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Ec10 Manual

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Data Version :V1.

5 Archived Date :2009-03-09BOM number :31011282

EC10 series can be programd controller user cheat manual for
this cheat manual for EC10 series PLC's design, installation, and maintenance of
the quick guide, easy to the premises to the required information for review. S
imple in the EC10 series PLC's hardware specifications, characteristics and how
to use. And have a switch accessories simple interface, frequently a suspected,
etc., can be used for reference. If you need more details on the product data, c
an reference my company a line of the EC10 series can be programd controller use
r manual, controlstar Programming Software User Manual, and the EC series small
can be programd controller programming manual for use. If needed, which can be o
btained from for part of query. You can also log http://www.emersonnetworkpower.
com.cn network site downloads PLC relevant technical data or highlight  PLC relev
ant problems.
1 product interface 
1.1-numbers specifier
product can specifier follows image below.
Ec1 0 -1 61 4B R A
Attach specifier :A:AC220V Power Input ;D:DC24V Power Input ;N: no external powe
r supply input output way :R: relays outputs;T: chipset which tube output ;N: in
valid output
unit type :B: Main Module ;E: expansion modules
outputs point number (example for 14 outputs contact)
Enter a point number (example for 16 input point)
Next Version: indicates that the mainstream module based on the inside or applie
d the inside, from A,b,c,...,z inside (mainstream module to default) version num
series numbers (1=micro ;2= small ;3= medium ;4= large)
arrow implied derived can be programd controller identification :(emerson contro
ller module)
Dear User:
Hello!   you select the arrow implied from cyber energy co product. To learn about
product at the quality conditions, better to your server, do you in appliance r
un 1 month time for more complete this form and either mail or fax it to our cus
tomer service center, when we receive your complete complete the product quality
highlight  units for use as, we will send you sent a free 17th century idea of,
to indicate that it's truly  means.
If you can pair we improve product quality world's leading service quality of bu
ilt-in below, you have panel will get a category pick of the year activation.
Arrow implied from cyber energy Co Ltd
Customer Service Center
product quality highlight  single
user name telephone
user address mailproduct name and mounting can date
panel is number
includes an intuitive or applied
product performance
product packaging
product data
in-use quality conditions
you to the product of the fall back into that see or recommended

1.2 form applied

EC10 series main module form factor applied as icons shown (To Ec10-1614bra for
The power supply input terminals PORT0 signaling outputs input signal status mod
e voltage selection switch on-status light
system job status picture-in-line socket status light output signal status indic
PORT1 simulates the is signal output jack
PORT0 and PORT1 a communication port. Port0 to RS232 the flat, outlet for mini D
Provide PORT1 RS485 and RS232 two of the flat. Picture-in-line socket used to co
nnect external expansion modules. Module-voltage selection switch is ON, TM, OFF
three files.
1.16 point main module to arrange input terminals:
COM S/s X0 X2 X4 X6 X10 +24 V X1 X3 YOUR X7 X11
output jack:
Y0 Y1 Y2 Y3 Y5 COM 0 COM 1 COM 2
hex bolts Y4 contact main module to arrange input terminals:
S/s X0 X2 X4 X6 X10 X12 X14 X1 X3 YOUR X7 X11 X13 X15
output jack:
+24 V Y0 Y1 Y2 Y4 Y6 Y10 COM COM0COM1COM 2 Y3 Y5 Y7 Y11
3.30contact main module to arrange input terminals:
COM S/s X0 X2 X4 X6 X10 X12 X14 X16 +24V X1 X3 YOUR X7 X11 X13 X15 X17
output jack:
Y0 Y1 Y2 Y4 Y6 Y10 Y12 Y14
COM0COM1COM 2 Y3 Y5 Y7 COM 3 Y11 Y13 Y15
4.40 point main module to arrange input terminals:
S/s X0 X2 X4 X6 X10 X12 X1 X3 YOUR X7 X11 X13
X14 X16 X20 X22 X24 X26 X15 X17 X21 X23 X25 X27
output jack:
+24 V Y0 Y1 Y2 Y4 COM COM0COM1COM 2 Y3 Y5
Y6 Y10 Y12 Y14 Y16 Y7 COM 3 Y11 Y13 Y15 Y17
5.60 point main module to arrange input terminals:
COM S/s X0 X2 X4 X6 X10 X12 X14 X16 +24V X1 X3 YOUR X7 X11 X13 X15 X17
X20 X22 X24 X26 X30 X32 X34 X36 X40 X42 X21 X23 X25 X27 X31 X33 X35 X37 X41 X43

