Comparison of Metallurgical Models During Quenching Using Open Source Software
Comparison of Metallurgical Models During Quenching Using Open Source Software
Comparison of Metallurgical Models During Quenching Using Open Source Software
b Departamento
c Departamento
A simplified definition of a quenching process could be: a heat treatment process in which
a component is rapidly cooled from a fully austenitic state, to obtain a narrow time window on
which the desired metallurgical transformations are achieved, while maintaining geometrical
distortion and residual stresses within specification. Although it may seem a simple process,
quenching is one of the most complex processes in engineering, and one of the major causes
of rejected components in the metallurgical industry. The final objective of a quenching process is to improve the component mechanical properties, such as strength, hardness and wear
Multiple physical fields has to be considered in the study of quenching: A thermal problem,
which computes temperature evolution in a heat transfer process. A metallurgical problem, that
involves micro-constituent transformations, and a mechanical problem, which concern stress
and strains during quenching. The quenching simulation relies on accurate prediction of the
temperature field, the most common approach to consider heat exchange during quenching is
by using a heat transfer coefficient dependent on temperature. This allows to describe possible
stages of cooling during the quenching process (vapor blanket, nucleate boiling, and convective
cooling ). Smoljan (2002) has previously used this approach to Jominy test simulation.
Metallurgical simulation during the quenching process has been studied in Waeckel (1994)
and Denis et al. (1992). Generation of residual stresses and geometrical distortions are a complex phenomena reviewed in Leblond et al. (1986) and Leblond and Devaux (1989).
Fernandes and Denis (1986) proposed a mathematical model for coupling phase transformations with temperature evolution. Simsir and Gur (2010) used the JMA-K model to predict the
thermo-metallurgical distribution and compute stresses on a hollow cylinder.
In this work, quenching process of a eutectoid steel cylinder is simulated. The thermalmetallurgical and mechanical fields are obtained with finite element solver Code_Aster. Softwares source code is modified to implement a JMA-K anisothermal model. The same model is
used to couple the heat released from metallurgical transformations in the thermal calculation.
Thermo-metallurgical quenching path will determine the stress and strain results. Comparison between thermal, metallurgical and mechanical fields obtained with standard Code_Aster,
anisothermal JMA-K, and coupled anisothermal JMA-K transformation models in the quenching process simulation of a eutectoid steel cylinder during quenching are presented.
In this section, the mathematical models used for quenching process simulation are described. These models can be classified depending on the physical field they involve: thermal,
metallurgical or mechanical model.
Thermal Model
The resolution of the thermal sub-problem assesses the temperature evolution within the
steel piece volume (V ) and in volume boundaries (V ). Temperature evolution inside a solid is
described by the heat conduction equation, which in its differential form for an axi-symmetrical
geometry can be expressed as
= (T ) + Q
(r, z, t)
V (0, tf )
where , Cp and are materials density, specific heat and thermal conductivity. Q is a heat
source. And the temperature evolution in volumes boundaries are computed with a flux rule
= (Ts , T ) (r, z, t) V (0, tf )
with a heat flux. In a quenching process, thermal properties are dependent on temperature
and micro-structure fraction. A linear mixture rule is used. Every thermal property of the
mixture es calculated as
(T, k ) =
k (T )k
where k and k are the thermal property and the volume fraction of the k constituent.
The heat source Q is the volumetric enthalpy (Hk ) due to phase transformations,
Hk k
(r, t) (V, 0)
T (r, t) = T0
n = 0
n = h(Ts )(Ts T )
where T0 is the initial temperature of the piece, set to austenization temperature. Ts is the nodal
wall temperature and T is the quenching medium temperature. The surfaces in symmetrical
boundaries, or those thermally isolated are represented with null outer flux. Heat transfer conditions for boundaries in contact with the quenchant are represented by a temperature dependent
heat transfer coefficient h(T ). This coefficient allows to represent every fluid-solid heat transfer
stage of the quenching process [Passarella (2012)].
Metallurgical Model
Diffusive Transformations
where t is the time step used to temporally discretized the quenching process. In every time
step, the process is assumed to proceed isothermally. In this work, the time step is constant:
Copyright 2014 Asociacin Argentina de Mecnica Computacional
Figure 1: 1080 steel IT Diagram used for the quenching numerical simulation. Extracted from
IT Diagrams Atlas. In blue, the CCT diagram obtained for constant cooling curves with JMA-K
anisothermal model from the IT diagram.
