Dasha Interpretations: Interpretation of The Maha Dasha of Jupiter

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Dasha Interpretations

Jupiter Maha Dasha: 19 Oct 2006 to 19 Oct 2022

Interpretation of the Maha Dasha of Jupiter

General Interpretations
General effects which are felt during the Maha Dasha of Jupiter are as follows
During the Maha Dasha of Jupiter, the desired fruits are attained from those in
positons of authority
Interest in worship of god, religion, study of Veda, Puranas,shastras and performing
yagyas, etc. prevails.
One may keep the company of good people, saints, be devoted to elders and may
perform pious deeds.
Respect in the community and leadership is attained.
One may be skilled in the knowledge of the past and future.
One may be endowed with land, clothes and vehicles.
Wealth may be acquired.
Kingdom, land and wealth may be attained.
One may be blessed with a spouse, children, and vehicle.
Wealth may be attained through power.
One may be worshipped by people and inclined towards religious and pious deeds
and yagyas, etc.
Bliss of good food, clothes, land and position prevails.
Vehicles, milk and curds are easily available.
Skill in poetry, interest in Vedas, shastras and pious deeds may arise.
Moderate amount of wealth, some fame, some patience and bliss may be attained
during the Maha Dasha of Jupiter.
Thieves may cause loss of wealth.
Yagyas and weddings and other auspicious events bring happiness.
State honour and a high position may be attained.
Work may be accomplished and one may have friendly relations with excellent
Wealth, clothes and ornaments may be attained through the righteous path.
Wealth from those in high places, and land from a sibling or some woman may be
One may be skilled at intellectual debates in assemblies and associations.
One may be happy, philanthropic and successful.

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If Jupiter is in the mooltrikona then, a high position in the state,

Success in the election of a minister or chairman's position is foreseen.
Faith in God, benevolence, interest in religion, yagya, Vedas and shastras increases.
Devotion towards father and belief in one's spouses advise is possible.

Jupiter-Venus : 1 Sep 2014 to 2 May 2017

Effects of the Antar Dasha of Venus in the Maha Dasha of Jupiter

Antar Dasha of Venus in the Maha Dasha of Jupiter - One may be inclined towards religious deeds and service of good people.
- Happiness due to excellent education and the company of scholars may prevail.
- The government will be favorable and wealth, vehicles and royal symbols are attained.
- Women may cause pain and loss of wealth, there may be enmity with people, separation
from friends and one may be addicted to bad habits.
- Gastric ailments, conflicts and mental anxiety are possible.
- Effects like acquisition of conveyances like palanquin, elephants, etc., gain of
wealth by the beneficence of the king (government), enjoyment, gain of blue and red
articles, extraordinary income from journeys to the East, well-being in the family,
happiness from parents, devotion to deities, construction of reservoirs, charities,
- Evil effects like quarrels, antagonism with kinsmen, distress to wife and children.
- There will be quarrels, danger from the king (government), antagonism with the wife,
disputes with the father-in-law and with brothers, loss of wealth, etc.
- There will be gain of wealth, happiness from wife, meeting with the king (high
governmental officials), increase in the number of children, conveyances and cattle,
enjoyment of music, society with men of learning, availability of sweetish
preparations, giving help and assistance to kinsmen, etc.
- Loss of wealth, fear of premature death, antagonism with wife, etc.
- The remedial measure to obtain relief from these evil effects is giving a tawny
coloured cow or a female buffalo in charity.

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Jupiter-Venus-Moon : 31 Mar 2015 to 20 Jun 2015

In the Pratyantar Dasha of the Moon in the Antar Dasha of Venus, a daughter may be born.
There may be some gain from those in authority, and the acquisition of clothes, and ornaments.
There may be gain from government authorities as well.

Jupiter-Venus-Mars : 20 Jun 2015 to 16 Aug 2015

In the Pratyantar Dasha of Mars in the Antar Dasha of Venus, there may be ailments related to
blood and acidity, as well as conflicts.
There will be great disputes, including physical assault.

