Gold Safehavenorhedge FR

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The Financial Review 45 (2010) 217229

Is Gold a Hedge or a Safe Haven? An

Analysis of Stocks, Bonds and Gold
Dirk G. Baur
Dublin City University, Business School

Brian M. Lucey
School of Business and Institute for International Integration Studies, Trinity College Dublin

Is gold a hedge, defined as a security that is uncorrelated with stocks or bonds on average,
or is it a safe haven, defined as a security that is uncorrelated with stocks and bonds in a market
crash? We study constant and time-varying relations between U.S., U.K. and German stock
and bond returns and gold returns to investigate gold as a hedge and a safe haven. We find that
gold is a hedge against stocks on average and a safe haven in extreme stock market conditions.
A portfolio analysis further shows that the safe haven property is short-lived.
Keywords: safe haven, hedge, gold, stock-bond correlation, flight-to-quality
JEL Classifications: G10, G11, G14, G15

1. Introduction
Financial markets and the variety of financial instruments have grown steadily in both
volume and value in recent decades. This growth has raised the risks of the financial
system and potentially established the need for a safe haven for investors. While gold


author: Dublin City University-Business School & University of Technology,

Sydney-School of Finance & Economics, PO Box 123, Broadway NSW 2007, Australia; Phone:
+61 2 9514 7777; Fax: +61 2 9514 7722; E-mail: [email protected].

C 2010, The Eastern Finance Association



D. G. Baur and B. M. Lucey/The Financial Review 45 (2010) 217229

has often been associated with the existence of a safe haven, we are not aware of any
study actually testing this hypothesis.
After a definition and clear distinction of a safe haven, a hedge and a diversifier,
it is tested whether gold is a (safe) haven asset. Gold is chosen as a candidate since
anecdotal evidence and the financial media suggest that gold serves as a safe haven
in financial markets. While there is no theoretical model which explains why gold
is usually referred to as a safe haven asset, one major explanation could be that
it was among the first forms of money and was traditionally used as an inflation
hedge. Furthermore, gold is said to be uncorrelated with other types of assets, which
is an important feature in an era of globalization in which correlations increased
dramatically among most asset types. These components might have contributed
significantly to the role of gold.
The econometric approach is based on a regression model in which gold returns
are regressed on stock and bond returns and two interaction terms that test whether
gold indeed serves as a safe haven if stock or bond markets fall or exhibit extreme
negative returns. The empirical analysis focuses on three large financial markets (the
United States, the United Kingdom and Germany) with different currencies (U.S.
dollar, U.K. pound and the Euro) to examine the differences and similarities of the
role of gold in these markets. Daily returns are used to analyze whether investors
react to extreme negative shocks relatively fast and use gold as a safe haven asset.
Finally, a portfolio analysis evaluates the evolution of all assets in periods in which
gold potentially serves as a haven asset. Such an analysis illustrates how profitable it
is for investors to buy and sell gold in periods of stock market turmoil.
Our empirical analysis shows that gold is a safe haven for stocks in the United
States, in the United Kingdom and in Germany. Gold is also a hedge for stocks in the
United States and the United Kingdom. However, gold is nowhere a safe haven for
bonds; nor is it a bond hedge in the United States or United Kingdom. Furthermore,
gold is not a safe haven for stocks at all times but only after extreme negative stock
market shocks. In addition, the safe haven property is short-lived. In other words,
gold is a safe haven when it is needed most but is not a safe haven, and is not supposed
to be, in periods of rising stock markets.
Studies relevant to this issue are relatively scarce. One strand examines the
nature and influences of the gold market (see, e.g., Sherman, 1982; Faff and Hillier,
2004; Capie, Mills, and Wood, 2005; Faugere and Van Erlach, 2005; Draper, Faff,
and Hillier, 2006; Lucey, Poti, and Tully, 2006; Tully and Lucey, 2007) and another
examines safe havens (see Upper, 2000; Kaul and Sapp, 2007). There appears to be
only one paper that explicitly analyzes the role of gold as a hedge, that being against
the U.S. dollar (see Capie, Mills, and Wood, 2005). The authors do not distinguish
between average and extreme shocks as they analyze the role of gold as a hedge
for exchange rate risk. We are unaware of any paper that analyzes the role of gold
as a safe haven for both stocks and bonds. This present paper is also related to the
flight-to-quality literature, that is, studies analyzing the question of whether investors
flee from stocks into bonds when stock markets exhibit severe losses (see Gulko,
2002; Hartmann, Straetmans, and de Vries, 2004; and Baur and Lucey, 2009).

