Syllabus Waqfe Nau English Final

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English Translation

Waqf -e- Nau Department Central

Syllabus For Waqifin-e--au

Upto the Age Of 21
Prepared By: Wakalat Waqf-e-Nau
First Published in UK in 2011
Islam International Publications Limited
Published by:
Islam International Publications Limited
Sheephatch Lane
Tilford, Surrey GU10 2AQ
United Kingdom
Cover Design by:
Salman Abbasi
Printed in UK at:
Raqeem Press, Tilford,
Surrey GU10 2AQ

ISBN: 978-1-84880-058-8

3rd of April 1987 is a day of great historical importance in the history of the Ahmadiyya
Muslim Jamaat as it was on this day, under powerful Divine inspiration, that Hadrat
Mirza Tahir Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih IV, may Allah have mercy on him, launched the
Waqf-e--au Scheme. He had a vision that with the dawn of the second century of
Ahmadiyyat, countless avenues would be opened for the spread and domination of Islam
through the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat. He explained that the Jamaat would need a
large number of devotees well-versed in both spiritual and secular knowledge to cause a
revolution in the field of preaching. To achieve this noble purpose, Hudur announced a
splendid initiative known as the Waqf-e--au Scheme. The members of the Jamaat
responded well to his call as always and thousands devoted their children to serve the cause
of Islam. These children are an asset to the Jamaat; they are going to play an
unprecedented role in spreading the name and faith of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, may
peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, all over the world.
Hadrat Khalifatul Masih IV, may Allah have mercy on him, delivered a number of Friday
sermons in which he explained the importance of this blessed scheme and how to bring up
these children. He advised Wakalat Waqf-e--au to prepare a syllabus for these children as
a means to provide guidance for their education and training. Wakalat Waqf-e--au
prepared a syllabus in Urdu for Waqifin-e--au up to the age of 17.
From the very beginning when he was elected as Khalifah, Hadrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad,
Khalifatul Masih V, may Allah support him with His Mighty help, has taken a great
interest in this scheme and has guided the Jamaat on a number of occasions through
Friday sermons and meetings with executives of the Jamaat. In spite of his great
responsibilities and heavy engagements, he has personally been involved in the teaching
and training of the Waqifin. Under Hudurs guidance, Waqf-e--au Department London
has prepared a syllabus for further four years up to the age of 21 years.
There was a great demand for the syllabus translation into the English language for the
English readers. We are presenting now the English rendering of the Urdu syllabus. Our
gratitude is due to Hafiz Samiullah Choudhary, -ational Secretary Waqf-e--au, USA and
his team members Mubasher Ahmad, Asif Omer, Kashif Omer and Mahmood Hanif.
Our gratitude is also due to Dr. Shamim Ahmad, In-charge Waqf-e--au Department,
London, for corrections, revision and the final preparation of this syllabus. May Allah
reward all of them for their dedicated work and enable children to benefit from this
syllabus. Amin.
Munir-ud-Din Shams
Additional Wakilut-Tasnif
Islamabad, Tilford, UK
June, 2011




10 TO 11 YEARS
11 TO 12 YEARS
12 TO 13 YEARS
13 TO 14 YEARS
14 TO 15 YEARS
15 TO 16 YEARS
16 TO 17 YEARS
18 TO 19 YEARS
20 TO 21 YEARS










This syllabus uses the following system of transliteration adopted by the Royal Asiatic
at the beginning of a word, pronounced as a, i, u preceded by a very
slight aspiration, like h in the English word honour.
th, pronounced like th in the English word thing.
, a guttural aspirate, stronger than h.
kh, pronounced like the Scotch ch in loch.
dh, pronounced like the English th in that.
, strongly articulated s.
, similar to the English th in this.

, strongly articulated palatal t.

, strongly articulated z.
, a strong guttural sound, the pronunciation of which must be learnt by
the ear.
gh, a sound approached very nearly by r in the French grasseye also the
German r. It requires the muscles of the throat to be in the gargling
position whilst pronouncing it.
q, a deep guttural k sound.
, a sort of a catch in the voice.

Short vowels are represented by:

a for
(like u in bud);
(like i in bid);
i for
u for
(like oo in wood).
The long vowels by:
or (like a in father);
(like ee in deep);
(like i in site);
ai for
(like oo in root);
(resembling ou in sound).
au for
Please note that in transliterated words the letter e is to be pronounced as in prey
which rhymes with day; however the pronunciation is flat without the element of the
English dipthong. If in Urdu and Persian words, the letter e is lengthened a bit more, it
is transliterated as ei, to be pronounced as ei in feign without the element of
dipthong; thus is transliterated as Kei. For the nasal sound of n we have used the
would be transliterated as mei.
symbol . Thus the Urdu word
The consonants not included in the above list have the same phonetic value as in the
principal languages of Europe.


By the Grace of Allah, the leading group of Waqfe Nau children has reached the stage
where shortly they will be active in the service of Islm and A madiyyat, InshaAllah.
This places an enormous responsibility on the parents and the Jam at to work towards the
adequate training of these devotees. In this regard, the Waqlat Waqfe Nau has already
published and distributed the syllabus. Additionally, the five sermons delivered by
rat Khalfatul Mash IV rta on this subject have also been received by the parents,
Alamdulillah. Parents and the Secretaries should base their training program on the
valuable instructions contained in the aforementioned sermons and this syllabus.
To a degree, this syllabus covers the requirements of training, yet it should not be treated
as the last word. It is not prudent to rely on any single source of knowledge. Therefore,
the parents, and at a later stage, the Waqfe Nau devotees themselves, should expand their
learning beyond this syllabus and should seek help from other books. Some books have
been prescribed by the Waqlat Waqfe Nau and should prove helpful. The following are
available from the offices of the Waqlat Waqfe Nau: Minhajul Talib
n, Bacho k

Parvarish, Kar na Kar, arat Ras le Kar

m al-lall hu alaihi wa sallam, Kompal, Ghuncha, Gul,
Guldasta, Kamy b
Rahain, Hakayate Shir
n, W qiy te Shir
n, Hay t N rudd
n, Meray
Bachpan Kay D
n. These books can also be obtained from the offices of Lajnah Imillh
Pakistan, Khuddm-ul-A madiyyah Pakistan, Nazrat Ishat and Lajnah Imillh

For the Waqif

ne Nau
 You are a Mujhid of the Waqfe Nau scheme, which speaks highly of you as a
person. It is expected that you will not merely memorize this syllabus but will
inculcate its elements into your personality and everyday life.
 The time is fast approaching when you will present yourself to serve Islm. So far
your waqf was a pledge of your parents; soon you will need to renew this pledge
yourself, Insh Allah.
 Pray for yourself and your fellow devotees that Allah accepts your waqf and enables
you to fulfill this pledge with the utmost sincerity until the end of your life.
 The purpose of your life is to spread the message of Islm to the entire world. You
have to gather the whole of mankind under the banner of Allah and His Prophet
Mu ammadsa.
 This is the greatest task in the world and there is no work like this one. You cannot
spread the message of Islm unless you have a strong connection with Allah and
His love flows in your heart.

 You should, therefore, offer five daily prayers. Recite the Holy Qurn daily and
before starting any work, consider whether it will earn Allahs pleasure. If it will,
then proceed by all means. However, if it will earn His displeasure, then reject it in
disdain. In this regard feel free to consult your parents, elders or the missionaries
of the Jama`at.
 Study the syllabus thoroughly and remove any deficiency that you may find in
 Remember that whatever good you have learnt should become part of your daily
life. For example, the prayers that you have memorized should be used at their
appropriate times. You have learnt about the etiquettes of home, of school and of
the mosque, now you should constantly evaluate yourselves in the light of what you
have learnt.
 Offer alt in congregation, and during alt, keep the meaning of the prayers in
your mind.
 The Holy Qurn should be recited daily and you should make an effort to read its
translation as well.
 Always pray to Allah to fulfill even the smallest need.
 Make a habit of saying: Assalmo Alaikum, Jazkumullah, MshAllah, Bismillah,
Al amdulillah, InshAllah,
al-lallhu alaihi wa sallam, etc.
 Practice writing the Arabic prayers contained in this syllabus.
 Watch MTA International regularly, especially the Friday sermon and childrens
 Learn different languages. Every Waqfe Nau should know Arabic and Urdu. Also
learn an additional language, for example, Chinese, Russian, Dutch, Spanish,
French, Turkish, Norwegian, etc. Try to excel in the language of your choice.
Video tapes of MTA language classes can be purchased from the office of Waqfe
 Develop a habit of going to bed early and getting up early in the morning.
 Participate in various financial schemes launched by a
rat Khalfatul Mash, such
as the Tehrk-i-Jadd and Waqf-i-Jadd schemes.
 Adopt the five basic morals as described by a
rat Khalfatul Mash IV rta.
 Become a useful and active member of the Jamat and its auxiliaries. If any duty is
assigned by the Jamat or its auxiliaries, fulfill it cheerfully.
 Develop the habit of obedience. If an elder asks you to do a job, do it cheerfully,
and when asked to desist in some matter, stop immediately.
 Take an active part in social work such as visiting the sick or helping neighbors.
 Adopt an active lifestyle and do not shy away from manual work or labor.

 Keep Jamat periodicals such as the Tashz-ul-Azhan, Al-Fazal and other literature
published by the Jamat at your regular perusal. Also keep abreast of current
developments in the world through newspapers and other journals.
 Watch for any directive or publication related to Waqfe Nau, study it and act
 Read such stories as help in developing a positive character. Avoid indecent
literature and humor. Discuss your selections with your parents.
 Take part in sporting and academic extra curricular activities. Seek guidance from
parents and teachers in this matter.
 Be habitually punctual and make a schedule for daily and routine jobs.
 Develop a love of your country along with love of religion.
 Develop the habit of exercising and taking part in healthy sports, such as
swimming, football, soccer, cycling etc.
 Pay special attention to cleanliness. Clean your teeth everyday; shower regularly;
wear clean clothes and shoes. Do not unnecessarily mark the books you read.
Keep your neighborhood and environment clean.
 Learn about your family history. Know important facts such as when your family
accepted A madiyyat; what sacrifices were made; what difficulties were faced;
And blessings that Allah has bestowed upon your family.
 Develop a habit of keeping a daily journal. Make note of your progress and any
important instructions given by a rat Khalfatul Mash.

For Parents
 A personal file should be created for each of your Waqfe Nau children. This file
should contain the birth certificate, Form B (where applicable), Waqfe Nau
acceptance letter, vaccination record, etc. Your childs progress should also be
recorded in this file, for example, the date when Yassarnal Qurn was completed,
date when alt was memorized, and grade reports from school. A copy of the file
should be kept with the local Waqfe Nau secretary. When moving to another town,
this file should be passed on to the new Waqfe Nau secretary. Copies of all
documents should be sent to the National Headquarters so central records are up-todate and complete.
 Parents should adopt an attitude of moderation in their childs training. Child
should be treated neither with extreme strictness nor with excessive lenience.
 A childs training should be done by personal example. Parent should develop all
those habits in themselves that they would like to see in their child.
 Remember that this syllabus sets only the minimum standard.

Additional Instructions
Over the years a rat Khalfatul Mash IV rta gave detailed instructions on the training of
the young devotees of the Waqfe Nau scheme. Their summary is given here. Parents
should never neglect their duty towards the up-bringing of these children. They will need
to purify themselves and they should inculcate in their children the following:
 Love of Allah.
 Love of alt.
 Daily recitation of the Holy Qurn .
 Love of faith and passion for its honor.
 Love of the Khilfat.
 Participation in the activities of the auxiliary organizations of Atfl, Khuddm and
Nsirtul-A madiyya.
 Love of truth.
 High resolve and determination.
 Suppression of anger.
 An active and vigorous lifestyle that is not afraid of hardship.
 Patience and fortitude in the face of difficulties.
 Urge to gain knowledge.
 To know the difference between certainty and conjecture and to express oneself
accordingly as the case may be.
 To constantly expand knowledge by reading newspapers, good books and scholarly
 Ability to keep accounts as well as meticulousness in financial matters.

