Ace Hot Work Permit Application Form PDF

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A hot work permit is required for any cutting, welding, or other hot work done outside of a workshop. It must detail the location and type of work, equipment used, emergency procedures, and precautions taken to prevent fires.

A hot work permit is required for any non-production or maintenance operation involving cutting, welding, grinding, open flames or producing heat/sparks outside of a workshop. This includes using equipment like welders, grinders, or gas torches for tasks like brazing or soldering.

Before authorizing hot work, the permit issuer must inspect the work area and ensure combustible materials have been removed or protected within 10m, openings are covered, fire watches are arranged, and fire equipment is ready.

ACE Insurance Limited

The ACE Building

28 OConnell Street
Sydney NSW 2000

GPO Box 4065

Sydney NSW 2001

(02) 9335 3200 main

(02) 9232 5042 fax

Hot Work Permit

Can this job be avoided? Is there a safer alternative?

Permit no:

A Hot Work Permit is required for any non-production or maintenance operation involving cutting, welding, grinding, open flames or producing heat and/
or sparks that is not completed in a dedicated workshop area. This includes, but is not limited to, the use of any electric, oxy-acetylene, laser or similar
welding or cutting equipment, grinders, gas torches or blow lamps (including electric hot air blowers) for brazing, soldering, thawing pipes, torch
applied flooring or roofing materials or removal of any materials. The Permit must be displayed at the work site & returned upon completion of work.
(See page 3 for additional information & instructions on completing this Permit.)
CAUTION: Hot Work is not to be completed on any type of plastic or foam insulated construction material (refer ACE Plastic Foam Construction Material
(PFCM) Permit). Specialist or High Hazard process or storage facilities may require additional precautions.

1. Application for Hot Work

Company performing work


Person performing work

Phone (bus)

Phone (mobile)

Location of work
Description of Work

Equipment to be Used

2. Permit duration (Maximum duration 1 shift / 12 hrs*)

Permit begins




Permit expires




3. Emergency information
If a fire occurs, call

At phone

Activate nearest fire alarm at

Continued overleaf

ACE Insurance Limited ABN 23 001 642 020

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4. Authorisation by company representative

Prior to authorising the work, the Authorised Company Representative shall inspect the work area and confirm that
the following precautions have been taken. Each item is to be checked prior to commencement of the work. (Delete &
initial if & where Not Applicable). All applicable precautions are to be adhered to for the duration of the work.
n Sprinklers &/or thermal detectors in service
(where installed)
n Smoke detectors isolated in work area (where installed)
& Impairment Procedures followed
n Work area adequately ventilated

n Flash screens, barricades &/or guards provided

n Hot work equipment inspected & in good condition
n Contractors aware of Company Fire Safety Procedures
n Contractor liability cover checked & adequate

WITHIN 10 METRES OF WORK AREA (Combustible & flammable materials must be removed or protected)
n Floors are swept clean to remove combustibles
n All floor, wall & ceiling openings are covered
n Combustible floors are wet down or covered with
n Covers are suspended beneath elevated work to
damp sand, metal or other shields
catch sparks


n ombustible materials that cannot be removed are
& cleared of combustible materials, flammable liquids,
protected with non-combustible curtains, metal guards
gases or vapours
or flameproof covers (not ordinary tarpaulins)
(e.g. tanks, containers, ducts, dust collectors)

n Concealed or enclosed spaces are inspected for


combustible materials or linings & all such material

removed or protected
Combustible materials are moved at least 10m away
from either side of walls

n Construction materials are non-combustible

n Machinery & equipment is cleaned of combustible

Enclosed plant is cleaned & purged of flammable

FIRE WATCH (Trained personnel)

n Work & adjacent areas patrolled during & for


30 minutes after the hot work process

Fire extinguisher &/or hose reel provided & ready
in work area

n Fire watch trained in the use of fire equipment &


sounding alarm
Appropriate PPE to be worn

Agreement by permit applicant

I warrant that I am qualified to complete the work and to the best of my knowledge, my equipment is in good condition.
I have read and agree to the precautions specified above and will cease work if the precautions cannot be maintained
or I am aware of an unsafe condition.



