W203 Air Conditioner Stepper Motor Repair P2 of 3
W203 Air Conditioner Stepper Motor Repair P2 of 3
W203 Air Conditioner Stepper Motor Repair P2 of 3
Great BIG thanks to Racin_fool, liveniceguy and Wilsophia for the write up and
9. There is a small black plastic hump shaped cover under where the ashtray sat. Use your
fingers to pull them off and that will expose the T35 screws. Be very careful in this next
step to not damage your interior. Using the T35 socket on your ratchet, set it to loosen
and turn the screw approximately 90 degrees. Once you start feeling resistance, then you
need to stop because that is far enough. If you continue to try to loosen these screws past
this point, you will damage the center console. Using the flashlight again, you can look
under the a/c controls and you will see or feel (2) screws. Using the T20 torx screwdriver,
you should remove them. This will allow you to pop the center console loose and move it
back and out of the way. You will not have it completely out of the way, just enough to
maneuver around it.
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Compiled by krazzdav Initial write up by Racin_fool
Pics from liveniceguy and Wilsophia
10. Next, look into the center A/c vents on the dash above all the buttons above the radio.
On the left side of those vents, you will see small plastic tabs. Using the small flat tipped
screwdriver, GENTLY pry the lower tab on each side and why holding it away from its
proper placement, rotate the vent up until it completely stops and exposes a thin open slit
under the vent. Repeat for the other center vent. Using the flashlight, look under the vents
and at each side you will see a small torx screw. Now using the T20 torx screwdriver,
loosen both screws but DO NOT remove them. They should be held into place by the A/c
vent assembly. However, if they do come completely out, just try to push them back into
place or use a small magnet to remove them. Now pop the center A/c vents back into
their normal positions. Again, using the small flat tip screwdriver, now GENTLY pry
against the top tab pressing away from the side and rotate the vent completely down
again exposing a small slit but not on the top side of the vent. Grab the flashlight again
and look into this area. You will notice small tabs/slits on the top of the a/c vent assembly
on the inside. Grab the small screwdriver again and GENTLY pry downwards on the
small section closest to you and at the same time, start pulling the A/c vent assembly out
of the dash. Sometimes you have to pull those tabs a bit further down than you would
think. Also, if you have the illuminated thumb wheels for the vents, you will now have to
unplug this one, but don't forget about it.
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Compiled by krazzdav Initial write up by Racin_fool
Pics from liveniceguy and Wilsophia
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Compiled by krazzdav Initial write up by Racin_fool
Pics from liveniceguy and Wilsophia
11. Again, grab the flashlight and now look under the remaining section of the wood trim
around the Radio/Command. You should be able to see a small metal loop on either side.
Use one of the screwdrivers to pop each one down but not completely out. Doing this,
should release the remaining section of the wood trim around the radio. Unplug each
connector, but again, mark or remember where each connector came from. There should
be atleast 3 connectors depending on your options.
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Compiled by krazzdav Initial write up by Racin_fool
Pics from liveniceguy and Wilsophia
12. Grab a short stool or sit down on the drivers door sill plate. Take the T20 torx
screwdriver and reach up under the bottom side of the dash on the drivers footwell area.
You should be able to feel a total of (4) screws straight across. Remove them. Now pop
down the plastic cover but do not remove it. This will expose the remaining (1) screw
attached to the bottom of the dash. Remove it. Using the plastic wedge, pry off the side
cover to the dash where the drivers door would meet the dash. There will be a few more
screws, remove them. Take the gear shifter and place the vehicle back into PARK. Pull
the E-brake handle out to release the brakes and you will find another screw under there
but above the handle, remove it. There will be a small metal tab on the side of the Light
switch, press it in and remove the light switch after unplugging it. This will expose anther
(2) screws in the top of this opening. Pulling out the E-brake release handle again, you
can pop the cable loose, but PLEASE take care in how this fits on. Now taking the small
flat tipped screw driver or the special tool to remove the plastic ring around your Ignition
switch, Carefully do so. Again, I take no responsibility for you scratching up your own
Additional comments for step....
The plastic ring around the ignition switch rotates counter-clockwise and spins off the
threads on the switch.
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Compiled by krazzdav Initial write up by Racin_fool
Pics from liveniceguy and Wilsophia
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Compiled by krazzdav Initial write up by Racin_fool
Pics from liveniceguy and Wilsophia
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Compiled by krazzdav Initial write up by Racin_fool
Pics from liveniceguy and Wilsophia
13. Back to the radio area. Take the torx screwdriver and remove all remaining screws
from around the radio and dash pieces in this opening. If you have followed the directions
up to this point, you will have (9) screws remaining. Remove them all. At this point, you
will be able to pop the lower dash section under the instrument cluster/steering column
area down and out of the way.
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Compiled by krazzdav Initial write up by Racin_fool
Pics from liveniceguy and Wilsophia
14. Now open the glovebox and there will be a small section of dash remaining between
the glovebox opening and the large opening where the radio used to be. You should be
able to pry up one of the exposed edges by where the radio used to be and sharply but not
too strongly, pop this section loose and away from the dash.
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Compiled by krazzdav Initial write up by Racin_fool
Pics from liveniceguy and Wilsophia