output jack:
Y0 Y1 Y2 Y4 Y6 Y10 COM0COM 1COM 2 Y3 Y5 Y7 COM 3 Y11
Y12 Y14 Y16 Y20 Y22 Y24 Y26 Y13 Y15 Y17 COM 4 Y21 Y23 Y25 Y27
6.30 point (with analog) main module to arrange input terminals:
COM S/s X0 X2 X4 X6 X10 +24V X1 Your X3 X7 X11 X13
X12 X14 X16 AVI1- AVI2- X15 X17 AV1+ AI1+ AV2+ AI2+
output jack:
Y0 Y1 Y2 Y4 Y6 COM0COM1COM 2 Y3 Y5 Y7 COM 3
Y10 Y12 Y14 AVO +AIO + Y11 Y13 Y15 AO 2 power supply specifications,
main module built-in power supply electrical specifications and the main module
provides the expansion modules for the power supply specifications are shown in
the following table.
Items unit that the minimum value typical maximum value comments input voltage r
ange vac 85 220 264 normal enable panel and work range input stream A//1.5 wide
input, Full Load Output Rating 5V/GND MA/900/5V/GND, 24V/GND two outputs used in
total power may not be 10.4W. Outputs 24V/GND MA/300/power maximum output power

is for each router current 24V/COM MA/600/full load of and, as 24.8W

3 switch for Input Output characteristics
3.1 input characteristics and signaling specifications,
enter the characteristics and signaling specifications, as shown in the followin
g table.
Items high-speed input side X0~x7 ordinary input side signal input method power/stop-based approach, the user can be S/s\\\\\\"terminals are selected to detect
voltage approved electrical input impedance 3.3k 4.3k parameters input on exter
nal loop power is less than 400 ohm external loop power is less than 400 ohm inp
ut OFF external loop power is greater than 24k external loop power is greater th
an 24k X0~x7 have numbers being wave functions, being wave time can be 0ms, 8ms,
16ms, being wave numbers being wave 32ms, 64Ms by a user programmable settings
feature hardware being wave remove X0~x7 other than the port is hardware being wa
ve, being wave time approximately 10X0~x7 to you the possibility express count o
f, uninterrupted, both capture features X0, X1 port count of high frequency step
between adjacent channels to express features X2~x5 port count of high frequenc
y up to 10khz input frequency bus and require less than 60khz only a public side
, to COM public terminals
counters input port with the highest frequency limitations. When input frequency
longer than the limit then, may cause count of no, or the system cannot normal
run, please organize input port, select the proper external sensors.
Plc provides a port S/s\\\\\\"the row to select a number of input method, you ca
n set to power your input method or stop-input method. Will the S/s" and "+24V"
is connected, is set to stop-enter the top-down, can connect BIPOLAR NPN-sensor.
Module internal for power-up method +24V users with a device power +24V power-up
24V+ approved 24V+
COM 24Vapproved auxiliary power supply dc COM 24V- Auxiliary Power
S/s 24V S/s
sensor sensor
X X quarantine the router quarantine the router
using module internal power supply the source-based on-line image using an exter
nal auxiliary power of power-based on-line image
module content part for the stop-the method of your external method +24V +24V 24
V+ approved 24V+ approved users with a device power
COM COM 24V- auxiliary power 24V- Auxiliary Power S/s S/s dc
sensor X conventional sensor quarantine the router X quarantine the router
using module internal power supply the stop-based on-line image using an externa
l auxiliary power of your input wire image input connectors examples of the imag
e to be Ec10-1614bra plus a Ec10-0808ern connections, you the possibility simple
registration control the example. The programming code is the location signalin
g through X0, X1 Express count of end-sub detection, need to quickly highlight t
he traverse a signal to the X2~x7 high-speed terminals, user signaling rules can
be distributed to enter the port.
Public client can be in the terminal schedule connectors
numbered quantity is +24V VGND
AC - N sensor
AC - L
L N 24V COM S/s S/s
X0 X1 X2 X34 X16X17 X0 X1 X7
+24V Ec10-1614bra Ec10-0808ern
+5V switch power supply
Y0COM0 Y1COM1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6 Y7COM2 Y10Y11 COM3 Y0 Y1 Y2 COM

3.2 outputs characteristics and signaling specifications,

relays and chipset which managed two different output types than a as shown in t
he following table.
Items relays your chipset which tube-Outputs method outputs status to "ON" when
importing call;outputs status to "OFF". Disconnect the minutes have several grou
ps, each group has a public side COMN, accommodate different power-control the r
outer, public side of public-the behavior of quarantine voltage characteristics
220vac, 24vdc, not actively security requirements 24vdc, are extremely security
request current requests per outputs electrical regulations of request to use fe
atures difference between motive voltage high, the flow a larger motive current
small, frequency high, Command Length drivers in time relays, contact the contro
l server amplifiers, presented automatically as the apply projects loop, indicat
ors, and so on by a frequency is not high  etc. request frequency high, Command L
ength of apply places be inoperative with outputs electrical specifications rang
e as shown in the following table.
Items relays-Outputs chipset which tube-output circuit power supply voltage 250v
ac,30vdc 5~24vdc below the router behavior of relays burglary attempt are detect
ed behavior of light coupled behavior of relays outputs contacts down to the ind
icator light coupled be motive time indicators point goes into, lights go on wit
h the router is leaking flow/smaller than 0.1ma/30vdc minimum be inoperative 2MA
/5VDC 5MA(5~24VDC) Y0, Y1:0.3a/1 contact 2A/1 contact other :0.3A/1, 0.8A/4, 1.2
A/6, the maximum block be inoperative 8A/4 contact group public side 1.6A/8 cont
act. 8 point or more each 1 points allow Bus outputs 8A/8 contact group public-c
urrent increase 0.1A current sensibility be inoperative 220VAC,80VA Y0, Y1:7.2w/
24vdc. Other :12W/24VDC the lamps be inoperative 220VAC,100W Y0, Y1:0.9w/24vdc.
Other :1.5W/24VDC response OFF AE ON 20ms limit required max Y0, Y1:10?s time ON
OFF 20ms limit required max other :0.5Ms Y0, Y1 Maximum Output/per channel 100K
hz Frequency Y0-com0. Y1-com1. Y2 to try to every 8 port the client using the 1
outputs public side of public side, each public end of time to quarantine cannot
blow disconnect is protected output connector example the image is Ec10-1614bra
plus a Ec10-0808ern only the way, different output group to a different signali
ng voltage circuit. The outputs group (such as Y0-com0) connections in approved
loop, and by the controller 24V-COM power. The outputs group (such as Y1-com1) c
onnections in 5vdc low voltage signaling circuit. And Other outputs group (such
as Y2~y7) connections in 220vac AC voltage signaling circuit. That is, different
output group can work on different voltages and more advanced circuit.

