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TechMahindra Verbal Questions

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13 The term liberal has taken on many _______in recent years.

a)denotations b) connotations c)connote d) cannot e) None of the above
14 _____________easy to see how his company has made so much money

Confusable Words

a) its b) it's c)its d)its e) None of the above

Select the appropriate word in each sentence.

1 She decided to seek the ... of the Dorm Council.

15 The company matters are ____ and should not be leaked.

a) Listen b) Way forward c)Joining d)Counsel e)None of the above

16 Austria has been ___________ into the European Union.

2 Government agencies tried to.. the effects of depression.

a) Accepted b)Expected c) Made d) Excepted e) None of the above

a) Confirm b) alleviate c)Suppress d)Settle e)None of the above

17 I am completely _________________ in this course.

3 She made a ____ decision to stay away from them.

a) Disinterested b) Unwanted c) Disinterest d)Unintrest e) None of the above

a)Conscious b) Conscience c)Consent d)Clear e)None of the above

4 ____ expected to finish the task within time.

18 Sheena is a very _________ girl.

a) populous b) popular


a)Your b)You're c)Yours d)You e)None of the above


a) Discreet b) Discrete c) Deceit d) Deceipt e) None of the above

19 He has a very _________ sense of humour.

5 The ____ of this theory can be traced back to the thirteenth century.
a)Bases b)Basis c)Basses d)Bass e)None of the above

a) earthly b)earthy


20 Monkeys have long ________.

a) tails b) tales

6 They are not ____ to finish this task in such little time.

a)Accepted b)Excepted c)Expected d)Accented e)None of the above

7 During the meeting, he made a brief ________ to the decline in exports to

21 The soup will cure anything ________flat feet.

Western Europe.

22 ____ expected to finish the task within time.

a)Illusion b)Allusion c)Indicate d)Mark e)None of the above

8 The Company will _________new measures to limit the number of goods

a) accept b) except c) expect d) effect e) None of the above

a) Your b) You're c) Yours d) You e) None of the above
23 Ive added an appointment with Mr.Dias to __ agenda.
a) Your b) You're c) Yours d) You e) None of the above

9 She has apparently found it difficult to ___________ the circumstances.

which arrive damaged.

a)Except b)Accept c)Expect d)Expected e)None of the above

a) Adept b) Adapted c) Adopt d) Adapt e) None of the above

10 Noida is an ______ town.

25 I am completely _________________ in this course.

a) Disinterested b) Unwanted c) Disinterest d) Un interest e) None of the above


which arrive damaged.

a) Adept b)Adapted c)Adopt d) Adapt e) None of the above

a) Industrious b)industrial

24 The company will _________new measures to limit the number of goods

11 I will try not to let his words _____ me

a) affect b)effect c) except d) xcept e) None of the above

2 6 She has apparently found it difficult to ___________ the circumstances.

12 The professor gave only a brief_____ to the work at hand.

27 He is self ______

a) allusion b)elusion c) delusion d)illusion e)None of the above

a) effacing b) defacing

a) Except b) Accept c) Expect d) Expected e) None of the above

Soft Skills Training | Aptitude/Verbal Training | Finance Training |

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passed down for generations

a) easel b) easy

a) Credible b) Creditable c) Credulous d) Credel e) None of the above

29 He was _______ in the vicinity of the neighbourhood yesterday.

43 Depending on the requirements, you may have to ________ your decision

a) Seen b) Scene

a) Altar b) Alter c) Alternate d) Alternative e) None of the above

30 He found it difficult to ________ in the dim light.

44 She ________ importance after the announcement of her probable

a) read b) reed


31 A new sailor is often ________ when veterans tell sea stories that have been

a) Assumed b) Presumed c) Resumed d) Consumed e)None of the above

passed down for generations.

45 During the meeting, he made a brief ________ to the decline in exports to

a) Credible b) Creditable c) Credulous d) Credel e)None of the above

Western Europe

32 Government agencies tried to ________ the effects of depression

a) Illusion b) Allusion c) Indicate d) Mark e) None of the above

a) Confirm b) Alleviate c) Suppress d) Settle e)None of the above

46 Of the two proposals put forward, I prefer the ________

33 The ________ of this theory can be traced back to the thirteenth century.

a) Late b)Other c) Latter d) Later e)None of the above


a) Bases b) Basis c) Basses d) Bass e)None of the above


28 She has had a relatively _______ life.

47 He is a very ________ father

34 They are not ________ to finish this task in such little time.

a) Protective b) Protection c) All d) I dont know e) None of the above

which arrive damaged.

48 In death all men are ________

a) Equal b) Equable c) All d) I dont know e) None of the above


a) Accepted b) Excepted c) Expected d) Accented e) None of the above

35 The company will ________ new measures to limit the number of goods

49 The bells ________ loudly

a) Adept b) Adapted c) Adopt d) Adapt e) None of the above

50 One must eat a balanced ________

a) Accept b) Except c) I Don't Know d)All e)None

37 She is my friend and ________.

36 He is not one to ________ defeat easily.

a) Peeled b) Pealed c) All d) I dont know e) None of the above

a) Diet b) Food c) All d) I dont know e) None of the above
51 The fact that my hair is orange today is ________ the point; I am still your

38 She Passed the exams with ________

a) Besides b) Beside c) Aside d) Side e) Besides


a) Confidante b) Confident c) I Don't Know d) All e)None

a) Distinctness b) Distinction c) I Don't Know d) All e) None

52 I would ________ your excuse, ________ the part about losing the watch.

39 He was ________ in the vicinity of the neighbourhood yesterday.

a) Accept/Except b) Expect/Accept c)Access/Accept d) Excess/Expect e)None

a) Seen b) Scene c) I Don't Know d) All e)None

40 The bells ________ loudly.

53 The company will ________ new measures to limit the number of goods
which arrive damaged.

a) Peeled b) Pealed c) I Don't Know d) All e)None

a) Adept b) Adapted c) Adopt d) Adapt e)one of the above

41 The professor gave only a brief ________ to the work at hand

54 He has graduated in ________ history.

a) Allusion b) Elusion c) Delusion d) Illusion e) None of the above

a) Social b) Sociable c) I Don't Know d)All of the above e) None of the above

42 A new sailor is often ________ when veterans tell sea stories that have been

55 He is self ________.

70 He is a political ________


a) Opportune b) Opportunist c) I don't know d) All of the Above e) None of the

56 In death all men are ________.


a) Equal b) Equable c) I Don't Know d)All of the above e)None of the above

71 Wondering what _____options were, Jack and Joe consulted a lawyer

57 You must ________ your expenses before it is too late.

a) there b) their c) they're d)they e)None of the above

a) Cheque b) Check c) I Don't Know d) All of the above e) None of the above

72 I would . your excuse, .the part about losing the watch.

58 Yesterday, She created a ________ in public.

a) Accept/Except b) Expect/Accept c) Access/Accept d) Excess/Expect

a) Seen b) Scene c) I Don't Know d) All of the above e) None of the above

73 The company matters are ____ and should not be leaked.

59 Ben Kingsley played the ________ of the Mahatama in the flim Gandhi.

a) Discreet b) Discrete c) Deceit d) Deceipt e) None of the above

a) Roll b) Role c) I Don't Know d) All of the above e) None of the above

74 I'm afraid she's going to _____________ her grandmother's wedding band.

60 He found it difficult to ________ in the dim light.

a) Lose b) Loose c) Loss d) Loosing e)None of the above

a) Read b) Reed c) I Don't Know d) All of the above None of the above

75 It's usually hotter __________ this in July.

a) Allusion b) Ilusion c) Delusion d)Illusion e) None of the above

a) Than b) Then c)Them d)There e)None of the above

Instruction for Q. Nos. 6 to 10 :
From the two options given below each sentence select the one to fill the blank


62 I can run farther than you, but let's discuss that ________ After the race.
a) First b) Further c) Advance d) Beyond e) None of the above


61 The professor gave only a brief ________ to the work at hand.


a) Effacing b) Defacing c) I Don't Know d) All of the above e) None of the

63 For security purposes, ________ had to be installed on all the floors.

76 He has graduated in _______ history. a) social b) sociable

a) Censer b) Censor c) Sensor d) Censure e) None of the above

77 He owns a shop of _______ a) antic b) antiques

64 ________ responsible for consumer affairs in this company?

78 She is my friend and ________ . a) confidante b)confident

79 He knows all the streets and ________ of Delhi. a) alleys b) allay
80 The ________ of the crime shocked everyone. a) barbarity b)barbarism

a) Except b) Accept c) Expect d) Expected e) None of the above

81 _____________easy to see how his company has made so much money

66 The flowers have ________

a) its b)it's c)its d)its e)None of the above


a) Who's b)Whose c) Who d) Whom e) None of the above

65 She has apparently found it difficult to ________ the circumstances.

a) Faded b) Fad c)I don't know d) All of the Above e) None of the above

82 Government agencies tried to.. the effects of depression.

67 She is very gentle and ________.

a)Confirm b)alleviate c)Suppress d)Settle e)None of the above

a) Considerable b) Considerate c) I don't know d) All of the Above e) None of

the above

83 A loud murmur of ____ was heard at the end of the speech.

a)Ascent b)Assent c)Accent d)Accentuate e)None of the above

68 Most artists are ________ people.

84 _______ responsible for consumer affairs in this company?

a) Intense b) Inensive c) I don't know d) All of the Above e) None of the above

a)Who's b)Whose c)Who d)Whom e)None of the above

69 Yesterday, She created a ________ in public.

85 Our __________ attend intensive language courses.

a) Seen b)Scene c) I don't know d) All of the Above e) None of the above

a)Personal b)Personnel c)Person d)Personol e)None of the above

a)inferred b)implied c)imply d)infer e)None of the above

a)They're Their b)There c)They d)Them e)None of theabove

102 A loud murmur of ____ was heard at the end of the speech.

87 She has apparently found it difficult to ___________ the circumstances.

a)Ascent b)Assent c)Accent d)Accentuate e)None of the above

a)Except b)Accept c)Expect d)Expected e)None of the above

103 She is very gentle and __________. a)considerable b)considerate

Instruction for Q. Nos. 8 to 10 :

104 Are you ________ that he has been lying to me. a)inferring b)implying

From the two options given below each sentence select the one to fill the blank

105 She is my friend and ________ . a)confidante b)confident


106 A __________ of smoke hung over the area a)Pail b)Pall

88 Fact is stranger than _______. a)fiction b)faction

107 Most artists are ________ people. a)intense b)inensive

89 Monkeys have long ________. a)tails b)tales

108 He was _______ in the vicinity of the neighbourhood yesterday. a)Seen b)

90 He knows all the streets and ________ of Delhi. a)alleys b)allay


91 I will try not to let his words ______ me

109 He ________ against the action. a)protestant b)protested

a)affect b)effect c)except d)xcept e)None of the above

110 The ________ of the crime shocked everyone. a)barbarity b)barbarism

begin presently


92 My favorite show, Seinfeld, is... doing re-runs; the new episodes will


86 ____________ are too many possible answers to this question.

Building Verbiage
Instruction for Q. Nos. 1 to 2:

a)Ascent b)Assent c)Accent d)Accentuate e)None of the above

94 They are not ____ to finish this task in such little time.

Select the meaning of the word mentioned in the right side column
Q.1 acumen


a)Beginning b)currently c)Starting d)Momentarily e)None of the above

93 A loud murmur of ____ was heard at the end of the speech.

a) Slow understanding b) no expertise c) quick understanding d) knowledge e)

low skill
Q.2 Placid

95 Ive added an appointment with Mr.Dias to __ agenda.

a) Your b)You're c)Yours d)You e)None of the above

a)Calm b)Noisy c)Vibrant d)Veracious e)None of the above

Choose the word among the four options which is the closest in meaning to the

96 The poor weather this summer will certainly _______ the grape harvest.

given word.

a)Effect b)Effects c)Affects d)Affect e)None of the above


97 The politicians can't seem to find an appropriate ___________ for the new

a)Dank b)Dark c)Gloomy d)Dependent on something

community college.

Q.4 Rectify

a)Cite b)Sight c)Site d)Seat e)None of the above

98_________ law was enforced in the territory as a last resort. a)Martial

a) To command b) destroy c) correct d) to build


a) Reform b) fatigue c) ill will d) short break

99 He found it difficult to ________ in the dim light. a) read b)reed

Q.6 Wreak

100 He is an ________ personality. a) imminent b)eminent

a) To throw b) to use with full effect c) to grasp d) to cut

101 The way he waved his hands ____that he was happy about the decision

Q.7 Placate


a)Accepted b)Excepted c)Expected d)Accented e)None of the above

Q.5 Respite

a)to flatten out b)to pacify c)to annoy d)to make sure

Q.9 Sozzled

Q.8 Ecstasy

a) cultured b) drunk c) moderate d) burning

a) Exhausted b) strong c) joy d) greed e) rival

Q.9 Bovine

Q.10 Vendetta
a) threat b) mortal c) friendship d) feud

a) An expert b) like an ox c) meat extract d) dim-witted

Choose the word among the four options which is the closest in meaning to the

Q.10 Upheaval

given word.

a) Outcome b) slow change c) upward turns d) radical change

1 extrovert

Select the meaning of the word mentioned in the right side column

a) outgoing person b) shy c) calm d)fussy e)passive


Q.1 Native
a) pertaining to coins or medals b) of doubtful authenticity

2 pungent

c) Autochthonous indigenous, originating where found

a) sharp sensation b) flowery c) tasty d) cute e) clever

Q.2 Redundancy


d) liberal, broadminded, of universal interest e) None of the above

3 Unsuccessful

a) unnecessary repetition of the same idea in different words

a) related,having a common ancestry b) futile,functionless,superfluous

b) lacking self-control,unchaste,unrestrained
c) gently flickering with soft clear light,light and witty (fig) e) None of the


b) weariness, weakness c) habitual lying

d) the spreading of a disease (especially cancer) to another part of the body
e) None of the above


Choose the word among the four options which is the closest in meaning to the
given word.
Q.3 DO a) Done b) Disable c) To ensure d) Perform
Q.4 Abortive

4 Inconsistent
a) deliberately trying to influence, not impartial
b) related, having a common ancestry
c) mournful, like a lament

Q.5 Baneful

d) unstable, prone to change or movement


a) unsuccessful b) consuming c) financing d) familiar e) fruitful

a)generous b) kindly c) ruinous d) severity e) superfluous

e) None of the above

Q.6 Brazen
a) shameless b) quick c) modest d) pleasant e) melodramatic

a) Defeat b) Caress c) Beaten d) Bend e) None of the above

Q.7 Refund
a) deduct b) receive c) distribute d) give e) reimburse

Choose the word among the four options which is the opposite to the given

Q.8 Incredulous


a) superstitious b) unreliable c) unimaginative d) skeptical


a) Convivial b) Frank c) Sly d) Candidate e) None of the above

a) munch b) quibble c) amuse d) appreciate

Q.9 Inedible

7 Precipitous
a) exact b) very steep c) uncertain d) absurd e) None of the above

a) unfit for human consumption b) polluted c) vitiated d) eatable

8 Myriad

a) above others in rank of authority b) famous c) wide and extensive d) very

a) bright b) imaginary c) very great number d) variety e)None of the above


Q.10 Paramount

Select the meaning of the word mentioned in the right side column
Q.1 Valuable a)Vain b)Solemn c)Moral d)Precious e)None of the above

a) vague b) gentle c) stupid d) stubborn e) None of the above

Q.2 Semiotics


9 Docile

a) study of signs and symbols as used in language

b)pattern, example

a) to heal b) soften c) pardon d) send on a mission e) None of the above

c)superhuman creature (subordinate to the Creator)


10 Mitigate

d)previous writing partially concealed beneath more recent writing


e)None of the above

Choose the word among the four options which is the closest in meaning to the
given word.


Q.1 Recurrence
a) Repetition b) Innovative c) Unusual d) New e) None of the above

Choose the word among the four options which is the closest in meaning to the

Q.3 ABANDON a)Forsake b)Wicked c)House d)Lower

given word.

Q.4 Compound a)to emphasise b)to confuse c)to put together d)to compress


Q.5 Eulogistic a)prank b)wanderer c)well-settled d)practical e)praising

Q.4 Admonition


a) mind b) association c) soul d) dead body

a) Disgust b) Capture c) Wary d)To charm

Q.3 Carcass

Q.6 Slake a)rub b)sharpen c)quench d)erase

Q.7 Acumen a)bitterness b)quickness of insight c)abundance d)deficit
Q.8 Cavil a)munch b)quibble c)amuse d)appreciate
Q.9 Debonair a)superficial b)pleasant and gracious c)in high style d)flighty

a) weapon b) preamble c) warning d) alarm e) hysteria

Q.10 Composure a)assumed attitude b)liberty c)restlessness d)tranquility

Q.5 Mottle


a) spoil b) mark with spots c)erase d) colour

Q.6 Sentient

1 Forceful
a) Hopeful, optimistic; blood-red

a) capable of feelings b) dry c) dull d) dirty

b) Dark, gloomy

Q.7 Compunction

c) Compelling, logically Cogent, urgent

a) regret b) appreciate c) wonder d) anger

d) Containing maxims or aphorisms

Q.8 Cavil

e) None of the above

8 Vernal a) Luxuriant b) Springlike c)Scale d) Dirty e) None of the above

9 Erotic a) Wandering b) Given to mistakes c) Difficult d) Amorous e)

3 DECAY a) Prosper b) Decline c) Dainty d) Defunct e) None of the above

4 Unfold a) Stunt b) Compress c) Restrict d) Elaborate e) None of the above

Choose the word among the four options which is the closest in meaning to the

5 Careless a) Spotless b) Faceless c) Negligent d) Vigilant e) Arrogant

given word.

