11.1.1 Counting Processes: 0 (N (T), T (0, ) ) 0 0 S T N (T) N(S) (S, T)
11.1.1 Counting Processes: 0 (N (T), T (0, ) ) 0 0 S T N (T) N(S) (S, T)
11.1.1 Counting Processes: 0 (N (T), T (0, ) ) 0 0 S T N (T) N(S) (S, T)
17/07/16, 17:10
Since counting processes have been used to model arrivals (such as the supermarket example above), we
usually refer to the occurrence of each event as an "arrival". For example, if N(t) is the number of accidents in
a city up to time t , we still refer to each accident as an arrival. Figure 11.1 shows a possible realization and the
corresponding sample function of a counting process.
Figure 11.1 - A possible realization and the corresponding sample path of a counting process..
By the above definition, the only sources of randomness are the arrival times Ti . Before introducing the
Poisson process, we would like to provide two definitions.
Definition 11.2
Let {X(t), t [0, )} be a continuous-time random process. We say that X(t) has independent increments
if, for all 0 t1 < t2 < t3 < tn , the random variables
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Counting Processes
17/07/16, 17:10
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