$ITC Merger Approved
$ITC Merger Approved
$ITC Merger Approved
On September 28, 2016, Staff filed a corrected version of Staff's Report and
On September 29, 2016, a settlement hearing was held at the Commission and
Joint Applicants, Staff and Sunflower/Mid-Kansas all affirmatively agreed with the Merger
Conditions and are recorrunending the Conunission Approve the Transaction subject to the
Merger Conditions.
On September 29, 2016, during the settlement hearing, the prehearing officer
advised the parties that if all are in agreement to submit a proposed order for consideration by the
The parties have collaborated, and Joint Applicants hereby submit the parties'
proposed Order Granting the Joint Application with Conditions and Approving the Transaction
as attached hereto as Exhibit A
transmitted to the Prehearing Officer via email. Both Staff and Sunflower/Mid-Kansas have
authorized the Joint Applicants to file the Proposed Order.
Respectfully submitted,
54912818. I
) SS.
I, Frank A. Caro, Jr., being duly sworn, on oath state that I am counsel for ITC Holdings
Corp. and ITC Great Plains, LLC, that I have read the foregoing pleading and know the contents
thereof, and that the facts set forth therein are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and
The foregoing was subscribed and sworn to before me this October _2., 2016.
~twL~ ~ ci.:YP
Notary Public
My Commission Expires:
54912818. l
The undersigned hereby certifies that a tiue and correct copy of the above and foregoing
pleading has been faxed, hand-delivered, electronically mailed, and/or mailed, First Class,
postage prepaid, this October 5, 2016, to:
2959 N ROCK RD STE 300
WICIIlTA, KS 67226
[email protected]
Before Commissioners:
This matter comes before the State Corporation Commission of the State of Kansas
("Commission") for consideration and decision. Having examined the files, the Commission
On May 10, 2016, ITC Great Plains, LLC ("ITC Great Plains"), on behalf of itself
and its parent company ITC Holdings Corp. ("ITC Holdings"), together with Fortis Inc. and its
subsidiaries, including FortisUS Inc. ("FortisUS"), ITC Investment Holdings Inc. ("ITC
Investment"), and Element Acquisition Sub Inc. ("Element," and along with Fortis Inc.,
FortisUS, and ITC Investment, "Fortis") (collectively, Fortis, ITC Great Plains and ITC Holdings
are referred to herein as "Joint Applicants") filed a Joint Application and supporting testimony 1
The May 10, 2016 testimony of Linda H. Blair was inadvertently filed as an incomplete
version. Joint Applicants filed an errata and full copy of Ms. Blair's testimony on May 18, 2016.
pursuant to K.S.A. 66-101, 66-104, 66-131, 66-136, and 66-1401 et seq., requesting
Commission approval of the acquisition by Fortis ofITC Holdings (the "Transaction").
Officer; and Protective and Discovery Order. On June 8, 2016, the Prehearing Officer filed a
Procedural Schedule. The Procedural Schedule included two alternative tracks. Track I involved
a Report and Recommendation from Commission Staff ("Staff'), if it determined that it did not
have any material opposition to the Joint Application. Track II involved Staff and intervenor
testimony and an evidentiary hearing scheduled for December, 2016. The parties proceeded
down Track I.
On June 20, 2016, Sunflower Electric Power Corporation ("Sunflower") and Mid-
Kansas Electric Company, LLC ("Mid-Kansas"), filed a Petition to Intervene, which was granted
by the Commission on August 2, 2016.
reaffirming the merger standards originally articulated by the Commission in 1991. 2 The Order
on Merger Standards required that any deviation from the standards be clearly identified in the
application and justified in supporting testimony. 3 The order permitted Joint Applicants to file
any needed modifications to the Joint Application and supporting testimony within 21 days from
the date of the order.
On August 22, 2016, the Joint Applicants filed a Notice of Clarification Regarding
Merger Standards, which recognized that the list of merger standards provided in the Joint
Application did not include certain clarifying language in item (c) of the merger standards. The
Order on Merger Standards, Aug. 9, 2016, if 5 (citing Order, Consolidated Docket Nos.
