Az Egyén: Care About My Appearance Because It Is Important Nowadays

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Az egyn

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How a person dresses depends in the occassion her/his personolaty, and the mood of
the person.Some people obviously think that following the latest trend is the only
possible way to decide what to wear, but I prefer choosing clothes that suit my
I like comfortable clothes.I wear jeans with a T-shirt or a pullover most of the time.I
usually buy my clothes in rkd in Gyr or Arna plaza in Budapest because ther is a
wide choice and the prices are resonable.
I like famous brand of course.I think some brands have really good clothes, they have
a special style and use good quality materials.Of course their prices are in the sky.
Unfortunately other brands use the same materials as the no-name companies, they
just put their logos ont he clothes and they can sell them for double prices.
Now I would like to talk about the fashion magazines and how they influence the
readers.These imgaes influence both man and woman too.Everybody knows that the
woman in the magazines are real but the pictures have been retouched,thats why
they look perfect.Woman want to be as beautiful as these images, which is
impossible,so some of them have distorted images.They think they are really
ugly.Men are influenced too,they look for these perfect woman in the real world, but
tthey never find them

Nowadays the people care a lot about their appearance.It is good i think but
unfortunatelly the plastic surgery is very popular.Woman spend millions of forints for
plastic surgery.I think it is too much .
I care about my appearance because it is important nowadays, so I go to the haidresser
every month and I go to the beautician every 2 months and sometimes I go to the
every month: nem kell in!!!!
look after: vigyzz/gondoskodik pl.gyerek
look for: keresni pl.tkletes nket
ban,ben: in pl. Gyrben in Gyr

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