the
course of the project.
Use this layout to
review or analyze the
Activity Network
Provides a graphical
display of activities,
including logical
relationships. Activity
Network can be
displayed in the top
layout only. The left
side of this example
displays the WBS
hierarchy, while the
right side shows the
activity flow in
graphical format. Use
this layout to change
the sequence of
activities as your
project evolves.
Activity Details
Displays a time
distribution of activity
units and costs in a Bar
Chart format. This
profile can be displayed
in the bottom layout
only. Use this layout type
to review the labor use
for activities in a specific
You can display usage for all
activities, or choose Selected
Activities to display usage for
only the highlighted
Resource Usage
Resource Usage
Displays a time
distribution of resource
units and costs in
relation to activities in a
Bar Chart format. This
profile can be displayed
in the bottom layout
only. Use this layout
type to analyze resource
levels with the schedule.
Trace Logic
Provides a graphical
display of dependency
relationships for an
activity you select in
either the Activity
Table or Activity
Network. Trace Logic
can be displayed in the
bottom layout only.
Use this layout type to
easily move forward
and backward through
the plan to view the
critical path.
Add a new layout Customize the top and bottom layouts to create a
new layout, then save the layout using a name you specify. Click the
Layout Options bar, then choose Layout, Save As. Type the layout
name, then select who will be able to use this layout: All Users, the
Current User, Another User, or Project. If you select Another User, click
the Browse button in the User field, then select the users name. (If you
save a layout and specify a user other than yourself, you will no longer
be able to access the layout.) If you select Project, click the Browse
button and specify a project in the Select Project dialog box.
Once you have selected who will be able to use the layout, click Save.
Open a layout Click the Layout Options bar, then choose Layout,
Open. Select the layout you want to open, then click Open. To preview
the layout without closing the Open Layout dialog box, click Apply.
Save changes to a layout Click the Layout Options bar, then
choose Layout, Save. To save a copy of the layout using a different
name, choose Layout, Save As. Type a name for the layout copy, then
click Save.
Import a layout Click the Layout Options bar, then choose Layout,
Open. Click Import, then select the location of the layout file you want
to import. (Primavera layout files have a .PLF extension.) Click Open. If
you want to make the layout available to all users, click Yes when
Grouping Data
Group to organize information in categories that share a common
attribute, such as enterprise project structure (EPS), work breakdown
structure (WBS), code value, or resource. Use predefined grouping
options; for example, when displaying the Expenses window, group by
vendor, WBS, or category.
You can also customize group criteria when you are working with
projects, activities, and resources. Group by simple, one-level lists of
information, such as dates, durations, costs, and other numeric data. You
can also group by multiple data items in the same layout. For example,
group by project, then total float. Each group band can have a unique
color and font.
Group criteria can also be arranged in hierarchies of data at multiple
levels (up to 20). These items include projects, WBS, project codes, and
activity codes. Choose whether to indent each level in the hierarchy, and
specify up to which level to show. If you limit the number of levels, you
can group by additional data items.
This layout is
grouped by multiple
levels of the WBS.
Mark to immediately
rearrange updated activity
data to reflect the group
and sort criteria.
Sorting Data
Sorting determines the sequence in which projects, activities, or
resources are listed in the current window. You can sort alphabetically,
numerically, or chronologically based on the data item you choose. For
example, sort by total float to see critical activities first, or sort by
percent complete in descending order to see completed or in progress
activities at the top of the layout.
Specify sort order In the Activities window, click the Layout
Options bar, then choose Group and Sort. Click Sort. You can also click
the Display Options bar from the Projects or Resources window and
choose Group and Sort By, Customize, Sort.
Click Add to
additional sort
Reorganizing Data
You can mark the Reorganize Automatically checkbox on the
Applications tab of User Preferences to immediately reorganize the
current view or layout each time you add an activity or change activity
data. However, if you have many changes to make and you choose not to
mark the setting in User Preferences, you can select Tools, Reorganize
Now to organize the project. When you change views, apply a filter, cut,
copy, paste, or refresh data, the module will reorganize the data,
regardless of whether the Reorganize Automatically checkbox is
marked or cleared.
Filtering Data
Use filters to focus on specific data. A filter is a set of instructions that
determines which data display in the current window. You can create
one set of filters for activities and one set for projects, or use predefined
filters. Filters can be user-defined, global or layout. User-defined filters
are filters that you define. They are available only to you for all projects
to which you have access. Global filters are available to all users for all
projects. Layout Filters are only available to the currently open layout.
Select a filter To select activities for the project currently open, in the
Activities window click the Layout Options bar, then choose Filters. To
filter the projects in the Projects window, click the Display Options bar,
then choose Filter By. Mark the checkbox beside each filter you want to
apply. You can also customize individual filters when creating tracking
layouts or reports using the Report Wizard.
Click to view all activities
(and remove all filters).
filters are
available when
you select
activities in the
window. A
different set of
filters is
provided when
you filter by
projects in the
To convert
a userdefined or
layout filter
into a
global filter,
select it,
then click
To view a user-defined,
layout, or global filters
settings before applying it,
select it, then click Modify.
To view the criteria for a
predefined filter, first copy
and paste it. The filter is
copied to the user-defined
list, which you can then
Combining Filters
To create a filter that selects any activity from one selection criteria and
any activity from another selection criteria, you must define two
separate filters and then combine them when you run the filters. For
example, to select any activity belonging to the Corporate IT group that
is not complete, you might create one filter that selects any activity that
falls under various WBS levels (specific to the Corporate IT group), and
another filter that selects any activity with remaining labor units greater
than zero. To run the filters, choose All Selected Filters and mark the
checkboxes for the two filters on the Filters dialog box.
Customizing Layouts
In this chapter:
Modifying Columns
Adjusting the Timescale
Formatting Gantt Charts
Formatting Activity Network
Modifying Resource and Activity
Usage Profile Settings
Modifying Columns
You can customize the look and content of the columns included in
tables and spreadsheets in the Activities window. Choose which
columns you want to include; change the column widths, the order in
which columns are displayed, and the row height; specify column fonts
and colors; edit column titles; and copy column formats from other
To move a column,
click and drag it to a
new location.
Customizing Layouts
The Keep Current Row Heights option enables you to retain all
custom row heights manually set in the layout during your current
user session.
Customizing Layouts
To manually expand or
condense the timescale,
click and drag the date in
a month. You can also
right-click in the Bar area
and choose Timescale to
change the timescale
To select the date from which the timescale should start for the profile,
spreadsheet, or Gantt Chart, in the Timescale Start field click the
Browse button. Select the date intervals at which data are displayed. If
you choose Day/Shift as the date interval, click the Browse button to
select the corresponding shift in the Shift Calendar field. To change the
font and color settings, click the font button to specify the font style,
size, and color for the timescale and column headings. Click the Default
Font button to change the timescale font and color to the default
settings. Choose to display Primary or Ordinal Dates. If showing
Primary Dates, choose the format in which to display date intervals:
Calendar, Fiscal, or Week of Year. If the profile or spreadsheet is
displaying past period actual values, choose a financial period Date
Customizing Layouts
Average the timescale for Activity and Resource Spreadsheets You can display the timescale in the Activity and Resource
Spreadsheet based on a calculated average. Mark the Base On Hours Per
Timeperiod checkbox to divide the timescale interval totals by
automatic increments, based on the date interval selected. When you
choose this option, the Divide Interval Totals By field displays the
division increment based on the division increment specified in User
Preferences for the corresponding date interval: 1h for Hour date
interval, 2h for Shift date interval, 8h for Day date interval, 40h for
week date interval, and so on.
Mark to show
or hide a bar.
Use these
fields to
change the
bars shape,
color, and
Customizing Layouts
Current Bar
Percent Complete
% Complete Bar
Performance %
Complete Bar
Plan Bar
Actual Bar
Remain Bar
Secondary Baseline
Early Bar
Late Bar
Float Bar
Change a Gantt bars style In the Bars dialog box, select the Gantt
Chart bar you want to change. Click the Bar Style tab. To specify the
shape, color, and pattern of the bars Start Endpoint (first field), the
height and thickness of the bar (second field), and the Finish Endpoint
(end field), click each corresponding field and select a shape.
Change a Gantt bars settings In the Bars dialog box (Activities
window), select the Gantt bar you want to change. Click the Bar
Settings tab. In the Grouping Band Settings section, mark the Show Bar
When Collapsed checkbox to include the selected bar when you display
summary level information. Mark Show Bar for Grouping Bands to
display the selected bar as a summary bar only.
Select how to show activity nonwork time in the Bar Necking Settings
section. Mark the Calendar Nonwork Time checkbox to show the
activity calendars nonwork time as a neck in the selected bar. Mark the
Activity Nonwork Intervals checkbox to show the selected bars
nonwork time based on the activitys suspend/resume dates and other
gaps of time, such as when using out of sequence progress.
Change a Gantt Chart bars label You can choose to display a bar
label, which acts like a title in describing the bars purpose. In the Bars
dialog box, select the Gantt Chart bar you want to change. Click the Bar
Labels tab. To add a label, click Add. Click in the Label field, then select
the label value. To remove a label, select it in the Bar Labels tab, then
click Delete.
To change the position of a label, select it, then click in the Position
column and select a new position.
You can use the Table, Font and Row dialog box to change
the font for text that appears within layout rows, including
Gantt Chart bar labels. To access this dialog box, click the
Layout Options bar from the Activities window. Then choose
Table Font and Row. To change the font, click the Font button,
then select a new font.
