Alpha Lipoic Acid: Skin Tonic, Mercury Chelator and Antioxidant
Alpha Lipoic Acid: Skin Tonic, Mercury Chelator and Antioxidant
Alpha Lipoic Acid: Skin Tonic, Mercury Chelator and Antioxidant
Reduces brain damage after a stroke and greatly increases survival rate
Protects the nervous system against the harmful effects of mercury poisoning
good news is that it is far less irritating than the commonly used skin treatment with tretinoin
(Retin A, Renova) and hydroxy acids.
In his experiments Perricone used oil-based lipoic acid at a very high concentration of 5%.
The concentration in commercial skin creams is usually much less, ranging from 0.25 to 5%
but commonly between 1 and 3%. Lipoic acid is not easily soluble in oils and may be first
dissolved in ethanol and other organic solvents before being mixed with oils.
The Antioxidant Skin Tonic
However there is another way and that has been used in the Stride into Health Antioxidant
Skin Tonic. The sodium salt of lipoic acid is easily water soluble so that it was possible to
make a tonic with a lipoic acid concentration of 7.5%. Therefore it is a concentrate and best
diluted with two parts of water for general use, although it may be applied full strength to
specific damaged areas.
An additional bonus is the higher bioavailability of the sodium salt compared to the acid form.
Orally 1030 times higher peak blood levels could be achieved with the sodium salt.
Together with a suitable carrier this allows also better skin penetration. The Skin Tonic
contains a high level of MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane) which serves not only as a carrier into
the skin but helps with repairing damaged skin in its own right. There is also 7.5% of NAcetyl Glucosamine in the Tonic, another repair factor for damaged skin and joints. Finally,
glycerine serves to keep the skin moist and gives the active ingredients more time to
Mercury Chelation
Due to the presence of two sulphur groups, lipoic acid is a chelating agent. It chelates
mercury both intracellular (inside cells) and extracellular (blood and lymph) in the brain and
in other parts of the body. Lipoic Acid has a half life of 3 hours, which means half of the
absorbed lipoic acid is excreted in 3 hours. Therefore it should be used on a strict schedule
every 34 hours even at night, or liberated mercury may be dumped in the brain or other
organs. This can be a problem especially within 3 months of having mercury fillings removed.
It has been recommended to adopt a periodic lipoic acid schedule for detoxification, as for
instance for 3 days and 2 nights once a week or fortnight.
With this, the Tonic can also be used for detoxification of mercury and other heavy metals,
such as lead. For details see the Cutler Protocol (and possibly Mercury Detox). Each dose
may be from one quarter to 1 mg/kg body weight. The Tonic supplies 75 mg of lipoic acid per
ml which can be easily measured with a supplied pipette.
The Cutler program has been extensively used for autistic children who received most of
their mercury from vaccinations, but it also works for adults with mercury problems due to
amalgam fillings. During detoxification health problems may temporarily increase. To
minimise such reactions I recommend starting mercury detoxification only after bringing
Candida under control as this is at the bottom of most modern diseases, see Overcoming
R,S-Lipoic Acid or R-Lipoic Acid?
There are several forms of lipoic acid available. The form produced in the body is R-lipoic
acid while the commonly used supplement form is R,L-lipoic acid, simply called lipoic acid.
Therefore R-lipoic acid is generally regarded as being twice as effective as the R,L-form.
However, all the original clinical studies, including those by Perricone for skin improvement
and those for mercury detoxification have been done with R,S-lipoic acid.
Originally the reason for this was that R-lipoic acid just was not available, and when more
recently it could be obtained, it was not only many times more expensive, it was also
unstable and formed polymers. Instead of 30% being absorbed from oral use of R,S-lipoic
acid, less that 10% of R-lipoic acid where absorbed. Buyer beware, as this product is still on
the market.
Lately this has led to a further development in producing stabilised R-lipoic acid. This
contains in addition 50% of the reduced form of lipoic acid, dihydrolipoic acid, or alternatively
the stable sodium R-lipoic acid is being used. However, the problem remains that it is 5 to 10
times more expensive than R,S-lipoic acid. While it has been shown that for certain enzyme
reaction the R-form can be more than twice as effective than the R,S-form, it has not been
shown that it is also much more effective for skin care or mercury chelation.