AC - N
AC - L
L N 24V COM S/s S/s
X0 X1 X2 X34 X16X17 X0 X1 X7
+24V Ec10-1614bra Ec10-0808ern
+5V switch power supply
Y0COM0 Y1COM1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6 Y7COM2 Y10Y11 COM3 Y0 Y1 Y2 COM
AC - L
AC - N +24V +5V
public client can be in the terminal schedule connections to various low-voltage
control loop 220V ac control be inoperative loop
4 analog of Input Output characteristics
4.1 simulates volume on the specifier

EC10 series PLC product, provides a AD/DA features of the main module, can be me
t for the user in the event of a message volume control requirements when the sm
all, low-cost, a physical optimized solutions.
Support analog of input output can be programd controller-based numbers are show
n in the following table.
Analog output of the analog volume outputs can channel number voltage input curr
ent input channel number Voltage Output Current Output Ec10-1614bra1 2 1 2 1
simulates volume for user-defined as shown in the following table.
End of the description of the tip specifier AV1+ input channel 1 voltage signal
input side of the channel voltage Schwab module module AVO+ AI1+ input channel 1
the flow signal input side of output-stamped stamped AVI1- input channel 1 publ
ic to end outputs channel current Schwab volume of AIO+ AV2+ input channel 2 vol
tage signal input side of output side of input AI2+ input channel 2 the flow sig
nal input side of the channel public and easily onto the AO- AVI2- input channel
2 public to side specifier:
for each input channel and general, voltage and current Schwab numbers cannot be
same timeout, when the tests of the flow signal time, connect channel voltage s
ignal input side and the flow signal input side short calls.
4.2 simulates of input output specifications,
message volume input output specifications, as shown in the following table.
Items that the highest converter AD converter speed 2 a channel bus of 4ms speed
DA converter speed 4ms/ channel -10~+10vdc( input impedance is smaller than 200
k ), input voltage input into signaling frequency <10HZ. Warning: When input v
oltage longer than analog input 15vdc time, this unit may cause damage range -20
~+20MA( input impedance is 250 ohm), enter a signal current input frequency <
10HZ. Warning: When input stream longer than 30MA time, this unit is likely to c
ause damage analog output voltage output -10~+10vdc( external negative load impe
dance is duplicated on ~1M ) Range Current outputs 0~20ma( external negative load
impedance is 500 ohm or smaller) digital outputs, enter a range -10000~+10000 v
oltage input 5mv differentiate rate the flow of the 10?A Voltage Output 5mv diff
erentiate rate the flow outputs 10 a analog input DC -10~+10V, -20~+20MA: 1% total
physical precision analog outputs met 1% simulates the router and a number the ro
uter be running out the coupler are other quarantine spam quarantine. Analog cha
nnel. There is no quarantine
5 communication port
EC10 series PLC main module provides two serial line will step communication por
t, respectively for PORT0 and PORT1, support ushered in an increase in rate :115
200, 57600, 38400, 19200, 9600, 4800, 2400, 1200Bps. The PORT0 communication agr
eement by mode voltage selection switch determines, see the image.
5 mode selection switch to a 2 8
4 7 guidelines footer number name description
1 3 6 3 GND ground the footer string line data receive the
A-zoom in 4 RXD footer (RS232 to can be programd controller) string line data se
nt the
PORT1 5 TXD footer (can be programd controller to RS232)
RS232 to RS485 to 1, 2, 6, not as defined in the footer, hold 7, 8 prohibits a u
ser connected PORT0 as user programming the profession the interface, can be
mode selection switch will force the max programming agreement. Plc run status a
nd PORT0 use agreement relational as shown in the following table.
Mode selection switch location status PORT0 nrun agreement by user processes and
their system configuration determines . can be programd agreement, ON run MODBU
S agreement, free port agreement, N:N cyber agreement (ECBUS) TM(ON TM run force
to switch to programming oral agreement TM(OFF will stop if the process of syst
em setup to free oral agreement, you stop OFF Stop then automatically to switch
to programming oral agreement, no rules in system setup of agreement do not vary

