Written Report in Analysis of Urine and Other Body Fluids: (Cerebrospinal Fluid)
Written Report in Analysis of Urine and Other Body Fluids: (Cerebrospinal Fluid)
Written Report in Analysis of Urine and Other Body Fluids: (Cerebrospinal Fluid)
Department of Medical Technology
Submitted by:
Along, Rhodalyn M.
Andaya, Bless Marie B.
Ao, Christine P.
Bulquerin, Mary Joyce
Castro, Shannen Therese H.
Submiited to:
Gallen - Referred to excremental liquid in the ventricles of the brain, which he believe was
Heinrich Quincke - Popularize lumbar puncture, he advocated for both diagnostic and
therapeutic purposes.
William Mestrezat - Gave first accurate description of the chemical composition of CSF.
Harvey W. Cushing - Published conclusive evidence that the CSF is secreted by the choroid
Cerebrospinal fluid originates in the choroid plexus. The choroid plexus is composed of a mass
of tiny blood vessels that are located in the lateral third and fourth ventricle.
The remaining CSF, approximately 30%, is formed in other places like the subarachnoid and
ependymal layer of the ventricles.
Lumbar puncture - specimen usually collected in three sterile tubes labelled as:
o Tube 1 chemical and serological test
o Tube 2 microbiology laboratory
o Tube 3 cell count
STAT basis
Xanthochromia - term used to describe CSF supernatant that is pink, orange, or yellow.
Other cause:
1. Increase serum protein
2. Carotene
3. Increase protein concentration
4. Melanoma pigment
Xanthochromia specimen appearance from pale pink to orange xanthochromia from released
A. Traumatic Collection
Grossly bloody CSF indicates intracranial hemorrhage
- Due to the puncture of blood vessel during the spinal tap procedure
Three visual examination of collected specimens result of hemorrhage or a traumatic tap
B. Uneven Distribution of Blood
Blood from cerebral hemorrhage
o Must be evenly distributed throughout the three CSF specimen tubes
o Distribution:
Traumatic tap (Tube 1) heaviest concentration
Tubes 2 and 3 gradually diminishing amounts
Clot Formation
Fluid from traumatic tap form clots owing to the introduction of plasma fibrinogen into
Bloody CSF (intracranial hemorrhage) does not contain enough fibrinogen to clot
Damaged blood-brain barrier allows increased filtration of protein and coagulation factors also
cause clot formation but do not usually produce bloody fluid
Classic web-like pellicle associated with tubercular meningitis and can be seen after overnight
refrigeration of the fluid
C. Xanthochromic Supernatant
is the result of blood that has been present longer than that introduced by the traumatic tap
RBCs that remains in the CSF Two hours before noticeable hemolysis begins
HANDLE WITH CARE: A very recent hemorrhage clear supernatant and introduced
serum protein from a traumatic tap = causes the fluid to appear xanthochromic
Examination: Bloody fluid for the presence of xanthochromic
Centrifuge fluid in microhematocrit tube
Supernatant examined against white background
Additional testing Microscopic examination and the D-dimer test
Intracranial hemorrhage
hemosiderin granules
Formation of fibrin at the hemorrhage site detection of fibrin degradation product, D-dimer
(Reported by Shannen Therese H. Castro)
In Cerebrospinal Fluid, WBC count or Leukocyte count is the one being used.
RBC count is used only for: traumatic tap, correction for leukocytes or protein
RBC count = Total count WBC count
Increase in children
Advia 120 Hematology System approved by the FDA for additional CSF assay
WBC count all samples
RBC count - <1500 cells / L
Differential count Neutrophils, Lymphocytes, Monocytes
Clear specimens undiluted, provided that no overlapping of cells is seen during the
microscopic examination
If dilutions are required: Calibrated automatic pipetting is used. MOUTH PIPETTING IS NOT
For total cell count: Dilutions normal saline mixed by inversion and loaded into
WBC count
If specimens require dilution: Same dilution with total cell count but substitute 3% glacial acetic
acid to lyse the RBCs
Addition of methylene blue stains WBCs, providing better differentiation between neutrophils
and mononuclear cells
Clear specimens (does not require dilution) Four drops of mixed specimen in a clean tube