172,745-U and 174,155-U, Nov. 14, 1991, pp. 35-36).
Id. at if 7.
clarifying language is "whether the proposed transaction will likely create labor dislocations that
may be particularly harmful to local communities, or the state generally, and whether measures
can be taken to mitigate the harm." Joint Applicants stated that they specifically addressed this
additional language in the supporting testimony filed with the Joint Application.
The Joint
Applicants re-affirmed that the Transaction will not result in job reductions at ITC Great Plains
or otherwise create labor dislocations.
On September 2, 2016, Staff filed its Report and Recommendation. The Report
and Recommendation concludes that Fortis possesses the financial, managerial, and technical
experience to provide sufficient and efficient service in the State of Kansas. 4 The Report and
Recommendation includes certain conditions for approval of the Transaction, which are set forth
in Exhibit A to the Report and Recommendation ("Merger Conditions").
Recommendation explains how the Transaction, subject to the Merger Conditions, satisfies the
Commission's merger standards. Staff's Report and Recommendation indicates that the Joint
Applicants and Sunflower/Mid-Kansas support the imposition of the Merger Conditions as a
prerequisite to Commission approval of the Transaction. Accordingly, Staff recommends that the
Commission approve the Transaction subject to the Merger Conditions.
On September 28, 2016, Staff filed a corrected version of its Report and
testimony from Barry V. Perry, President and Chief Executive Officer of Fortis Inc.; Linda H.
Blair, Executive Vice President and Chief Business Unit Officer for ITC Holdings; Adam H.
Gatewood, Managing Financial Analyst for Staff; and Justin T. Grady, Chief of Accounting and
Financial Analysis for Staff. Mr. Perry sponsored the pre-filed testimony of Karl W. Smith,
Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer of Fortis Inc. All of the testimony supported
approval of the Transaction subject to the Merger Conditions.
Regarding Merger Standards, Staff's Report and Recommendation, Joint Applicants' Response in
Support, and the testimony provided at the September 29, 2016 evidentiary hearing, (1) As a
result of the transaction, ITC Great Plains will continue to possesses the necessary financial,
managerial, and technical experience to provide sufficient and efficient service in the State of
Kansas; (2) the Transaction, subject to the Merger Conditions, satisfies the merger standards; and
(3) approval of the Transaction, subject to the Merger Conditions, will promote the public
interest. Accordingly, the Commission hereby approves the Transaction subject to the Merger
Conditions, as discussed below.
ITC Holdings is a publicly traded holding company incorporated under the laws
of Michigan, with its principal office in Novi, Michigan. ITC Holdings owns and operates
International Transmission Company d/b/a ITCTransmission, Michigan Electric Transmission
Company, LLC, ITC Midwest LLC, and ITC Great Plains (collectively, the "ITC Operating
Fortis Inc. is a publicly traded holding company existing under the laws of
Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada, with its principal offices in St. John's, Newfoundland and
Labrador. It has total assets of approximately C$29 billion (US$ 23.2 billion) and had fiscal
2015 revenues totaling approximately C$6.7 billion (US$ 5.4 billion). 5 Its regulated holdings
include electric distribution utilities in five Canadian provinces, New York, Arizona, two
Caribbean countries, and Belize, as well as natural gas utilities in British Columbia, Canada,
US$ amounts are converted at a USD/CAD exchange rate of 1.25, the Bank of Canada's
closing rate on April 29, 2016.
evidence that Fortis is knowledgeable of the public utility industry as demonstrated through its
years of experience of profitably and effectively operating public utility businesses in the United
States and Canada. " 6
and operate well-run regulated electric and natural gas utilities, while always providing a
framework for the provision of safe and reliable service to customers. Mr. Perry testified that
Fortis' business philosophy is that effective management of regulated electric and natural gas
utilities requires local management and decision-making. 7 Under Fortis' ownership, the ITC
Operating Companies, including ITC Great Plains, will continue as stand-alone transmissiononly companies and will retain their focus on transmission investment and operations.
