Dist Hand

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-4.CaEm, S.Bernieri, G .Caiiiiata, G.Casalino.
DIST - University of Genova
Via Opera Pia 13, 16145 Genom
'This viden prese~it~s
the first, prot>ot,ype
of t'he
*' DIY'I" ROBOTIC HAND" developed at. t,lie
(:R.AAI,-T,AII, o f t,he University of Genova.
In t'lie current, version, the hand is formed
by B palm support,iiigfour fingers. Ea.ch finger
fow rotmat
ional cleg-ees of freedonz, a,nd is
ccliiipped wit,h cxst,oni h i l d yosit,ion sensors
r ,
using Ilall-eff'ec:t, t.raiisduc:ers. 1he a,ctluat)ion
of ea,c:h finger. is done using six tendons driven
11y five computer corit,rolledDCI motors.
'.I'he rout,irig of the t8eridonsenables t,he dec:oiiplexl niot'ioii of each finger joint, aiid the
c:oiii.rol of t.lie finger-t,ip st,iffness.Furt,hekiore
the t.endoiis are routzedfrom the fingers to the
driving ~iiot~ors
t.hrought,flexible s h e a t h , t40a]low lor fiit,iire placeriie~it~
of t,he hand on a ro1,ot arn1.
Various clesigii object,ives have bee11pursued
(liiring t,he clevelopiiieiitm
of the present prototype.
111 part,ic:ular,one goal has been t,liat,of de\doping: a. modular st,ructurewhere a,lltthefinger a,re e q d . As a niat,ter of fact,, ea,ch finger
and t'he relat'ed niot,ors t,eiidons arid electronics, is aii i11t:lepeiident~
system. This pot'ent,ially
ciiables, in a relat,ively sirriple way, t,o set,-up
rolmtic. hands fkaturing any desired nnmber of
higers, usiiig each eleriientary finger module
its a \)idding block.
h ~ i o t ~ h edesign
ol,ject,ive has been related
mit,h i,lie niecha.nic:and kiiiematic charac:t.erist ic:s of each finger.

This worli has been partially supported by project

" M A S T 111 - Aiiiadeuij 11" funded by the European
('oiiiiniiiiit,y uiider contmct, I\IASS CT95-0021.

Proc. IROS 97 0-7503-4119-8/97/$1001997IEEE

In part,icula,rtche system of pulleys needed

for t.he tendons routing ha,s been optimized.
This operation has been performed in order
to reduce the condition number of the tmnsformation relating; fingers joint torques with
t,endon tensions, which play a significant role
in the finger iiioticm control.
Finally, a kinerrta tic analysis performed usiiig simulation tools has ben performed, with
t,he goal of building a mechanism with size a,nd
mol>ilitysiiiiilar to those of a, human ha.rid. I11
part,icular,siiiiulations of the co-ordinated niot'ion of couples of fingers been performed in
partkula,r to st,udy the correct placement of
the "thiiiiib" fiiiger wit,h respect to the palm,
iii order ttoobt,aiii a human-like finger opposit,ion.
The fina.1design of t,he hand has been a good
engineering coiiiproiriise between the aiialytical mid simulative specification and the const"ints hsicaily due t,o manufacturing costs,
a.nc1 t,he a,vailabily of off-the shelf components.
Furtherly, the me of coniponents for models
and hobbist,s allowed to develop the system
in a relatively short time and on limited cost
Currently only a single finger has been niot,orized and experhentally tested.
The system is cont,rolled using a VME-bus
basecl cont3rol a.rchitecture, which has been
progmninied using a " fast prototyping" tool
such a,s


Preliminary motion control experiments
have been performed at joint level, in order


t,o t.est the position sensor and their possible

interference due t,o rnagiietic coupling, and to
verify t.he actual niot,ion capa,bilit,iesof the fingers t.oget,herwith the possibility of achieving
joint, mot ioii decoiipling, despit,e friction and
1,h e y pert iirba.ttioii eRect,s.
I?ie joint, positmionsensors feature a mildly

iimi-limw c:liaract,erist.ic~s
which urifort,unately
rc(iiiires c:a.refid1 cdibrat,ion and dat,a, processiiig. Nevert.lieless t.lie use of solid st,ate transc1uc:ers allows it very compact, design, a.nd fiiially t,he experirneiit.alevidence has riot shown

m y interference amoiig various magnetic

fields due to the magiiets placed at, each joint.

The DIST ROBOTIC HAND has been developed for t,he a.nalysis a,nd the experimental
stjudy of robotic gTasping and manipulation,
a.s well as a device for possible applications in
the area of telemanipulation.
The haid is presently under further development, wit,h thea.im of implementing suitable
force and t,a,ct,ileseiisors needed for gra,sp and
rriaiiipulat,ion t,asks.

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