Jupiter-Venus-Rahu : 16 Aug 2015 to 9 Jan 2016

In the Pratyantar Dasha of Rahu in the Antar Dasha of Venus, there may be conflicts with
women, sudden fear and problems from those in authority.
Problems from the enemies are foreseen.

Jupiter-Venus-Jupiter : 9 Jan 2016 to 18 May 2016

In the Pratyantar Dasha of Jupiter in the Antar Dasha of Venus, there may be a gain of
considerable wealth, clothes, pearls, ornaments, horses,and elephants.
There may be a gain of an important position.

Jupiter-Venus-Saturn : 18 May 2016 to 19 Oct 2016

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In the Pratyantar Dasha of Saturn in the Antar Dasha of Venus, one may gain animals like
donkeys, camels and goats.
One may benefit from iron pulses and sesame seeds.
There may be some physical pain as well.

Jupiter-Venus-Mercury : 19 Oct 2016 to 6 Mar 2017

In the Pratyantar Dasha of Mercury in the Antar Dasha of Venus, there may be a gain of
knowledge and wealth.
Acquisition of power from those in authority and a resulting gain of wealth due to it.

Jupiter-Venus-Ketu : 6 Mar 2017 to 2 May 2017

In the Pratyantar Dasha of Ketu in the Antar Dasha of Venus, there may be a fear of death.
There is travelling from one nation to another.
Some gain in-between may be attained.

Jupiter-Sun : 2 May 2017 to 18 Feb 2018

Effects of the Antar Dasha of Sun in the Maha Dasha of Jupiter

Antar Dasha of Sun in the Maha Dasha of Jupiter
- Authority and respect may be attained from the king. Some respectable title may also
be fortunately received.
- Friendship with good people, increase of enlightenment and valor and domination over
the nation and public are possible.

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- Bliss of children, progress of children, journeys to religious places and increase in

fame are possible.
- Happiness increases, enthusiasm prevails and wealth and many things are attained.
- Enemies will be won over and good health prevails.
- Gain of wealth, reverence, happiness and acquisition of conveyances, clothes,
ornaments, etc., birth of children, cordial relations with the king (government),
success in ventures, etc.
- Effects like nervous disorder, fever, laziness or reluctance in the performance of
good deeds, indulgence in sins, antagonistic attitude towards all, separation from
kinsmen, and distress without reasons.
- There will be physical distress.
- The remedial measure to obtain relief from the above evil effects and to enjoy good
health is recitation of Adhitya Hridaya Path.

Jupiter-Sun-Sun : 2 May 2017 to 16 May 2017

Rebellion, loss of wealth, pain caused by women, headache, mental agony, argument with
brahmins and similar painful effects are possible.

Jupiter-Sun-Moon : 16 May 2017 to 10 Jun 2017

There is a possibility of the destruction or loss of precious jewels like pearls, etc.

Jupiter-Sun-Mars : 10 Jun 2017 to 27 Jun 2017

In the Pratyantar Dasha of Mars in the Antar Dasha of the Sun, there may be trouble from the
those in authority and enemies, bondage, and great difficulties.
There may be pain from fire and enemies.
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Jupiter-Sun-Rahu : 27 Jun 2017 to 9 Aug 2017

In the Pratyantar Dasha of Rahu, in the Antar Dasha of the Sun, there is loss of employment,
great difficulties, loss of wealth, fear from enemies and suffering due to ailments.
There is also the possibility of mental agony.

Jupiter-Sun-Jupiter : 9 Aug 2017 to 17 Sep 2017

In the pratyantar dasha of Jupiter, in the Antar Dasha of the Sun, there may be aquisition of
clothes, gold and ornaments.

- Enemies may be destroyed and one may be victorious and

There are chances of acquiring a vehicle.

Jupiter-Sun-Saturn : 17 Sep 2017 to 3 Nov 2017

In the Pratyantar Dasha of Saturn in the Antar Dasha of the Sun, there may be loss of wealth,
pain for animals, mental unrest, and great suffering.
Inauspicious results in every field are foreseen.