1. Rinse a Pasteur pipette with 3% glacial acetic acid. Drain thoroughly.
2. Draw four drops of CSF into the rinsed pipette.
3. Allow the pipette to sit for 1 minute.
4. Mix the solution in the pipette and discard the first drop.
5. Load to hemocytometer.
Correction is possible
Determination of the CSF RBC count and blood RBC and WBC count is necessary for
Determine the ratio of WBCs to RBCs in peripheral blood and comparing this ratio with the no.
of contaminating RBCs, the no. of artificially added WBCs can be calculated using this formula:
FORMULA: WBC (added) = WBC (blood) x RBC (CSF) / RBC (blood)
Many laboratories:
Subtract 1 WBC for every 700 RBCs present in the CSF
Quality Control
Liquid commercial controls for spinal fluid RBC and WBC counts are available
Biweekly basis: All diluents must be checked for contamination by exam in a counting chamber
under 4x magnification
Monthly basis: Speed of cytocentrifuge should be checked with a tachometer, and the timing
should be checked with a stopwatch
If non disposable counting chambers are used must be soaked in a bactericidal solution for at
least 15 minutes and then rinsed thoroughly with water and cleaned with isopropyl alcohol.
Performed on a stained smear and NOT from the cells in the counting chamber.
Centrifuge: 5 to 10 minutes
suspended sediment are allowed to air dry and are stainedwith Wrights stain.
When the differential count is performed, 100 cells should be counted, classified, and reported
in terms of percentage.
If the cell count is low and finding 100 cells is not possible, report only the numbers of the cell
types seen.
It is used for retrieving cells or microorganisms from body fluids directly on the microscopic
slides and preparation of monolayer (evenly spread)smear
As the specimen is centrifuged, cells present in the fluid are forced into a monolayer within a 6mm diameter circle on the slide.
Fluid is absorbed by the filter paper blotter, producing a more concentrated area of cells.
As little as 0.1 mL of CSF combined with one drop of 30% albumin produces an adequate cell
yield when processed with the cytocentrifuge.
Adding albumin increases the cell yield and decreases the cellular distortion
Cells from both the center and periphery of the slide should be examined because cellular
characteristics may vary between areas of the slide
A daily control slide for bacteria should also be prepared using 0.2 mL saline and two drops of
the 30% albumin currently being used. The slide is stained and examined if bacteria are seen
on a patients slide
High CSF WBC count (neutrophils) indicates bacterial meningitis. The CSF differential count is
most frequently associated with its role in providing diagnostic information about the type of
microorganism that is causing an infection of the meninges.
Moderately elevated CSF WBC count (lymphocyte & monocytes) indicates meningitis of viral,
tubercular, fungal, or parasitic origin
a. Neutrophils
Increased neutrophils also are seen in the early stages (1 to 2 days) of viral, fungal, tubercular,
and parasitic meningitis
CNS hemorrhage
Mixture of lymphocytes and monocytes indiactes viral, tubercular, and fungal meningitis
Reactive lymphocytes containing increased dark blue cytoplasm and clumped chromatin = viral
infections in conjunction with normal cells
Moderately elevated WBC count (less than 50 WBCs/m L) with increased normal and reactive
lymphocytes and plasma cells indiactes multiple sclerosis or other degenerative neurologic
c. Eosinophils
parasitic infections
introduction of foreign material including medications and shunts into the CNS
d. Macrophages
They function in removing cellular debris and foreign objects such as RBCs
Appear within 2 to 4 hours after RBCs enter the CSF and are frequently seen following repeated
Further degradation of the phagocytized RBCs results in the appearance of dark blue or black
iron-containing hemosiderin granules
b. Ependymal cells
c. Spindle-shaped cells
b. Lymphoma cells
They sually appear in clusters of large, small, or mixed cells based on the classification of the
Fusing of cell walls and nuclear irregularities and hyperchromatic nucleoli are seen in clusters of
malignant cells.