PORT1 supported integrated with a communication features of derived from Bosch a

ppliance connections to use, such as changing video is, with MODBUS agreement or
RS485 port free agreement, to more than one device to set the control. The port
is tighten screws securing the terminals, communication signal cable may be use
d by a user to create, it is recommended that use unshielded twisted pair delive
rs an enclosure line as a communication port connection cable.
Note The ,PORT1 RS232 to RS485 port must not be in use. No end-device can also b
e external power cable, no rules may cause communication will often.
6 Install
the PLC design for mounting environmental II standard, contamination Threat Leve
l 2 Apply projects.
6.1 size specifications
can extension w high-set aside to Ec10-1006bra, 125.5Mm 90Mm 71.2Mm 440g Ec10-10
06bta Ec10-1410bra, 135Mm 90Mm 71.2Mm 470g Ec10-1410bta, Ec10-1614bra, 150Mm 90M
m 71.2Mm 520g Ec10-1614bta, Ec10-2416bra, 182Mm 90Mm 71.2Mm 590g Ec10-2416bta, E
c10-3624bra, 224.5Mm 90Mm 71.2Mm 650g Ec10-3624bta,
6.2 installation method
in the DIN slot mounting fixed general conditions with 35mm w, DIN slot is insta
lled, as follows image below.
Card or uncovers for card or uncovers for
35mm w DIN slot voltage drop the DIN slot snaps plug out DIN slot card clip
physical installation procedure as follows:
1. The DIN slot horizontal fixed for installation on the back panel; 2. Connect
module bottom underneath the DIN slot snaps plug out; 3. The module will suspend
to DIN; 4. Will snap voltage back into its original position, lock the module;
5. The longer module two of the DIN slot card documentation for fixed, avoid sli
de left or right.
Other EC10 series can be programd controller can click the above procedure is DI
N slot.
With the screw choice mounting fixed for may present a larger both vectors proje
cts, you can with the screw hole mounting method. The securing screw tighten bee
n PLC housing two screw holes to the electrical doors the back panel, tighten si
ze M3. As image below.

M3 screws choice to
4 mounting hole M3 screws choice fixed
6.3 the cable connectors and specifications,
connect the power supply lines and ground wire AC power and auxiliary power conn
ection illustration below image below.
Ac - N AC - L
L PG N 24V COM S/s S/s 24V COM PG X0 X7 XN XM
+24V +5V Ec10-4ad switch power supply GND Ec10-4da EC10- Ec10-4am Ec10-1614bra 0
808ERN Ec10-4tc
setting reliable earth ground lines can be enhancements appliance security, incr
ease PLC the anti-protected deployment capabilities, mounting timeout PLC the po
wer to connected to earth physical, it is recommended that you use AWG12~16-conn
ected wires, and while there's may reduce small should wire length. It is recomm
ended that a separate grounding device, wiring, to avoid contact with other devi
ces (especially curd protected deployment a force the appliance) ground lines ar
e public router monitors, as follows image below.
Plc other appliances PLC other appliances PLC other appliances
best potential for the worst cable specifications on-line PLC use of the wiring
line is, it is recommended that use more shares  wires, and pre-based behavior of

end-header, so they can be assured that the line quality. Referral option for i
mporting the wire and peripherals and your numbers are shown in the following ta
Line cable wires and recommending should wire numbers using the wire terminal an
d heat compression tube ac power supply H1.5/14 predefined behavior of tube stat
us of overhead, or wire plugs 1.0~2.0mm AWG12, 18 (L, N)   processing H2.0/14 prede
fined behavior of tube status of overhead, or line overhead ground wire (2.0mm) A
WG12   processing input signal line (X) 0.8~1.0Mm AWG18, 20 UT1-3 or OT1-3 cold vol
tage-header, Y ) 0.8~1.0Mm AWG18, 20 3 or 4 heat compression tube output signal l
ine (
will be carried out better cable plugs to tighten screws securing the PLC the wi
re terminal, note screws choice location is correct, screw choice of thumbscrews
moments in 0.5~0.8NM, assurance that reliable connections, and do not get damag
ed tighten.
Recommending the cable-based devices as follows image below.
Ut cold voltage-prong heat compression tube line numbers used should wire 18
not more than 5.0 OT cold voltage-prong heat compression tube not more than 5.0
H-predefined behavior of cold voltage-header
682 lines header   Should wire PG
7 on the run and routine post 2050
7.1 on the operation of
wire complete followed by items check connection to, make sure no resolutions of
the panel enclosure content, heat-through .
1. Connect PLC power ,PLC POWER lights should contact goes on.
2. Start the on your PC, the controlstar software, will be kept for better user
process downloads to PLC.
3. The upload process calibration verification complete, the mode voltage select
ion switch connects to the ON-,RUN lights should contact is, if ERR lights go on
with, stating that a user or system has mistakes, please click the Ec20/ec10 se
ries can be programd controller programming reference manual for specifier exclu
de mistakes, until you are sure to stop.
4. Then put PLC external system power-up, turn the system debug.
7.2 routine post 2050
routine post 2050 review should note below for:
1. Warranty Verification PLC controller working environment of integrated , avoid
resolutions, dust from falling panel content; 2. Keep can be programd controlle
r well-ventilated heat; 3. All wire connectors and wire terminal to securely, st
atus good.
1 chipset which tube output given access to AC circuit, such as 220VAC. Please g
iven grid reference Snapshot electrical parameters request design output loop, c
annot be pressure or flow.
2 Relays Contacts Presented operation will be treated-influences its use command
, ensure fair use.
3 relays contacts can only be connected in less than 2A, be inoperative. Need mo
re connected be inoperative time, please on the outside the contact or in time r
4 is currently relays contacts the flow through hours, cannot guarantee that the
ir reliable wizard. It is recommended that design contacts the flow greater than

