A Perspective On Solar-Driven Water Splitting With All-Oxide Hetero-Nanostructures
A Perspective On Solar-Driven Water Splitting With All-Oxide Hetero-Nanostructures
A Perspective On Solar-Driven Water Splitting With All-Oxide Hetero-Nanostructures
Environmental Science
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1. Introduction
Metal oxide heterostructures can be engineered to possess
functionality that results both from the bulk properties of their
constituent phases as well as from the emergent properties that
relate directly to the electronic and atomic character of their
interfaces. The study of oxide heterostructures has led to the
discovery of a number of new and technologically promising
interfacial phenomena, including magnetism from non-magnetic
materials,1 electronic conductivity from insulators,2 and emergent ionic conductivity.3
In addition to their prospective application as electronic and
magnetic device components, oxide heterostructures have been
Broader context
Metal oxide nanomaterials possess a wide range of functional optoelectronic properties, which relates to the diversity of cation
oxidation states, crystal structures, and electronic configurations associated with oxides and especially with the oxides of transition
metals. Utilizing this diversity by combining dissimilar oxides in hetero-nanostructure materials allows for design of photoelectrodes
specialized to perform the optical, electronic, and chemical functions required of photoelectrochemical (PEC) solar water splitting
cells. This article provides a perspective on the recent use of all-oxide hetero-nanostructures in photoanodes whose function is to
oxidize water using solar energy. In the context of these recent studies, experimental results that are representative of the all-oxide
hetero-nanostructure photoelectrode design strategy are presented. Arrays of alpha-phase iron(III) oxide quantum rods forming
a heterojunction with nanostructured tungsten(VI) oxide are studied as photoanodes in PEC cells. These results as well as the broad
set of phenomena associated with the fabrication of oxide heterostructures are discussed in terms of the design of PEC devices
enabling the solar-driven generation of hydrogen fuel.
This journal is The Royal Society of Chemistry 2011
Photoactive oxide nanomaterials - those with suitable bandgaps to absorb visible light - are stable when irradiated and
biased in most chemical environments, and are therefore
compatible with a number of PEC device configurations for solar
electricity and renewable fuel production. This includes semiconductor-based PEC cells for water splitting or electricity
generation23 as well as dye-24 and quantum dot-sensitized12 solar
cells. However, no single photoactive metal oxide material has
proven to possess the required optoelectronic properties to efficiently convert solar light energy into electrical or chemical
energy (although recent promising results indicate progress in
this direction25).
Oxide heterostructures
Table 1 Summary of selected recent oxide heterostructure systems discussed in this report
Suggested charge transfer
Nanoparticle composite
Bilayer film
Bilayer film
Nanostructured composite
Core-shell nanostructure arrays
Bilayer film
Fabrication methods
Doctor blading
Thermal growth; CVD
Solvothermal technique; spin coating
Spin coating; polymer-assisted direct
Bilayer film
Spin coating
Core-shell nanostructure arrays Oblique-angle deposition
Coated nanotube arrays
Electrochemical anodization and
Core-shell nanostructure arrays Aqueous chemical synthesis; filtered arc
a-Fe2O3 / CoAlO4
TiO2 / a-Fe2O3
WO3 / a-Fe2O3
a-Fe2O3 / WO3
BiVO4 / WO3
BiVO4 / WO3
CoAlO4 / a-Fe2O3
a-Fe2O3 / TiO2
WO3 / BiVO4
WO3 / BiVO4
SrTiO3 / WO3
TiO2 / WO3
WO3 / SrTiO3
WO3 / TiO2
a-Fe2O3 / ZnO
Fig. 2 Illustration depicting the design of metal oxide hetero-nanostructure arrays and their application as photoanodes for photoelectrochemical cells.
The HRTEM image shows an individual single-crystalline a-Fe2O3 quantum rod. The picture on the right shows the as-prepared sample (Scale bar
indicates 1 cm).
The samples were pumped with 540 nm (2.29 eV) 130 fs pulses,
which excite the a-Fe2O3 core near the weak Fe 3d/3d transition.5 The transient absorbance spectrum of a representative
a-Fe2O3-WO3 sample is presented in Fig. 5a at 500 fs after
excitation. Absorption difference signals at various probe energies reflect the occupancies of electronic states with corresponding absorption energies after excitation. A broad
distribution of absorbance signals over the studied wavelength
range is evident at this delay time. Spectra of this type have been
previously observed in femtosecond relaxation studies of iron
oxide particulate suspensions.69 These studies concluded that
because the electron relaxation processes possess both a fast (1
ps) and slower (10 ps) decay over the entire probe spectrum,
they may correspond to a common physical process - for
instance, the capture of electrons by oxygen-deficient centers of
Fe3+.69 As observed below, all relaxation processes exhibit both
a sub-picosecond fast component as well as a longer component
extending to hundreds of picoseconds.
Fig. 5be show the normalized transient absorption signals for
a-Fe2O3 and a-Fe2O3-WO3 at two probe wavelengths, 579.31 nm
(2.14 eV) and 674.23 nm (1.84 eV), in two time regimes. For both
Fig. 5 Ultrafast transient absorption spectroscopy for hetero-nanostructure electrodes: (a) Transient difference absorbance spectra for
a-Fe2O3-WO3 before excitation (black squares) and 500 fs after excitation (blue circles). Transient absorption signals for a-Fe2O3 (black) and
a-Fe2O3-WO3 (red) at the picosecond time scale for 579.31 nm probe (b)
and 674.23 nm probe (c) and the sub-nanosecond time scale for
579.31 nm probe (d) and 674.23 nm probe (e).
A perspective on the design of oxide heterostructure photoanodes for solar water oxidation has been presented. Performance enhancements can be associated with increased optical
absorption, efficient charge separation across heterojunctions,
kinetic advantages, and potentially with the engineering of
interface electronic characteristics.
The demonstration of the successful combination of largescale chemical and vapor phase synthesis techniques for the
fabrication of vertically oriented metal oxide hetero-nanostructures without template, surfactant or applied fields toward
solar energy conversion is of direct relevance to optimized
(doped) nanostructured oxide materials. These results suggest
that through this novel nanoscale architecture it is possible to
engineer interesting or unexpected interfacial minority carrier
transport properties for PEC applications of metal oxide heteronanostructures. The constituent oxides are highly functional
nanomaterials for a number of applications and as such the
hetero-nanostructure array is expected to display further functionalities, as well as to pave the way to cost-effective, large scale,
hetero-nanostructure devices for solar energy conversion.
The fabrication procedure of arrays in this work consists of
application of a combination of solution chemistry and physical
This journal is The Royal Society of Chemistry 2011
This research has been partially supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable
Energy. C.X.K. and B.R.A. were supported by Sandia National
Laboratories. Sandia National Laboratories is a multi-program
laboratory managed and operated by Sandia Corporation,
a wholly owned subsidiary of Lockheed Martin Corporation, for
the U.S. Department of Energys National Nuclear Security
Administration under contract DE-AC04-94AL85000. Additional support was provided by MEXT Japan; the National
Natural Science Foundation of China; the National Basic
Research Program of China; and the China Scholarship Council.
J.Z.Z. is grateful to the Basic Energy Sciences Division of the
U.S. DOE (DE-FG02-ER46232) for support. D.A.W. was
Energy Environ. Sci., 2011, 4, 38893899 | 3897