SIMPIC Final Question 2015
SIMPIC Final Question 2015
SIMPIC Final Question 2015
Additional informations:
HBsAg negative
Anti-CMV IgM positive
The baby was born as fullterm
History of seizure 2 days ago
CT scan result: brain intracranial calcification
Name of causative agent: CMV
Diagnosis: congenital CMV infection
Duration of infection: lifelong
--A 45 years old man suffered from... ...
What is the natural reservoir of causative pathogen?
Additional information:
Bronchial wash culture showe no growth in CGB (canavanine glycine bromothymol blue) agar
History as heavy smoker
History of fully treated pulmonary TB 10 years ago
Recent sputum acid fast stain showed no acid fast bacteria
India ink preparation showed encapsulated yeast
Name of causative agent: Cryptococcus neoformans
Natural reservoir: soil contaminated by pigeon dropping
--A 40 years old man suffered from progressive memory loss for 2 months. What is the natural
reservoir of the causative pathogen?
Additional informations:
Negative Mycobacterial culture
He has pigeon at home
Diagnosed with Kaposi sarcoma
Gram stain of LCS showes no bacteria
Name of causative agent: HIV
Diagnosis: HIV dementia
Reservoir: human
--A 35 years old man suffered from fever and headache for 3 days. What is the serotype that is most
Additional informations:
Negative Ag of Streptococcus pneumoniae
Negative Ag of Haemophilus influenzae
Blood test showed Gram positive cocci, alpha hemolyticus, with negative PYR test and negative
bile esculin test
Gram stain of blood showed Gram negative cocci in short chains
He works as a butcher