The occurrence of dated peat (17,000-12.500 yr B.P.) in the soil in a closed depression in quartz-kaolinitic rocks of the
Taubat basin. Brazil, allowed (1) reconstruction of the evolution-of this depression, and (2) estimation of the rate of sinking.
The analogy with the soil cover of a slope in the same area has shown that this valley developed by the same mechanisms as
those of the depression. Chemical erosion is the main agent for the generation of landforms in this region.
1. Introduction
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L e
Fig. 1. Location map. I.Taubat basin.
Fig. 2. Topography of DI depression. location of transects and extension of peat and its relics.
located at an altitude of 607 m
and has an almost flat bottom of elliptical shape (80
m x 100 m). The sideslopes surrounding it are
concave-convex with maximum gradients of 16%.
n e s e slopes are broken by cols; the lowest one, C1
Drilling location
Perched w a t e r table
d: 16 160+90YearsBP
f: 16 850
8 0 years B P
Fig. 3. DIT1 transect and location of data for radiocarbon analysis. I.Humic dark brown sandy clay loam horizon. becoming black (la) and
subsequently with ochre spots (lb). 2. Strong brown sandy clay horizon. 3. Yellowish red sandy clay horizon. 4. Red sandy clay horizon. 5.
Transition horizon between 4 and argillaceous rock. 6 . Argillaceous rock with violet patches. 7. Green argillaceous rock. 8. Yellowish
hrown sandy clay horizon. 9. Yellow and red argillaceous rock. IO. Grayish brown sandy clay horizon with red spots. 11. Light gray sandy
clav horizon with red spots.
D1 TI07
D1 T l l O
-_ _
Drilling location
Perched water t a b l e
_ -- - - - -
Fig. 4. DIT7 Transect. I. Humic horizon. 2. Bright brown. sandy clay horizon with dark gray patches. 3. Reddish brown sandy clay horizon.
4.Ycllow sandy clay horizon with red spots. 7. Light gray sandy clay horizon with brown network and ochre spots. 8. Grayish brown sandy
clay horizon with red spots. 9. Green argillaceous rock.
145' 47 ' 5 6
The slope that was studied, near the Sony depression (Fig. 5), is in a dale-type valley, a shape typical
of the valleys in this area. Its soil cover (Fig. 61,
similar to that of depression D 1, is, however, thicker
(7 m versus 5 m in Dl). The parent rock is a sandy
clay sediment with coarse quartz skeleton. Downslope, buried peat 1.0-1.2 m thick underlies the mineral horizons. A gray organic horizon replaces it
upslope but is absent at the drainage axis.
4. Discussion
I -
"1' 10YR4/3
7,SYR 516
Fig. 6. Sony valley transect. I. Humic dark brown sandy clay loam horizon. 2. Strong brown sandy clay horizon. 3. Yellowish red sandy
clay horizon. 4. Red sandy clay horizon. 5. Reddish brown sandy clay horizon with pink compact volumes. 6 . Pink sandy clay material. 7.
White sandy clay horizon with red spots.
cl Colluvial
E24 P e a t
m71 Peat relics
I Peats
Fig. 7. Evolution of DI depression since peat formation. 2
estimated sinking of the depression since peat formation (underestimate).
As seen, DI is a closed depression. The piezometric study, however, showed that, after heavy rainfalls, lateral flow of its perched groundwater through
col CI favors quick drainage of D1. This promotes
the lowering of the col by export in solution. Thus, it
seems that lateral flow of internal water through the
lower col will finally lower the col and open the
depression. Closed depressions somehow create an
outlet; valleys did not capture these depressions.
4.3. Origins of closed depressions
Fig. 8. Map of the depression distribution of DI area. I . Depression bottom. 2. Limit of the depression watersheds. 3. Well incised drainage
4. Drainage axis with no important incision. 5. Alluvial plain. 6. Incision.
E 2 Peat
UIU P e a t
I Peats
T Present
5. Conclusions
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