1 hundredth of a second. Anisothermal growing stage is calculated with JMA-K isothermal
model (equation 7) using the fictitious time concept (equation 8).
kt+t = kmax (t + kt )(1 exp(bk (t + t)ak ))
with kmax the maximum fraction of the k micro-constituent, and t , kt the volume fractions of
austenite and the k micro-constituent. For eutectoid steels, pearlite maximum fraction can be
assumed as 1, since fully austenitic steels can transform completely to pearlite. The fictitious
time is evaluated using the immediately previous time step micro-constituent volume fraction
ln(1 k (t)) ak
t =
JMA-K coefficients a(T ) and b(T ) are temperature dependent parameters calculated from the
eutectoid steel IT diagram (Figure 1). The expressions used are extracted from Kang and Im
(2005). Resulting JMA-K a(T ) and b(T ) parameters are displayed in figure 2.
Code_Asters transformation model Code_Aster uses Waeckels transformation model, described in Waeckel (1994). During cooling processes, the metallurgical state is characterized by
micro-constituent fractions (k ), a number of principal variables (p) dependent on the previous
thermal history, and a function (f ) dependent on a finite number of principal and internal ()
= f (p, p,
, )
= (p, p,
, )
with the constituents that transform with a diffusional mechanism, and hXi the positive part
of X. The last term hT Ms i states that under the martensitic transformation start temperature
(Ms ), there can not be any diffusional ones, this is considered as the independence rule for
metallurgical transformations.
The data required is fully extracted from materials continuous cooling transformation (CCT)
diagram. The CCT diagram is represented as a number of thermo-metallurgical histories, all of
them assumed as particular solutions of the phase transformation differential equation 10. For
each time step during the quenching process, the micro-constituent transformation velocities
are obtained by numerical interpolation methods, which are then integrated to calculate the
transformed fractions.
Non-Diffusional Transformations
Mechanical Model
The mechanical model computes the displacements (ui ), strains (ij ) and stresses (ij ) within
the piece during the quenching process.
The most common causes of distortion and residual stresses are: internal stresses, thermal
gradients and phase volume changes [Totten and Howes (2001)]. Internal stresses cause geometrical changes if exceed the yield strength. Thermal gradients causes stresses as a consequence of the different micro-constituent expansion coefficients. Each metallurgical phase
has a particular crystallographic volume. During transformation, differences between specific
volumes generate stresses.
In the quenching process, a high stress but small displacement relation occur. Under those
assumptions the compatibility equations are those for small displacement used in De Vedia
(1997). Assuming the strain tensor additive, the total strain is obtained as the sum of individual
strains, each corresponding to a different physical deformation mechanism, and the strain rate
is expressed as
ij = eij + pij + th
ij + ij
where ij , eij , pij , th
ij and ij are respectively the total, elastic, plastic, thermal and transformation plasticity contributions to the strain tensor. The classical elasto-plastic model without
viscous effects, and considering Von Mises flow criterion with Prandt-Reuss flow rule is used
to define the elastic and plastic problem, which can be seen in Vieitez Portela (2012) .
Materials mechanical properties change during the quenching process, they are functions of
temperature and phase fractions. A common practice is to define a linear relationship for phase
mixtures without austenite at low temperatures.
The hardening behavior is assumed as linear and isotropic for the Von Mises flow rule
f = 0 + H p
where f , 0 and H are the yield strength, the initial yield strength and the hardening coefficient
respectively. p is the accumulated plastic deformation.
The thermal strains for a phase mixture during the quenching process are obtained comparing
against a metallurgical phase of reference at a temperature of reference (Tref ), in this case, the
austenite. The strains are divided in those due to thermal expansion of austenite (th
) and those
generated by the resulting phases (th
The model, which includes the volumetric change between austenite and the resulting conT
stituent (f ref
), can be described by
= (T )(T Tref )
f = f (T )(T Tref ) + f
where is the thermal expansion coefficient. A linear mixture rule is used to obtain the total
thermal properties as a function of different resulting constituents.