D. G. Baur and B. M. Lucey/The Financial Review 45 (2010) 217229


2. Definitions
The theoretical argument, which is the basis for the subsequent analysis can be
formulated as follows. If investors add an asset to their portfolios that specifically
reduces losses in times of market stress or turmoil by more than hedge or diversifier
assets the severity of shocks decreases thereby increasing the stability of capital
markets. In order to distinguish a safe haven asset from a hedge and a diversifier
asset, we explicitly define all three types before we proceed.

2.1. Hedge
A hedge is defined as an asset that is uncorrelated or negatively correlated with
another asset or portfolio on average.
A hedge does not have the (specific) property of reducing losses in times of
market stress or turmoil since the asset could exhibit a positive correlation in such
periods and a negative correlation in normal times with a negative correlation on

2.2. Diversifier
A diversifier is defined as an asset that is positively (but not perfectly correlated)
with another asset or portfolio on average.
Similar to the hedge, the diversifier does not have the (specific) property of
reducing losses in extreme adverse market conditions since the correlation property
is only required to hold on average.

2.3. Safe haven

A safe haven is defined as an asset that is uncorrelated or negatively correlated
with another asset or portfolio in times of market stress or turmoil.
The specific property of a safe haven asset is the nonpositive correlation with a
portfolio in extreme market conditions. This property does not force the correlation to
be positive or negative on average but only to be zero or negative in specific periods.
Hence, in normal times or bullish market conditions the correlation can be positive or
negative. If the haven asset is negatively correlated with the other asset or portfolio
in extreme adverse market conditions, it is compensating the investor for losses since
the price of the haven asset rises when the price of the other asset or portfolio falls.
The definition of a safe haven proposed above is consistent with the definitions
provided by Websters dictionary.1 The word haven is defined as a harbor or port,
a place of safety and a place offering favorable opportunities or conditions. A safe


D. G. Baur and B. M. Lucey/The Financial Review 45 (2010) 217229

haven is thus a place of safety that offers investors shelter (i.e., nonnegative returns)
in extreme market conditions.2

3. Econometric model
This section provides the econometric approach to test whether gold is a hedge,
a diversifier or a safe haven. Our principal regression model is
rgold, t = a + b1 rstock, t + b2 rstock, t(q) + c1 rbond, t + c2 rbond, t(q) + et ,


where rgold , rstock and rbond are the returns of gold, stock and bond prices, respectively.
The terms rstock,t(q) and rbond,t(q) account for asymmetries of positive and negative
(extreme) shocks and are included in order to focus on falling stock and bond markets.
In particular, we analyze the role of gold in times of stress or extreme stock or bond
market situations and include regressors that contain stock or bond returns that are in
the q% lower quantile, such as the 5%, 2.5% and 1% quantile.3 If the return is larger
than the q% quantile, the value of rstock,t(q) or rbond,t(q) is zero. If different thresholds
are estimated simultaneously, the parameters b2 and c2 can be viewed as vectors.
The structure of the model assumes that contemporaneous and lagged stock
or bond prices can affect the price of gold.4 This is consistent with the safe haven
hypothesis. If stocks or bonds exhibit extreme negative returns, investors buy gold
and bid up the price of gold. If the price of gold is not affected, investors neither
purchase nor sell gold in such adverse market conditions.
We further assume that the price of gold does not influence stock or bond prices
which rules out any feedback effect in the above model. The evidence is very limited
for a causal relation running from gold to stock markets, with only weak effects and
those concentrated in markets with significant numbers of gold mining stocks (see
Davidson, Faff, and Hillier, 2003).5 We are aware of no paper that has examined the
relation between gold and bond returns.
It is important to analyze the link between the assets dynamically since lagged
stock or bond returns can have a different impact on gold returns than contemporaneous stock or bond returns. Capie, Mills, and Wood (2005) also estimate a dynamic
regression model and assume the error term to exhibit conditional autoregressive
heteroskedasticity modeled via a GARCH process. We follow their approach and
specify an asymmetric GARCH process for the errors in Equation (1).
2 The word (prefix), safe in,safe haven does not necessarily add information to the definition but puts
an emphasis on the fact that a haven is safe.
3 The choice of the quantiles is arbitrary to some degree. However, these quantiles have also been analyzed
in other papers, such as Bae, Karolyi, and Stulz (2003).