Fortis plans to retain the management of ITC Holdings and ITC Great Plains and,
pursuant to Merger Condition No. 4, has committed to retain aggregate current employment
levels at ITC Great Plains in Kansas for three years from the closing of the Transaction. 8 Staff
stated that the fact that ITC Great Plains personnel will continue to manage, operate, and
maintain the ITC Great Plains transmission assets after the acquisition is crucial to its assessment
that Fortis has the requisite financial, managerial, and technical qualifications. 9 Pursuant to
Merger Condition No. 5, Fortis has also committed to maintain current aggregate levels of
charitable contributions and community support in the communities in Kansas provided by ITC
Great Plains and ITC Holdings for three years and thereafter Fortis will not attempt to restrict or
control the discretion of the management of ITC Great Plains and ITC Holdings over such
Merger Condition No. 6 requires Fortis to maintain ITC Great Plains' headquarters
in Topeka, Kansas, for five years from the closing of the Transaction. For an additional five
years thereafter, Fortis has committed to keeping the ITC Great Plains headquarters within the
State of Kansas and to notify the Commission prior to any relocation outside of Topeka,
The Joint Application stated that while Fortis' utility subsidiaries are operated and
financed on a standalone basis, Fortis will provide ITC Great Plains with the financial support of
its much larger organization. The Joint Application also stated that ITC Great Plains will benefit
from the support and broad experience of Fortis in accessing capital and assisting ITC Great
Plains to efficiently and cost effectively finance, develop, and own transmission projects. As set
forth in Merger Condition No. 11, Fortis has committed to provide equity capital injections as
needed for maintaining the financial integrity of ITC Great Plains such that ITC Great Plains is
capable of maintaining an investment-grade credit rating. 12 Staff stated that this condition is
necessary to ensure that the "financial qualifications" requirement will be met. I3
The Transaction includes a minority equity investor, Finn Investment Pte. Ltd. or
another direct or indirect and wholly-owned subsidiary of GIC (Ventures) Pte. Ltd. ("GIC
Ventures"). 14
shareholder at the ITC holding company level and will not have any authority to manage or
control the day-to-day operations of the ITC operating companies, including ITC Great Plains.
ITC Great Plains will continue to be overseen by the ITC board of directors, which will be made
up of a majority of independent directors. Mr. Smith testified that the governance philosophy of
Fortis is not impacted by the minority equity investor's involvement. 15
ITC Holdings is currently a widely held, publicly traded corporation listed on the
New York Stock Exchange ("NYSE"). Upon completion of the Transaction, ITC Holdings will
be a private company with 100% of its stock held by ITC Investment, a direct subsidiary of
Fortis US created to effect the Transaction. Fortis US will hold 80.1 % of the common equity of
ITC Investment, and Finn will hold 19.9% of the common equity of ITC Investment. The
Transaction is being effected through the merger of Element Acquisition, a wholly-owned
indirect subsidiary of ITC Investment, and ITC Holdings, with ITC Holdings continuing as the
surviving corporation.
consideration for the Transaction is the exchange of Fortis Inc. shares and cash for the common
shares of ITC Holdings, representing total consideration of approximately US$6.9 billion, plus
the assumption of approximately US$4.4 billion in consolidated ITC Holdings debt. Fortis will
For ease of reference, "Finn" is used herein to refer to Finn Investment Pte. Ltd. or
such other GIC Ventures subsidiary.
See K. Smith Direct Testimony at pp. 10-11.
indirectly purchase the outstanding common shares of ITC Holdings for US$22.57 in cash and
stock consideration of 0.7520 of a Fortis Inc. common share (the "Fortis Stock Consideration")
per ITC Holdings common share.
US$3.2 billion.
financed through the investment by Finn in ITC Holdings (through ITC Investment) for
approximately US$1.2 billion, and the issuance of approximately US$2 billion of Fortis Inc.
long-term debt.
