Interactive Lecture Approach
Interactive Lecture Approach
Interactive Lecture Approach
Susan H. Rodger1
Computer Science Department
Duke University
Durham, NC, 27708-0129
email: [email protected]
Students get more out of an interactive lecture than
a passive lecture because they are given time to think.
This time allows them to determine if they understand
a concept, and if not to ask questions. This understanding is crucial when concepts build on one another. We describe our positive experiences in teaching
sophomore-level computer science courses in an interactive lecture format with a computer in the classroom.
1 Introduction
In an interactive lecture, students interact with the
instructor and with other students. When a new concept is introduced, students are immediately given a
problem to solve that forces them to think about the
concept. Moreover, if students are placed in small
groups, they can compare solutions with each other,
which helps to point out their misunderstandings, and
to build condence when they are correct. This collaboration results in increased participation in class discussions. Although less material is covered during class,
students obtain a deeper understanding of this material and can expand on this understanding outside of
In a traditional classroom, an instructor stands at
the front lecturing while students furiously copy verbatim notes from a blackboard or overhead projector.
Students concentrate so much on taking notes, that
only a small percentage of the lecture is retained. In
addition, whenever a concept is introduced that students do not understand, they rarely understand any
of the material that follows. This is further hampered
2 Background
For the past ve years at Rensselaer we have been
teaching Fundamental Structures of Computer Science
(FSCS) I and II, a sequence of sophomore level courses
covering data structures, algorithms, and automata
theory. FSCS I and II are the third and fourth courses
for computer science majors. The rst two years we
taught these courses in the traditional lecture format,
the next two years in the interactive lecture format, and
this past year (93-94) in the interactive lecture format
Supported in part by a Fellowship from the Lilly Foundation,
a Rensselaer CIUE Development Grant for Educational Innovation, and the National Science Foundation's Division of Undergraduate Education through grant DUE-9354791. This work was
done while this author was at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.
also to further discuss which, if any, solution is better. Sometimes, groups grade other group solutions. If
two dierent problems are assigned, one to each half
of the class, each group will grade a problem they did
not solve, exposing them to additional problems during
6 Evaluation
For two years we taught FSCS in the traditional lecture format, where the instructor lectured and the students wrote down notes. In this passive environment
students were likely to fall asleep or if awake, constantly
monitoring the remaining time. They were eager to
leave and would start gathering materials, rustling papers loudly, at least ve minutes before class was over.
The majority of students would not volunteer to answer
questions in this environment.
For the next two years, we taught this class in the
interactive lecture format without a computer in the
classroom. In this active environment, students ask
more questions because they work problems during
class and see right away what they do not understand.
Over half the class was eager to volunteer to give the answers to problems that had been solved by their group.
They had discussed the problem with other students
and were more condent that the group solution was
7 Conclusion
Although computer science is a technical eld, lectures can be taught in an interactive manner by allowing time during class for students to think about
problems, either singly or in small groups. This time
to think generates discussion because students are better prepared, more condent, and more willing to volunteer. Less material is presented during class, but
students understand this material more thoroughly. In
evaluations, students overwhelmingly prefer the interactive lecture format.
A computer in the classroom makes interactive lectures more interesting. In particular, a computer can
be used for visualizing and animating concepts, working problems with input from students, answering questions by showing the answer, and enticing students to
use tools for their own experimentation.
[1] J. Barwise and J. Etchemendy, Turing's World,