Navigating the Body
The nature of this book demands that we
explore specific, individval structures and
regions on our journey. However, before we
set out into the hills and valleys of the body,
some preparation is in order. This chapter
will familiarize you with important mapping
and navigational terms. It will also show you
the ‘big picture" of the body's systems high-
lighted in the text. This way, when the trail
Quide leads you in a certain direction,
you will know which way to go!
Regions of the Body 30
Movements of the Body 32
Systems of the Body 40
TiavAnatomical postion#8 Regions of the Body
TiS Antenior view
TW Posteriorview
30 Trail Guide to the BodyPlanes of Movement
When the body is in the standard anatomical posi-
tion, standing erect with the palms facing forward
(p. 29), it can be divided into three imaginary planes
(1.4). These planes help clarify and specify movements.
The sagittal plane divides the body into left and
right halves. The descriptive terms medial and lateral
correlate to the sagittal plane; the actions of flexion
and extension occur along this plane. The midline (or
midsagittal plane) runs down the center of the body,
dividing the sagittal plane in two symmetrical halves.
The frontal (or coronal) plane divides the body
into front and back portions. The terms anterior and
posterior relate to the frontal plane; the actions of
adduction and abduction happen along this plane.
Dividing the body into upper and lower parts is the
transverse plane. The terms superior and inferior refer to
the transverse plane; rotation happens within this plane.
Directions and Positions
‘Specific terms are used to help communicate
location, direction and position of body structures.
These terms replace more general references like "up
there" or ‘north of here, which are less precise and can
be confusing. Each direction is paired up with its
complementary direction.
Superior refers to a structure closer to the head.
Inferior means closer to the feet. "The nose is superior
tothe navel" “The navel is inferior to the nose’ (1.5)
‘The terms cranial (closer to the head) and caudal
(closer to the buttocks) are used when referring to
structures on the trunk.
Posterior concerns a structure further toward the
back of the body than another structure, Anterior
refers to a structure further in front. “The sternum is
anterior to the spine’ (1.5) These directions are also
referred to as dorsal (posterior) and ventral (anterior)
Medial pertains to a structure closer to the midline
(or center) of the body. Lateral refers to a structure
further away from the midline. “The last (pinkie) toe is
lateral to the big toe’ (1.6)
Distal means a structure further away from the trunk
cr the bodys midline. Proximal designates a structure
Closer to the trunk. These directions are used only when
referring to the arms and legs. “The foot is distal to the
thigh (1.6) “The forearm is proximal to the hand
Superficial describes a structure closer to the bodys
surface. Deep refers to a structure deeper in the body.
“The abdominal muscles are superficial to the intes-
tines? "The intestines are deep to the abdominal
muscles” (1.7)
sagital safinal LL atthe
coronal koronal —L. crownlke
Transverse rans-verse—L actos tuned across
Ta) Planes of te boay
Posterior Anterior
TS) Lateral ew oFrib cage andvertebrae
Navigating the Body 31Movements of the Body
Movement of the body occurs at the joints, where.
bones articulate (or connect). Although movement affects
the placement of bones, the terminology of movement
always refers to joints. Bending your knee is called “flexion
ofthe knee” “Flexion of the leg" would require an ambu-
lance. See pages 34-39 for a description of movement at
f ae specific joints.
Medial Extension is movement that straightens or opens a
joint. In anatomical position, most joints are extended
When a joint can extend beyond its normal range of
naa motion itis called hyperextension. Flexion is movement
\ that bends a joint or brings the bones closer together.
J Ma dit —_ Ina fetal position most joints are ina flexed position
4 PN (1.8). Both flexion and extension take place along the
sagittal plane.
Proximal |
Adduction ofa joint brings a limb medially toward thie
body's midline ‘adding to the body’). Abduction moves
a limb laterally away from the midline ("abduct or carry
away"), These actions happen along the frontal plane
and pertain only to the appendages. To adduct the
fingers or toes isto bring them together; to abduct is to
spread them apart.
Ta) Anterior view oflegs and feet
Medial rotation and lateral rotation (sometimes re-
ferred to as intemal and external rotation) occur at the
shoulder and hip joints, When the joint medially rotates,
the limb turns in toward the midline, Lateral rotation
swings the limb away from the midline.
Rotation pertains only to the axial skeleton (p. 40),
specifically the head and vertebral column. Rotation of
the head and neck occurs as a driver turns to check
whether a car is coming from behind in the next lane.
‘These movements happen along the transverse plane.
Circumduction is possible only at the shoulder and
hip joints. It involves 2 combination of flexion, extension,
adduction and abduction; together these actions create a
cone-shaped movement (1.9). Swimming the backstroke
requires circumduction at the shoulder joint.
(Prone is the position of lying on the table face
[SEE \ own. Supine (on your spine’ is to lie face up.
Sidelying is just that - lying on your side.
So Sanaa Cee”Lateral flexion occurs only at the axial skeleton
For example, when the head or vertebral column
bend laterally to the side.