Part I - Syllabus by Age

1 to 2 Years
To teach by example, parents should try to adopt following:
 Before starting any work say loudly:

 Say prayers in a loud voice according to the occasion.
o For example, prayer before eating a meal:

Bismillhi waal baraktillh

o or prayer at the end of the meal:
Alhamdu lillhil-ladh a man wasqan wajaln minal muslimn.
 al-lallhu alaihi wa sallam should be said loudly whenever the Holy Prophet
Muammads sa name is mentioned.
 The Holy Qurn should be recited daily in front of the child.

2 to 3 Years
First Six Months
 Child should say
any work.

m before starting

 Child should say

Assalmo Alaikum when meeting
someone. Boys should shake hands by using both hands and girls should get an
affectionate touch on their head.

 Child should say:


Al amdulillh after finishing a meal;

Jazkumullh on being given some thing;
Astaghfirullh on making a mistake.

 Child should be constantly reminded that Allah has created everything for him.
They should also be constantly reminded that they are a Waqfe Nau, an
endeavourer, and a pious and good child.

Second Six Months

 A habit of using the right hand to give and take things should be strengthened. The
child should be taught that the right hand is to be used for clean work while the left
hand is to be used for cleaning after going to the bathroom or cleaning their nose.
 The child should be made owner of certain items and should be encouraged to give
away some items to others.
 Your child should be given such toys that sharpen and develop their mental
 Your child should be taught that our beloved Holy Prophet is arat Mu
al-lallhu alaihi wa sallam. Kalimah Tayyiba should be taught:
L Ilaha Illallhu Muhammadur Ras lullah.
 Your child should be taught that our beloved Imms name is arat Mirz
Masroor A
mad aba and he lives in London.

3 to 4 Years
First Six Months
 Child should be taught that the Holy Qurn is Allahs book. The child should start
learning the Yassarnal Qurn and learn to say

A dhu billahi minash-shainir-rajm, Bismillhir-ra mnir-ra m before reading the

Yassarnal Qurn.

 Child should recognize all characters of the alphabet. Child should learn the prayer
before eating a meal:

Bismillhi al barakatillh and the prayer

at the end of the meal:

lillhiladh a
aman wa saqn wa jaaln minal muslimn.


 The Names of the Khulaf of the Holy Prophet sa should be taught:

o a rat Ab
Bakr ra
o a rat Omar ra
o a rat Osmn ra (Uthmn)
o a rat Al ra
 Teach Promised Messiahsas name: a rat Mirz Ghulm Amad.

Second Six Months

 Teach children that a rat Mirz Masroor Amad, ayyadahu llhu tal
bina rihilazz, is the fifth successor of the Promised Messiahas.
 Teach names of the first two successors of the Promised Messiahas:
o a rat Hak m Mauln N
r-ud-D nra.
o a rat Mirz Bash r-ud-D n Mahm
d Amadra.
 Teach the names of the next three successors of the Promised Messiahas:
o a rat Hfiz Mirz Nsir Amadrta.
o a rat Mirz ahir Amadrta.
o a rat Mirz Masroor Amadaba.
 Make your child familiar with the photographs of Promised Messiahas and his
 Children should be taught that Allah is their creator. They should be told that Allah
has made the moon and the stars that shine in the dark sky. Whenever they hold
fruit, they should be told that Allah has created that fruit.
 Children should be told that Allah has created all things because He loves us very
much. They should be told about these things so that their curiosity increases.
Every effort should be made to provide a reasonable and correct answer to your
childs every question.
 The first part of the Yassarnal Qurn should be completed during this year.

4 to 5 Years
First Six Months
 This year, reading of the Yassarnal Qurn should be completed.
 The entire alt should be memorized along with the names of the alts.
 Habit of daily cleaning of teeth and exercise should be developed.
The following prayers should be memorized and the child reminded of its use.
 On going to sleep:

Allhumma bismika am tu wa a y
 On waking up:

Al amdulillhilladh a yn bada m amtan wa ilaihinnush r

 Memorize Kabh nusrat nah milt ...


- Khairuzz dittaqw - The best provision for the journey (to the
Hereafter) is through the fear of God.

Second Six Months

 Memorize three couplets each month from Tarn-e-Atfl/Nasirt.
The following should be memorized:

- Alghin ghinannafs - True wealth is wealth of the heart.

- Innam lu amlu binniyyt - Deeds are judged by motives.

5 to 6 Years
 Parents and children should write letters to Hur every month. Children should
write a sentence or two with their own hand.
 Children should be taught to observe nature. A good time to discuss these things is
while walking with parents.

First Six Months

Memorize the following:
 For parents:

Rabbir amhum kam rabbyn aghr

My Lord, have mercy on them even as they nourished me in my childhood (17:25)
 On entering a mosque:

Bismillhialtu wassalmu al ras lillhi; Allhummafta l abwba ra matik

O Allah! Open the doors of your mercy upon me
 On exiting a mosque:

Bismillhialtu wassalmu al ras lillhi; Allhummafta l abwba fa lik

O Allah! Open the doors of your blessings upon me
 On acquiring knowledge:

Rabbi zidn ilm

O my Lord, increase me knowledge (20:115)


 Child should memorize the Adhn (the call for prayer). If possible, child should
listen to the Adhn on radio or TV and repeat it.
Religious Knowledge
Child should be taught that:
 Holy Prophet Muammadssa father was Abdullah and mother was mina.
 Holy Prophet Muammadsa was born in Mecca.

Second Six Months

Memorize the following chapters: Al-Ftihah, Al-Kauthar and Al-Asr.

Ho fazal teera ya Rab ya koy Ibtal ho ...

Religious Knowledge
Child should be taught that:
 Promised Messiahsas father was Mirz Ghulam Murtaza and mother was Chiragh
 Promised Messiahas was born in Qadin, India.

6 to 7 Years
Earlier syllabi should be reviewed.

First Six Months

Child should memorize following prayers and use them at appropriate occasions:
 Before eating a meal:

Bismillhi al barakatillh

In the name of Allah and with the blessings of Allah (I start eating)


 At the end of a meal:

Alhamdu lillhiladh aaman wa saqn wa jaaln minal muslimn

All praise belongs to Allah who provided us with food and drink and enabled us to be
 Before sleeping:

Allhumma bismika am tu wa a y
O Allah, in your name I die (sleep) and I become alive (awake).
 On waking up:

Al amdulillhilladh a yn bada m amtan wa ilaihinnush r

All praise belongs to Allah who brought us back to life (woke us up), after causing us
to die (sleep), and to Him shall we return.
 For parents:

Rabbir amhum kam rabbyn aghr

My Lord, have mercy on my them even as they nourished me in my childhood
Religious Knowledge
 The names of the Khulaf of the Holy Prophetsa:
o a rat Ab Bakrra.
o a rat Omarra.
o a rat Osmnra (Uthmn).
o a rat Alra.


 The names of the Khulaf of the Promised Messiahas:

o a rat Hak m Mauln N
r-ud-D nra.
o a rat Mirz Bash r-ud-D n Mahm
d Amadra.
o a rat Hfiz Mirz Nsir Amadrta.
o a rat Mirz ahir Amadrta.
o a rat Mirz Masroor Amadaba.
 Child should memorize names, rakt, and times of the five daily prayers (see Page
 Child should memorize prayer up to Sajdah (see Page 48).
 Child should start first reading of the Holy Qurn. Yassarnal Qurn should have
been completed by now and if it has not been completed, then it should be done as
soon as possible.
 Make your child familiar with the photos of the Promised Messiahas and his
 Child should be taught their home address, names of parents and grandparents.

Second Six Months

 Memorize the following chapters: Al-Kauthar, Al-Asr, Al-Ikhls.
knowledge (20:115).

- Rabbi zidn ilm - O my Lord, increase me in


- Alghin ghinannafs - True wealth is wealth of the heart.

- Innam lu amlu binniyyt - Deeds are judged by


Kabh nusrat nah milt ...

Ho fazal teyra ya Rab ya koy Ibtal ho ...


Child should learn the complete alt.

7 to 8 Years
 Male children should accompany their father to the mosque to offer prayers.
 Child should complete reading of first 10 parts of the Holy Qurn.
 Children should be made part of Atfl or Nasirt.
 If possible, your child should keep one fast during the month of Ramadhn.

First Six Months

 Teach the proper way to perform ablution.
- Allhummaj aln
Before ablution:
minattawwbn wajaln minal muta
ahhirn - O Allah! Make me from among those who
repent of their sins and from among those who keep themselves pure and clean.
Etiquettes of the mosque.
Memorize with translation:
of) a Muslim is an evil (Bukhr)

- Sibbul muslimi fusq - Abuse by (or

Religious Knowledge
Teach Atfl/Nasirt their pledge.


- Qurn sub say ach Qurn sub say pyar ... (see Page


Second Six Months

Teach proper method of offering alt (see Page 48).
Memorize the following: Al-Falaq, Al-Ns.
Etiquettes of eating (see Page 67)
- Mall yaram l yuram - One who does

Memorize with translation:

not show mercy will not be shown mercy.
Names of Allah

Teach how to implement these attributes and the habit of praying to God:
- Rabul lamn,

- Mliki Yaumiddn

- Ar-Rahmn,
- Ar-Rahm,

8 to 9 Years
 If possible your child should keep one fast during the month of Ramadhn.

First Six Months

 Complete reading the first 20 parts of the Holy Qurn .
 Memorize: Al-Baqarah v. 1 to 5, 256 (Ayatul Kursi)
 Memorize with translation: Al-Ikhls.
Memorize with translation:
- Khairukum man taallam lqurna
waallamah - The best among you is the one who learns the Qurn and teaches it.


Etiquettes of a meeting.
Memorize up to Sajdah with translation.
Promised Messiahsas Revelation
His servant?

- Alaisallhu bikfin abdah - Is Allah not enough for

Second Six Months

 Child should complete first reading of the Holy Qurn.
 Memorize: Al-Baqarah v. 1 to 10.
 Memorize with translation: Al-Ikhls.
Memorize with translation:
best virtue.

- Alayu khairun kulluh - Modesty is the

Child should memorize complete prayer with translation (see Page 48)
Etiquettes of home and school (see Pages 64 and 70)
Promised Messiahsas Revelation
- I will spread thy message to the corners

of the earth.
Names of Allah

Teach your child how to implement these attributes as well as teach him/her to pray to


- Al-Ghaffr,

- Ash-Shf,

- Al-Alm,

- At-Tawwb,

- Al-Sam,

- Al-Hakm

9 to 10 Years
 If possible, your child should keep fast for two days during the month of
 Emphasize the importance of offering prayers in congregation.
 Teach child how to ride a bicycle.

First Six Months

 Memorize: Al-Baqarah v. 1 to 17
 Memorize with translation: Al-Asr.

(others mistakes).

- Assadu mawwui
a bighairih - A pious person learns from others

Memorize Du-e-Qunt.
Prayer before ablution:
- Allhummaj aln
minattawwbn wajaln minal muta ahhirn - O Allah! Make me from among those who
repent of their sins and from among those who keep themselves pure and clean.
Etiquettes of the Street


Religious Knowledge
Child should start studying book Pathways to Success, Volume I.
Names of Allah
Child should learn the following five attributes of Allah:
- Ar-Razzq,

- As-Salm,

- Al-Am

- Al-Mumin,
- Al-Muhaimin,

Second Six Months

 Memorize with translation: Al-Falaq, Al-Ns.
 Memorize: Al-Fl.
- Laisal khabaru kalmuyanah - Hearing is

Memorize with translation:

not like seeing.
Etiquettes of Travel (see Page 73).
Religious Knowledge

 Teach the proper method of performing Tayyamum.

