OOGUN agadagodo
(To Lock or Seal With A Padlock)
A powerful padlock licking charm with many uses. E.g. stop an engine from
starting, control the weather, unite or dissolve relationships, control destinies, and
much more. You command what you want to happen and lock the padlock and it
will and must be so and happen.
This 'Ofo' (psalm) Incantation will be said with the prepared charm:
"Abademo deya, seko se me ni do Omo olomo ti ko ro ju je ti ko toju mu, Eju oloko
ni la seko, Oju oloko ni kan se wewo Oju bi Ojo bade arun ni se ariojuku, bi eware
ba ju igbe ni fo ni lo, bi igi nla ba wo ile pa re ato kan ni ewe ma jomo, wara wara
ni omode boko...oro to aba so suagadagodo lo Ki pada mo.
Ori ajapa, odidi Atare... Ao fi gbogbo re sinu awo, Ao jo, ao mu etu na, ao fi
owu...Ao maso sapo ti aba fe lo si ona moto.
Lilo re wa fun pe Ki a mon wo moto to mon ni ibi accident tabi ti o ba ni accident, Ki
a mon fi ara pa rara. Inu apo ara wa ni a o fi si re lo wo moto. Odaju.
This is assuredly a powerful auto Insurance carried on your person or put in the car
against accidents , that prevents one from boarding the ill-fated vehicle or not be
injured in the event of an accident.