Interactive Lecture Approach

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An Interactive Lecture Approach to Teaching Computer Science

Susan H. Rodger1
Computer Science Department
Duke University
Durham, NC, 27708-0129
email: [email protected]

Students get more out of an interactive lecture than
a passive lecture because they are given time to think.
This time allows them to determine if they understand
a concept, and if not to ask questions. This understanding is crucial when concepts build on one another. We describe our positive experiences in teaching
sophomore-level computer science courses in an interactive lecture format with a computer in the classroom.

1 Introduction
In an interactive lecture, students interact with the
instructor and with other students. When a new concept is introduced, students are immediately given a
problem to solve that forces them to think about the
concept. Moreover, if students are placed in small
groups, they can compare solutions with each other,
which helps to point out their misunderstandings, and
to build con dence when they are correct. This collaboration results in increased participation in class discussions. Although less material is covered during class,
students obtain a deeper understanding of this material and can expand on this understanding outside of
In a traditional classroom, an instructor stands at
the front lecturing while students furiously copy verbatim notes from a blackboard or overhead projector.
Students concentrate so much on taking notes, that
only a small percentage of the lecture is retained. In
addition, whenever a concept is introduced that students do not understand, they rarely understand any
of the material that follows. This is further hampered

by students' shyness in asking questions, especially

when the instructor is further into the lecture.
In other disciplines such as humanities, interactive
lectures are common. For example, in a foreign language class, students and the instructor engage in conversation most of the class period, either discussing exercises or acting out real-life situations.
This paper describes our positive experience converting sophomore-level computer science courses (data
structures, algorithms, and automata theory) from traditional lectures to interactive lectures and integrating
interactive and visual computer tools into these lectures. Our lectures consist of a series of mini-lectures,
problem solving, and discussions. Problems are solved
in a number of ways during class: individually, in small
groups, and on the computer with the instructor entering input suggestions from students.
In Section 2 we give background and in Section 3
we discuss the format of interactive lectures, with and
without a computer. In Section 4 we provide details of
three interactive lectures taught in the spring of 1994
and in Section 5 we mention tools for algorithms, data
structures, and automata theory. In Section 6 we evaluate our approach, and in Section 7 we give concluding

2 Background
For the past ve years at Rensselaer we have been
teaching Fundamental Structures of Computer Science
(FSCS) I and II, a sequence of sophomore level courses
covering data structures, algorithms, and automata
theory. FSCS I and II are the third and fourth courses
for computer science majors. The rst two years we
taught these courses in the traditional lecture format,
the next two years in the interactive lecture format, and
this past year (93-94) in the interactive lecture format
Supported in part by a Fellowship from the Lilly Foundation,
a Rensselaer CIUE Development Grant for Educational Innovation, and the National Science Foundation's Division of Undergraduate Education through grant DUE-9354791. This work was
done while this author was at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.

with a computer in the classroom. For the latter, an

Xterminal connected to the campus le system had its
output projected to a screen during class. The interactive and visual tools used include Xtango [13] for algorithm animation, FLAP [9] for automata theory, and
LRparse [4] for parsing. The usual class size over ve
years was 30, but sometimes was as high as 60. Each
class met two days a week for 80 minutes per class. We
used two textbooks, one for automata theory [8] and
one for algorithms [11]. In addition, we have supplemented many of the lectures with our own notes.

3 Format of an Interactive Lecture

We discuss our format of an interactive lecture, without a computer in the classroom, and with a computer
in the classroom. If there is a computer, a mix of the
two formats can be used.