 The child should start studying the book Pathways to Success, Volume II
 Memorize the funeral prayer

10 to 11 Years
 If possible, the child should keep fast for five days during the month of Ramadhn.
 Revise whatever Srahs, etiquettes, poems, prayers, Names of Allah, and A
have been memorized so far.


First Six Months

Memorize Al-Baqarah v. 1 to 17, Al-Asr, Al-Fl, Al-Kauthar.
Memorize with translation:
- Innam lu amlu binniyyt - Deeds are judged by motives.

- Annsu kaasnnil mush - People are like teeth of a comb.

seek help in secret.

- Istanu alal hawiji bilkitmn - To fulfill your needs,

- Alghin ghinannafs - True wealth is wealth of the heart.

- Al ayu khairun kulluh - Modesty is the best virtue.


- Kabh nusrat nah milt ...

Child should memorize following prayers with translation and develop habit of using
them at appropriate times:
 Prayer before eating
 Prayer after eating
 Prayer before sleeping
 Prayer at awakening
 Prayer for parents
Names of Allah
Learn following attributes of Allah and develop habit of praying using these attributes:


- Rabul lamn,

- Al-Ghaffr,
- Al-Alm,

- Ar-Rahmn,
- Ar-Rahm,

- Al-Sam.

- Mliki

The following etiquettes that have been learnt should be made part of daily life:
 Of Mosque
 Of Prayer
 Of Home
 Of Eating
Religious Knowledge
 Study the childhood of our Master a rat Muammadsa.
 Study the life of a rat Adamas.

Second Six Months

Revise whatever S rahs, etiquettes, poems, prayers, attributes of Allah, and Ahadith have
been memorized so far.
Memorize: Al-Ikhlas, Al-Falaq, Al- Ns, Ayatul Kurs
Memorize with translation:

- Man qutila dna mlih fahuwa shahd - One who dies

protecting his property is a martyr (Shahd).
- Laisal khabaru kalmuyanah - Hearing is not like seeing.


- Al arbu khudah - War is the name of tactics.

Muslim (Bukhr).

- Almuslimu miratul muslimi - A Muslim is a mirror of another

- Assadu mawwui
a bighairih - A pious person learns from
others (others mistakes).

- Ho fazal teyra ya Rab ya koy Ibtal ho ... (Kalm-e-



- Qurn sub say ach Qurn sub say pyar ... (Bukhar-

Child should memorize the following prayers with translation and develop habit of using
them at appropriate times:
 Prayer to increase knowledge
 Prayer to enter the Mosque
 Prayer to exit the Mosque
 Funeral prayer
The following etiquettes that have been learnt should be made a part of daily life:
 Of Meeting
 Of Way
 Of Travel
Names of Allah
Learn the following attributes of Allah and develop a habit of praying using these


- Ash-Shf,

- Al-Mumin,

- At-Tawwb,

- Al-Muhaimin,
- Ar-Razzq,

- Al-Hakm

- Al-A

- As-Salm,
Religious Knowledge

 Study the life of the Promised Messiahas before his claim of being the Reformer of
the time.
 arat Noahas

11 to 12 Years
 Start reading the Holy Qurn with translation.
 If possible the child should keep fast for seven days during the month of

First Six Month

Memorize: Al-Baqarah v. 1 to 17
Memorize with translation:

a trustee.

- Almusta shru mutaman - A person who is consulted becomes

- Almajlisu bilamnah - All get-togethers (of people) are based

on (their mutual) trust.

- Almaru maa man a abb - A person is with the one who he loves.


- Albalu muakkalun bilmanaq - Talking without thinking can

result in trouble.


- Khairul um ri ausauh - Best work is one that is done in

Memorize prayers for entering and exiting the home. Use these prayers at appropriate
- Hum A madi Bachay hain kuch karkay dekh dain gay ...
Names of Allah
Learn the following attributes of Allah and develop the habit of praying using these
- Al-Qadr,

- Al-Ghaf r,
- Al-Halm,

- Al-Khabr

- Al-Ba r,
 Study the life of the Holy Prophetsa before prophethood.
 arat Abrahamas was Allahs prophet. Study his life history.

Second Six Months

Memorize: Al-Baqarah v. 256 to 258, v. 285 to 287

- Addlu alal khairi kaf ilih - One who urges others to do

good, gets the reward like a doer.

- Idatul mumini kaakhdhil kaff - The promise of a believer

is as certain as a thing in the hand.


- Laisa minn man ghashshan - One who deceives us is not from


who serves them.

- Sayyidul qaumi khdi muhum - The chief of the people is one

- L yashkurullha mal-l yashkurunns - One who is not

thankful to people, is not thankful to Allah.

Memorize the prayer recited after the Adhn and develop a habit of its recitation.
Names of Allah
Learn the following attributes of Allah and develop a habit of praying using these
- Al-Aliyy,

- Al-Alm,
- Ash-Shahd,

- An-Nar

- Al-Kabr,
 Study the life of the Promised Messiahas before his appointment as the Messiah.
 arat Lotas was Allahs prophet. Study his life history.

12 to 13 Years
 Learn the translation of the first half of Al-Baqarah
 If possible, your child should keep fast for ten days during the month of Ramadhn.

First Six Months

Memorize: Ali Imran v. 26 to 28 and v. 191 to 195



- Alyadul uly khairumminal yadissufl The upper

hand is better than the lower hand (hand that gives is better than the hand that

- Attibu minadhdhanbi kamall dhanba lah - A

person who sincerely repents for his sins becomes like one who has never sinned,

- Idh jakum karmu qaumin faakrimh - When some

respected person of another nation visits you give respect to him

- Alyamnul fajiratu tadauddi yra balqi - False

vouch (swear) makes houses deserted.

- Ittaqunnra walau bishiqqi tamrah - Save yourself from hell,

even if it be by giving a fragment of a date (as Sadaqah).

- Mei appney piyaro k nisbat ... (Kalm-e-Mahmd)
Memorize the prayers recited at the beginning and at the end of a journey and use them at
the appropriate occasion.
Names of Allah
Learn following attributes of Allah and develop habit of praying using these attributes:
- Al-Azz,

- Ar-Raf,

- At-Tawwb,

- Al-Malik

- Al-Waliyy,
 Study our Master a
rat Mu ammadssa life in Mecca (before Hijra).
rat Shoaibas was Allahs prophet. Study his life history.


arat Khalfatul Mash IVrta in his Friday sermon of February 10, 1989 drew attention
of Waqifne Nau to adopt excellent morals. Study three of these morals (love of truth and
hate of lies; being content; delightful personality) and make these morals a permanent
part of your daily life.

Second Six Months

Memorize: Al-Anam v. 96 to 110
Memorize with translation:

- Adduny sijnu lilmumini wa jannatu lilkfir - This

world is a prison for the righteous person and heaven for a non-believer.

- Arrjiu f hibatih karrjiu f qaiih - The man who

takes back his gift is like the one who licks his own vomit.

- L ya
illu limuminin ay-yahjura akhhu
fauqa thalthati ayym - It is not permissible for a Muslim to sever relations with
another Muslim brother for more than three days.

- M qalla wakaf khairum-mimm kathura waalh A little that suffices ones need is better than plenty that makes him forgetful (of

own worth, will never perish.

- M halaka imraun arafa qadrah - He who knows his



- Jaml-o-hone Qurn nre jney her Musalmn hai... (Dure-


Memorize the prayer recited on visiting the sick and use on appropriate time:

Adh-hibil basa rabbannsi washfi antashshf l shifa ill shifuka shifall yughadiru
O Lord of the people! Grant relief from this illness for you are the Healer. There is no
healing except that which comes from You. So, grant complete healing without leaving a
trace of illness.
Names of Allah
Learn the following attributes of Allah and develop a habit of praying using these
- Al- aqq,

- Subhn,

- Al-Wsi,

- Al-Ghaniyy

- Hdin,
 Study the entire life of the Promised Messiahas.
 a rat Jacobas (Yaq b) was Allahs prophet. Study his life history.
a rat Khalfatul Mash IVrta in his Friday sermon of February 10, 1989 drew the
attention of Waqifne Nau to adopt excellent morals. During the previous six months
three of the these morals (love of truth and hate of lies; being content; delightful
personality) were studied. Continue to make these morals a permanent part of daily life.
Adopt the additional morals of: being self sufficient, controlling anger, and not looking
down upon others with less knowledge.

13 to 14 Years
First Six Months
 If possible, fast for 15 days during the month of Ramadhn
 Revise all chapters of the Holy Qurn , prayers, Aadth, poems, and Names of
Allah that you have learnt previously.
 Offer prayer in congregation and remind others to do so as well.


 Learn the translation of the first two parts of the Holy Qurn
 Memorize the following: Al-Lahab, Al-Quraish, Al-Rad v. 9 to 14, Al-Nahl v. 67 to
Memorize the following with translation:

on each other.


- Afshu-ssal
ma bainakum - Promote sending greetings of peace

- Aah ru sharu l m
n - Cleanliness is a requirement of faith.

- alabul ilmi far atun al

kulli muslimiwa
muslimah - Acquisition of knowledge is obligatory upon every Muslim man and

Buniya lisl
mu al
khamsin shah
dati all
ha illall
hu waanna muammadan
abduh waras luh waiq
mi al
ti wa t
ti walhajji waaumi rama
n Islms foundation has been laid on five things: To bear witness that there is none
worthy of worship except Allah; and Mu
ammad is his servant and messenger; and
to offer prayer; and to perform pilgrimage; to fast during the month of Ramadhn.
 The first ten couplets of the following poem from Dur-e-Samn:

Wo paishw
jis say hai n r s
 The first half of the following poem from Kalm-e-Mahmd:

Muammad par ham

r j

 The first ten couplets from Al-Qasdah:

Y aina fayu illhi wal irfn

Yas  ilaikal khalku kaamn
 Develop a habit of reciting the prayers previously learnt at their appropriate
 Memorize prayer for Sajdah-e-Tilwat (prostration during recitation of the Holy

Sajada wajh lilladh khalaqah

washaqqa samah
biaulih waquwwatih
My face is prostrated in front of that being Who brought me to life and using His
Divine ability and power has granted the facility to hear and see.
 Prayer to obtain the love of Allah:

Allhumma inn asalka ubbaka wa ubba mayyo ibbuka wal amalalladh yuballighun
ubbaka. Allhummajal ubbaka aabba ilaiyya min nafs wa ml wa ahl wa minalm
O Allah, I seek Your love and also the love of the one who loves You. I seek Your
help in such deeds as attract Your love. O Allah, make Your love dearer to me than
the love of my family as well as a drink of cool water.
Learn the etiquettes of obedience to parents.
Names of Allah
Learn the following attributes of Allah and develop the habit of praying using these


- Al-Khliq,

- Al-Fattah,

- Al-Bri,

- Al-Qbi ,

- Al-Mu awwir,

- Al-Bsi,

- Al-Qahhr,

- Al-Khfi ,

- Al-Wahhb,

- Ar-Rfi

 Brief life history of the Holy Prophetsa and his Khulaf.
 Brief life history of the Promised Messiahas and his Khulaf.
Religious Knowledge
Study the book: Bunyadi Nisab Majlis Ansrullah Pakistan.