Choose the word among the four options which is the opposite to the given

1 CAPTIVATE a) Disgust b) Capture c) Wary d) To charm e) None of the above


2 DEFECT a) Flaw b) Injure c) Deface d) Perfect e)None of the above

6 Ingenious a) Misleading b)Clever at inventing c) Intoxicated d) Alarm

3 EQUAL a) Equitable b) Uniform c)Right d)Pattern e) None of the above

7 Nascent a) Initial b) Unpleasant c) Latest d) Crude e) None of the above

4 Gluttony a) Satisfaction b) Beatitude c)Sadness d)Greedy e) None of the above

8 Incidence a) Stubbornness b) The range of occurence c) Anecdotes d)

5 Obliterate a) To blot out b)Slow down c)Block up d)Decline e) None of the



9 Compunction a) Regret b) Appreciate c) Wonder d) Anger e) None

Choose the word among the four options which is the opposite to the given



2 BELOW a) Under b) Belie c) Above d) Submit e) None of the above


6 Notoriety a) Public shame b)Unpleasant experience c) Wrong option d)

given word.
1 Impolitic

Unfavourably known
7 Deplete a)Take away b)Fill c)Make greater d)To exhaust e)None of the above


Choose the word among the four options which is the closest in meaning to the

a) Separate, split

8 Sporadic a)Epidemic b)Whirling c)Occasional d)Stagnant e)None of the above

b) Improper; unfortunate

9 Virile a) Athletic b) Pompous c)Manly d)Boastful e)None of the above

c) Unwise; imprudent


d) To disagree; differ in opinion

e) None of the above

10 Coup a) Sudden overthrow of a government b) Small enclosure c) Accident

d) Clever reply

2 ACTUAL a)Ponder b) Real c) Actually d) Action e) None of the above

1 Stolid

3 CANDID a)Convivial b) Frank c) Sly d) Candidate e) None of the above

a) Stubbornly rebellious

4 Bellicose a) War-like b) Naval c) Amusing d) Piecemeal e) Errant

b) One who leads a simple life of self-denial

5 Breach a) Break b) Slander c) Uncertain d) Restrict e) Rift

c) Solemn moral talk; sermon

d) Showing little emotion

Building Verbiage (Antonyms)

e) None of the above

6 Incompatible a) Capable b) Reasonable c) Faulty d) Indifferent e )Capable

2 Hazard

7 Amalgamate a) To unite b) Gather c)Astonish greatly d) Frustruate e) None of

a) Threatening, peril b) Convulsive, startling, wildly energetic

the above

b) Glassy, transparent d) Smooth, slippery; shifty, dishonest, lewd e) None of

the above

Choose the word among the four options which is the closest in meaning to the
given word.

3 Effusion
a) Shocking b) Exclamation c) Compensation d) Threatening e) Shocking

a) Primary b)Element c)Infamous d)Enveloped

4 Repugnance

a)to manage b)move c)slide d)drag one's feet

a) Affection b) Disinclination c) Like d) Approve e) None of the above

a)mind b)association c)soul d)dead body

a) Conflicting b) Vociferous c) Testimonial d) Grateful e) Adolescent


5 Boisterous
5) Bountiful

a)pretty b)generous c)shameful d)spiritual e)rude


6) Breach


Choose the word among the four options which is the opposite to the given

a) break b)slander c)uncertain d)restrict e)rift

6 Malediction

7) Immune

a) exempt b)statutory c)hostile d)disturbing e)misfortune

8) Bowdlerize


a) A curse against someone b) Farewell words c) Omen d) A closing prayer e)


a)to take out words that might be considered improper b)give firmness to

7 Prone

c)use unnecessary strength d)cut into two or more separate parts

9) Rookie

8 Vernal
a) Luxuriant b) Springlike c) Scale d) Dirty e) None of the above

a)an old man b)a new recruit c)a fighter d)a wrestler
10) Melange

9 Hansom

a)mixture of medley b)household c)optical illusion d)desert


a) Thrown forward b)Disease c) Supine d) Inactive e) None of the above

a) Man's clock b) Elaborate serving dish c) Gardening tool d)Two-wheeled

Select the meaning of the word mentioned in the right side column


Q.1 Uncertain
a)up in the air b)by heart c)second rate d)Two-faced e)None of the above

10 Fiasco
a) Festival b) Failure c) Ridiculous plan d) Misfortune e) None of the above

Choose the word among the four options which is the closest in meaning to the
given word.

Select the meaning of the word mentioned in the right side column

a)Defeat b)Caress c)Beaten d)Bend

1) Fraudulence

Q.3 Devoid

a) Dishonesty b)Frankness c)Candor d)Openness e)None of the above

a)stupid b)lacking c)evasive d)hopeless

Q.4 Shift
a)to manage b)move c)slide d)drag one's feet
Q.5 Prowess
a) understanding b)keenness c)eagerness d)bravery
Q.6 Bovine
a)an expert b)like an ox c)meat extract d)dim-witted
Q.7 Baffle
a)to disconcert b)tease c)strike d)end away


Q.8 Precipitous
a)exact b)very steep c)uncertain d)absurd
Q.9 Whim


a)desire b)unnatural behaviour c)clumsy d)fancy

Q.10 Tour de force



a)long journey b)feat of skill c)spectacle d)show of force

Reading Passage

The family-run firm is one of the most successful printing, copyshop and design

I. Read the passage and answer the questions

offices in the region. Although it is a ___(1)________ small company, it thinks

big. The company has made a considerable _____(2)____in high-tech
machinery to ___(3)_____up in this rapidly changing industry. The companys

a) Since b) If c) how d)Whenever e)None of the above

success has recently enabled it to modernize and _____(4)______its premises.

2 Mr Corp: Oh yes, madam. She's ......... going to London. Mrs Ashton: Well,

Multicopys Managing Director, Colin Marsh, says,It was very

that's good

____(5)______before. We may get up to two tones of paper delivered a day and

a) Precisely b) Exactly c) Definitely d)Always e)None of the above

we were running out of space to ______(6)______it. Now, we are the only

3 Mrs Ashton: Well, that's good.......... Mr Corp:

business in this area _____(7)______a print service from start to finish all under

a) Information b) Knowledge c)Knowing d)News e) None of the above

one roof. A vast amount of work can be _____(8) in a very short span of time.

4 What ......... you say that, madam?

The firm was ____(9)____ up 22 years ago by Colins father, who was the area

a)Forces b)Makes c)Does d)Requires e)None of the above

manager for a national ____(10)____ of printers before starting his own

a)Traveled b) Caught c)Tripped d)Ended e) None of the above



6 Mr Corp: What ......... to you then?

a)Occurred b)Transpired c)Happened d)Developed e)None of the above


5 Mrs Ashton: Well, last time I ......... by train, I got on the wrong one.


1 Mrs Ashton: Excuse me! Do you know ......... this train is going to London?

7 Mrs. Ashton: It was terrible because I ended ......... miles away from where I
wanted to go.
a) Over b)Up c)Through d)In e)None of the above

8 Mr. Corp: Well, you'll have no such ......... today, madam.

a) Puzzle b)Situation c)Condition d)Problem e)None of the above


9 Mrs. Ashton: Look are you ......... the train's going to London.
a)Sure b)Clear c)Evident d)Obvious e)None of the above

10 It's taking a long time to leave. Mr. Corp: Don't you ......... madam. It is going
to London but
not for another 4 hours!
a)Concern b)Think c)Worry d)Consider e) None of the above
II. Read the passage and answer the questions
From designing and printing corporate brouchures and business cards to
photocopying students essays its all in a days work for Multicopy Printing.

1 Fill in the blank no.1

mailing was the worst of his life. He had no responses at all. Then a letter

a) Relatively b) Roughly c) wholly d) nearly e) None of the above

arrived from Scotland inviting him to give a ___(10)____ for a pre-season check

2 Fill in the blank no.2

of a football clubs seating.

a) Investment b) Expense c) Cost d) Payment e) None of the above

1 Fill in the blank no.1

3 Fill in the blank no.3

a) Told b) Made c) Required d) Found e)None of the above

a) Go b)get c) keep d) going e) None of the above

2 Fill in the blank no.2

4 Fill in the blank no.4

a) Salary b) Wage c) Payment d)Amount e) None of the above

a) Boost b) Exceed c) Continue d) Expand e) None of the above

3 Fill in the blank no.3

a) Closed b) crowded c) Occupied d) Filled e) None of the above

a) Boss b) Worker c) Businessman d) Head e) None of the above

6 Fill in the blank no.6

4 Fill in the blank no.4

a) reserve b) collect c) store d) fetch e) None of the above

a) Accepted b) Thought c) Liked d) Decided e) None of the above

7 Fill in the blank no.7



5 Fill in the blank no.5

5 Fill in the blank no.5

a) lending b) providing c) stocking d) holding e) None of the above

6 Fill in the blank no.6

a) Stage b) Point c) Movement d) Step e) None of the above


8 Fill in the blank no.8

a) settled b) built c) constructed d) completed e) None of the above

a) Living b) Practising c) Labor d) Task e) None of the above

9 Fill in the blank no.9

7 Fill in the blank no.7

a) taken b)put c) made d)set e) None of the above

a) Declaring b) Expressing c) Outlining d) Designing e)None of the above

10 Fill in the blank no.10

8 Fill in the blank no.8


a) branch b) chain c) system d) series e) None of the above

III. Read the passage and answer the questions

a) Do b) Provide c) Achieve d) Succeed e) None of the above

9 Fill in the blank no.9
a) Organizations b) Situations c) Activities d) Sports e) None of the above

In 1928, 25 year old John Stewart was (1)_________redundant. He was left

10 Fill in the blank no.10

with a compensation (2)____________of $ of 5000 and a determination to be

a) Bid b) Tender c) Valuation d) Quotation e) None of the above

his own(3)_________.As a supporter of his local football club, he had often

IV. Read the passage and answer the questions

helped them by maintaining and repairing their seating. He now (4)

___________to set up his own company and make a (5)______________out of

Please read the following sentence/passage and fill-in the blanks with most

his lobby. His first ___(6)___ was to get 1000 brouchures printed, ____(7)____

appropriate word(s) from the options/choice provided under each. From

the two main services which he could ____(8)____ ,repair and maintenance. He

designing and printing corporate brouchures and business cards to

sent these brouchures to amateur and professional football clubs, and other

photocopying students' essays it's all in a day's work for Multicopy Printing.

similar _____(9)____ such as hockey clubs. The week after completing the

The family-run firm is one of the most successful printing, copyshop and design

offices in the region. Although it is a _____(1)_____ small company, it thinks

10 Fill in the blank no.10

big. The company has made a considerable_____(2)_____ in high-tech

a) branch b) chain c) system d) series e) None of the above

machinery to_____(3)_____up in this rapidly changing industry. The

V. Read the passage and answer the questions

company's success has recently enabled it to modernize and_____(4)_____its

Read the passage and answer the questions. Once upon a time, there was a rich

very_____(5)_____before. We may get up to two tones of paper delivered a day

merchant who had four wives. He loved the fourth wife the most and adorned

and we were running out of space to_____(6)_____it. Now, we are the only

her with rich robes and treated herto delicacies. He took great careof her and

business in this area_____(7)_____a print service from start to finish all under

gave her nothing but the best. He also loved the third wife very much. He was

one roof. A vast amount of work can be_____(8)_____in a very short span of

very proud of her and always wanted to show her off to his friends. However,

time. The firm was_____(9)_____up 22 years ago by Colin's father, who was

the merchant was always in great fear, that she might run away with some

the area manager for a national_____(10)_____of printers before starting his

other men. He loved his second wife_ too. She was very considerate person,

own business.

always patient and in fact was the merchants confidante. Whenever the


1 Fill in the blank no.1


premises. Multicopy's Managing Director, Colin Marsh, says,"It was

merchant faced some problems, he always turned to his second wife and she

a) Relatively b) Roughly c) Wholly d) Nearly e) None of the above

merchants first wife was very loyal partner and had made great contributions
in maintaining his wealth and business as well as taking care of the household.


2 Fill in the blank no.2

a) Investment b) Expense c) Cost d) Payment e) None of the above

would always help him out and tide him through difficult times. Now, the

However, the merchant did not love the first wife and although she loved him

3 Fill in the blank no.3

deeply, he hardly took notice of her. One day, the merchant fell ill. Before

a) Go b) Get c) Keep d) Going e) None of the above

long, he knew that he was going to die soon. He thought of his luxurious life
and told himself, Now I have four wives with me. But when I die, ill be
alone. How lonely ill be! Thus, he asked the fourth wife,.I loved you most,

5 Fill in the blank no.5

endowed you with the finest clothing and showered great care over you. Now,


4 Fill in the blank no.4

a) Boost b) Exceed c) Continue d) Expand e) None of the above

a) Closed b) crowded c) Occupied d) Filled e) None of the above

that Im dying, will you follow me and keep me company ? No way ! Replied

6 Fill in the blank no.6

the fourth wife and she walked away without another word. The answer cut

a) reserve b) collect c) store d) fetch e) None of the above

like a sharp knife right into the merchants heart. The sad merchant than asked

7 Fill in the blank no.7

a) lending b) providing c) stocking d) holding e) None of the above

the third wife, I have loved you so much for all my life. Now, that Im dying,
will you follow me and keep me company ? No ! Replied the third wife. Life

8 Fill in the blank no.8

is so good over here ! Im going to remarry when you die ! The merchants

a) settled b) built c) constructed d) completed e) None of the above

heart sank and turned cold. He then asked the secbnd wife, I always turned to

9 Fill in the blank no.9

you for help and youve always helped me out. Now I need your help again.

a) taken b) put c) made d) set e) None of the above

When I die, will you follow me and keep me company ? Im sorry, I cant

help you out this time ! Replied the second wife. At the very most, I can only

3 What does the phrase 'cut like a sharp knife' as used in the passage mean ?

send you to your grave. The answer came like a bolt of thunder and the

a) Injure b) Bleed c) Dangerous d) Hurt e) None

merchant was devastated. Then a voice called out, ill leave with you. Ill
follow you no matter where you go. The merchant looked up and there was

4 Which of the following is possible NOT a characteristics of the first wife as

his first wife. She was so skinny, almost like she suffered from malnutrition.

given in the passage?

