Aqa Mm03 Wre Jun13

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MM03 Mechanics 3
Report on the Examination
June 2013
Version: 1.1

Further copies of this Report are available from

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There were many excellent scripts. A high proportion of the students attempted all questions and
demonstrated sound understanding of almost all of the concepts examined. As the first half of the
paper was quite straightforward, most students started confidently. The other questions offered
more challenge. There was some poor attention on the part of some students as to what had been
asked in some of the questions. Some students appeared to lack the ability to use a geometric
approach to deal with questions on relative motion. This year, encouragingly, fewer students
attempted to use the constant acceleration formulae to tackle the impulse of a variable force.
Almost all students showed understanding of the principle of conservation of linear momentum and
of the experimental law of restitution. There was no evidence of lack of time for students to
complete the questions.

Question 1
This question was answered fairly well by most students. Most students were able to use the
impulse-momentum principle correctly. Some students found the acceleration and solved the
differential equation to find velocity as a function of time and hence found the value of T. The great
majority of the students were able to deal with the impulse of the variable force and only a small
minority attempted to use the constant acceleration formulae here.

Question 2
This question was answered very well by most students who found the dimensions of the
quantities in the given formula in terms of M, L and T. However very few students used the
square bracket notation and some students used kg, m and s instead of M, L and T respectively.
Centres should encourage their students to use appropriate notations in dimensional analysis. A
very small number of students attempted unsuccessfully to derive the formula itself, apparently
misunderstanding that all that was required was to show that the formula was dimensionally
consistent. Also, students should appreciate that dimensional consistency of a formula does not
necessarily imply the validity of the formula.

Question 3
(a) Almost all students were familiar with the equations of motion of a projectile and they were able
to use them to find the equation of the projectile's trajectory in terms of x, u, g and tan . (b)(i)
Most students interpreted the context of the question correctly in relation to the given co-ordinates
axes and they were able to make the appropriate substitutions into their equation of the trajectory.
They were then able to solve the quadratic equation in tan . However, many students lost the last
accuracy mark because they stated the given values of without writing down the unrounded
values to at least four significant figures. (ii) This part proved more challenging for some students.
Those who answered this part correctly were able to find the horizontal and vertical components of
the velocity of the ball at the instant of reaching the basket and then used trigonometry to find the
required angle. Students needed to specify the direction of the motion of the ball by giving a correct
acute angle and stating whether the angle was made with the horizontal or the vertical.

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Question 4
(a) The principle of conservation of linear momentum and the law of restitution were well applied by
a great majority of students. However some students lost one or both of the last two accuracy
marks by not simplifying their expressions for v A and v B . (b) Here it was required to state that as
e 1 , then v B (1 + 5) , or equivalent, and hence v B 3u . Many students gave satisfactory
answers, but some lost marks due to either using a strict inequality or by not giving a fully
convincing answer. (c) Many students lost marks here for using the speed of B together with the
mass of A to state the difference of the two momentums.

Question 5
This question was generally answered well. Most students were familiar with the equations of
motion for a projectile on an inclined plane. (a) The question requested an expression for u , but
many students gave an expression for T and hence lost one mark. (b) Having found an
expression for u in part (a), instead of rearranging this to find an expression for T , some students
started all over again from the beginning to find an expression for T . Apparently some students
overlooked that this was a projectile moving down an inclined plane and used g instead of using
+ g in their equation of motion parallel to the plane.

Question 6
(a) Almost all students stated that there was no change in the component of the velocity
perpendicular to the line of centres. Many students calculated angles in degrees and used decimal
approximations to show the given answer, thereby losing one accuracy mark. Some students
efficiently used the scalar product method (not in the specification) to gain full marks. (b) Many
students were able to use the conservation of linear momentum correctly. However, some students
showed a lack of understanding by writing the coefficient of restitution as a ratio of the differences
of two pairs of vectors rather than of speeds along the line of centres. (c) Here the question asked
for the impulse, but many students gave the magnitude of the impulse.

Question 7
(a)(i) Some students were well prepared for questions on relative motion and they were able to
answer this question correctly. Others struggled to set up the velocity diagram. Some students
found a correct angle but failed to give a bearing. A small minority of students gave a bearing to
the nearest degree instead of to one decimal place as requested. (ii) Some students benefitted
from follow-through marks allowed for this part of the question. A small number of students gave
the time in hours instead of minutes as requested. (b)This part proved too difficult for many
students. Often the students who attempted to draw a velocity diagram failed to recognise which
velocities should be at right angles to each other. Very few students were able to make any
progress with using the position vector of A relative to H to obtain the minimum distance in order to
find an angle and the bearing.

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Mark Ranges and Award of Grades

Grade boundaries and cumulative percentage grades are available on the Results Statistics
page of the AQA Website.

Converting Marks into UMS marks

Convert raw marks into Uniform Mark Scale (UMS) marks by using the link below.
UMS conversion calculator

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