Customizing Layouts
Set the default size for notebook items in the Gantt Chart In
the Bars dialog box, click Options. Click the General tab. Type or select
a new width and height for the notebook items you want to display in
the Gantt Chart.
These settings are used only the first time a notebook item is
displayed next to the bar. Once you resize the notebook item
manually, the default settings are disregarded.
Show or hide the Gantt Chart legend In the Bars dialog box,
click Options. Click the General tab. Mark the Show Legend checkbox
to display the Gantt Chart legend, or clear the checkbox to hide the
Gantt Chart legend.
Set the text limit for bar labels in the Gantt Chart In the Bars
dialog box, click Options. Click the General tab. To limit the amount of
text characters that show on the bars, mark the Limit Text Label
Characters To checkbox and then type or select the character limit at
which you want to allow the text label to be displayed.
When showing collapsed
bars, only Notebook Items
that contain all text will
Customizing Layouts
Customize the data date line You can change the style, size, and
color of the data date line to more easily distinguish it on-screen and in
printouts. In the Bars dialog box, click Options. Click the Data Date tab.
To change the style of the data date line, select a style from the drop
down list. The line can be solid, or contain a series of dashes and dots.
To change the thickness of your data date line, select a value between 1
and 10 pixels in the Size field. This option only applies to the solid line
style. Click in the Color field to select a color from the color palette.
Display the
sight lines
based on
the selected
time unit.
Click to select
the curtain
Customizing Layouts
Add text to a Gantt Chart Use the Text Attachment dialog box to
create formatted text and insert it in a Gantt Chart. The text displays in
the foreground of the Gantt Chart, whenever you click in the layout. In
the Activities window, select the activity to which you want to add text.
Click the Layout Options bar and choose Attachments, Text.
Customizing Layouts
Activity ID
Total Float
Planned Duration
Activity Name
Remaining Duration
Early Start
Early Finish
Click to add a
new row to the
activity box.
Double-click in Field
Name field and choose
the data item to add to
the box.
Customizing Layouts
To have the module automatically determine the view that best shows all
activity boxes in the layout after you have reorganized it, mark the
Always Zoom to Best Fit After Reorganize checkbox.
To have the module indicate progress by drawing an X on a completed
activity or a slash on an activity in progress, mark the Show Progress
To change the amount of vertical space between activity boxes in the
Activity Network, specify a spacing factor that is a percentage of the
height of activity boxes in the Activity Network table.
To change the horizontal space between activity boxes in the Activity
Network, specify a horizontal spacing factor that is a percentage of the
width of activity boxes in the Activity Network table.
Copy from another Activity Network layout With an Activity
Network layout displayed in the Activities window, click the Layout
Options bar, then choose Activity Network, Activity Network Options.
Click Copy From. Select the Activity Network layout whose attributes
you want to copy. Click Open.
In the Activity Network, when you select a data item for
grouping, the hierarchy on the left side of the window
contains the WBS so you can filter activities according to the
Customizing Layouts
When showing all project data, choose how to display remaining unit or
cost distributions for early and late dates.
Format the resource data settings for the stacked
histogram Display the Resource Usage Profile in the bottom pane of
the Activities window. Click the Layout Options bar, choose Show on
Bottom, Resource Usage Profile. Next, click the Display Options bar
and choose Stacked Histogram. Then click the Display Options bar and
choose Resource Usage Profile Options. Click the Data tab, then specify
the type of data to display in the profile and the way it will be
represented. You can also right-click in the Resource Usage Profile area
and choose Resource Usage Profile Options.
Customizing Layouts
For detailed
instructions on
customizing Stacked
Histograms, refer to
the Help.
Format resource graph settings Click the Graph tab. Mark the
checkbox next to each time unit (major or minor) for which you want to
display a vertical line in the background. Choose the type of horizontal
line you want to display for each number along the side of the profile,
then select the line color. If the option is available, mark the Show
Legend checkbox to display a legend for the profiles bars. To display
the profiles bars in 3D, mark the 3D Bars checkbox. To change the
profiles background color, click Background Color and select a new
color. To divide the timescale into increments you specify, mark the
Calculate Average checkbox. Specify the Unit of Measure for the
timescale increments.
Options when Stacked Histogram is selected for
the Resource Usage Profile.
Customizing Layouts
For more information
about setting user
preferences, see Setting
User Preferences on
page 49.
The Activity Usage Profile displays past period actual data for
the Actual bar and curve and the Planned Value, Earned
Value, and Estimate at Completion curves if you choose the
option to Display Actual and Earned Value using Financial
Period data.
Customizing Layouts
Format activity graph settings Click the Graph tab. Mark the
checkbox next to each time unit (major or minor) for which you want to
display a vertical line in the background. Mark the checkbox next to the
type of horizontal line you want to display for each number along the
side of the profile. Then select the line color. To display a legend for the
profiles bars, mark the Show Legend checkbox. To display the profiles
bars in 3D, mark the 3D Bars checkbox. To change the profiles
background color, click Background Color and select a new color. To
display the timescale in increments you specify, mark the Calculate
Average checkbox. Specify the Unit of Measure for the timescale
Customizing Reports
In this chapter:
Reports Overview
Opening Reports
Creating and Modifying Reports
Using the Report Editor
Adding Data Sources and Rows to
Adding Text Cells to Reports
Sorting Report Data Sources
Customizing a Report with the
Report Editor: an Example
Using Report Groups
Setting Up Batch Reports
Reports Overview
You can create new reports, or modify existing ones, using the Report
Wizard or Report Editor. A large library of standard reports is provided
for your use.
The Report Wizard enables you to create a wide variety of complex
reports very rapidly using a wizard-style interface. You can also use the
wizard to modify reports created using the wizard.
The Report Editor is a what-you-see-is-what-you-get (WYSIWYG)
report writer that allows you to group, sort, filter, and roll up project
information. You can also display time distributions for units and costs,
and include graphics and HTML links in reports. Use the Report Editor
to modify and custom tailor reports created in the Report Wizard.
The report icon shows whether it was created in the Report Wizard or
the Report Editor.
Indicates the
reports were
created using
the Report
Indicates the
reports were
created using
the Report
After you create a report, you can preview, print, or save it to a text or
HTML file. Saving the report to a file enables you to import data to a
spreadsheet program, e-mail it, archive it, or publish it on a Web site.
Customizing Reports
Opening Reports
Use the Reports window to create, edit, run, and delete global and
project reports. You can also use the Reports window to export and
import reports to and from other module installations.
Open the Reports window Choose Tools, Reports, Reports.
Reports can be global or project specific.
single or
Click the
Display Options
bar to sort and
filter the reports
listed in this
window and to
define screen
fonts and colors.
Click to
using the
Click to
create ad
Each report can belong to one report group. To add, modify, or
delete these groups, choose Tools, Reports, Report Groups.
You can create and modify reports using the Report Wizard or Report
Editor. Use the Report Wizard to quickly create a report using the
wizard interface. Use the Report Editor to modify and custom tailor
your reports according to your needs.
The Report Wizard quickly guides you through creating ad hoc reports
and enables you to group, sort, and filter the data. If a report is modified
using the Report Editor, and you decide to change it again using the
Report Wizard, the changes made in the Report Editor will be lost.
To include a new report in a particular report group, select the
report group in the Reports window before you start the
wizard. When you finish creating the report, it will be saved in
the selected report group.
The subject
area selected
...determines the
additional subject areas
available for the report.
Customizing Reports
Modify a report You can modify reports using the Report Wizard or
the Report Editor. In the Reports window, select the name of the report
you want to modify. To use the wizard, click the Wizard button. To use
the Report Editor, click Modify.
Customizing Reports
Left Margin
Report Canvas
The Add Text Cell button adds a text cell to the selected
Customizing Reports
The Add Line Cell button dds a line cell to the selected row.
Line cells contain horizontal lines only.
Using the Ruler The Ruler indicates the horizontal position of each
report component. A blue, shaded area indicates the position and width
of the selected cell. A red, vertical bar indicates your cursors position
on the Report Canvas.
Using the Left Margin The Left Margin helps you identify each data
source and row. To help you identify data sources, the Left Margin
displays each data sources name and grouping, if any, in the upper-left
corner of the data source area. To help you identify rows, the Left
Margin displays each rows type in the upper-left corner of the row. The
icon indicates rows that are part of a header area. The icon
indicates rows that are part of a footer area.
Using the Report Canvas The Report Canvas enables you to view
each components position in the overall report. The Report Canvas also
provides visual cues that identify each components properties as
Primavera - Project Management
Text cells are coded according to the type of data they report. To
determine a text cells type, you can refer to the icons that appear in
the upper-right corner of the cell.
- indicates a Custom Text cell, or a cell that contains text you
- indicates a Field Data cell, or a cell that compiles and reports
information from a field you specify.
- indicates a Field Title cell, or a cell that contains the name of a
field you specify.
- indicates a Variable cell, or a cell that reports information
related to the overall report, rather than a specific data source.
Text cells that appear in red indicate that the cells properties either have
not been defined or conflict with the properties of the data source that
contains the cell. To view a cells properties, double-click the cell.
Selecting a report component A blue border indicates the
selected report component. To select a component, click the component.
To increase the scope of the selected area, press Esc. For example, if a
text cell is selected, pressing Esc selects the report row that contains it.
Pressing Esc again selects the data source that contains the row.
Double-click a component
to open the Properties
window. While the window
is open, you can select any
component in the Report
Canvas and modify its
Customizing Reports
Page Header
Report Header
Data Source
Header Area
Detail Area
Data Source
Footer Area
Report Footer
Page Footer Area Report components that appear at the bottom of each page
of the compiled report. The Page Footer Area may contain
rows and cells.The Page Footer Area is different than the
standard footer you specify in the Page Setup dialog box. If
you specify a standard footer, the standard footer appears at
the bottom of the page, after the report's Page Footer, in the
compiled report.
