USA Confidential December 1998
USA Confidential December 1998
USA Confidential December 1998
hal been
free to
life'" free
to prey
ont5timJ Y baahetba!!
community. He asked if I could help him father, went to Leo Kimmel and made
somehow get to Kimmel to be lenient."
him swear an oath to "do the right
In the ensuing months Blutrich be- for this very generous man , Michael
came a very generous benefactor of Blutrich." Asked by Penthouse if he had
the Hasidic community in Brooklyn. Ac- been approached by Rabbi Halbercording to Weiss, "Michael gave over a stam, a somewhat flustered Kimmel
quarter of a million dollars to two of the replied, "You have been talking to a lot
most powerful Orthodox sects, includ- of people." Although he refused to name
ing a check for $50,000 to Rabbi names, Kimmel allowed that he had
Tietelman, the most powerful rabbi in all been approached by a number of peoof North America." Penthouse obtained ple regarding Blutrich, but couldn't rea videotape taken during a party given member if one of them had been Halberstam. (Repeated calls by Penthouse
at Weiss's home in Monsey, New York,
in honor of Rabbi Tietelman. Blutrich, to Rabbi Naftali Halberstam's spokessartorially splendid in an expensive man were not returned .)
In any event, in the spring of 1995
blue suit, light-blue shirt , and maroon
tie , and surrounded by bearded Blutricti cut the plea deal of the century.
Hasidic men in their long black caput- Instead of the possible 25-years-to-life
sentence for his felonies, he paid a $100
tas and hats, thanks Rabbi Tietelman
for coming that evening and ends his fine and agreed to a year of psychiatric
little speech by saying, "I have a check counseling. In yet another coincidence,
here for $50,000 for your organization." the case was heard before Brooklyn
To the applause and cheers of the Supreme Court Justice Plummer E. Lott,
assembled Hasidim, Blutrich hands the a Democrat elected while Cuomo was
governor. Incredibly, Judge Lott ordered
92-year-old rabbi the check.
Also attending that event was 70- Blutrich's record sealed. Neither Lott nor
year-old Rabbi Naftali Halberstam, D.A. Hynes would comment to Penthouse on the sentencing or the decision
whose father, 90-year-old Grand Rabbi
Solomon Halberstam, is also a power in to seal Blutrich's record . A high-ranking
the Orthodox community. According to official in the Manhattan D.A.'s office tells
Weiss, Blutrich would contribute ,Penthouse, "This office would never
$200,000 to the Halberstams' charities. agree to seal the record of a pedophile
Weiss also claims that Rabbi Naftali - the public has a right to protect their
Halberstam, acting at the request of his children from predators."
Meanwhile, Blutrich 's and Pfeffer's National Heritage Insurance scam was
quickly unraveling. The various shell
games they'd concocted had bled the
company dry, and by the summer of 1994
it was unable to meet its legitimate obligations. Responding to complaints from
angry National Heritage policyho'lders,
the insurance regulators requested more
collateral. When that was not forthcoming ,
the Delaware insurance commissioner
was appointed receiver for National
Heritage (the company was incorporated
in Delaware), and a task-farce investigation was launched.
In 1995 the National Heritage investigation was turned over to the U.S. attorney for the Middle District of Florida. A
year later the feds began indicting various National Heritage executives , including David Davies. As one National
Heritage executive after another agreed
to cooperate with the government, the
focus became Blutrich and Pfeffer. In
July 1996, apparently feeling the net
closing around him, Blutrich had his
P.ark Avenue office suite swept for electronic bugs. To his dismay, numerous listening devices were discovered.
Around the same time as the National
Heritage probe, the New York state attorney general 's Organized Crime Strike
Force had launched an investigation into
the gambling and loan-sharking activities of Gambino family captain Gregory
De Palma. In the course of their probe
Yet again , Blutrich appears to have cleverly twisted the system to escape punishment. While nearly a dozen former
executives and investors in National
Heritage Insurance were quickly convicted and given long federal prison sentences (e.g ., former firm president
Davies received seven years, and has
been jailed for a year already), Blutrich
and Pfeffer were not indicted until
November 1997-after the feds had
accumulated thousands of hours of
Scores tapes.
Indeed , the U.S. attorney 's office
admits that, as a result of his cooperation
in New York, and his placement in the
Witness Protection Program , Michael
Blutrich may never spend one day in
prison for his part in defrauding National
Heritage of nearly $100 million , although
the maximum sentence for those
charges totals more than 36 years.
Meanwhile, sources say, life is still very
good for Blutrich and Pfeffer. The government has permitted Pfeffer to take his
new wife, who worked at Scores , with
him into the Witness Protection Program.
The pair was recently spotted in Palm
Beach, Florida, where Pfeffer has apparently settled. For his part , Blutrich is
reportedly living somewhere in the New
York area, where his old chicken-hawk
pal Bilzinsky still oversees Scores and
loyally funnels thousands of dollars of the
club's revenues every week into
Blutrich's office. With this money, Blutrich
continues to buy silence and cooperation. A few months ago, the man called
Sid says, he received assurances from
Blutrich 's office that despite Blutrich 's
recent problems, Sid would receive his
last hush-money payment of $5,000 right
on schedule. He did.
None of this comes as a surprise to
Carlino , who now runs the successful
Fortune Club in Secaucus, New Jersey.
He recalls an interview with U.S. Attorney
White and a score of her assistants and
agents just prior to the mob indictments.
"During the interrogation I asked them if
they were going to allow a pedophile like
Blutrich to once more Michael Jacksonize his way out of trouble by paying off
another of his victims. White smiled , and
they all acted surprised to hear that
Blutrich was a pedophile . Right then , I
knew that this was all just more bullshit
from the government."
While White busily negotiates pleas
with the mobsters that Blutrich set up at
Scores and National Heritage policyholders bemoan their insurer's looting, Blutrich
gloats from his hideaway. Protected by
grateful feds, the record of his pedophilia
sealed by his political connections, he
has been free to lead his charmed life
free to prey on young boys.Of--m