Of the US$6.9 billion combined cash and stock consideration being paid to ITC
Of the US$6.9 billion combined cash and stock consideration being paid to ITC
Holdings shareholders, approximately US$1.2 billion will come from Finn. Finn will subscribe
for approximately US$1.0 billion of shares ofITC Investment, representing 19.9 percent of all of
the shares of ITC Investment, and approximately US$0.2 billion of ITC Investment notes, for an
aggregate consideration of approximately US$1.2 billion.
memorialized in Merger Condition No. 7, neither ITC Great Plains nor any other ITC or Fortisaffiliated entity will, at any time, seek to recover any acquisition premium, goodwill, or
transaction costs associated with consummating the Transaction (including transition costs)
through FERC or any other federal or state regulatory proceeding. 16
magnitude of the acquisition premium is not identified in the record, Staff reports that the current
value ofITC Holdings' rate base is $5 .6 billion compared to the purchase price of $11.3 billion. 17
In connection with the Transaction, Fortis Inc. has become a registrant of the
Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") and will cross-list its common shares on the
NYSE prior to the closing of the Transaction. Fortis Inc. will also continue to have its shares
listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange ("TSX").
approximately 27 percent of Fortis Inc. 's outstanding common shares will be held by the former
ITC Holdings shareholders. The combination of Fortis and ITC Holdings will result in a widely
held, publicly traded utility holding company trading on the TSX and NYSE, with an estimated
pro forma market capitalization as of the end of 2016 of approximately US$13 .2 billion.
In 1991, consistent with its broad authority to supervise and regulate the public
utilities operating within the state of Kansas, and its statutory charge to promote the public
interest, in consolidated Docket Nos. 172,745-U and 174-155-U, the Commission adopted a list
of factors to weigh and consider in determining whether a transaction promotes the public
interest. In 1999, the Commission reaffirmed the merger standards in Docket No. 97-WSRE676-MER.
The Commission has acknowledged that while the standards provide a helpful
framework for its analysis of the public interest, some factors may be less relevant than others in
certain proceedings.
In the present case, Staff's Report and Recommendation noted that the
Commission's limited role in regulating ITC Great Plains warrants a more limited application of
the merger standards than would be the case in reviewing a transaction involving utilities that are
subject to the full economic regulation of the Commission. Similarly, the Joint Application
stated that not all of the merger standards are applicable to this Transaction. Nevertheless, to the
extent possible, the Joint Applicants and Staff addressed each factor under the merger standards.
Staff's Report and Recommendation concludes that, with the imposition of the Merger
Conditions, "Staff is confident that the proposed transaction provides a net benefit to the public
and will, therefore, promote the public interest." 18 As discussed further below, the Commission
agrees that the Transaction satisfies the merger standards, will provide a net benefit to the public,
and will promote the public interest.
Staff stated that it does not believe that the Transaction will jeopardize the
financial condition of ITC Holdings, ITC Great Plains, or Fortis. 19 The Joint Application also
stated that the financial condition of ITC Great Plains will not be altered as a result of the
with investment-grade credit ratings, the ITC Operating Companies will continue to have access
to capital on favorable terms, will benefit from mitigation of ITC's single-line-of-business risk
profile, and will benefit from financial and other forms of support from the Fortis group of
companies. 21
Merger Condition Nos. 8, 11, and 12 also provide assurance that ITC Great Plains
will maintain its strong financial condition after consummation of the Transaction. Condition
No. 8 requires ITC Great Plains to maintain both standalone credit facilities and senior long-term
debt instruments and to not make loans under its financing arrangements to Fortis or its affiliates
or guarantee any debt of Fortis or its affiliates for five years from the effective date of the closing
of the Transaction. If, at any time thereafter, Fortis or ITC Great Plains wishes to change this
important financial condition, it must state its intent to do so in a filing with the Commission.
Condition No. 11 requires a commitment from Fortis that it will provide equity capital injections
as needed for maintaining the financial integrity of ITC Great Plains such that ITC Great Plains
is capable of maintaining an investment-grade credit rating. Finally, Condition No. 12 requires
ITC Great Plains to notify the Commission within five (5) business days if, in the future, it or
Fortis suffers a downgrade of credit quality to below investment-grade and to take the steps
Id. at p. 11.