Greatly grieved, the merchant said, I should have taken much better care of

a) Caring b) Beautiful c)Thin d) Loyal e) All of the above are characteristics of

you while I could have ! Actually, we all have four wives in our lives. The

the first wife

fourth wife is our body. No matter how much time and effort we lavish in
5 What fear did the merchant have about his third wife ?

possessions, status and wealth. When we die, they all go to others. The second

a) That she would kill him

wife is our family and friends. No matter how close they had been to us when

b) That she would not accompany him when he died

in fact our soul, often neglected in our pursuit of material, wealth and sensual

pleasure. It is actually the only thing that follows us where ever we go. Perhaps

1 What did the merchant want to do with his third wife ?


c) To show her off to his friends

2 What was the second wife's quality ?

a) She helped the merchant during tough times
b) She helped the merchant in his business
c) She made the merchant feel proud

6 What explanation did the fourth wife give for not accompanying the
a) She wanted more money b) She did not give any explanation
c) She wanted to marry someone else after the merchant's death

b) To give her away to his friends

e) None

e) That she would kill him

merchant when he was dying?

a) To buy good clothes for her

d) To share his problems with her

d) That she would not look beautiful anymore


its a good idea to cultivate and strengthen it now rather than to wait until
were in our deathbed to lament.

c) That she would run away with all his money


were alive, the furthest they can stay by us is up to the grave. The first wife is


making it look good, itll leave us when we die. Our third wife is our

d) She was afraid to go with him e) None

7 Why did the first wife offer to go with the merchant when he died ?
a) Because she loved him
b) Because she was afraid to stay alone
c) Because she hated the other wives
d) Because she was undernourished and was going to die anyway
e) None

d) She contributed to the merchant's wealth

8 The author has compared the merchant's fourth wife to our............

e) None

a) Soul b) Wealth c) Friends d) Status e) Soul

one roof. A vast amount of work can be_____(8)_____in a very short span of
9 What does the author have to say about our soul ?

time. The firm was_____(9)_____up 22 years ago by Colin's father, who was

a) That it is well taken care of

the area manager for a national_____(10)_____of printers before starting his

b) That it can give us company only till our death

own business.
1 Fill in the blank no.1

c) That it has been ignored in the chase for worldly pleasures

a) Relatively b) Roughly c) Wholly d) Nearly e) None of the above

d) That it belongs to someone else after our death

e) None

2 Fill in the blank no.2

a) Investment b) Expense c) Cost d) Payment e) None of the above


10 What does the phrase 'like a bolt of thunder' used in the passage mean ?

3 Fill in the blank no.3

b) Like a pleasant feeling

a) Go b) Get c) Keep d) Going e) None of the above


a) Like a very bright light

c) Like a loud noise

4 Fill in the blank no.4

d) Like a shock

VI. Read the passage and answer the questions


a) Boost b) Exceed c) Continue d) Expand e) None of the above

e) None

5 Fill in the blank no.5

Please read the following sentence/passage and fill-in the blanks with most

appropriate word(s) from the options/choice provided under each. From

designing and printing corporate brouchures and business cards to


photocopying students' essays it's all in a day's work for Multicopy Printing.
The family-run firm is one of the most successful printing, copyshop and design
offices in the region. Although it is a _____(1)_____ small company, it thinks
big. The company has made a considerable_____(2)_____ in high-tech

machinery to_____(3)_____up in this rapidly changing industry. The

company's success has recently enabled it to modernize and_____(4)_____its
premises. Multicopy's Managing Director, Colin Marsh, says,"It was
very_____(5)_____before. We may get up to two tones of paper delivered a day
and we were running out of space to_____(6)_____it. Now, we are the only
business in this area_____(7)_____a print service from start to finish all under

a) Closed b) crowded c) Occupied d) Filled e) None of the above

6 Fill in the blank no.6
a) reserve b) collect c) store d) fetch e) None of the above
7 Fill in the blank no.7
a) lending b) providing c) stocking d) holding e) None of the above
8 Fill in the blank no.8
a) settled b) built c) constructed d) completed e) None of the above
9 Fill in the blank no.9
a) taken b) put c) made d) set e) None of the above
10 Fill in the blank no.10

a) branch b) chain c) system d) series e) None of the above

to the river to fetch water had a nice bath. The one who went to gather wood

VII. Read the passage and answer the questions

for the fire went off to'sleep beneath the tree. And Mahadev only ordered
everyone about, not bothering to do anything himself. Meanwhile the thief had
returned to the tree. He noticed the family members were greedy and selfish.

appropriate word(s) from the options/choice provided under each. Mihir and

They would never be able to put up a fight together. Then, Mahadev and his

Mahadev lived in the same village. While Mahadev owned the largest shop in

wife started the conversation that they had rehearsed carefully. Mahadev's wife

the village, Mihir was a poor farmer. Both had large families, with many sons,

said, "Everything is ready. But what shall we eat ?" Mahadev raised his hands

daughters-in-law and grandchildren. One day, Mihir, tired of not being able to

upwards and said, "Don't worry. He is watching all this from above. He will

make ends meet, decided to leave the village and move to the city where they

help us." At this, the thief jumped. down from the tree, knife in hand. Seeing

were sure to make enough to feed everyone. They said their goodbyes, packed

hint,' everyone started running helter skelter to save themselves. The thief stole

their few belongings and set off. When night fell, they stopped under a large

everything. Mahadev and his family had to return to the village empty-handed,

tree. There was a stream running nearby, where they could refresh themselves.

having lost all the jewellery and gold1 they had taken with them.

water. He instructed his daughters-in-law to make up the fire and started


Mihir told his sons to clear the area below the tree. He told his wife to fetch


Please read the following sentence/passage and fill-in the blanks with most

1 Which of the following cannot be said about Mihir's family

(A) They respected and obeyed Mihir (B) They were so poor that they
sometimes had to starve (C) They had no friends in the village when they were
poor d) None

nothing to cook. Mihir's wife too thought the same for, she said to her husband,

a) Only C b) Only B and C c) Only B d) All A, B and C

"Everything is ready. But what shall we eat ?" Mihir raised his hands to heaven

2 Why did Mihir and his family decide to camp under the 'thief's tree

and said, "Don't worry. He is watching all this from above. He will help us."

a) Being a large family they knew they could capture the thief

The thief was worried. He had seen that the family was large and worked well
together. Surely they did not know he was hiding in the branches ? He decided

b) It was a convenient spot to camp for the night


cutting wood from the tree himself. Now, in the branches of that tree sat a
thief. He watched as Mihir's family worked together.. He also noticed they had


to make a quick get away. He climbed down swiftly when they were not

looking and ran for his life. But, he left behind his bundle of stolen jewels and
money, which dropped down into Mihir's lap.'He opened it and jumped with

c) It was the only tree large enough to shelter the whole family
d) There was a stream nearby and wood to build a house
e) Exhausted after the day's travel they couldn't walk any more

joy when he saw the contents. The family promptly gathered its belongings and
returned to the village. There was great excitement when they told everyone
how they got rich. Mahadev thought this was a nice quick way to earn some

3 Why did the thief leave the valuables he had stolen behind ?

money! He commanded his family to pack some clothes and they set off as if on

b) Feeling sorry for Mihir's family he decided to donate the valuables to them

a journey. They stopped under the same tree and Mahadev started commanding

c) He was afraid that God would punish him for stealing

everyone as Mihir had done. But no one in his family was willing to obey

d) In his hurry to run away he forgot to take the valuables along

orders. They were used to having servants wait on them-so the one who went

e) He was confident that they were so well hidden that they would not be

a) Seeing Mihir's faith in God the thief was filled with remorse

8 Why did the thief return to the tree ?

a) He was a rich businessman

a) To plot how to get his money back

b) He bullied his wife so she obeyed him

b) He thought no one would look for him there

c) He paid his servants well to look after his family's needs

c) To keep a watch on Mahadev's family

d) He was greedy and had cheated Mihir

d) Not mentioned in the passage

e) He was brave and decided to trick the thief

e) None

5 Why did Mihir's family return to the village ?

9 Why was the thief not afraid of Mahadev's family ?

a) To show off their newfound wealth

a) They had not brought their servants along to protect them

b) To buy back their land and start a business

b) Seeing their wealth he suspected them of stealinghis loot


4 Which of the following best describes Mahadev ?


c) They had no need to shift to the city

c) He had weapons to defend himself

d) To share their wealth with the other villagers

d) Mahadev's family was not as large as Mihir's

e) They wanted to sing God's praises to all the villagers


e) They had not brought their servants along to protect them

10 How did the villagers react to Mihir's newfound wealth ?
a) They tried hard to coax him to reveal the secret of his wealth

b) He was telling his wife to trust God to look after them

b) They followed his example and became more devout

6 What made Mihir utter the phrase, "He is watching all this from above." ?
a) He had.spotted the thief and wanted to frighten him off

c) They pretended to be happy for him but were secretly jealous

d) He was begging the thief for help to feed his family

d) They each plotted to visit the tree and get rich quickly

e) None of the abvoe


c) It was a warning to his family members to stick together

7 Which of the following is TRUE in the context of the passage ?

a) Mahadev planned to seek his fortune in the city as Mihir had
b) Mihir's family preferred to live in the city

e) They tried hard to coax him to reveal the secret of his wealth
VIII. Read the passage and answer the questions
Read the passage and answer the questions. Rajendra was a landlord. He had
made a lot of money by cheating arid ill-treating his labourers who worked in

c) Mahadev had no intention of moving to the city

the fields. One day, a young man named Mani came to Rajendra, asking for

d) Mahadev lost his entire life savings to the thief

work. Rajendra was pleasantly surprised. No one had ever wanted to work for

e) The thief only robbed those whom he did not like

him because of his reputation and here was someone walking right into his

house ! Manis next few words surprised him even more. Mani said, I will

1 Why did Mani want to work for Rajendra ?

work for you for free. Only give me a place to sleep, two sets of clothes and two

a) Rajendra offered him food, clothing and shelter

square meals a day. Rajendra was beside himself with joy when he heard this

b) To learn from Rajendra who was a successful businessman

and was about to agree, when Mani added, I have only one condition I will tell
you the truth always, but one day in the year, I will lie. Rajendra, who lied

c) To earn his trust so he could take over the business one day
d) He wanted to show Rajendra the error of his ways

happily everyday of the year, agreed to this odd condition.. So, Mani began
working for him. He was a wonderful worker-hard-working and trustworthy.

e) Rajendra did not mind his bad habit of telling lies

He was very honest and soon became Rajendras right-hand man. Because of
2 Why did Rajendra shout at Mani one day ?

decided to have a big feast to celebrate. They invited all their relatives and

A. Mani had lied to Rajendra and his wife causing them to fight.

friends, from the village and outside as well. Everyone was looking forward to

B. The feast had to be cancelled because of Mani and Rajendra suffered huge

the delicious feast being planned. On the rooming of the feast, Rajendra


decided he would also give away some gifts to his relatives, just to show off. So,

C. He had embarrassed his wife and him in front of their friends and relatives.

he set off for the market in his cart. As soon as, he was out of sight, Mani went

D. None

runningTo Manda. He wept loudly and beat his chest. Then, he fell on the
floor, sobbing and announced, The master is dead! The cart overturned on the

a) Only A b) Only A and B c) Only C d) All A, B and C

road. Out master has been flattened like a chapatti! As soon as, Rajendras wife

'death' ?

and relatives heard this, they started wailing. Mani rushed out, saying he would

a) He panicked because his wife was responsible for them being rich

bring back the body, while everyone started preparing for the last rites. Mani

b) He ran home at once because he doubted Mani's honesty

now went running to his master and said, Master! Your wife is dead. A cobra
bit her and she fell to the ground, as blue as the spring sky. Rajendra was

c) He was very upset and rushed home at once



Manis hard work, Rajendra had an excellent harvest. He and his wife, Manda,


3 What was Rajendra's immediate reaction on hearing the news of his wife's


stunned. What! His beloved Manda, his partner in all his schemes, was dead !
He hurried home shouting her name. Manda too was weeping loudly, sitting in
the courtyard. When she saw her husband run in, she stopped mid-wail and
Rajendra too stood open mouthed. Then, they fell into each others arms,
unable to believe their eyes. As one, they turned to Mani. What is the
meaning of this, Mani ? his master angrily demanded. Mani smiled.

d) He wanted to make funeral arrangements

e) He went home to inform everyone that the feast was cancelled
4 Why did Rajendra go out on the day of the feast ?
a) He wanted to share his good fortune with his relatives
b) He took gifts for his relatives who were not as well off as he was

Remember my condition, that I would lie once in the year ? Well, I chose

c) He wanted to boast about his prosperity to his relatives

today. You see what lies can do ? Now, think what happens to the people

d) To purchase groceries required for the feast from the market

whom you lie to everyday of the year! Saying this, he walked out, leaving

e) He wanted to personally invite his relatives who lived outside the village

behind a stunned and ashamed landlord.

5 Why did Mani work very hard for Rajendra ?

9 Which of the following can be said about Manda ?

a) He took pride in his work and wanted to ensure a good harvest

A. She trusted Mani more than Rajendra.

b) He was grateful to Rajendra for giving him a job

B. She had a good relationship with her husband's relatives.

c) He knew Rajendra would share the profit with his right hand man
d) He considered himself as part of Rajendra's family

C. She was dishonest.

D. None
a) Only C b) Only A and C c) Only B and C d) All A, B and C

e) He took pride in his work and wanted to ensure a good harvest

10 What opinion did Rajendra's workers have of him?

a) He was generous for' paying them and r, providing for their basic needs

6 Why did Rajendra accept Mani's condition ?

b) He was a cheat and he exploited them


a) He did not value honesty

c) He was a weak man who listened only to his wife

b) He had no intention of letting Mani fulfill it

d) He was unfair to his workers and paid each a different salary

c) He was an expert at detecting when people lied


e) None

d) He knew how difficult it was to stop lying

IX. Read the passage and answer the questions


e) He predicted that Mani would be an excellent worker

Read the passage and answer the questions. In 1928, 25 year old John Stewart

7 Why did Mani lie to Manda ?

was ____(1)____ redundant. He was left with a compensation ____(2)____ of $

a) Out of revenge for not being invited to the feast

of 5000 and a determination to be his own ____(3)____.As a supporter of his

local football club, he had often helped them by maintaining and repairing

c) To help her realise how much Rajendra meant to her

their seating. He now ____(4)____ to set up his own company and make a
____(5)____ out of his lobby. His first ____(6)____ was to get 1000 brouchures

b) To find out whether Rajendra's relatives cared about him or his wealth


d) To delay the start of the feast as his master had not yet arrived
e) Out of revenge for not being invited to the feast

printed, ____(7)____ the two main services which he could ____(8)____,repair

and maintenance. He sent these brouchures to amateur and professional

8 Which of the following is rure in the context of the passage ?

football clubs, and other similar ____(9)____ such as hockey clubs. The week

a) Rajendra was ashamed only because Mani had managed to trick him

after completing the mailing was the worst of his life. He had no responses at

b) Mani had many friends who were cheated by Rajendra

all. Then a letter arrived from Scotland inviting him to give a ____(10)____ for
a pre-season check of a football clubs seating.

c) Rajendra was a miser because despite being wealthy he travelled by cart

d) Mani was clever and a good actor

1 Fill in the blank no.1

a) Told b) Made c) Required d) Found e) None of the above

e) Manda was an excellent cook and had prepared a delicious feast

2 Fill in the blank no.2

a) Salary b) Wage c) Payment d) Amount e) None of the above

practical purpose. The girl was given gifts and jewellery at the time of her
marriage so that she could start life afresh without feeling weighed down by

3 Fill in the blank no.3

everyday needs of life. Another reason for giving away part of the possessions

a) Boss b) Worker c) Businessman d) Head e) None of the above

was that the girls were not entitled to any share in the property by right. Only
the boys could be the legal heirs to the wealth and property left by the parents.
But over the years the custom of dowry has been degraded. Marriage has

a) Accepted b) Thought c) Liked d )Decided e) None of the above 5 Fill in the

become like a business transaction where the terms are dictated by the boys

blank no.5


a) Living b) Practising c) Labour d) Task e) None of the above

1. The condition of women remains largely unchanged


4 Fill in the blank no.4

a. Because of change in traditional beliefs, customs

b. Because of the spread of education c. Because of new laws

a) Stage b) Point c) Movement d) Step e) None of the above

d. Despite the spread of education ans: (D)


6 Fill in the blank no.6

2. In earlier times, one of the reasons for giving dowry was

7 Fill in the blank no.7

a. Because the women wanted a share in the property b. Tradition

8 Fill in the blank no.8

c. That the parents would not be obliged to bear further cost.

d. Because the girls were not entitled to any share in the property. ANS: (d)


a) Declaring b) Expressing c) Outlining d) Designing e) None of the above


a) Do b) Provide c) Achieve d) Succeed e) None of the above

9 Fill in the blank no.9

Mikhail Gorbechev's ouster, though dramatic in every respect, is on no account

a surprise. Both his foes and his closest friends had been warning him of it with
a heightening sense of urgency for the past several months. Its consequences,
however, are wholly unpredictable. The soviet Union could well witness

10 Fill in the blank no.10

protracted violence on a mass scale should the reformists and the republics,


a) Organizations b) Situations c) Activities d) Sports e) None of the above

a) Bid b) Tender c) Valuation d)Quotation e) None of the above

those which have sought varying degrees of sovereignty for themselves, choose
to defy the central authority. It is possible that the country after an initial


period of uncertainty, and perhaps even violence, could revert to the pre-

Read the sentence and find out which of the four combinations is correct.
It is one of the tragedies of modern times that despite the spread of education,

Perestroika system. Equally uncertain is the course of East-West relations.

These are bound to deteriorate though the extent of deterioration must remain

change in traditional beliefs, customs and manners the condition of women

a matter of conjecture. Hailed abroad as a leader who had dared to free Soviet

remains largely unchanged. Despite several laws designed to improve the lot of

citizens from fear, who had enabled the countries of Eastern Europe to become

women, evils such as dowry continue causing havoc in the lives of parents and

democracies ever as they regained their full sovereign status, who had paved

the young girls. The custom of dowry was started by our forefathers with a

the way for the reunification of Germany and who had exposed the moribund

and totalitarian character of communism, he appeared, at home, to come under

2. Hinduism survived

fire from all sides.