You can also use the right-click menu on the Detail Area.
2 Click the Source tab, then, in the Loop Through list, select the type
of information you want to report in the new data source.
To group the data sources information according to a related
category, click the Group By arrow, then select a grouping category.
The list of available categories reflects the data source you select
from the Loop Through list.
Customizing Reports
3 Click the Row tab, then type the height of the new row.
To change the rows background color, click Color, then select a
new color.
Customizing Reports
3 Click the Cell tab, then select Field Title or Field Data as the cell
If the cell is part of a data source, select the category of information
that contains the field title you want to report in the cell.
4 Select the field whose title you want to report in the cell for a Field
Title cell; for a Field Data cell, select the field whose information
you want to compile and report in the cell.
Field Title and Field Data are only functional when the
selected report cell is within a data source.
3 Click the Cell tab, select Variable or Custom Text as the cell type.
4 Select the type of variable information you want to report in the
cell, or type the custom text you want to appear in the cell.
Customizing Reports
To reference the images file, rather than copy the file, mark the
Reference Image Instead checkbox, then type the location and
name of the images file in the Relative Image Path field.
Referencing an images file is helpful when the images content
frequently changes.
Add line cells to reports
1 In the Report Editor, select the row to which you want to add a line
2 Click
3 Click the Line tab, then specify the number of lines to include in the
new line cell.
To use your mouse to drag the cell to the appropriate position in the
row, select None.
Customizing Reports
To position the cell relative to the left margin, select Left, then type
the cells left indent in the Left field.
To position the cell flush against the right margin, select Right.
To extend the cell, or line, across the entire row, select Center.
3 Type the cells numeric width, or the distance you want the cell to
occupy between the reports left and right margins.
If the cells alignment is Center, you cannot enter the cells width.
Add borders to text cells in reports
1 In the Report Editor, double-click the text cell to which you want to
add borders.
2 Click the Cell tab, then click Borders.
3 Mark the appropriate checkboxes to add borders to the cell.
Cell borders always appear in black. You cannot change the
color of a cells borders.
Customizing Reports
Customizing Reports
Edit sort orders for reports Double-click the data source whose
sort order you want to edit; click the Source tab.
To add a new field to the sort order, click Add, then type the sort
criteria. Click OK, then change the fields position in the sort order,
if necessary.
To delete a field from the sort order, select a sort row, then click
To change a data types position in the sort order, select its sort row,
then click the appropriate arrow button.
To edit a sort rows sort object or field, select the row, then click
Customizing Reports
a) Sorted by Strategic
Priority order.
c) Double
Filtering and sorting the data source The current report displays
all projects, regardless how many activities they contain. You may want
to filter the data source to show projects that have more than one
activity. You may also want to sort these projects by Strategic Priority.
To filter and sort the data source:
1 Double-click on the Data Source Header Area.
The Properties window displays.
Customizing Reports
3 Click Add.
4 Set the filter criteria to show data only if the Total Activities is
greater than one.
Primavera - Project Management
6 Click OK.
7 Click the Add button on the Properties window to sort the data
8 Select Project for the Sort by Object field and Strategic Priority for
the Sort by Field.
9 Click OK.
10 Close the Properties window by clicking the x at the top right hand
11 Click the preview icon to view the current report.
The Report Canvas does not display the actual height, or amount of
vertical space, each report component will occupy in the compiled
report. To view the report's vertical spacing and your progress, you
can always click the preview icon to view the report.
Customizing Reports
If you accidently
moved or resized a
cell, you can set the
exact position and
size here.
4 Click the Edit filter and set the filter criteria to display the cell only
if the Risk Level is High or Very High.
The window title displays
the scope of the filter. In
this case, the filter applies
to the selected Cell.
Make sure you set the logical operator to (Any of the following).
Note that this time the filter criteria apply to this cell only and not to
the whole report.
5 Click OK.
6 Close the Properties window.
7 Add a header, titled Project Status to the new column.
You can either follow the steps above to add this header to the
Project Status column, or you can copy/paste the Strategic Priority
cell first, then simply move it to the right and edit its properties.
These cells are Custom Texts. Custom Texts do not display data,
they show exactly what you type in the Custom Text field.
8 Click the Preview icon to view the current report.
The new column should display only if the Risk Level is High or
Very High.
Customizing Reports
Highlighting the Risk Level field You may want to call attention
to projects that have a risk level of High or Very High by displaying
the field value in red. It is not possible to change the property of a field
at run-time but the following tip may help to achieve the same result.
To highlight the Risk Level field in red:
1 Select the Detail Area.
2 Choose Add Row from the right-click menu.
3 Copy the cells from the first row and paste them into the second
If you preview the report now, you see double records, since we
created two rows with the exact same data.
4 Double-click the Risk Level cell in the second row.
5 Set the Font Style to Custom, and click Custom Font... to change
the color to red.
Do not close the Properties window yet. You can work on the
Report Canvas while the Properties window is still open. It may
speed up your work with setting properties of different components
on the screen.
6 Click the first row in the Detail Area.
Since the Properties window is still open, it should display the Row
tab now. Make sure you click the row and not a cell in the row.
7 Click the Edit filter... on the Row tab.
8 Set the filter criteria to display data only if the Risk Level is not
equal to High or Very High.
9 Click OK.
This condition allows to display the selected row only if the
condition is true. In this case, the data displays only in this row if
the Risk Level is not equal to Very High or High.
10 Click the second row in the Detail Area.
11 Click Edit filter, and set the filter criteria to show data only if the
Risk Level equals to High or Very High.
12 Close the Properties window and preview the report.
The conditions we set for the rows allow us to show only one row at
a time. If the Risk Level is High or Very High, the second row
displays, if the Risk Level is neither High or Very High, the first
row displays. Since all the cells are the same in the two rows, except
the Risk Level color, it seems as if the cell was highlighted in the
Customizing Reports
Working with lines Lines are displayed in Line Cells. You may want
to use a double line, instead of a single line under the column headers.
To modify line properties, double-click the Line Cell under in the Page
Header area, and set the number of lines to two.
If you preview the report now, it should resemble to the layout we
wanted to achieve. Close the Report Editor, and confirm that you want
to save the current report. You can now run the report by clicking the
Run Report... button on the Reports view.
Click to move
groups up and
down and to
to denote
Customizing Reports
To increase or reduce
the size of the printed
layout/report, specify a
percentage in the
Adjust To field. To
increase or reduce the
number of pages to be
printed horizontally and
vertically, choose Fit to,
then specify a value in
the Pages Wide field.
Set page margins Click the Margins tab, then specify the values for
each margin.
Add headers and footers You can customize the header and footer.
You can also insert a graphic, such as your company logo, in the header
or footer. Click the Header or Footer tab.
Type or select the amount of sections
to divide the header or footer into.
If you change the report page setup from the Print Preview
dialog box, the changes will be applied only to the current
printing. To save changes to the report page setup
permanently, make the changes from the Properties palette
in the Report Editor.
Specify layout options Use the Options tab to select the layout
areas and timeframe to include in the printed layout.
Click to zoom in
and out of the
displayed page.
As you move your mouse over the Print Preview window, the pointer
changes to a magnifying glass. Click the Zoom In button in the toolbar
to zoom in on details and the Zoom Out button to zoom back out.
3 Click to
run the
Selecting a Printer
You can select a printer, other than the current default for the operating
system, to print your layouts and reports. The printer settings will
remain the same until you log out. Choose, File, Print Setup.
Click to adjust
the features
and settings
provided by
the selected
4 Click Save.
Click the Topics tab to determine the detailed data to publish to the Web
site. If all checkboxes are cleared, only WBS data are published. Mark
the checkbox next to each type of information to include.
Click the Graphics tab to select existing activity and tracking layouts to
publish to the projects Web site. Define activity layouts in the Activities
window and tracking layouts in the Tracking window.
Click the Reports tab to select existing reports to publish to the projects
Web site. Reports are defined in the Reports window.
The columns displayed in the Web pages are defined by the selected
To set up access to Contract Manager data, you must first create a link
between the Project Management module and Contract Manager
(formerly known as Expedition).
Link to Contract Manager Use the Admin Preferences dialog box
to set up a link with Contract Manager and choose the Contract Manager
product version you are connecting to. Choose Admin, Admin
Preferences, then click the Options tab. Mark the Enable Link to
Contract Manager Module checkbox, then choose the version you are
connecting to. Click Close.
If connecting to Contract
Manager 9.x or higher, type
the URL and port number to
the Contract Manager Web
When connecting to Contract Manager 9.x and higher For http, the
default port number is 80, but you do not have to enter it. If you are not
going to use port 80, you must enter the port number (or name or IP
address). For example:
For https, the default port number is 443. You must always enter the port
number, including the default port number, at the end of the URL. For
How activity codes are imported If the code or value does not
exist, the imported code or value is added to the dictionary.
If the code exists but the value does not, the value is added to the
If the code and value exist, but the value assigned to the activity
does not match the imported value, the value on the activity is
If the activity does not exist, it is created.
Project, resource, and role data can be transferred from one Project Management or
Methodology Management module to
another by exporting and importing XER
files, Primaveras proprietary exchange
format. Project data can also be exchanged
between Project Management and other
applications in XML format. This chapter
describes how to use the Export and Import
wizards to share project information, roles,
and resources.
Exporting Projects
For information about
importing XER and XML
files, see Importing
Projects on page 547.
