Entering The Restricted Zone
Entering The Restricted Zone
Entering The Restricted Zone
Worship Makes You
Attractive to God and Man
It was the most awesome thing I had ever seen. In addition to the
walking thousands, there was a melee of mostly ancient looking vehicles,
buses and trucks all jockeying to unload their crowded occupants. Our bus
nosed its way diligently and delicately into the throng and then bucked to
a stop a full hundred and fifty yards away from the platform where we
were to be seated.
Some eighty eyes peered from our bus into the gleaming, dazzling
ocean of an estimated eight hundred thousand eyes. On command the
bus door sprang open. The previously stifled voices of an eight-hundred
member choir came cascading in upon our ears. Inside, our party lined
up to alight from the bus. For a few moments, I sat molded to my seat. I
stared out in trance-like wonder at the singing, dancing, worshiping choir
and crowd.
The choir played the part of Moses parting the Red Sea. Two columns
of four-hundred choir members made a road by which the crusade
team could travel to the platform. Standing inside the road were ushers
uniformed by a special armband and armed with switches. They were
apostolic bouncers whose job was to swat the surging crowd if they started
reaching between the singers hoping to touch a crusade member.
It was the first time for my ears to hear Amharic, Ethiopias national
language. To me, in that place, at that time, it sounded like the language
of angels. The crusade leader told us they had been singing, dancing and
worshiping for about two hours before we got there. It was now around
nine oclock in the morning.
I decided to be the last one off the bus. As I peered out of the bus
beholding the wonder of their joyous worship, I began to have what I
thought might be akin to Biblical flashbacks. This is what it was like when
David brought the Ark into Jerusalem. This is what it was like when Jesus
made his triumphant entry into Jerusalem.
The team filed in a neat line between the robed, dancing choir. It was
already blazing hot, but there they were, leaping, swaying, and flashing
up and down in a rhythmic African beat. Compelled by a deep urge in
my spirit, I broke rank and stayed back about ten steps from the rest of the
The music stopped, and for the first time since our arrival more
than a half million feet became reverently still. I bent over sucking in all
the oxygen I could get. The national leader gave a welcome and a brief
exhortation and the music and choir cranked up again. An ocean of people
danced until the dust rose like a morning fog.
The platform was cavernous. We were told it could seat four thousand
people. A part of the platform jutted out into the jam-packed audience.
They were shoulder to shoulder, front to back for hundreds of feet in all
directions. On the jutting portico of the platform, there were about a dozen
national leaders and interpreters worshiping with all the passion and zeal
Id ever seen.
I desperately wanted to get out front with them, but being a junior
member of the team and not sure if it was proper protocol to be so bold
I hesitated. Besides, I could stay toward the back and dance. There was
plenty of room, and Id certainly make less a spectacle of myself. But I
wanted to make a spectacle of myself. Not for the sake of being seen by
them but to join them, to endorse what they were doing, to let them know
that I wanted, like them, to give Jesus the highest praise possible.
So I went to Billy Cole the crusade leader and with a gentle entreaty
asked if it would be okay if I were to go out there and dance with the
national elders. He told me that it would.
So we danced and twirled and leaped. Shortly the music stopped,
and I was again left panting like a racehorse. I was momentarily winded,
but it was a great feeling. I had, with all my might, soul and strength tried
to put a giant smile on Jesus face. If worship makes Him happy, then I had
joined that massive throng of Ethiopians in an all out effort to give Jesus a
thrill. He was worthy of that and so much more.
That is when it happened.
That was when God told me something about worship that I shall
never, ever forget.
With my heart pounding and my breathing labored, Jesus leaned toward
my ear and whispered these words. When its your time to preach do not be
afraid. Because you did not come be a spectator, to watch, or a taker to receive,
but you have come to give and have joined my people in their worship, know
this: I have joined your heart to their heart and their heart to your heart.
Worship makes you attractive to God and man.
It would not be until later that I would put it in these terms: Worship
makes you attractive to God and man. That was what Jesus was telling me
the day I danced on that monstrous concrete platform.
Jesus continued to talk to me. Dont stop. Keep up your worship
and dancing the whole day long.
Then I saw, in the Spirit, a needle and thread. With every act of
worship, the needle was passing from my heart out to the congregations
heart and back again.
If you will continue to worship me with your whole heart, by the
time you preach there will be a rope of love from your heart to their heart,
and they will receive you as one of their own.
With such a powerful word from the Lord, I went to the pulpit that
afternoon to preach with the most confidence Id ever had in my life. I was
as brave as a lion and without a touch of fear. What a drastic change from
what I had been just a few years earlier.
I was the kid who was afraid of his shadow. I grew up in rural America,
population nine hundred. As a teenager, Id go to parties and most usually
sit quietly in a corner. For the most part, folks didnt know when I came or
when I left. I was moody, fearful and pretty much loathed myself.
It took me five years to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit because
I was so self-conscious. I was a teenager who went to youth camp his
first time and came home with exactly zero new friends. Several years
later during a powerful camp meeting, God distinctly called me into the
ministry. I was eighteen, but I never told a soul until I was twenty-three
because I thought that even God couldnt straighten out my warped
insecurities and moodiness.
a king. I couldnt tell you from one of a thousand other commoners. Your
moronic behavior just totally destroyed your approval ratings.