Second Six Months

 Learn the translation of part 3 and 4 of the Holy Qurn
 Memorize with translation: Al-Nasr, Al-Kfirn, Al-Mn, Ban-Isril v. 79 to 85,
Al H-Mm-Sajdah v. 31 to 36

the feet of the mother.

- Aljannatu ta ta aqdmil ummaht - Paradise lies under

- Kul biyamnika wamimm yalk - Eat with your right hand

and from in front of you.

enter Paradise.

- L yadkhulul jannata qi - One who boycotts will not


 Couplets 11 to 20 from:

Wo paishw hamar jis say hai n r sr ...


Muammad par hamr j
fid hai...
(Kalm-e-Mahm d) second half.
 Qas dah by a rat Mash-e-Ma das couplets 11 to 20:

Y aina fayuillhi wal irfn

Yas  ilaikal khalku kaamn
 Prayers after alt:
Allhumma antassalmu, waminkassalmu, tabrakta y dhaljalli walikrm
Allah you are the Peace, and from You is peace; Blessed are You, O lord of
Majesty and Bounty (Muslim).
Allhumma ainn al dhikrika wa shukrika wa usni ibdatik
My Lord, help me so that I can properly perform Your remembrance and Your
thanksgiving, and that I may worship You in the best possible manner


Allhumma l mnia lim a aita wa l mu iya lim manata wa l yanfau
dhaljaddi minkaljaddu
Allah! There is none to stop that which You bestow and there is none to give
that which You withhold, and of no benefit is the majesty of any noble against
 On entering a washroom:

Allhumma inn adhu bika minal khubthi walkhabith

O Allah! I seek your refuge from all sorts of (physically and spiritually) harmful
and vicious things.
 On leaving a washroom:

Alhamdu lillhilladh adh haba anniyaladh wa fn wa abq f manfaatih

All praise belongs to Allah Who saves me from harm and has kept me in good
health and whatever was beneficial he saved it for me.
Etiquettes of dealing with the neighbour.
Names of Allah
- Al-Muiz,

- Al-Kabr,

- Al-Mudhil,

- Al-Muqt,

- Al- akam,

- Al- asb,

- Al-La f,

- Al-Jall,

- Al-Khabr,

- Al-Karm

- Ash-Shakr,
 Srat Khatamun-Nabiyn by a rat Mirz Bashir Amadra, first 100 pages.
 Srat a rat Mash-e-Ma d by a rat Mirz Bashir-ud-Din Mahmud Amadra.


Religious Knowledge
 Learn the names of the prophets of Allah mentioned in the Holy Qurn.
 Learn the names of six most reliable books of A
 Memorize the following five revelations of the Promised Messiahas.

- Yatna min kulli fajjin amq - People will flock to you

from every trodden path.

- Inn u fi u kulla man fiddr - I will protect

whosoever is in your house (Jamat).
- Milk has flowed down from the heavens, save it.


- Our Lord is the

Mighty One who can fix that which is broken. He can frustrate elaborate plans,
none can encompass His wisdom.

- Do not place your trust in mortal life.

14 to 15 Years
 If possible, fast up to 20 days in Ramadhn.
 From the earlier syllabi, revise Srahs, etiquettes, A
adth, poems and Names of

First Six Months

 Learn the translation of part 5 and 6 of the Holy Qurn .
 Memorization (with translation): Al-Qriah, Al-Takathur, Al-Qadr, Al-Khf v. 1 to
11 and 103 to 111, Al-Ahzb v. 70 to 74.


- Kdal faqru ayyakna kufr - Poverty may well turn to


- Alyam nul fjiratu tadauddiyra balqi - False oaths

can ruin (the prosperity of) homes.

- Inna minash-shiri laikmah, wainna minal

bayni lasir - Some poetry can be full of wisdom and some oratory can be

 Study the first 20 Hadith from Forty Gems of Beauty.

Entering a Cemetery:

Assalmu alaikum y ahlal qub

ri yaghfirullhu lan wa lakum antum salafun wa nanu
bilathri wa inn inshallhu bikum laliq
Peace be upon you O dwellers of the graves. May Allah grant forgiveness to us and to
you as well. You are there before us and we will follow you and by Allahs will we shall
 Business transactions.
Names of Allah
- Al- af ,

- Al-Maj d,

- Al-Raq b,

- Al- am d,

- Al-Muj b,

- Al-Mu ,
- Al-Mubd ,

- Al-Wad

- Al-Mu d,

- Al-Baith,
- Al-Wak l,

- Al-Muy ,
- Al-Mum t

- Al-Qaw ,
- Al-Mat n,

 Srat of the Holy Prophetsa by a rat Mirz Bashir Amadra M.A. pp 101 to 200.
 Names of Ashra-Mubashra and a brief sketch of their lives.
 Shumail-e-A mad.
Religious Knowledge
 Names of the four imams of Fiqha.
 Dn Ml mt (published by the Khuddm-ul-Amadiyyah)

Second Six Months

 Learn the translation of part 7 and 8 of the Holy Qurn .
 Memorization (with translation): Al-H-Mm-Sajdah v 34 to 36, Al-Hashr v. 19 to
25, Al-Saff v. 1 to 15, Al-Jum ah v. 1 to 12, Al-Zilzl, Al-Tn, Al-Inshrah, Al-Duha.

- L yuminu a adukum att yu ibba

liakhhi m yu ibbu linafsih - None amongst you can be a true believer unless he
likes for his brother what he likes for himself.

- Iyykum waanna fainnaanna akdhabul

adth - Avoid suspicion because suspicion is the worst form of falsehood.

- Iyykum wal asada

fainnal asada yakulul asanati kam takulunnrul a ab - Jealousy consumes virtue
like fire consumes its fuel.


N r-e-Furqn hay jo sab ... (Dur-e-Samn)


Ik n ik din tu pesh ho g ... (Dur-e-Samn)

Nonehalne Jamt ... (Kalm-e-Mahmd)

Hey bada must bada ashme A madiyyat (Kalm -e-
Memorize the following with translation and use on appropriate occasions:
 On seeing ones reflection:

Allhumma kam a santa khalq faasin khulq

O my Lord, give me good morals like You have given me a good countenance.
 On breaking fast:

Allhumma inn laka umtu wabika mantu waalaika tawakkaltu waal rizqika af art
O my Lord, for Your sake Have I kept the fast and in You alone do I believe and
with your provisions do I end it.


 On seeing a new moon:

All humma ahillah alain bilamni wal m ni wassal mati walisl m, rabb
warabbukall hu hil lu khairiw-warushd, hil lu khairiw-warushd, hil lu khairiwwarushd, mantu bill hilladh khalaqak
O my Lord, may this moon rise over us in peace and security while we are in a state
of belief and Islm. (O Moon) Your Lord and my Lord is Allah. May this moon
be goodness and guidance for us; goodness and guidance ; goodness and guidance;
I believe in the One who created you.
 On wearing new clothing:

All humma lakal amdu anta kasautan h dh nasaluka khairah wakhaira m unia
lah wa adhu bika min sharrih washarri m unia lah
O my Lord, all praise belongs to You, Who has attired me. I seek Thy favor in
these clothes and the protection and blessing which is its purpose and seek refuge
from its harm and the harm that may result from its use.
 Of Education
Names of Allah
- Al-ayy,

- Al-Muqaddam,

- Al-Qayym,

- Al-Muakhkhar,

- Al-M jid,

- Al-Awwal,

- Al-W id,

- Al- khir,
- Az- hir,

- As-amad,

- Al-B in,

- Al-Q dir,

- Al-W l .

- Al-Muqtadir,


Religious Knowledge
Suggested Reading:
 Tarbiyyat Nisb. (Ar-Raqeem Press, UK)
 Dn Ml mt Ka Bunydi Nisb (Basics of Religious Knowledge) published by Majlis
Ansrullah, Pakistan.

15 to 16 Years
 Try to keep fasts during the whole month of Ramadhn.
 From the earlier syllabi revise S
rahs, etiquettes, Aad th, poems and Names of
 Offer five daily prayers.
 Work on adopting the five basic morals as described by a rat Khal fatul Mas h

First Six Months

 Learn the translation of part 9 and 10 of the Holy Qurn .
 Memorization (with translation): Al-Ghshiyah
- A altu imduddn - alt is a pillar of faith.

of faith.

- ubbul waani minal mn - Love of ones country is a part

 Study the last 20 ad th from Forty Gems of Beauty.


Quranic Prayers

Rabbighfir waram wa anta khairurrim n
My Lord, forgive and have mercy, and Thou art the Best of those who show mercy.

Rabbi inn lim anzalta ilayya min khairin faq r
My Lord, I stand in need of whatever good Thou mayest send down to me. (20:25)
Revise and make part of daily life, the etiquettes learnt in the previous syllabi.
Book on S rat of the Holy Prophetsa, Hamray Aqa, by Muammad Ismail Panipati.
 Memorize Qas dah by a rat Mas h-e-Mauoodas couplets 21 to 30.

Second Six Months

 Learn the translation of part 11 and 12 of the Holy Qurn .
 Memorization (with translation): Al-la

- Almuslimu man salimal muslim na millisnih wayadih - A Muslim is one from whose tongue and hands another Muslim is

- ubbukash-shaia yum wa yuimm - Love of objects

can make a person blind and deaf.

- Pyray Ras l k Piyr Btei

by a rat M r Muammad
Ishq. Aad th 1 to 160.


Quranic Prayers

Rabban alamn anfusan wail-lam taghfirlan wa tar amn lanak
nann minal khsir n
Our Lord we have wronged ourselves and if Thou forgive us not and have not mercy
on us, we shall surely be of the losers. (7:24)

Al amdu lillhi wasalmu al ibdihilladh naaf
All praise belongs to Allah, and peace be upon those servants of His whom He has
chosen. (27:60)
Srat a rat Mash-e-Ma das by a rat Mirz Bashir-ud-Din Mahm d Amadra.
Contemporary Issues
Memorize the following Qurnic verses with translation:
 On the death of Jesusas:

Kullu nafsin dhiqatul maut

Every soul shall taste of death. (29:58)
 On the truth of the Promised Messiahas:

Faqad labithtu f kum umuram-min qablih afal taqil

I have indeed lived among you a whole lifetime before this. Will you not then
understand? (10:17)
 Engage in an active lifestyle to include activities such as brisk walking, running,
swimming etc.
 Help with the household work.
 Girls should be assuming responsibility at home with chores such as cleaning,
washing and cooking.


16 to 17 Years
First Six Months
 Learn the translation of part 13 and 14 of the Holy Qurn .
 Memorize chapter Al-Buruj with translation.

- Jubilatil qul bu al

ubbi man asana ilaih bughi man asa ilaih - There is natural love in ones heart
for a benefactor and revulsion for the evildoer.

(Divine) torment.

- Assafru qiatum minal adhb - In journey is kept a taste of

- Pyray Ras l k Piyr Btei

by a
rat Mr Mu ammad
Ishq. A adth 161 to 320.

Quranic Prayers

Rabban l tuzigh qul ban bada idh hadaitan wa hablan mil-ladunka ramah, innaka
anta lwahhb
O our Lord, let not our hearts become perverse after Thou hast guided us, and bestow
on us mercy from Thyself; surely, Thou art the Great Bestower (3:9)

Rabban mann bim anzalta wattabana-rras la faktubn maash-shhid n
Our Lord we believe in that which Thou hast sent down and we follow this
Messenger. So write us among those who bear witness (3:54)
Sratun-Nabsa by a
rat Khalfatul Mash IIra, first half.


 Memorize Qas
dah by a rat Mash-e-Ma das couplets 31 to 40.

- Sal m Ba-Hu r Syed-ul-An msa by Dr Mr Muammad

Ismal Shib, first 9 couplets.