For information about the
tables and fields that are
converted in XER format,
file, located in the
Mapping Docs folder
located in the
e> folder of the P6 physical
media or download.
Data formats
XML is an industry-standard format, while XER
is proprietary.
Multiple projects
XER supports exporting multiple projects at
once, to a single XER file.
XML exports only one project at a time to a
separate XML file.
Job Service
XER supports scheduling exports on a regular
basis as services.
XML does not.
Clear the Export checkbox next to each project that should not be
exported, then click Next.
Specify filename and location Type a name for the XER file. To
specify a different location to store the file, click the Browse button. If
you do not specify a folder, the file is stored in the My Documents
folder of the current user. Click Finish to export the project to a single
file with an XER extension.
In this example,
projects are exported
every day at 5pm.
You must have the appropriate access rights to set up job services. The
Job Service does not interact with the Project Management client when
running jobs. All jobs are run on the server on which the Job Service is
If multiple projects are open, select the Export checkbox next to the
single project that you want to export. You can select only one project
when exporting to XML format. Then click Next.
Specify filename and location Type a name for the XML file. To
specify a different location to store the file, click the Browse button. If
you do not specify a folder, the file is stored in the My Documents
folder of the current user. Click Finish to export the project to a single
file with an XML extension.
The Project Management module enables you to export only the roles or
resources in your enterprise resource hierarchy to XER files. You might
want to choose this option to include existing roles or resources in a new
When you export roles and resources, secure codes and
secure code assignments related to the roles and resources
are not exported. For more information about secure codes,
refer to Primaveras Administrators Guide.
Type a name for the XER file. To specify a different location to store the
file, click the Browse button. If you do not specify a folder, the file is
stored in the My Documents folder of the current user. Click Finish to
export the roles or resources to a single file with an XER extension.
Importing Projects
For information on
exporting project data, see
Exporting Projects on
page 538.
For information about the
tables and fields that are
converted in XER files, see
located in the
Mapping Docs folder
located in the
e> folder of the P6 physical
media or download.
XML always enforces individual user security
settings, and never violates your security
restrictions. If there is a security conflict, the
import will try will continue and ignore data that
a user should not have access to; if it is not
possible to continue while ignoring data, the
import is stopped. Security is never bypassed
when updating data.
XER allows updates to all data if you have the
Import Global Data security privilege set.
Committing Data
XML will not commit partial data. If an import
action for a specific transaction fails before all
data is committed, XML rolls back the data;
global and project-specific imports are treated as
separate transactions.
XER can end up with partial commits of data.
Multiple projects
XER supports the import of multiple projects at
once, from a single XER file.
XML imports only one project at a time from a
separate XML file.
XER supports importing documents that are not
stored in the content repository, such as work
products and other documents.
XML does not.
Version Checking
XER checks project versions while importing,
and ensures you cannot import projects older
than 2 prior releases.
XML does not; instead, if there is a version
incompatibility, bad data is ignored.
Click the
button to
select the file
you want to
Click Next.
Create New Project The existing projects data remains the same.
A new project is created. Click the Import To field to select where
the new project will be placed in the EPS. A number is appended to
the end of the project name. When the import is complete, you can
rename the project. For example, if you are creating a new project
from the existing project, AUTO, the new project is named AUTO1.
You must select the Create New Project option if you want the
Project Management module to import past period actual
data. If you choose any other option, past period actual
values are not imported. If you select the Create New Project
option, past period actual data will only be imported if the
defined financial periods are exactly the same in both
Add Into Existing Project You can merge the project you are
importing within an existing project. Click the Import To field, then
select a specific WBS level within an existing project. The imported
project is appended to the selected WBS.
The Modify Import Configuration dialog box lists the data types for
which you can set options. Mark the Delete checkbox next to a data item
to remove data that exists in the project you are updating, but is not
included in the file you are importing. For example, if several activities
are defined in the project you are updating, but they are not included in
the file to be imported, mark the checkbox in the Delete column to
remove the activities from the project being updated.
The Delete field applies only to risks, relationships to external
projects, thresholds, activities, activity relationships, and
activity resource assignments. Global data types are not
affected by this setting.
Primavera - Project Management
Select one of the following in the Action field to indicate how the data
type is updated:
Keep Existing Retains data in the existing project and does not
overwrite it with the updated data; adds new data if the record does
not exist.
Insert New Retains data in the existing project and does not
overwrite them with updated data from the import file; adds new
data for all records in the import file, even if the same record exists
in the project you are updating.
Choosing the Insert New option will result in duplicate
records after import when the same record exists in both the
existing project and the import file. For example, if the same
calendar is present in the import file and the existing project,
choosing this option adds the calendar to the project you are
updating while preserving the original calendar in the
updated project.
Do Not Import Retains data in the existing project and does not
import the updated data.
If you manually plan future period assignments to activities,
be sure to select the appropriate import action when
importing data; otherwise, manually-planned future period
assignment values may be lost. For example, if you are
updating an existing project with imported data and you
choose to import activity resource assignments, future period
assignment values that exist in the project you are importing
will overwrite future period assignment values in the project
you are updating. Therefore, if the project you are importing
does not contain manually-planned future period assignment
values and the project you are updating does contain
manually-planned future period assignment values, the
manually-planned future period values will be lost when the
same assignment exists in both projects.
The action you choose for importing the items in the Activity Data Type
group are dependent on each other. For example, if you choose to update
existing relationships, you must also update existing resource
assignments and activities associated with the relationships.
Click the
button to
select the
file you
want to
Click Next.
Create New Project The existing projects data remains the same.
A new project is created. Click the Import To field to select where
the new project will be placed in the EPS. A number is appended to
the end of the project name. When the import is complete, you can
rename the project. For example, if you are creating a new project
from the existing project, AUTO, the new project is named AUTO1.
The Modify Import Configuration dialog box lists the data types for
which you can set options. Mark the Delete checkbox next to a data item
to remove data that exists in the project you are updating, but is not
included in the file you are importing. For example, if several activities
are defined in the project you are updating, but they are not included in
the file to be imported, mark the checkbox in the Delete column to
remove the activities from the project being updated.
The Delete field applies only to risks, thresholds, activities,
activity relationships, and activity resource assignments.
Global data types are not affected by this setting. External
relationships are not treated as a separate data type in XML
import; they are in XER import.
Select one of the following in the Action field to indicate how the data
type is updated:
Keep Existing Retains data in the existing project and does not
overwrite it with the updated data; adds new data if the record does
not exist and you have the appropriate security privileges.
Insert New Retains data in the existing project and adds any new
data items. For example, if a new role was added in the XML file,
but you dont want to change the existing roles, choose Insert New
to add the new role to the existing project.
Do Not Import Retains data in the existing project and does not
import the new or updated data.
The Activity Resource Assignments item includes role
Internationalization Notes
If you include non-English characters in the actions.xml file, save the
file as Unicode, and use the XML encoding attribute to specify the
language, prior to the <actions> tag. For example, to specify German or
French encoding:
<?xml version=1.0 encoding=windows-1252?>
If you are using a batch file, use the chcp command to specify the appropriate language encoding. See for details.
2 Close the PM module if it is running.
3 From the Windows command line, a batch file, or code, issue a
command in the following form from the folder where PM.EXE is
PM.EXE /username=<name> [/password=<name>] [/alias=<name>]
/actionScript=<path> [/logfile=<path>]
For example:
PM.EXE /username=admin /password=admin /alias=PMDB
/actionScript=c:\somefolder\importprojects.xml /
Processing results are written to the log file, or you can echo them to the
command line interface. Possible results are:
Invalid alias.
If the command does not include all the required parameters, the PM
module opens.
The Project Management module enables you to import XER files that
contain only roles or resources. You might want to choose this option to
add new roles/resources to the resource hierarchy or overwrite the
existing role/resource hierarchy. Roles and resources are defined at the
global level.
When you import roles and resources, secure codes and
secure code assignments related to the roles and resources
are not imported. For more information about secure codes,
refer to Primaveras Administrators Guide.
The data in the import file must match the type being
imported. For example, you cannot import resource data from
an XER file that contains project data.
Select one of the following in the Action field to indicate how the roles
or resources are updated:
Exporting Methodologies
For more information
about importing
methodologies as XER files,
see Importing
Methodologies on
page 578.
Choose Methodology as
the export type, then
click Next.
Specify filename and location. Type a name for the XER file. To
specify a different location to store the file, click the Browse button. If
you do not specify a folder, the file is stored in the My Documents
folder of the current user. Click Finish to export the methodology to a
single file with an XER extension.
Type a name for the XER file. To specify a different location to store the
file, click the Browse button. If you do not specify a folder, the file is
stored in the My Documents folder of the current user. Click Finish to
export the roles or resources to a single file with an XER extension.
Click to
the file
will be
Importing Methodologies
For more information on
exporting methodologies,
see Exporting
Methodologies on
page 574.
Select the action to take with the imported data If you have a
methodology open when you import, you are prompted to choose an
action. Choose one of the following actions, then click Next:
The Modify Import Configuration dialog box lists the data types for
which you can set options. Mark the Delete checkbox next to a data item
to remove data that exists in the methodology you are updating, but is
not included in the file you are importing. For example, if several
activities are defined in the methodology you are updating, but are not
included in the file to be imported, mark the checkbox in the Delete
column to remove the activities from the methodology being updated.
The Delete field applies only to activities, activity cores, and
risks. Global data types are not affected by this setting.
Select one of the following in the Action field to indicate how the data
type is updated:
Insert New Retains data in the existing methodology and adds any
new data items. For example, if a new role was added in the XER
file, but you do not want to change the existing roles, choose Insert
New to add the new role to the existing methodology.