May I paraphrase Davids answer?
Maybe I should be thanking you Michal? It is precisely your type of
behavior, your family trait of pride and saving face that gave me a chance
to be king. I think you learned it from your dad. But, in any case, you are
an arrogant, pompous, worship degrader. Im not falling into the pride
trap that surrounds your family. Im not ashamed to humble myself before
Jehovah God who rejected your father because of his stubbornness and
pride, and instead chose me to rule his people. Oh yeah Miss High Society?
Ive got bad news. You havent seen the worst of it.
And I will be even more undignified than this
(2 Samuel 6:22a, NKJV).
You say people are going to be turned off? Not true. In fact, the
opposite is true. I will be held in HONOR!
But as for the maidservants of whom you have spoken,
by them I will be held in honor
(2 Samuel 6:22b, NKJV).
I find it interesting that throughout this account the scripture does not
call her Davids wife, but it always refers to her as the daughter of Saul.
It is as if the writer wants to distance her attitude and actions as far from
David as possible. He wants us to know her DNA was totally different
from Davids and that shes nothing like him.
It seems that she had at one time had some kind of love for him. Maybe
it was the image or the fame that she was in love with. In any case, its
obvious that she never really knew the man or his God because to know
the man and his God was to understand his extravagant worship.
Michals attitude was a family problem. The Bible has little record of
Sauls worship. There is no record that he opposed worship, but it seems
that he just didnt do it. His lethargic, lackluster worship resulted in a
devastating heritage.
Really? Ask any worship leader. They will tell you that is simply not
Think about the pallbearers at a funeral service and their job of carrying
out the casket? It takes six strong, healthy men to carry out a dead body.
Well, when a person comes to church and sits like a corpse, I propose that
it takes six strong, vibrant worshipers to counter a dead spirit.
Please remember this the next time you are tempted to impersonate
granite. If you cant muster a dance, at least tap your toes. If you cant
rally a runaround, then at least wave a hand. For the sake of sinners, please
dont make the congregation struggle with your dead corpse.
It seems that God is not fond of this attitude either.
Therefore [because of, as a result, for that reason]
Michal the daughter of Saul had no child unto the day of her death
(2 Samuel 6:23, authors notes in brackets).
I dont know if her barrenness was biological or social. It could have
been that David thought her conduct was so repulsive to him and to God
that David had no desire to be intimate with her.
I do know this. Failure to understand and appreciate worship is an
intimacy issue. Refusal to worship renders it impossible for you to be
intimate with Jesus.
liberating a young lady from demonic spirits, they were arrested, beaten,
put in stocks and thrust into the inner prison.
And when they had laid many stripes upon them,
they cast them into prison, charging the jailer to keep them safely:
Who, having received such a charge, thrust them into the inner prison,
and made their feet fast in the stocks
(Acts 16:23-24).
If there was an inner prison, then it follows logical reason that there
was an outer prison. In modern terms, Id called the inner prison maximum
security and the outer prison the GPP, where the general prison population
is held.
And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed
and sang praises unto God and the prisoners heard them.
And suddenly there was a great earthquake,
so that the foundations of the prison were shaken:
and immediately all the doors were opened,
and every ones bands were loosed
(Acts 16:25-26).
This is more than a little mindless clapping on Sunday. More than
jigging to the music during worship service. This is lifestyle praise
lifestyle worship.
I dont think their objective was freedom. I dont think they were
praying for deliverance. I think they just wanted to worship rather than
to worry.
You cant worship and worry at the same time. You cant pose or
pretend and praise at the same time. When you choose to do one you
render the other obsolete.
Circumstances were trying to convince them they were out of the will
of God, so they chose to nix that notion with some mood-altering worship.
When you dont feel it, sing it till you do.
Whatever the case, the result of their worship was a huge jailbreak.
They wanted something that could make you sing when your back is
beaten bloody. They wanted something that could keep you joyous even
when things dont work out the way you planned. They wanted to know
more about a power that can make your soul and spirit free even when
your feet and hands are bound.
When they cranked up that midnight chorus, Paul and Silas werent
following the most recent guidelines in the politically correct guidance
manual. When they first began, no doubt, maximum security echoed with
a few intimidating shouts: Shut up you idiots! Were trying to get some
sleep out here. Im warning you, you little bug-eyed scrawny, weasel of a
preacher! Ill rip your arms off if you dont close your yapping mouth.
Logically thinking, when youre not sure how long youll be staying,
you really dont want to tick off Lester the Molester on your first night in
the poky.
But Paul and Silas werent worried. They knew the truth about real,
heartfelt, impassioned praiseit makes you attractive to God and to
Paul: Is there any more left, Mr. Philippian Jailer?
Jailer: No, thats the entire family. All have been baptized in Jesus
Silas: Wow! What a song, and what a worship service!
Paul: What a Savior! What a friend! What a Jesus! This is what life
is all about.
Some sound advice for this day and age in the Restricted Zone. Dont
be politically correctbe biblically correctand remember that worship
makes you attractive to both God and man.