1. Under Gorbachev's term,the Soviet people were
a. Indisciplined and lazy b. Committed to communism
c. Afraid to speak d. Not afraid to criticise ans: (c)
2. The relations between the Soviet Union and Western countries
a. May improve considerably b. Will definitely get worse
c. Are likely to remain unaffected d. Will fluctuate ans: (b)


3. The post-Gorbachev era may witness

a. Reversal of Perestroika b. A more open economy
c. Sovereignty for republics d. Greater role for reformers ans: (b)
a. Democratic but with a monarchy b. United and totalitarian
5. The removal of Mikhail Gorbachev from power is
a. Vivid and shocking b. Strange and cruel
c. Dramatic but expected d. Thrilling and extraordinary ans: (c)


c. Democratic and truly independent d. Authoritarian and inhuman ans: (a)


4. As a result of his policies, the countries of Eastern Europe became

The current political turmoil in India is more or less synonymous with the

turmoil in Hindu society arising out of conflicting global ideologies and the
obsolescence of the Manu code of behaviour for Hindus. Hinduism owed its


survival not only to the phenomenon of enlightened gurus and seers over the
centuries-from Adi Shankara and Ramanuja to Ramakrishna Paramhansa;
Vivekananda and Maharshi Ramana - but also because Hindu society was quick
to adjust itself to the changing times and people and believed in assimilation
and absorption rather than exclusivist faith.
1. The passage hints a similarity
a. Between Hinduism and current political crisis
b. Global ideologies and obsolescence of the Manu code
c. Between current political crisis and the turmoil in Hindu society
d. Between Vivekananda and Ramakrishna

Q5)Fill in the blank no.5

c. Only because of its quality to adjust itself to the changing times

a)Living b)Practising c)Labor d)Task e)None of the above

d. Because it has synthesised its assimilative absorbing quality with the

Q6)Fill in the blank no.6

enlightenment of its thinkers over a long time

a)Stage b)Point c)Movement d)Step e)None of the above

3. The passage suggests that

Q7)Fill in the blank no.7

a. The current political turmoil in India is the consequence of Guru's teachings

a) Declaring b)Expressing c)Outlining d)Designing e)None of the above

b. The elightened gurus have done harm to Hinduism

Q8) Fill in the blank no.8

c. The obsolescence of the Manu code of behaviour has come in conflict with

a)Do b)Provide c)Achieve d)Succeed e)None of the above

global ideologies

Q9) Fill in the blank no.9

d. Hinduism is the cause of current political turmoil

a) Organizations b)Situations c)Activities d)Sports e)None of the above


Q10)Fill in the blank no.10


a. Only because of enlightened gurus b. Only because of its assimilative quality

with a compensation (2)____________of $ of 5000 and a determination to be

his own(3)_________.As a supporter of his local football club, he had often


In 1928, 25 year old John Stewart was (1)_________redundant. He was left

a)Bid b)Tender c)Valuation d)Quotation e)None of the above


helped them by maintaining and repairing their seating. He now (4)

___________to set up his own company and make a (5)______________out of

his lobby. His first ___(6)___ was to get 1000 brouchures printed, ____(7)____

the two main services which he could ____(8)____ ,repair and maintenance. He
sent these brouchures to amateur and professional football clubs, and other

similar _____(9)____ such as hockey clubs. The week after completing the
mailing was the worst of his life. He had no responses at all. Then a letter
of a football clubs seating.
Q1) Fill in the blank no.1


arrived from Scotland inviting him to give a ___(10)____ for a pre-season check

a) Told b)Made c)Required d)Found e)None of the above

Instruction for Q. Nos. 1 to 9:

Q2) Fill in the blank no.2

a) Salary b)Wage c)Payment d)Amount e)None of the above

In the questions given below establish the relationship between two

words.Then from the given option select the one which has the same

Q3) Fill in the blank no.3

relationship as of the given two words.

a)Boss b)Worker c)Businessman d)Head e)None of the above

1 Love is to hate as Friend is to....

Q4)Fill in the blank no.4

a)Trust b)Companion c)Enemy d) Despise e) Adore

a)Accepted b)Thought c)Liked d)Decided e)None of the above


15 a) Copper b) Gold c) Silver d) Steel e) Radium

Circle : Area

16 a) Ring b) Bangle c)Chain d) Cloves e)Opal


17 a)Tool b)Rule c)Cool d) Pool e) Fool

a) Pork: Pig b) Oil: Seeds c) Sap: Tree d) Wax : Bark e) Noise : Music

In the following questions select the pair which is different from the other



a)Meter : Meteor b) Satellite : Orbit c)Catastrophic : Tragedy

18 a) Polo Rink b) Golf - Lawn c) Tennis Court d) Chess - Board

d)cartridge : Rifle e)Bullet : Weapon

19 a) Branch Tree b) Minute Hour c) Sentence Paragraph


d) Student - Teacher

a)Coaching : Books b) Professor : Erudition c)Student : Teacher

20 a) Cow - Milk b)Sheep Wool c) Bee Hive d)Silkworm - Silk

d)Plato : Yedant e)Lesson : Learning

21 Star is to .... as Drop is to Ocean. ( )


a)Sky b) Shine c) Earth d) Twinkle e) None of these

a)Pragmatic : Realistic b)Proper : Rustic c)Warrant : Demand

22 Centimetre is related to Metre in the Same way as Paisa is related to .... ( )

d)Truth : Oath e)Nostalgic : Idiotic



a)money : Thousand b)Quantity : Weight c)Genius : Award d)Litre : Liquid e)

a) Capital b)Rupee c)Coin d)Wealth e)Money


23 Hot is related to Oven in the Same way as cold is related to .... ( )

a) Air-conditioner b)Refigerator c)Ice-Cream d)Snow e)Ice-cube
24 Hunter : Food :: Thirst :? ( )


a) Five : Quinceb b)Seventh : Septet c)Three : Triplet d)Two : Binary e)Four :


a)Water b)Drink c)Tea d)Coffee e) Juice

a) Faulty: Improper b) Tortuous : Straight c)Reckless : Winding d) Alert:


Forward e) Cautious: Straight

a) Plant b)Garden c)Petal d) Bouquet e) Tree

a) Laugh : Tears b) Fire : Candel c)Happiness : Birth d) Hate : Fear

d) Contentious: Scorn e) Genius: Merit

e) Gain : Profit


a) Refined: Victory b) Hurt: Stubborn c) Gullible: Convince
10 SOLDIER: ARMY Instruction for Q. No. 10

a) child : children b) star : constellation c) malaria : disease d) shoes : cobbler

In each of the following questions four words are alike in some manner. Spot
the odd one out.
11 a) Irish b) Iranian c) Eastern d)Chinese e) German
12 a) M.F.Hussain b)Leonardo da Vinci c) Birju Maharaj d)Picasso e)Satish
13 a) Stag b) Cock c)Mare d)Horse e)Rooster
14 a) Holiday b)Good Friday c) Independence day d) Republic day e) Christmas

43 As Dilatory is to Expeditious so also .... Direct is to ....

d) Cuboid : Arc e) Pentagon : Octave

a) Straight b) Tortuous c) Curved d) Circumlocutory e) Perfect

28 DYNE : FORCE ( )

44 Jungle is related to Zoo in the same way sea is related to ....

a)Knot : Light b)Fathom : Energy c)Calorie : Fat d) Bar : Pressure

a) Harbour b) Water c) Aquarium d) Fishery e) Oceanarium

e)Ohm : Distance


29 OCEAN : BAY ( )

a) Research : Home b) Planning : Resort c) Teacher : History

a) Headland : Promontory b)Continent : Peninsular c)Salt Water : Sweet Water

d) Major : Country e) Chef : Kitchen

d) Beach : Moor e) Island : Peninsula



a) Author : Professor b) Action : Reaction c) Worker : Workmanship

a)Road : Narrow b) Street : Horizontal c)Lane : Wide

d)Rotary : Order e) Doctor : Diagnosis

d)Line : Straight e) Room : Big


In each of the following questions four words are alike in some manner. Spot
the odd one out.



a)Cone : Triangle b)Prism : Rectangle c)Cylinder : Square

a) Unicorn : Goat b) Centaur : Horse c) Amadus : Beast d) Cupid : Nymph

e) Apollo : Man
a) Spurn : Prefer b) Inapt : Facile c) Cleave : Resign

33 a) Ornate b)Pleasant c)Decorate d)Beautify e) Adorn ( )

34 a) Foundation b)Bottom c)Bane d) Base e)Pedestal ( )


31 a) green b) red c) colour d) orange e) black ( )

32 a)NOSE b) Eyes c)Skin d)Tongue e)Teeth ( )

d) Pest : Genial e) Pivot : Axis

a) Respiration : Nostrils b) Digestion : Kidneys c) Sight : Pancreas

36 a) Mule b)Drake c)Pony d)Spaniel e) Panther ( )

37 a) Attic b)Ploug h c)Tile d)Shed e) Cupola ( )

d) Smell : Lungs e) Nerves : Brain



38 a)Magnolia b)Beet c)Balsam d) Marigold e)Daisy ( )

35 a) Chemistry b)Geograph y c)Subject d)Literature e)Architecture ( )

a) Pork : Pig b) Oil : Seeds c) Sap : Tree d) Wax : Bark e) Noise : Music

39 a) Horse b)Cow c) Donkey d)Pig e)Turkey ( )

In each of the following questions four words are alike in some manner. Spot

In the following questions select the pair which is different from the other

the odd one out.


51 a) Immortal b) Eminence c) Perpetual d) Everlasting e) Infinite

40 a) Brahmaputra River b) Sahara Desert

c)Aravalli Ocean d)Europe Continent

52 a) Acme b) Pack c) Zenith d) Summit e) Crest

53 a) Ozone b) Oxygen c) Zone d) Helium e) Hydrogen

41 As Dam is to Mad so also Drab is to ....

54 a) Krishna b) Ganga c) beas d) Tawi e) Sind

a) Barb b) Brab c) Bard d) Badr e) Brda

55 a) Ear b) Lung c) Kidney d) Tongue e) Intestine

42 As Cassock is to Priest so also .... is to Graduate.

a) Gown b) Cap c) Tie d) Coat e) Degree

56 a) Jaipur b) Mumbai c) Lucknow d) Patna e) Tripura


In the following questions select the pair which is different from the other

a)flower : petal b)partial : total c)delta : ocean


d)fire : smoke e)flower : petal

58 a) Chair Furniture b) Shirt Garment c) Necklace Jewellery d) Bogie -

In each of the following questions four words are alike in some manner. Spot


the odd one out.

59 a) Eczema - Vitamin A b) Beriberi - Vitamin B c) Anaemia - Vitamin E

71 a)Fathom b)Marine c)Deep d)Nautical e)Fathom ( )

d) Scurvy Vitamin

72 a)Prism b)Hexagon c)Cone d)Cylinder e)Prism ( )

60 a) Rust Rest b) Most Must c) Firm Film d) Bard - Bird

73 a)Lead b)Marble c)Ink d)Chalk e)Crayon ( )

61 Chapter is related to Book in the same way as Brick is related to ....

74 a)Holiday b)Good Friday c)Independence day d)Republic day e)Christmas ( )

a)Heap b)Building c)Clay d)Mason e)Mud

75 a)Zeal b)Seal c)Kneal d)Meal e)Deal ( )


76 a)Dumb b)Lame c)Blind d)Sinus e)Dwarf ( )

a)Eternal b)Detrimental c)Paternal d)Formidable e)Sentimental

77 a)Hawaii b)Lakshadweep c)Paris d)Andaman & Nicobar e)Java ( )



57 a) Hawaii b) Lakshadweep c) Paris d) Andaman & Nicobar e) Java


In the following questions select the pair which is different from the other

a)Plant b)Garden c)Petal d)Bouquet e)Tree


78 a)Birds Chirp b)Horses Hum c)Lions Roar

d)Snakes Hiss e)None of the above ( )


79 a)Cattle Beef b)Swine Pork c)Lamb Veal

a) Gout : Spleen b) Malaria : Lungs c) Jaundice : Eyes

d) Cataract : Throat e) Gout : Spleen


64 CAT : MOUSE :: BIRD :?

a)Cage b)Trap c)Eagle d)Cheese e) Cage

d)Dear - Venison e)None of the above ( )

80 a)Marigold Lady b)Hammer Tool c)Skirt Garment d)Lion - Animal
e)None of the above ( )
81 Statue is to Shape as Song is to

Hematology e) Sand : Lithography

a) Singer b)Lyrics c)Composer d)Poetry e)Singer



a)Sand : Lithography b)Water : Humidity c) Crust : Cristology d) Land :


a)Soldiers : Students b)Team : Individual c)Group : Person d)Business : Strategy

a)Prude : Modesty b)Blunt : Politician c)Diplomats : Tactless d)Enemy :

e)War : Logic


a)Painful : Tormenting b)Slander : Libel c)Avaricious : Generous d)Stammer :
Heave e)Perspicacious : Tenacity
a)chest : heart b)arteries : veins c)carburettor : gasoline d)carburettor : car
e)chest : heart

94 a)Lead b)Marble c)Ink d)Chalk e)Crayon ( )


95 a)Apple b)Mango c)Potato d)Orange e)Cherry ( )

a)Pat: Slap b)Winter: Summer c)Topple: Tumble d)Bing: Bang

96 a)Ring b)Bangle c)Chain d)Cloves e)Opal ( )

e)Cut: Hit

97 a)Leech b)Spider c)Falcon d)Locust e)Cricket ( )


In the following questions select the pair which is different from the other

a)Research : Home b)Planning: Resort c)Teacher: History d) Major: Country


e) Research : Home

98 a)Crayon - Paper b) Pencil - Lead c)Pen Ink d)Brush - Paint


e)None of the above ( )

a)Olive Oil : Enmity b)Eagle: Friendship c)Whiteflag : Surrender

99 a)Quintal Gallon b)Bouquet - Flowers c)Book - Pages

d)Roses : Garden e)Ring: Engagement

d)Parliament - Members e)None of the above ( )


100 a)Authority Sanction b)Repel - Attract c)Finicky - Choosy

a)Ginger: Potato b)Melon : Apple c)Tree : Flower

d)Breath Entity e)None of the above



e)Rude : Politeness

d)Leader: Follower e) Minister: Worker

101 Love is to Hate as Friend is to __________


a)Trust b)Companion c)Enemy d)Despise e)Adore

102 Scales is to Fish as Feathers is to __________
a)Hat b)Birds c)Prune d)Fly e)Light



a)Endure : Halt b)Surface: Edge c)Display : Hide

d) Careful : Discreet e) Amiable: Cynical


a)Canada: Rose b)Spain : Beach c)Australia: Kangaroo d)Italy ; Shamrock e)Iran

: Eagle

a) Laugh : Tears b)Fire : Candel c)Happiness : Birth d)Hate : Fear e)Gain : Profit
a) Punch : Boxing b)Serve : Hockey c)Kick : Tennis d)Deuce : Skiing e)Goal :

Physiology e) Entomology : Plants




a)Biology: Animals b) Hydrology : Water c) Horology: Horoscopes d) Boby:

a)Confuse : Edify b)Sharp : Dainty c)Tarnish : Corrupt d)Source : Close

a)Hatred : Antipathy b)Strive : Slog c)Tepid: Hot d)Jealousy : Envy

e)Attractive : Garish

e)Unity : Harmony


In each of the following questions four words are alike in some manner. Spot
the odd one out.

a)Cousin : Uncle b)Mother : Brother c)Niece : Nephew d)Father : Son

e)Daughter : Grandson

91 a)December b)June c)January d)March e)July ( )

92 a)Dismay b)Bay c)Say d)Toy e)Dismay ( )
93 a)Friend b)Mother c)Brother d)Sister e)Father ( )

a) Book b)Pen c)Poem d)Page e)Copy

a)Cruelty : Tyranny b)Soft : Ductile c)Pomp : Modesty

123 Food : Stomach :: Fuel :?

d)Vile : Sinful e)Cruelty : Tyranny

a)Engine b)Automobile c)Rail d)Aeroplane e)Car



a)Spurn : Prefer b)Inapt : Facile c)Cleave : Resign d)Pest : Genial e)Spurn :

a)Treacher b)Patriotism c) Fidelity d)Reward e)Clarity




a)Research : Home b)Planning : Resort c)Teacher : History

a)Pagan : Pan b)Japanese : Samurai c)Muslim : Mullah d)Christian : Monk

d) Major : Country e) Research : Home

e)Pagan : Pan



a)Author : Professor b)Action : Reaction c)Worker : Workmanship

a)guilty : trial b)victorious : plunder c)robbed : insurance d)destitute : charity

d)Rotary : Order e)Author : Professor

e)None of the above

127 ELT : PIG

a)Foal : Horse b)Cub : Duck c)Colt : Lion d)Pup : Hen e)Larve : Frog

111 a)Lead b)Mercury c)Copper d)Iron e)Tin

112 a)Deluge b)Calamity c)Catastrophe d)War e)Disaster
113 a)Tree b)Leaf c)Bush d)Herb e)Creeper

a)Earthen : Brazen b) Fresh : Tired c)Nocturnal : Diurnal

d)Eyeglass : Landmark e)Work : Rest


the odd one out.


In each of the following questions four words are alike in some manner. Spot




114 a)Amsterdam b)Europe c)Antartica d)Australia e)America

115 a)Palace b)Residence c)Portico d)Villa e)Palace

a)Celebration : Celebrity b) Truth : Falsehood c)Liability : Onus

d)Demos : Democracy e) Politics : Philosophy
a)play : actor b)rose : flower c)rectangle : square

118 a) Nose b)Eye c)Lip d)Cheek e)Sole

d)sentence : paragraph e)None of the above


119 a)Car b)Train c)Bus d)Scooter e)Car

116 a) Myopia b)Cataract c)Glaucoma d)Conjunctivitis e)Spondylitis

117 a) Clarion b)Whistle c)Flute d)Piano e)Clarionet

In each of the following questions four words are alike in some manner. Spot

In the following question select the pair which is different from the other

the odd one out.