The data in the import file must match the format being
imported. For example, you cannot import a project from an
XER file that contains only role or resource data.
Click the
button to
select the
file you
want to
Click Next.
Select the source data for estimates You use either the actual
effort and cost data from the project or the projects planned data as the
basis of the methodologys effort and cost estimates.
The Modify Import Configuration dialog box lists the data types for
which you can set options. Mark the Delete checkbox next to a data item
to remove data that exists in the methodology you are updating, but is
not included in the file you are importing. For example, if several
activities are defined in the methodology you are updating, but are not
included in the file to be imported, mark the checkbox in the Delete
column to remove the activities from the methodology being updated.
The Delete field applies only to activities, activity cores, and
risks. Global data types are not affected by this setting.
Select one of the following in the Action field to indicate how the data
type is updated:
Insert New Retains data in the existing methodology and adds any
new data items. For example, if a new role was added in the XER
file, but you dont want to change the existing roles, choose Insert
New to add the new role to the existing methodology.
The data in the import file must match the format being
imported. For example, you cannot import resource data from
an XER file that contains project data.
Double-click to select
the action to take
when duplicate data is
Select one of the following in the Action field to indicate how the roles
or resources are updated:
Exporting Projects
For information about the
fields that are converted,
located in the
Mapping Docs folder
located in the
e> folder of the P6 physical
media or download.
By default, all projects are selected in the Project to Export screen. Clear
the Export checkbox next to each project that should not be exported.
Double click in the Export File Name field if you want to change the
name and location of the Microsoft Project file. If you do not specify a
folder, the file is stored in the My Documents folder of the current user.
Click Next.
Click the General tab in the Modify Template dialog box. If you
previously selected to export to XML format, the following screen is
In the Select a currency field, click the button. In the Select Currency
dialog box, select the type of currency used for expressing project and
activity costs.
Click the Activity tab in the Modify Template dialog box. In the Export
section, choose the text field to which to export the Activity ID from the
Project Management module. If you choose not to export the Activity
ID to a text field in Microsoft Project, in which case, the checkbox is not
marked, the Project Management Activity ID is not exported to
Microsoft Project.
Click the Notebooks tab in the Modify Template dialog box. Notebook
fields are defined in the Project Management module in Admin
Categories (choose Admin, Admin Categories, then click the Notebook
Topics tab). These notebook fields can be exported to project, WBS, and
activity notes fields in Microsoft Project.
Click the Custom Field Mappings tab in the Modify Template dialog
box. To export your user-defined fields to a particular Microsoft Project
field, select the user-defined field in the Project Management Field
Exporting Resources
For information about the
fields that are converted,
located in the
Mapping Docs folder
located in the
e> folder of the P6 physical
media or download.
Type a name for the MPX or MPP file. To specify the location where the
file will be stored, click the Browse button. If you do not specify a
folder, the file is stored in the My Documents folder of the current user.
Click to
select the
where the
file will be
Click the Resources tab in the Modify Template dialog box. Choose to
import Microsoft Project fields by the resources name or initials, to
manage existing resources, or to import a resource to be displayed under
a specific resource in the Microsoft Project resource tree.
Click the Custom Field Mappings tab in the Modify Template dialog
box. Choose Resources from the drop down list. To export your userdefined fields to a particular Microsoft Project field, select the userdefined field in the Project Management Field column.
MSP XML files from Microsoft Project 2002, 2003, and 2007.
Select import type and file Choose File, Import. Choose Microsoft
Project, then click Next.
Click Select to choose the files you want to import. If a password has
been set on the Microsoft Project file, enter the password to ensure that
the project will be imported.
Suspend and resume dates can only be imported from MPP
files (not MPX files). When an activity contains multiple
suspend and resume dates in Microsoft Project, the first
suspend and resume dates (split task dates in Microsoft
Project) are imported into the Project Management module.
Any remaining suspend and resume dates are ignored.
Double click the Import Action field to select how the Microsoft Project
file should be imported:
Create New Project The existing projects data remains the same.
A new project is created. Select the level of the EPS at which the
project should be imported. Click the Browse button in the Import
To field to select an EPS node.
Add into Existing Project Click the Browse button in the Import
To field to select a specific WBS level within an existing project.
The imported project is appended to the selected WBS. The
existing project must be open in the Project Management module.
The MPX file format does not support time-phased data, and
therefore, does not support manual assignment values
(manual curves). When you import an MPX file, if you choose
the Replace Existing import action and the project you are
replacing contains manual assignment values, all manual
values will be deleted.
Click the General tab in the Modify Template dialog box. If you
previously selected to import XML format, the following screen is
In the Select a currency field, click the button. In the Select Currency
dialog box, select the type of currency used for expressing project and
activity costs.
Click the Activity tab in the Modify Template dialog box. In the Import
section, choose how you want to import milestone activities that have
resource assignments. You can import them into the Project
Management module as Start Milestone activities with associated
expenses, or as Task Dependent activities with associated resource
assignments. Then, choose to import the Task ID from Microsoft Project
to the Activity ID field in the Project Management module or to a
selected user-defined text field. Select if you want to import MSPs
fixed costs as project expenses. If you do not choose this option, fixed
costs are not imported.
Click the Resource tab in the Modify Template dialog box. Choose
whether you want to import the Resource Initials or the Resource Name
from Microsoft Project to the Resource ID field in the Project
Management module.
Choose whether you want to add a new resource if the resource does not
already exist in the project management module database but is
contained in the Microsoft Project import file. Then, select the level of
the hierarchy at which resources should be imported. Click the Browse
button, then select the resource under which to place all resources from
the Microsoft Project file.
Select to import the Resource ID by
the resources name or initials.
Click the Notebooks tab in the Modify Template dialog box. Project,
WBS, and activity notes from Microsoft Project are imported into
Notebook fields in the Project Management module. Notebook fields
are defined in the Project Management module in Admin Categories
(choose Admin, Admin Categories, then click the Notebook Topics tab).
Select the Notebook fields into which you want to import the Microsoft
Project notes.
Click the Custom Field Mappings tab in the Modify Template dialog
box. You can import information from Microsoft Project into userdefined fields in the Project Management module. For each Microsoft
Project field you want to import, select a user-defined field in the Project
Management Field column.
The Import wizard guides you through the steps for importing
When you import resources, secure codes and secure code
assignments related to the resources are not imported. For
more information about secure codes, refer to Primaveras
Administrators Guide.
Select import type and file Choose File, Import. Choose Microsoft
Project, then click Next.
Click the General tab in the Modify Template dialog box. The following
screen is displayed, supporting the MPP or MPX options.
In the Select a currency field, click the button. In the Select Currency
dialog box, select the type of currency used for expressing project and
activity costs.
Click the Activity tab in the Modify Template dialog box. In the Import
section, choose how you want to import milestone activities that have
resource assignments. You can import them into the Project
Management module as Start Milestone activities with associated
expenses, or as Task Dependent activities with associated resource
assignments. Then, choose to import the Task ID from Microsoft Project
to the Activity ID field in the Project Management module or to a
selected user-defined text field. Select if you want to import MSPs
fixed costs as project expenses. If you do not choose this option, fixed
costs are not imported.
Click the Resource tab in the Modify Template dialog box. Choose
whether you want to import the Resource Initials or the Resource Name
from Microsoft Project to the Resource ID field in the Project
Management module. If you select Resource Initials, only one resource
is imported if multiple resources in Microsoft Project use the same
initials. If you select Resource Name, the first 20 characters of the name
import (based on your setting in the Admin Preferences, ID Lengths tab
in the Project Management module).
Choose how to handle resources that already exist in the project
management database but are also contained in the Microsoft Project
import file.
Choose whether you want to add a new resource if the resource does not
already exist in the project management database but is contained in the
Microsoft Project import file. Then, select the level of the hierarchy at
which resources should be imported. Click the Browse button, then
select the resource under which to place all resources from the
Microsoft Project file.
Select to import the Resource ID by
the resources name or initials.
Click the Custom Field Mappings tab in the Modify Template dialog
box. You can import information from Microsoft Project into userdefined fields in the Project Management module. Choose Resources
from the drop-down list. For each Microsoft Project field you want to
import, select a user-defined field in the Project Management Field
column. The Field column is sorted by field type.
When you export Project Management project data to XLS file format,
you can then open the file in Microsoft Excel. You can also import the
file into other software applications that support the XLS file format.
The Export wizard guides you through the steps for exporting projects.
To import data from an XLS file, you must have the Project
Superuser security profile.This setting is available in the
Project Access tab in the Admin, Users dialog box.
Export does not support the sub-unit time format. Make sure
the Sub-unit checkboxes are clear in the Edit, User
Preferences, Time Units tab.
Select export format and subject area Open the project in the
Project Management module you want to export. Choose File, Export to
start the Export wizard. Choose Spread Sheet, then click Next.
Select the
subject areas you
want to export,
then click Next.
Select a Subject Area in the Modify Template dialog box to modify its
options. In the Columns tab, select the fields to export. The available
options are based on the selected subject area.
You cannot remove a subject areas required columns from
the Selected Options section.
In the Modify Template dialog box, click the Filter tab to select the
activities you want to export for the selected subject area. If using more
than one filter, choose to show activities that meet all selection criteria
in each filter, or to show activities that must meet only one selection
criteria in each filter. Select the filter(s) to use for the export file. If
necessary, click Modify to edit the selected user-defined filter. The
fields available for filtering are based on the selected subject area.
Click the Sort tab in the Modify Template dialog box to apply order to
the columns during export. Select the sort order for each field name.