Transformation induced plasticity (TRIP) is known to produce plastic flow even far below
the yield strength as a consequence of phase transformation submitted to stress states. The
model for transformation induced plasticity was presented by Leblond and Devaux (1989).
Kk Fk0 k (1 k )Sij
2 k=1
where Sij is the deviatoric part of the stress tensor, Kk are constants characteristic of the TRIP
phenomenon, and F 0 is the derivative of a normalized function.
The quenching process involves several coupled physical problems with different nature and
mathematical behaviors. The problem is resolved using EDFs 1 open source finite element
software Code_Aster 2 v11.5. Which is able to resolve a wide variety of thermo-mechanical
Code_Aster resolution scheme is strictly sequential, it solves first the temperature field for
all the computed times, then the metallurgical, and with the thermal and metallurgical fields,
solves the stress and strain distribution. This scheme assumes implicitly that no heat is generated by phase transformations.A different resolution scheme is implemented to incorporate the
metallurgical transformation heat source in the temperature evolution calculation.
The symmetry conditions of the geometry studied allows to use a 2D axisymmetrical simplification of the problem. The geometry and the mesh were made with Salome3 software. A
desktop computer with 8 core at 3.2 GHz and 8 GB of RAM memory was used to resolve the 60
seconds heat treatment problem, taking a time step of a hundredth of a second. The computation
time was in the order of 2000 seconds.
The same spatial discretization is applied for every field computation. A quadrangular element mesh is employed with a number of approximately 1230 elements computed. Each
quenching sub-problem is resolved for the same quadrangular mesh.
Thermal Problem
The temperature field is obtained resolving equation 1 by finite element method (FEM),
using a implicit Euler integration method. Newton method with a maximum of 3 iterations is
used for the non-linear thermal problem that arises from the temperature dependent materials
properties and a MUMPS 4 (MUltifrontal Massively Parallel sparse direct Solver) solver, with
convergence parameters set default, a global residual of 1.E 6 and a maximum of 30 global
iterations, to resolve the linear equations systems. The temperature of austenization, and the
initial piece temperature, are set homogeneously to 830o C. Boundary conditions can be divided
on symmetry conditions and heat exchange conditions. Symmetry conditions are two, the first
plane at
one is the axisymmetric axis (Y axis) and the medium length plane symmetry, ZX
Y = 30mm. Those planes are thermally insulated. The heat exchange boundary condition is
represented via a non-linear heat flux, calculated with a temperature dependent heat transfer
coefficient h(T ). Code_Aster does not allow to include a temperature dependent heat transfer
coefficient, the total heat fluxes must be introduced instead, calculated with equation 17.
qs = h(Ts )(Ts T )
qs is the total heat flux, dependent on temperature. External boundaries have this condition.
Metallurgical Problem
The metallurgical field is described by each phase fraction. The simulation process start from
a fully austenitic piece.
Code_Aster solves the metallurgical field differential equation by interpolating state variables such as the temperature, temperature time derivative, and phase fractions, with the 6
thermo-metallurgical histories that are linearly more close to the current state. This numerical
method is highly precise for processes with cooling velocities similar to those applied to determine the CCT diagram [Waeckel (1996)]. The precision of the method is based on the number
of thermo-metallurgical histories loaded in the CCT diagram. The smoothness of the solution
also depends on the number of transformation values introduced for each thermo-metallurgical
history. Computation time increases with the number of histories employed.
JMA-K model and the KM model are not partial differential equations, and so they can be
solved using a progressive method, solving each time step with the previous step temperature
field and phase fractions.
k (t + t) = k (t) + k
The metallurgical-thermal coupled model is resolved using a time displaced scheme (Equation 19). The heat source due to phase transformation is computed with one time step displacement, including the transformation heat released in next time step temperature computation.
Since time step is small, the error is assumed to be small.
Qj+1 = f ( j , j1 , T j )
Mechanical Problem
Finally, its necessary to resolve the mechanical field with temperature and metallurgical results on every time step of the quenching process simulation. The stresses and strains are
computed in Code_Aster using a elasto-plastic, isotropic linear hardening, with plastic transformation and hardening restoration. Mechanical models included in Code_Asters key word
Hardening restoration is assumed to erase all the previous hardening when diffusional transformation take place, and to maintain all the hardening for displacive ones.
