Australia's Demographic Challenges Appendix - The Economic Implications of An Ageing Population

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Australia's Demographic Challenges

Appendix the economic implications of an

ageing population
The Australian population is ageing
In the past Australia was a relatively youthful country. In 1970-71,
31 per cent of the population was aged 15 years or younger, while by
2001-02 this proportion had dropped to 22 per cent. The proportion of
Australias population aged over 65 years has grown from 8 per cent in
1970-71 to 13 per cent in 2001-02. The IGR projects that over the next
40 years, the proportion of the population over 65 years will almost
double to around 25 per cent. At the same time, growth in the population
of traditional workforce age is expected to slow to almost zero. This is a
permanent change. Barring an unprecedented change in fertility rates,
the age structure of the population is likely to stabilise with a far higher
proportion of older Australians.
While these overall demographic considerations will drive national
outcomes, there will be differences between regions. For example, some
regional areas attract retirees and will experience a more rapid ageing of
their populations. In others there is migration of many young adults from
rural and regional areas to metropolitan areas. In addition, the
demographic profile of indigenous Australians is strikingly different. More
than half of the indigenous population (57 per cent) are under 25 years
of age, compared to 34 per cent for the general population.
However, these differences do not affect the overall outcome. Between
now and 2040 every State and Territory is expected to experience a
significant ageing of its population. Ageing is an issue in which everybody
has an interest.

Why is the population ageing?

The ageing of the population is caused by two factors. Firstly, Australian
families are, on average, having fewer children. Birth rates started
declining in the late 1960s, and have been falling ever since (Chart A1).
For the last 20 years or so the birth rate has fallen below the
replacement rate meaning that without migration Australias

population would eventually begin to fall.

The decision to have children is certainly an individual one it is not
(and should never be) the role of governments to tell citizens how many
children they should have. However, governments can ensure that
programs are in place to assist parents in bringing up their children.
The Government has already introduced extensive changes to taxes and
benefits to assist families. Analysis has shown that the tax and social
security system is neutral in its treatment of dual verses single income
families. That is, the balance of the system is about right.
The Government is now looking at how assistance to families may be
further improved so that there is maximum choice available to parents in
balancing work and family responsibilities. One aspect of this choice is
ensuring that employers and employees have the flexibility to reach
mutually beneficial working arrangements including through part time
or flexible work.
Chart A1: Australias historical fertility rate

The second factor contributing to the ageing population is that we are

living longer. For example, in 1960 life expectancy for males at birth was
around 68 years. Today it is 78 years, and in 2042 the IGR projects it to
be around 83 years. Similar increases in life expectancy have occurred
for females.
With fewer babies being born, and more people living longer, it is
inevitable that the population will get progressively older.

Some have argued that immigration levels can be increased to address

population ageing.
Because migrants are predominantly of workforce age, migration will
assist in keeping up workforce growth. Moreover, if they are skilled they
will raise general skill levels and productivity.
This is in fact happening. The Government recognises that the greatest
gains to Australia come from young skilled migrants, and has shifted the
balance of Australias Migration Program from less than 30 per cent
skilled in 1995-96 to more than double that proportion in 2002-03.
But increased migration cannot prevent our population from ageing. This
is because migrants who come to Australia will age along with the rest of
the population. To maintain Australias existing age structure through
immigration would require increases in immigration every year and the
increases would need to become progressively larger and larger to take
account of the ageing of the migrants themselves. While there are
undoubted benefits in maintaining net overseas migration, migration
cannot stop the ageing of our population.

Should we be concerned that the population is ageing?

Yes the decisions that we take today will affect our children and their
children. Our society will look quite different to what it does today. Quite
simply, there will be many more older Australians than there are today.
The number of Australians aged 65 and over is expected to increase
rapidly, from around 2.5 million in 2002 to 6.2 million in 2042. That is,
from around 13 per cent of the population to around 25 per cent. For
Australians aged 85 and over, the growth is even more rapid, from
around 300,000 in 2002 to 1.1 million in 2042 (Chart A2).
At the same time, growth in the number of people of workforce age is
expected to fall from around 1.2 per cent per annum over the last decade
to almost zero in forty years time. In 2002 there were more than five
people of working age to support every person aged over 65. By 2042,
there will only be 2.5 people of working age supporting each person aged
over 65.
Chart A2: Population Growth Indices by age group

The experience of other countries

Falling birth rates are not unique to Australia. In fact, birth rates have
been falling in all the advanced industrial countries and many are
currently lower than Australias. Low birth rates largely reflect increased
choices available to women, including access to birth control, access to
education and employment, and higher living standards.
Chart A3 below shows how the proportion of the population aged over 15
has changed in Australia, the United States, Canada, France and Japan.
This ratio has generally risen over time in each country.
Chart A3: Proportion of Population Aged Over 15

Data Source: World Population Prospects Database, United Nations

Population Division


1. State what percentage of Australias population was aged 15 or

younger in:

31 percent
22 percent
2. What percentage was aged over 65 in the same years?
8 percent
3. State what the IGR predicts.
The proportion of the population over 65 years will almost double to
around 25 per cent
4. What is expected to happen at the same time?
Growth in the population of traditional workforce age is expected to slow
to almost zero
5. Discuss what is likely to happen to the age structure of the
Australian population.
While these overall demographic considerations will drive national
outcomes, there will be differences between regions. For example, some
regional areas attract retirees and will experience a more rapid ageing of
their populations. In others there is migration of many young adults from
rural and regional areas to metropolitan areas. In addition, the
demographic profile of indigenous Australians is strikingly different. More
than half of the indigenous population (57 per cent) are under 25 years
of age, compared to 34 per cent for the general population.
6. What 2 factors cause an ageing population in Australia?
Firstly, Australian families are, on average, having fewer children. Birth
rates started declining in the late 1960s, and have been falling ever since
(Chart A1). For the last 20 years or so the birth rate has fallen below the
replacement rate meaning that without migration Australias
population would eventually begin to fall.
7. Outline how increasing immigration might assist/address the

ageing population problem in Australia?

Because migrants are predominantly of workforce age, migration will
assist in keeping up workforce growth. Moreover, if they are skilled they
will raise general skill levels and productivity.
8. Analyse the satistics from the comparative bar graph Chart A3:
Proportion of Population Aged Over 15.

Quote the statistics for each country listed to show that the
population is ageing over the period 1950 to 2000.

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