Beep-Beep Bib: ©2009 Coats & Clark P.O. Box 12229 Greenville, SC 29612-0229

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dec (decrease) = draw up a loop in next 2 sts, yo and

draw through all 3 loops on hook.
Ch 17.
Row 1 (Right Side): (Hdc, sc) all in 3rd ch from hook, sc
in each ch to last ch; (sc, hdc) all in last ch; turn 17 sts.
Row 2: Ch 2, (hdc, sc) in first st, sc in each st to last st;
(sc, hdc) all in last st; turn 19 sts.
Repeat Row 2 until there are 31 sts.
Next Row: Ch 1, sc in each st across.
Repeat last row until 7 from beginning, end wrong side
Divide for Neck: Ch 1, sc in first 12 sc; TURN. Dec 1 st at
neck edge on next 5 rows 7 sts. Work 6 rows even in sc,
end wrong side row.
Shape Tab-Next Row: Ch 1, dec, sc in next 4 sts, (sc,
hdc) all in last st; turn 7 sts.
Next Row: Ch 1, sc in each st across; turn.
Repeat last 2 rows twice more 7 sts.
Dec at each end of next 2 rows 3 sts.
Next Row: Ch 1, draw up a loop in next 3 sts, yo and draw
through all 4 loops on hook 1 st. Fasten off.

Beep-Beep Bib

With right side facing, skip center 7 sc, attach yarn in next
sc; ch 1, sc in next 12 sc; turn. Dec 1 st at neck edge on
next 5 rows 7 sts. Work 6 rows even in sc, end wrong
side row.


Shape Tab-Next Row: Ch 2, (hdc, sc) all in first sc, sc in

next 4 sc, dec over last 2 sc; turn 7 sts.

Designed by Joan Barnett.

Bibs measure 9 wide x 7 to neck.

Next Row: Ch 1, sc in each st across; turn.

Repeat last 2 rows twice more 7 sts.

COATS Crme De La Crme: 1 ball each 810 Tile

Blue A and 984 Bluetones B

Complete same as first tab.

Crochet Hook: 4mm [US G-6].

Yarn needle, Small French Knitter, sewing needle and
GAUGE: 14 sts = 4; 16 rows = 4 in sc. CHECK YOUR
GAUGE. Use any size hook to obtain the gauge.

2009 Coats & Clark

P.O. Box 12229
Greenville, SC 29612-0229

Rnd 1: With right side facing, attach B at lower left corner;
ch 1, sc around bib, taking care to keep work flat; join with
a slip st in first sc.

For more ideas & inspiration

Rnd 2: Ch 1, Reverse sc to center of first tab, turn to work

sc around inside neck edge to top edge of 2nd tab, ch 4
for button loop, skip 3 sc, sc in next sc, turn to complete
outside edge in Reverse sc; join. Fasten off.
With sewing needle and thread, attach button to tab
without chain loop.
Following directions included with the French Knitter,
make 18 of I-cord with B leaving an 18 tail at beginning
and end. Roll ends of I-cord into wheel shapes and the
remaining length in a car shape following photo. Sew to
bib with yarn tails. Add backstitch detail for window and
between wheels as in photo.
COATS Crme De La Crme, Art. 149 available in
solid colors 2.5 oz (71 g), 126 yd (115 m) or multi colors
2oz (57 g), 99 yd (90 m) balls.
ABBREVIATIONS: A, B = color A, B; ch = chain;
hdc = half double crochet; mm = millimeters; rnd = round;
sc = single crochet; st(s) = stitch(es); yo = yarn over.

2009 Coats & Clark

P.O. Box 12229
Greenville, SC 29612-0229

For more ideas & inspiration

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