131 a) Club b)Heart c)Spade d)Diamond e)Ace

120 a)Army - General b) College - Principal c)Ship Captain

d)Navy Lieutenant e)None of the above

132 a) Area b)Height c)Length d)Breadth e)Width

133 a)Holiday b)Good Friday c)Independence day d)Republic day e)Christmas

121 Centimetre is related to Metre in the Same way as Paisa is related to ....

134 a) Compass b)Needle c)Direction d)Magnet e) Gimbal

a)Capital b) Rupee c) Coin d) Wealth e)Money

135 a)Table b)Chair c) Stool d) Cot e) Table

122 Hunter : Gun ::Writer :?

136 a) Jaipur b) Mumbai c)Lucknow d)Patna e) Jaipur


In the following questions select the pair which is different from the other

a) Tree : Wood b) Sweets : Sugar c) Words : Editor


d) Pulp : Paper e) Cup : Pottery

138 a)Army General b)College Principal c)Ship - Captain d)Navy


Lieutenant e)None of the above

a) Spurn : Prefer b) Inapt : Facile c) Cleave : Resign

139 a)Much Most b)Bad Worse c)Simple Simpler d)Little - Less e)None of

d) Pest : Genial e)Pivot : Axis

the above

In each of the following questions four words are alike in some manner. Spot

140 a)ILL Sick b)Below - Aloft c)Aloof - Cold

the odd one out.

d)Motive - Cause e)None of the above

151 a) Happy b) Gloomy c) Lively d) Cheerful e) Ecstatic

141 Psychology is to Emotions as Philosophy is to ....

152 a) Tree b) Leaf c) Bush d) Herb e) Creeper

a) Knowledge b) Scholar c) Research d)Wisdom e) Learning

153 a) Pencil b) Brush c) Crayon d) Pen e) Club

142 Intelligent is related to Clever in the same way as Dull is related to ....

154 a) Area b) Height c) Length d) Breadth e) Width



137 a)Trousers b)Ribbon c)Shorts d)Skirts e)Pantaloon

a) Idiot b) Cunning c)Slow d)Foolish e)Bright

155 a) Door b) Gate c) Table d) Window e) Ventilator

143 Water : Sand :: Ocean :?

156 a) Jaipur b) Mumbai c) Lucknow d)Patna e)Tripura

In the following questions select the pair which is different from the other


a) Island b)River c) Desert d) Waves e) Pond


a) Police : Arrest b) Judge : Convict c) Constitution : Amendment

157 a) Petrol Car b) Oil Lamp c) Diesel Wood d) Wax Candle

d) Church : Excommunicate e) Doctor : Treatment

158 a) Nine Twine b) Fire Liar c) Honey Money d) Rust - Crest


159 a) Spain Madison b) Nepal Kathmandu

c) USA - Washington DC d) Pakistan Islamabad
160 a) Surgeon Scalpel b) Farmer Plough c) Chef Knife d) Author - Book


161 Pen is related to Stationery in the Same way as Chair is related to ....


a) Dinosaur : Dragon b) Gorilla : Soldier c) Evolution : Revelation

d) Thorn : Rose e) Snow : Ice
a) Prude : Modesty b) Blunt : Politician c) Diplomats : Tactless

a) Wood b)Rest c)Room d)Position e)Furniture

d) Enemy : Friendly e) Rude : Politeness

162 As Dam is to Mad so also Drab is to ....


a) Indefatigable : Untiring b) Boor : Oafish
c) Tedious : Bore d) Flash : Flame e) Candle : Light
a) Bird : Nest b) Mother : Baby c) Tentacle : Octopus
d) Flower : Tulip e) Pond : Fish

a)Barb b)Brab c)Bard d)Badr e)Brda

176 a)Shirt b)Stocking c)Tie d)Scarf e)Cap


177 a)Car b)Train c)Bus d)Scooter e)Ship

d) Sponsor : Cleave e)Sport : Branch

In the following questions select the pair which is different from the other



a)Virile : Feeble b)Diatribe : Abuse c)Impede : Begin

178 a)Day Night b)Clever Foolish c)Clear Blurred d)Arrive - Come

d)Sunder : Link e)Beam : Wane

179 a)Why Because b)Who He c)Where If d)When - Now


180 a)Dog Pup b)Sheep Limb c)Hen Chicken d)Horse - Pony

a)Accolade : Criticism b)Absolve : Exonerate c)Prism : Rainbow d)Anachronism

181 Squander is to Money as Dissipate is to ....

: Cubism e) Putrefy : Reject

a) Light b) Finance c) Savings d) Energy e) Banking


182 Stars are to Night as Sun is to ....

a)Somnolent : Sleep b)Liquid : Solid c)Weapon : Weaponry d)Press : Pressure e)

a) Noon b) Dawn c) Day d) Light e) Dusk


Water : Aqua


a) Orifice : Opening b)Guide : Follower c)Protect : Protocol

183 .... is to nose as Skin is to Touch.


a) Smell b) Face c) Breath d) Perfume e) Nostril

184 Mango is to Fruit as .... is to Monument.
a) Remains b) Tombs c) Red Fort d) History e) Pillars


a)Altimeter : Weight b)Speedometer : Height c)Year : Century d)Glitter :

Diamond e)Thermometer : Temperature

185 Sweep is to .... as wash is to Soap.

a)Shred : Wool b)Cave : Stone c)Chip : Glass d )Blades : Grass e )Shard : Pottery

a) Broom b) Dust c) Floor d) Water e) Clean


186 Needle is related to Thread in the same way as Pen is related to ....



b. d)Stammer : Heave e)Perspicacious : Tenacity

a. a)Painful : Tormenting b)Slander : Libel c)Avaricious : Generous

a) Write b) Ink c) Cap d) Paper e) Word

187 Walk is related to Run in the Same way as Breeze is related to ....
a) Cold b)Dust c) Air d) Wind e) Smoke
188 ELT : PIG

a)car : signal b)wheel : ride c) knife : cut d)car : travel

a) Foal : Horse b) Cub : Duck c) Colt : Lion d) Pup : Hen e) Larve : Frog

In each of the following questions four words are alike in some manner. Spot
the odd one out.


171 a)Venus b)Moon c)Pluto d)Mars e)Earth

a) Somnolent : Sleep b) Liquid : Solid c) Weapon : Weaponry d) Press : Pressure

e) Water : Aqua

172 a)Pencil b)Brush c)Crayon d)Pen e)Club


173 a)Mature b)Labour c)Digest d)Ripen e)Final

a) letters : alphabets b) yarn : fabric c) risk : hazard d) car : transport

174 a)Mule b)Drake c)Pony d)Spaniel e)Panther

In each of the following questions four words are alike in some manner. Spot

175 a)Nose b)Eye c)Lip d)Cheek e)Sole

the odd one out.

a) Emblem : Sign b) School : Uniform c) House : Child d) Company : Biscuits e)

192) a)Carder b)Golfer c)Antimony d)Weaver e)Baker

Organisation : Location

193) a) Dumb b)Lame c)Blind d)Sinus e)Dwarf


194) a)April b)May c)March d)July e)January

a)Ginger : Potato b) Melon : Apple c) Tree : Flower d) Leader : Follower e)

195) a)Boiling b)Volume c)Roasting d)Cooking e)Frying


196) a)Cigarette b)Tobacco c)Pipe d)Bidi e)Cigar


In the following questions select the pair which is different from the other

a) Vocabulary : Verbosity b) Attainment : Rigidity c) Losses : Crimes d) Practice


: Perfection e) Nagging : Satisfaction

197) a) Branch Tree b)Minute Hour c)Sentence Paragraph d)Student



a) Pagan : Pan b)Japanese : Samurai c) Muslim : Mullah d) Christian : Monk

198) a)Marigold Lady b)Hammer Tool c)Skirt Garment d)Lion Animal

e)Chinese : Mandarin


191) a)Immortal b)Eminence c)Perpetual d)Everlasting e)Infinite

199) a)School Principal b)Ship Captain c)Army Director d)Bus Driver

200) a)Purse Money b)Jug Tools c)Inkpot - Ink d)Wardrobe - Clothes

202 LIFE : DEATH :: HOPE :?

a) Cry b)Pain c)Despair d)Sad e)Joy

the odd one out.

211 a) Permit b) Allow c)Agree d) Consent e) Confess
212 a) Prism b)Hexagon c)Cone d) Cylinder e)Cube
213 a)Krishna b)Ganga c)beas d)Tawi e)Sind


201 Stammering is to Speech as Deafness is to ...

a) Ear b) Hearing c)Noise d) Silence e) Commotion


In each of the following questions four words are alike in some manner. Spot

214 a)Intimacy b)Attachment c)Enmity d)Friendship e)Closeness

215 a)Mule b)Drake c)Pony d)Spaniel e)Panther
216 a)Panther b)Wolf c)Lion d)Hyena e)Buffalo
217 a)Thigh b)Chest c)Limb d)Palm e)Stud


In the following questions select the pair which is different from the other


a) Indefatigable : Untiring b) Boor : Oafish c) Tedious : Bore d) Flash : Flame e)

Candle : Light
a) Pat : Slap b) Winter : Summer c) Topple : Tumble d) Bing : Bang e) Cut : Hit



218 a)Rickets Bone b)Insomnia Blood c)Myopia Eye d)Arthritis - Joints

a) Punch : Boxing b) Serve : Hockey c) Kick : Tennis d)Deuce : Skiing e) Goal :

219 a)Rust Rest b)Most Must c)Firm Film d)Bard - Bird


220 a)Surgeon Scalpel b)Farmer Plough c)Chef Knife d)Author - Book

a) Cement : Building b)Grammar : Language c)Water : River d) Articles :

Market e) Wood : Furniture




Sentence Construction

c) humorous, damaged d) irresponsible, misled e) eccentric, questioned

I. Instruction for Q. Nos. 1 to 3:

Q.1 Most people _________ the Government's economic policy as a success,'
claimed the spokesman.

Q.1 The older child had a reputation for ________ trouble in high school, but

a) believe b)measure c)consider d) think e) None of the above

he calmed down in college.

Q.2 There's a ____ of restrictions on who can apply for benefits.

a)mortifying b)appeasing c)curtailing d)instigating e) None of the above

a) Multifarous b) Plethora c) Swanky d) Innumerable e) None of the above

Q.2 As usual he was dressed ____.

Q.3 The Government is hoping to __________ on those working in the black

a) Impetuously b) Impenitently c)Impeccably d) Intermittently e)None


Q.3 He couldnt find the word he was looking for so he consulted his

a) Clamp up b) clamp on c) clamp at d) clamp down e) None of the above


Choose the word which best completes the sentence.


Q.4 Although I had pledged not to tell anyone of the previous evening's

Instruction for Q. Nos. 4 to 10: Choose the correct option.


a) Timetable b) Bible c) Thesaurus d) Atlas e) None of the above

trauma, the compulsive urge to unburden myself became ______________

a) overwhelming b) rresistible c) impassive d) preponderous e) indomitable

a) For b) about c) of d) against

Q.5 Progress in government, science, art, literature, philosophy and religion

Q.5 Modern architecture has discarded the ________________ trimming on

buildings and emphasises simplicity of line.


Q.4 Everyone in this universe is accountable to God ____________ his actions.

______________ great civilisations from mere groups of communities.

a) Gaudy b) gaunt c) flabbergasting d)flamboyant e)flagrant

a) Extol b)describe c) distinguish d)relinquish

Q.6 Diplomacy is the best means of ____________ peace which a society of

sovereign nations has to offer, but, especially under the conditions of

antagonise their children.

a)perfunctory b)peremptory c) acrimonious d)spasmodic e)sporadic

_____________ world politics and of contemporary war, it is not good enough.

a)maintaining, today's b) presenting, contemporary c) retaining, present

Q.7 A great literary or artistic work is known as a ______________.

d) promoting, modem e)evolving, self-centred

a)pot-pourri b)par excellence c)bete noire d)peccadillo e)magnum opus

Q.7 Discontented wives, dejected lovers, frustrated politicians, all these tend to

Q.8 He sold property because he was under a lot of _______________.

be ___________.

a) Account b) debt c) loan d) credit

a) specious b)abstemious c)euphemistic d)persiflagus e) querulous

Q.9 Washing machines ______________ popular in India in the last ten years
or so.

Q.8 Joseph introduced me _____________ his mother as the best batsman.

a) to b)by c)with d)of

a) became b) are become c) have become d)are becoming

Q.9 Moreover, a fact-finding mission _____________ by BSN to India in

Q.10 His _________________ speech has seriously _________________ the

January this year strongly recommended that the French group should do it

young minds.

alone, and not hand over to _______________ as Indian partner.

a) audacious, delighte b) maiden, flattered

a) constituted, authority b) organised, papers c) dispatched, control d)


Q.6 Some parents make their commands so ______________ that they

a) securing b) soliciting c) extracting d) expecting

Q.10 The commandos took a long time to _____________ the resistence of the



1 She never knew whether her husband would be in an angry or cheerful mood

a) cut down b) pull down c) tone down d) break down

as he was such a ________ character.


a) Volatile b) Passive c) Lazy d) Voluble e) None of the above

Q.1 Most people _________ the Government's economic policy as a success,'

2 She is much too ________ to have anything to do with that obnoxious affair.

claimed the spokesman.

a) Happy b) Hasty c) Noble d) Proud e) None of the above

a) believe b) measure c) consider d) think e) None of the above

3 So many servants attended ________ him during his illness.

Q.2 Unemployment has ___________ many people's lives.

a) At b) Upon c) On d) With e) About

a) denounced b) blighted c) overhauled d) mesmerized e)None of the above

4 His answer was such ________ I expected him to give.

Q.3 She begged to be allowed to go and her parents finally _____

a) That b) Which c) As d) like which e) Who

a) Argoted b) Arboured c) Aquiesced d) Allowed e) None of the above

5 The principal and staff have made ________ efforts to enable the students to



sponsored, power

Q.4 A determined effort will be needed to restrict the country's _____________

attend college on the days of the bus strike.

social services.

a) Integrated b) Deliberate c) Concerted d) Systematic e) None of the above

6 History records seventeen incursions of Sultan Mahmood ________ India.
a) Against b) Into c) Upon d) On e) None of the above


a) profligate b) profiteering c) renegade d) variegated e) expensive

Q.5 Success in great ventures calls for ______________ concentration and
strong personal

7 Many women in the developing countries experience a cycle of poor health

a) sterling, attachment b) standing, participation c)continued, apathy

that ________ before they are born and persists through adulthood passing

d) unflagging, involvement e) hectic, interest

from generation to generation.


Q.6 If I _______________ a doctor, I would _____________ you free.

a) am, see b) were, treat c) was, examine d) be, advise

a) Derives b) Establishes c) Begins d) Originates e) None of the above

8 Everyone should ________ himself against illness since medical care has now
become expensive.

Q.7 The children were disappointed because they had hoped ________ with us.

a) Vaccinate b) Insure c) Brace d) Ensure e) Inoculate

a) to have gone b) to go c) would have gone

9 These essays are intellectually ________ and represent various levels of

Q.8 The young man lost his way in the forest and found that he had become


a/an ________________ to the dacoits.

a) enemy b) adversary c) decoy d) quarry

a) Revealing b) Modern c) Superior d) Demanding e) Revealing

10 The priest addressed the ________ for more than an-hour and was listened

Q.9 Washing machines ______________ popular in India in the last ten years

to with rapt attention.

or so.

a) Staff b) Audience c) Congregation d) Crew e)None of the above

a) became b) are become c) have become d)are becoming

Q.10 This was a dangerous method of ______________ popular support.

Q.1 Only a rich __________ tycoon could afford a private jet.

Q.2 The main problem with the faulty iron were the terrible __________ marks

a) business b) farmer c) royalty d) goon e) None of the above

it left on all the clothes.

Q.2 The long dark days and lack of a job made him feel _________.

a)Scorch b)Aspirated c)Elicited d)Torch e)None of the above

a) Alarmed b) Excited c) Depressed d) Satisfied e) None of the above

Q.3 When Raju heard the news of his selection to the college team he felt

Q.3 He ordered his servant ____________________


a) if he could bring a glass of water

a)effervescent b)enamoured c)elated d)embittered e)exasperated

b) that bring a glass of water

Q.4 In his attempt to _______________ the condition of poor people in the

d) that he should bring a glass of water

slums, he found that he needed the aid of wealthy benefactors.

Q.4 A son who is unable to look his father in the face is ____________

a)delineate b)assay c)evaluate d)ameliorate e)extricate

a)timid b) guilt c) arrogant d) ashamed

Q.5 She had a terrible night caused by an ___________ during her sleep.

