Adonis A Beautiful Man 82

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Adonis a beautiful man

affinity fondness
amorous loving, sexual
aperture opening
ardor passion
bacchanal orgy, drunken celebration
beatitude state of bliss
beget produce, procreate
bestial beast-like, brutal
betrothed engaged
bliss happiness
blithe joyous
bloated swollen
buoyant floatable, cheerful
celibate abstaining from sex
chaste pure, virgin
cherubic sweet, innocent
circumcise remove the foreskin
coalesce combine
cohabit live together
concubine mistress
consort spouse
coquette a flirt
courtesan prostitute
culminate climax
dank cold and damp
defile pollute, corrupt
denude strip bare
diffident shy
distend swell
dolce sweetly and gently
double-entendre having two meanings one of which is sexually suggestive
dowager widow
ensnare trap, lure
entice lure
erupt burst forth
fecund fertile
feral untamed, wild
fervor intensity
gusto great enjoyment
hedonism the pursuit of pleasure in life
hybrid crossbreed
hymeneal pertaining to marriage
impetuous impulsive
incest sex among family members
indulge succumb to desire
inebriate intoxicate
infatuate immature love
integration unification
interpose insert
inveigle lure, wheedle
kindle arouse, inspire
lascivious lustful

liaison relationship, affair

libidinous lustful
lissome agile, supple
mammoth huge
maternity motherhood
misogyny hatred of women
molest bother, sexually assault
narcissism self-love
neonatal newborn
nocturnal pertaining to night
nubile marriageable
nymph goddess
ogle flirt
ovum egg, cell
paramour lover
percolate ooze, permeate
phoenix rebirth
platonic nonsexual
precocious more developed than is expected at a particular age
primogeniture first-born child
pristine pure, unspoiled
promiscuous sexually indiscreet
propitiate satisfy
protuberance bulge
provocative titillating
prurient lewd
puberty adolescence
pulsate throb
quaver tremble
quiver tremble
rake womanizer
rampant unbridled, raging
rapture bliss
rejuvenate make young again
rhapsody ecstasy
saccharine sugary, overly sweet tone

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