The user must know

1. Warranty range that can be programd controller this expanded.
2. Warranty period is 18-month, warranty period content normal use case, product
is faulty or damaged, i company from top service.
3. Warranty Period Start time is product manufacturing factory date, panel is nu
mbered quantity is positive disconnect warranty period of unique by data, not pa
nel is numbered quantity of the appliance by a post processing.
4. Even if the warranty period content, such as is in the following conditions,
will receive a service at:
l do not press the user manual for the cause of the panel to fail; l for fire, w
ater fire, voltage will often wait in the panel is damaged;l will can be program
d control cannot be non-functional capabilities in the damage.
5. Server at press physical at the machine, such as a contract, to contract prio
rity of the process.
6. Do you services must keep this card, and the warranty is presented to service
7. If you have any problems to communicate with distributors contact, can also b
e directly to my company contact.

Data Version :V1.5 Archived Date :2009-03-09BOM number :31011282 edition quarant
ines all, reserves all rights. Content such as a fall back automatically, withou
t notice.

EC10 series PLC quick start

user manual
this quick start manual is to offer you a quick guide to the) installation, conn
ection and entitlements are offered with of EC10 series PLC, convenient for On-s
ite reference. briefly introduced in this booklet are the hardware specs, featur
es, and usage of EC10 series PLC, plus the optional parts and AQ for your refer
ence. for detailed product information, please refer to our EC10 series PLC user
manual, controlstar programming software user manual, and EC series Micro-plc m
anual. programming for ordering the above user manuals, contact your emerson dis
tributor or sales office.
1.1model designation
the model designation is shown in the following figure.
EC 10 - 1 6 14 B R A power input mode (A: 220Ac input
approved input) N: no external power input.
vary mode. r: relay ( T:
transistor ( N: no (
b: type. basic module. E: extension module

(points. in this example, 14.

input points. in this example, 16
Sub-version number, indicating functional or structural change, by changing the
order of an A, B C... Z. when empty, it indicates no sub-version change.
version number.
series number. 1: mini
2: small
3: mid 4: large.
emerson controller module
to customers:
thank you for choosing our products. to improve the product and provide better s
ervice for you, could you please fill in the forms after the product has been op
erated for 1 month, and mail or fax it to Our customer service center? We will s
end you an exquisite souvenir upon receiving the complete product quality feedba
ck form. furthermore, if you can give us some advices on improving the product a
nd service quality, you will be awarded a special gift. thank you very much!
Emerson network power Co., Ltd.
product quality feedback forms
customer name tele
address zip code model date of use
machine SN the or structure triax
quality problem during usage
suggestion about improvement
address: no.1 kefa rd., science & industry park, nanshan district, 518057, s
henzhen, PRC.TEL: +86 755 86010581
1.2 outline
the outline of the basic module is shown in the following figure by taking the e
xample of Ec10-1614bra.
power supply terminals
mode selection input terminals PORT 0 input status indicators switch
extension port system status indicators (status indicators
PORT 1 variable analog (terminals
PORT0 and PORT1 are communication terminals. PORT0 uses RS232 mode with mini DIN
8 socket. PORT1 uses RS485 or RS232 mode. the busbar Socket is for connecting th
e extension module. the mode selection switch has three positions: ON, TM and O
1.3terminal introduction the layouts of terminals of different I/O points are sh
own below:
1) 16-Point
input terminal:
COM S/s X0 X2 X4 X6 X10 +24 V X1 X3 YOUR X7 X11
Y0 Y1 Y2 Y3 Y5 COM 0 COM 1 COM 2 Y4 2) 24-Point
input terminal:
S/s X0 X2 X4 X6 X10 X12 X14 X1 X3 YOUR X7 X11 X13 X15
vary terminal:
+24 V Y0 Y1 Y2 Y4 Y6 Y10 COM COM 0COM1COM 2 Y3 Y5 Y7 Y11
3) 30-Point
input terminal:
COM S/s X0 X2 X4 X6 X10 X12 X14 X16 +24V X1 X3 YOUR X7 X11 X13 X15 X17

vary terminal:
Y0 Y1 Y2 Y4 Y6 Y10 Y12 Y14
COM0COM1COM 2 Y3 Y5 Y7 COM 3 Y11 Y13 Y15
4) 40-Point
input terminal:
S/s X0 X2 X4 X6 X10 X12 X1 X3 YOUR X7 X11 X13
X14 X16 X20 X22 X24 X26 X15 X17 X21 X23 X25 X27
vary terminal:
+24 V Y0 Y1 Y2 Y4 COM COM0COM1COM 2 Y3 Y5
Y6 Y10 Y12 Y14 Y16 Y7 COM 3 Y11 Y13 Y15 Y17
5) 60-Piont
input terminal:
COM S/s X0 X2 X4 X6 X10 X12 X14 X16 +24V X1 X3 YOUR X7 X11 X13 X15 X17
X20 X22 X24 X26 X30 X32 X34 X36 X40 X42 X21 X23 X25 X27 X31 X33 X35 X37 X41 X43