Conditions of Baiat
Study and ponder upon the ten conditions of Baiat (initiation) by a rat Mash-eMa das published in Ishtih r Takm
gh 12 Jan 1889.

Second Six Months

 Learn the translation of part 15 and 16 of the Holy Qurn .
 Memorize with translation chapter Al-Triq.
Memorize with translation the following:

Hereafter is to reap.

- Adduny mazraatul khirah - Worldly life is to sow and the

- alabul al li jih d - Earning a lawful living is also jihad.

 Py ray Ras l k
Piy r
B tei by a rat Mr Muammad Ishq. Aadth 321 to 500.
Quranic Prayers

, wayassirl
, walul uqdatam-mil-lis n
, yafqah qaul

My Lord expand for me my breast; And make my task easy for me; And loose the
knot from my tongue that they may understand my speech. (20:26-29)

Rabban tin mil-ladunka ramataw-wahayyi lan min amrin rashad
Our Lord, bestow on us mercy from Thyself, and furnish us with right guidance in
our affair.


 Sratun-Naba by a rat Khalfatul Mash IIra, latter half.
 Study the life of the a rat Yousufas.
 Memorize Qasdah by a rat Mash-e-Ma das couplets 41 to 50.

- Salm Ba-Hu r Syed-ul-Anmsa by Dr Mr Muammad

Ismal Shib, last 12 couplets.

Contemporary Issues
Memorize the following Qurnic verses with translation:
 On the death of Jesusas:

Wam mu ammadun illa rasl, qad khalat min qablihirrusul

And Muammad is but a Messenger. Verily, all messengers have passed away
before him. (3:145)
 On the truth of the Promised Messiahas, memorize the following Hadith:

Kaifa antum idh nazala bnu maryama fkum wa immukum minkum

How will you feel when the Son of Mary will descend amongst you and he will be
an Imam from amongst you. (Bukhr)
 Engage in sporting activities on a regular basis such as hiking and trekking, horse
 Learn a useful skill, for example, operating a computer.
 Girls should assist in the teaching of young Waqfe Nau children.


18 to 19 Years


(For Age Group 18-19)
Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih the V (aba) has directed that all the Waqfeen who fall in
the above age group must study the following syllabus. It is mandatory for all the
Waqfeen to follow the syllabus and appear in a written examination. The syllabus is
meant for 2 years and should be divided into 4 equal semesters and all Waqfeen must
appear in a written examination at the end of each semester. It is also directed that the
results of each examination should be submitted to the centre.

It is responsibility of Amir of each country to ensure that the national and local
secretaries Waqf-e-Nou arrange a robust programme for their country and engage all the
Waqfeen to participate.



Translation of the Holy To learn translation of the chapters 17 and 18

Commentary of the To study the commentary on Sura Al-Kahf
Hoy Quran
From Tafseer-e-Kabir or from 5 Volume
commentary by Malik Ghulam Farid in
English or in any other language.
Holy Quran learning by To learn Sura Al-Dahar and Sura Al-Saff by
heart with translation of the verses.
Study of Hadees
To study and understand the Ahadess(sayings
of the Holy Prophet( saw) given in Forty
Pearls of Wisdom by Mirza Bashir Ahmad
Sahib or 40 Ahadees from Garden of
Righteous by Ch. Muhammad Zafarullah
History Of Islam
As given in Commentary on the study of the
Holy Quran by Hadrat Mirza Bashiruddin
Mahmood Ahmad (Khaliftul Masih the II)
The same is included in the first part of the 5
volume commentary of the Holy Quran by
Malik Ghulam farid.
History of Ahmadiyyat From Basics of religious knowledge part 7
Prepared by the Canada Jamaat or from any
other available book.
Books of the Promised To study the following books of the Promised
Messiah (as)
1. Jesus in India
2. Kishti-e-ooh
3. eed for the Imam





Study of the Sirat (life To study the life of Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih
and character)
the 1st from ooruddin written by Ch.
Muhammad Zafarullah Khan Sahib.
Disputed matters
To study and have a thorough understanding
of the following disputed matters:
1. Death of the Jesus
2. Finality of the prophet-hood
3. Truth of the Promised Messiah
4. Institution of the Khilafat in the light
of the Holy Quran and Hadees
the Volume 1: Allah the exalted (page 37-123)
Essence of Islam
Volume 2: Jihad with sword(page 319-333)
Volume 3: The need of prophets (page125167)
The Gog and Magog(page 305-310)
The Veil (page 327-334)
Volume 4: The purpose of the Promised
Messiahs advent (page 107-137)


20 to 21 Years


(For Age Group 20-21)



Translation of the Holy To learn translation of the chapters 19 to 21 of

the Holy Quran
Commentary of the To study the commentary on Sura Al-Fajr
Hoy Quran
from Tafseer-e-Kabir or from 5 Volume
commentary by Malik Ghulam Farid Ahmad
in English or in any other language.
Holy Quran learning by To learn Sura Al-Aala, Sura Al-Ghashia and
Sura Al-Shams by heart with translation of
the verses.
Study of Hadees
To study and understand the at least 100
Ahadees (sayings of the Holy Prophet( saw)
given in Garden of The Righteous by Ch.
Muhammad Zafarullah Khan.
History Of Islam
To study at least 200 pages from Muhammad
Seal of The Prophets by Ch. Muhammad
Zafarullah Khan.
Study 200 pages from Seerat Kahtamun
abieen by Hadhrat Sahibzada Mirza Bashir
English translation of the above is also
available in the The Review of Religion in
parts starting from ovember 2010.
History of Ahmadiyyat To study from any of the following books on
History of Ahmadiyyat
A) Tazkaratul Mahdi by Pir Sirajul
Haque omani (urdu)
B) Seerat Hadhrat Masih Maood by
Yaqub Ali Irfani (Urdu)
C) Te Promised Messaiah and Mahdi
by Sr Aziz Ahmad (English)
Books of the Promised To study the following books of the Promised
Messiah (as)
1. Lecture Ludhiyana
2. Lecture Sialkot
3. Al-Wassiyat
English Translation of the above books is





Study of the Sirat (life To study the life of Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih
and character)
the 2nd from Sawane Fazal-e-Umar written
by Hadhrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad (Khalifatul
Masih the IV. (Urdu)
Disputed matters
The following disputed matters have been
studied in the last part of the syllabus. ow
should aim at having thorough knowledge:
1. Death of the Jesus
2. Finality of the prophet-hood
3. Truth of the Promised Messiah
4. Institution of the Khilafat in the light
of the Holy Quran and Hadees
the Volume 1: Allah the exalted (page 124-193)
Essence of Islam
Volume 2: Chapter 5 Prayers
Volume 3:
a)Prophethood in Islam (page 125-167)
b)The Messaih and his second coming
(page 169-242)
Volume 5: Miracles, signs and prophecies
(page 1-40)


Huzur has specially recommended for

Waqfeen to read the following book
Welcome to Ahamdiyyat, The true Islam
By Dr Karimullah Zirvi.


Part II - Material Covered in Syllabus


Table of alt Times and Rakt
Prayer Sunnah Fard Sunnah Witr


Time Limits


Dawn (first light

of day) to 15
minutes before


2 - (2)

10 or 12

Mid-day to the
time of Asr


- (4)

4 or 8

Mid afternoon to
20 min before


2 - (2)

5 or 7


2 - (2)

9 (11)

after sunset till
Nightfall (dusk )
to midnight.

 In countries near the poles, where the length of days and nights can be unusually
long, prayer timing are estimated keeping in view the routine of daily activities.
 The Holy Prophetsa used to offer two nawfil after Zuhr, Maghrib and Isha prayers,
and sometime he would also offer four sunnah before Asr and Isha prayers.
 Tahajjud prayers are performed in the latter part of the night before dawn.
 On Friday, the Juma prayer replaces Zuhr. Instead of four fard rakt of Zuhr, only
two are performed.
Forbidden Times
 When the sun is rising, setting or is at its zenith.
 After Asr Prayer till sunset.
 After Fajr Prayer till 20 minutes after sunrise.


Etiquettes of alt
Before starting alt the following five conditions should be met:
 Timing (see chart).
 Personal cleanliness (bath, ablution or tayyamum - as circumstances permit) and
clean place.
 Proper Purdah for women
 Facing Qiblah (Mecca)
 Intention (Niyyat)
Ablution is essential before alt. Steps to performing ablution are as follows:
 Recite Bismillhir-ramnir-ram.

 Wash hands three times up to the wrist; the right hand first and then the left.
 Clean mouth by rinsing it with water three times, messaging the gums at the same

 Clean out the nostrils thoroughly by putting some water in them.

 Wash the face three times.


 Wash the forearms including the elbows three times (right arm first and then left).

 Moisten the hands and run them over the head from front and top down to the neck,
then run the thumbs around the ears and wipe inside the ears using index fingers.

 Wash the feet including ankles, three times; the right foot first and then the left.
 Recite Prayer after Wudu (ablution).


Performing alt

Face towards the Kaaba and recite the Niyyat:

Inn wajjahtu wajhiya lilladhi faarassamwti wal ar a anfan wam an minal mushrikn.
I have turned my full attention towards Him Who has created the heavens and the earth,
being ever-inclined to Him, and I am not one of those who associate partners with Allah.

Raf a Yad ain

Raise both hands to the level of ears and say
Allahu Akbar - Allah is the Greatest.

Folding hands: The right hand should be on top of the left hand. This called Qiyym.
Than, Al-Ftihah and another portion of the Holy Qurn is recited in this part.

Sub nakall humma wa biamdika wa tab rakasmuka wa ta la jadduka wa l il ha ghairuka.
Glory to You, O Allah, the Praiseworthy, and blessed is Your name, and exalted is Your
majesty, and there is none to be worshiped besides You.

At-t aawwuz
Audhu bill hi minash-shai nir-raj
I seek refuge with Allah from Satan the rejected.


Bismill hir-ram nir-ra

m. Alamdulillahi rabbil lam
n. Ar-rahm nir-rah
m. M liki
n. Iyy ka nabudu wa iyy ka nasta
n. Ihdina-ir al mustaq
m. ir al-ladhina
anamta alaihim, ghairil maghubi alaihim wa l - l-l
In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful. All praise belongs to Allah, Lord of all
the worlds. The Gracious, the Merciful. Master of the Day of Judgment. Thee alone do
we worship and Thee alone do we beseech for help. Guide us to the right path. The path
of those upon whom Thou hast bestowed Thy blessings, but not those who have incurred
Thy displeasure, nor of those who have gone astray.


Bismill hir-ram nir-ra

m. Qul hu wallahu aad. All hu-amad. Lam yalid, wa lam y lad. Wa
lam yakullahu kufuwan aad.
In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful. Say, He is Allah, the One. Allah, the
Independent and Besought of all. He begets not, nor is He begotten and there is none like
unto Him.


After reciting these verses or any other portion of the Holy Qurn bow (ruk) by calling
out Allahu Akbar.
Following repeated in silence, three times:
na rabbiyal a m.
Holy is my Lord, the most Great
Then return to the standing posture by saying:
Sami allhu liman
Allah hears him who praises Him

Then say Tahmd in the standing position:
Rabban walakal
amdan kathran ayyiban mubrakan fh.
Our Lord, Yours is the praise - praise that is abundant, pure and full of blessings


Sajd ah
After this say Allahu Akbar and go down to prostrate (sajdah). While prostrating, the
forehead, nose, palms of both hands, knees and toes should be touching the ground. Do
not let the elbows rest on the ground. When in prostration, recite the following three
Subna rabbiyal al.
Glory to my God the Most High
Say Allahu Akbar and sit down. One should sit down on left foot while the toe of your
right foot should be touching the ground. Keeping the hands on the knees recite the

Allhummaghfirl waramn wahdin wa fin warfan wajburn warzuqn.
O Allah, forgive me and have mercy on me, and guide me and keep me in good health,
and raise me up, and make good my shortcomings.
After this another sajdah is performed and the same prayer is repeated as in the first one.
At the end of the second sajdah, Say Allahu Akbar and stand up for the second rakat.
Complete the second rakat in the same way as the first one.