Click OK to save your modifications to the template.
Click to define a sort order for
the selected subject area.
Click Next to define the location to save the export file. Double click in
the File Name field and click the Browse button if you want to change
the name and location of the export file.
Click Next to view the summary information for the export file. Click
Finish to export the project data to an XLS file.
In the copied file, update the necessary field for an activity. In that
activity row, blank out the remaining fields that are not marked (*) to
give it a null value. As a result, during import, PM will not update the
fields with null values in the project, and PM will calculate the other
fields as necessary.
Updated field
In PM, choose File, Import to import the Excel file into the selected
project. Repeat these steps for each unit, cost, duration, percent
complete, and date field.
Delete a row To delete a row in the exported file, place a D or d
in the Delete This Row column in the export file. This is placed as the
last column in the export file. When you import, the deleted row is
moved from the project database.
Update unique fields If you modify unique columns, such as
Activity ID, Relationship type, and Resource ID, import adds new data
instead of updating the existing information. For example, if you modify
the Activity ID and import the file, import adds a new activity to the
project. To successfully update the existing activity ID, or other unique
fields, copy and paste the existing row, update it, then delete the original
For example, to change the relationship between two activities, select
the row of the relationship you want to modify in the TASKPRED sheet
in Excel. Choose Edit, Copy, and then choose Edit, Paste to place a copy
of the activity row in the same sheet. Change the value in the
Relationship Type field of one of the rows. Type a D or d in the
other row to delete it. As a result, Project Management adds a new
relationship and deletes the old relationship.
Activity ID
You can import data that has been exported and updated in Microsoft
Excel into the Project Management module. However, you cannot
import any global data that does not currently exist in the database, such
as resources, codes, cost accounts. If Microsoft Excel does not reside on
your computer, you can still import XLS files that may have been
created in other third-party applications. The Import wizard guides you
through the steps for importing projects.
The User Preference settings are stored in the USERDATA
sheet of the exported file. If this sheet is deleted, information
will not be imported based on the user preference settings
that were used while exporting data.
Select the Excel file to import Type the location of the XLS file or
click the Browse button to select the file you want to import. Click Next.
Click Next to display information about the import file. Click Finish to
complete the import.
Mark the Export checkbox next to the project you want to export, then
click Next.
Select planning unit Choose the planning unit (hours or days) that
you want P3 3.x to use to schedule project data. The Project
Management module uses only hourly planning units. If you choose
Days, you can select to export the resource units as hours or days. Click
Choose cost calculation rules You can set several Autocost rules
for the exported project. Default settings are used for all other Autocost
rules. These calculations apply only when the project is scheduled in P3
3.x. You can change these settings when you open the project in P3 3.x.
When this checkbox is cleared, P3 3.x can adjust the units per
time-period when the estimate to complete or the remaining
duration changes:
Units per Timeperiod = Estimate to Complete / Remaining Duration
After selecting the cost calculation rules, click Finish to export the
project. P3 3.x files are created in the folder specified. These files can be
opened directly through P3 3.x.
Special considerations The following list describes the data items
that are transferred from the Project Management module to P3 3.x.
Custom data items The first eight custom data items in the Project
Management module are converted to P3 3.x.
Project Management
P3 3.x
EPS Codes
Financial periods
Resource curves
Secure codes
Timesheet data
Mark the Create separate projects option if you want to import each
selected subproject as an individual project. If you select this option,
you cannot import the master project. For example, in P3 3.x, the project
group APEX contains three subprojects, AUTO, BLDG, and CONV.
This group is converted to three individual projects (APEX is not
converted). Before the import, create an EPS node to select as the
location for the converted projects.
Regardless of whether subprojects exist for the selected
project group, f you choose to combine subprojects, project
activity codes are imported as global activity codes; if you
choose to create separate projects, project activity codes are
imported as project activity codes.
Create new project The existing projects data remains the same.
A new project is created. If the project does not fit within the
existing EPS, create a new level before importing the project. Click
the Browse button in the Import To field to select the level of the
EPS at which the project should be imported.
If you chose Create New Project in the Import Action field, click the
Browse button in the Import To field to select the level of the EPS at
which the project should be imported. To keep your projects organized,
it is best to set up a basic EPS before you import projects.
If you chose Update Existing Project or Replace Existing Project in the
Import Action field, click the Browse button in the Import To field to
select the project you want to update or replace.
Select location for resources For each project, select the level of
the hierarchy at which resources should be imported. Click in the Import
To field, then click the Browse button. Select the resource under which
to place all resources from the P3 3.x project. To better organize your
resources, it is best to set up a basic resource hierarchy before you
import projects. If you leave the field blank, the Project Management
module creates a root node with the same name as the P3 project. The
resource field is disabled for the Replace Existing Project and Update
Existing Project import types.
If resource security is enabled in the Project Management
module, users with restricted resource access will only have
the option to select their assigned resource access node.
Resources contained in the import file that do not exist in
Project Managements resource dictionary are added to the
users resource access node. Users with no resource access
cannot import resources.
Select location for activity logs P3 3.x activity logs are converted
to notes in the Project Management module. Notebook topics are
predefined categories in the Project Management module that help to
organize your project notes. Choose to create a new notebook topic for
the notes, or select from the existing list of notebook topics. To display
notes in the Project Management module, in the Activities window click
the Layout Options bar, then choose Show on Bottom, Activity Details.
Click the Notebook tab.
Mark to delete
relationships to external
projects, activities, activity
relationships, and activity
resource assignments that
are in the project being
updated, but are not
included in the import file.
The Modify Import Configuration dialog box lists the data types for
which you can set options. Mark the Delete checkbox next to a data item
to remove data that exists in the project you are updating but is not
included in the file you are importing. For example, if several activities
are defined in the project you are updating, but are not included in the
file to be imported, mark the checkbox in the Delete column to remove
the activities from the project being updated.
The Delete field applies only to relationships to external
projects, activities, activity relationships, and activity resource
assignments. Global data types are not affected by this
Select one of the following in the Action field to indicate how the data
type is updated:
Keep Existing Retains data in the existing project and does not
overwrite it with the updated data; adds new data if the record does
not exist.
Insert New Retains data in the existing project and adds any new
data items. For example, if a new calendar was added in the P3 3.x
file, but you dont want to change the existing calendars, choose
Insert New to add the new calendar to the existing project.
Do Not Import Retains data in the existing project and does not
import the updated data.
The actions you choose for importing the items in the Activity Data
Type group are dependent on each other. For example, if you choose to
update existing relationships, you must also update existing resource
assignments and activities associated with the relationships.
When importing a daily project that has resources with a blank unit
of measure in P3 3.x, choose to convert the resource assignments in
days or hours. If you choose hours, the Project Management
module retains the resource values as-is. If you choose days, the
Project Management module multiplies all resource values by a
factor of eight (assuming 8 hr/day). You can change the multiplier
in the PRMCONVERT.INI file. Refer to Advanced Conversion
Options section later in this chapter.
Click to
import the
P3 project.
Import unused WBS codes Mark this setting to keep all the WBS
codes within each project, even if they are not assigned to any
Task Dependent
Resource Dependent
Start Milestone
Start Milestone
Finish Milestone
Finish Milestone
Resource Dependent
Start Flag
Start Milestone
Finish Flag
Finish Milestone
Level of Effort
WBS Summary
Custom data items P3 3.x custom data items are converted to the
following user-defined data items in the Project Management
Character (C)
User Text
User Text
Start (S)
Finish (F)
Numeric (N)
User Integer
User Integer
Precision (P)
User Number
User Number
Project Management
Constraint Type
Start On or After
Start On or Before
Finish On or After
Finish On or Before
Start On
Start On
Expected Finish
Mandatory Start
Mandatory Start
Mandatory Finish
Mandatory Finish
Not Converted
As Late As Possible
Target projects You can convert target projects just as you would
any other project; however, the target designators are not converted.
To designate a target project in the Project Management module,
choose Projects, Maintain Baselines. Click Add and choose
Convert Another Project to a New Baseline of the Current Project.
Select the converted target project as the baseline for the current
P3 3.x
Project Management
Calculate start-to-start lag from (Actual Calculate start-to-start lag from (Early
start or Early start)
Start or Actual Start)
Calculate total float as (Most critical,
Start float, or Finish float)
[Resource Units]
Set to 0 to convert blank resource unit of measure fields to nonlabor
resources in the Project Management module; set to 1 to convert blank
resource unit of measure fields to labor resources; set to 2 to convert
blank resource unit of measure fields to material resources. The default
setting is 1.
HourlyAdd=[comma-delimited string] Specify resource unit strings
to be added to the default list of units treated as hourly.
HourlyRemove=[comma-delimited string] Specify resource unit
strings to be removed from the default list of units treated as hourly.
DailyAdd=[comma-delimited string] Specify resource unit strings to
be added to the default list of units treated as daily.
DailyRemove=[comma-delimited string] Specify resource unit
strings to be removed from the default list of units treated as daily.
In the following example, the unit strings a1, test, and bbb are treated as
hourly units:
[Resource Units]
The default string for Hourly =
h,h.,hr,hr.,hrs,hrs.,hour,mh,mh.,mhs,mhs., rh,rh.,rhs,rhs.,ph,ph.,phs,phs.
The default string for Daily = d,d.,day,days,md,md.,mds,mds.,rd,rd.,
[UOM Mapping]
UOM1=unit of measure=unit of measure string
Specify the units of measure used in P3 that are equivalent to the unit of
measure specified in the Admin Categories in the Project Management
In the following example, all abbreviations of cubic yard listed in the
unit of measure string will convert to the standard cubic yard (cu. yard)
unit of measure defined in the Project Management module:
[UOM Mapping]
UOM1 =cu. yard=cy, cuyd, cuy, kf
Exporting Projects
For more information
about importing Primavera
Contractor XER files, see
Importing Projects in XER
Format with the Import
Wizard on page 550.