Equation (1) is augmented with lagged gold, stock and bond returns if the terms are statistically significant.

We estimated a vector autoregression (no cointegration being found between the series) with four lags
for each country and found no evidence that gold returns cause (in the Granger sense) either stock or bond

D. G. Baur and B. M. Lucey/The Financial Review 45 (2010) 217229


We now focus on the basic version of Equation (1) to explain the relation of
the model and the hypotheses. If b1 (c1 ) is zero or negative, it implies that gold is a
hedge for stocks (bonds) since the assets are uncorrelated with each other on average.
Whether gold is a safe haven asset for stocks or bonds is tested via the parameters b2
and c2 , respectively. If the total effect in (extremely) falling stock or bond markets
is nonpositive (sum of b1 and b2 for stocks and sum of c1 and c2 for bonds), gold
serves as a safe haven asset for stocks or bonds since they are uncorrelated (sum of
coefficients is zero) or negatively correlated (sum of coefficients is negative) with
each other. A negative correlation of gold and stocks or gold and bonds in extreme
market conditions implies that the price of gold increases in such conditions thereby
compensating investors for losses incurred with stock or bond investments.6

4. Empirical analysis
The data consist of daily prices of MSCI stock and bond indices and U.S. closing
spot gold. The MSCI bond indices are sovereign total return indices with maturities
longer than 10 years. All stock and bond prices are in local currency, that is, U.S.
dollar, British pound and euro. The gold price is converted into British pound (GBP)
or euro when necessary. The data cover November 30, 1995 until November 30, 2005.
The fact that we analyze the data in local currencies implies that the study focuses on
the characteristics of gold for U.S. investors, U.K. investors and German investors.7
If prices were converted to U.S. dollars, for example, the results would be applicable
from a U.S. investors perspective only.

4.1. Descriptive statistics

Figure 1 presents the prices for the entire sample period for stocks (upper graph),
bonds (center) and gold (bottom graph).
Stock prices peaked around March 2000 followed by a bear market that ended
around March 2003. Bond prices show a different pattern. In general, prices have
been rising for the entire sample period with relatively short periods of falling markets
compared to stock prices. The bond prices of all three markets are clearly higher at
the end of the sample than in the beginning of the sample period. Gold prices are also
higher at the end of the sample compared to the beginning but there was no obvious
trend of the price for gold. Two gold price regimes are easily discerned: the gold price
fell until 2000 and increased afterward.

A diversifier asset can be viewed as a weak-form hedge (i.e., correlation with another asset is positive
and smaller than one) and is not considered here in more detail.

While the inclusion of the United States and United Kingdom is self-evident, being large capital markets
that also have important roles in the gold markets, we include Germany as a form of control. Germany
is very similar in industrial and capital composition to the other two countries yet has no role to speak of
in terms of gold trading.


D. G. Baur and B. M. Lucey/The Financial Review 45 (2010) 217229

Figure 1
Stock, bond and gold prices (19952005)
The figure presents the evolution of the stock prices (top), bond prices (center) and the gold price (bottom)
for the United States, the United Kingdom and Germany.