After the second prostration, say Allahu Akbar and sit down the same way as before. Then
recite silently:

Tash a-hud

Atta yytu lillhi wa - altu wa-tayyibtu. Assalmu alaika ayyuhan-nabyyu wa

ra matullahi wa baraktuhu. Assalmu alaina wa al ibdillhi - lihn.

At this point, raise the index finger to recite:

Ash-hadu all ilha illallhu wa ash-hadu anna Mu ammadan abduh wa ras luh.
All verbal worship is due to Allah - and all physical acts of worship and financial
sacrifices. Peace be on you, O Prophet, and the Mercy of Allah and His Blessings. Peace
be on us and the righteous servants of Allah. I bear witness that there is no god but Allah,
and I bear witness that Muammad is His Servant and Messenger.
If this is the last rakat in a group of 2, 3 or 4 rakt, one should continue with the
following prayers; otherwise, say Allahu Akbar, and continue with the next rakat, starting
with Surah Al-Ftihah.



Allhuma alli al Mu ammadin wa al li Mu ammadin, kam allaita al Ibrhma wa al
li Ibrhma innaka amdum-Majd. Allhuma brik al Mu ammadin wa al li
Mu ammadin, kam brakta al Ibrhma wa al li Ibrhma innaka amdum-Majd.
O Allah, bless Muammad and his people, as Thou didst bless Abraham and his people Thou art indeed the Praiseworthy, the Exalted.
O Allah, prosper Muammad and his people, as Thou didst prosper Abraham and his
people - Thou art indeed the Praiseworthy, the Exalted.
Concluding Prayers

Rabban tin fiduny asanatan-wa fil khirati asanatan-wa qin adhbannr.

Our Lord, grant us good in this world, as well as good in the world to come, and protect
us from the torment of the Fire

Rabbij aln muqma-alti wa min dhuryyat. Rabban wa taqabbal du. Rabbanaghfirl wa

liwlidayya wa lilmuminna yauma yaq mul isb.
My Lord, make me observe Prayer, and make my children too. Our Lord! Bestow Thy
grace on me, and accept my prayer. Our Lord, grant forgiveness to me, and to my
parents, and to the believers on the day when the reckoning will take place.


Sal m
Turn your face to the right and say the following, and then turn your face to the left and
say the same:
Assalmo Alaikum wa Ra matullah.
Peace be on you and the blessings of Allah
This concludes the alt.
There are three rakt in Witr. Dua-e-Qunt is recited silently in the standing position
(Qiyym) after bowing (ruk).

Dua-e -Qunt

Allhumma inn nastanuka wa nastaghfiruka wa numinu bika wa natawakkulu alaika, wa

nuthn alaikal khaira, nashkuruka wa l nakfuruka wa nakhlau wa natruku man tafjuruk.
Allhumma yyaka nabudu wa la ka nu all wa nasjudu wa ilaika nasa wa na fidu wa narj
ra mataka wa nakhsh adhbaka inna adhbka bil kuffari mul ik.
O Allah! We beseech Your help and ask Your forgiveness and believe in You and trust in
You and praise You in the best manner; and we thank You and we are not ungrateful to
You, and we cast off and forsake him who disobeys You. O Allah! You alone do we
serve and to You alone do we pray and we prostrate ourselves; and we rush to You and
present ourselves, and we hope for Your mercy and we fear Your chastisement, for surely
Your chastisement overtakes the disbelievers.
Funeral Prayer
The funeral prayer is performed in congregation led by an Imm. The wrapped body is
laid in front of the Imm for the Prayer, and the rows behind the Imm should be in odd
The Imm begins the Prayer by loudly saying Allahu Akbar (Allah is the Greatest). Then,
after Than and At-ta'awwuz, the Imam and the followers recite Surah Al-Fatihah in
silence. The Imam again loudly says Allahu Akbar, and he and the followers say the
Durd (see above) silently. The Imam then, for the third time, says Allahu Akbar loudly
and the following prayer is recited silently:


Allhummaghfir li ayyin wa mayyitin wa shhidin wa ghibin wa aghrin wa kabrin

wa dhakrin wa unthn. Allhumma man a yaitahu minn fa a yihi alal Islm, wa man
tawaffaitahu minn fatawaffahu alal-mn. Allhumma l ta rimn ajrahu wa l taftinn
O Allah! Forgive our living ones and our deceased ones; and those of us who are present
and our absent ones; and our young ones and our old ones; and our males and our
females. O Allah! Those of us whom You grant life, keep them firm on Islm; and those
of us whom You cause to die, cause them to die in the faith. Deprive us not, O Allah, of
the benefits relating to him (the deceased) and subject us not trial after him.
Note: If the deceased is a female, read ajrah and badah in place of ajrah and badah.


Selections From the Holy Quran

Al-Baqarah First 17 Verses

[2:1] In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful.

[2:2] Alif, Lm, Mm.
[2:3] This is a perfect Book; there is no doubt in it; it is a guidance for the righteous,
[2:4] Who believe in the unseen and observe Prayer and spend out of what We have
provided for them;
[2:5] And who believe in that which has been revealed to thee and that which was
revealed before thee, and they have firm faith in what is yet to come.
[2:6] It is they who follow the guidance of their Lord and it is they who shall prosper.


[2:7] Those who have disbelieved - it being alike to them whether thou warn them or
warn them not - they will not believe.
[2:8] Allah has set a seal on their hearts and their ears, and over their eyes is a covering;
and for them is a great chastisement.
[2:9] And of the people there are some who say, 'We believe in Allah, and the Last Day;'
while they are not believers at all.
[2:10] They would deceive Allah and those who believe, but they deceive none but
themselves; only they perceive it not.
[2:11] In their hearts was a disease, so Allah has increased their disease to them; and for
them is a grievous punishment because they lied.
[2:12] And when it is said to them, 'Create not disorder in the earth,' they say, 'We are
only promoters of peace.'
[2:13] Beware! it is surely they who create disorder, but they do not perceive it.
[2:14] And when it is said to them, 'Believe as other people have believed,' they say,
'Shall we believe as the foolish have believed?' Beware! it is surely they that are foolish,
but they do not know.
[2:15] And when they meet those who believe, they say, 'We believe;' but when they are
alone with their ring-leaders they say, 'We are certainly with you; we are only mocking.'
[2:16] Allah will punish their mockery and will let them continue in their transgression,
wandering blindly.
[2:17] These are they who have taken error in exchange for guidance, but their traffic has
brought them no gain, nor are they rightly guided.


[103:1] In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful.

[103:2] By the fleeting Time,
[103:3] Surely, man is in a state of loss,
[103:4] Except those who believe and do good works, and exhort one another to accept
truth, and exhort one another to be steadfast.



[105:1] In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful.

[105:2] Hast thou not seen how thy Lord dealt with the People of the Elephant?
[105:3] Did He not cause their plan to miscarry?
[105:4] And He sent against them swarm of birds,
[105:5] Which ate their carrion, striking them against stones of clay.
[105:6] And thus made them like broken straw, eaten up.


[108:1] In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful.

[108:2] Surely, We have given thee an abundance of good;
[108:3] So pray to thy Lord, and offer sacrifice.
[108:4] Surely, it is thy enemy who is without issue.


[112:1] In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful.

[112:2] Say He is Allah, the One;
[112:3] Allah, the Independent and Besought of all.
[112:4] He begets not, nor is He begotten;
[112:5] And there is none like unto Him.



[113:1] In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful.

[113:2] Say, I seek refuge in the Lord of the dawn,
[113:3] From the evil of that which He has created,
[113:4] And from the evil of the night when it overspreads,
[113:5] And from the evil of those who blow upon the knots to undo them,
[113:6] 'And from the evil of the envier when he envies.'


[114:1] In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful.

[114:2] Say, I seek refuge in the Lord of mankind,
[114:3] The King of mankind,
[114:4] The God of mankind,
[114:5] From the evil of the sneaking whisperer;
[114:6] Who whispers into the hearts of men,
[114:7] From among the Jinn and mankind.'




Tirana Atf l


Etiquette Of The Mosque

 One should be physically clean as well as wearing clean clothes when going to the
 Step into the mosque with the right foot first, and recite the following prayer:

In the name of Allah, all blessings and peace be upon the Prophetsa of
Allah. Oh Allah! Forgive my sins and open the doors of your Blessing and
Mercy upon me.
 Upon entering, greet the people already in the mosque with Assalmo Alaikum. Do it
at the appropriate volume.
 On arriving, if possible offer two nawfil prayers. These are called Tahyyat-ulMasjid.
 Do not go to the Mosque after eating onion, garlic, radish or other strong smelling
foods. It is prohibited to spit, to clean ones nose or to perform any such action which
compromises the cleanliness of the mosque.
 The mosque should be kept clean and fragrant.
 Keep yourself occupied in quiet remembrance of Allah and do not indulge in
unnecessary conversations. If you must talk, it should be such that those in alt are
not disturbed in any way.
 It is forbidden to walk in front of someone who is praying.
 The front rows should be occupied first. Those coming in late should not attempt to
reach the front by disturbing people already seated. Find an easy to reach spot and
get there with minimum inconvenience to others.
 A mosque is designated for the worship of God where there should be no hindrance to
anyone from remembering and worshiping Allah.
 Shoes should be put at the appropriate place such as in a shoe-rack. It is not allowed
to walk in shoes in the area designated for worship.
 When leaving the mosque, say Assalmo Alaikum. Put the right shoe on before the left
shoe. Step out of the mosque with the left foot first.

 On exiting the Mosque, recite the following prayer:

In the name of Allah, (I leave). And all Blessings and peace be upon the
Prophet of Allah. O Allah! Forgive me my sins and open the doors of your
blessings upon me.
 Young children should be supervised and kept under control.

Etiquette Of Salat
 Perform wudu and reach the place of worship gracefully without unseemly haste. Do
not run to join the alt even if you are late.
 While preparing for alt, contemplate on your acts of goodness and piety, which, in
a manner of speaking, you will present to God, as well as sins for which you will seek
His forgiveness.
 You should answer to the call of nature before offering the prayer so you could be
fully attentive.
 While offering prayers in congregation, ensure rows are aligned and all individuals
are shoulder to shoulder with no gaps in between.
 Fill the empty spaces to the front.
 Before you start the alt, recite the Niyyat (intention) of alt:

I have turned my full attention towards Him Who has created the heavens
and the earth, being ever inclined to Him, and I am not one of those who
associates partners with Allah.
 Offer prayers with poise, dignity and composure. Do not be hurried or rushed.
 Recite the prescribed prayers carefully and attentively, giving deliberate attention to
what is being said. This will help prevent scattered thoughts on other matters.
 During alt, it is prohibited to look here and there, to point towards something, to
talk or to listen to others talk or to indulge in other unnecessary movements.