3.1 Lecture Without a Computer

In classrooms lacking a computer, an interactive lecture consists of activities that use the available resources: paper and pencil, overhead projector and
neighbors. We utilize these resources by ll-in-theblank classnotes and group problem solving, both intertwined with discussion within groups of students and
with the whole class.
We hand out notes that are mostly complete, but
contain missing pieces and exercises that students ll
in during class in a variety of ways. The instructor uses
slides with abbreviated notes, also with missing pieces
that are lled in as lecture proceeds, usually with input
from the class. For short problems, students are given a
couple of minutes to think and then volunteers suggest
solutions. With the majority of notes on the handout,
students can spend time listening to the instructor and
thinking about the material.
Another form of interaction, group problem solving
[12], simulates a real world environment. Students are
partitioned into assigned groups of size three or four,
and group members sit together during class. It is critical that students not pick their own groups, because
they sit with their friends and are tempted to talk instead of paying attention. New groups are assigned
every four to ve weeks, so students will have the opportunity to meet and work with other students in the
class. During a typical class, groups solve one to three
problems ranging in length from ve to twenty minutes. Volunteers present solutions by either describing
in words, or drawing a picture on the overhead projector. Groups with alternative solutions are often eager
to present their solution. The class nds it stimulating
to see that a problem may have several solutions, and

also to further discuss which, if any, solution is better. Sometimes, groups grade other group solutions. If
two di erent problems are assigned, one to each half
of the class, each group will grade a problem they did
not solve, exposing them to additional problems during

3.2 Lecture With a Computer

A computer in the classroom is a powerful tool for
solving complicated problems quickly, visually, and in
more detail than can be shown drawing by hand on
a blackboard or using several predrawn slides on an
overhead projector. In particular, we use the computer
during class to show animations of algorithms, to show
how to use tools e ectively, and to answer questions by
instantly generating the answers.
The animation of an algorithm allows one to show
the complete picture from start to nish of the processing of data. Flexible animations include user-supplied
input, speed control, and pausing capabilities. Animations that allow the user to create the input allow
for experimentation of the algorithm in di erent cases.
Speed control allows one to examine a large amount of
input, moving quickly over stages that are easy to understand in order to reach the more complicated stages,
and showing these in slow motion. Pausing at a stage
allows the class to discuss what just happened, and to
allow students time to think about what will happen in
the next stage.
The computer can be used during class to show students how to use tools e ectively. Showing several examples using a particular tool will let the students see
its capabilities. When students see how easy or useful
a tool is, they are more inclined to use it themselves.
An advantage to having a computer in the classroom
is being able to answer questions by showing the answer.
Questions of the type \what will happen if we try ..."
can be answered easily by trying it. Examples include
modifying, recompiling, and running a program, and
running an animation on di erent input.
Not only can the computer be used e ectively during
class in the ways discussed above, but saving the data
used during class allows students outside of class to
recreate animations and problems solved during class.

4 Example Interactive Lectures

We describe three interactive lectures with a computer given in the spring of 1994, and give a brief list
of other topics covered in this manner.

4.1 Lecture on Pushdown Automata

We begin this lecture by giving the de nition of pushdown automata (PDA), explaining the di erences between PDA and nite automata, and describing the representation of transitions. Then the following problem
is given.
Problem: Construct a nondeterministic pushdown
automaton for L=fanbn j n > 0g that accepts by nal
At this point, we use the computer and start the
tool FLAP. A drawing window appears, and we show
students how to edit a transition diagram by showing
how to create states, identify start and nal states, and
create a transition between two states. Students are
given ve minutes to think about solving the problem
above, and then we ask for volunteers from the class
to describe their design for this PDA. With their suggestions, we draw the transition diagram. When the
class is satis ed with the drawing, we show them how
to enter an input string and run the string through the
PDA. In FLAP we can quickly test whether the string
was accepted, receiving a yes or no answer. If the string
was not accepted but we think it should have been, we
can run a trace. A trace processes one symbol in the
input at a time, and shows the stack contents. Once
the transition diagram for this PDA is correct, we save
it in a le so students can recreate the example on their
Next we give the following problem to determine if
students understand the concept of nondeterminism.
Problem: Construct a nondeterministic pushdown
automaton for L=fanbm j m > 0; m <= n <= 3mg
that accepts by nal state.
Students are already sitting in assigned groups. For
this problem, students are given fteen minutes to discuss a possible solution with other members of their
group. The instructor wanders around the room, sitting
in on group discussions. If most students are stumped,
the instructor halts the problem session and holds a
discussion of nondeterminism. Then students continue
working on the problem in their group. Finally, one
group volunteers to describe their solution and we draw
the solution using FLAP. This time when testing an
input string, the slower step-by-step trace is used to
show the nondeterminism. Each possible con guration
(stack, current state, and remaining input) is shown
(up to 12) that can be reached after a speci c number
of steps from the start state. Students are shown how
to control the run when the number of con gurations
grows exponentially, by selecting certain con gurations
that are unlikely to end in a nal state and either killing
or freezing these con gurations. Again, once the transition diagram is correct, we save it in a le. A solution
to this problem using FLAP is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Pushdown Automaton in FLAP