An analysis of the continuously compounded returns of stocks, bonds and gold

(not reported in detail) shows that stocks are generally more risky than bonds. Unexpectedly, gold despite its potential safe haven property appears relatively risky in
terms of the standard deviation and the minimum and maximum values. The largest
negative returns of gold are close to the ones of stocks and the maximum positive
returns exceed the extremes of stocks for all three countries or currency denominations.

4.2. Econometric results

Table 1 presents the results for the model in Equation (1). The coefficient estimates for the average effect of stocks on gold is 0.0475 for the United States,
0.1821 for the United Kingdom and 0.0401 for Germany. All estimates are significant at the 1% level. The coefficient estimates for bonds are 0.0069 for the United

, ,


Conditional volatility


b2 (5%)
b2 (2.50%)
b2 (1%)
c2 (5%)
c2 (2.50%)
c2 (1%)


Std. err.

Conditional volatility


Coeff. est.

UK ()




b2 (5%)
b2 (2.50%)
b2 (1%)
c2 (5%)
c2 (2.50%)
c2 (1%)


ht = et1
+ et1
D(et1<0 ) + ht1

indicate statistical significance at the 0.01, 0.05 and 0.10 level, respectively.






b2 (5%)
b2 (2.50%)
b2 (1%)
c2 (5%)
c2 (2.50%)
c2 (1%)
1 lag
b2 (5%)
b2 (2.50%)
b2 (1%)
c2 (5%)
c2 (2.50%)
c2 (1%)

Std. err.

Coeff. est.



Equation : rgold,t = a + b1 rstock,t + b2 rstock,t(q) + c1 rbond,t + c2 rbond,t(q) + et


Std. err.

Conditional volatility


Coeff. est.

Germany ()




The lag length and the GARCH model is selected with the Akaike and Schwarz information criteria. Only for the U.S. market the first lags are statistically
significant and improve the model fit. For the United Kingdom and Germany, contemporaneous stock and bond returns are sufficient. An asymmetric GARCH
model with a threshold is selected for all markets. The results show that stocks are a hedge in the United States and in the United Kingdom but not in Germany.
In contrast, bonds are not a hedge in the United States and in the United Kingdom but only in Germany. Stocks are a safe haven in all markets with stronger
evidence in the United Kingdom and in Germany. Bonds are not a safe haven in any of the three markets.