Supination and pronation describe the pivoting
action of the forearm. Supination (‘carrying a bow!
of soup’) occurs when the radius and ulna lie parallel
to one another. Pronation (‘prone to spill it?) takes
place when the radius crosses over the ulna, turning
the palm down, Supination and pronation also
occur at the feet.
Opposition happens only at the carpometacarpal
joint of the thumb. It occurs when the thumbpad
crosses the palm toward the last (pinkie) finger.
Inversion and eversion occur as a combination
of movements of several joints ofthe feet. Inversion
(turn in’ elevates the foor’s medial side and brings
the sole of the foot medially. Eversion (‘turn out’)
elevates the foot’ lateral side and moves the sole
Plantar flexion and dorsiflexion only refer to
movement at the ankle. Plantar flexion is performed
by moving the ankle to point your foot into the earth
‘0 stepping on a car's gas pedal. Dorsilexion is the
opposite movement, such as moving the ankle to let
off the gas pedal
Protraction and retraction pertain to the scapula,
clavicle, head and jaw. Protraction (‘protrude”)
Occurs when one of these structures moves anteriorly.
Retraction (retreat’) is movernent posteriorly.
Elevation and depression refer to the movernent
of the scapula and jaw. Elevation is movement.
superiorly. Depression is movement inferiorly.
Deviation means to wander from the usual
course. Lateral deviation accurs at the mandible
during talking or chewing.
TTB) in the fetal postion mostjoints are Rexed
9 Shoulder creumduction
{The names of many bones, bony landmarks and
\ muscles may initially look and sound foreign.
They are - most anatomical terms are Latin or Greek
However, the source or story behind the terms can help
K shoulder. In Latin, scapula means shoulder blade" its
‘common name. Fossa translates as shallow depression’
(nfraspinous is a directional term (lke north or south-
‘west). It means inferior (infra to the spine of the scapula
Spine of the scapula
Infraspinous fossa
(spinous). Put this al together and the infa-
spinous fossa ofthe scapula’ translates as the
shallow depression located below the spine of
the shoulder blade” Keep an eye peeled for
translations and phonetic descriptions at the
bottom of pages.
dorsi dorsi L of the back
plantar plantar. the sole ofthe foot
Navigating the Body 33&& Movements of the Body
Spine and Thorax
(vertebral column)
Flexion Extension
Flexion Extension
(inhalation) Depression/collapse
34 Trail Guide to the BodyScapula
(scapulothoracic joint)
‘Adduction fmt
(retraction) Abduction
Upward rotation
of eft scapula ' Downward rotation
of right scapula
J 1S
(lenohumeral joint)
\ ‘Medial rotation
% (internal rotation)
Lateral rotation
(extemal rotation)
Navigating the Body 35Elbow and Forearm
(humeroulnar and humeroradial joints - elbow,
proximal and distal radioulnar joints - forearm)
Flexion of the elbow Extension of the elbow
Supination of the forearm Pronation of the forearm
(radiocarpal joint)
‘Adduction Abduction
(ulnar deviation) (adial deviation)
36 Trail Guide to the BodyThumb
(first carpometacarpal and
‘metacarpophalangeal joints)
Flexion Extension Opposition ‘Adduction ‘Abduction
(metacarpophalangeal, proximal
‘and distal interphalangeal joints)
Flexion Extension ‘Adduction
(temporomandiular joint)
Protraction Retraction
Navigating the Body 37(downward rotation)
(coxal joint)
38 Trail Guide to the BodyKnee
(tibiofemeral joint)
Lateral rotation
of flexed knee
(right knee)
Medial rotation
of flexed knee
(right knee)
Ankle, Foot and Toes
(talocrural,talotarsal, midtarsal, tarsometatarsa,
‘metatarsophalangeal and interphalangeal joints)
Inversion of foot
Dorsiflexion of ankle Flexion of toes,
“curling the toes"
Eversion of foot
Plantar flexion of ankle Extension of toes
“straighten the toes”
Navigating the Body 39&& Systems of the Body
The Skeletal System
The bones are linked together to form the
skeleton. The skeleton is divided into two sec-
tions: the axial and the appendicular skeletons,
‘The axial skeleton is the skeleton’s center. It
includes the cranium, vertebral column, ribs,
sternum and hyoid bone. The appendicular
appendages’) skeleton is composed of the
arms and legs, including the pectoral girdle
(scapula and clavicle) and pelvic girdle (hips).
Cervical vertebra.
a Scapula
Lumbar vertebra
1110) Anterior view oF the
skeleton in anatomical position,
‘vial skeleton highlighted
Pound for pound, bone is as
strong as steel and three times
stronger than the same quantity
of reinforced concrete.
ricer apendikwiar —L tohangto
40 Trail Guide to the Body Sa aes ale
fleleton skeleton Gik. dried upThe Skeletal System
Lumbar vertebra
‘TT Posterior view oF skeleton,