Q.5 If a man keeps his fingers crossed, he ______________ .

a)incubus b)debility c)obsession d)delusion e)hypochondria

d) welcomes every danger e) prays for good health


a) hopes for the best b) suspects everybody c) demonstrates peevishness


c) to bring a glass of water

Q.6 The government should provide attractive tax ___________ to create the
market of quality goods.
a)revenues b)structures c)resources d)incentives e)controls
Q.7 He is the friend ____________ I trust most.

a) exhausted, common b) dissipated, mutual c) depreciated, expensive

a)him b)whom c)which d)who

d) desiccated, isolationist e) wasted, reciprocal

Q.8 These essays are intellectually _______________ and represent various


Q.6 The Indian princes and rulers seldom thought in terms of the country as a
whole and ___________ their time and energy in _________ warfare.

levels of complexity.

slums, he found that he needed the aid of wealthy benefactors.

a) delineate b) assay c) evaluate d) ameliorate e) extricate

a) revealing b)modern c)superior d)demanding e)persistent

Q.9 Would you _______________ giving your book to me?

Q.8 Idleness squanders what _________ in a previous generation has won.

a)desires b)mind c)call d)observe e) thought

a) laziness b) indolence c) resourcefulness d) industry e) work

Q.10 If you do not ____________ , all your monthly expenses would _________

Q.9 Any political leader who allows nepotism to flourish should be subject, to

your income. a) spend, gain b)save, outwit c)economise, exceed d)think,



a)autopsy b) stringency c) stricture d) punishment e) condemnation

Q.10 You need _______ shoes for walking in the hills.

1 Roberto pretended to know a lot about the opera, but he was really just a

a) good b) comfortable c) satisfactory d) sturdy



a) Dilettante b) Supernumerary c) Chimera d) Catalyst e) None of the above


Q.7 In his attempt to _______________ the condition of poor people in the

Q.1 I'm afraid I don't have much experience in dealing with ____ teenagers.
a)Profound b)Straitening c)Fractious d)Facsist e)None of the above

2 The jury ________ the mayor of all wrongdoing.

a) Exonerated b) Expatriated c) Augmented d) Subjugated e)None of the above

3 As usual he was dressed ________.
a) Impetuously b) Impenitently c) Impeccably d) Intermittently e) None of the
4 He couldn't find the word he was looking for so he consulted his ________.
a) Timetable b) Bible c) Thesaurus d) Atlas e) None of the above


5 Through a ________ circumstance, they unexpectedly found themselves on

the same bus with Uncle Morris.


a) Fortuitous b) Elusive c) Referential d) Lambent e) Friable

6 His answer was such ________ I expected him to give.



a) That b) Which c) As d) Like which e) Who

7 Knowledge is like a deep well fed by ________ springs, and your mind is the

a) Anthropological b) Ecological c) Epigraphic d)Numismatic e)Ecumenical

little bucket that you drop in it.

a) Immortal b) Inexhaustible c) Eternal d) Perennial e) Sterling

7 Success in great ventures calls for ________ concentration and strong


8 ________ is a person who dabbles in art and letters.

a) Sterling, attachment b) Standing, participation

a) Dilettante b) Connoisseur c) Philistine d) Chauvinist e) Epicurean

c) Continued, apathy d) Unflagging, involvement e) Hectic, interest

8 In ________ of international matters, there is always an element of risk in
________ one might do.

a) Him b) Whom c) Which d) Who e) None of the above

a) View, whichever b) Many, doing c) Defence, wrong


9 He is the friend ________ I trust most.

10 Whom would you prefer ________ the two of us?
a) Among b)Of c) Between d) To e) In

d) Case, whatever e) Spite, whatever


9 ________ is a criminal ________ in England and covers cases where offensive


descriptions of Christianity are published.

1 The jury ________ the mayor of all wrongdoing.

a)Nepotism , act b) Sacrilege, violence c) Blasphemy, offence

d) Obscenity, deviation e) Impiety, transgression
10 On ________ of the enquiry, if it is found that the ________ are true, the

a) Complete Circle b) Full Circle c) Round Circle d) Around e) None of the

enquiry officer will report the matter to the higher authority.


a) Demand, finding b) Completion, allegations c) Instituting, charges


a) Exonerated b) Expatriated c) Augmented d) Subjugated e) None of the above

2 Life came a ________ for her when she started teaching at her alma mater.

3 A radical change in social policy could be in the ________ if Labor wins the


a) Upping b)Dubbing c) Scoffing d) Offing e) None of the above

4 Anil got the company car for a ________ price as he was the seniormost
employee in the company.

a) Discounted b)Nominal c) Fixed d) Reduced e)None of the above

5 He ________ sometimes force himself to work on till late in the night only to
find himself unable to do anything the next day.
a) Could b) Used to c) Would d) Would be e) Should
6 The influence of the environment on man is revealed by an ________ study.

d) Withdrawl, inferences e) Establishment, results

1 She never knew whether her husband would be in an angry or cheerful mood

10 The priest addressed the ________ for more than an-hour and was listened

as he was such a ________ character.

to with rapt attention.

a) Volatile b) Passive c) Lazy d) Voluble e) None of the above

a) Staff b) Audience c) Congregation d) Crew e) None of the above

2 She is much too ________ to have anything to do with that obnoxious affair.
a) Happy b) Hasty c) Noble d) Proud e) None of the above

1 Tashonda had read the book in a ________ fashion and couldn't remember
what she'd read

a) At b) Upon c) On d) With e) About

a) Truculent b)Obstreperous c)Cursory d) Discreet e) None of the above

4 His answer was such ________ I expected him to give.

2 The court heard that the four defendants had been ________ into making a

a) That b) Which c) As d) like which e) Who




3 So many servants attended ________ him during his illness.

a) Coerced b) Duressed c) Compulsed d) Asked e) None of the above

5 The principal and staff have made ________ efforts to enable the students to

3 The ________ of turning the deserts green with plastic trees was dismissed as


attend college on the days of the bus strike.

a) Integrated b) Deliberate c) Concerted d) Systematic e) None of the above

6 History records seventeen incursions of Sultan Mahmood ________ India.

a) Against b) Into c) Upon d) On e) None of the above

a) Lotion b) Notion c) Motion d) Potion e) None of the above

4 Beauty is to ugliness as adversity is to ________


from generation to generation.

7 Many women in the developing countries experience a cycle of poor health

that ________ before they are born and persists through adulthood passing
a) Derives b) Establishes c) Begins d) Originates e) None of the above

8 Everyone should ________ himself against illness since medical care has now
become expensive.
a) Vaccinate b) Insure c) Brace d) Ensure e) Inoculate
9 These essays are intellectually ________ and represent various levels of
a) Revealing b) Modern c) Superior d) Demanding e) Revealing

a) Happiness b) Prosperity c) Misery d) Cowardice e) None of the above

5 He deals ________ foreign goods only, but our firm deals ________ several
leading merchants who trade ________ a variety ________ goods

4 Since there was adequate grazing area for the herds, the land was ________

a) In, in, with, of b) With, with, with, of c) With, in, of, with d) In, with, in, of

a) Disproportionately b) Sparsely c) Inadequately d)Rustically e) None of the

6 Even when Mohan's reputation was in ________ almost everyone was willing


to admit that he had genius

a) Peregrination b) Accumulation c) Eclipse d) Rebuttal e) Failure

5 In the ________ areas of the rail-road terminal thousands of travellers

lingered while waiting for their train.
a) Commodious b) Accomodious c)Capricious d)Extensive e) Capacious


7 Patriotism, like so many other objects of this imperfect world, is a ________

web of good and evil
a) Complicated b) Intricate c) Entrapped d) Entangled e) Tangled

6 So many servants attended ________ him during his illness.

8 The opposition parties allege that prices of essential commodities are

________ like a runaway balloon


a) At b) Upon c) On d) With e) About

7 I do not think you will gain anything by insulting and ________ the man you
do not agree with.
a) Defaming b) Depicting c) Charging d) Revamping e) Enervating


a) Flying b) Reviving c) Leaping d) Soaring e) Shooting

9 He ________ that he could speak languages

a) Challenged b) Boasted c) Submitted d) Suggested e) None of the above

8 ________ is a person who dabbles in art and letters.

a) Dilettante b) Connoisseur c) Philistine d) Chauvinist e) Epicurean



10 He succeeded in getting possession ________ his land after a long court case
a) For b) To c) Of d) With e) Against

1 She begged to be allowed to go and her parents finally ________

a) Argoted b) Arboured c) Aquiesced d) Allowed e) None of the above

2 All of us should abide ________ the laws of our country.
a) On b) To c) By d) In e) None of the above
3 The enemy paid a large sum as ________
a) Compensation b) Punishment c) Redress d) Amends e) Restitution

9 ________ diseases spread like wild ________.

a) Contagious, flames b) Contagious, fire c) Fatal, wind
d) Minor, breeze e) None of the above

10 Shoppers used to surly clerks behind retail counters elsewhere in China are

a)harmonious, interruption b)congenial, development c)quiet, confusion

in for a ________.

d)cordial, education e)delightful, exaggeration

a) Gift b) Shock c)Treat d)Give e)None of the above



Q.1 She begged to be allowed to go and her parents finally _____

1) For centuries Rome was the ________ power in the Mediterranean.

a)Argoted b)Arboured c)Aquiesced d)Allowed e)None of the above

a) supreme b)general c)superlative d)overruling e)None of the above

Q.2 She decided not to ____ against the team.

2) I am not concerned _______________ him __________ that business.

a)Speak on b)Speak Up c)Speak Out d)Speak with e) None of the above

a) for ; with b)with ; in c)with ; for d)by ; in

a)happy b)hasty c)noble d)proud
a) brute b)coward c)haughty d)ignorant
a) talk, bread b)mention, rice c)speak, water d)discuss, tea
6)He _______________ for their copmany since 1972.
a) is working b)had worked c)worked d)had been working


5) Not to ____________ of milk, even _____________ was not there.


4)Non-violence is the law of saints as violence is the law of the _____________

7)Walking at three O' clock, I heard the ___________ of thunder.

a) clank b)crackle c)rumble d)ripple

8)The Education Minister emphasised the need to discover and ____________

each student's _________ talents.


a)enlarge, dormant b)belittle, concealed c)suppress, potential d)flourish, hidden

e)develop, intrinsic

9) ______________ is a criminal ____________ in England and covers cases

where offensive descriptions of Christianity are published.
a)Nepotism , act b)Sacrilege, violence c)Blasphemy, offence d)Obscenity,
deviation e)Impiety, transgression
10)A good teacher-student relationship helps create a ___________ and
peaceful atmosphere where there is no room for any __________ of educational


3) She is much too ____________ to have anything to do with that obnoxious

2 The Mayor and Governor___________that the bill will soon become a law

it left on all the clothes.

a)hopes b)hope c)hopee d)hop e)None of the above

a)Scorch b)Aspirated c)Elicited d)Torch e)None of the above

3 The parents and the child often _______Disney movies

Q.4 He deals ___________ foreign goods only, but our firm deals __________

a) watch b)watches c)watching d)watched e) None of the above

several leading merchants who trade ________ a variety _________ goods.

4 The staff _______in a disagreement about the findings

a)in, in, with, of b)with, with, with, of c)with, in, of, with d)in, with, in, of

a) are b) is c) ares d) where e) None of the above

Q.5 The task seemed impossible but somehow he _________________ very

5 Ten dollars________a high price to pay

skilfully in the end.

a) Is b) are c) ares d) where e) None of the above

a)pulled it off b)pulled it away c)pulled it out d)pulled it up

6 My aunt or my uncle ... by train today.

Q.6 Since there was adequate grazing area for the herds, the land was

a)is arriving b)Are Arriving c)Arriving d)Arrives are e) None of the above

______________ populated.

7 At the end of the story, they .. living happily ever after.

a)disproportionately b)sparsely c)inadequately d)rustically

a)Was b)Were c)Went d)Will e)None of the above

a)exact b)correct c)true d)realistic


Q.7 I decided to sell a piece of land when I was offered a more _______ price.


Q.3 The main problem with the faulty iron were the terrible __________ marks

8 It is not the faculty members but the president who ... this issue.
a) Decide b) Deciding c) Decides d) Are e) None of the above
9 Each and every student and instructor in this building __________ for a new
facility by next

that you drop in it.


a)immortal b)inexhaustible c)eternal d)perennial e)sterling


Q.8 Knowledge is like a deep well fed by _________ springs, and your mind is
the little bucket

a) Are Hope b) Hopes c) Hoping d) Is hope e) None of the above

10 There ____________ several reasons why you should reconsider your

their status in
this industry.

a) Are b)Is c)Haves d)Had e)None of the above

Q.9 The salaries and perks of the employees were not in ___________ with

11 You should decide which one of the three choices A, B or C best ___ the

Q.10 Shoppers used to surly clerks behind retail counters elsewhere in China

question. a)Answers b)Is c)Answers d)Answering e)None of the above

are in for a _____________.

12 Psychology ___ a fun course.


a) value b)conformity c)accordance d)capacity e)possession

a)gift b)shock c)treat d)None of the above

a) Is b) Are c) Not d) Have e) None of the above

13 All of the students who took his class ____ passed.
a)Has b)Is c)Are d) Have e)None of the above

Subject-Verb Agreement

14 Every one of those books --------- fiction.

Select the correct Verb form to agree with the subject.

a)Is b)Are c)Not d)Have e)None of the above

1 The number of errors_______small

15 None of my friends -------------------------- there.

a) Is b) are c) ares d) where e) None of the above

a)Is b)Are c)Not d)have e)None of the above

16 Bread and butter -------------------our daily food.

31 The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) ___ not regulate vitamins and

a)Is b)Are c)Not d)Have e)None of the above


17 What ______ around comes around.

a) Does b) Do c)Don't d)Is e) None of the above

a)Go b)Went c)Goes d)Has e)None of the above

32 An enormous pair of shoes ____ Rs. 5000.

18 Andrea __________ know her neighbours.

a) Cost b) Costed c)Costs d)Have e) None of the above

a) Don't b) Do c) Doesnt d) Have e) None of the above

33 ____ the jury going to decide on the case soon?

a)Is b)Are c)Not d)Have e)None of the above

a) Are b) Have c) Not d) Is e)None of the above

20 The family ________ a troubled history

34 ----------- the news on at five or six?

a)Has b)Have c)Having d)Is e)None of the above

a)Is b) Are c)Not d)Has e) None of the above

21 Neither the books nor the tapes________here

35 There -------- fifteen candies in that bag. Now there -------- only one left!

a) was b)were c)what d)where e) None of the above

a) Was, are b)Were, is c) Was, is d) is, are e) None of the above



19 The scissors _________ lying on the table.

22 The number of errors_______small

36 Collecting match-boxes -------------------------- one of his favorite pastimes.

a) is b) Are c) Not d) Has e) None of the above

23 The parents and the child often _______Disney movies

a)watch b)watches c)watching d)watched e) None of the above
24 A Car and a bike_____my means of transportation

37 There ________ ten chocolates in that cupboard.

a) Was b) Were c) Is d) has e) None of the above


a)is b)are c)are's d)where e)None of the above

38 The commission ________ these questions cautiously.

a) are b)is c) are's d)where e)None of the above

a)Debate b)Debates c) Debating d)Debated e) None of the above

25 My aunt or my uncle ... by train today.

39 Andrea __________ know her neighbors.

a) Don't b) do c)Doesnt d) Have e) None of the above
40 The scissors _________ lying on the table.

a) was b) Were c) Went d)Will e)None of the above

a) Is b) Are c) Not d) Have e)None of the above


a) Is arriving b)Are Arriving c) Arriving d)Arrives are e)None of the above

26 At the end of the story, they .. living happily ever after.
27 His dogs, which .. kept outside, bark all day long.

41 Either the kittens or the puppy _______ in my lap while I watch television

a) Are b)IS c)Will d)Was e)None of the above

a) sit b) sits c) sat d) sitting e) None of the above

28 The books borrowed from the library ___ on my desk.

42 Most of the sand __________ wet from the high tide

a) Are b)Is c)Have d) Not e)None of the above

29 Neither his mother nor his father ___ cards.

a) is b) are c) are's d) where e) None of the above

43 The staff _______in a disagreement about the findings

a)Play b) Playing c)Is d)Plays e) None of the above

a) are b) is c) are's d) where e) None of the above

30 Psychology ___ a fun course.

44 My aunt or my uncle _____arriving by train today

a) Is b) Are c) Not d) Have e) None of the above

a) is b) are c) are's d) where e) None of the above

45 Al and Eli .. to the beach to surf with their friends.

a) Debate b) Debates c)Debating d)Debated e)None of the above

46 My problem, which is minor in comparison with others, ... because I

59 The Chairman, together with his wife, __________ the press cordially.

dropped out of high

a) Greets b) Greet c) Greeting d) Greet e)None of the above


60 The players, as well as the captain, ________ to win.

a) Exists b) Existing c) Exist d) Is Exist e) None of the above

a) Wanted b) Wants c) Want d) Has e) None of the above

47 Each and every student and instructor in this building __________ for a new

61 Several of these books ________ brand new

facility by next

a) Look b)Looks c)Looking d)Looked e)None of the above


62 The group of administrative assistants ________ meeting in the board room

a) Are Hope b) Hopes c) Hoping d) Is hope e) None of the above

a) Are b) Is c) Are's d)Where e)None of the above

48 The pen or the pencil ___ lost.

63 The economics of the trip ________ pleasing

a) Is b) Are c) Have d) Not e) None of the above

a) Was b)Were c) What d)Where e) None of the above



a) Goes b) Go c) going d) were e) None of the above

49 The number of deaths ___ increasing.

a) Are b) Have c) Is d) Not e) None of the above

64 Ten dollars ________ a high price to pay

a) Is b) Are c) Ares d) Where e) None of the above


50 An enormous pair of shoes ____ Rs. 5000.

a) Cost b) Costed c) Costs d) Have e) None of the above
51 Every one of those books --------- fiction.