Estimation results for the United States, the United Kingdom and Germany

Table 1

D. G. Baur and B. M. Lucey/The Financial Review 45 (2010) 217229



D. G. Baur and B. M. Lucey/The Financial Review 45 (2010) 217229

States, 0.0754 for the United Kingdom and 0.0528 for Germany. These estimates
imply that gold is a hedge for stocks in the United States and in the United Kingdom
but not in Germany. The opposite effect holds for gold as a hedge for bonds. Gold is a
hedge for bonds in Germany but not in the United States and in the United Kingdom.
For extreme negative stock returns, the coefficient estimates are positive for the
5% quantile and negative for the 2.5% and 1% quantile in all markets. The overall
effect for any quantile is given by the sum of all coefficient estimates up to the
chosen quantile. For example, the overall effect for the 1% quantile is the sum of all
coefficient estimates that involve stock returns. This leads to a value of 0.0183 for
the United States, 0.2961 for the United Kingdom and 0.0727 for Germany and
implies that in situations where stock returns exhibit extreme negative returns that
are in the 1% quantile, the gold price increases slightly in the United States and in
Germany and strongly in the United Kingdom.
The fact that the sum of the coefficient estimates is nonpositive for the 2.5%
and 1% quantile but positive for the 5% quantile for the United States and Germany
implies that gold only serves as a safe haven for shocks exceeding the 2.5% and 1%
threshold (quantile).
The choice of the optimal lag length leads to a specification of one lag for
the United States and no lags for the United Kingdom and Germany. Thus, we
need to add the lagged effects to the overall contemporaneous effect in the United
States. The overall effect (0.0401) including the lagged effect is stronger than the
contemporaneous effect of 0.0183.
The relevant coefficient estimates for bond returns regarding the safe haven
hypothesis show that we can not reject the safe haven hypothesis for the 5% quantile
in the United States and in Germany. In addition, for more extreme returns the overall
effect becomes positive, implying that bonds and gold move in the same direction if
bonds fall. This also holds for the United Kingdom for all quantiles.
The fact that gold is a safe haven for stocks implies that investors that hold
gold in normal times and in times of stress receive compensation for losses caused
by negative stock returns through positive gold returns. However, what happens if
investors purchase gold after an extreme stock market shock has occurred? The sum
of the estimates of lagged stock returns and extreme lagged stock returns for the
United States are negative for the 2.5% and 1% quantile indicating that negative
stock returns at t lead to positive gold returns at t + 1. There is no such effect for the
United Kingdom and Germany. Therefore, purchasing gold after an extreme stock
market shock yields a positive gold return implying that gold also functions as a safe
haven for investors that buy gold only after an extreme market shock occurred.
The fact that gold is both a hedge and a safe haven for stocks but neither a hedge
nor a safe haven for bonds in the United States and in the United Kingdom is an
empirical result but neither of the findings is implied by the other one. Theoretically,
it is possible that gold is negatively correlated with stocks on average (gold is a hedge)
but positively correlated with stocks in extreme market conditions (gold is not a safe
haven). Finally, it is also possible that gold does not lose any value in extreme stock


D. G. Baur and B. M. Lucey/The Financial Review 45 (2010) 217229

market conditions (gold is a safe haven) but co-moves with stocks on average (gold
is not a hedge).

4.2.1. Subsample analysis

This section examines whether the results based on the full sample period are
also valid in subsamples. We divide the sample in periods of bull and bear markets in
order to investigate the question whether the role of gold is different in these market
conditions. In order to minimize the number of subsamples, we use relatively long
periods and neglect shorter periods of opposite market movements. This approach
leads to three distinct periods. A bull market regime until March 2000, a bear market
regime from March 2000 until March 2003 and a bull market regime from March
2003 until November 2005. The periods are selected by computing the peaks and
troughs within the full sample for any market.
The results for the United States are in Table 2 and confirm the hypothesis
above. Gold plays a different role in bull and in bear markets, especially in the United
States. While there is no significant estimate regarding gold as a hedge or a safe
haven in bull markets, the estimates are highly significant in a bear market. The
estimates for the United Kingdom are relatively similar across the three regimes but
also show a slightly higher coefficient estimate for the hedge regressor indicating that
Table 2
Subsample analysis for the United States
This table shows the estimation results for three different periods: a bull market from November 1995 until
March 2000, a bear market from March 2000 until March 2003 and a bull market from March 2003 until
November 2005.
Equation : rgold, t = a + b1 rstock, t + b2 rstock, t(q) + c1 rbond, t + c2 rbond, t(q) + et
ht = et1
+ et1
D(et1<0 ) + ht1

Bull market
( March 2000)
b2 (5%)
b2 (2.50%)
b2 (1%)
c2 (5%)
c2 (2.50%)
c2 (1%)

, ,

Bear market
( March 2003)

Bull market
(March 2003 )

Coeff. est.


Coeff. est.


Coeff. est.








indicate statistical significance at the 0.01, 0.05 and 0.10 level, respectively.


D. G. Baur and B. M. Lucey/The Financial Review 45 (2010) 217229

gold is a stronger hedge for stocks in bear markets than in bull markets. The results
for Germany are similar to the findings for the United States. The results for the
United Kingdom and Germany are not reported in detail but are available from the
The fact that the beginning of the bear market (March 2000) coincides with a
breakpoint in the evolution of the gold pricethe price of gold starts to increase
around 2000suggests that the role of gold (a safe haven or a hedge) is determined
by the evolution of the gold price itself. The falling gold price in the first half of
the sample leads to a rejection of the safe haven hypothesis. On the contrary, the
increasing gold price in the second half of the sample implies that gold is a safe
haven in this period. This is congruent with studies that have shown significant
psychological elements of the gold price (see, e.g., Aggarwal and Lucey, 2007).
In summary, this section reports the effect of stocks and bonds on gold conditional on different market conditions and finds that gold exhibits the properties of a
safe haven asset in falling stock markets in all three markets analyzed.