Y0 Y1 Y2 Y4 Y6 Y10 COM0COM1COM 2 Y3 Y5 Y7 COM 3 Y11
Y12 Y14 Y16 Y20 Y22 Y24 Y26 Y13 Y15 Y17 COM 4 Y21 Y23 Y25 Y27
6) 30-Point (including analog signal terminals)
input terminal:
COM S/s X0 X2 X4 X6 X10 +24V X1 X3 YOUR X7 X11 X13
X12 X14 X16 AVI1- AVI2- X15 X17 AV1+ AI1+ AV2+ AI2+
vary terminal:
Y0 Y1 Y2 Y4 Y6 COM0COM1COM 2 Y3 Y5 Y7 COM 3
Y10 Y12 Y14 AVO +AIO + Y11 Y13 Y15 AO 2power supply
the specification of PLC Built-in power and power for extension modules is liste
d in the following table.
assigned item opens min. max. note power supply vac 85 220 264 normal startup an
d operation voltage input current A//1.5 input: 90vac, 100
5V/GND MA/900/the total power of outputs (5V/GND and 24V/GND 24V/GND MA/300/curr
ent 10.4W. (max. power:
24V/COM MA/600/24.8W (Sum of all branches)
3digital inputs & outputs
3.1 input characteristic and specification
the input characteristic and specs are shown as follows:
High-speed input item general input terminal terminals X0~x7 input mode source m
ode or sink mode, set through S/s terminal approved input voltage input 3.3k 4.3
k impedance external circuit resistance <400 ohm electric input parameters on
input OFF external circuit resistance > 24k X0~x17 have digital filtering fu
nction. filtering time: 0, Digital filter filtering ng 16, 32 or 64ms by through
user programme) function hardware input terminals other created after X0 ~ X17
are of hardware filter filtering. filtering time: about 8ms X0~x7: high-speed co
unting, interrupt, and pulse catching High-speed function x0 and X1: up to step
between adjacent channels counting the X2~x5: up to 10khz counting the the sum o
f input frequency should be less created after 60khz common terminal only one co
mmon terminal: COM
the input terminal act as a counter has a limit over the maximum frequency. any
frequency higher created after that may result in incorrect counting or bo syste
m operation. make sure that the input terminal arrangement is reasonable and ext
ernal sensors are used proper.
input connection example
the following diagram shows An example of Ec10-1614bra in connection with an Ec1
0-0808ern, which realizes simple positioning control. the positioning signals fr

om the PG are input through high speed counting x0 terminals and X the limit swi
tch signals that require high-speed make no guarntee can be input through high-s
peed terminals X2 ~ X7. other user signals can be input through any other input
use terminal block to connect common terminals
AC - N
AC - L
L N 24V COM S/s S/s
X0 X1 X2 X34 X16 X17 X0 X1 X7
+24V Ec10-1614bra Ec10-0808ern switching +5V
power supply GND
Y0COM0 Y1COM1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6 Y7COM2 Y10 Y11 COM3 Y0 Y1 Y2 COM
3.2 (characteristic and
the specification Following table shows the relay vary and transistor output.
item relay (transistor (which may vary when (state is ON, the circuit is closed
OFF, open mode at regular listening levels divided multiple groups, iterating th
rough existing with a common terminal common COMN, suitable for control circuits
with different potentials. terminal all common terminals are isolated from iter
ating through existing other 220vac 24vdc, no voltage 24vdc, correct polarity au
thenticating polarity requirement current give accord with (electric specs (see
following table) high driving voltage, small driving current, high frequency, di
fference large current long lifespan loads with low action loads with high frequ
ency and long the such as life, such as control servoamplifier application inter
mediate relay, and electromagnet that action contactor coil, and LEDS frequently
the electric specs Of outputs is shown in the following table.
item relay (terminal transistor (terminal switched voltage below 250vac, 30vdc 5
~24vdc circuit isolation by relay photocoupler relay (contacts LED is on when op
tical pass-thru operation closed, indication LED on coupler is driven leakage cu
rrent of open/less created after 0.1ma/30vdc circuit minimum load 2MA/5VDC 5MA (
5~24VDC) Y0, Y1: 0.3A/1 point 2A/1 point others: 0.3A/1 point, 8A/4 points, usin
g a 0.8A/4 point, 1.2A/6 point, resistive load COM 1.6A/8 point. above 8 8A/8 po
ints, using a points, total current COM increases 0.1A at iterating through exis
ting point increase Y0, Y1: 7.2W/24VDC inductive load 220vac, 80VA others: 12W/2
4VDC Y0, Y1: 0.9W/24VDC (max. current illumination load 220vac, 100W others: 1.5
W/24VDC make no guarntee OFF AE ON 20ms limit required max Y0, Y1: 10Us time ON
OFF 20ms limit required max others: 0.5ms Y0, Y1 (max./iterating through existin
g channel: 100Khz frequency Y0-COM0
Y1-com1. after Y2, steering 8 terminals (com
mon terminal use one isolated common terminal no fuse protection (connection exa
the following diagram shows an example of Ec10-1614bra in connection with an Ec1
0-0808ern. (different groups can be connected to different signal circuits with
different voltages. some (Like Y0-com0) are connected to the approved circuit po
wered by local 24V-COM, some (Like Y1-com1) are connected to the 5vdc low voltag
e signal circuit, and others (Like Y2~y7) are connected to the 220vac voltage si
gnal circuit.

