00 Instrument For Peace

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"Truth is restored to you through your desire, as it was lost to

you through your desire for something else." - A Course
in Miracles T-20.VIII.1.2

A. When I think about (answer below and then tab to next box)


(Past or future action, situation or event causing upset)


B. I feel


(Specific upsetting emotions)

C. Because I think that ____________________________(name)


is to blame and/or because I'm afraid that

_________________________________ (will occur) in the future.

Desire or

D. These thoughts and feelings prove that I'm right that

(My belief in lack)

E. What I want(ed) and expect(ed) is for

(Desired action, situation or event)



The desire for something to be different than what it is

now is keeping you from the peace of God.
Are you willing to offer this desire to the Holy Spirit
now in order to realign with the only goal that will
bring you what you truly want? To accept peace of
mind now?
If you experience any resistance to choosing the peace of God using the Levels of Mind Diagram, continue on with the
Instrument for Peace. Feel free at any time to fine tune your responses as needed by changing the red text.

Instrument for Peace

A practical guide for working through upsets & healing the mind
The mind at peace is healed. The mind at peace has wholeheartedly welcomed peace. In this world,
lack of peace appears in many forms. For permanent healing to occur, lack of peace must be traced
back to its singular cause in the mind. Use of this instrument for that tracing back can help a willing
mind let go of what it thinks it knows, see the world differently, and experience a present state of
peace and joy.
What is your upset right now? Begin typing your responses in the spaces provided and the form will
auto fill the rest of the form in red where applicable as you read through and complete the form.
1.When I think about upsetting action, situation or event on movie screen or screen of my life:
(Past or future action, situation, or event)
I feel:
(B) _______________________________________________________________________________
(Specific upsetting emotions)
Because I think that:
(C1)________________________________________________________________is to blame and/or
(Name - Optional)
Because I'm afraid that:
(C2)____________________________________________________________________in the future.
(Will occur - Optional)
2. Thinking about (A)_________________________________________________________________
Feeling (B)_________________________________________________________________________
Blaming (C1)__________________________________________________________________and/or
Fearing (C2)________________________________________________________________________
Prove I am right that:
(my belief in lack, taking the form of an image of self/other/the world)
I do not like how I feel now, so I am ready to consider the possibility that the way I perceive this is not
the way it really is. As part of the healing process, I am willing to look beyond my perception of this
upset (the meaning I have given it) and look within my mind.

3. I want to learn that there is a way that I can, without guilt, see the part I play in:
Thinking about (A)___________________________________________________________________
Feeling (B)_________________________________________________________________________
Blaming (C1)__________________________________________________________________and/or
Fearing (C2)________________________________________________________________________
4. I release my wanting to be right about my perception of all of this in:
Thinking about (A)__________________________________________________________________
Feeling (B)_________________________________________________________________________
Blaming (C1) _________________________________________________________________and/or
Fearing (C2) _______________________________________________________________________
And proving that (D)_________________________________________________________________
I want instead to be happy. Through the ego (distorted thinking/seeing), I perceive the cause of my
upset and its resolution as outside my mind. This projection seems very real; its purpose is to distract
my mind from looking inward.
5. If the cause of my upset and its resolution were outside my mind, I would, in fact, be powerless to
change my state of mind. My use of projection (seeing outside what I don't want to see within) is why I
seem powerless, why:
Fearing (C2)________________________________________________________________________
seem(s) to be the cause of my upset.
6. Thinking about (A) ________________________________________________________________
Feeling (B)_________________________________________________________________________
Blaming (C1)__________________________________________________________________and/or
Fearing (C2) _______________________________________________________________________
Result from my belief that:
(my belief in lack, taking the form of an image of self/other/the world)

7. I am only upset at someone or something when they/it mirror(s) back to my mind a belief which I
have denied from awareness. When I blame/fear something in the world, it is to avoid seeing the upset
and resolution as they really are (a decision in my mind) and to instead maintain an image of
self/other/the world as I wish. This mind trick seems to displace guilt and fear, but actually maintains
feelings of upset. To blame or fear an image of self/other/the world requires that I believe I am limited
to a body and world of bodies, and denies the spiritual abstract reality of my being. As a first step in
letting go of all upset, I want to see in my mind what I thought was outside it.
Being upset about: (A) _______________________________________________________________
is only another attempt to make:
(C1)_________________________________________________________________________ and/or
the future thought:
(C2)______________________________________________________ the cause of my guilt and fear.
8. Upset seems valuable and justifiable when:
(A) _______________________________________________________________________________
runs counter to what I want.
What I want(ed) and expect(ed) is for:
(desired action, situation, or event)
I still believe that:
(D) _______________________________________________________________________________
(my belief in lack)
so I think I need for:
(desired action, situation or event)
to be happy, complete, and at peace.
Is this belief in lack and the resulting expectation more important to me than peace of mind?
9. Everything in the world works together for my good. What I think is the cause of my upset is not the
cause at all. The choice to be upset is a choice not to see the cause, my belief in separation/lack, as a
present decision in my mind. It's an attempt to see the cause in the past/future and the present as its
10. What I want RIGHT NOW, above all else, is peace.

So I question the belief that:

(my belief in lack)
and I voluntarily let go of the desire for:
(Desired action, situation or event)
in order to reconnect with my one goal: peace.
11. Peace of mind is a present decision which I gratefully choose RIGHT NOW! Guilt and fear of
consequences only seemed possible because I was determined to hold on to a belief in past/future
cause. I let go of the meaning I gave to the past/future and open my mind to the present, absolved and
12. I am grateful for the realization that the cause of my upset, which I thought was in the world, was
actually only an unquestioned belief and decision in my mind; I have decided anew for my PEACE OF
For help in questioning and releasing the limiting belief (D), continue below:
Belief (D)__________________________________________________________________________
1) Is it true? (Yes or no. If no, move to question 3.)_________________________________________
2) Can you absolutely know it's true (Yes or no) ___________________________________________
3) What emotions arise when you believe that thought? (B)
4) Who would you be without that thought? (Who or what are you without the thought?)
Turn the Belief Around (Example of a Belief: Paul doesnt listen to me about his health.)
Belief (D): _________________________________________________________________________
1. Possible turnaround of (D): To the self (Example: I dont listen to myself about my health.)
Three specific, genuine examples of how this turnaround is true for you

Turn the Belief Around (Example of a Belief: Paul doesnt listen to me about his health.)
Belief (D):__________________________________________________________________________
2. Possible turnaround of (D): To the other (Example: I dont listen to Paul about his health.)
Three specific, genuine examples of how this turnaround is true for you
Turn the Belief Around (Example of a Belief: Paul doesnt listen to me about his health.)
Belief (D)___________________________________________________________________________
3. Possible turnaround of (D): To the opposite (Example: Paul does listen to me about his health.)
Three specific, genuine examples of how this turnaround is true for you
Write down any insights from the process below. Save the completed worksheet if necessary. Do
as many worksheets as necessary to experience present peace, if that is your desire.

For many free A Course in Miracles teachings and resources by

ACIM expert David Hoffmeister go to livingmiracles.org

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