4.3. Portfolio analysis

This section analyzes the average cumulated return of a portfolio comprising
gold and stocks for the period spanning 50 trading days after the occurrence of an
extreme negative stock return. The aim of this exercise is to illustrate the change
in a portfolio comprising gold and stocks through time. It also reveals the average
evolution of stock and gold returns after an extreme negative stock market shock. In
other words, are extreme negative shocks followed by another negative shock or a
positive shock? How does gold perform in the period between the initial shock at t
and t + x trading days? This information does not emerge from the regression model.
Since the analysis is not based on the estimates obtained with the regression models
as specified above it also serves as an implicit robustness check.
Figure 2 shows the average cumulated gold and stock returns after an extreme
negative stock return smaller than the 5% quantile for the United States, the United
Kingdom and Germany. The plot shows that the return of gold is positive on the
day an extreme negative shock in the stock market occurs. However, the gold price
declines in the days following the extreme negative shock and the initial positive
effect is reduced to zero after about 15 days. This effect can be observed for the
United States and the United Kingdom. There is no positive effect of the gold price
with a shock to the stock market in Germany.8
The results for the 1% quantile can be summarized as follows: the cumulated
gold return increases slightly only at the time of the initial shock and then remains
around zero in the United States and in Germany. It is clearly positive in the United
Kingdom and turns negative about 15 trading days after the initial shock. In the

Results are qualitatively similar for the 2.5% quantile.

D. G. Baur and B. M. Lucey/The Financial Review 45 (2010) 217229


Figure 2
Portfolio analysis
The figure shows how stock returns and gold returns evolve for different investment horizons (x-axis).
Period 1 is the time where an extreme negative stock return (in the 5% quantile) occurs. The vertical
axis contains the average cumulated stock and gold returns. The top panel presents the U.S. market, the
intermediate panel the U.K. market and the bottom panel the German market. The time series show that
the return of gold is positive on the day an extreme negative shock in the stock market occurs and declines
in the days following the extreme negative shock. The stock market returns tend to be positive after an
extreme negative shock leading to an upward trend in the cumulated returns of stocks.

United States, the gold price becomes negative after less than 10 days and after one
day in Germany. These results show that gold is a safe haven only in the short-run.
The empirical finding that gold is a safe haven for a relatively short period after
an extreme negative shock occurred can be explained with the property that gold is
also a hedge for stocks. A hedge correlates negatively with another asset on average.
This implies that if the price of one asset increases the price of the hedge asset falls.
Since stock and bond prices usually rise some time after an extreme negative shock
has occurred, the existence of a hedge works against a safe haven asset in the longer


D. G. Baur and B. M. Lucey/The Financial Review 45 (2010) 217229

This section illustrates the evolution of the value of a portfolio comprising stocks
and gold through time. We find that gold works as a safe haven asset only for around
15 days.

5. Conclusions
This paper analyzes whether gold works as a safe haven asset in financial
markets. A safe haven asset is distinguished from a hedge and a diversifier asset,
which provide diversification benefits on average but not necessarily when they are
needed most, that is, in times of market turmoil.
Our empirical results show that gold is a safe haven for stocks. However, gold
is generally not a safe haven for bonds in any market. Gold only functions as a
safe haven for a limited time, around 15 trading days. In the longer run, gold is not
a safe haven, that is, investors that hold gold more than 15 trading days after an
extreme negative shock lose money with their gold investment. This finding suggests
that investors buy gold on days of extreme negative returns and sell it when market
participants regain confidence and volatility is lower. Future research could extend
the number of stock and bond markets analyzed and examine the role of exchange
rates for the safe haven hypothesis.
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