Installation Instructions For SAP GUI For Java 74 v1
Installation Instructions For SAP GUI For Java 74 v1
Installation Instructions For SAP GUI For Java 74 v1
This guide will provide the necessary steps to install the SAP JAVA GUI to access the CHEP SAP
environment. Please note that no matter if you are installing new or upgrading from the old to the new
version all steps below must be followed to connect to CHEPs system.
The SAP GUI for Java allows a user to access to CHEPs SAP system directly through an Internet Browser,
such as Internet Explorer. The user can perform their daily transactions, reporting and other functions
based on their security profile. This guide is for the latest version of the SAP GUI for JAVA which is SAP
GUI for JAVA 7.4, replacing the 7.2 rev 5 and 7.3 versions previously used by CHEP.
Please note that there is no requirement to remove the previous versions if they are is already installed.
System Requirements
Operating System
If your Internet traffic has to pass through a Corporate Network Firewall please request the following
from your Network support team, if this is not setup the connection will not work:
Allow the port tcp 3299 from customer site to our external SAP router :
its IP is
Should you encounter any issues during your installation, please contact your CHEP representative or
the CHEP Service Desk
You dont need to update JAVA and you can proceed to the next step : install the Visual C++ Libraries
Else if the previous screen shows that an update of JAVA is required, follow the following instructions.
Go to
Please note that the Update number in the above screenshot may be higher than 25.
If at any point you are prompted with this following screen (you may not be) : un-tick the option Install
the Ask toolbar in Internet Explorer and un-tick the option Set and Keep Ask as my default search
provider in Internet Explorer and then click Next:
It may prompt you to remove obsolete java versions, click on the Uninstall button:
It may display this:, in that case, leave Restore Java security prompt ticked:
It may open a browser for you to Verify Java Version, if you follow the instructions, you should get a
Congratulations! message showing JAVA version 8 update nn (where nn is 25 or more)
Please note: If at a later date you are prompted to update your version of Java please be cautious as
updating the version of the Java Runtime can cause the SAP Java GUI to stop functioning as expected.
Install: Visual C++ Libraries VS 2012 (x86) near the bottom of the page:
Once this has been installed there is no need to run this step again.
A Blank explorer page will appear with the Java loading logo:
If you get the following message please select Do not show this again for apps from the publisher and
location above and click on Run:
The installation will take a few minutes depending on the speed of your network connection and your
A popup window may appear and will ask you about the Trust Level of the SAP application. Please
change from the default choice Internal: Generally trusted, does not require extensive privileges to
Productive: Fully trusted. Needs access to local resources and press the OK button:
The installation is now complete and the logon screen will appear as follows:
Please now login to SAP using your SAP User ID [begins with PL_ or CC_] and Password.
In future to logon simply go the same URL i.e. [please do not forget the / at the end of the URL]
And click the same Launch Application button.
Your email,
Your plant ID [4 characters: 2 for the country and 2 for the plant identifier, examples FR54,
ZA55, AU6M, US1E, etc.]
The Service Desk may also ask you to provide more technical details like your Windows
Operating System version; your JAVA runtime version [should be at least Java 8 update 25]
UK +44-2073659763
IE +353-14073386
ES +34-914534275
PT +351-2-14154398
DE +49-22193571300
FR +33-155698184
IT +39-0269682608
AU +1300 65 0121
NZ +0800 60 2437
ZA +27 31 2679260
Technical details
As mentioned in the requirements section:
Allow the port tcp 3299 from customer site to our external SAP router :
its IP is
The protocol that uses the port 3299 tcp is the SAP NI protocol. This is how the data will be sent
from the front end [SAP GUI for Java running on your computer] to the CHEP external SAP router [in
the CHEP DMZ] and will be forwarded to the CHEP SAP backend. The SAP backend will then send the
answer to the front end query to the SAP router which will be sent back to the front end [SAP GUI
for Java running on your computer]
Definition of the SAP NI protocol can be found here :
Front end
As mentioned in the requirements section:
Security in SAP
The SAP user accounts are nominative. I.e. a plant can have several user accounts.
A user account is restricted to see data for its plant only. This is achieved via the SAP security standards.
A user has one or several roles assigned. Those roles contain a collection of authorization objects which
values have been tailored by the CHEP SAP Security Analysts.
SAP Documentation
SAP GUI for Java requirements for Windows: cf. SAP note 2059424 - SAP GUI for Java: Requirements for
Release 7.40 [requires you to have an SAP Service Market Place account [S-ID]]
SAP GUI for JAVA documentation: once you have installed the software on your computer, C:\Program
Files\SAP Clients\SAPGUI for Java 7.40\doc
SAP identity Management: