Ten Ways To Improve Your "Googling" Skills
Ten Ways To Improve Your "Googling" Skills
Ten Ways To Improve Your "Googling" Skills
Personal Attention
Superior Results
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can refine your query by selecting image size, content (i.e. photo or clip art), and the color
you want to appear.
6. Know the super shortcuts.
On its Improve Your Search Experience page, Google provides a bunch of tips. A few that I
found most useful:
- Definitions: Type in define followed by a word, and Google gives definitions from a
variety of sources.
- Calculations: Google calculates and converts currencies. Type your equation or conversion
into the search bar.
- Weather and time: Type weather followed by the cityor time followed by the city.
7. Keep tabs on a topic.
Personalize your Google News page by clicking Personalize this page. Sci/Tech and
Business interest you most? Drag those icons to the top. Dont care about sports? Delete that
category. To keep tabs on news in your neighborhood, set up regional news. Or create a new
category with a keyword.
8. Search the past.
Google has been working with newspapers to digitize historical content and make it
searchable. Not all of the content in Google News Archives is free but if you want just the
free results, select no price on the Advanced News Archive Search page.
9. Google on the go.
You dont have to be out of the loop if you dont have a BlackBerry (RIMM) or iPhone
(AAPL). Need directions? Call 1-800-GOOG-411 or text 46645 with a question.
10. Get a tip a day.
If youre already a Google pro, add Tip of the Day to iGoogle, your personalized page.