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5 Essential Ways To Use Iseries Navigator - SQL Plan Cache: It'S Always On, and It'S Always There

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5 Essential Ways to Use iSeries

Navigator SQL Plan Cache

Its always on, and its always there
by Mike Cain

Technology Reports

ne of the new and exciting

tools now available in V5R4 is a graphical
interface to the SQL Query Engine Plan
Here, I introduce five essential ways to make use of the
SQE Plan Cache. Before we get started, a brief overview
is in order.
A centralized query plan cache as been a part of the
SQL Query Engine (SQE) since its debut in V5R2; but
until now, there has not been a public interface to the
information contained within this repository. If youre
running your queries on a V5R4 system, iSeries Navigator
can now provide access to this valuable information.
One of the most useful things about the SQE Plan
Cache is that its always on, and its always there. Because
the SQL Query Engine stores all query plans in the plan
cache as a byproduct of its query optimization, this vital
information is available without starting any monitoring
tools. As long your query is handled by SQE, you have
the ability to analyze the plan and runtime feedback.
To obtain the information, use a V5R4 iSeries Navigator
client connected to the system running V5R4 i5/OS. To
access the SQE Plan Cache, right-click either the local
database icon or the SQL Plan Cache Snapshot icon.
There are two sets of information available from the
Plan Cache explainable statements (i.e., queries) and
the properties of the cache. Each set of information has
its own purpose and usefulness.
One important thing to keep in mind: The information in SQE Plan Cache is dynamic. In other words,
this information is being modified as queries come and
go in the system. Given that the cache holds only the
current query plan, it is not suitable for tracing a jobs
SQL requests. Starting an SQL performance monitor
(i.e., a database monitor) is the best tool for this task.

properties. Within the Properties window, we find

some useful information:
Time Of Summary represents when the properties
were captured and displayed.
Active Query Summary is information about the
number of queries executed since the last IPL as well
as the number of queries currently active. Also included
is the number of full opens since the last IPL. A full
open is a query request that was optimized and a new
open data path (cursor) created.
Plan Usage Summary is information about the cache
size and the current contents of the cache (number of
query plans).
If you display the plan cache properties periodically, you
can use the information to note trends such as the fluctuations in the number of active queries and number of query
plans stored. Keep in mind that the SQE Plan Cache is
considered temporary storage and is cleared at IPL.
In a system with a very high number of unique and
active SQL requests, the query plans in the cache can
turn over. In other words, DB2 for i5/OS automatically manages the plan cache and will replace older plans
with new plans, based on the cache size threshold. Thus,
it is possible that a given query is no longer represented
in the plan cache. The summary values in the properties
window can give you an indication of this condition.
Generally speaking, about 10,000 unique statements
can be represented in the SQE Plan Cache when the
threshold is set to 512 MB. If the current plan cache
size is always at or near the default threshold, this might
indicate a need to increase the maximum size of the plan
cache. Increasing the size will allow more query plans to
be stored, and it can potentially eliminate added optimization for queries that have their plans removed.

1. The Big Picture

To get a list of the explainable queries in the SQE Plan

Cache, use the Show Statements option. A new win-

To get an overall view of the Plan Cache, ask for its

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2. Narrow Your Field of View


FIgure 1
SQL Plan Cache Statements window

FIgure 2
Query filter options


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dow appears that includes filtering options on the left

and the statements that meet the criteria on the right
(Figure 1). To save time, no statements are retrieved
from the cache. This allows the analyst to narrow the
set of statements, minimizing time and energy.
To apply any filters and pull out the statements, click
Retrieve. To get an updated list, click Refresh. The
list of queries is returned initially sorted by the largest
total accumulated time, in descending order.
With potentially thousands of SQL queries represented in the plan cache, applying the appropriate filters is essential. This is a good time to assess what it is

you are looking for.

For online transaction processing
(OLTP) environments, there are normally
hundreds or thousands of simultaneous
queries, and these requests are expected
to run quickly. When a particular SQL
request has a poor access plan and is running slowly, finding and tuning it can have
a pervasive impact. To find any such query
via the SQE Plan Cache, use a combination of filters: the Minimum runtime for
the longest execution and Top n most
frequently run queries.
By setting the minimum runtime slightly
above your expected response time, and
asking for the five to 10 most frequently
run queries, you can focus your attention
on the significant bottlenecks. By adjusting the filter, you can widen or narrow the
aperture as needed.
At a minimum, set the Top n filter to 50 or less.
This will allow the initial screen to appear much faster.
For reporting or online analytical (OLAP) environments, there is usually a smaller set of complex queries,
and the appearance of these requests is often unpredictable in nature (ad hoc). If a user has a particular query
that is long running or seemingly unresponsive, the SQE
Plan Cache filtering can help identify the SQL statement
and its access plan.
To find such a query, use the filter Queries ever run
by user. This is the user name that was specified for
authentication (sign-on) to i5/OS and DB2, not the
name that is part of jobs identification. In addition to
filtering by user, you can narrow the focus even further
by specifying a specific table or view that is likely to be
referenced (Figure 2).
If you dont see the request that you know is slow running, it may be that this SQL statement is being handle
by CQE, not SQE. To identify and capture information
for a statement running with CQE, you will have to use
an SQL performance monitor. In V5R4, there are many
more options for starting a database monitor with filters.
For this situation, you can start a monitor to capture CQE information for a specific user or any
queries that exceed a time limit. For any queries you
find that are processed by CQE in V5R4, it helps
to learn what is preventing the use of SQE. One
simple thing to look for is the presence of any table
or physical file that has a logical file (LF) with select/
omit logic or derived keys. The presence of this LF
results in the use of CQE. If the LF is in place only
to support high-level languages and record-level I/O,

sql plan cache

then you can ignore these logical files by specifying a QAQQINI file with IGNORE_DERIVED_
INDEXES = *YES in the query environment.
To determine which query engine was used via the
database monitor data, interrogate column QQC16
where QQRID = 3014. The value of 'N' indicates
CQE is used, and column QVC43 will contain the
reason SQE was not used. The query in Figure 3
shows an example.