Joint Application, p. 18; see also, B. Perry Direct Testimony at pp. 18-19; L. Blair
Direct Testimony at p. 8.
necessary to restore that investment-grade rating or state why that is not necessary in order to
continue to provide efficient and sufficient service.
Based on the foregoing, and subject to Merger Condition Nos. 8, 11, and 12, the
Commission finds that the Transaction satisfies item (a)(i) of the merger standards.
The consideration that Fortis is paying for each ITC Holdings common share is
US$22.57 in cash + 0.7520 of a Fortis common share. This represents an approximate 33%
premium compared to the US$ 33.75 ITC Holdings pre-bid unaffected stock price as of market
close on November 27, 2015, immediately before ITC Holdings publicly announced that it was
undertaking a review of its strategic alternatives. 22
In its Report and Recommendation, Staff questions whether this merger standard
1s applicable, given that ITC Great Plains' transmission rates are not jurisdictional to this
Commission and the fact that Fortis has committed to not seek recovery of the acquisition
premium through rates. 23 Staff states that the purchase price, while not outside the realm of
premiums observed in recent high profile transactions, is not supported by any anticipated
savings or operational synergies. 24 Instead, Staff suggests that the acquisition premium reflects
certain FERC ratemaking decisions. Ultimately, because the Joint Applicants are not requesting
This premium is calculated as of February 8, 2016, the day immediately preceding the
public announcement of the Transaction. See L. Blair Direct Testimony at p. 8.
to recover the acquisition premium from Kansas ratepayers, Staff does not recommend denial of
the transaction based on this merger standard.
from transaction and acquisition costs (including acquisition premium costs) and will not, at any
time, seek to recover such costs in the ITC Operating Companies' cost-based rates, including
ITC Great Plains' rates. 25 This commitment is also memorialized in Merger Condition Nos. 1, 2,
and 7.
Given these commitments and the Commission's lack of rate regulation over ITC
Holdings and ITC Great Plains, the Commission finds that the Transaction satisfies item (a)(ii) of
the merger standards.
ITC Great Plains does not have retail ratepayers. Instead, ITC Great Plains only
has wholesale customers and FERC retains exclusive jurisdiction over the rates ITC Great Plains
may charge for use of its transmission system by approving the terms and conditions set forth in
ITC Great Plains' SPP formula rate tariff. The Joint Application stated that ratepayers will
benefit from the Transaction through Fortis' strong support of ITC Great Plains' commitment to
the delivery of safe, reliable, and efficient transmission services and further investment in
upgrading and expanding transmission infrastructure across ITC Great Plains' operating
territory. 26
See Applicant's Reply to Motions for Adoption of Merger Conditions and Applicants'
Motion for Leave to Answer and Answer to Protests at pp. 5-6, FERC Docket No. EC16-110,
June 17, 2016.
Joint Application, p. 19; see also L. Blair Direct Testimony at p. 9.
Staff reports that it is unable to state at this time that there will be any benefits to
the transmission ratepayers associated with the Transaction. 27 However, Staff notes that the Joint
Applicants have made all of the appropriate hold-harmless commitments at FERC.
commitments are further memorialized in Merger Condition Nos. 1, 2, 7, and 9. Given these
commitments and the Commission's lack of rate regulation over ITC Holdings and ITC Great
Plains, the Commission finds that the Transaction satisfies item (a)(iii) of the merger standards.
As discussed above, the Joint Applicants have committed not to seek recovery of
the acquisition premium from ratepayers and the Commission does not have rate regulation over
ITC Holdings and ITC Great Plains. Further, as stated in the Joint Application and in Staff's
Report and Recommendation, the Transaction is not premised on the achievement of operational
synergies. 28 As such, the existence of operational synergies that justify payment of a premium in
excess of book value is not central to the question of whether the Transaction is in the public
Nevertheless, based on the commitment not to seek recovery of the acquisition
premium from ratepayers, and the Commission's lack of rate regulation over ITC Holdings and
ITC Great Plains, the Commission finds that the Transaction satisfies item (a)(iv) of the merger
standards, to the extent it applies.