65 One third of the city ________ unemployed

a) Is b) Are c) Not d) Have e) None of the above

a) Are b) Is c) Are's d) Where e) None of the above

52 Nobody ------------- the trouble I've seen.

66 If our staff members don't quit ________ at each other, we will not meet our

a) Is b) Are c) Not d) Have e) None of the above

a) Pick b) Picking c) Picks d) Picked e) None of the above


a) Know b) Knows c) Knew d) Knowed e) None of the above

53 Eight dollars ------------- the price of a movie these days.

54 The famous singer and composer-------------------- arrived.

a) Has b) Have c) Not d) Is e) None of the above

67 His dogs, which ________ kept outside, bark all day long.

55 Most students ----------------------- made the same mistake.

a) Are b) is c) Will d) Was e) None of the above

a) Has b) Have c) Not d) is e) None of the above

56 Thirty years --------------------a long time.

68 Juan or Julian ________ the conference room each week.

a) Is b) Are c) Not d) Have e) None of the above

a) Prepare b) Prepares c) Is Prepare d) Are Prepare e) None of the above

57 John and Jane __________ want to see that show.

a) Do b) Does c) Dont d) Is e) None of the above

69 The books borrowed from the library ________ on my desk.

58 The commission ________ these questions cautiously.

a) Are b) Is c) Have d) Not e) None of the above

70 You should decide which one of the three choices A, B or C best ________

80 The school of fish ________ in the sea.

the question.

a) Swim b) Swimming c) Swims d) Swimmed e) None of the above

a) Answer b) Is c) Answers d) Answering e) None of the above

81 The parking pass and the ticket ________ on the desk

a) Lies b) Lie c) Lied d) Liee e) None of the above

71 Kilos ________ a heavy load.

a) Are b) Have c) Is d) Not e) None of the above

82 The Mayor and Governor ________ that the bill will soon become a law.
a) Hopes b) Hope c) Hoped d) Hop e) None of the above


72 A number of parents ________ us to leave.

a) Wants b) Wanting c) Not d) Want e) None of the above

83 The parents and the child often ________ Disney moyies.

a) Watch b) Watches c) Watching d) Watched e) None of the above


73 ________ the news on at five or six?

a) Is b) Are c) Not d) Has e) None of the above

84 Each of the girl ________ well.

a) Sing b) Sings c) Singing d) Singe e) None of the above

86 When Joan and Jade arrived, they found that their friends ________ waved

a) Is b) Are c) Not d) Have e) None of the above

76 John and Jane ________ want to see that show.


a) Do b)Does c) Don't d) Is e) None of the above

their boards.

75 None of my friends ________ there.

85 Al and Eli ________ to the beach to surf with their Mends.

a) Goes b) Go c) Going d) Were e) None of the above


74 ________ the tweezers in this drawer?

a) Is b) Are c) Not d) Have e) None of the above

77 There ________ ten chocolates in that cupboard.

a) Had b) Has c) Were d) Is e) None of the above

87 My problem, which is minor in comparison1 with others, ________ because
I dropped out of high school.
a) Exists b) Existing c) Exist d) Is Exist e) None of the above

a) Was b) Were c) Is d)Has e) None of the above

78 The drama, including all the breaks, ________ about two hours.

88 You should decide which one of the three choices A, B or C best ________
the question.

a) Lasting b) Last c) Lasts d) Is e) None of the above

a) Answer b) Is c) Answers d) Answering e) None of the above

79 Andrea ________ know her neighbors.

89 All of the students who took his class ________ passed.

a) Don't b) Do c) Doesn't d)Have e)None of the above

a) Has b) Is c) Are d) Have e) None of the above

90 The number of deaths ________ increasing.

a) Are b) Have c) Is d) Not e) None of the above
91 The students or the teacher ________ guitar.
a) Plays b) Play c) Playing d) Have e) None of the above
92 ________ the jury going to decide on the case soon?

93 The players, as well as the captain, ________ to win.

a) Wants b) Want c) Should d) Is e) None of the above

95 The price of these jeans ________ reasonable.

a) Is b) Are c) Not d) Has e) None of the above
96 Thirty years ________ a long time.


a) Is b) Are c)Not d) Have e) None of the above

a) Was,are b) Were,is c) Was,is d) is,are e) None of the above


94 There ________ fifteen candies in that bag. Now there ________ only one



a) Are b) Have c) Not d) Is e) None of the above

107 Jack ________ one of our most intelligent students

a) Swim b) Swimming c) Swims d) Swimmed e) None of the above

a) Are b) Is c) Have d)Not e) None of the above

98 The dog or the cats ________ in the house.

108 Advertisers say that the herb "kava kava" ________ anxiety and insomnia

a) Is b)Are c)Not d)Has e)None of the above

a) Reduce b)Reduces c) Reducing d) Is Reduce e) None of the above

99 Mathematics ________ my favorite subject.

109 The pen or the pencil ________ lost

a) Is b) Are c)Not d) Has e)None of the above

a) Is b) Are c) Have d)Not e)None of the above

100 The scissors ________ lying on the table.

110 An enormous pair of shoes ________ Rs.5000

a) Is b) Are c) Not d) Have e) None of the above

a) Cost b) Costed c)Costs d) Have e)None of the above

101 Either the kittens or the puppy ________ in my lap while I watch



97 The school of fish ________ in the sea.

111 The students or the teacher ________ the guitar

a) Plays b) Play c) Playing d) Have e) None of the above


a) Sit b)Sits c) Sat d)Sitting e)None of the above

112 Johnny, together with his friends, ________ going out

102 Each of us ________ to give a report

a) Enjoy b) Enjoys c) Enjoying d) Have e) None of the above

a) Plans b) Plan c)Planning d) Will planned e)None of the above

113 There ________ fifteen candies in that bag. Now there -------- only one


103 Neither the books nor the tapes ________ here

a) Was b) Were c) What d) Where e)None of the above

a) Was,are b) Were,is c) Was,is d) Is,are e)None of the above

104 A Car and a bike ________ my means of transportation

114 Thirty years ________ a long time

a) Are b) Is c) Are's d)Where e) None of the above

a) Is b) Are c) Not d) Have e) None of the above

105 My aunt or my uncle ________ by train today

a) Is arriving b) Are Arriving c) Arriving d) Arrives are e) None of the above

115 Nobody ________ the problems I have gone through

a) Know b) Knows c)Knew d) Have e) None of the above

106 At the end of the story, they ________ living happily ever after

116 John and Jane ________ want to see that show

a) Was b) Were c)Went d) Will e)None of the above

a) Do b) Does c) Don't d) Is e) None of the above

117 One of my brothers ________ going for a holiday to Italy

a) Is b) Are c) Not d) Has e) None of the above

127 If our staff members don't quit ________ at each other, we will not meet
our goals.

118 There ________ ten chocolates in that cupboard

a) Pick b) Picking c) Picks d) Picked e)None of the above

a) Was b) Were c)Is d) Has e) None of the above

128 Nora, of all the candidates ________ running, is the best.
119 The players, as well as the captain ________ to win

a) Who is b) Who are c) Who will d) Who in e)None of the above

a) Wanted b) Wants c) Want d) Has e) None of the above


129 You should decide which one of the three choices A, B or C best ________
the question.

a) Runs b) Run c)Running d) Runned e) None of the above

a) Answer b) Is c) Answers d) Answering e)None of the above

121 Either the kittens or the puppy ________ in my lap while I watch


120 The team ________ during practice

130 Jack ________ one of our most intelligent students.

a) Are b) Is c) Have d) Not e) None of the above


a) Sit b)Sits c) Sat d) Sitting e)None of the above

131 Neither his mother nor his father ________ cards.

122 The Mayor and Governor ________ that the bill will soon become a law
a) Hopes b) Hope c)Hopee d) Hop e) None of the above

a) Play b) Playing c) Is d) Plays e)None of the above

124 Each of the girl ________ well


123 One third of the city ________ unemployed

a) Are b) Is c) Are's d) Where e) None of the above

132 The use of vitamin supplements and herbs ________ becoming increasingly

a) Sing b) Sings c) Singing d) Singe e)None of the above

popular among Americans.

a) Are b) Have c) Not d) Is e)None of the above
133 A number of parents ________ us to leave.
b) Wants b)Wanting c)Not d) Want e)None of the above

125 My aunt or my uncle ________ arriving by train today

a) Is b)Are c) Are's d)Where e)None of the above

134 We ________ going to have fun unless our friends come.

a) Isn't b) Didn't c) Aren't d) Haven't e) None of the above

126 When Joan and Jade arrived, they found that their friends ________ waxed
their boards.

135 Nobody ________ the trouble i've seen.

a) Had b) Has c) Were d) Is e) None of the above

a) Know b) Knows c) Knew d) Knowed e)None of the above

146 The group of children from that school ________ Never seen the ocean.
136 Eight dollars ________ the price of a movie these days.

a) Has b) Have c) Is d) Are e)None of the above

a) Is b) Are c) Not d) Have e)None of the above

147 Nora, of all the candidates ________ running, is the best.
137 One of my brothers ________ going for a holiday to Italy.

a) Who is b) Who are c) Who will d)Who in None of the above

a) Is b) Are c) Not d) Has e)None of the above

148 Jack ________ one of our most intelligent students.
138 There ________ ten chocolates in that cupboard.

a) Are b) Is c) Have d) Not e) None of the above


a) Was b) Were c) Is d) Has e) Was

149 The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) ________ not regulate vitamins
and herbs.

a) Swim b) Swimming c) Swims d) Swimmed e)None of the above

a) Does b) Do c) Don't d) Is e)None of the above


139 The school of fish ________ in the sea.

140 The family ________ a troubled history

150 The committee ________ whether or not the school is responsible for this
a) Decide b) Decides c) Deciding d) Is e) None of the above

141 Neither the books nor the tapes ________ here

a) Was b) Were c) What d) Where e)None of the above


a) Has b) Have c) Having d) Is e)None of the above

151 We ________ going to have fun unless our friends come.

a) Isn't b) Didn't c) Aren't d) Haven't e) None of the above


142 The economics of the trip ________ pleasing

a) Was b) Were c) What d) Where e)None of the above

152 Either answer ________ acceptable.

a) Is b) Are c) Not d) Have e) None of the above

143 The staff ________ in a disagreement about the findings

a) Are b)Is c) Are's d) Where e)None of the above

153 ________ the tweezers in this drawer?

a) Is b) Are c) Not d) Have e)None of the above

144 Ten dollars ________ a high price to pay

a) Is b) Are c) Ares d) Where e)None of the above

154 There ________ fifteen candies in that bag. Now there ________ only one

145 Each of the girl ________ well

a) Was, are b) Were, is c) Was, is d) Is, are e) None of the above

a) Sing b) Sings c) Singing d) Singe e) None of the above

155 The famous singer and composer ________ arrived.

a) Has b) Have c) Not d) Is e) None of the above

167 The department members but not the chair . decided not to teach on
Valentine's Day.

156 Gold, as well as platinum, ________ recently risen in price.

a) Have b) Has c) Will d) Is e) None of the above

a) Has b) Have c) Not d) Is e) None of the above

168 It is not the faculty members but the president who ... this issue.
a) Decide b) Deciding c) Decides d) Are e) None of the above

157 Either my sister or brother ________ coming to the meeting.

169 The issues of inflation and tax reform ____________ to be on everyone's

a) Is b) Are c) Not d) Has e) None of the above

a) Continue b) Continues c) Continuing d) Is continue e) None of the above
170 The chairman, along with his two assistants, ____________ to attend the

a) Go b) Went c) Goes d) Has e)None of the above

annual convention.


158 What ________ around comes around.

a)Plan b) Plans c) Is Planed d) Are Plan e) None of the above

171 Jack ___ one of our most intelligent students.


159 Andrea ________ know her neighbors.

a) Don't b) Do c) Doesn't d) Have e) None of the above

a) Are b) Is c)Have d) Not e)None of the above

172 All of the students who took his class ____ passed.
a) Has b) Is c) Are d) Have e) None of the above
173 Advertisers say that the herb "kava kava" ___ anxiety and insomnia.


160 The family ________ a troubled history

a) Has b) Have c) Having d) Is e)None of the above

a) Reduce b) Reduces c) Reducing d) Is Reduce e) None of the above

161 Several of these books ______brand new

174 The number of deaths ___ increasing.

163 Each of the girl _____well


162 Neither the books nor the tapes________here

a) was b) were c) what d) where e) None of the above

a) look b) looks c) looking d) looked e) None of the above

a) Are b) Have c) Is d) Not e) None of the above

175 An enormous pair of shoes ____ Rs. 5000.
a) Cost b) Costed c) Costs d) Have e) None of the above
176 ____ the jury going to decide on the case soon?
a) Are b) Have c) Not d) Is e) None of the above

a) sing b) sings c) singing d) singe e) None of the above

177------------- the tweezers in this drawer?

164 At the end of the story, they .. living happily ever after.

a) Is b) Are c) Not d) Have e) None of the above

a) Was b) Were c) Went d) Will e) None of the above

165 The group of children from that school . never seen the ocean.

178 Nobody _________ the problems I have gone through.

a) Know b) Knows c) Knew d) Have e) None of the above

a) Has b) Have c) Is d) Are e) None of the above

179 There ________ ten chocolates in that cupboard.

166 Two-fifths of the vineyard . destroyed by fire.

a) Was b) Were c) Is d) has e) None of the above

a) Will b) Are c) Was d) Were e) None of the above

180 The commission ________ these questions cautiously.

a)Was, are b)Were, is c)Was, is d)is, are e)None of the above

a) Debate b) Debates c) Debating d) Debated e) None of the above

196 None of my friends -------------------------- there.

181 Each of us ______to give a report

a)Is b)Are c)Not d)have e) None of the above

a)plans b)plan c)planning d)will planned e)None of the above

182 Several of these books ______brand new
a)look b)looks c)looking d)looked e)None of the above
183 The parking pass and the ticket_________on the desk
a)lies b)lie c)lied d)liee e)None of the above


184 The number of errors_______small

a)is b)are c)are's d)where e)None of the above
185 Hansel and Gretel _______ a famous children's story


a)are b)is c)are's d)where e)None of the above

186 One third of the city _______unemployed
a)are b)is c)are's d)where e)None of the above

188 Al and Eli .. to the beach to surf with their friends.

a)Goes b)G c)going d)were e)None of the above
189 Nora, of all the candidates ..running, is the best.


187 Either Matilda or her brothers ________the symphony tickets each week.
a)use b)uses c)using d)uses e)None of the above

a)Who is b)Who are c)Who will d)Who in e)None of the above

190 Advertisers say that the herb "kava kava" ___ anxiety and insomnia.
191 The pen or the pencil ___ lost.
a)Is b)Are c)Have d)Not e)None of the above


a)Reduce b)Reduces c)Reducing d)Is Reduced e)None of the above

192 An enormous pair of shoes ____ Rs. 5000.

a)Cost b)Costed c)Costs d)Have e)None of the above
193 Johnny, together with his friends, ____ going out.
a)Enjoy b)Enjoys c)Enjoying d)Have e)None of the above
194 Every one of those books --------- fiction.
a)Is b)Are c)Not d)Have e)None of the above
195 There -------- fifteen candies in that bag. Now there -------- only one left!

197 Thirty years --------------------a long time.

a)Are b)Have c)Not d)Is e)None of the above

a)Is b)Are c)Not d)Have e)None of the above

212 Either two umbrellas or one raincoat ___ enough to keep you dry.

198 Andrea __________ know her neighbors.

a) Is b)Are c)Have d)Not e)None of the above

a)Don't b)Do c)Doesnt d)Have e)None of the above

213 Nobody ------------- the trouble I've seen.

199 The school of fish _________ in the sea.

a) Know b)Knows c)Knew d)Knowed e)None of the above

a)Swim b)Swimming c)Swims d)Swimmed e)None of the above

214 Eight dollars ------------- the price of a movie these days.

a)Is b)Are c)Not d)Has e)None of the above

a) Is b)Are c)Not d)Have e)None of the above

201 The books from the library _______to be returned by Friday

215 Gold, as well as platinum, ---------------------------------- recently risen in

a) need b)needs c)needed d)need e)None of the above


202 Neither Juan nor Carmen ...available.

a) Has b) Have c) Not d)is e)None of the above

a) Is b)Are c)haves d)has e)None of the above

216 Collecting match-boxes -------------------------- one of his favourite

203 The group of children from that school . never seen the ocean.
a) Has b)Have c)Is d)Are e)None of the above



200 The dog or the cats _______ in the house.


a) Is b)Are c)Not d)Has e)None of the above

217 Most students ----------------------- made the same mistake.
a) Has b) Have c) Not d)is e)None of the above


204 Juan or Julian ____________ the conference room each week.

a) Prepare b)Prepares c)Is Prepare d)Are Prepare e)None of the above
205 Jack ___ one of our most intelligent students.