The non-linear plasticity problem is resolved using a iterative Newton method, the linear
equation system for each load step is solved with a direct multi-frontal solver, with convergence
parameters: global residual of 5.E 6, and a maximum global iterations of 34. The boundary
conditions are Dirichlet type, the displacement is restricted in the planes of symmetry, and
particularly in the center of the geometry (corresponding to the origin of coordinates).
Different mathematical models has been used for the simulation of a quenching heat treatment. A simple geometry was studied, a cylinder. In section 5, thermal, metallurgical and
mechanical evolution during the quenching process will be analyzed for two control points
(core and surface showed in figure 3). The models used are: standard Code_Aster interpolative
method, anisothermal JMA-K and a coupled JMA-K model. JMA-K model was introduced to
Code_Asters source code as FORTRAN sub-routine.
The cylinder studied has 12.5 mm diameter and 60 mm high. A schematic sketch is shown
in figure 3. The Y axis corresponds to the revolution symmetry axis. The origin of coordinates
is in the core point.
Copyright 2014 Asociacin Argentina de Mecnica Computacional
Material Properties
In this section material properties used in the quenching simulation will be described. The
lack of an open materials data source hinders obtaining the properties required. For this reason,
properties not found for an eutectoid steel are replaced by similar steels grades properties. This
work focuses on studying quenching models behavior and the effect that metallurgical models
generate on numerical results.
Thermal properties needed are the specific heat (Cp ), thermal conductivity () and density
() as a function of temperature. The values required were extracted from Kang and Im
(2005) for a 0.80%C steel.
Metallurgical properties are extracted from the isothermal transformation diagram (Figure
1). The IT diagram used was obtained from IT Diagrams Atlas for a 1080 grade steel. The
CCT diagram needed to compute phase transformations with Code_Aster was calculated
using JMA-K anisothermal transformation model. Thermo-metallurgical histories were
recorded between 0.02 and 260 o C/s. The resulting CCT diagram is shown in figure 1.
Copyright 2014 Asociacin Argentina de Mecnica Computacional
Figure 4: Heat flux applied to simulate the quenching process, calculated from a heat transfer
coefficient extracted from Smoljan (2002).
The mechanical problem needs several parameters. The number increases as the mechanical phenomenons to be taken into account. Mechanical properties can be distinguished
between those for the mixture of phases (global properties), and those particular to the
micro-constituent (local properties). In this work, a linear mixture rule is used to obtain
global properties from local ones. In table 1 some local properties such as young modulus E, the Poisson coefficient , yield strength y , hardening coefficient H and thermal
expansion coefficient are displayed as a function of temperature, the values were obtain
from Simsir and Gur (2010). For TRIP parameters, the theoretical expressions presented
by Leblond and Devaux (1989) are employed. TRIP function F and coefficient K are
considered as
F () = (1 ln())
In this section, the results of the quenching process simulation using different metallurgical
transformation models in Code_Aster are stated. The conditions and parameters applied are described in sections 3 and 4. Temperature evolution, metallurgical fractions, stresses and strains
are computed for a eutectoid steel cylinder quenching process. The results will be shown for
two control points: the core of the piece, and a point located on the surface. The geometrical
locations are displayed in figure 3.
The simulation was computed for the first 60 seconds of the quenching process. In figure
5 the thermal evolution for the coupled, and the uncoupled model are displayed. Temperature
evolution for Code_Asters and JMA-K anisothermal model are identical (uncoupled). In the
coupled scheme, the effect of the internal heat source due to phase transformations generate a
Copyright 2014 Asociacin Argentina de Mecnica Computacional
different temperature evolution, and as stated in Denis et al. (1987), it must not be neglected.
Waeckels interpolative method implemented in Code_Aster neglects this effect.
T(o C)
y (MPa)
H(MPa) (m/o C)
Table 1: Mechanical properties for a eutectoid steel [Simsir and Gur (2010)].