As noted in the Joint Application, ITC Great Plains operates within the State of
Kansas pursuant to a limited, transmission rights only certificate, and operates only within
in Kansas, SPP, or MISO, and Fortis does not own any electric or natural gas transmission lines
parallel to or competing with ITC Great Plains.
functional control over the transmission assets of ITC Great Plains, and ITC Great Plains will
continue to provide transmission service pursuant to the terms and conditions under SPP's
FERC-approved OATT. FERC has also found that the Transaction will not have an adverse
effect on competition. 30 Accordingly, the Commission finds that the Transaction satisfies item
(a)(v) of the merger standards.
Joint Applicants and Staff agree that there will be no effect on the environment as
a result of the Transaction because there will be no change to ITC Great Plains' operations and
ITC Great Plains is and will remain subject to the regulatory oversight of the Kansas Department
of Health and Environment regarding all applicable environmental standards and regulations. 31
Accordingly, the Commission finds that the Transaction satisfies item (b) of the merger
The Joint Application states that ITC Great Plains has always been actively
engaged in the communities in which it operates and that Fortis will continue to support these
Joint Application, p. 20; see also L. Blair Direct Testimony at pp. 9-10.
Joint Application, p. 20; Staffs Report and Recommendation, p. 15; see also, L. Blair
Direct Testimony at p. 11.
efforts. 32 Moreover, ITC Great Plains anticipates its operations will be bolstered by Fortis' track
record of committing capital to its utilities and being able to draw on Fortis' stability, experience
and market diversity to its advantage. 33 Staff recommends Merger Condition Nos. 4, 5 and 6 in
order to memorialize and strengthen the Joint Applicants' commitments. Merger Condition Nos.
4 and 5 ensure that ITC Great Plains' employment levels and community support in Kansas stay
the same for at least three years. Additionally, Condition No. 6 requires that ITC Great Plains
commit to keep its regional headquarters in the City of Topeka for five years and within the State
of Kansas for ten years. With these commitments, the Commission finds that the Transaction
satisfies item (c) of the merger standards.
Whether the proposed transaction will preserve the jurisdiction of the KCC
and the capacity of the KCC to effectively regulate and audit public utility
regulations in the state.
The Joint Applicants and Staff agree that the Commission will retain its current
jurisdiction over ITC Great Plains. 34 Moreover, Staff stated that the Merger Conditions may
even provide the Commission with an enhanced level of oversight and regulation of ITC Great
Plains. Accordingly, the Commission finds that the Transaction satisfies item (d) of the merger
In exchange for each ITC common share, ITC shareholders will receive US$22.57
in cash and 0.7520 of a Fortis common share. After consummation, the common shares of Fortis
will be listed on both the TSX and NYSE, and ITC shareholders will hold approximately 27% of
See B. Perry Direct Testimony at p. 20; L. Blair Direct Testimony at pp. 10-11.
the issued and outstanding common shares of Fortis. 35
Transaction will benefit the ITC Holdings' shareholders and that the Transaction satisfies item
(e) of the merger standards.
The Joint Applicants and Staff agree that, following the Transaction, ITC Great
finds that the Transaction satisfies item (f) of the merger standards.
Joint Applicants and Staff agree that the Transaction will reduce the possibility of
economic waste by allowing ITC Holdings to exist as part of a larger holding company structure
and thereby avoiding the duplication of some administrative and general expenses that are
typically incurred related to a standalone public company. 37 Accordingly, the Commission finds
that the Transaction satisfies item (g) of the merger standards.
Joint Applicants stated that the upstream change in ownership will not affect ITC
Great Plains' operations and that ITC Great Plains will continue to comply with all applicable
safety rules, regulations, and Orders of the Commission. 38
Condition No. 10 requires ITC Great Plains, for a period of five years after the close of the
Joint Application, p. 21; Staffs Report and Recommendation, p. 17; see also, B. Perry
Direct Testimony at p. 21; L. Blair Direct Testimony at p. 12.
Joint Application, p. 22; Staffs Report and Recommendation, p. 18; see also, B. Perry
Direct Testimony at p. 22.