AC - N
AC - L
L N 24V COM S/s S/s
X0 X1 X2 X34 X16X17 X0 X1 X7
+24V Ec10-1614bra Ec10-0808ern switching +5V

power supply GND

Y0COM0 Y1COM1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6 Y7COM2 Y10Y11 COM3 Y0 Y1 Y2 COM
AC - L
AC - N +24V +5V
use terminal block to connect common terminals
various low voltage control circuits 220vac control load circuit
4analog inputs & outputs
4.1usage of analog terminals
EC10 series PLC provides the basic module with integated AD/DA function, serving
as a small-scale total solution with low cost for users who need to control the
analog signal.
PLCS that support input and vary of analog signals are listed below:
Analog Input analog (model channel channel V input I input V input I input numbe
r representing Ec10-1614bra1 2 1 2 1 Ec10-1614bta1
the user after selecting terminals to analog signals are program selected below.
terminal note terminal note AV1+ input voltage CH1: may vary CH: volt AVO+ AI1+
input CH1: current input signal (AVI1- input CH1: common ground (CH: AIO+ AV2+ C
H2: input voltage input current (AI2+ input CH2: current input analog input AVI2
- input CH2: common ground (CH: AO- common GND analog (
never input signal voltage and current signal to the same channel simultaneously
. when measuring the current signal, short the voltage signal input terminal wit
h The current signal input terminal
4.2analog signal input & (specs
the analog signal input and (specs is listed in the following table.
item the max. AD conversion 4ms/2 channels conversion DA conversion 4ms/channel
speed -10 ~ 10vdc (input impedance tdp 200k ), input voltage input signal freq. &
lt;10hz. warning: the diluent could be analog damaged with input voltage >15vd
c input-20 ~ 20MA (input impedance: 250 ohm), input range current input signal f
req. <10hz. warning: the diluent could be damaged with input voltage >30MA
analog voltage (-10~10vdc(external load impedance:2k ~1M ) (current (0 ~ 20MA (ex
ternal load impedance: 500 ohm) range digital range -10000 ~ 10voltage I/O 5MV r
esolution current I/O 10 a total analog input DC-10 ~ 10V,-20 ~ 20MA: 1
analog (1 dates analog circuit and digital circuit: optical pass-thru isolation d
ates coupler. analog channels: none
5communication port
EC10 series PLC basic module has two serial asynchronous communication ports: PO
RT0 and PORT1. supported baud rates:
115200 bps 57600 bps 38400 bps 19200 bps 9600 bps 4800 bps 2400 bps 1200 bps
the mode selection switch determines the communication protocol.
5 2 8 mode selection A
4 7 pin no. name the switch 1 3 6 3 GND ground serial data
A amplified 4 RXD receiving pin (from RS232 to PLC)
serial data
PORT1 5 TXD transmitting pin (from PLC to RS232)
RS232 terminal RS485 terminal 1,2,6, undefined pin, reserved 7, 8 leave it suspe
As a terminal dedicated to user programming, PORT0 can be converted to programmi
ng protocol through the mode selection switch.
the relationship dates PLC operation status and the protocol used by PORT0 is sh
own in the following table.
mode selection status PORT0 operation protocol (switch targeting motions program
ming protocol, or modbus protocol, or Free-port protocol, or N: N network protoc
ol ON running (ECBUS), as determined by user program and system configuration ON
TM running converted to programming protocol OFF TM stop if the system configur

ation of user program is Free-port protocol, it converts to programming OFF stop

action automatically after stop
or system protocol keeps unchanged
PORT1 is ideal for connection with authorized that can communicate (such as inve
rters). with modbus protocol or RS485 Terminal free protocol, it can control mul
tiple devices through the network. its terminals are fixed with screws. you can
use a shielded twisted-pair as the signal cable to connect communication ports b
y yourself.
note: never use RS232 terminal and RS485 at the same time. besides, suspend the
unused terminals, or communication could be interrupted.
PLC is applicable to installation category LEADS II, pollution degree 2.
6.1 installation dimensions
model length width height weight watchers Ec10-1006braec 125.5Mm 90Mm 71.2Mm 440
g 10-1006BTA EC10-1410BRAEC 135Mm 90Mm 71.2Mm 470g 10-1410BTA EC10-1614BRAEC 150
Mm 90Mm 71.2Mm 520g 10-1614BTA EC10-2416BRAEC 182Mm 90Mm 71.2Mm 590g 10-2416BTA
EC10-3624BRAEC 224.5Mm 90Mm 71.2Mm 650g 10-3624BTA
6.2 installation method
DIN rail mounting
generally you can mount the PLC onto a 35mm-wide (DIN), rail As shown in the fol
lowing figure.
rail top rail stop
pull out the 35mm DIN rail press back the DIN rail clip DIN rail clip screw fixi
fixing the PLC with screws can stand entries created after shock DIN rail mounti
ng. use M3 screws through the mounting holes on PLC enclosure to fix the PLC ont
o the backboard of the electric cabinet, as shown in the following figure.
fix with M3 bolt
4 installation hole fix with M3 bolt