 Do not lean against a support during alt, nor shift your weight to one leg.
 Offer alt with zeal and enthusiasm as opposed to feeling it as a burden or
 During congregational prayers, do not move before the Imam.
 Do not get up to leave as soon as the alt is completed. Stay seated and spend some
time in the remembrance of Allah.
 Do not cause a disturbance nor talk loudly near someone who is offering alt.
 alt should be offered at its appointed time.
 During Juma prayers, listen to the khutba (sermon) attentively. If someone is to be
silenced it should be done only with a polite gesture without speaking. Do not play
with key chains or other trinkets during the khutba because that is also a part of the

Etiquette Of The Home

 A home should be a place where family members can find peace and comfort.
 Cultivate a bond of love and affection between all members of the family. Be
especially kind and considerate towards the parents.
 Bickering and petty quarrels disrupt the peace of the household. Elders should be
respected and the younger ones should be treated with affection. Inculcate mutual
trust. Treat friends, relatives and acquaintances with consideration and courtesy.


 The following phrases should frequently be used in a Muslim household:


Peace be on you
May Allah reward
That which Allah
In the name of Allah


All praise belongs

to Allah
God willing

alaihi wa

May peace and

blessings of Allah
be on him


 Implement the habit of going early to bed and rising early.

 Keep your house and its surroundings neat and tidy.
 The best time to recite the Holy Qurn is in the morning.
 Besides offering congregational prayers at the mosque, one should offer sunnah and
nawfil prayers at home. Those members of the household who cannot offer their
prayers at the mosque should do so at home at the appointed times. Elders should
continually remind the younger ones of their obligation of going to the mosque.
 It was the practice of the Holy Prophetsa to perform ablution before going to bed at
 One should swipe the bedding clean before lying down to sleep. Do not nap before
Isha and do not indulge in idle talk afterwards.
 It is recommended that teeth are brushed after meals. At a minimum brush your teeth
before going to bed.
 Be decently attired at home.
 If a guest arrives, be as generous and as hospitable as you can be but do not
overindulge in formalities.
 When visiting others, do not stand directly in front of the entrance while waiting. Do
not peek inside. Take permission to enter while still outside. Do not knock loudly,
nor ring the doorbell incessantly.

 If no one answers after three attempts at seeking permission to enter, which is

typically done by knocking the door or ringing the bell, then leave without any hard
 Keep your household, your room and your usable items clean and tidy.
 Do not spoil the beauty of your home. Treat your home with respect even if it is a
rental accommodation. Do not scribble on walls.
 Do not spit on the floor.
 Dispose of the rubbish in the rubbish bins, which should be appropriately placed
around the house.
 Do not talk when going to the bathroom.
 Children should not be left alone in the house.
 Privacy of all members of the household should be completely respected. For
instance, do not read other peoples letters, emails or journals.
 Instead of getting into pop music, develop a taste for nazms or recitals from works of
quality poets.
 Parents should watch TV with their children and should comment on the positives
and negatives of the programs.
 Refrain from such jokes or pranks as may be a source of displeasure to your siblings
or friends.
 Do not be always grumpy. Try to be a contented and cheerful person.
 Do not discuss private household matters with outsiders.
 Do not disturb the peace of the neighbors through noise or cause inconvenience to
them in any way.
 Try to designate a room or area that is solely dedicated to the worship of Allah.


 Recite the following prayer when entering the house:

Allah! I supplicate to You to grant me the best of the entry (to my house) and the best
of exit. In the name of Allah we enter and in the name of Allah, our Lord, we put our
complete trust.
 Recite the following prayer when exiting the home:

(I leave my house), in the name of Allah and trust in Allah. With out the help of
Allah, one is unable (to protect one self from sin to do good).

Etiquette Of Eating
 Wash your hands before taking meals. If a napkin is available, put it on your lap so
that your clothes are not spoiled in case of accidental spillage of food.
 Recite the following prayer before starting a meal:
In the name of Allah and the blessings of Allah, before starting the meal.
 Always eat with your right hand.
 Take small morsels of food. Chew properly and noiselessly. Keep your mouth closed
while chewing.
 Do not open your mouth widely when taking a bite.
 While serving yourself, help yourself from the part of the dish which is in front of
you. Do not fish around for the best helping.
 Do not attempt to fill your plate in the first helping. If the need arises and there is
more food available you can always go for seconds.
 Only serve yourself the amount which you can easily consume. There should be no
leftovers on your plate.
 If the quantity of the food is insufficient, be considerate to others and serve yourself a
smaller portion.


 Do not take a serving that is more than your needs. Eat so that there is room left to
breathe. Do not bend over excessively while eating.
 If you are using cutlery such as forks and spoons, keep them from clanging together
or with the plate, so as to minimize noise.
 Do not attempt to gulp down large quantities of water. Allow a few breathing pauses.
Do not go Haaa after you have finished drinking.
 Should you forget to recite the prayer before starting the meal, then recite:
I begin with the name of Allah and I end with the name of Allah.
 When done, recite the following prayer:
All praise belongs to Allah who provided us with food and drink and
enabled us to be Muslims (submissive to God).
 If you have a napkin in your lap, then at the end of the meal use it to clean your hands
and mouth. Wash your hands and rinse your mouth.
 Foods with excess of sugar, salt or spices should be avoided.
 Do not eat extremely hot food, nor drink excessively hot beverages.
 Do not drink excessively cold water.

Etiquette Of Eating In the Company Of Others

 When you arrive at the table, greet those already seated with Assalmo Alaikum.
 After taking a helping from a dish or a pitcher, make sure to put it back at its
appropriate place so that others are not inconvenienced in any way.
 If you wish to serve yourself from a dish which is out of reach, do not stand up and
try to reach across the table to get to it. You should politely request someone else to
pass it to you.
 Try to keep conversation to a minimum during the meal. If you must speak, do not
talk with your mouth full.


 If there are elders accompanying you at the table, wait to serve yourself after they
have been served. Once you have finished, wait for them at the table before getting
up. If you need to leave, excuse yourself before leaving the table.
 If you are sitting at a dining table, place your chair without dragging it and seat
yourself comfortably. After finishing the meal, place the chair back under the table
so that it does not become an obstacle to others.
 Do not stare at someone who is eating.
 When invited do not bring along uninvited guests.

Etiquette of a Gathering/Meeting
 While arriving or leaving a gathering, greet every one with Assalmo Alaikum.
 If there is plenty of room in a gathering, then you can sit comfortably but if there isnt
that much space, then you should sit close to each other and make room for others.
 You should never ask someone to give up their place for you.
 You should sit wherever you can find empty space. You should not try to jump over
others to reach a good spot, nor try to squeeze between two people already seated.
 You should not eat onions, garlic or other strong smelling foods before going to a
 If you are asked to leave a gathering by someone who is in charge, then you should
obediently comply without feeling offended.
 If someone leaves a gathering temporarily and later returns, then he has a right to his
old seat. In this situation, that person should leave a handkerchief or any other article
at his place to indicate his intention to return.
 You should not whisper during a meeting. If it is necessary, then you should seek
permission to be excused and talk privately on one side.
 While a gathering is being addressed, listen attentively and do not interrupt. Talking
and other such disturbances are not permissible.
 You should not ask absurd questions or too many questions.
 You should not embarrass others by pointing to their shortcomings and weaknesses.
Similarly, do not expose your own faults in public.


 If someone is being accused or slandered then the correct response is to minimize the
 You should make it a point to talk about Allah and His commandments in a meeting.
 Lighthearted humor enhances the enjoyment and interest of the participants.
 One issue should be resolved and concluded before another is raised.
 Do not leave a meeting without a pressing need, which may leave you deprived of its
full benefit.
 If you must leave, then first obtain permission from the chairman.
 If something is being distributed in a gathering, then the distribution should begin
from the right hand side.
 In a gathering, abstain from belching, yawning, dozing off or flatulating. You should
not make fun of someone who does.
 Do not always try to occupy the place of honor.
 Try to be well dressed.
 Try to be in the company of righteous people by going to such meetings.
 If you find that signs of Allah are being ridiculed then leave such a meeting until at
least the subject changes.

Etiquette Of School and Learning

 Be punctual at school. Always leave at an appropriate time from home so that you are
not late for school.
 Keep a distance of at least one foot between your eyes and your books while reading.
 Try to abstain from reading or writing while lying down or bending down too much.
Similarly, do not read while moving around.
 Do not make it a habit to insert a pen, pencil or a coin in your mouth.
 Consult your optometrist if you experience frequent headaches after reading or if you
cannot read clearly off the blackboard.


 Do not read a newspaper or a book while walking.

 Try to abstain from bickering with your schoolmates and do not use abusive language
with them. You should respect your teachers and obey them.
 Work hard in your studies but do not become a book-worm. Try to participate in
extra-curricular activities as well.
 During quiet study time, refrain from talking.
 Try to remember that news journals and magazines are great resources to gain
knowledge. Try to read them often.
 Do not read books, letters or journals that belong to someone else without their
 Keep a personal diary with you at all times in which you can record entries that are
 Listen to lectures and addresses in your class attentively.
 Write clearly and neatly so that it is easily legible and the writing should be in straight
 Do not spoil your notebooks by tracing lines in them.
 If feasible for parents, they should provide each child with a shelf where they can
neatly place their books and toys. Periodically, they should review the items to make
sure that there are no such items that do not belong to their children.
 You should never cheat in an examination, because cheating is like stealing and
 Do not hesitate in asking your teacher if a concept is unclear to you.
 Try not to be absent from school unless there is a pressing excuse. Try to obtain
excused leave in the case of a valid absence.
 If there is a library in your town, then you should become its member.
 If after returning home from school, someone merely completes the homework and
studies no more, then that is an average student. If someone is able to finish all his
schoolwork and supplement it with extra study, then that is a smart student.


 Do not hand over your books to young children. If they insist on playing with books,
try to get picture books suitable to their age for them.
 Make friends with intelligent and well-behaved children.
 While reading or writing, the lamp should be on the left side so the light falls on the
book instead of in the eyes.
 In order to prepare for an examination, consult your teachers and other experienced
people to make a game plan for your studies.
 Say Assalmo Alaikum while entering a classroom.
 Keep your uniform clean and tidy.
 Try to cooperate in every effort to keep your classroom clean and beautiful. Do not be
the one who destroys the beauty and the cleanliness of the classroom.

Etiquette Of The Pathways

 Do not group together in the streets and sidewalks.
 Do not litter. If you see any litter or obstruction, it should be removed.
 Be the first to greet others on the street with Assalmo Alaikum. The one who is riding
a vehicle, a bicycle for example, should try to greet the pedestrian first; similarly, a
pedestrian should greet one who is seated and a smaller group should greet a larger
group of people.
 If someone asks for directions, try to help out. Be helpful to one in need of assistance.
 Try to avoid eating while walking. Abstain from relieving yourself near a pathway,
under a shady tree or any such place frequented by people.
 Try not to carry an object that may harm or otherwise inconvenience others.
 Do not point at others.
 If you are going up a slope, recite Allahu Akbar; while going down recite Subhnallah.
 Refrain from walking barefoot.
 Do not drag your feet.


 Wear a hat.
 Properly button-up your shirt and do not put your arms around your friends shoulder
while walking.

Etiquette Of Journey
 The Holy Prophetsa said:
Oh Allah! Bestow your blessings on the journeys of my people in the morning
time on the Thursdays.
 Recite Bismillah when getting into your car. Recite Allahu Akbar three times and then
the following prayer:
Glory be unto Allah who has subjugated this unto us, though we were unable to
subdue it. Behold! We are as surely to return unto our Lord!
 During a journey, if you are going up a slope, recite, Allahu Akbar, while going down
recite, Subhnallah. One should pray while on a journey because prayers of travelers
find special acceptance with Allah.
 Try to avoid night travel. If there are three or more travelers together on a journey,
one of them should be designated as the leader.
 During a journey, be kind to other travelers and help them if needed.
 Once the purpose of your journey is fulfilled, expedite your return.
 While on a journey, shorten your alt as per Islamic teachings.
 When traveling by train or bus, keep your head and arms inside the vehicle. While
crossing a street or railroad tracks, look both ways and make sure your passage is
 If you must stay with relatives during a journey, give them advanced notice of your
travel plans. You should also inform your household of your return.
 Do not neglect your luggage. Label your bags with your name and address before
starting out. Count the pieces of luggage and make a note of them.