Mark the Export checkbox next to the project that you want to export.
You can only export one project at a time. Click Next.
Specify filename and location Type a name for the XER file. To
specify the location where the file will be stored, click the Browse
button. If you do not specify a folder, the file is stored in the My
Documents folder of the current user. Click Finish to export the project
to a single file with an XER extension.
Click to
select the
where the
file will be
Budget data
EPS Codes
Financial periods
Funding data
Issue Codes
Project Codes
Resource Shifts
Exporting Resources
For more information
about importing Primavera
Contractor XER files, see
Importing Roles or
Resources on page 567.
Type a name for the XER file. To specify the location where the file will
be stored, click the Browse button. If you do not specify a folder, the file
is stored in the My Documents folder of the current user. Click Finish to
export the resources to a single file with an XER extension.
Click to
select the
where the
file will be
Access rights 87
Accrual types, expenses 264, 266
project status 87, 93
WBS elements 147
Activities 211256
adding 213
expenses to 241
in Activity Network 214
steps to 246
activity codes to 241
notes to 243
resources to by role 231
auto compute actuals, setting 306
calendar, specifying 218
codes 201209
assigning 241
converting project to global 206
EPS 203
global 202
project 205
values 205
grouping and summarizing by 207
values, creating global 202
cost 222
critical 99
dates 300, 301
general information for 215
schedule information for 219
Details 40, 429
assigning relationships using 226
including/excluding tabs 215
modifying tabs 229
displaying Activity Details for assignments 229
dissolve 226
entering 219
type 318
units, and resource units/time,
synchronizing 318
at completion duration estimate 220
start and finish dates for 220
expected finish date 220
free 221
total 221
labor units 222
layouts, publishing to Web site 525
level of effort type 216
milestone type 216
overview 212
primary resource 218
prioritizing for leveling 335
profile 41
relationships, establishing 223
resource dependent type 216
resources and roles, assigning 230
responsible OBS 218
resume 320
selecting WBS element for 218
setting default type 97
Spreadsheet 40
step templates
assigning to activities 250
creating 248
steps 116, 246
converting to template 249
suspend 320
Table 40, 427
grouping and summarizing using codes 179
using to add activities 212213
task dependent type 216
Backward pass 328
Bar Chart tracking layout 383
adding and deleting 452
current 179
necking 454
summary 179180, 209
timescale, changing 453
user-defined date fields 186
columns, showing comparison with current
project in layout 288
compare using Schedule Comparison 393
comparing 286
displaying activity bars 288
editing 288
managing 281288
modifying 288
saving 282
schedules, comparing with current 288
update with new data 290
Benefit plan 166
Borders, adding to text cells in reports 491
approved status 167
not approved status 167
pending status 167
tracking 167
creating a layout for budget and variance
comparison 172
defining 159172
distributing to projects 160
establishing 163
fund share percentage 170
recalculating based on changes 167
setting up monthly spending plan 165
summary 168
top-down 160
tracking and analyzing 172
using WBS 140
expense 264
applying exceptions 196
changing workweek hours 196
creating 191197
deleting 197
global 120, 192
modifying 194
project, creating 192
resource 120, 192
setting default 97
yearly 195
expense 265266
Cell borders 491
copying (or cutting) and pasting 494
removing from reports 494
Check-in/check-out projects 415422
Close button 177
activity 201209
project 74, 96, 173182
resource 125
adding 447
colors, changing 448
copying format from another layout 447
fonts, changing 448
indicators, view in 190
modifying 446
removing 447
row height, changing 448
titles, editing 447
user preference 57
Command bar 37
Comparing projects and baselines 393
Complexity, projects 79
Concatenation 256
Constraint, date 301
Contract Manager
importing data 534
link to Project Management 529536
Cost accounts 257270
copying and pasting 261
creating 259
cutting and pasting 262
deleting 261
editing 260
overview 258
replacement, specifying 261
Data date 95, 298
dragging line to change 302
selecting for scheduling 322
selecting with Update Progress 304
updating activities using 306
Data sources
adding to reports 483, 484
defining layout options for 485
embedding 484
identifying in the report canvas 482
Database administrator 23
finish 300
start 300
finish 95, 146
start 95, 146
constraint 301
finish 300, 328
start 300, 328
entering start and finish for activities 220
expected finish 220, 301
external early start 301
External late finish 301
finish 300
forecast start 328
formatting 52
finish 300, 328
start 300, 328
finish 300
start 300
finish 300
start 300
resume 301
start 300
suspend 301
update actual 315
Decimals, showing/hiding 53
duration 220
global calendar 192
project cost account 260
scheduling settings 328
startup window, setting 56
tracking layouts 356, 366
Details tabs, including/excluding 92, 145, 177
Directory bar 37
displaying 38
Displaying the directory bar 38
Displaying the navigation bar 39
Dissolve activities 226
Distributed job services 344
Documentation, using xv
Documents 245, 375379
adding 376
assigning to WBS elements and activities 379
categories 245
deleting records 377
number for expense 266
opening 378
specifying location references 378
viewing 376
at completion estimate, entering 220
default 220
entering 219
percent complete type 315
percent of planned 362
planned 219
remaining 219, 315
synchronizing with units and resource units/
time 318
types 97, 216, 318
finish date 300, 328
start date 300, 328
Earned value
calculating using weighted WBS milestones 149,
choosing completion percentage method for
calculating 153
cost 152
defining settings for WBS elements 152
performance, measuring using 268
using a baseline, choosing value for
calculating 289
sending about an issue 354
transferring information 54
Endpoints, modifying 454
Enterprise project structure
access and privileges to 72
adding projects to 77
defining details 92
funding 170
linking projects through activity
relationships 223
moving around in 70
adding 75
deleting 90
leveling priority 94
OBS element for 93, 104
opening 87
root 77
setting budget estimates for 160
spending plan 161, 165
overview 68
project codes 174
setting up 67101
WBS 140
activity codes, creating 203
Estimate project complexity 79
Estimate-to-complete (ETC), techniques for
calculating 153
Exceptions, applying to calendar 196
Exclusive access 87
Expected finish date 220, 301
Expedition. See Contract Manager.
Expenses 257270
accrual types 264, 266
actual cost 264
adding 241, 263
assignment, changing 265
auto compute actuals, setting for 307
cost 241, 264
calculating actual and remaining units
automatically 267
categories 265266
costs, specifying 267
customizing columns in Activity Details 241
details, defining 266
document number 266
overview 258
cost 241, 264
price/unit 264
summary report 268
P3 644
XER 540, 574
XML 543
methodologies, XER format 574
as a job service 542
P3 format 644
XER format 540
XML format 543
resources 545, 576
roles 545, 576
Export, layout 385, 433
Exposure values, calculating 370
External early start date 301
External late finish date 301
Feedback, viewing 243
data cells 487
adding to reports 488
identifying in the report canvas 482
title cells 487
adding to reports 488
identifying in the report canvas 482
Filter 435444
by project code 181
combining 444
creating, user-defined 442
deleting 389
user-defined 443
global 441
nesting criteria 442
removing 443
risks 373
selecting 441
startup 64
timesheets by status 310
user-defined, creating 442
using project status 87
Financial periods
in columns 57
user preference 57
Finish date 300, 362
Finish to finish relationship 223
Finish to start relationship 223
Fiscal year, setting month for start of 99
calculating multiple float paths 330
free 221, 328, 363
total 221, 328, 364
Forecast start date 328
Forward pass 328
Free float 221, 328, 363
Function points
calculating unadjusted values 274
using to perform top-down estimations 273
defining sources 169
viewing total 170
Future period bucket planning 235
create layout 237
display spreadsheet fields 237
guidelines 236
manually enter values 240
updating assignment data 340
Future periods, manually planning 235, 340
Gantt Chart 40, 428
applying settings from another layout 453
background lines, changing 457
bar label, changing 454
bars, formatting 452
bars, necking 454
creating and viewing relationships in 225
curtain attachments, displaying 458
formatting using user-defined dates 186
grouping by code 179
legend, showing or hiding 456
notebook items, displaying 455
notebook items, setting default size 455
summarizing using codes 179
text attachments, displaying 459
timescale, changing 449
activity codes 201
calendar 120, 192
Headers/footers, adding 511
activity codes 202
cost account 258
EPS 77
funding 169
OBS 104, 106, 112
project code 174
resource 117
roles 128
WBS 139
HTML 517
editing features 96, 244, 369
links, adding to image or text cells 493
settings, defining for image cells 489
Image cells
HTML links to 493
to reports 488
HTML settings for 489
layout options for 489
P3 653
XER 550, 578
XML 557
layout 385, 433
methodologies, XER files 578
project 78
as methodologies 583
P3 files 653
XER files 550
XML files 557
projects, command line
XER files 562
resources 567, 588
roles 567, 588
project status 87, 93
WBS elements 147
Indicators, working with 188
Issue navigator 352, 357
Issues 351366
adding 352
default tracking layouts for 356, 366
defining details for 353
sending e-mail about 354
viewing history of 355
Job Service
exporting projects 542
Job service 323, 331, 343, 347, 508
distributed 344
non-distributed 343, 347
Labor units 222
Lag time 223226
Language, setting 36
finish date 300, 328
start date 300, 328
Details 429
Network 212, 428, 460
Table 212, 427
Usage Profile 429
Usage Spreadsheet 427
adding 432
budget and variance comparison 172
create for future period bucket planning 237
customizing 373, 445471
exporting 433
Gantt Chart 428