Transaction, to notify the Commission in advance of any substantial changes to its primary
operating and maintenance contracts which may substantially affect the safety and reliability of
its transmission assets. Accordingly, the Commission finds that the Transaction will not impact
public safety and that it satisfies item (h) of the merger standards.
The Commission finds that the proposed Transaction, as conditioned, satisfies the
Commission's merger standards and promotes the public interest. The Commission grants the
Joint Application and approves the proposed Transaction, subject to the Merger Conditions
contained in Exhibit A, which is attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference.
Additionally, because many of the Merger Conditions refer to the closing date of the Transaction,
the Commission directs the Joint Applicants to provide notice of consummation to the
Commission within 10 days of the closing of the Transaction.
attached hereto.
The parties have 15 days from the date of electronic service of this Order to
The Commission retains jurisdiction over the subject matter and the parties for the
Amy L. Green
Secretary to the Commission
The undersigned hereby certifies that a true and correct copy of the attached Order has
been served to the following parties by means of Electronic Service on - -- - -- -
[email protected]
2959 N ROCK RD STE 300
[email protected]
1321 MAIN ST STE 300
[email protected]
1321 MAIN ST STE 300
[email protected]
1. Neither the Joint Applicants nor any of their affiliates shall recover from customers
directly or indirectly, any costs incurred associated with this Transaction in this or
any future rate proceeding.
2. Neither (a) the greater of either goodwill or acquisition premium nor (b) any of the debt
financing associated with funding this Transaction will be recorded on the books of
any direct or indirect subsidiary of ITC Holdings, including ITC Great Plains, nor on
the books of ITC Holdings in a manner that would negatively affect the financial
condition of any direct or indirect subsidiary of ITC Holdings, including ITC Great
Additionally, any transaction or transition costs associated with the
Transaction, along with any related amortization or expense, will be recorded below
the line, taken to mean that these costs will be recovered from shareholders and are
not recoverable through the rates of any direct or indirect subsidiary of ITC Holdings,
including ITC Great Plains.
3. The Joint Applicants shall file the final accounting entries for the Transaction, showing the
actual dollar values of all involved accounts, as a compliance filing in either Docket
No. 16-ITCE-512-ACQ, or a compliance Docket established at the time of a final
Order in this proceeding, within sixty (60) days of the effective date of the closing of
the Transaction. If the Transaction closing has not occurred within six months of the
Final Order in this proceeding, the Joint Applicants shall file a status report at six
month intervals until the journal entries are filed with the Commission.
4. For three (3) years from the effective date of the closing of the Transaction, no voluntary
workforce reductions, employee restructuring, or job elimination programs will be
implemented by ITC Great Plains in Kansas. This condition shall be taken to mean
that the aggregate level of employment by ITC Great Plains in Kansas shall not be
reduced by ITC Great Plains from the level in effect before the effective date of the
5. For three (3) years from the effective date of the closing of the Transaction, ITC Great
Plains will provide charitable contributions and community support in the
communities in Kansas at a level comparable in the aggregate to the levels currently
provided by the ITC Holdings and ITC Great Plains. Thereafter, Fortis Inc. will not
restrict or in any way attempt to limit or control the discretion of the management of
ITC Great Plains and ITC Holdings over such programs.
6. For five (5) years from the effective date of the closing of the Transaction, ITC Great
Plains will maintain its headquarters in Topeka, Kansas. For an additional five (5)
years thereafter, ITC Great Plains will keep its headquarters in Kansas, and will
notify the Commission prior to any relocation outside of Topeka, Kansas.
7. Consistent with the Joint Applicants' hold harmless commitment made in FERG Docket
No. EC16-110, neither ITC Great Plains nor any other ITC or Fortis-affiliated entity
will, at any time, seek to recover any acquisition premium, goodwill, or transaction
costs associated with consummating the Transaction (including transition costs),
through FERC or any other federal or state regulatory proceeding.