 When returning from a journey, recite the following prayer:

We are returning, we repent of our sins, we worship and glorify our Lord
 Do not travel without proper ticket arrangements. Do not purchase a ticket for a
lower class and then try to sit in the upper class area.
 Do not disclose information about any cash or valuables you may be carrying and
beware of pickpockets.

Obedience to Parents and the Associated Etiquette

 God Almighty has repeatedly commanded us to obey our parents. Many Aadth also
say this.
 Allah Almighty says:
And We have enjoined on man to be good to his parents. (46: 15)
 The Holy Prophetsa said:
Paradise lies under the feet of your mother.
 Parents are an irreplaceable blessing of God. Allah grants a very high status to
parents in the Holy Qurn.
 The Holy Qurn states:
Thy Lord has commanded, Worship none but Him, and show kindness to
parents. (17:24)
 This means O mankind! God has ordained for you to worship Him alone and you
should be very kind to your parents. If both of them or either one of them reaches old
age in your lifetime, never say to them that they are a burden. Never be rude to them;
instead be respectful to them. Extend your uttermost obedience to them and love them
from the bottom of your heart. Always continue to pray to Allah that Oh my Lord,
have mercy on them since they raised me with kindness in my childhood.
 Service of parents and obedience to them is the duty of every child. Children should
not only outwardly obey their parents but should also consider it an obligation to
routinely pray for the parents with love and affection.

 Prayers that parents make for their children find special acceptance with Allah. The
love of parents for their children is a gift of God. Since parents can never bring
themselves to curse their children except under extreme circumstances, one must
dread their curse. Children should make every effort to collect as many prayers of
their parents as possible because these prayers can improve their future. The easiest
way to receive the prayers of ones parents is to obey them, serve them and love

Rights of the Neighbors

 Islm forbids us to be a source of annoyance or trouble to our neighbors.
 One should be kind and compassionate to them.
 We should be ready to protect the life, wealth, and honor of our neighbors.
 If something special has been cooked at home, then one should send some of it to the
neighbors as well.
 One should exchange gifts with them to form a mutual bond of love and affection.
 The Holy Prophetsa said: He shall not enter Paradise whose neighbor did not feel
safe from his mischief.
 One of the ways to achieve nearness to Allah is to be kind to ones neighbors.
 One should be caring and helpful to ones neighbors.
 If a neighbor is in need of financial assistance, one should try to extend them a loan,
if possible.
 If a neighbor is in need of anything, one should try to help them.
 If a neighbor is sick, they should be looked after.
 One should participate in the happy occasions of a neighbor.
 If a neighbor passes away, one should attend his/her funeral.


Etiquette of a Conversation
 Allah says:
And speak to men kindly (2:84)
 During a conversation, one should be truthful and straightforward as opposed to being
underhanded or misleading.
 Do not exaggerate.
 Refrain from indecent talk.
 Conversation should be righteous. A adth states that virtuous talk is charity and a
means to protect oneself from the Fire.
 Refrain from backbiting.
 Do not say anything during a conversation that may cause hurt.
 Do not lose your temper, as anger drives away good sense.
 Do not promote hearsay.
 Do not swear or take oaths.
 Try to adopt Islamic phrases in your conversation, such as






 Think before you speak. If you do not have anything useful to say it is better to
remain quiet.

 Clean and righteous speech makes one inherit the Paradise.

Etiquette of Business Transactions

 The Holy Qurn states:

And give full measure when you measure, and weigh with a right balance that is
best and most commendable in the end (17:36).
 Business deals or transactions should be reduced to writing. It is incumbent upon the
participants to keep such records safe.
 The Holy Qurn states:

Woe unto those who give short measure; Those who, when they take by
measure from other people, take it full; But when they give by measure to others
or weigh to them, they give them less. (83:2-4).
 When receiving something, express your thanks by saying Jazkumullah.
 Borrowed goods should be returned on time and in a condition that is at least as good
as when these were received, if not better.
 Give with the spirit of service to mankind. Do not be patronizing.
 Do not be strict with someone who is unable to return a loan on time. Allow them
appropriate grace period.
 Do not overstate or oversell your goods; be straightforward and clear in your
statements. Be sure to state any flaw in what you are trying to sell.
 Do not be lazy about returning a loan.
 The Holy Prophetsa has stated that an honest tradesman will be in the company of the
Prophets, the Righteous and the Martyrs. Therefore be truthful and honest in such
matters and fully discharge your trusts.


Etiquette of Appointments
 Make your scheduled appointments on time.
 Seek permission before entering peoples homes. If you are denied permission, you
should return without any hard feelings.
 When you arrive at a meeting, greet others with Assalmo Alaikum.
 Never go to an event or a meeting without being invited.
 During a meeting, pay attention to what is being discussed.
 Do not go to meetings dressed inappropriately or having eaten strong smelling foods.
 Ties of brotherhood and affection are strengthened with meeting others and negative
feeling of jealousy and rancor are removed.
 Do not visit others at inappropriate time, such as between Zuhr and Asr, after Isha or
before Fajr alt.

Etiquette Of Seeking Knowledge

Allah will raise those who believe from among you, and those to whom knowledge
is given, to degrees of rank. (58:12)

 The Holy Prophetsa has likened the status of one who seeks knowledge to those who
do jihd.
 In the pursuit of knowledge one should not hesitate to undergo physical hardship if
needed. The Holy Prophetsa said to seek knowledge even if you need to go to China (a
place that is far away) for its attainment.
 Knowledge is an endless treasure.
 The quest for knowledge requires a love for learning. A true desire to learn is
 Wisdom is the lost property of a believer; he should acquire it wherever he finds it.
 The Holy Prophetsa said: Seek knowledge, from the cradle till the grave.


 Effort and hard work are essential ingredients to learning. To gain knowledge one
should inculcate a love of reading.
 Taqw and pursuit of knowledge go together.
 Knowledge should be acquired in stages.
 Develop the habit of reflection and deliberation.
 Do not ridicule someone less knowledgeable than you.
 Serve others as much as possible by distributing your knowledge. Such a service does
not diminish your store of knowledge, rather it increases it.
 One of the etiquettes of seeking knowledge is to participate in secular and religious
conferences. One can become a scholar by keeping company with the learned.


Atfl Pledge

I solemnly pledge - that I shall always be ready to serve Islm, Amadiyyat, the nation
and the country. I shall always speak the truth. I shall not abuse anybody. And, I shall
strive to obey all the commandments of Khalfatul Mash. InshAllah.
Nasirt Pledge

I solemnly promise that I shall always keep myself ready to serve Islm, my nation and
my country and shall always adhere to truth. InshAllah.
The Kalimah Shahdah is repeated thrice and the English part of the pledge is repeated
Atfl and Nasirt should memorize their respective pledges. These pledges should be
taken in events organized by the auxiliary organizations.

Five Fundamental Moral Qualities


Clean and decent language
Tolerance and forbearance
Feeling the pain and suffering of others
High resolve and determination.


Conditions of Baiat
Amadiyya Muslim Community
By a rat Mirz Ghulam Amad of Qadian, The Promised Messiah and Mahd (peace
be upon him)
The initiate shall solemnly promise:





That he/she shall abstain from Shirk (association of any partner with God) right
up to the day of his/her death.
That he/she shall keep away from falsehood, fornication, adultery, trespasses of
the eye, debauchery, dissipation, cruelty, dishonesty, mischief and rebellion; and
will not permit himself/herself to be carried away by passions, however strong
they might be.
That he/she shall regularly offer the five daily prayers in accordance with the
commandments of God and the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be
upon him); and shall try his/her best to be regular in offering the Tahajjud (predawn supererogatory prayers) and invoking Dur d (blessings) on the Holy
Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him); that he/she shall make it
his/her daily routine to ask forgiveness for his/her sins, to remember the bounties
of God and to praise and glorify Him.
That under the impulse of any passions, he/she shall cause no harm whatsoever to
the creatures of Allah in general, and Muslims in particular, neither by his/her
tongue nor by his/her hands nor by any other means.
That he/she shall remain faithful to God in all circumstances of life, in sorrow and
happiness, adversity and prosperity, in felicity and trial; and shall in all conditions
remain resigned to the decree of Allah and keep himself/herself ready to face all
kinds of indignities and sufferings in His way and shall never turn away from it at
the onslaught of any misfortune; on the contrary, he/she shall march forward.
That he/she shall refrain from following un-Islamic customs and lustful
inclinations, and shall completely submit himself/herself to the authority of the
Holy Qurn ; and shall make the Word of God and the Sayings of the Holy
Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) the guiding principle in every
walk of his/her life.
That he/she shall entirely give up pride and vanity and shall pass all his/her life in
humbleness, cheerfulness, forbearance and meekness.
That he/she shall hold faith, the honor of faith, and the cause of Islm dearer to
him/her than his/her life, wealth, honor, children and all other dear ones.
That he/she shall keep himself/herself occupied in the service of God's creatures
for His sake only; and shall endeavor to benefit mankind to the best of his/her
God-given abilities and powers.



That he/she shall enter into a bond of brotherhood with this humble servant of
God, pledging obedience to me in everything good, for the sake of Allah, and
remain faithful to it till the day of his/her death; that he/she shall exert such a high
devotion in the observance of this bond as is not to be found in any other worldly
relationship and connections demanding devoted dutifulness.

(Translated from Ishtehr Takml-e-Tablgh, January 12, 1889)


Names of Allah



The Lord of the

The Gracious



The Merciful



Master of the Day

of Judgment
The Great Forgiver







The Source of
The Bestower of
The Protector


Al-Ba r

The All-Seeing



The All-Knowing





The Incomparably
The High



The Mighty



The Compassionate


Al- aqq

The Truth; The

The All-Hearing


The Healer


Oft-Returning with
The Acceptor of
The Perfectly Wise





The Most Forgiving



Ar-Razz q

The Provider


The Great


The Forebearing


The All-Powerful


The All-Aware


The Friend


The Witness


The Helper


The Sovereign

Al-W si

The Bountiful


The Self-Sufficient

H din

The Guide

Al-Kh liq

The Creator

Al-B si

The Fashioner

Al-Wahh b

The Expander;
The Enlarger (of
The Bestower

Al-Kh fi

The Abaser


The Bestower of
The Noble


The Reckoner

Al-Q dir

The Possessor of
Power and
The Most

Ash-Shak r





The Humiliator


The Guardian


The Giver of Life


Who keeps count

Al-am d

The Praised One


The Possessor of
All Strength
The Resurrector


Al-B ri

The Holy; The

Glorious; The Pure
The Maker


The Opener

Al-Q bi

The Constrictor

Al-Qahh r

The Subduer

Ar-R fi

The Exalter


Al-La f,

The Independent
and Besought of
The Lord of
The Preserver (of
the faculties of His
creation); The
The Subtle One


The Perfectly Wise

Al-Muj b

The Responder to
The Loving One

Subh n

Al-Jal l
Al-Muq t

Al-Wad d
Al-Mu d

The Repeater (of




Al-Mat n

The Originator (of

life); The Beginner
The Strong

Al-Wak l

The Trustee

Al-Maj d

The Glorious

Al-Mum t

The Taker of life





The Possessor of
Power and
The Manifest One



The First





The Provider of the

means of
The Only One


Al-Qayy m


Al-Raq b




Al- khir



AlThe Delayer
AlThe Omnipotent
The Glorious





The Self-Existing
The Watchful
The Hidden;
Revealer of Hidden

The Ever Living



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