Figure 6 displays temperature and temperature time derivative evolution in the pearlitic transformation interval. Surface temperature is always below the core temperature. The temperature
time derivative in figure 6a has two peaks that represent the maximum cooling rate on each
point. Surface initially cools faster. After an inversion phenomenon of the cooling rate, the
core cools faster than the surface. This phenomenon is well documented in Totten and Howes
(2001). Temperature time derivative for the coupled model has a time window in which the
cooling rate is negative. This is a recalescence phenomenon in which the piece actually increase its temperature due to phase transformation.
The pearlitic transformation during quenching is displayed in figures 7a, 7c and 7e for
Code_Aster, JMA-K and JMA-K coupled model respectively. Figures will show the pearlitic
transformation time interval. The complete metallurgical evolution can be found in Celleri
(2014). Pearlitic transformation occurs between Ar1 and Ms temperatures. Pearlite fractions
between the standard Code_Aster and the JMA-K model differ by approximately 20%. The
coupled model predicts a completely pearlitic core, and about 30% more pearlite in the surface. Transformations velocities are also displayed in figures 7a, 7c and 7e. Peaks represent the
maximum pearlitic transformation rate.
Figures 7b, 7d and 7f display the tangential stress ( ) evolution during the pearlitic transformation. The three transformation models generate a similar stress distribution. Initially, the
rapid cooling on the surface generates a traction stress state, consequence of the thermal contraction. The core accordingly loads in compression. The stress evolves during the cooling
process due to the temperature dependent expansion coefficient, until the pearlitic transformation occurs in the surface. Volume expansion due to phase transformation generates a rapid
increase of the tension stress on the surface. After the core starts to transform, the stress state
relaxes. The coupled scheme generates not only a fully pealitic core in the steel piece, but also
a traction tension peak in the surface that exceeds 200MPa.
Figure 5: Temperature evolution during the quenching process for the coupled, and the uncoupled model.
Figure 6: Temperature and temperature time derivative evolution in the pearlitic transformation
time interval.
The models studied could capture and reproduce the expected behaviors. Further work is
needed, especially to compare with experimental data.
Quenching process of an eutectoid steel cylinder was studied by means of numerical simulation. The analysis was carried out with EDFs open source software Code_Aster. As a result,
temperature, phase fraction and stress evolution were determined.
Copyright 2014 Asociacin Argentina de Mecnica Computacional
Figure 7: (a,b) Code_Asters model (c,d) JMA-K Model (e,f) JMA-K Coupled Model; Pearlite
transformation distribution, and tangential stresses evolution.
The effect of three different metallurgical transformation conditions on final properties are
assessed: first, the standard Code_Aster solver was employed to compute the quenching pro-
cess. Code_Aster has Waeckels metallurgical transformation model built-in. The second transformation condition studied was Johnson-Mehl-Avrami-Kolmogorov (JMA-K) anisothermal
model. For those two transformation conditions, thermal and metallurgical fields were first
determined, and with the temperature and phase fractions evolution the mechanical field was
computed. The third condition consists on the resolution of the coupled thermo-metallurgical
field using the JMA-K anisothermal model, including the heat released during phase change
in the thermal computation. The highly sequential Code_Asters thermo-metallurgical and mechanical resolution scheme was modified to implement a metallurgical and thermal coupled
As a consequence of the uncoupled formulation, the first two transformation conditions have
identical thermal evolution, while the third condition presents a different thermal path resulting
from the heat released due to phase transformation. The piece presents local recalescence.
While phase fractions distribution are homogeneous, JMA-K model predicts approximately 20
percent more pearlite than Code_Asters model. The coupled model differs significantly, the
cylinder is fully pearlitic in the core. The resulting stress state is highly dependent on the
thermal and metallurgical evolution during the quenching process. The differences in the stress
evolution for each metallurgical transformation condition are described. The coupled model
generates traction stress peak due to pearlitic transformation in the surface.
JMA-K anisothermal transformation model and a coupled resolution scheme were implemented in Code_Aster. A steel cylinder quenching process was numerically simulated with
them. Further work is needed, specially the acquisition of experimental data to compare and
contrast the results obtained.
This work was partially funded by R&D grant Res. 673/13 of Secretara de Investigacin of
Universidad Nacional de Quilmes. HMC acknowledges Universidad Nacional de San Martn
for his graduate scholarship.
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