4.2 Lecture on LR Parsing

This lecture begins with a brief de nition of LR parsing and the study of an algorithm for converting a
context-free grammar to a pushdown automaton that
models the LR parsing process. At this point students
are already familiar with context-free grammars and
pushdown automata. Using the tool FLAP, we construct a picture of the transition diagram for the pushdown automaton constructed from the following grammar: S ! aSb, S ! b. Tracing input strings in this
grammar, students are shown visually how the resulting PDA is nondeterministic (there are multiple con gurations). By using additional information (lookaheads) we show how to decide which transitions to take
to reach a nal state and accept the input.
We then give a brief lecture explaining the algorithm
for LR parsing, and how to use a parse table. We use
the tool LRparse in conjunction with brief lectures to
explain how to construct an LR(1) parse table for a
given LR(1) grammar. First we type in a non-LR(1)
grammar and try to continue. LRparse will inform us
that the grammar is not LR(1). We modify the grammar to be an LR(1) grammar and then proceed. Second we explain the function FIRST, and then we use
LRparse to type in the students' suggestions for the
sets. LRparse identi es those sets that are incorrect.
Lots of examples are done until the class feels comfortable with this concept. Third, we explain FOLLOW
sets, and use LRparse in a similar manner to calculate FOLLOW sets for several grammars. Fourth, we
give a brief lecture on item sets and constructing the
deterministic nite automaton (DFA) that models the
stack, and then use LRparse on the grammar above to
construct such a DFA. Finally, we explain how to construct the parse table using the DFA, and use LRparse
to construct this table for the grammar above. We then
type in input strings and LRparse gives an animation

showing the stack contents and identifying the reduce

and shift rules encountered. Additional examples are
shown, and in particular, examples of grammars that
are not LR(1) are shown. For these, the parse table
can still be constructed and it shows the con icts encountered.
Students are shown how to use LRparse to study
the LR parsing process outside of class. In addition,
example grammars are saved in les and can easily be
input into LRparse to recreate the examples done in

4.3 Lecture on Red-Black Trees

This lecture begins by showing the class an Xtango
animation on inserting several elements into an initially
empty red-black tree, and pointing out the similarities
and di erences with these operations on binary trees.
We then leave the computer for a brief lecture segment
to formally de ne red-black trees, examine its properties and the algorithm for insertion. Next we run
Xtango again, inserting elements one at a time. Each
number added starts at the root, travels down to the
proper insertion point, and then the tree is balanced via
recoloring and/or rotations. By inserting numbers in an
unbalanced manner, many insertions will require balancing. Before each insertion, the animation is paused
and we ask the students to think about what type of
balancing will be performed. They make suggestions,
we run the animation, and then they can see if they
were correct or not. For incorrect answers, we spend
additional time discussing the algorithm, focusing on
the decision of when to perform rotations and what
type of rotations (single or double). Once students have
the general idea for insertions, deleting elements is presented in a similar manner. For further study after
class, we show the students how to run the animation
so they can recreate the demo given during class. A
red-black tree in Xtango is shown in Figure 2.

