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HGPS User Manual (Bid Submission)

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Hyundai Global Partner System

User Manual (v4.0)

If you have any question of HGPS, please contact below.
- Procurement Planning Team : H W, Cho ( +82-2-746-6018)


1. Invitational Letter for Bid
2. Log-In HGPS(Hyundai Global Partner System)
3. Schedule Check
4. Bid Participation
5. Inquiry check
6. Initial Bid submission (Technical Bid Evaluation

Items Only)

7. Technical Bid Evaluation (Technical Bid Evaluation

8. Final Bid submission

Items Only)

1. Invitational Letter for Bid

Click Here !


1. Purchaser(HDEC) sends you invitation to Bid as above.
2. Once you receive this mail, please get access to the HGPS(Hyundai Global Partner System)
if you are willing to participate in this project. (http://hgps.hdec.co.kr)
3. You will receive ID&PW to access to our HGPS by E-mail attachment.
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2. Log-In HGPS


1. If you receive ID & PW by E-mail, Please enter your ID & PW and click [LOGIN] in the box No. 1.

2. If youve forgotten your ID & PW, click [Forgot ID/Password] in the box No. 2.
3. If you log on successfully, The system that you can use is activated. (E-PROCUREMENT)
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3. Schedule check


You can check the timetable for the bidding deadline in the box No. 1.


You can check detail of the timetable in the box No. 2.


You can check Notice from HDEC in the box No. 3.


If you want to change your password, use [MYPAGE] button in the box No.4.
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4. Bid Participation (1)



After you enter search condition (Bid type, Bid status, MR No.) in the box No.1, Click [SEARCH]


For your reference, you can find out the overall bid status & information at this page.


Please Click MR No. in the box No.2 in order to proceed to the next step.


Please check due date. The quotation must be submitted before the due date.
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4. Bid Participation (2)

1. If you agree to Confidentiality Agreement and want to proceed to the next step, please click
[AGREE] button in the box No.1. (Otherwise you can not participate in this bidding)
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4. Bid Participation (3)


1. You can check information of reqeusted bid and download the inquiry document in the [Inquiry]
2 . You can submit initial quotation or final quotation in the [Bid Submission]
3. You can exchange files and clarification for technical bid evaluation in the [Technical Bid Evaluation].
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5. Inquiry check

Click ! Check
contact point


Selection after


1. You can find out information such as Bid closing Date, Currency in the box No.1 .
2. You can download the inquiry document and check description in the box No.2.
3. You have to check MR revision in the box No.3 . If revision changes, file and description will also
4. After checking the inquiry document, you can choose whether or not to participate in this bidding.
If you dont click [ACCEPT] button in the box No.4, you can not proceed to the next step.
(If you dont want to participate in this bidding, please click [DECLINE] button.)
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6. Bid submission(Initial) (1)



1. This process is only available in the case of Technical Bid Evaluation Items. Otherwise, please go to 8. Final Bid
Submission(Page 17).
2. Please click [CREATE] button in order to submit the Initial quotation(Proposal) in the box No.1.
3. MR Rev. & Currency are based on the default settings of purchaser. Before submitting quotation,
you can change them.
4. You can decline the bid in progress. (If you dont want to participate in this bidding, please click
[DECLINE] button in the box No.3.)
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6. Bid submission(Initial) (2)





1)Technical - Technical Proposal

2)Commercial - Commercial Proposal excluding Native File for Price Table
3)Native File for Price Table - Price Table(Excel File) as provided in Inquiry
- Cost(Please Key-in total price as shown in the above Red box)

1. Category for proposal consist of Technical, Commercial and Native file for Price Table entirely.
For the sake of saving your proposal successfully, it is necessary that you should enter description
and upload the appropriate file referring to above each category.
As for Native file for price table, it is definitely required to enter cost as well as upload the file.
2. When you are finished uploading all files as per requirements of the above, Please click [SAVE]
button. You can modify your quotation before bid closing date.
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6. Bid submission(Initial) (3)



1. If you succeed in saving your proposal, you can see the screen above.
If you would like to modify your proposal, please enter the revised proposal again before due date.
2. Once completing the modification work, please make sure that you have to click [SAVE] button
in order that your updated proposal shall take effect. (Otherwise you can lose your updated data)
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7. TBE (1)

1. This process is only available in the case of Technical Bid Evaluation Items. Otherwise, please go to 8. Final Bid
Submission(Page 17).
2. If you receive TBE request by e-mail, please get access to HGPS(Hyundai Global Partner System)
and click Technical Bid Evaluation in the box No.1.

3. Please click Title in the box No.2 . You can see question related to your proposal from Engineering part.
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7. TBE (2)


Click ! Check
the attachment

1. Please click Title in the box No.1 . You can see question related to your proposal from
Engineering part in the box No.2and answer the question. (To view an attachment, click

2. It is essential that you enter answer and upload the relevant file (if necessary) in the boxNo.3
3. When you are finished, please be sure to click [SAVE] button in the box No.4 .
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7. TBE (3)

1. If you would like to modify your answer, please enter the revised answer after clicking your answer
(in the box No.1) and click [SAVE] button.
2. You can modify your clarification before HDEC answered .
3. Engineering part can request for clarification several times up to TBE completion and Bidder should
answer the questions.
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7. TBE (4)

1. If you have a new question for clarification, please click [CREATE] button in the box No.1 .
2. You can enter title & description and upload the appropriate file in the box No.2.
3. When you are finished, please be sure to click [SAVE] button in the box No.3 .
4. You can modify your question before answered. If you would like to modify your answer,
please enter the revised answer after clicking your answer and click [SAVE] button.
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8. Final Bid Submission (1)


1. If you receive final bid-submission request by e-mail, please get access to HGPS again and return
to Inquiry menu in order to check final bid document.
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8. Final Bid Submission (2)

1. You can find out information on Final Due date in the box No.1 .
2. You can download the final bid document in the box No.2.
3. If there is not the final bid document, setup will not display download box.
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8. Final Bid Submission (3)



1. Please click Bid-submission menu in the box No.1 and click [CREATE] button in order
to submit the Final qoutation (Proposal) in the box No.2.
2. How to submit a final quotation is same as the method of initial quotation.
3. MR Rev. & Currency are based on the default settings of purchaser. Before submitting quotation,
you can change them in the box No.3.
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8. Final Bid Submission (4)




1. Category for proposal consist of Technical, Commercial and Native file for Price Table entirely.
For the sake of saving your proposal successfully, it is necessary that you should enter description

and upload the appropriate file referring to above each category.

2. It is essential that you enter final price and upload the relevant file(If necessary) to Native file for
Price Table in the box No.1 .
3. When you are finished, Please be sure to click [SAVE] button in the box No.2 .
You can modify your quotation before bid closing date.
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8. Final Bid Submission (5)


1. If you succeed in saving your proposal, you can see the screen above.
If you would like to modify your proposal, please enter the revised proposal again before due date.
2. Once completing the modification work, please make sure that you have to click [SAVE] button
in order that your updated proposal shall take effect. (Otherwise you can lose your updated data)
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