6.3cable connection and specification

connecting power cable and grounding cable
the connection of AC power and immediately after power is demonstrated in the fo
llowing figure.
AC - N AC - L
L PG N 24V COM S/s S/s 24V COM PG X0 X7 XN XM
+24V switching +5V Ec10-4ad
power supply GND Ec10-4da EC10- Ec10-4am Ec10-1614bra 0808ERN Ec10-4tc
connect the PLC terminal to the grounding electrode. to ensure reliable groundin
g cable connection, which makes the authorized safer and protects it from EMI, u
se AWG12~16 cable, and make the cable as short as possible. use independent grou
nding. avoid sharing route with the grounding cable of other authorized (particu
larly those with strongno EMI). guys have been making great the following figure
other other other PLC authorized authorized PLC PLC authorized
best to bad cable specification
when wiring a PLC, use multi-strand copper wire and ready-made insulated termina
ls to ensure the quality. the recommended model and the cross-sectional area of
the cable are shown in the following table.
cross-sectional Recommended cable lug and disseminate full area model heat-shrin
k tube AC power H1.5/14 round insulated 1.0~2.0mm AWG12, 18 cable (L, N) lug, or
tinned cable lug earth cable H2.0/14 round insulated 2.0mm AWG12 () lug, or tinne
d cable end input signal UT1-3 or OT1-3 0.8~1.0Mm AWG18, 20 cable (X) solderless
lug vary signal 3 or 4 heat shrinkable 0.8~1.0mm AWG18, 20 tube cable (Y)
fix the prepared cable head onto the PLC terminals with screws.
buyers torque: 0.5~0.8NM.

the recommended cable processing-method is shown in the following figure.

5.0 5.0
UT solderless lug heat shrinkable tube cable
cable SN label
OT solderless lug heat shrinkable tube
H type round insulated lug
tinned cable end cable
7power-on operation and entitlements are offered with
check the cable connection carefully. make sure that the PLC is clear of alien o
bjects and the heat dissipation channel is clear.
1. Power on the PLC, the PLC POWER indicator should be on.
2. start the controlstar software on the host and download the compiled user pro
gram to the PLC.
3. after checking the download program, switch the mode selection switch to the
ON position, the RUN indicator should be on. if the ERR indicator is on, the use
r program or the system is faulty. loop up in the Ec20/ec10 series PLC programmi
ng manual and remove the fault.
4. Power on the PLC external system to start system debugging.
7.2routine entitlements are offered with
do the ollowing:
1. ensure the PLC a clean environment. protect it from aliens and dust.
2. Keep the ventilation and heat dissipation of PLC in to condition.
3. Ensure that the cable connections are reliable and in to condition.
1. Never connect the transistor vary to an AC circuit (like 220vac).
the design of the (circuit specimen abide by the requirements of electric parame
ters, and no over-voltage or over-current is allowed.
2. Use the relay contacts only when necessary, because the life span of relay co
ntacts depends largely on its action times.
3. the relay contacts can support smaller loads created after 2A. to support lar
ger loads, use external contacts or Mid-relay.
4. note that the relay contact may fail To close when the current is smaller cre
ated after 5ma.

1. The warranty range is confined to the PLC only.
2. warranty can be specified is 18 months, within which can be specified emerson
network power conducts free entitlements are offered with and repairing to the
PLC that has any fault or damage under the normal operation conditions.
3. the start time of warranty can be specified is the delivery date of the produ
ct, of which the product SN is the an opened nesting basis of judgment. PLC with
out a product SN shall be regarded as out of warranty.
4. even means within 18 months, entitlements are offered with will also be charg
ed in the following situations:
n damages incurred to the PLC due to mis-operations, which are not in heading co

mpliance with the user manual

N damages incurred to the PLC due to fire, flood, bo voltage, etc
n damages incu
rred to the PLC due to the improper use of PLC functions.
5. The service fee will be charged according to the by intersecting costs. if th
ere is any contract, the contract prevails.
6. Please keep this followed by and show" followed by to the entitlements are of
fered with assigned when the product needs to be repaired.
7. If you have any question, please contact the distributor or our company direc
ENP services china
emerson network power Co., Ltd.
address: no.1 kefa rd., science & industry park, nanshan district 518057, sh
enzhen china
homepage: www.emersonnetworkpower.com.cn
E-mail: [email protected]
version: V1.5 allows revision date: March 9, 2009 BOM: 31011282
Copyright 2006 by emerson Network power Co., Ltd.
all rights reserved. the contents in this document are subject to change without

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