The work area has been inspected, the necessary precautions specified above have been taken and authorisation for this
work is granted.
Authorised by
ACE Insurance Limited ABN 23 001 642 020


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5. Work completed & area safe

FIRE WATCH (Trained personnel)
The work was completed at Time:
The fire watch continued at least 30 minutes after the work was completed.
Fire watch was completed at Time:
The work and adjacent areas were inspected and found to be safe.
(Permit to be returned to the Authorised Company Representative, or designate, on completion of the work)
Authorised Company Representative (Final Check)
1. T
 he work area and all adjacent areas to which sparks and heat may have spread, including floors above and below and
other sides of walls, were inspected personally between 30 minutes & 2 hours after the work was completed and
found to be safe.
2. Fire protection / detection systems have been re-instated.



(Permit to be filed and retained for 12 months)

The Company has established a Hot Work Policy so that all hot work conducted outside of designated workshop areas is authorised by a Hot Work Permit.
Permits can only be issued by designated personnel (Authorised Company Representatives) who have completed and passed the Companys Permit
Issuers course. A register of Permit Issuers is to be maintained. Hot work procedures and completed Permits will be reviewed on a regular basis through
an audit process.
1. Personnel needing to carry out hot work are to complete Section 1 (Application for Hot Work) of the Permit.
2. The Permit Issuer is to inspect the work area and complete Sections 24 of the Permit. All applicable precautions are to be adhered to without
exception. Specific attention is drawn to the following points:
Sprinkler / thermal systems are to be operational during hot work as a standard procedure.
If fire protection / detection systems are isolated or operation is otherwise impaired, a Fire Protection Impairment Form is to be raised and
additional precautions taken as determined by the Permit Issuer.
A Permit can be issued for a maximum period of either one shift or 12 hours. (As determined by the Permit Issuer*)
Hot work, where possible, should be scheduled during planned shutdowns of hazardous operations.
3. Periodic checks of the work area to be completed by the Permit Issuer (or designate) to ensure all precautions are being maintained and the work is
being done in a safe manner.
4. On completion of the hot work, the fire watch is to continue for at least 30 minutes, after which time a check of the work area is to be carried out.
The person responsible for the work is to complete the Initial Check part of Section 6, recording the time the work was completed and the time the
inspection of the work area was completed. The Permit is then to be signed and dated and returned to the Permit Issuer (or designate).
5. The Permit Issuer (or designate) is to carry out a full check of the work area and all adjacent areas to which sparks and heat may have spread,
including floors above and below and other sides of walls between 30 minutes and 2 hours after the work was completed. The Permit Issuer (or
designate) is to sign and date the Final Check part of Section 6 and the completed Permit placed on file for a minimum period of 12 months.
1. Inspect all equipment to ensure it is in safe condition.
2. Obtain a Hot Work Permit from a Permit Issuer prior to commencing hot work operations.
3. Display the Hot Work Permit at, or in close proximity to, the area where the hot work is being carried out.
4. Continually monitor and review the work site and cease hot work if unsafe conditions develop.
5. Know the procedure for sounding the alarm, and the location of the nearest telephone and fire alarm manual call point.
1. Understand the hazards of the work site and the affect hot work has on them.
2. Ensure safe conditions are maintained during hot work operations. Cease hot work if unsafe conditions develop.
3. Ensure the fire fighting equipment is in good condition, in-date for service and readily available. Be trained in its use.
4. Check for fires in all areas and attempt to extinguish fires if it is safe to do so.
5. Know the procedure for sounding the alarm, and the location of the nearest telephone and fire alarm manual call point.
6. Maintain a fire watch during and for at least 30 minutes after completion of the hot work.

ACE Insurance Limited ABN 23 001 642 020

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