grouping and summarizing by codes 207
headers/footers, adding 511
Mail preferences, setting 54
Margins, setting 511
Material resource 120
bar 37
shortcuts 39
exporting, XER format 574
from projects 583
XER files 578
transferring to other Project Management module
users 573, 591
Methodology Management module
importing methodologies 7986
overview xiii
Microsoft Excel, copying resource spreadsheet data
to 434
Microsoft Project files
exporting projects 594, 628
exporting resources 602
importing projects 607, 618, 638
importing resources 618
Microsoft Project-managed projects
See MSP-managed projects
activities 216
WBS 149
MSP-managed projects xiv
exporting to XER files 538
importing 610
Multiple items, selecting 39
Navigation bar 37, 39
Network administrator 23
adding to EPS 75
OBS 105, 109
Nonlabor units 222
Not approved status for budget changes 167
EPS node and project 96
topics 243
assigning to activities 243
resources, entering for 123
chart 107
creating and adding elements 109
deleting element 113
editing elements 112
element assigned to activity 218
establishing for EPS node/project 93
hierarchy 112
P3 projects
exporting 644
data not converted 652
special considerations 648
importing 653
advanced conversion options 677
data not converted 676
special considerations 667
P6 Web Access, overview xiii
Page settings, defining 510
changing 58
entering 32
Pending status for budget changes 167
Percent complete
based on activity steps 100
calculating using weighted steps 247
calculation types 217, 314
estimating for updated activities 305
physical 116, 247
setting default type 97
types 221
Performance percent complete, calculating using
weighted WBS milestones 149, 150
Physical percent complete 116, 316
expense 264
percent of threshold 361
entering 219
finish date 300
project status 93
start date 95, 300
WBS elements 147
Planned duration
chart 176
defining 175
filtering by 181
grouping by 179
scoring 176
summarizing by 180
weighted 176
Project complexity 79
Project controls coordinator 24, 69
Project data
between P3 and the Project Management
module 643
to other Project Management module
users 537, 571
to Primavera Contractor users 681686
using Microsoft Excel files 627641
using Microsoft Project files 593617
Project Management
process overview 26
roles 23
Project Management module
importing Contract Manager data 534
link to Contract Manager 529536
overview xii
Project manager 24, 30, 69
Project Portfolio Management 22
Project Portfolios
selecting 33
Project Web site
layouts 523
reports 523
customizing appearance 524
overview 520
publishing 522
schemes 524
system requirements 521
export considerations 538
import considerations 610
overview xiv
access rights to 87, 104
activity codes, creating 205
adding to EPS 77
assigning relationships between 226
check-in/check-out 415422
coding 175
compare using Schedule Comparison 393
controlling 29
cost accounts 257270
creating using Project Architect Wizard 79
Rate source 233
Rate type 338
Recalculate Resource Costs 337
adding to e-mail list 354
removing from e-mail list 354
Reflection 299
creating 409
guidelines 413
merging changes 412
overview 408
previewing and choosing changes 410
between projects 226
using Activity Details 226
creating in Gantt Chart or Activity Network 225
deleting 225
establishing 223
lines, showing or hiding in Gantt Chart 455
modifying 225
types and lag 223
viewing in Gantt Chart 224
duration, entering 219, 315
finish date 300
start date 300
units, calculating automatically 267
Remaining duration
estimating for updated activities 305
Report canvas, using in Report Editor 481
Report Editor
left margin, using the 481
ruler, using the 481
background images to 494
borders to text cells in 491
data sources to 483, 484
field title or field data cells to 488
image cells to 488
line cells to 490
rows to 483, 486
variable or custom text cells to 488
setting as a job service 508
setting up 507
creating with Report Wizard 476, 478
customizing 473507
editor 474
expenses summary 268
global 475
variables, adding 511
groups 506
headers/footers, adding 511
HTML format 517
indicators, view in 190
modifying 478
opening 475
overview 474
page settings, defining 510
previewing 514
printing 509
background images from 494
cells from 494
rows from 486
Report Editor, working with 481
sorting 495
user-defined fields, viewing in 186
wizard 474
price per unit 305
updating 305
Resource assignments
calculating the units, duration, and units/time
based on activity duration type 63
choosing defaults for 63
grouping and sorting 339
manually planning 235
manually updating 340
preserving the units, duration, and units/time
for 63
viewing 339
Resource Assignments window 234, 434
Resource costs, recalculating 337
Resource curves 135
assigning to resource or role assignments 234
deleting 137
modifying 136
removing from a resource or role
assignment 234
Resource rates
calculating costs with multiple 338
time-varying 337
Resource spreadsheet data, copying to Microsoft
Excel 434
Resource Usage Spreadsheet
display fields for future period bucket
planning 237
Resource/cost manager 25, 69
adding 118
roles to 133
to activities 230
to activities by role 231
auto compute actuals, setting 307
availability, or standard rate 120
breakdown structure (RBS) 117
calendar 120
choosing as rate source 233
codes 125, 126
customizing columns in Activity Details 230
defining 115134
Sample layouts 44
Schedule 295336
automatically 331
backward pass 328
data date 95
defining activity information for 219
forward pass 328
performance index threshold 363
projects 320328
setting as a job service 331
using forecast start date 328
index threshold 364
threshold 363
Schedule Comparison
comparison data 400
overview xiv, 392
SDK. See Primavera Software Development Kit.
Security profiles associated with OBS elements 110
resource 124
Shortcut menus 39
Sight lines 457
Software Development Kit xiv
Sort 435444
Spending plan
EPS nodes and projects 161
establishing 165
tally 165
Spotlight activities
See also Progress Spotlight.
Cost 269
Usage 427
data options, setting 60
Resource Usage 430
timescale, changing 449
Start date 300
variance threshold 363
Start to finish relationship 216, 223
Start to start relationship 216, 223
Starting the module 32
filters 64
options, setting 56
activity 220
approved for budget changes 167
check-in/check-out 416
not approved for budget changes 167
pending for budget changes 167
project 87, 93
adding to activities 246
assigning templates to activities 250
converting to template 249
creating templates manually 248
weights 116
Successor relationship 226
by activity codes 207209
by project codes 180
how the module summarizes data 349
manually 343
projects 74, 98, 180
setting as a job service 343
to WBS level 141
using resource codes 127
bars 179180, 209
budget 168
expenses report 268
Suspend activity progress 320
Suspend date 301
Tabs, modifying Activity Details 229
Tailoring a methodology 83
benefit plan 166
spending plan 165
Target. See Baselines.
Task dependent activities 216
leader 25, 69
member 25, 69
Technical support xviii
Text cells
adding borders to 491
adding HTML links to 493
changing background color 492
custom, identifying in the report canvas 482
defining layout options for 490
formatting text in 491
identifying in the report canvas 482
Thresholds 351366
adding 358
assigning tracking layout to 366
monitoring 365
parameter definitions 361
formatting units 5052
changing increment for progress update 302
Timescale, adjusting 449
Timesheet Approval, overview 311
approving 309
establishing resource settings for 123
filtering by status 310
login name, selecting 123
updating activities using 309
Timesheets application
single login name for, setting 123
Timesheets module 243
overview xiii
Toolbars 37
Top-down budgeting 160
Top-down estimation 155, 271277
applying 275
applying saved estimations 276
deleting 277
using function points 273
using prior experience 272
viewing 276
Total Degree of Influence (TDI) 275
Total float 221, 328, 364
Trace Logic 41, 227, 431
Tracking layouts 381389
assigning to
issues 356357
thresholds 366
creating 382
filtering 388
global 384
publishing to Web site 525
Unadjusted Function Point Count (UFP) 274
percent complete type 315
regular and actual 317
formatting 50
maximum 122
maximum, for roles 132
setting default 120
activities with
duration percent complete type 315
physical percent complete type 316
units percent complete type 316
actual dates 315
analyzing data from 297
baselines 290
choosing a method 298
collecting data for 296
cycle, communicating progress 297
determining frequency 297
guidelines for process 299
manually 314
process 296
automatically 308
for all activities 306
progress for spotlighted activities 304
project progress 295336
manual and update progress methods
together 305
using timesheets 309
preferences, setting up 4961
User defined fields
using with Global Change 255
User-defined fields 183190
indicators, working with 188
Variable cells 487
adding to reports 488
identifying in the report canvas 482
accounting threshold 361
at completion threshold 364
between planned budget and spending plan 165
comparing current and target dates 288
WBS 139154
access rights to levels 104
active elements 147
adding an element to 145
category value, assigning 151
chart, viewing and modifying 142
defining earned value settings for 152
deleting elements 147
editing elements 146
inactive elements 147
milestones 149
planned elements 147
planning and budgeting using 140
responsible manager 146
selecting element for activity 218
viewing 142
what-if elements 148
WBS summary activities 216
activity steps 247
assigning to WBS 155
assigning to activity 157
assigning to WBS 156
using in top-down estimation 155
WBS milestone 150
Weighted codes 176
project status 87, 93
WBS elements 148
assistance options 55
create a new project 77, 79
implementing 55
new activity 55, 213
new resource 55, 118
overview 46
Project Architect 7986
report 474, 476, 478
using 46
XER file format 416
XER files
methodologies 574
MSP-managed projects 538
projects 540
resources 545, 576
roles 545, 576
methodologies 578
projects 550
projects as methodologies 583
resources 567, 588
roles 567, 588
importing, command line
projects 562
XML files
projects 543
projects 557