8. It is Fortis' policy that a subsidiary operating utility company such as ITC Great Plains will
maintain both standalone credit facilities and senior long-term debt instruments and
will not be made responsible for any debt or other obligations of its parent or affiliate
companies, and this policy is consistent with applicable federal law and FERC
regulations. Fortis has no plans to change that policy, and will not seek to change its
policy for five (5) years from the effective date of the closing of the Transaction and
during such time ITC Great Plains will continue to maintain both standalone credit
facilities and senior long-term debt instruments, and will not make loans under its
financing arrangements to Fortis or its affiliates or guarantee any debt of Fortis or its
affiliates. If at any time thereafter Fortis or ITC Great Plains wishes to change this
important financial condition, it must state its intent to do so in a filing with the
Kansas Corporation Commission.
9. Neither Joint Applicants nor any of their affiliates will at any time attempt to circumvent
any condition contained herein or any commitment made in this docket or FERC
Docket No. EC16-110 through any action at FERC or another state or federal
regulatory body or state or federal court.
10. For five (5) years following the effective date of the closing of the Transaction, in the
event that ITC Great Plains makes any substantial change in its primary operating
and maintenance contracts which may have a substantial effect on the safety and
reliability of its Transmission assets in the state of Kansas, including but not limited
to a substantial change in its operation and maintenance contracts currently in effect
for its Kansas transmission assets, ITC Great Plains shall make a filing with the
Commission 30 days in advance of the changed contract (in either Docket No. 16ITCE-512-ACQ or a compliance Docket established as a result of the final
Commission Order in this proceeding). This filing shall include a description of the
change, the rationale for the change (including the business or economic rationale
for the change), whether the change is expected to impact service quality, safety, or
reliability o~ ITC Great Plains' transmission operations in the State and all
appropriate support for each of the above claims. For greater certainty, no such
filings will be required where ITC Great Plains (and/or its primary contractor)
routinely updates maintenance and operations practices in the normal course of
business, as it currently does, to fully comply with all applicable standards for safety
and security as they are issued by NERC or other regulatory bodies. Nothing herein
shall restrict the right of ITC Great Plains to designate information as confidential
under the applicable provisions of K.S.A. 66-1220a and K.A.R. 82-1-221a.
11. The Commission should explicitly state that Fortis has committed to provide equity
capital injections as needed for maintaining the financial integrity of ITC Great Plains
such that ITC Great Plains is capable of maintaining an investment-grade credit
12. In the event that ITC Great Plains, Fortis, or any Fortis affiliate from which ITC Great
Plains receives financing (including equity capital) should have its corporate credit
rating downgraded as determined by Standard and Poor's (S&P) or Moody's to
below BBB- or Baa3, respectively, ITC Great Plains commits to file the following:
1. Notice with the Commission within five (5) business days of the downgrade;
2. A Pleading with the Commission within 60-days which shall include the following:
a. A plan identifying all reasonable steps, taking into account the costs,
benefits, and expected outcomes of such actions, that will be taken to restore and
maintain a S&P BBB- or Moody's Baa3 or above credit rating for ITC Great Plains,
Fortis, or the financing affiliate. If ITC Great Plains' plan does not involve taking the
steps to restore and maintain a S&P BBB- or Moody's Baa3 or above credit rating,
for ITC Great Plains, Fortis, or any financing affiliate, then ITC Great Plains shall
comprehensively state why it believes the steps necessary to produce that result are
not reasonable or necessary in order for it to continue to provide efficient and
sufficient service in Kansas. Thereafter, until ITC Great Plains, Fortis, and/or the
financing affiliate have regained a corporate credit rating of BBB- or Baa3 or above,
ITC Great Plains shall file a status report with the Commission every 60-days
detailing the steps it is taking to restore its investment grade credit rating, and
support that its ability to provide efficient and sufficient service has not been
detrimentally affected by a corporate credit rating below investment grade.
For three (3) years from the effective date of the closing of the Transaction, ITC Great
Plains will make an annual filing in Docket No. 16-ITCE-512-ACQ or a compliance
Docket that is established as a result of the final Commission Order in this
proceeding. This filing shall include a report as to compliance with the conditions
imposed by the Commission Order approving the Transaction.