218 Ten tons --------------------------------a heavy load.

a) Are b)Is c)Have d)Not e)None of the above

a) Is b)Are c)Not d)Have e)None of the above

206 All of the students who took his class ____ passed.

219 One of my brothers ________ going for a holiday to Italy.

a) Is b)Are c)Not d)Has e)None of the above
220 The Chairman, together with his wife, __________ the press cordially.


a)Greets b)Greet c)Greeting d)Greet e)None of the above


a) Has b)Is c)Are d)Have e)None of the above

207 The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) ___ not regulate vitamins and
a)Does b)Do c)Don't d)Is e)None of the above

221 Several of these books ______brand new

208 Advertisers say that the herb "kava kava" ___ anxiety and insomnia.

a)look b)looks c)looking d)looked e)None of the above

a)Reduce b)Reduces c)Reducing d)Is Reduce e)None of the above

222 My aunt or my uncle ... by train today.

209 The committee ____ whether or not the school is responsible for this

a)Is arriving b)Are Arriving c)Arriving d)Arrives are e)None of the above
223 His dogs, which .. kept outside, bark all day long.

a)Decide b)Decides c)Deciding d)Is e)None of the above

a)Are b)IS c)Will d)Was e)None of the above

210 The students or the teacher ____ guitar.

224 Two-fifths of the vineyard . destroyed by fire.

a)Plays b)Play c)Playing d)Have e)None of the above

a)Will b)Are c)Was d)Were e)None of the above

211____ the jury going to decide on the case soon?

225 Rice and beans, my favorite dish, __________ me of my native Puerto Rico.

a)Remind b)Reminds c)Reminding d)Reminded e)None of the above

a)Is b)Are c)Not d)Has e)None of the above

226 Psychology ___ a fun course.

239 Andrea __________ know her neighbors.

a)Is b)Are c)Not d)Have e)None of the above

a)Don't b)Do c)Doesnt d)Have e)None of the above

227 All of the students who took his class ____ passed.

240 Mathematics _________ my favorite subject.

a)Has b)Is c)Are d)Have e)None of the above

228 The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) ___ not regulate vitamins and

a)Is b)Are c)Not d)Has e)None of the above

a)Does b)Do c)Don't d)Is e)None of the above


229 The pen or the pencil ___ lost.


230 The committee ____ whether or not the school is responsible for this

Fill in the gaps with the correct tense of the verb in brackets


1 Hey John! Wait a minute. I ________ a word with you.


a)Is b)Are c)Have d)Not e)None of the above

a)Decide b)Decides c)Deciding d)Is e)None of the above

a) Will have b) Have c)Would have d) All of the above e) None of the above
2 It was hot in the room, so I ________ the window

232 The number of deaths ___ increasing.

3 I ________ cereals for breakfast.

a)Are b)Have c)Is d)Not e)None of the above

a) Has b) Have c) Will Have d) Had e) Having


a)Cost b)Costed c)Costs d)Have e)None of the above

234 ____ the jury going to decide on the case soon?

233 An enormous pair of shoes ____ Rs. 5000.

a)Are b)Have c)Not d)Is e)None of the above

a) Opened b) Opens c) Is Opening d) Open e) None of the above


231 We ____ going to have fun unless our friends come.

a)Isn't b)Didn't c)Aren't d)Haven't e)None of the above

4 They ________ already ________ their rucksacks

a) Has, Pack b) Had, Packed c) Has, Packed d) Had, Pack e) Has, Pack

235 Mathematics ---------- John's favorite subject, while Civics (is, are)-------

5 I ________ at the pet shop.

Andrea's favorite

a) Were b) Is c) Was d) Are e) None of the above

a)Is b)Are c)Not d)Have e)None of the above
236 The price of these jeans -------- reasonable.

6 You were ________ to finish this task on time

a) Expect b) Expected c) Expecting d) Is Expected e) None of the above

a) Is b)Are c)Not d)Has e)None of the above

237 Nobody _________ the problems I have gone through.

7 Sarah and I ________ the car for Mr. Jones last night

a)Know b)Knows c)Knew d)Have e)None of the above

a) Cleaned b) Cleans c) Cleaning d) Have cleaned e) None of the above

238 One of my brothers ________ going for a holiday to Italy.

18 The thief ________ the locker

a) Play b) Plays c) Played d)Will play e) None of the above

a) Broke b) Broken c) Breaked d) Is breaking e) None of the above

9 Ram ________ watching movies.

19 I ________ a letter for Sam

a) Like b) Likes c) Liked d) Has liked e) None of the above

a) Wrote b) Writing c) Written d) Has written e) None of the above

10 I wanted to visit you yesterday, but you ________ at home.

20 Ram ________ watching movies

a) Was b) Was Not c) Were not d) Is not e) None of the above

a) Like b) Likes c) Liked d) Has liked e) None of the above

11 My friends ________ smoking

21 We ________ the pets now

a) had given b) given up c) gave d) have given up e) none of the above

a) Were feeding b) Are feeding c) Was feeding d) Is feeding e) Will feeding



8 Norah ________ in the rain.

12 It was hot in the room, so I ________ the window

22 She ________ when you telephone her

a) Opened b) Opens c) is Opening d) Open e) None of the above

a) Will be sleeping b) Is sleeping c) Will sleeping d) Would be sleeping e)Was



13 When I was a child, I ________ To be a doctor

a) Want b) Wanted c) Will Want d) Wanting e) None of the above

23 My friends ________ smoking

a) Had given b) Given up c) Gave d) Have given up e) None of the above

14 Jim always goes to work by bus ________ He went to work by car


a) This week b) Tomorrow c) Yesterday d) Day After tomorrow e)None of the


24 Last Night the concert ________ at 7.30 and ________ at 10'o clock
a) Start / Finish b) Will Start / Will Finish c) Starting / Finishing e) Started /

15 Caroline ________ To the cinema three times last week

a) Will be going b) will go c) Shall be going d) None of the above e) All

25 Jim always goes to work by bus ________ He went to work by car

a) This week b) Tomorrow c) Yesterday d) Day After tomorrow e) None of the

16 Dave and Pat ________ the museum

a) Visited b) Will Visit c) Have Visited d) Visiting e) None of the above

26 By the time we reached, arrangements ____ made

17 I ________ just ________ my bike

a) Had been b) Has been c) Have been d) Is been e) Will been

a) Have,Clean b) Had,Cleaned c) Has,Clean d) Cleaning e) None of the above

27 The gardener ____ the trees last month

a) Have, Clean b) Had, Cleaned c) Has, Clean d) Cleaning e) Have, Clean

28 Sarah ________ 15 years old

38 You were ________ to finish this task on time

a) Is b) Was c) Are d) Will be e) None of the above

a) Expect b) Expected c) Expecting d) Is Expected e) None of the above

29 The thief ________ the locker one hour ago

39 I ________ and brought up in New Delhi

a) Broke b) Broken c) Breaked d) Is breaking e) None of the above

a) Am born b) Was Born c) Borne d) Will be born e) None of the above

30 Ram ________ watching movies

40 Sarah and I ________ the car for Mr. Jones last night

a) Like b) Likes c) Liked d) Has liked e) None of the above

a) Cleaned b) Cleans c) Cleaning d) Have cleaned e) None of the above

31 The driver ________ at the traffic lights, so the police car chased him.

41 My friends ________ smoking

a) Had given b) Given up c) Gave d) Have given up e) None of the above
42 The people ________ something to each other.
a) Whispered b) Whisper c) Did whispered d) All of the above e)None of the


32 My friends ________ smoking

a) Had given b) Given up c) Gave d) Have given up e) None of the above


a) Not stopped b) Have not stopped c) Will not stopped d)Had not stoppede


a) Cut b) Cuts c) Is Cutting d) Will Cut e) None of the above


33 The Concert ________ at 7:30 and ________ at 10o clock

a) Start/Finish b) Will Start/ Will Finish c) Starting/Finishing

d)Started/Finished e) Start/Finish

43 Ann's grandfather ________ when he was 90 years old

a) Died b) Will die c) Dying d) Die e) None of the above
44 By the time we reached, arrangements ________ made.

a) Will be going b) Will go c) Shall be going d) Went e) None of the above

a) Had been b) Has been c) Have been d) Is been e) Will been

35 The lady ________ invitation cards.

45 They ________ a small grocery store at the turn.

a) Send b) Sends c) Has Sent d) Is Sending e) Will Send

a) See b) Saw c) Seeing d) Will See e) Seen

36 Dave and Pat ________ the museum.

46 We ________ this meeting well in advance

a) Visited b) Will Visit c) Have Visited d) Visiting e) None of the above

a) Will plan b) Plan c) Planned d) Planning e) None of the above

37 I ________ just ________ my bike.

47 Emily ________ her room.


34 Caroline ________ To the cinema three times last week

a) Paints b) Painted c) Is Painting d) Paint e) None of the above

a) Play b)Played c) Will Play d)is playing e)None of the above

48 Has Karen ________ computer games?

a) Play b) Played c) Will Play d) Is playing e) None of the above

59 The thief --------------- the locker.

a) Broke b)Broken c)Breaked d)Is breaking e) None of the above

49 Sarah ________ 15 years old

a) Is b) Was c) Are d) Will be e) None of the above

60 I wanted to visit you yesterday, but you--------at home.

a) Was b)Was Not c)Were not d) Is not e)None of the above

50 I wanted to visit you yesterday, but you ________ at home.

61 Last week my uncle_________a new car


a) Was b) Was Not c) Were not d) Is not e)None of the above

a) Drive b)Drove c) Driven d)Drives e) none of the above

51 My friends ____________ smoking

62 She ________when you telephone her.


a) Had given b) given up c)gave d)have given up e)none of the above

a) will be sleeping b)is sleeping c)will sleeping d) would be sleeping e) was sleep

52 When I was a child, I. To be a doctor

53 By the time we reached, arrangements ____ made.

a) Had been b)Has been c)Have been d)Is been e)Will been

63 Hey John! Wait a minute. I ________ a word with you.

a) will have b) have c) would have d) All of the above e)none of the above


a) Want b)Wanted c)Will Want d)Wanting e)None of the above

64 Last night, I ____ dinner with a client.


54 They ____ a small grocery store at the turn.

a) See b)Saw c)Seeing d)Will See e)Seen

a) Have b) Has c)Had d)Will Have e)Having

65 The lady ___ invitation cards.
a) Send b) Sends c)Sent d)Is Sending e)Will Send

55 This Sunday, I ____ two hours cleaning my room.

a) Am Spending b)Is Spend c)Will Spend d)Spend e)Spent

66 Dave and Pat --------------the museum.

a) Visited b)Will Visit c) Have Visited d)Visiting e) None of the above

56 Markus -----------------an accident.

a) Has been b) is having c) Had d)Has having e)None of the above

67 You were _______ to finish this task on time

a) Expect b)Expected c) Expecting d)is Expected e)None of the above

57 We ______ this meeting well in advance

a) Will plan b)Plan c)Planned d) Planning e)None of the above

68 I ----------- and brought up in New Delhi

58 Has Karen ------------computer games?

a) Am born b) Was Born c)Borne d)Will be born e) None of the above

79 Norah ------------------ in the rain.

69 Sarah ------------ 15 years old

a) Play b) Plays c) Played d) Will play e) None of the above

a) Is b) Was c) Are d) Will be e)None of the above

80 The thief --------------- the locker.
70 Norah ------------------ in the rain.

a) Broke b) Broken c) Breaked d) Is breaking e) None of the above

a) Play b) Plays c)Played d) Will play e) None of the above

81 She _____the contest three years ago
a) didn't win b) didn't won c) wind d) will e) none of the above

a) were feeding b) are feeding c) was feeding d) is feeding e) will feeding

82 The accident last afternoon

a) Happened b) Happens c) Will happend d) Happening e) None of the above

72 The people____________ something to each other.

83 The lady ___ invitation cards.

a) whispered b) Whisper c) did whispered d) All of the above e)none of the

a) Send b) Sends c) Sent d) Is Sending e) Will Send




71 We _______ the pets now.

84 Dave ____ to carry the reports for the meet.

a) Forgets b) Forgetting c)Forgotten d) Forget e)Forgot
85 Dave and Pat --------------the museum.
a) Visited b)Will Visit c)Have Visited d)Visiting e)None of the above


73 The accident last afternoon

a) Happened b) Happens c) Will happen d) Happening e) None of the above

86 They ---------------------already ---------------their rucksacks

74 Caroline. To the cinema three times last week

a)Has, Pack b) Had, Packed c) Has, Packed d) Had, Pack e) None of the above

75 I . Television, when the door bell rang

a) Will be going b) will go c) Shall be going d) Went e) None of the above

87 Emily ---------------her room.

a) Paints b) Painted c) Is Painting d) Paint e) None of the above
88 Sarah -------------- to music to calm her nerves
a) Listened b) Will Listen c) Listening d) Am listening e) None of the above


89 We ------ a movie last night


a) Watch television b) Watched television c) Will watch television d) Was

a)Watch b)Watches c) Watched d)Will watch e)None of the above

76 Dave and Pat --------------the museum.

90 Ram ----------------------- watching movies.

a) Visited b) Will Visit c) Have Visited d) Visiting e) None of the above

a) Like b) Likes c) Liked d) Has liked e) None of the above

91 The accident last afternoon

77 They ---------------------already ---------------their rucksacks

a)Happened b)Happens c)Will happen d)Happening e)None of the above

a) Has, Pack b) Had, Packed c) Has, Packed d) Had, Pack e) None of the above

92 Caroline. To the cinema three times last week

78 We ______ this meeting well in advance

a)Will be going b)will go c)Shall be going d)Went e)None of the above

a) Will plan b) Plan c) Planned d) Planning e) None of the above

93 Last night, I ____ dinner with a client.

a) Send b)Sends c)Sent d)Is Sending e)Will Send

a)Have b)Has c)Had d)Will Have e)Having

108 Karen -------------------an e-mail.

94 That woman ____ a new book this morning.

a) Will send b)Sent c)Sending d)Has sent e)None of the above

a)Buy b)Bought c)Had Buy d)Buying e)Is Buy

109 I -------------------at the pet shop.

95 The gardener ____ the trees last month.

a) Were b)Is c)Was d)Are e)None of the above

a)Cut b)Cuts c)Is Cutting d)Will Cut e)None of the above

110 Emily ---------------her room.

a)Has b)Is having c)Had d)Has having e)None of the above

a)Paints b)Painted c)Is Painting d)Paint e)None of the above

97 I ---------------just ----------------my bike.

111 Last week my uncle_________a new car

a)Have, Clean b)Had, Cleaned c)Has, Clean d)Cleaning e)None of the above

a)Drive b)Drove c)Driven d)Drives e)none of the above

98 Emily ---------------her room.

112 She _____the contest three years ago

a)Paints b)Painted c)Is Painting d)Paint e)None of the above

a)didn't win b)didn't won c)win d)will e)none of the above



96 Markus -----------------an accident.

99 Norah ------------------ in the rain.

113 We _______ the pets now.

100 Thief --------------- the locker.

a)Broke b)Broken c)Breaked d)Is breaking e)None of the above
101 Hey John! Wait a minute. I ________ a word with you.

a)were feeding b)are feeding c)was feeding d)is feeding e) will feeding
114 Andy________ a video when I arrive tonight.
a)will watch b)be watching c)will be watching d)All of the above


a)Play b)Plays c)Played d)Will play e)None of the above

115 Caroline. To the cinema three times last week

a) will have b)have c)would have d)All of the above e)none of the above

a) Will be going b)will go c)Shall be going d)Went e)None of the above

102 It was hot in the room, so I....... the window

116 Karen -------------------an e-mail.

a)Will send b)Sent c) Sending d)Has sent e)None of the above
117 I ---------------just ----------------my bike.

a) Want b)Wanted c)Will Want d)Wanting e)None of the above

a)Have, Clean b)Had, Cleaned c)Has, Clean d)Cleaning e)None

104 Jim always goes to work by bus. .. He went to work by car

118 You were _______ to finish this task on time

a) This week b)Tomorrow c)Yesterday d)Day After tomorrow e)None of the

a)Expect b)Expected c)Expecting d)is Expected e)None of the above


119 Has Karen ------------computer games?

105 I . Television, when the door bell rang

a) Watch television b)Watched television c)Will watch television

a)Play b)Played c)Will Play d)is playing e)None of the above

110 Ram ----------------------- watching movies.


a) Opened b)Opens c)is Opening d)Open e)None of the above

103 When I was a child, I. To be a doctor

d)Was Watching e)None of the above

106 That woman ____ a new book this morning.
a)Buy b)Bought c)Had Buy d)Buying e)Is Buy
107 The lady ___ invitation cards.

a)Like b)Likes c)Liked d)Has liked e)None of the above

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