Jupiter-Sun-Mercury : 3 Nov 2017 to 14 Dec 2017

In the Pratyantar Dasha of Mercury in the Antar Dasha of the Sun, one acquires education, mixes
with friends and relatives, and gets good food.
- There is a gain of wealth.
One receives honors from the government and religious benefits are attained.

Jupiter-Sun-Ketu : 14 Dec 2017 to 31 Dec 2017

In the Pratyantar Dasha of Ketu in the Antar Dasha of Sun, there are chances of quarrels with
enemies, fear of life, fear from the government.
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- One may incur huge losses.

There are chances of great conflicts.

Jupiter-Sun-Venus : 31 Dec 2017 to 18 Feb 2018

In the Pratyantar Dasha of Venus in the Antar Dasha of the Sun, the results are moderate. This
period leads to moderate gains and wealth.
- Happiness is acquired.

Jupiter-Moon : 18 Feb 2018 to 20 Jun 2019

Effects of the Antar Dasha of Moon in the Maha Dasha of Jupiter
Antar Dasha of Moon in the Maha Dasha of Jupiter - Some royal symbol may be acquired and the kings favor may add to the happiness.
- Friendship with king and high officials and fame and status are acquired.
- Bliss of women, wealth due to women, ornaments and good clothes will be attained.
- Wealth and fame are enhanced due to superior knowledge.
- Good fortune of possessing land, property house and vehicles prevails.
- Effects like reverence from the king (government), opulence and glory, happiness from
wife and children, availability of good food, gain of reputation by performance of
good deeds, increase in the number of children and grand children, comforts by the
beneficence of the king (government), religious and charitable inclinations.
- There will be loss of wealth and kinsmen, wanderings in foreign lands, danger from
the king (government) thieves, quarrels with co-parceners, separation from a maternal
uncle, distress to mother, etc.
- Physical distress will be experienced.
- The remedial measure to obtain relief from the above effects is Durga Saptashati

Jupiter-Moon-Moon : 18 Feb 2018 to 30 Mar 2018

In the Pratyantar Dasha of Moon in the Antar Dasha of the Moon, one acquires land, good food
and wealth.
One acquires great happiness, great benefits and good female company.

Jupiter-Moon-Mars : 30 Mar 2018 to 28 Apr 2018

In the Pratyantar Dasha of Mars in the Antar Dasha of the Moon one attains great honors,
increase in wealth and intelligence.
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Enemies may cause fear.

One also attains the pleasurable company of friends.

Jupiter-Moon-Rahu : 28 Apr 2018 to 10 Jul 2018

In the Pratyantar Dasha of Rahu in the Antar Dasha of the Moon, one is benefited, acquires
wealth, and gets money from the government.

Jupiter-Moon-Jupiter : 10 Jul 2018 to 13 Sep 2018

In the Pratyantar Dasha of Jupiter in the Antar Dasha of the Moon, one acquires clothes.
Enlightenment increases and knowledge of Brahma is imparted by a reputed teacher.
One will acquire ornaments and assets.

Jupiter-Moon-Saturn : 13 Sep 2018 to 29 Nov 2018

In the Pratyantar Dasha of Saturn in the Antar Dasha of the Moon, there may be suffering due to
gastric and related ailments.
There may be loss of wealth, comforts and name.

Jupiter-Moon-Mercury : 29 Nov 2018 to 6 Feb 2019

In the Pratyantar Dasha of Mercury in the Antar Dasha of the Moon, one is blessed by a son, one
acquires knowledge.
One becomes progressive.
One acquires white clothes and food.

Jupiter-Moon-Ketu : 6 Feb 2019 to 6 Mar 2019

In the Pratyantar Dasha of Ketu in the Antar Dasha of the Moon, one will have conflicts with
brahmins, loss of peace, and even death or near death.
One faces troubles in all fields.

