Referral Program Presentation

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SAP Referral Program

overview guide


According to IT industry analysts, there are over 78 million
small and medium enterprises (SMEs) with varying de
grees of IT and business needs. This market consists of
smaller, growing companies as well as divisions of large
However, small businesses and midsize companies tend
to be sensitive about IT investments. They want IT invest
ments to deliver benefits that are reflected quickly in the
bottom line, usually within a year of implementation.
Fortunately, SAP has such affordable, fast-working solu
tions. You can provide greater value to your customers as
well as gaining benefits for your own company.


SAP has worked with more than 26,000 small businesses
and midsize companies to help them reach their goals.
In fact, more than 65% of SAP customers fall into these
categories. SAP understands the challenges these busi
nesses face. Weve designed superior solutions to tackle
those issues. Our primary product areas for this market
area are;


To extend its reach into the SME market, SAP has launched
a new sales referral program that rewards those who refer
new opportunities to us. The SAP Referral program is an
important driver to help SAP reach its goal of having
100,000 customers by 2010. Within the program, we seek
to recruit current SAP partners as well as firms such as
technology consultants, business consultants, and account
ancy practices key disciplines that play important roles
as influencers and trusted advisors for their clients in our
target market.
One of the key objectives of the SAP referral program is
to leverage the SAP ecosystem to increase market co
verage and reward members accordingly for adding value
to this ecosystem. Referral opportunities that members
bring to SAP will be rewarded when the opportunities are
accepted and when the opportunity is won and closed.
As a member of the referral program, a company has
access to an intuitive, easy-to-use portal, available 24x7,
for inputting opportunities and checking on their status.
Members enjoy some partnership benefits without having
to sell or implement SAP software. Business software
expertise is not required, all you need is to understand
the basic requirements of your customers or prospects.

SAP Business One

SAP Referral Program Benefits

SAP Business One is designed exclusively to meet the

needs of small businesses. For more information, visit

SAP All-in-One
SAP All-in-One solutions combine SAP software, SAP
Best Practices offerings, and local partner or SAP services
into a single, affordable solution for midsize companies.
For more information, visit


Enjoy financial rewards for delivering business

opportunities to SAP.
n No software expertise required
n The SAP referral program offers two types of
A non-monetary reward for registering an
opportunity, valued at 100/70.00.
5% of the net license software value of an
opportunity that is won by SAP
n A secure online portal for easy opportunity entry
and tracking.
n Free membership

Members of the SAP Referral Program can be any compa
ny that supports small businesses and midsize companies,
including solution providers, business or IT consultants,
hardware resellers, accountancy firms, and financial insti
tutions. Already assigned SAP partners in any category,
as well as those not currently in a partnership relationship
with SAP, may become members; they simply need to
qualify as an independent company that is duly registered
according to applicable local law with valid VAT ID. How
ever, the primary occupation must not be a commercial
agent. By accepting the online program terms and condi
tions, SAP will take this as confirmation that a company
meets these prerequisites.

SAP Referral Program Requirements

Companies can only register once as a legal entity
per country.
n All e-mail addresses used for the program must
be company e-mail addresses.
n Members of the SAP Referral Program must have
a valid residential address for the country in which
they are registered.
n Members of the SAP Referral Program should
have a VAT ID number for the country in which
they are registered.
n Members of the SAP Referral Program must not
be a government or public sector entity
(including federal, state, and local government,
health, and education).

To become a member of the SAP Referral Program and
enjoy full program benefits, a company employee willing to
take on the role of the authorized decision maker (ADM)
must complete and submit the SAP Referral Program re
gistration form. The key roles of the ADM are listed are;
An ADM is a nominated representative that will be
a key contact for SAP for the Referral Program
n An ADM is empowered to take decisions on behalf of
the company
n An ADM must register other individuals within their
company to join the SAP Referral Program
n An ADM must review opportunities submitted by
individuals within their company before submission
to SAP
n An ADM agrees on the type of reward and distribution
within their company
n An ADM agrees to SAP informing their company
individuals of their role in the SAP Referral Program.

Once SAP receives and reviews a company application,

the authorized decision maker will receive an e-mail com
municating the status of the application. If a company
application is accepted, the ADM will receive a user ID
and password allowing access to the SAP Referral Portal.

ADMs can register employees of their company on the
SAP Referral Program Portal. Once submitted to SAP,
the ADM can review the status of all entries. If approved,
SAP will send e-mail notification of user IDs and passwords
to all submitted individuals from the ADMs company.

Any time a SAP Referral Program member is in contact
with a small business or midsize company, there may be
an opportunity to refer this company to SAP and earn a

SAP Referral Program overview GUIDE



After discussions with a prospect and gathering informati

on, opportunities should be registered in the SAP Refer
ral Program portal. To do this, the information is inputted
into the Opportunity section in the referral portal called
Create Opportunity. Please note that the ADM must ap
prove all opportunities registered by designated company
individuals before they are submitted to SAP.

Rewards for Accepted Opportunities

Once an opportunity has been approved, SAP will notify
the member of the Referral Program. Whether the reward
is given directly to the individual or given to the company
is a decision made by the ADM of the company during
the registration process.
For individual rewards: The individual will receive a
non-monetary reward valued at 100/70.00
n For company rewards: The company ADM will receive
a non-monetary reward valued at 100/70.00 to be
distributed at their discretion


SAP aims to review referred opportunities within ten busi
ness days. We will communicate the status of opportunities
through the SAP Referral Program portal and e-mail whether
SAP accepts or rejects the opportunity.

If an opportunity has been accepted, the member of the
SAP Referral Program will be informed via the SAP Referral
Program portal about any status changes of the registered
opportunity. Registered ADMs will be able to view all op
portunities for their company.

Referral Reward
When an opportunity is accepted by SAP, the
SAP Referral Program member will receive a
non-monetary reward valued at 100/70.00.

Figure 1: Reward Structure


Rewards for Won and Closed

Once a deal has been won and a contract signed, the Re
ferral Program Member is eligible for a closing reward of 5%
of the net license software value to SAP (see Figure 1).

Please visit to access the
SAP Referral Portal, All questions should be sent to
[email protected].

Closing Reward
When the deal is successfully won and
closed, the SAP Referral Program member
company will receive 5% of the net license
software value as a closing reward.


Company ADM registers for program

anD sap accepts

adm registers other

company employees

referral member individual

submits opportunity

adm approves opportunity

and submits to sap

sap accepts opportunity

and referral reward paid

referred opportunity has been won

and closed by sap

referral member paid closing reward

of 5% of net software licence value

SAP Referral Program overview GUIDE

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