The Three-Dimensional Structure of Proteins
The Three-Dimensional Structure of Proteins
The Three-Dimensional Structure of Proteins
Shawn O. Farrell
Protein Structure
Many conformations are possible for proteins:
Due to flexibility of amino acids linked by peptide
1 Structure
The 1 sequence of proteins determines its 3-D
Changes in just one amino acid in sequence can alter
biological function, e.g. hemoglobin associated with
sickle-cell anemia
Determination of 1 sequence is routine biochemistry
lab work (See Ch. 5).
2 Structure
2 of proteins is hydrogenbonded arrangement of
backbone of the protein
Two bonds have free
1) Bond between -carbon
and amino nitrogen in
2) Bond between the carbon and carboxyl
carbon of residue
-Helix (Contd)
-Helix (Contd)
Several factors can disrupt an -helix
proline creates a bend because of (1) the restricted
rotation due to its cyclic structure and (2) its -amino
group has no N-H for hydrogen bonding
strong electrostatic repulsion caused by the proximity
of several side chains of like charge, e.g., Lys and Arg
or Glu and Asp
steric crowding caused by the proximity of bulky side
chains, e.g., Val, Ile, Thr
-Pleated Sheet
Polypeptide chains lie adjacent to one another; may
be parallel or antiparallel
R groups alternate, first above and then below plane
Each peptide bond is s-trans and planar
C=O and N-H groups of each peptide bond are
perpendicular to axis of the sheet
C=O---H-N hydrogen bonds are between adjacent
sheets and perpendicular to the direction of the sheet
Fibrous Proteins
Fibrous proteins: contain polypeptide chains
organized approximately parallel along a single axis.
Examples are
keratin of hair and wool
collagen of connective tissue of animals including
cartilage, bones, teeth, skin, and blood vessels
Globular Proteins
Globular proteins: proteins which are folded to a
more or less spherical shape
they tend to be soluble in water and salt solutions
most of their polar side chains are on the outside and
interact with the aqueous environment by hydrogen
bonding and ion-dipole interactions
most of their nonpolar side chains are buried inside
nearly all have substantial sections of -helix and sheet
3 Structure
Forces in 3 Structure
Noncovalent interactions, including
hydrogen bonding between polar side chains, e.g., Ser
and Thr
hydrophobic interaction between nonpolar side chains,
e.g., Val and Ile
electrostatic attraction between side chains of opposite
charge, e.g., Lys and Glu
electrostatic repulsion between side chains of like
charge, e.g., Lys and Arg, Glu and Asp
3and 4Structure
Tertiary (3) structure: the arrangement in space
of all atoms in a polypeptide chain
it is not always possible to draw a clear distinction
between 2and 3structure
Determination of 3Structure
X-ray crystallography
uses a perfect crystal; that is, one in which all
individual protein molecules have the same 3D
structure and orientation
exposure to a beam of x-rays gives a series diffraction
information on molecular coordinates is extracted by a
mathematical analysis called a Fourier series
Denaturation: the loss of the structural order (2, 3,
4, or a combination of these) that gives a protein its
biological activity; that is, the loss of biological activity
Denaturation can be brought about by
large changes in pH, which alter charges on side
chains, e.g., -COO- to -COOH or -NH+ to -NH
detergents such as sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)
which disrupt hydrophobic interactions
urea or guanidine, which disrupt hydrogen bonding
mercaptoethanol, which reduces disulfide bonds
Denaturation of a Protein
Quaternary Structure
Quaternary (4) structure: the association of
polypepetide monomers into multisubunit proteins
Noncovalent interactions
electrostatics, hydrogen bonds, hydrophobic
Structure of Hemoglobin
Predicting protein
architecture is a search of
databases of known structures
for sequence homology
Homology- Refers to
similarity of two or more
Hydrophobic Interactions
Hydrophobic interactions are major factors in protein
Folds so that nonpolar hydrophobic side chains tend
to be on inside away from water, and polar side
chains on outside accessible to aqueous environment
Hydrophobic interactions are spontaneous