4.4 Topics of Other lectures

We brie y list other topics we have taught in our
interactive lecture format with a computer in the classroom.
Xtango has been used to show animations of several
sorting algorithms including shellsort, mergesort, quicksort, and heapsort. We have also used it to study the
operations on data structures including binary trees,
heaps, and binomial heaps.
FLAP has been used to study nite automata and
Turing machines in a manner similar to the lecture on
pushdown automata. We have also used it to study
pushdown automata representing the LL parsing process.

Figure 2: Red-Black Tree in Xtango

LLparse [4] has been used to study the LL(1) parsing
process and the construction of LL(1) parse tables.

5 Tools available for Teaching Computer Science

We have mentioned the four tools FLAP, Xtango,
LRparse and LLparse, which we have used in our lectures. There are a number of other tools available
and many more are becoming available. In 1992, DIMACS held a workshop [5] for computational support
for discrete mathematics where many tools were demonstrated for animating and analyzing algorithms. Additional automata theory tools include [1, 7, 14]. Additional tools for algorithm animation include [3, 6, 10, 2].

6 Evaluation
For two years we taught FSCS in the traditional lecture format, where the instructor lectured and the students wrote down notes. In this passive environment
students were likely to fall asleep or if awake, constantly
monitoring the remaining time. They were eager to
leave and would start gathering materials, rustling papers loudly, at least ve minutes before class was over.
The majority of students would not volunteer to answer
questions in this environment.
For the next two years, we taught this class in the
interactive lecture format without a computer in the
classroom. In this active environment, students ask
more questions because they work problems during
class and see right away what they do not understand.
Over half the class was eager to volunteer to give the answers to problems that had been solved by their group.
They had discussed the problem with other students
and were more con dent that the group solution was

correct. Many times a group problem is given for the

last twenty minutes of class. In this case, many students
are so involved working on the problem, they continue
working even though class is over. Students were very
enthusiastic to this type of environment. In fact, one
group brought a sign with their group name and hung
it up on the wall beside their group.
This past year, we taught this class in the interactive lecture format with a computer in the classroom.
Approximately one-third of the lectures used the computer, either by demonstrating a concept via an animation or solving a problem visually and interactively
with input from the class. The remaining lectures were
taught in the interactive lecture format, and would
have used the computer if appropriate software had
been available. Overall, the students were very positive
about the interactive classroom and the tools. Comments from students taken from the nal evaluation
forms this past year include the following comments.
\The interactive format was very helpful and made the
class more interesting." \The tools ... proved to be a
really ecient way to check handwritten answers. They
helped me to see when I would have been wrong, especially the traces on the PDA's!" \The tools were helpful
in ne tuning what we needed to know". In fact, onequarter of the class showed up for a workshop (on their
own time) to demonstrate this method of teaching to
other faculty at Rensselaer. Students came to the workshop because they were interested in encouraging more
faculty to teach in this manner.

7 Conclusion
Although computer science is a technical eld, lectures can be taught in an interactive manner by allowing time during class for students to think about
problems, either singly or in small groups. This time
to think generates discussion because students are better prepared, more con dent, and more willing to volunteer. Less material is presented during class, but
students understand this material more thoroughly. In
evaluations, students overwhelmingly prefer the interactive lecture format.
A computer in the classroom makes interactive lectures more interesting. In particular, a computer can
be used for visualizing and animating concepts, working problems with input from students, answering questions by showing the answer, and enticing students to
use tools for their own experimentation.

[1] J. Barwise and J. Etchemendy, Turing's World,








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D. Berque, J. Bogda, B. Fisher, T. Harrison,
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S. Blythe, M. James, S. Rodger, LLparse and
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T. Naps, C. Hundhausen, and B. Swander, GAIGS
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R. Sedgewick, Algorithms in C, Addison Wesley,
K. Smith, The Craft of Teaching Cooperative
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J. Stasko, Tango: A Framework and System for
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K. Sutner, Implementing Finite State Machines,
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