Assalam o Alaikum. For Gynae Ward Test!: Now How To Prepare??

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Assalam o alaikum. For Gynae ward test!

Pattern of ward test n prof ospe z same. So get it well prepared now. So that it becomes much
easier in Prof. Ward test z taken on same day in all d units at d end of ur second rotation. N
same ospe z given in all d units. We had many same stations in our prof from our ward tests. So
aftr ospe write down d stations n their answers so that u keep them saved for prof.


There r total 15 ospe stations. 8 from obs n 7 from gynae. Out of these 5 r interactive stations
(probably 3 frm obs n 2 frm gynae), remaining r static stations.
There r NO short cases. There r 2 long cases. 1 of gynae n 1 of obs. Half log pehly gynae ki
history lety hen n half obs ki. Phir switch ho jaty hen alternatively to other one.

On interactive stations u cn get counselling (fibroid carcinomas endometriosis subfertiliry

contraception methods etc) normal delivery on dummy, breech delivery, forceps n vaccum
delivery, management of 3rd stage of labor in which u have to perform controlled cord traction,
any instrument aling with its use m related viva (episiotomy scissors r imp, cusco's speculum n
demonstration of its use) or any imp scenario.
Partogram n CTG also come in interactive as well as in static stations.
On static stations there r scenarios, pics or instruments, u hv ro identify/diagnose, give
managmnt options accordingly, complications n risk factors etc. in short for static stations too u
hv to know d topic :) there r atleast 4 or 5 sub parts of each station

Now how to prepare??

Ten Teachers z sufficient for Evn prof. Written paper comes solely from here. N so for ospe/viva.
Study imp topics well for ward test. It wl cover both ospe n long cases. Watch videos from
youtube or Farzeen Ehsan's profile. Its public. Dr.Sadia khan ki videos hen. Plus do practice for
interactive stations on dolls n prepare via combine studies in a group. U mst know how n y to
perform maneuvers e.g in Shoulder dystocia. Do aeymon/sherry's past ospes or alia bashir if u
hv time. If u hv no tym thn jst go through d book n imp
Topics for now n hv a look on past ospes later in prof.

Go through as much topics as u cn in both gynae n obs. Or atleast do listen to Kaplan lecs.

For obs: most imp topics for ward test!

Hypertension in pregnancy, Gestational Diabetes, Anemia in pregnancy, Precious pregnancy,

Fetal Malposition and malpresentations.
Normal n abnormal labour
Obstetric emergencies wala chapter
Multiple gestations
Biophysical profile
Prenatal diagnosis
Antenatal care.

Gynecology main gynecological cancers, endometriosis and adenomyosis,

fibroid uterus,
displaced IUCD, Gestational trophoblastic diseases,
Menstrual irregularities

I hv sent d list to be done frm

maself ;) so d ones which u must do r:

Arshad chohan already, but i didnt do that all

Anemia in pregnancy
Hypertension (if time)
And i did nothing in gynae. Molar pregnancy z d topic not given in TT, i did it from Kaplan n
managmnt plan from dr.Shagufta Sial's lec, listen procedure details from Kaplan n read from TT
which r given there. N those which r not, u cn consult Arshad Chohan for that.

Baqi go to Opd n ask teachers to demonstrate d use of Cusco's speculum infront of u or evn on
dummy. For that z d only station which we didnt know in prof n uss pr achi khaasi hui bhi thi lolz,
if still any querries u cn surely ask :) All d best
For long cases u hv to take history v.well, follow maryam malik's pattern. Thts sufficient. N u hv
to perform only GPE n abdominal examination both in obs n gynae :)

For obs: most imp topics for ward test!Hypertension in pregnancy, Gestational
Diabetes, Anemia in pregnancy, Precious pregnancy, Fetal Malposition and
malpresentations.Normal n abnormal labourObstetric emergencies wala chapterMultiple
gestationsBiophysical profileCTGPartogramPrenatal diagnosisAntenatal care.Perpeurium

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