Jupiter-Moon-Venus : 6 Mar 2019 to 26 May 2019

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In the Pratyantar Dasha of Venus in the Antar Dasha of the Moon, one will acquire wealth, attain
great happiness, and good food.
A daughter may be born.
Auspicious happenings and love towards all may prevail.

Jupiter-Moon-Sun : 26 May 2019 to 20 Jun 2019

In the Pratyantar Dasha of Sun in the Antar Dasha of Moon, one acquires good food, clothes and
Enemies are destroyed, and one is always victorious.

Jupiter-Mars : 20 Jun 2019 to 26 May 2020

Effects of the Antar Dasha of Mars in the Maha Dasha of Jupiter
Antar Dasha of Mars in the Maha Dasha of Jupiter - Valor increases and success in arguments and disputes is attained.
- Fame may be attained in the work-sphere and wife and son may bring happiness.
- Physical strength wanes, there is a lack of enthusiasm, pain due to fever and fear
due to enemies and venereal diseases may be caused.
- Effects like the celebration of functions such as marriage, etc., gain of land or
villages, growth of strength and valour, and success in all ventures.
- There will be gain of wealth and grains, availability of good sweetish preparations,
pleasure of the king (government), happiness from wife and children and other
auspicious effects.
- Loss of wealth and house, eye trouble and other inauspicious effects will be the
- The effects will be particularly adverse at the commencement of the Antar Dasha.
- There will be some mitigation of evil effects later.
- There will be physical distress and mental agony.
- The remedial measure to obtain relief from the above evil effects and to get gains of
wealth and property, is to give a bull in charity.

Jupiter-Mars-Mars : 20 Jun 2019 to 10 Jul 2019

In the Pratyantar Dasha of Mars in the Antar Dasha of Mars, there is a fear of enemies,
tremendous opposition, and excessive bleeding.
There is the fear of death.

Jupiter-Mars-Rahu : 10 Jul 2019 to 30 Aug 2019

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In the Pratyantar Dasha of Rahu in the Antar Dasha of Mars, there is fear of bondage, loss of
wealth and position.
There are conflicts, and fear of enemies.
One is deprived of good food.

Jupiter-Mars-Jupiter : 30 Aug 2019 to 14 Oct 2019

In the Pratyantar Dasha of Jupiter in the Antar Dasha of Mars, there is degeneration of wisdom,
greif, agony and mental agony.

Jupiter-Mars-Saturn : 14 Oct 2019 to 7 Dec 2019

In the Pratyantar Dasha of Saturn in the Antar Dasha of Mars, there is the possibility of the
destruction of one's employer.
One may have good relations with father.
Loss of wealth, great difficulties and fears prevail.
Restlessness, conflict and agony are foreseen.

Jupiter-Mars-Mercury : 7 Dec 2019 to 25 Jan 2020

In the Pratyantar Dasha of Mercury in the Antar Dasha of Mars, there may be a loss of mental
prudence, and suffering caused by fever.
There may be loss of wealth, clothes, food, and friends.

Jupiter-Mars-Ketu : 25 Jan 2020 to 13 Feb 2020

In the Pratyantar Dasha of Ketu in the Antar Dasha of Mars, there is a possibility of laziness,
mental agony, and disease born out of sins.
Fear from the government, fear of the death and harm from weapons may prevail .

Jupiter-Mars-Venus : 13 Feb 2020 to 10 Apr 2020

In the Pratyantar Dasha of Venus in the Antar Dasha of Mars, there may be danger from wicked
people, and fear from those in authority.
There may be trouble from weapons.
Septic infection and other ailments are possible.

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Jupiter-Mars-Sun : 10 Apr 2020 to 27 Apr 2020

In the Pratyantar Dasha of the Sun in the Antar Dasha of Mars, there will be gain of land,
wealth, money and mental content.
Company of good friends and happiness in all fields is foreseen.

Jupiter-Mars-Moon : 27 Apr 2020 to 26 May 2020

In the Pratyantar Dasha of the Moon in the Antar Dasha of Mars, there will be gains from the
southern direction.
One may acquire white clothes, and ornaments.
All work will be accomplished successfully.

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