3. Focus on the Important Stuff

Technology Reports

Now that you have used the filters to find a set of

queries, and you have the queries shown in the List of
statements window, lets focus on a few primary columns of interest:

Last Time Run when this particular query was last
Most Expensive Time the longest runtime of this
particular query
Total Processing Time the total runtime of all executions of this particular query
Total Times Run the number of times this particular
query was executed
By clicking a particular column heading, you can sort
the list by ascending or descending order. By sorting
the Total Processing Time in descending order, you can
analyze a particular long-running query instance. By
considering the Total Times Run value and the Most
Expensive Time value, you can get an indication of
how often this query is used and whether or not further analysis is warranted. Its best to focus on queries
that have relatively long average runtimes. A query that
is run thousands of times and never takes longer than
a few milliseconds is probably working well.
Once you identify a problem query and want to
investigate its access plan, invoke Visual Explain by
right-clicking the query in the list. It pulls from the
SQE Plan Cache all the data you need to draw a
Visual Explain diagram.
If a query is executed many times, and you want to
determine whether the individual runtimes are disparate,
select the query and click Show Longest Runs. This will
pull out the top 10 longest runs for the plan cache.
If one execution out of the 10 is appreciably higher
than all the others, scroll the report window over to
view the Total Cached Results Used (Figure 4). SQE
can save and reuse intermediate and final results when
the same query, with the same data, is executed again.
The first query in the sequence does all the work, and
subsequent queries make use of information saved from
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FIgure 3
Query to determine which query engine was used
SELECT x.qqjnumasJobNumber,
FROM DBmonitortablename--x,
AND x.qqrid=1000
AND x.qqc21IN('SI','OP','IN','UP','DL')
AND x.qqucnt<>0
AND y.qqrid=3014
AND y.qqc16='N'
ORDERBY qqjnum,

FIgure 4
Total Cached Results Used column

the earlier execution. The Total Cached Results Used

column can provide a clue that this benefit is occurring.
Another reason one instance of the query can be
higher than all the others is actually due to the benefit
of i5/OS single-level storage. The first query performed
the physical I/O on the database objects, and the subsequent queries were able to take advantage of the pages
already resident in memory. In this case, main memory
is acting like cache.

4. Take a Picture; Itll Last Longer

Now that you have identified a particular query of

interest, you might want to save the data that describes
the access plan and runtime characteristics. The iSeries
Navigator interface provides the ability to take a snapshot of the plan cache data (Figure 5).
The snapshot results in a set of rows placed in a
table. The output (rows and columns) looks similar to a
detailed SQL performance monitor table. The information about the queries of interest is now persistent. Once
a snapshot is created, iSeries Navigator will keep track
of the snapshot, allowing for future analysis. This future
analysis can include the comparison of two snapshots.
Imagine identifying a particular set of queries at two
different intervals and capturing the information in two
different snapshots. iSeries Navigator can compare two
snapshots, showing the differences between the same
query represented in each snapshot table. By rightclicking the first snapshot, you can invoke the compare

function. A dialog appears to let you specify the second snapshot and thresholds
(Figure 6).

5. Keep Track of
the Information

FIgure 5
Snapshot of the plan cache data

Given that the SQE Plan Cache data is

cleared at IPL, it might be advantageous
to capture the information before powering down your system.
To capture the queries via iSeries
Navigator, right-click the SQL Plan Cache
Snapshot icon and select New, and then
Snapshot (Figure 7). Beside the name of the
snapshot, you can specify filtering options to tailor the
output. Once the snapshot is created, you can analyze
the information via the iSeries Navigator interface.
To programmatically initiate the creation of a snapshot,
use the i5/OS stored procedure DUMP_PLAN_CACHE
in schema QSYS2. The procedure has two input parameters and can be called via any SQL interface.
The first parameter is the schema or library name
where the snapshot table will be placed, and the second parameter is the name of snapshot table that will
be created:
schema name,
snapshot name

FIgure 6
Compare function dialog

Capturing the queries via iSeries Navigator


Mike Cain is a senior technical staff member within the IBM Systems and
Technology Group and team leader of the DB2 for i5/OS Center of Competency. Prior to
his current position, Mike worked as an IBM AS/400 systems engineer and IT consultant.
Mike is in Rochester, Minnesota, and can be reached at [email protected].
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FIgure 7

To help automate the process of creating a snapshot before any normal IPL, use the power down
system (PWRDWNSYS) exit point QIBM_QWC_
PWRDWNSYS. If you register a program at this exit
point via the WRKREGINF command, i5/OS will call
the program prior to the power down operation. Your
exit point program can use the RUNSQLSTM command to call the stored procedure.
Another useful collection strategy is to systematically collect SQE Plan Cache information by creating
a snapshot on a regular basis at a consistent interval
for example, after the weekend batch process or every
Monday morning. Once the data is collected at regular
intervals, you can determine trends and spikes and
evaluate them. And if a query does go bad for some
reason, having a benchmark of a good run will be valuable in understanding what, if anything, changed in
the query environment.

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